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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 190 KB, 770x600, flammarion engraving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20072671 No.20072671 [Reply] [Original]

flammarion engraving edition

previous: >>20066845

>> No.20072685

thread theme: https://youtu.be/nlcrkiPgQgM

>> No.20072688

80's kino thread?

>> No.20072708

Who is your favorite 80's artist WWOYM?

>the cure
>depeche mode (are they 80's)
>one hit wonder band inc A-Ha, Men At Work and others
>Nine Inch Nails

>> No.20072711

Mods have finally begun to moderate /sffg/, so there's that.

>> No.20072737

what was out of line?

>> No.20072785

How it feels to chew five gum

>> No.20072805

fuck you and fuck those commercials

>> No.20072848

Man I used to be hellza into the eighties but now I reckon I'd have to say
I didn't realize there was a black and fairy tale theme until I put those two names together

>> No.20072860

prince only has 1 good song

>> No.20072864

Some no-life was spamming it all day everyday, for over an year.

>> No.20072866

I feel like the character Chennault in the Rum Diary was based off my life and is a metaphor for my emotions and the mounting pressure of outside force slowly crushing me and driving me forward to depravity

>> No.20072901
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>> No.20072923

Nah, you and your fucking gay ass thread suck elephant balls and I hope your family gets GRIDS of the worse kind

>> No.20072924

>Nine Inch Nails
Trent only has like one album in the late 80s and mostly it's known that NIN is a 90s band

>> No.20072925
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What do you do when you reach the point of 0 self esteem/respect? How do you raise that level by yourself? Don't want to wallow in humiliating self pity forever but i can't say that I know a way out of it.

>> No.20072942

I wish I based my happiness on something other than my grades at uni or money. I have above a 3.8 gpa at uni despite being a stem major, and I sacrificed a lot by unironically choosing to study and get a part time job instead of partying. Now I'm about to graduate without having made as many new relationships with other people as I would've liked. I also feel guilty whenever I try to take time away from school or work.
>inb4 normalfag problems
yeah I know, I can't help it

>> No.20072950

U R wrong

>> No.20072951
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I'm so grateful for 4chan because I can be the worst sort of pervert, weirdo, and autist on here and no one will ever know because it's all anonymous. This site is a Godsend because it's essentially a release valve for my Id. In my IRL life, and on my normie social media accounts, I don't even hint at the level of degeneracy and psychopathy I vent out on 4chan. I would probably be fucked in the head if it weren't for 4chan, because I'd have to live a double life in a much more repressed and inward-turned way. As it is, I suppose I still lead a bit of a double life, but it's a kind of outward-turned double life. Because this is a site of message boards, I can live out my degeneracy and psychopathy in a way that gets me communal interaction, rather than just keeping it confined to my own head. This lets me release it, in a way that I really couldn't if I were just keeping my thoughts to myself or writing them down in a private journal. And I think, to a large degree, the ability to do this helps keep me sane, or at least functional in society.

So basically without 4chan, or something like it, I'd probably be fucked. I might even make myself severely mentally ill. So I'll never stop being grateful for this site.

>> No.20072956

Hemingway short stories be like:

>The Old Man on a Walk

>old man walking through woods
>comes across a boy cutting trees alone with an axe
>"say boy now why are you cutting those nice trees down?"
>"my old man died 2 days ago on a solo fishing trip. i used to cut trees with him for firewood."
>old man offers his condolences and continues on his walk

>> No.20072973

I want to write a journal entry. But I have nothing new to write in it. Only to repeat that I'm fearful that if I can't take the microcosmic action of writing in a journal then I will not be able to catalyze change through action in my life.

>> No.20072979

Why not continue to write something old then?

>> No.20072985

I need to learn how to focus. I’m writing a novel, a collection of short stories, 5 scripts for stage play ideas I have, and I just started writing a script for an idea for a short film I have. I need to focus on just 2 or 3 projects, or else none of these projects will be as good as I want them to be.

>> No.20072993
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I never worked hard in my entire life, you could say that i've spent the last five years doing nothing at all. Was never taught discipline, ever. The typical coasting loser who crashes and burns upon entering adulthood. Will consistent exercising really push me forward towards making something out of my existence? Genuinely, are all those things people say about lifting true? I don't really care much about gains, I just want to save whatever is left in my life. Tired of crying like a bitch.

>> No.20072995

How can you continue what's complete?

>> No.20072999

Pick one, if not at random, then the most clearly outlined/thought-out one. Work on it until you hit a creative block, then immediately, like don't even think about it - jump to another one and keep working on that until you have a creative block, and then either return to the first one or jump to a third, but do so immediately with no procrastination.

>> No.20073001

Going to gym is a great start at building discipline.

>> No.20073007

If you can't work harder, make the work easier.

>> No.20073010

It’s worth trying. Don’t do too much too quickly, start slowly and easily.
Meditating is also worth doing. I know some have consider meditating to be stupid, but it does help. There are multiple forms of meditation, mantra meditation, transcendental meditation, zen meditation, but they all share one thing, focus. It’s about focus. But you can’t focus TOO hard, or it won’t work. It has to be a light, blissful focus. You’ll understand once you reach that light focus.
The kind of meditation I do is simple, you just focus on your breathing. Counting up from 1 to 10 each time you complete an inhale and exhale. As you reach 10, you continue focusing on breathing, but allow the counting to gently fade away. Explaining why this stuff works is really hard, all I can do is say that it does work.

>> No.20073011

It's always weird how normal, successful people cohabitate on this site with the absolute hermits and outcasts of society

>> No.20073012

When doves cry

>> No.20073013

i'm going to fucking bite you

>> No.20073018

And that 1 album is all you need

>Tfw spent all night as a teenager dl Ghosts on limewire
>Tfw it's just shreiking guitar

>> No.20073019

>Counting up from 1 to 10 each time you complete an inhale and exhale
1-5 inhale and 6-10 exhale?

>> No.20073021

No. One complete inhale and exhale is counted as 1. So *inhale* *exhale* 1 *inhale* *exhale* 2
That’s just the way I do it. You can do it however you want.

>> No.20073030

Do other writers have people they talk their ideas through with before they fully form them? Or can they do it perfectly fine on my own? Is my cope of 'well, I've gotten nothing new done as I'm writing alone' justified because that is the norm, or am I just hoping someone else will do the hard work for me?

