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File: 369 KB, 1078x1808, Screenshot_20220315_160843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20069082 No.20069082 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book that could help me deal with wageslaving on a job that brings me zero satisfaction?

>> No.20069105

I stopped feeling like I have to fake a personality for the job. The pressure is there but I just don’t care. It’s no less miserable, but it is somewhat liberating. I don’t have to pretend to like my apathy.

>> No.20069116

cringe reddit lefty meme. have fun starving, commucuck.

>> No.20069121

Just quit if you hate it
Also helps if you live in the first world
t. $1400 / month welfare recipient

>> No.20069142

Bhagavad Gita unironically.

>> No.20069156

as if a hatred of consumerism and the mindless work culture that maintains it is a left or right issue. what a fool you are.

>> No.20069164


>> No.20069166

This entire post is memethink.

>> No.20069185

was able to get sweet gig where I work 10 night shifts a month and sleep though most of it because there's not work.

>> No.20069321

t. future homeless current leech

>> No.20069329

no there isn't. quit your job if it's that bad.
t. quit my job when it was that bad.

>> No.20069333

Do some Chris Mcandless shit then

>> No.20069341

This is literally an old /r9k/ meme lmao

>> No.20070594

this used to be a troon site with a lot of faggots before /pol/

>> No.20070629

how about a book about learning some new skills so you can get a better job

>> No.20071261

Fuck off nigger. Right wingers can hate wageslavery and capitalism just as much
How so?

>> No.20071286


>> No.20071290

Change your profession. Change your evaluation from monetary value or societal status value to the valuing the experience you gain working the job. I want to be a writer. To make my ends meet I work as a bartender because it provides me with constant socializing experience. Granted it is within a certain context, but it is still fertile experience that influences my writing. I genuinely love my job because socializing is an enjoyable past time for me. Studying programming and tripling or even 10xing my salary is something I would never consider. A programmer does not accrue a fraction of the socializing experience I am obligated to interface with. Find what experience you value, find a job in alignment with that, and obtain it.

>> No.20071338

Do what you love, and hate it after a couple 9-5s

>> No.20071375

Most likely your issue is that you have nothing important in life outside of work, once you find a goal and a purpose the job will cease to be the issue because it is helping you achieve that goal. Work is what allows you to do what is important in your life, not what is important in your life.

>> No.20071516


I want to kill myself when I am programming, but I'm somewhat decent and it pays the bills. Then, I completely forget about it whenever I write or play music, because I actually enjoy doing those things. Most jobs will never be satisfying they're just necessary for survival, unless you turn your art into a career
Yeah, what this guy said. Although I would never do bartending personally, I fucking hate socializing for extended periods of time. Just find your niche and pursue something meaningful on the side OP

>> No.20071759
File: 506 KB, 1520x1938, 1647391981959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't LOVE being an expendable, low-value cog in an uncaring machine?
>You aren't grateful?????
Soulless insect logic.

>> No.20071844

T. Leech

>> No.20071857

Notice how many responses you got, and how all of them are shitting on you. Either good bait, or unironically never post here again

>> No.20071930



So you live with your parents then

>> No.20071952

Yeah, my boyfriend and I live with my parents atm.

>> No.20071959


>> No.20072083

I’m in college rn and it’s depressing how similar this is to my current life. The whole time I’ve been thinking how liberating it’ll be to finally get a real job but if I end up like this (or stay like this I guess) I might as well off myself. Hopefully I won’t get a wage slave job.

Even if I do somehow become a wage slave though it seems like wageslavers have this depression mindset that stops their life from being fulfilling outside of their job also, even refusing to do basic shit that’ll make their life at least a bit better (going out even to walk, working out, socializing etc) that cost little to no money, instead they just sit around all day wallowing in their depression. Thankfully I don’t have this mindset or at least stop myself from having it so it’s not like a 100% unhappy life is inevitable even if I become a poorfag

>> No.20072125
File: 40 KB, 500x500, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fucking NPC.

>> No.20072312

Man's Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl

>> No.20072335

> your evaluation from monetary value or societal status value to the valuing the experience you gain working the job
I'm doing lawyer such as that im and so forcing other people to hear myself, and so on so forth

>> No.20072517

That is enough to live on your own if you are more frugal with your budget. But that isn't the case with most people I see on this website which is a shame

>> No.20072558

>dude just slave away a slow death for 50 years so you can pay an unnecessary plethora of taxes to help single mothers, black apes, homeless drug addicts, and corrupt-to-the-bone politicians who everyone undeniably hates at this point
>just do all of said above because the globohomo government and the WEF commies said so
>and to add the cherry of finality on top, the WEF commie agenda will make mandatory minimum working requirements for free before you can work for an actual paycheck as well as eat an appreciable amount of bugs and soi patties

>> No.20072595


>> No.20073049

Get a part time job and move back with your parents.
You trade some dignity to halve the amount of soul crushing wageslavery.

>> No.20073069

This is just psued what's of saying you're communist, and too lazy to fill out a resume. You're not intelligent, and you're fooling anyone bum.

>> No.20073071

>Appeal to majority
That doesn't work here, nigger. We don't do upvotes here. Arguments are sustainabed by their truthful, not the amount of people agree with you - especially when its NEETs and bunkertroons faggot.

>> No.20073073

Downvoting this one desu

>> No.20073074

>Has an internet and a computer
>Its on 4chan
>is complaining about how hard their life is
Grow up you fucking pussy. Effeminte men like you bring society down. Just kill yourself you worthless fuck.

