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/lit/ - Literature

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20068700 No.20068700 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the best comedic pieces of literature that you guys have read.

>> No.20068714

Aristophanes' Frogs
Moliere's Tartuffe
Caragiale's O scrisoare pierduta

>> No.20068731

The funniest books are ones that arent meant to be funny.

>> No.20068736

Crime and Punishment was quite a comedy

>> No.20068741

American Psycho and Catch-22 had me cackling like a madman even as I read them taking public transport.

>> No.20068749


>> No.20068752

Edgar Allen Poe was actually pretty funny he wrote satires and stuff but no one talks about them for some reason. I read a complete collection decades ago and I was surprised. Unfortunately I can't remember any names of the funny stuff.

>> No.20068760

obnoxious psuedo-intellectual take

>> No.20068764

You could always look up his bibliography to see if anything rings a bell.

>> No.20068768

4chan posts are pretty funny sometimes

>> No.20068778
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seconding Catch-22. I didn't reall get it until I heard this amazing reading of it. The apple-cheeks part nearly broke me.


>> No.20069028

Rabelais and Molière are top tier humor

>> No.20069835

not his funniest albeit awesome, stuff like les précieuses ridicules or le bourgeois gentilhomme are better for a good laugh

proust is really funny too

>> No.20069841


>> No.20069850

The only book that truly makes me laugh is Catch-22

>> No.20069863
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Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg.


>> No.20069871

The Devil in the Belfry is the one funny story that I remember. It reminded me of the kind of absurd style you can find in Dr Seuss or early Tim Burton films but done more elegantly.

>> No.20069882

i've never laughed and had so much dopamine in my brain from reading a passage in a book until I read the outdoor winter tennis part from infinite jest (not joking).
i almost want to try reading it again just for the buildup of that scene.

the part in 1984 when the protag is around his peers having lunch i guess and he notices one of them talking a little too candidly about something.
he then says "he will surely be vaporized for knowing too much"
dunno why but that really got me

>> No.20069913

Puckoon, spike milligan

>> No.20069964
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No one has posted the obligatory;

>> No.20069981

just incase anyone wanted to know what the IJ fucking thing was, it's when they're playing eschaton on the tennis court.

>> No.20070014

American psycho when Patrick is getting mad at how many hours were wasted to create rat-mutant article in gossip magazine.

>> No.20070147

The Good Soldier Švejk gave me a good laugh.

>> No.20070448

I honestly didn't find it that funny, it's more like thought-provoking.

>> No.20070488

>I honestly didn't find it that funny, it's more like thought-provoking.
It’s a lot funnier if you have spent time in or lived in New Orleans. He captured the city and a lot of the people you find there perfectly. That’s an incredibly selective group of readers of course.

>> No.20070532
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Yeah i totally get that anon.

>> No.20070547

theres this fantasy book called: the bible
and, get this, some people believe its REAL

>> No.20070562

I think it was stuff he wrote for a newspaper

>> No.20070596

I've been to New Orleans and I get the vibe of it but that still doesn't make it 'haha funny'.

>> No.20070601

now here's the really funny part *stifles laughter*, most of these people who think it's all real DON'T EVEN READ IT!

>> No.20070845

norm macdonalds book desu

>> No.20070847
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>> No.20071790

Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.20071852
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Anything by F Gardner. Because they’re grimdark as fuck and take themselves totally seriously. Yet they all still end up having retarded unintentional bits of comedy gold like pic related

>> No.20072332

its lightweight stuff, but I deeply appreciate the lowbrow humor of Christopher Moore's stuff

>> No.20072355

Any Gogol
Tropic of Cancer
The Third Policeman
Plutarch’s Lives(I like his dry humor)
American Psycho
Portnoy’s complaint
The Savage Detectives

>> No.20072438

The Devil's Dictionary - Ambrose Pierce

>> No.20072580

The Good Soldier Svejk
The Castle
Gargantua and Pantagruel
Journey to the End of Night
In Search of Lost Time

>> No.20072635

American Psycho is probably the funniest book I’ve read.
I love the chapter where they are out to dinner and the staff brings everyone a Bellini, but Price sends them back because he hates them, so then someone sees that they don’t have the Bellinis they are supposed to have and he freaks out and then 2 waiters bring them Bellinis, so now they have double Bellinis, and Price tells the Waiter
>if another round of Bellinis comes within a twenty-foot radius of our table we are going to set the maitre d' on fire

>> No.20072661
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Saki's short stories

>> No.20072662

>slaps girlfriend to keep her from freaking out
>wow thanks you cured me with your slaps
>slaps her one more time to be sure

>> No.20072903

The Master and Margarita
While it's magical realism and political satire of the soviet union in the 40s, with lots of jokes you'd have to google to get (some guy's name is ironclad ironclad, a joke about Stalin).

But then the second half of the novel is a fairytale about witches, lakes of cognac, a faustian Satan. But the funniest parts are the cat trying to cheat in a game of chess, trying to pay for a tram ride, challenging someone to a duel while on a chandelier

>> No.20072992

Catch 22
Pale Fire