>> No.20073042

>Sharing your hobbies with people

>> No.20073045

eh, it's decent but I prefer TDS and The Fragile to almost anything else

>> No.20073048

I only write because others pressured me into doing it more ("This is good bro write me more about this bro") until I got a big head and thought I could write something more than 5 pages long

>> No.20073055

Does anyone want to join me in trying out Balzac's routine?

>> No.20073068

>countless cups of black coffee
this cant be healthy

>> No.20073070

It's not. Allegedly he died of caffeine poisoning.
But hey, he's also a legend.

>> No.20073075

wish I'd heard it 30 years ago

>> No.20073077

>1992 was 30 years ago

>> No.20073085

how do i reconcile my love of Jesus Christ with my love of malt liquor?

>> No.20073110

How big's ya dick, /lit/ (be honest).

>> No.20073118

5.5 x 5.5 inches

>> No.20073125
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I mean, that's the trick, isn't it?

The "normal" people aren't normal at all.

I think if you're normal you can't survive on this site. Even if you have an outward presentation of normalcy, you have to be some kind of freak in your heart to make a living here.

As the Cheshire Cat says:

>> No.20073126

didn't get far into that kind of electronic at the time

>> No.20073133

6.5 inches long
5 and 1/3 inches in circumference
i cannot complain

>> No.20073143

So weird to see someone discuss a topic you're really informed on and pull a bunch of rhetorical bullshit to trick the audience

>> No.20073148

6.8 x 4.8 inches. Girthlet but it’s wide for some reason so it doesn’t look as skinny as it is

>> No.20073179

Ethiopian Orthodox the only ecclesiastical church i can respect

>> No.20073200

Between 6.5 and 7 inches

Not sure exactly where it lies, but it's substantially bigger than 6 inches.

Never measured girth.

>> No.20073204
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Bro...from a shampoo bottle in my house I just used

>> No.20073210

i cannot read this

>> No.20073225

trying to explain Jesus and the Gospel to aliens who have no clue wtf i'm talking about

>> No.20073230

"Swagger body wash from Old Spice is for the man who holds the complete works of Aristotle in one and a delicious sandwich in the other."

>> No.20073232


>> No.20073235

Woahh they referenced Aristotle? That's crazy bro, they must go on /lit/

>> No.20073239

Lol but its so weird seeing it there

>> No.20073274

I'm only still with my gf because it's cheaper renting with her and she cooks me food. I don't think I'm capable of love

>> No.20073280
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>> No.20073303
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sounds like when Homer tries to be sophisticated

>> No.20073326
File: 349 KB, 1263x781, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really fucking bad at fixing real-world problems.
Will reading Aristotle's Topics and Cicero's Topica make me any better at breaking down real-world problems (such as career choices, process improvements, or prioritizing things in a budget) by finding that topic species they belong to? Or will it only help me in matters of rhetoric, and only then if I manage to find an issue or topic that corresponds?
I don't know if my problem is I'm bad at diagnosing the real causes of problems, or if I'm identifying them okay, but just not creative enough to pose pragmatic solutions.

>> No.20073327

are you also an airheaded little succubus who just wants to be free and live life ;) and get gangbanged at parties to get back at your physically abusive bf?

>> No.20073330

please do

>> No.20073346

Isn't naivety a pretty powerful lubricant for relationship building and emotional wellbeing? Think about it.

>> No.20073347
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>cant drink caffeine
>cant smoke
>cant drink
>cant eat
>those are the only things that bring happiness into my life
it's suffering

>> No.20073366

Lmao yeah I doubt even 1% of Spice shampoo users read Aristotle.

>> No.20073425

Lovely rita rita maid
Nothing can become between us
When it gets dark I tow your heart away
Standing by a parking meter
When I caught a glimpse of Rita
Filling in a ticket in her little white book
In a cap she looked much older
And the bag across her shoulder
Made her look little like a military man
Wam Wam Wom

>> No.20073451

You won't be able to gain self-respect while doing and thinking the same things.
Do something different for a while until you don't think of how bad every day is. Then you want to get distracted by wacky ideas for a while. Those ideas should replace the retarded "I'm a retard and there's no escape" thoughts, which I think you're having now.
This should take a while, afterward, you should be able to stop the retardation before it begins and you will be better for it.

>> No.20073457

I prefer kratom

>> No.20073467

I think like 15 or 16cm

>> No.20073474

it's big as Titanic

>> No.20073574

heard about these guys years ago

>> No.20073609

Only good feels here brah

>> No.20073629

Laibach, Swans, Einsturzende Neubauten, Skinny Puppy, Front 242, Venom, Voivod, Die Kreuzen, Big Black, Naked Raygun, Bathory, Celtic Frost, Possessed, Death, Slayer, The Effigies, The Smiths, U2, Flipper, Husker Du, Black Flag, Minor Threat, Void, YDI, No Trend, Killdozer, Scratch Acid, The Butthole Surfers, Depeche Mode, The Cure, Killing Joke, Dire Straits, Weird Al, The Police, Siouxsie And The Banshees, Chaos UK, The Exploited, GBH, The Varukers, Discharge, that about sums it up

>> No.20073633

Oh and Napalm Death if they count

>> No.20073639

I dont know good feels

>> No.20073657

you like fieldys?

>> No.20073671
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You are awesome and everything will work out great for you. Have a good day

>> No.20073675


>> No.20073676

Fieldys nuts

>> No.20073681


>> No.20073695

Reading urth of the new sun and I have a bad habit of skipping the last few words of a sentence but it really bites me on the ass

>> No.20073720
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My best friends are NPCs but I love them. But lately they’ve started to change and gain some awareness. I think i’ve finally started to rub off on them. But now I’m really depressed. I hate to say it, but I’m scared that they will learn everything i already know and then I can’t feel better than them in anyway. It’s sort of the only thing i had going for myself. I struggle with hating myself/depression. But if they rise above being NPCs, i will feel like i have nothing anymore. This is really dragging me down, and i feel like dumbing down my conversations with them so they don’t progress. I feel bad.

>> No.20073729

Narcism will get you nowhere. Also stop hanging out with them if you no longer see them as your peers. You are falling into a kind of solipsism. Take antidepressants and have sex.

>> No.20073733

And what do you know that puts you above them?

>> No.20073768

I can’t stop hanging out with them. I grew up with them since childhood. They would literally die for me and i would for them. I love them.

>> No.20073773

>Take antidepressants
I’ve tried 4 different kinds in the past and they haven’t helped.

>> No.20073779

Nothing extraordinary. But i have a much better grasp on philosophy, politics, religion, art etc than they have.