>> No.20073116

women spread their legs and have kids, that fills up their meaningless lives, and for men, well they love to provide for women, so when people start to get depress, their kids take over their lives.

>> No.20073121

Fucking pic. I might just kill myself someday.

>> No.20073157

There's never been a society without hierarchies and there never will be. Like millions of people, you were unlucky and you weren't born gifted or with wealth. Your own goal, in life, will be to produce goods and services for the higher, better members of society who are. That's just something you're going to have to accept like many of the people in this thread.

>> No.20073182

>newfaggots... LE GOOD
kys zoomer

>> No.20073184

Thx captain obvious

>> No.20073185

I have a mental block because the world measures people's worth with money exclusively and when I see rich people who are basically rich because their family is rich; people who have no qualities or skills, whose money comes oftentimes from screwing with the law, yet insist that "meritocracy" is how the world works; and more than that, there are all the crooks, the parasites, all these shitty people who are rewarded for being a cancer. Am I supposed to be a serf who produces capital for these people, so they can get rich and brag that they're self-made? No way. Then I said well I'll make art then, I am good at it, I have things to say, I'll earn fuck all but I'll be happy doing sonething meaningful to me. Then I saw that not only you have to have skills but you need to pander and do this idiotic monkey dance routine for social media to earn a single fucking penny while some faggot who draws dickgirls in MSPaint earns a solid money I wouldn't even dream of, just like that, easily. I've seen terrible turds selling for $200, $300. Because apparently this is what people want. So people are just filthy unwashed mongrels. Why would I contribute literally anything? I just mentally checked out. I think resentment broke something in me from seeing this shit over and over, being factually poor but paying more taxes than people who drive a Mercedes to college, getting the whole "merit" bullshit when it's obviously bullshit because every single person who goes about that shit couldn't lay down how papa got all that money without embarrassing himself. I just crossed my arms mentally and physically, and I'm doing nothing. Whenever I want to do something I instantly remember how reality works and I have no more desire to do anything and I swear this happens every day. I used to have so much energy, I was brimming with ideas and spirit to get things done but it's been all completely drained out of me and I'm being slowly consumed by a ssimmering hatred that is getting worse and worse. How the fuck do I stop thinking like this? I keep repeating to myself that this state of mind was just due to bad luck, that I got too many bitter bites in a row and no rewards when I needed them the most, but it's not enough. I just see people like tall humanoid cockroaches at this point, some kind of pest. How the fuck do I heal myself?

>> No.20073196

WOW OMG! i feel exactly the same way! we are being made to work so hard so rich billionaires can keep enjoying their lives on our backs, we are trapped in a endless system, did you know how cheap houses were in the past? tipping culture is so bad why not just pay employees a good big wage? human labour should be respected and appropriately rewarded! a full time job should be reduced to just 4 hours a day and minimum wage should be increased by atleast a 3x to make society function without corruption and everyone to be happy.

also if you wanna meet like-minded people like us, please check out r/antiwork and be a part of our movement!

>> No.20073207

Right, where OP will live in one of those low-income apartments with Yolanda stamping over his head.

>> No.20073208

Haha well memed good Sir! I will now reconsider my ways and go work for some corrupt piece of shit's functionally illiterate son. I wouldn't want this society of retarded degenerate monkeys with no morals or principles or human qualities whatsoever to think less of me because I'm not contributing to the annihilation of this planet in the name of "progress" which is just unnecessarily extending cockroach people's lifespans and giving them commodities they do not need. What a great life!

>> No.20073214

This. This so much, comrade!

>> No.20073226

Do you really think you need to lean communist to think this way? Are you seriously this much of a cuck? I don't want to get paid to exist like the trannies at r/antiwork imply, I want to work honestly for a cause that isn't completely filthy. Is that really too much to ask?

>> No.20073247

I've never understood people staying at the shit jobs and people making out they have no choice to stay at the shit jobs. It's not like you die in a first world country, or go hungry. Even if you can't afford it on welfare and are sitting at -$100 or -$200 a week, it takes about three months of missing bills before you're in dire straits and services start getting disconnected. Through experience I know you can juggle shit around and get through until you get another full time job, even if it takes a month. And even if you have to sit on welfare, what's the problem?

>> No.20073250

Yeah, you are a commie. Its pretty clear. You faggots try so hard to fit in here. You're a faggot and you should go back.

>> No.20073269

They only give welfare to """homeless""" people and """refugees""" here. If I travel to another European country they basically won't let me in unless I have 4 STEM degrees, but Ubumbu Ambooga from Whatsyourfaceistan gets free buxx

>> No.20073279

Why are you assuming everyone lives in a "first world country" with NEETbux and welfare?
I'm in a low-tier EU country and you only get unemployment money for several months, after that you're on your own.

>> No.20073387

>And even if you have to sit on welfare, what's the problem?
>sit on welfare
What welfare, we don't have that in my country, atleast not for people like me.

>> No.20073433

> Be thankful to work yourself to death nigga!
Literally a bugman Jewish mindset. No one here is criticizing working to live. They’re just saying they don’t like living pay check to pay check, living like slaves. To be fair though. It is almost no matter what partly their fault.

>> No.20073439

don't reply to obvious bait

>> No.20073455

You both really do sound like brainwashed old negros that inject fake politics (that never did matter) into every issue by saying this shit. Right when the great satan is criticized it’s commie this commie that. Braindead as shit.

>> No.20073511

i've worked as a bartender for 5 years and it makes me want to kill myself listening to idiots all day long. im surprised anyone who isn't an idiot himself can last in this profession. the interactions you get in a bar are almost exclusively banal. can be fun if you're younger than 30 but there's a point where you see all of this for what it is. bartending is to work what bukowski is to literature. it can be fun and inspiring if you're some parts of young, inexperienced and dumb but eventually it makes you want to shoot someone in the face with further exposure. you realize the "fun" interactions are really just repetitive patterns of alcohol abuse, personal problems and people's desire to fix their issue by acting out a persona at a bar rather than actually getting to fix the problem.

>> No.20073543

The world is full of filthy plebs with fried attention-spans, dopamine receptors and intellectual faculties. You have to realize that you're dealing with beasts. Nobody is going to give you money unless they think they are getting something out of it or unless they are literally controlled by some vice they are enslaved to which commands them to give out money for a specific thing to satisfy that vice. Your "serious" art isn't going to sell, because just being sensible and putting yourself out there isn't enough to sell anything. The serious art that does sell and I know painters who can sell 20k per painting, are always backed by networking within important people in the art industry. You can't make it unless there are key industry people pushing your work initially, you can only play the "lonely" "desolate" artistic genius later in your career but even then it's usually just an image, that guy has important people ready to answer their phones if he calls. There are only two things that sell: things which are good have to be backed by powerful industry insiders and if you don't have that, the alternative is degenerate products that attack the plebs' vices. You're not going to make it as some artist "hoping to get noticed" no matter how passionate you are about it. People don't care. That's the brute reality. Nobody cares. I'm getting the idea that you want some validation from the world that will never come.

>> No.20073623


>> No.20073635

>I'm getting the idea that you want some validation from the world that will never come.
Yeah pretty much. And honestly I would be fine having a "day job" of sorts under an actual skilled person, doing something valuable, but fuck me when I talk to the "entrepreneur" types who masturbate over muh merit and muh work, who can't speak fluently are are by all means semi-illiterate, then you get to know that they just inherited their daddy's empire, and daddy's empire was built on shady shit, breaking the law, dealing with other corrupt people, I refuse. I've seen this shit so often and there's nothing that suggests that actual talented, "hard-working" people get to the pull the strings. Surely they are "busy" counting money and making phone calls, but the amount of talent or skill involved is fucking zero. They just have all these people with degrees but no daddy's dirty money and whip them to work harder and harder and they take the money. I fucking refuse. I'll have a fucking day job when I'll be able to do something worthwhile instead of stupid shit that means nothing and destroys nature and people's lives, under an ethical boss who is actually talented. I don't fucking care if I have to clean toilets then.

>> No.20073684

>I don't fucking care if I have to clean toilets then.
You will if it doesn't pay you enough to live.

>> No.20073690

you can't make it as an enterpreneur or in business unless you engage with right people and scheme together. at least if we are talking about serious money. of course there are outliers. but generally business money is made when you find a loophole or scheme with someone to take advantage of one. it's impossible to make outsized profits by doing everything "according to the book", otherwise people would already find a way to do it. for example you're never going to be rich by just running a great restaurant well, you can get rich if you find some opportunity to own a massive restaurant with top-notch location for a very low price or with ridiculously low rent, often local bureaucracy/officials are involved (ie your friends, you pay them something, they owe you a favor etc). That's usually how people make significant money in a relatively short time-frame. It's not about just running a business great because that's never going to be enough, there has to be a factor that's allowing you to make outsized profits and to get that factor you always have to engage with the right people who can provide what you need.

>> No.20073726

by the way, the way to engage with those people vary wildly. I can give you two examples from my country, one of the most highly priced artists is fucking the national gallery's director, the director keeps pushing the artist. a boutique small winery that started relatively recently is already selling their wines in michelin level restaurants and such for massive profit margins. is it because the wine is so good? no it's because the french guy who started it is fucking one of the top chinese importers of wines who is pushing his wine to nouveau riche class in china and across the world. i can even give you a third example some crops from china obtained very cheaply got certificated in serbia as beiing from there? how? the guy that was selling those producs as being from serbia instead of china was fucking the serbian official who was in charge of certificating said products. it's not always about money, sometimes people pay you off, sometimes romantic interests help you out (ironically women are even more suspectible to this), but to make huge profit margins you need a confluence like that where someone who is in the right position is helping you get what you need to get that profit margin.

>> No.20073756

of course I am not saying no money is involved, I only know about the fucking part, but it wouldn't be surprised if once excess profit is made, a percentage of it goes to the person who helped make the right "administrative" decision. generally, this is how business is made. you need to figure out what would allow you to make excess profit, find the person who could allow you to do that and start gently probing them in that direction to test whether they are "business-minded" (psychopathic) enough to understand what you're offering and agreeable to it without initially outright saying it directly. If you two can find a way that benefits you both, then usually a business deal is struck. Sometimes these people are already friends beforehand so it makes it even easier, since you can just ask them flatout without the probing part. If I selling art, I'd look into who I can contact to get my art out there and obtain a reputation for it that would make its price go up and start probing in that direction. If you haven't thought of making those phone calls, then you're probably not business-minded enough to make it in any industry because you won't be able to obtain excess profits which allow a person to actually get real wealth instead of just paying their bills.