>> No.20073801

Public school education?

>> No.20073806

in order for most, if not all men, to have sex, we would need to get rid of rape laws.

>> No.20073821

Idk man. A lot of women will just fuck whatever they have access to. I think those men probably are reserving themselves for a worthy woman. And society has bred a lot of unworthy women. Where is that tight pussy energy at? Why aren’t we all talking about that TPE?

>> No.20073847

Maybe at some point the frustration feels like you aren’t reserving yourself and you want to whore out but can’t? No a man doesn’t want that. These incels need to understand that they chose the life of not being a whore. That means they are choosy, that’s a good thing.

>> No.20073856

kek? Who are you? Mungo? That would actually reduce most men's access to sex. Because in effect all women would need pimps for protection. You rape a man's wife, now he'll kill you, or even - since there's no law against rape - sodomize you as revenge.

>> No.20073858

I'm so unbelievably tired of dating apps. They work once every few months, and by "work" I mean eventually I can convince a girl to let me fuck her. But it's not worth the daily swiping and having dull conversations with girls who are having 50 other conversations at the same time. I don't know where to meet girls IRL though since I'm 27 and my friends don't really go out to bars. If I delete the apps it's basically committing to not having sex for a long time.

>> No.20073880

Yes, do exercise, that shit saves lives. It's simple, but it at least gets you to do something, and the inertia from doing it leaks into other parts of your life.

>> No.20073885

When erect, about 4 inches or so: it's fucking embarassing, but I'll work with what I have.

>> No.20073898
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Turning 22 this year and I fear this will also be me in the future. Last year of university too, but I abhor the idea of finding a girl merely for the sake of having a girlfriend - it takes a while for me to get to know people, let alone start considering dating them. Anon, am I doomed for being a stupid romantic?

>> No.20073909

This. When times get hard gender roles get enforced again and numales get left out of the polygamy hypergamy pile up that happens. In fact the only fix to this problem is to fix society’s wage issue so that jobs feel like they have some equal respect again so we don’t have such a strong pull towards winner take all (absolute taking control over markets and paying people nothing while extracting the most profit possible). Socrates ideas on oeconomia meaning the art of living vs chrematistics which is essentially being too centered on making money and red tape that tries to masquerade as economics.

>> No.20073916

>being a stupid romantic
>in current year
The Sorrows of Young Anon

>> No.20073918

Ana prana

>> No.20073920

I dont get it

>> No.20073923


>> No.20073932

My sex partners have been telling me it's big lately. Which comes as a surprise because I always thought of myself as average. It looks like a pathetic peanut fully flaccid though and almost retracts into my body tbqh senpai

>> No.20073937

Your mom calls me baby arm

>> No.20073945

I’ve been thinking about starting a YouTube channel to help bring in some income, and hopefully free me from the day job so I can have more creative job, but what the channel would be about, I don’t know. Literature YouTube channels almost universally suck. There’s some philosophy channels which are decent, but philosophy is not my primary or even secondary interest.

>> No.20073946

They are just trying to make you feel good. Amazing how things that get repeated stick with us, almost like everyone is running around blowing smoke up each other’s asses and society is stitched together with ego and narcissism. Hmmm

>> No.20073956

My girth certificate says Hugh Mungous.

>> No.20073965

You have hope. I met a girl after college on a dating app and ended up dating her for a year before I got tired of her and left her. I've been single for 4 years since now so ostensibly that was the wrong decision.

>> No.20073981

I was like that with Catholicism. I went looking for the irrefutable proof of truth (kek), that I knew the church would have. Aaaand nope. They were all about trying to convince others, the actual existence of truth (also kek) was always taken for granted.

>> No.20073986


>> No.20073996

>a faith's irrefutable proof of truth

>> No.20074001

Exactly, but I was naive back then.

Well.. /more/ naive than I am now, at least.

>> No.20074002

There’s no need for skepticism in heaven

>> No.20074008

What are you passionate about? I know it's a cliche question but if you make a Youtube channel about something you don't care and/or have nothing to say about, then why would anyone care?

It's honestly surprisingly not hard to get the algorithm to shill your video. The most important thing is length, 20-25min+.

>> No.20074018

Thank you! <3

>> No.20074022

nor proofing or analyzing. it'll be pure bliss and evidence, I hope.

>> No.20074028

The Phenomenology of Spirit absolutely mogs christian theology and it doesn't even contradict it. For a philosophical work it's so fucking esoteric. Hegel could've been a mystic.

>> No.20074032

Instagram teenage goth core

>> No.20074038

What age am I supposed to stop using 4chan? I'm approaching 30. I feel like everyone here is a kid.

>> No.20074044

>could've been
he doesn't gnow

>> No.20074046

Nazis are cool and i'am tired of pretending they're not.

>> No.20074054

probably the true point of religion is to guarantee that there is always a path for redemption. religious people should only ever be compassionate with non-religious people, and only self-police very, very mercifully. religion can not compromise with the times, at least not in principle, lest the actual true path to redemption be lost.

And God knows best the reading of the signs.

>> No.20074062

I've been taking half a weed gummy and reading How Liberalism Failed before sleep. I keep getting too fixated on sentences and not making much progress (it reads quite dense) but I am contrarily having a good time.

>> No.20074063

Careful about getting stoned before bed, unless you just plan never to stop. You will be unable to sleep without it for a long time.

>> No.20074067

Mother fuckers like Hegel never loved you.

>> No.20074073


>> No.20074087
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>massive job gap (4 years)
>little to none skills
>crap degree
>cannot sell myself
>anxious wreck
what did God mean by arranging events for me to end up in this situation?

>> No.20074089


Yeah, I should be careful especially at my age, but it's pretty comfy. Maybe I'd make more progress during the day.

>> No.20074095

he wanted you to learn and benefit from this situation. You have to see the light

>> No.20074096

You guys never learn. Wars are won before they are ever fought. Russia was poised to crush Germany for a long time. Hitler was desperate to change the timeline where we aren’t all gay commie fags but it was set that way from the start. Russia merely waited patiently knowing it could snap Germany anytime it wanted. It played the long game with the allies who harassed Germany and demonized them for making their own banks and markets heaven forbid.

>> No.20074097

I work a dead end customer service job that a monkey can do. If/when I get fired from here for being incompetent I will literally be unhirable.

>> No.20074099

> The book store is full of comics and toys
> They represent almost all of the sales
Literature really is dead, isn’t it?

>> No.20074100

Metaphorically yes

>> No.20074106

God doesn't give a fuck about your situation and does not turn your life into shit on purpose. Your life is your responsibility.

>> No.20074108

Amazing confirmation bias, where the fuck do you live? Where I live there are plenty of normal bookstores.

>> No.20074109

New York

>> No.20074113

What's my age again? Whats my age again?

>> No.20074114

But I should say yes, there are “normal” book stores around, but even they are filled with all kinds of really low end pop lit stuff and some sort of merchandise like the toys. Those stores are also the minority of stores. Most stores are as I described.

>> No.20074124

I dont see any light at the end besides trying completely random things and hoping that it'll stick for a varying amount of time until its written of as a another mistake.

>> No.20074135

You have to have hope. Know when what you are trying to reflect is only darkness and has no light there to reflect. Instead turn yourself to the light.

>> No.20074191

>where we aren’t all gay commie fags
didn't that bit mostly come out of america tho?

>> No.20074195

what does the gangbanging thing solve? asking for a friend

>> No.20074221

Organisms without a means of propagation will dye off, so, yeah. “Redemption” is necessary for a long-lasting religion.

>> No.20074229

>massive job gap (4 years)
You should see the 7 year one I have, if yours s massive I don't now what to call mine.

>> No.20074243

Plz understand, smol non-op nopo tent god

>> No.20074252

*omnipotent, kek

>> No.20074257

What do you do outside of work and being at home? Do you have active hobbies? Involved with any local groups? How do you fill your time besides doing asocial things like reading/vidya/etc. Not that those are bad, I just feel like I need to have more social activities and I don't know what to do.

>> No.20074267

I waste my time on 4chan and other websites.

>> No.20074290

Thats not social

>> No.20074292

exercising. going to the gym and other classes forces me to be around others but not have to have a forced conversation

>> No.20074295

I don't do anything outside of work except reading philosophy but even that is part of what I do with my work. I don't really give a fuck about social activities.

>> No.20074305

I know.

>> No.20074309

I have a few outlets.
>try new beers and drink
>watch new movies and find new music
>find new trails and go hiking
>cruise around in my car
>church group I meet most weekends
>visit my brother in the city
>visit my other brother in the boonies

>> No.20074311

What philosophers have influenced Spengler? I want to read the Decline of The West not because necessarily I agree with the basic postulates but because I also want to develop a theory on concepts such as "culture spring", so it could hypothetically be useful for me to refer to Spengler. However I study very specific branches of philosophy and I don't know if Spengler fits in there with my interests and influences.

>> No.20074323

The only influence on Spengler I'm certain of is Nietzsche

>> No.20074325

>The only influence on Spengler I'm certain of is Nietzsche
Eugh... Nietzsche as the only influence?! Not a good look

>> No.20074333

Exactly, he saw that a lot of the commie tactics had jumped to America around the time of the civil war due to Stalin making life harder there. He saw that England and America were headed to decadent commie ends. Who knows what the nazis would have ended up as had they won probably a shambling bureaucracy that would have destroyed itself because it’s new - the life time of a previous institution is an indicator that it will be around for longer in the future. A new nazi country doesn’t have that benefit. The point is nazis had zero chance of winning anyways. The point is our current institutions are fucked and have been for a long time. And in many ways it shows a better capacity to brainwash and program people than nazism or communism ever did.

>> No.20074397


>> No.20074414

You should at the very least get a copy of Prussian Socialism and Other Essays. Its pretty easy to get through and will provide a basic overview of his thoughts. Spengler js historically important and has had a ressurgence of relevance lately. His essay about Russia was almost prophetic. Guy was wayahead of his time

>> No.20074421

>Instead turn yourself to the light.
that seems less and less possible with each passing day...

>> No.20074439

Thank you for the recs. Briefly, what does he say in his essay about Russia? I am Russian and the reason I'm interested in these subjects is because I am reflecting on what is happening and will happen to my national egregore. I'm a bit pessimistic...

>> No.20074443

> want to move
> would have to give up easy low effort 20 hr per week job that pays the same as what my new job would be

>> No.20074469

Examine that thought. There is no hope in it.

>> No.20074484

I am profoundly disinterested in my own life.

>> No.20074488

>God is the Light of the heavens and the earth; the likeness of His Light is as a niche wherein is a lamp (the lamp in a glass, the glass as it were a glittering star) kindled from a Blessed Tree, an olive that is neither of the East nor of the West whose oil wellnigh would shine, even if no fire touched it; Light upon Light; (God guides to His Light whom He will.) (And God strikes similitudes for men, and God has knowledge of everything.)
it may be harder and harder to follow all the commandments properly, but the ideals still exist, the beauty still exists. No one is without sin- it should be striven against but there will be failure. this is not the end of all things. God has knowledge of all things, if He were to give up on us for something like that then we would all have perished long ago. Failure, if anything, is a beginning rather than an end, and there is no one sincere that God would ever turn away. It is all still there, the entire architecture.

>> No.20074519

In brief he discusses how Russia, thought continentally european is not culturally western. He mentions how Peter the Great imposed the alien western facade over the Russian people. He says the bolshevik revolution was a revolt of the Russian culture-soul against the imposed Westernism held onto by an elite class. Says this is prefigured in a contrast between Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky. He then discusses a more spiritual side of the Russian culture-soul. He hints at a future of Eurasianism. He says if the West tries to contain or impede on Russia that the consequences would be dire.

Thats a very rough summation, I'm actually supposed to be working right now and am hoping my bossdoesnt catch me slacking. He goes into more historical depth and detail. The speech the essay was derived from was given in 1922. This is the essay read aloud
I thought the narrator was obnoxious so I opted to actuallt read the essay.

>> No.20074525

Can't function today

>> No.20074567

books, movies, walking, and the gym. Those are my four hobbies and they are all solitary. I have no friends

>> No.20074593

Playing guitar/jamming, watching movies with friends, going out for a coffee/beer, going to gigs/exhibits, exercising

>> No.20074602
File: 59 KB, 680x1000, 1637342970713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to create not consume, but how?

>> No.20074625

I´ve lived most of my life convinced about the meaninglessness of the world and how we are all brainwashed into giving things meaning. Now that I am finally advancing in my studies and being more social, I still get this feeling of impending doom, how there´s something fundamentally wrong with me. I guess we all create our own meaning, it´s just so hard to live with people who believe something is objectively right and there´s nothing to question about our society and views.