>> No.20073777

You are assuming that I'm not considering killing myself. Why the fuck am I supposed to keep going if this is my lot in life? There is literally nothing good to look forward to as things stand right now. I've had my youth, I've experienced love, had a few satisfactions, had my dreams and all that shit. If all that is left is "lol it was all a lie, now you just bend over and take it in the ass until you die" I just choose to die earlier.
I know it's all filth up there, but I never wanted to make huge profits. I just wanted a honest living even if that meant poverty. Literally just having some kind of small time business doing freelance would've been good even if I had to be on a tight budget. But this is literally impossible, there's literally zero money in this. But if you start drawing porn or writing smut or doing some other cancer thing the money just comes pouring in. How the fuck is it possible that there are so many fucking people online and you can't sneak your way into some kind of tiny market doing something rather unique. Is everyone really this fucking barren today? I just can't fathom. And I've seen other people, better than me, who somehow retained that energy and kept pouring and pouring out work and gained nothing. Now they've quit or went doing porn or started doing all the political act to put pennies together. It's just so fucking sad and infuriating.
And as I said, that's ok, art is stupid and doesn't pay, so give me a decent job that isn't cancer. That also is impossible, it's all cancer shit, recruitment is cancer, the job is mindless repetitive shit that is fit for a robot, not a man. Anything like serving tables is just given to kids for pocket money and it's not something you can live off of. If I'm condemned to a lifetime of slavery in a warehouse I'll just check out.

>> No.20073793

>But if you start drawing porn or writing smut or doing some other cancer thing the money just comes pouring in. How the fuck is it possible that there are so many fucking people online and you can't sneak your way into some kind of tiny market doing something rather unique. Is everyone really this fucking barren today?

Because people are coomers and since the lust is controlling them, they will pay to get their orgasm. There's a whole industry around lust...onlyfans, "dommes", camgirls, porn...it's something that sells very easily. Nobody cares about art on the other hand, unless it's already pre-approved by experts. How many paintings, music and so forth have YOU bought from literal nobodies? People buy art because it's either a status symbol (has to be pre-approved) or as a speculative investment (has to be pre-approved or have chances of being approved). Nobody cares about a nobody sharing his art. There's millions of artists and you can go online and literally see a fuckton of random art ranging from terrible to great from those millions of nobodies. It just doesn't have the appeal. Ask yourself why would I buy your art? What satisfaction do I get from it?

>> No.20073824

>How many paintings, music and so forth have YOU bought from literal nobodies?
I used to actively look for stuff I wanted to see and when I stumbled upon something I liked I would buy it. It's not that great of an investment to buy a comic or an album off Bandcamp. Ended up with a bunch of obscure music and other media. At this point I've stopped even looking around because it pains me to sift through all the garbage and money is shorter than ever. Again, if I had money and didn't have to drain my savings I'd be happy to give money to other people as well.
That said I get the point, you're stating stuff I know of already, it's just the truth. There's also this bizarre paradigm where people just keep pouring shit online chasing this "dream" of one day being able to get charity from consumers, so even if you make something that people actually like, you'll get a dollar off one person every 1000 of the "fans" who love your shit so much. So unless you have tens of thousands of people that eat up your marketing channels you're basically out of the game and this means you pander or you're out.
It's just so fucking stupid and gay and job/money issue aside, the general attitude of people when it comes to this shit is fucking nauseating, like they'd drop $100 for a nasty piece of shit porn turd traced off somewhere but if you say you won't post art online if nobody's giving you a penny they go REEEE YOU ARE A FILTHY GREEDY SNAKE because internet = free unless it's something that grabs you by the dick. If people think this way then not only I don't feel motivated to share anything, I actively want to destroy everything I can so nobody will ever access it. I just can't fathom how so many people are so fucking cucked that they keep posting and posting and posting all because a bunch of drones give them a "like" when if your life were on the line for $1 they'd let you die and forget about you the next day. I just don't fucking understand how people act like this. It's just so incredibly cucked beyond my comprehension.

>> No.20073875

This has nothing to do with the conversation but I wanted to say that for some reason I find paragraphs like this hard to read. It is weird because long paragraphs don't give me trouble when it's in books, but when it comes to 4chan or the internet in general, I find myself losing track of what I'm reading more often than usual.

>> No.20073883

You realize you take pride in being a slave?

>> No.20073890

>Ask yourself why would I buy your art? What satisfaction do I get from it?
About this: assuming that I'm not the only person who likes the things I like - and that would surprise me since my influences aren't that obscure - what I make is rather rare and I execute it in a way that's even rarer. Skill-wise I only got compliments from both other artists and laymen. Now assuming again that what I make is "niche" I do not understand how it is fucking possible that someting so rare in supply cannot find some kind of audience, especially since there are a couple big time established artists in this niche who are massively influential. If I were in my own spot, and I found something made that is like the things I make, that would be such a gigantic relief to me. I would definitely pay to see something like what I am making if I were on the other end of this. I believe it's good, and in terms of skill I am capable of pulling it off, and I fully accept that someone who enjoys gacha hentai shit and furry fapfics doesn't quite connect to it, but for fuck's sake there's ALL these fucking people online and not one person gives a fuck about it?

>> No.20073892

>I find paragraphs like this hard to read
you just figured out why phones have dumbed down the internet conversation dramatically. Everything you see here would read just fine on a desktop.

>> No.20073899

>but for fuck's sake there's ALL these fucking people online and not one person gives a fuck about it?
Anon, some things just have very little appeal, it's normal, there are many works of art with very small to nonexistent audiences. If you want validation you're gonna have to make something with a bit more mass appeal. Sorry but that's just how it works.

>> No.20073910

But I am reading it on a desktop, which only makes it more weird.

>> No.20073930

try "force long posts to wrap" in settings
It's not artsy fartsy stuff that is purposefully obscure and undecipherable. It's just, you know, not one of the 3 things that make up for 99% of everything being made right now. It's just not completely pedestrian. I just tried to make good unpretentious work. Maybe I'm just too old.

>> No.20073993

99% of all humans in the past, present and future never followed their passion and will never create something of worth as a result. But that is fine, because in the end it doesn’t matter.

>> No.20074019

Work under capitalism is not meant to bring you satisfaction, it's meant for you to make your bosses richer and earning a sad wage. It's inescapable, unless your country has a really robust welfare program. Try finding a hobby that let's you separate your life from work.

>> No.20074595

>You are assuming that I'm not considering killing myself. Why the fuck am I supposed to keep going if this is my lot in life? There is literally nothing good to look forward to as things stand right now. I've had my youth, I've experienced love, had a few satisfactions, had my dreams and all that shit. If all that is left is "lol it was all a lie, now you just bend over and take it in the ass until you die" I just choose to die earlier.
I don't blame you. I'm in the same shoes. I'm not growing as a person I'm simply treading water.

>> No.20074616

confessions of a mask

>> No.20074662

Disciplined Minds

>> No.20074667

I think it’s simply because you inherently assume it’ll be less interesting or important then reading pages out of a book. Not worth it. Also related to what >>20073892 said I think being on phone just makes all these paragraphs look bigger then they really are. As dumb as that sounds.

>> No.20075087

You're looking for validation like the other anon said. Monetary value and mass exposure should not factor at all in your art. In a healthy society such concpets would be linked, but you have correctly identified the environment. That's not an excuse to forego art entirely. You make things that are appreciated by people you care about and also what you make serves as a bridge to forge new relationships. Stop letting money have any hold over your perception of value. That metric is completely fucked. The real value is relationships.

>> No.20075089

marx's paris manuscripts

>> No.20075266

pol tards we're the original newfags shitting up the board. Thank God they fucked off

>> No.20075358

I always wonder why people like you never blame themselves for not being super smart and get PhD in STEM
I don't think scientists work dead end jobs in warehouses

>> No.20075591

Where is this enough to live on your own? Average rent of one bedroom apartment is higher than this

>> No.20075708

I don't fucking like STEM. I did languages with the idea of working as a translator. I just don't like technology and I never said I'm smart or exceptional. Apparently STEM people are all fucking retarded and lack basic reading comprehension.

>> No.20075722

>The real value is relationships.
nonexistent in 2022, only transactional shit exists now
you are naive
and there is literally nothing wrong with desiring to make a living doing a trade you enjoy, especially when you're disgusted with other more stable options as I said. Basic reading comprehension again

>> No.20076314

>No one here is criticizing working to live. They’re just saying they don’t like living pay check to pay check
Literally contradicting yourself in the next part of your sentence. Lmao, you fucking Marxoids are so retarded.

>> No.20076339

>Wants to abolish capital accumulation because its exploitative
>Doesn't want people to live paycheck to paycheck

>> No.20076379

Holy mother of cope.

>> No.20076407

>How the fuck do I stop thinking like this?
You don't. You're on the right track and are completely correct. These people deserve NOTHING. You feel this way because in the caveman days you would have beaten them with a club and taken it for yourself.

>> No.20076483
File: 15 KB, 567x540, 1639735883236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just be a man and eat the bugs OKAY

>> No.20076486
File: 311 KB, 1080x401, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If all that is left is "lol it was all a lie, now you just bend over and take it in the ass until you die" I just choose to die earlier.
Yep you got it, picrel

>> No.20076521
File: 80 KB, 846x345, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

following up with some Tolstoy cope

>> No.20077078

I don't know if you're trying to trick me into killing myself because I wrote a couple snappy replies in a bad mood a while earlier, but I genuinely want to change. I just need an excuse, any excuse that manages to stand against all this tide of bullshit and I'll be back on track with my life again, trying to make things happen. Give me proof that I'm just blackpilled and that it was really just bad luck, that maybe all it takes is moving to another city, that life isn't so bleak when the dreams of youth are gone. If I keep going like this I will have no other choice but to kill myself before I hit 40.

>> No.20077151

might makes right
all human law is derived from force
the only law not supported by force is divine law, which is the inherent goodness in your heart, to be loving, kind, true-spirited, brave, and to overcome

>> No.20077152

You're the same anon who was seething over Brandon Sanderson the other day, aren't you?

>> No.20077169

no, I have never talked about Brandon Sanderson.
So I just suffer and croak? I can't even be a Christian, I'm too filled with dark sentiments to be redeemed

>> No.20077235

>work under capitalism isn't meant to bring you satisfaction
Work in general isn't meant to bring you satisfaction. Nobody in the USSR was thinking "Oh boy, I can't wait to go work in the titanium mine today!", and until we have caretaker AIs that handle all work for us, a large percentage of the populace is going to get stuck doing a job they hate because it needs to get done.

>> No.20077278

>Have a shit job, have a shit life
>Everyone must be like me

>> No.20077319

Not him, but the thing is, you are looking for an excuse to ignore certain mundane and harsh aspects of life.
But you should look to embrace what you have already found: that life is meaningless and that the pain has no purpose. Don't fool yourself, or if you want it, just take the blue pill and live the full hollow persona lifestyle.
Seems to me like you want the next dose of illusion, so you can keep the wheel spinning for a while.

Reset everything you know and build a new world view from scratch. This is more adventurous than suicide.

>> No.20077323

>So I just suffer and croak?
Not him but yes. If it makes you feel better, it's what I'll end up doing too.

>> No.20077689

Virtually anywhere if you own your own house and it's paid off.