>> No.20074641
File: 192 KB, 840x1182, Ilya Efimovich Repin - Sadko - (MeisterDrucke-12518).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I have some thoughts based on this sum-up but I first must read the essay of course. What I say should not be taken too seriously, it's for fun.

>He mentions how Peter the Great imposed the alien western facade over the Russian people.
As a Russian and a student of Russian history I believe this to be historically inaccurate and simplistic. Russia was "Europeanized" before Peter, of course it had its own sense of cultural identity like any geographical territory at the time but was very open to Europe starting from Ivan IV, commercially, culturally and otherwise. All Peter did was push the European connection to its paroxysm being the insane larper he was.

>He says the bolshevik revolution was a revolt of the Russian culture-soul against the imposed Westernism held onto by an elite class.
Sounds like quite the asinine statement knowing that Russian revolution was de facto provoked by a handful of intellectuals, and Bolshevism essentially had nothing to do with "the people's soul". Much like Peter's European Russia it was an over-elaborate cringe larping system and totally artificial.

>He hints at a future of Eurasianism.
Ah! I agree with this wholeheartedly. If there is a way out of our cultural cul-de-sac it's positioning ourselves as neither Asia nor Europe. Though I don't believe in "Russki Mir".

>He says if the West tries to contain or impede on Russia that the consequences would be dire.
"Dire".... For whom? Lol

>> No.20074688

Well I dont know much about russian history so I can't speak much about those contentions, though as I said, Spengler was an excellent historian and adds very much more detail in his essay. He also elaborated on a contrast between the intellectual Marxism, which was really a westernism, and the russian peasantry which used bolshevism in a different context. He hints at how the russian spirit would rid itself of the intellectual marxists. The footnote by the editor says this was fulfilled by Stalin. Now this was in 1922 so I'm sure Russia was in a liminal stage. Much of the essay is about the time bejng in a liminal stage and how Germany should react to it. Spengler says Germany should establish friendly relations. He looks back to history with how Germany, France, and Britain interfered with Russia in the balkans and middle east. Spengler has an interesting idea about Russia wanting to be the Third Rome and that it yearns for byzantium. The Peternists want to expand West, but the Culture-Soul sees itself South. By meddling with Russian expansion southwards, the West caused Ruasian hatred.
The dire consequences Spengler warned about really just mean Germany's eastern frontier, which I think WW2 demonstrated to be accurate.
Spengler also mentioned the Mir and the nomadic style kf russians. Can you elaborate on what that is?

>> No.20074740

>think of an apple
>the world changes from "world where anon isn't thinking of an apple" to "world where anon is thinking of an apple" solely on the basis of my thoughts

>> No.20074822

Im again giving up to the vices. Why bother fighting it?

>> No.20074859

The only thing that's made me cry is pain.

>> No.20074888

You’re assuming there was a state before your moment of apple-y conception.

>> No.20075201

Reading is hard if you're really extraverted :(
Especially fiction is usually written in this introverted perspective, lacking the possibilities and opportunities in the mind of the protagonist who lives in his own narrow reality

>> No.20075211

tldr: reading is for losers

>> No.20075213

I miss being 13 and retarded, I want to laugh about shit and sex jokes again

>> No.20075246

My girlfriend just listens to me talk about whatever I want to out of kindness.

>> No.20075271


>> No.20075282


>> No.20075296

today is nice.

>> No.20075306

Why have americans started to worship niggers in the past few years, even if it's just in a symbolic matter, do they think it would make them rape and kill less or?

>> No.20075309

Bolshevism was spearheaded by Jewish emigres

>> No.20075391

I love the feeling when someone else perceives the same thing as I do.

>> No.20075418

^I need this in my life

>> No.20075451

okay cool, I'm metaphorically Paul Kemp

>> No.20075454

Imagine being born in Utah.

>> No.20075470

Appeasement for those in close proximity, ignorance and virtue points for those who aren't.

>> No.20075531

God I wish

>> No.20075738

Why is it so hard to find literature about the celts that isn't written by and for the fucking anglos? It is always "the uncivilized irish encroaching on our shores" even though both the irish and the britons were celtic. Of course they were fighting, but stop portraying it through a 20th century lens.

>> No.20075808

/lit/ is mean today :(

>> No.20075830

sorry :(

>> No.20075919

It’s because normal integration and achievement of equality has completely failed.

>> No.20075931

I’m paralyzed by indecision, because I know I realistically can’t do both.

>> No.20075976

>paralyzed by indecision
do you know from what to pick or just have to pick anything?

>> No.20075977

tfw such a tough choice between playing a game, watching a movie or reading a book

>> No.20076008

I have 2 choices basically

>> No.20076080

you're already ahead of me

>> No.20076106

What do you mean?

>> No.20076187

I have to choose but there are no picks.

>> No.20076188

Read the book. It'll do the most for you.

>> No.20076207

just checked out the adventures of tom sawyer from my college library. Man, I was not prepared to navigate the dewy decimal system. I found it eventually after spinning my wheels for a while. There was a cute book replacer girl who got spooked like 3 times when we met at intersections. it was pretty funny. I really need to make a habit of using the library more instead of buying books, there is something very pleasant about being surrounded by tightly packed rows of books with nothing else in sight.

>> No.20076212

Get off

>> No.20076319
File: 44 KB, 500x547, 01183F6A-A9CB-491A-8677-F24DC1D27740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i get out of philosophical realism? I don’t believe in free will. God created everything and permits all the evil in the world. We don’t know his point and we are 100% controlled by him. How do i get out of this thought?

>> No.20076355
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, who wants to admit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fooken store has stopped stocking canned ravioli. I've been living out the can for a long time now, it's the craziest food ever. 3 euros and you're full and it is fucken delicious, even just as is, cold. I was probably the only person that bought it but I'd eat at least a fair number of cans a week

>> No.20076372

I even kept buying it after I got a ravioli that tasted like it had gone foul. It even happened twice and I kept buying it, chomping away, lenient with the Fontana pasta company, grateful for their grace in providing... I mean it's just too crazy. The other store don't have it

>> No.20076437

Replace god with “the universe”. Now you’re thinking with portals.

>> No.20076442



>> No.20076454 [DELETED] 

Who's that novice writer with the wildly successful patreon? Anyone got a link?

>> No.20076455
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>> No.20076464

You’ll have to explain further.

>> No.20076487


>> No.20076539

Science, biotch. It’s a video game reference..