>> No.20078035

You don't have a six figure, low maintenance job like you want us to believe: change my mind

>> No.20078050

You haven't disproved his point and you know you can't because you're a sad diversity hire, cherry picked by mentally I'll female HR faggots who defend this mental gymnastics of a society

>> No.20078076
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The Happiness Advantage
positive psychology in general. Be logical about it.

>> No.20078176

Looking at them, I feel no curiosity, and mild interest in reading them for the sake of doing something I don't feel like doing.

>> No.20078307

Cynical black hole. I will pray for you.

>> No.20078338

And what if you never find this excuse, yet continued on anyways? You've lost, you're mentally checked out, you're blackpilled. Suicide seems more and more reasonable, but there is more information to be obtained before you reach that conclusion. There are always idiosyncracies to square with your knowledge, and its dishonest to pretend you can't notice them when they've got you all frusturated in the first place. You will feel differently about it later, and then you won't feel differently about it after. Just keep going until you die of natural causes, because it makes it easier for the person who will pick up where you left off.

>> No.20078439
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>I don't know if you're trying to trick me into killing myself
I'm not, but >>20078338 probably is. I am trying to liberate you from this ridiculous striving that you demonstrated multiple times in this thread. I call it ridiculous because it is both impossible and contradictory. It is impossible, or if I'm being generous, very unlikely because of the oversaturation of cultural production. It is contradictory because you desire recognition from a public that you hold in contempt. You want me to do picrel for you, and maybe I could, but it would be deception instead of liberation. And it would not be effective.

Not to trivialize but your confessions have an extreme comic sense about them. Your experience is common, but you act as if it is unique. Your (likely overstated) talent is unrecognized, and yet you posture as superior to others. You demonstrate great frustration, despair, and angst, but in reaction to the most superficial source of anxiety (incapacity to realize youthful illusions). You suffer from the despair of weakness. This is all farcical. It all needs to be discarded. I agree with >>20077319, you need to "reset" and this will require inward reflection. What you do after that point is up to you.

>> No.20078835

>Your (likely overstated) talent is unrecognized, and yet you posture as superior to others.
I never stated any such thing. I am simply saying that I am doing something which is relatively rare and I don't understand how out of so many people who "consume" today there seem to be none who actually care. I don't understand how you can have ten thousands of the same thing and it will find a market but something even slightly different will be virtually nonexistent. I just can't wrap my head around it.
Then what can I say, if you think my issue is farcical then I have no reason to stay in this thread. I've been struggling with this for years and years and I've cried bitter tears over it. It's not that I'm attached to childish delusions, as I said, my attempt to do art came after and only after I grew disgusted with a more reasonable path in life. I'm done with this conversation. I just wish I had more evil in me so I could embrace the natural flow of me or go out with a bang, but I don't, so I'll just be a number either way. Fuck me I'll never work a day in my life, not a single day.

>> No.20078850
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Like the guy said before me, this is vintage 2014 r9k right here. Reddit just posted it a lot

>> No.20078856

>Seems to me like you want the next dose of illusion
You are implying that nihilistic materialism is the right worldview, how the fuck can I build another worldview and be "free of illusions" if nihilistic materialism is objectively right? I do not enjoy drowning myself in pleasures, I simply do not look forward to going back home after I work and hiring a hooker or eating shrooms. I do not care about money or power or status or anything "career", and whenever I touched these points I was referring to literally making just enough to survive on the bare necessities. I do not want a family, I do not want a partner, I just literally want to make some meaningful work that fills my day and gives me enough to survive. For a very brief period I managed this and it was bliss, it's what I need to do with my life. But it's become so fucking goddamn difficult to do anything on your own and I hate every single option that is in demand because it is fundamentally unethical or it grates against my soul. It's just pure suffering and I do not want to endure it if I do not get any meaning out of it. I do not want a fucking dose of delusion, I want meaning and I want answers.

>> No.20078914

>I do not want a fucking dose of delusion, I want meaning and I want answers.
If you wanted the opposite I would tell you to read Vedanta, but since you're being real: I have no idea either and am in the same boat.

>> No.20078919

Yeah I work a comfy part time job providing academic help that pays me as much as decent full time job. I love it because I get to interact with people and I love helping people out while getting to talk about literature. As it stands right now I could see myself doing it forever.

But there's no career progression and no status which I don't care about at the moment since I'm in my 20s, but I do wonder if I'll feel differently in my 30s. That's what really worries me. I don't give a shit about money at all now and am happy making enough to live off, but will I always feel that way? It feels stupid to stop doing something that I enjoy doing but I also am worried about growing stagnant.

>> No.20078997
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>I love it because I get to interact with people

>> No.20079041

You people spend way too much time on reddit and it's rotting your brain

>> No.20079423

>not being an accelerationist Christian
if society collapses because of the heretic's sins, Christ will surely make his return as is prophesized in Revelations.

Be a good Christian and don't work for a corrupt society, you're literally fueling satanic powers

>> No.20079432

>words words words
Leftist meme.

>> No.20080271

I switched from a high-road office career to becoming a catering trucker. I've never been more stress-free, happy and easy going and I still make an ok 70k a year. Consider thinking out of the box. I just wanted to be left in peace to daydream, now I get paid doing it and I never dread work

>> No.20080862

Industrial Society and Its Future by T.J. Kaczynski

>> No.20081505

You people? What do you mean you people?

>> No.20081672

Not really a lefty meme just describing some people's experience.