>> No.20076652

Dire for the West, and possibly Russia as well

>> No.20076856

Do charity bookstores still exist? Sorting through tomes in a cramped, musty second-hand bookstore is a literal dream place of mine.

>> No.20076952

Tomorrow is St. Patricks day and I got secretly very happy because it's going to be raining all day and I don't have to hear the groups of drunk people outside my window all day and night. Feeling this way made me realize I'm a misanthropic loser with no friends.

>> No.20076966

Should I read McCarthy's upcoming novels if the only book of his I've read is The Road? The brief synopsis sounds intriguing.

I'd like to read at least a few of his already published books but I don't know if I'll get around to them before the release of his latest.

>> No.20076971

Shut the fuck up

>> No.20076979

I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.20076989

Just go out and drunk with them. Easiest way to make bros is through drunken shenanigans

>> No.20077000

Dirty Mick

>> No.20077015

You're not wrong but breaking in with groups of people who are already friends and know each other isn't exactly my strong suite. Not even drinking fixes it.

>> No.20077048

Gotta start somewhere dude. Though I know that feel

>> No.20077050

brother, I'm danish.

>> No.20077051
File: 43 KB, 960x776, FB_IMG_1621891823416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm still going to continue to see a girl who said to me:
>"I stopped reading Lolita after a chapter. The writer is too pretentious and takes two whole sentences to explain the color blue".
But I think there's truth to not having a lit gf. Would I really want one? Is it better to not have a lit gf?

>> No.20077091

did you ever sit kneeling in front of a tv plugged in to a laptop, and the tv is blasting Wait and Bleed on the highest possible volume, like, people in the next apt complex can probably hear, and you are naked, and your head hangs low, and you weep, and you itch and sweat all over? I'm beginning to believe I've been through some shit. this was a long time ago though. Soon after I became certified as not well.

>> No.20077114

I take whatever psychedelic I have on hand then black out on alcohol and xanax and wake up with cuts, broken things around the house, and random shit from inside the house outside on the patio. I don't know if the neighbors have ever seen, since it usually happens late at night, but it's happened during the day a couple of times. It's been about six months since the last really bad one.

>> No.20077118

fuck. do you know why you do it?

>> No.20077121

I forgot: your hands and face would be numbing too. they did that a lot.

>> No.20077253

It is genuinely impossible to leave this place

>> No.20077255

Combination of finding a way I didn't have to be stuck inside my head for an evening/self-loathing, getting over a coke habit and trying to replace it with dissociates and psychedelics, and trying to convince myself it's still just a good time.

It would build slowly over weeks or months and then boil over with a couple weeks to a month of really reckless behavior. It took a few nights like that I mentioned to really scare me and convince me I was being extremely stupid, reckless, and could die without even knowing what I was doing.

>> No.20077296
File: 753 KB, 1125x1853, 55098BBE-B119-480B-9C15-40516E67E33E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i based or cringe?

>> No.20077297

You're supposed to lie on your CV. My gaps are huge too, but I simply make shit up. It's also really easy to fake your qualifications and references. Even the legit applicants exaggerate and embellish their achievements, it's the way it goes

>> No.20077300
File: 1.53 MB, 1597x1348, FireShot Capture 004 - Kindle - read.amazon.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some recent threads inspired my newest hauls

>> No.20077309
File: 27 KB, 331x499, 1645221415266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on pol
>they tell me the reason im skinnyfat and tired all the time is because jews are jewing the american diet
>recommend high fat breakfast, leafy greens, red meat, and weightlifting like a true white man
>listen to them because fuck the jews
>health dramatically improves
>not so sure about the jewish stuff anymore, but it doesnt matter now
is there a name for this effect?

>> No.20077311

way less extreme compared to me

>> No.20077315

self-administered tests are useless because you're obviously going to give the answers which reflect your outward values and not your actual values
i do like your balance of rationalism and romanticism though

>> No.20077321

its difficult af for me, always end up saying something awkward or "racist"

>> No.20077459

Dirty Dane

>> No.20077461

You should set up a camera for the next time

>> No.20077465

You want your woman to be a complement to you.

>> No.20077467

Do you actually practice any of that

>> No.20077476

She likes to tell me I have pretty eyes

>> No.20077563


>> No.20077568

All the anti-Semitic remarks I hear draw me closer and closer to Jews. They are a fascinating and mysterious people whom I've grown to admire. I regret not having been born into such a tribe.

>> No.20077604

just found out i cant legally drink and drive

>> No.20077695
File: 28 KB, 439x290, jewish lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing

>> No.20077713


>> No.20077727

You only think that because you’re here, and all the people who leave.. aren’t.

>> No.20077732

The only way out is death

>> No.20077741

Now you’re just conflating 4chan and life.

It’s a possibility, but tell it to get into the infinite line waiting for consideration.

>> No.20077784


>> No.20077811

Write about your opinions on this

>> No.20077814

I will never tell anybody I'm 1/8 Ashkenazi but I know the hermetic temperament comes from the part of my dad's family. Indeed we have no doubt that as individualists Jews are remarkable people, but as groups, and especially large groups, we tend to be excellent at marshalling our worst powers.

>> No.20077822

Every night i get jump legs. It doesnt matter how much i exercise or stretchduring the day. About an hour before bedtime, every night, my legs want to jump around. It ruins my sleep

>> No.20077832

a poem by me
title: dads boots

dads boots are dirty
dads boots are stinky
i put on dads boots
i'm just like dad
what does dad do?
i do not know

this is the end of dads boots
a poem by me

feel free to give your thoughts

>> No.20077833

Kinda thinking that maybe I look extremely tired and dead is because I am also extremely paranoid

>> No.20077834

probably your diet

>> No.20077869

I liked it. remove everything after I do not know

>> No.20077911

everything after i do not not know was not a part of the poem. can you say anything else about the poem other than you liked it?

>> No.20077930

I put on dads boots
I am just like dad

>> No.20077933

I don't know technical terms. The poem evokes a very clear and simple emotion/memory. I picture a young boy around five years old, playing with his fathers boots. When you are that little, you probably don't really understand what dad does for work. Mom just tells you "Daddy's Home" or "Daddy's At Work". You don't know what he does. I think a lot of men can relate to this. It's comfortable and familiar.

>> No.20077969

Russia is invading Ukraine. Check the news.

>> No.20077971

Wrong. Ukraine invaded two independent nations and Russia is conducting a special military operation to remove ukranian puppet leadership.

>> No.20077985

ok, thanks. i intended more with the poem, but if that did not come through then that is my fault mostly. nonetheless I'm glad you enjoyed it

>> No.20077990

I know this is Russian propaganda, but I still love you despite the harm it causes.

>> No.20078007

the irony

>> No.20078032

They deserve it

>> No.20078061

Glad someone else got it. Latching onto either sides propaganda is absurd.

>> No.20078067

what else were you going for? I got a slight feeling there may be something ominous going on, perhaps a Cat's Cradle sort of underlying theme

>> No.20078074
File: 157 KB, 1024x936, 1583723376861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i threw away 10 years of my life 99% being a NEET, a truly pathetic creature, and all i have to show for it are a body and a mind thoroughly broken by my lifestyle. now after 10 years my family and my life is suddenly completely collapsing and im not in any way prepared to deal with it. i work like 4 measly hours in a day and my back and legs are screaming out in pain, and its suddenly becoming apparent that i cannot in any way sustain myself unless that changes and the possibility of becoming homeless and dying in the harsh winter or of starvation, or killing myself, is becoming very real. im making at best $1000 a month, which is obviously not remotely good enough, it feels like im pushing myself to the limit and fucking myself up royally because of how fucked my body is from sitting around for 10 years drinking and smoking and overeating. it also feels like all my passion and love and idealism has been stolen away from me, not only because of the dire circumstances but how my family, something ive come to value so so deeply, and my reality have been shattered and ive lost an innocence i didn't know i had and took for granted. i feel sick to my stomach. i wand to curl up in a ball and cry whole someone holds me

>> No.20078096

You want to curl up because you have to face the reality of your bad choices? Lift weights, eat properly (get all macros and micros), drink water, get enough sleep, sell you video game consoles and donate plasma for cash to build up a savings.

>> No.20078120

well i think it's stupid to think that anyone would come to this conclusion out of that poem, but the thing that inspired it was listening to a guy talk about how much he loved western civilization because of classical music and statues, painting, etc. then to be pressed further only to be revealed as completely ignorant of those things. so you have this guy who who admires his dads boots and wants to wear them, yet he has absolutely no idea why his dad even has those boots, where they came from, why they are dirty, or what his dad even does for work. the boots are just comfort, and in a way he thinks if he just puts on the boots everything will be okay again, like the boots were the thing that made it, the boots were the magic. so like the boots, people look at the music, the paintings, and the statues as the thing that is, rather than the result of some necessity or hard work. essentially the boy who admires the boots, forgets the man who wore them; and the son forgets his father, latching onto this token thing, the essence long gone. idk man i'm really drunk, i dont even know why i came here to write that poem. to vent i guess

>> No.20078140

Lmao, I could scream this opinion at the top of my lungs. His stories are exercises in reinforcement of 1950’s nuclear family man masculinity. Underrated post

>> No.20078143

is this pasta? the poem is clearly written from a retard's or a child's point of view. Any adult would know what their father did for work, therefore it's a childs point of view. Once you take this as fact, that bit about civilization makes no sense; children don't have indepth opinions on civilization. Also, any intelligent person views civilization as a result of hard work. That's why people admire artists and architects and rulers; the immense amounts of work, the loving care placed in every detail. A man striving every day to create something better than was there before. Comparing a working mans boots, a tool through which hard labor is performed to magic is absurd. I take back what I said. Your poem is terrible

>> No.20078179

>is this pasta?
>the poem is clearly written from a retard's or a child's point of view
>Once you take this as fact, that bit about civilization makes no sense; children don't have indepth opinions on civilization
this is part of the point of the poem
>That's why people admire artists and architects and rulers; the immense amounts of work, the loving care placed in every detail. A man striving every day to create something better than was there before
>Comparing a working mans boots, a tool through which hard labor is performed to magic is absurd
yes, that is the point
> I take back what I said. Your poem is terrible
well it seem like you agree with it

it's okay if you hate it though

>> No.20078186

I miss read your first sentence. thought you were implying my conclusion was the stupid one to come to. disregard my insults

>> No.20078203

it's really my fault, when i read my post i realized it could be misconstrued as that way, but i was too lazy to change it. i just hoped you would read it fast enough to get the full context instead of getting caught on the clumsy way i write.

>> No.20078225
File: 2.80 MB, 1500x1246, boe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my cat.

I used to have this distaste for people with pets. I think there is something corrupt and degraded about the relationship that people have with their pets, both for the human and the animal. Humans feel a love for the animal that the animal cannot hope to return. A human cannot tell an animal he loves her in a way that the animal would understand. The human capability for love and the transmission of language is wasted on the animal. And in exchange, the animal is a slave.

I love my cat. She came into my life accidentally. An acquaintance of mine couldn't take care of her anymore. She has seizures every two weeks like clockwork, her spacial acuity is shot, but she knows when I am sad by the tone in my voice. She's eight or nine years old. She has two different colored eyes.

I didn't want to love my cat. I don't think she wants to go outside, but I don't want to hold her hostage. That she doesn't want to go outside makes it all the worse that I'm holding her hostage. It doesn't matter that I love my cat, I'm wasting love that would have gone to waste without her anyway. Can you even waste love? Is there love without a hostage situation?

I hope so.

>> No.20078235

*have cool aesthetics because part of if not most of their ideology was entirely based on that and so is deceptive shallow and evil in nature

>> No.20078296

I have the opportunity to move far away from my family to live life in the big city. But my heart wavers. On the one hand, I can feel the excitement I have for it and all the things I'd get to do and experience on my own, the way I'd get to completely reinvent myself. On the other hand, I love my family and the friends I have here and I really enjoy seeing them. I live at home now, and that it won't stay this way forever because everyone has to grow up, but I just wish it was easier to make a decision.

>> No.20078329

are you like 12? why is this so poorly written?
sorry about your cat, but get over it. i lost a cat the other day and i am already over it. i knew it was going to die, so i didnt feel bad when it did, there are

>> No.20078345

You did one of those quizzes? That's cringe.
What about illegally? Actually... please don't drink and drive. Did you end up smoking again?
Mimesis. Could be the prologue to Cat's in the Cradle... which reminds me. They don't really do songs with vibes/lyrics like Dust in the Wind, Cats in the Cradle, Carry on Wayward Son like they did in the 70's. I wonder what that says about the zeitgeist at that time?