>> No.20081688

I hate driving and in my country there are gangsters that stop you and steal your cargo

>> No.20083074

No one cares if you kill yourself. No one.

>> No.20083143

>because it needs to get done.
no it doesnt most the stuff we make is useless crap entertainment for horny fat losers. Covid showed us how useless most people's jobs were.

>> No.20083180

Off topic but why are people forced into single roles? It's so counterintuitive to human nature. We are adaptable. It's almost a forced way of thinking now. What's your DREAM job? I know money is made from specialization but I would be great to completely change fields every few years or so.

Anyways, fuck jobs.

>> No.20083734

good goy

>> No.20083751


>> No.20083813

Marx made the exact same conclusion, it's part of his theory of alienation.

>> No.20083819

>Off topic but why are people forced into single roles?
Because you're adaptive, and specialization is the actual fruit of adaptivity, which is without value in itself.

>> No.20083822

>but I would be great to completely change fields every few years or so.
You can do this now as long as you're willing to give up the potential to make a lot of money. Just don't be surprised when you realize that people who are willing to grit their teeth and pursue niche specializations over long periods of time, so as to become actual professionals, are paid more.

>> No.20084489

I'm not arguing against reality but the dullness and absurdity of civilization. People would be more content with their lives if there is more variety in their day-to-day activities. The cost of specialization is increasing as well. It's almost impossible to transition to new careers without taking a major pay cut mostly due to inflated salaries. In my experience, salaries appear to be inversely related to your actual output. Personally I made far less when I was actually producing 'something' versus, now, where I pretend to produce value in a white collar job.

I would also argue that most basic skills in any profession can be acquired within 6-12 months if you're actually learning on the job with guidance. In fact, I have made a career out of this idea. People grossly inflate their stats on their resume so, collectively, it appears the bar is set at a certain, inflated level. If you're new, the skill gap looks far greater than it actually is. I've seen so many resumes with high achievements and accolades just to discover that they're just the same as the rest us. They make the same stupid mistakes and fall into the same traps.

>> No.20084601

One more ranting point, my belief is that current levels of specialization are causing a 'dumbing down' effect on the population. If you spend your whole life only thinking about a few things you lose the perspective that is gained from acquiring numerous skills. Maybe this is nefariously intentional?

>> No.20084612


>> No.20085274


Learn to live with a halflife surplus in your energy pack.

>> No.20085744
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This was a good rant thread.


>> No.20085872

Blood meridian

>> No.20086790

No-one is forcing you to do anything lmao, you don't realize how lucky you are stupid 1st world dog.

>> No.20086837
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>> No.20086840

No idea who this is or why you think they're relevant, which is in effect proof they aren't.

>> No.20086861

>What's your DREAM job?
You know, this made me think. It's not the prospect of doing something specific, e.g. one job I'd like to do is book restoration, bookbinding, etc. I just happen to really like the craft which I picked up as a hobby and it's a fine way to spend the hours. But what makes the job attractive to me is the idea that you're doing necessary work with some degree of responsibility and importance. Imagine that someone gives you a Bible to restore, regardless of your religious standing, that's an important job, maybe a family book, so you truly need to care about it, the person giving you the job cares about it, the job is real, it's not inherently vile, and so on. I could be making cheese, or some other thing. I just want an artisan job where the stuff I make with my hands is valuable and it's not just some assembly line shit or meaningless abstraction like 99% of office jobs. I know that writing lines of code is also useful and without websites the global economy would collapse, but it's not the kind of useful and important I am talking about. The precise term eludes me. It's all about meaning and having pleasant conditions in the work, like using tools instead of machines and other shit like that. I really just want to be an artisan. I would learn anything, making shoes, books, cheese, anything as long as I get to work in a humane manner. I know that this sort of thing usually means working on luxury products with a huge work to pay ratio, but I really just need something like that. I just don't want stress and office environments or machines. Ideally I'd just like to be a farmer and grow my own crops but it's basically impossible to survive this way today in my country. You need some sort of income. I would also not mind splitting myself between 2-3 activities which is actually something rather smart since you can always fall back to something else, but again, it's already hard enough to get anything done this way. A literally who trying to sell artisan goods is bound to fail.

>> No.20086916

What a fucking braindead take. I don't blame you tho.

>> No.20087768

Self help Samuel Smiles

>> No.20087798

>the fact that I just sit around playing vidya instead of using the ample ressources freely available to learn new things is a nefarious conspiracy
You are such a dishonest rat. How do you live with yourself?

>> No.20087832

hahaha based modernist

>> No.20088117
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Apathy and Other Small Victories
It's the only book besides the Bible that got me through working at a call center

>> No.20088398

imagine someone asking you what they should do with their life. then use your own advice. sorted!

>> No.20088449

it is absolutely intentional, division of labor makes the worker weak and powerless. hyperspecialization makes individuals easy to render obsolete and replaceable, like planned obsolescence

>> No.20088464

Go learn a trade you useless faggot. Good Lord look at the state of you, projecting your cynical fantasies onto everyone and everything, the first order of business for you obviously needs to be making money because that's clearly the source of all of your mental anguish. It's very easy to make a decent wage in this life if you put some amount of effort into learning how to do something.

>> No.20089112

If you read the book I posted you would know I'm a corporate goon. Just speaking from experience.

>> No.20089122

This is obviously false but I guess you don't talk to a lot of highly educated specialized people.

>> No.20089141

I have and I do. Everything I have said is completely truthful excepting maybe doctors or lawyers.

>> No.20089235

Reading this thread just further convinces me to go through with my plan of finishing my degree, getting some boring unfulfilling job, then saving/investing 90% of my income while living with my parents and retiring in like 20-25 years. Then I'll live on my own terms for 30+ years and kill myself when I start feeling bored and lonely or when aging and health problems get too burdensome.

>> No.20089505

If you're truly diligent and disciplined enough to follow through with this it's a good plan. It's basically what I'm doing but I don't have the option of living with my parents. Do not follow the boomer path of endless consumption and retire poorly at 70.

>> No.20089621
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My work is not yet done by Ligotti

>> No.20089678

I don't want to kill myself

>> No.20090627

The Heart Sutta of the Prajnaparamita
Its a short one of a long one.
I was forced to do literally nothing by my batshit insane corporation. I was fired for doing something. I held out for 3 days meditating in solid immersion until some fat mexicans blasted their Sexo Adicto EP mixtape and I lost my shit and started browsing 4chan on my phone.

>> No.20090633

Computers conceal competence

>> No.20090714
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Ive gone past the anger and resentment and that was what fueled me for years. I dont know how to fuel myself anymore. I cant punch my heavy bag. I dont try with barbells anymore. My garden is flourishing though. Im a gentle old man now but Im not even 30. At this point I wish to live austerely and studiously. I would be content with a well constructed shelter and regular study time but this too is as lofty as asking for a mega mansion in 1990.

>> No.20090722

Yes OP it's called taking control of your life. I have a feeling that the problem is in you and you'd eventually feel like this in any job

>> No.20090754
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>> No.20090772
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Get a job worth slaving in. Did you forget the value of standing, squatting, walking, and carrying things? What about knowing what houses are made of and
how they are built? The house is the hardest thing to own these days but you can grease that wheel. Otherwise you're going to get fucked being yelled at by a Chinese landlord who wants to sue you for thumb tacks on a wall or unscrewing a cabinet to fix it yourself.

>> No.20090789

Hvac guy? Have any stories of fucking housewives ?

>> No.20091348
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Yes! I got a cute young 5ft tall 20 something year old PAWG blond girl obsessed with me. I accidentally cucked her boyfriend who looks like Abraham Lincoln. Then I kept cucking him because she was so hot at smooth talking me past my objections. Smoked weed with him one time he walked into the house while I was there with the missus on top of me. l was expecting to apologize to him but before I started he said everyone who comes into his house also cums in his woman. He just avoided eye contact with the gloomiest gaze I have ever seen a man bear. The girl blithely told him to get out. She wanted more sex but I felt too morally conflicted to do anything but cuddle. She asked if I wanted to go to karaoke with her and her boyfriend and her brother. No.
>"Aw geez I'd love to but I gotta get up early tomorrow and go sooo far!"
Also I was at home depot and saw a GILF boomer woman by the valves. She was looking at valves that say male and female hot and cold. She spent half an hour obstructing my path and looking around. I realized she had no idea what she's looking for. I asked her what she wanted to do.
She looked at me and gasped a steamy shuddering breath.
>"I'm trying to hear up my bath tub I havent been able to take a warm bath in months and my husnand hasnt been able to fix it or send someone to- hey you look like you could!"
>"Sure could. Here's what you need. Do you know what kind of boiler you have?"
>"um let me give you my n-n-number"
>bites her botox lips
>crane my neck to look at her yoga pants ass wedgie and then down her cleavage
>our eyes meet
>"maybe we'll take a hot bath together ;)"
>she jumps and runs over to hug me good bye
>kiss her cheek goodbye
>she looks at me as if I grabbed her tits
>I should've done that too, damn
Later I got a phone call from her while she was at dinner with her husband. I heard the grandkids babbling and asking to pass the guac. She added me on snapchat but it was her husband's profile. I didnt have the guts to cuck someone with this much chutzpah and phone minesweeper much less sweet talk her then. I think she did it to wound her man. But I AM THE BLADE.


>> No.20091371
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Guar. Guar never eh-changes.

>> No.20091455
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Hide jyour gwives
Hide jyour daughterrs
I am going to conquer jyour Mojave lands in the name of La Legion de Cesar.
Looks like I already jajajhave, Boomer.
Vaya con Dios, Tejano

>> No.20092643

If your field pays decently, then this whole wageslave thing is a meme. If your job is soul crushing, chances are that your life itself is soul crushing. Try to have a better life before thinking that your job is the source of all your issues.

>> No.20092708

God I fucking hate you election tourist faggots.

>> No.20092794

You're being a lazy fag. Of course anyone with enough time in the creative fields has realized this but the successful persist in their 'unreasonable' -ness and forge a way to get their real living work outside and impressed on masses of people. It's still largely dependent on luck and timing but you're unwillingness to even start or resume your work is basically a sure defeat that closes doors.

This is not a life for the weak and people dependent on external validation. They can grind in the grey while we either die in the fucking dirt or live like kings.

>> No.20093385

>You're being a lazy fag.
Guess I won't read the rest of your post then. Fucking retard I used to work late into the night when I was motivated. If I were lazy I'd just play videogames and jerk off like you probably do. fucking faggot zoomers I swear. kill yourself.

>> No.20093512

When you literally become unemployed as an adult it’s a huge red flag for potential employers.

>> No.20093553

I would do anything short of murder right now to have a dead-end office job

Try working in a shipping warehouse for a couple days, I literally don't have any energy outside of work to do anything but shitpost and watch streaming

>> No.20094237

How is hating consumerism a leftist, let alone, a reddit position.

>> No.20095206

I'm UK. They give you shit for benefits so you're forced to work.