>> No.20078347

i go out drinking with friends almost every night. it's fun but i need to stop, i'm seriously addicted to alcohol and i'm not even 25 years old

>> No.20078356

>which reminds me. They don't really do songs with vibes/lyrics like Dust in the Wind, Cats in the Cradle, Carry on Wayward Son like they did in the 70's. I wonder what that says about the zeitgeist at that time?

culture is degrading, songs like that are too deep now. i cant remember the last radio song that wasnt about sex or partying. it seems like there is a whole thing behind it, but i'm not in the mood for racism.

>> No.20078399

I HAVE to pick anything out of endless possibilities. Its basically having a one bullet and shooting it in a random direction and hoping it will bring good results.

>> No.20078405

Can some anons help me out, on /sci/ there was a dumb frog poster asking about "True Knowledge"
What the fuck is "True Knowledge"? I tried to look it up and all I found was some Hindu spiritual crap like this
>The most harmonious definition that I have encountered so far is that the true knowledge is one which can be applied and helps a person to reduce the distance between him and his objective.
All the references to 'true knowledge' are spiritualist bullshit about "unveiling the inner potential" or "the only true knowledge is loving god".
Can someone help me out? Am I missing something?
If there is "true knowledge" that implies the existence of "fake knowledge". But isn't that impossible? You either know something, or you think you know something or you don't know something.
When someone says
>I know he's behind this door
and then opens it and he's not there, it's not that their knowledge has passed into falsehood. They were only using "know" as an expression of their confidence. Knowledge, as I understand it, isn't about what you believe, it's about what is.
True Knowledge then is like saying "Reddish Red". Once something is red, you can't predicate further the quality on it. Once something is "knowledge" it is true. Not only is it bad grammar, it's communicating nothing, it is vacuous!
Is there something I'm missing? It appears it's a phrase only used by spiritualists and grifters.

>> No.20078408

>Is there something I'm missing?
Yeah. Pussy.

>> No.20078411
File: 89 KB, 894x596, WingsOfLove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't even consider most of those songs that deep. And I was thinking of it in terms of Kitsch like pic related and I'm beginning to wonder, and I realize I sound like a fucking hipster for saying this, but maybe they aren't as shallow as I thought?

>> No.20078413

You're not wrong. If anything that's implied if I have time to ponder semantic quandaries.

>> No.20078416

There's a no-life spammer spamming /sffg/ to kill any discussions and is reporting the real threads with several different IPs so that we're force to use his shitty bait thread. Mods have removed two true threads while keeping the shitty one alive.

>> No.20078448 [DELETED] 

Putin sends muslims to kill our fellow slavic people, Putin says "I am Chechen. I am from Dagestan" in his latest speeches, now we get videos of muslim BITCH Kadyrov filming the Kremlin and saying he is proud of "HIS" nation Russia. Is this our "Russian pride"? Lollllll. Sjw islamophilic bitch Putin

>> No.20078516

they at least attempted something higher, sometimes it's the thought that counts with these things

>> No.20078529



>> No.20078542

This thread hasn't even reached the bump limit.

>> No.20078546

The only thing I'm bumping is this fat line off of your mother's cock!

>> No.20078551

i'm so horny i have TWO erections

>> No.20078565

I want to write about a god of death, with sweeping shadows that rise high into the sky, bloody clouds in the distance.

>> No.20078700

There will never be a better artist/musician than Tonetta

>> No.20078716

Janny tranny deleted thread

>> No.20078730
File: 37 KB, 660x716, 1625173660222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.20078734

If you're so funny, then why are you on your own tonight?

>> No.20078735

I've rediscovered the joys of reading and have finished more books this year than I have in the last 5 lol. So far I read a biography of St. Dominic, 100 Faces by Campbell, a book on secret societies and psychological warfare, The Crying of Lot 49, The 40k books Xenos and Know no Fear, the absolute dumpster fire Valis by PKD.

I went out and bought a shitload of stuff that'll keep me busy for through the end of the year and likely into 2024. My stack in no particular order is Dante's Inferno, Hamlet, Beyond Good and Evil, Don Quixote, Infinite Jest, Ulysses, Finnegan's Wake, Demons and The Idiot by Dostoyevsky, The Recognitions, Gravity's Rainbow, Symbols of Sacred Science by Guenon, Metaphysics of War by Evola, and few books from the Horus Rising series if I decide that I really like 40k stuff. I've come out of a really long bout of depression and I'm so excited to learn and use my brain again. There's so much I want to do but not enough time!

>> No.20078760

Whats over?

>> No.20078774

she's more /lit/ than you

>> No.20078785

you're the tranny, fucking retard generalfag. take your autism elsewhere and leave this thread alone.

>> No.20078801

She is based and what she says is true
Nabokov is a pretentious fuck who did nothing for culture
His books fucking suck

>> No.20078808

i think language was probably a mistake

>> No.20078845

Knowledge was a mistake.

>> No.20078944

On the contrary languages is the best thing we have

>> No.20078946

>Nabokov is a pretentious fuck who did nothing for culture
>His books fucking suck
Wrong as all fuck

>> No.20078949

Dubs and I'll suffer an accident at work today and die.

>> No.20078959

Moving to a city in current year is the most retarded life move you can possibly make

>> No.20078977

I don't know how to decide which book I want to read and I don't have a coin to flip. How do you guys decide?

>> No.20078981

You are wrong. You like Nabokov? What did Nabokov do for culture? You have shit taste. Fuck you

>> No.20078983

I usually just start a new book, read a like 10 or more pages then if I don't feel it, drop it and then start a new one, then do the same thing and if it doesn't I go to the next one, eventually one of these books will stick and I will get into flow and read it till the end. Usually it takes me about 3 or 4 false starts with books until I really get into one of them.

>> No.20078984

1. Marriage
2. Loan/lease/mortage
3. Moving to city

>> No.20078986

> What did Nabokov do for culture? You have shit taste. Fuck you
great argument bro, you sure convinced me, I'll go ahead and burn all of his books now

>> No.20078990

Answer the question or eat shit bitch

>> No.20078999

Move, homos --> >>20078996

>> No.20079024

he fucked your mom

>> No.20079028

Made plebs like you seethe, which sounds like enough

>> No.20079081

Why? Why more? This thread will be alive for hours. You need to get banned, faggot

>> No.20079220

Different poster. The first one had a picture of an ape. This one is the "why aren't you having sex" fag who wants to post his art hoes.

There are like 3 or 4 people trying to own the general for whatever reason.

>> No.20079630


>> No.20080244

yeah meanwhile this one's STILL here