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/lit/ - Literature

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20069752 No.20069752 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Freud on the list?

>> No.20069791

Jewish nepotism.

>> No.20069825
File: 516 KB, 680x458, bloom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20069842
File: 125 KB, 424x377, EF3376C5-94BD-4941-BC4B-DEE404B324C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Freud is based. He is the most important figure in the field of psychology and makes both Christ cucks and science worshippers seethe.

>> No.20069855

Still not literature.

>> No.20069866

>t. hasn’t read Freud
Freud is an excellent writer and his works are just as much philosophy (which this board generally considers to be literature) as they are psychology

>> No.20069869

Decent writer and defintely influenced a lot of the modernists

>> No.20069898

Because he's very influential?

>> No.20069900

he's not

>> No.20069919

He is

>> No.20069920

Name 5 philosophical ideas in Freud.

>> No.20069945

>The Id, the ego, and the superego
>Eros and Thanatos
>Oedipus complex, castration anxiety, and or is envy
>The stages of psychosexual development
>Repression and defense mechanisms
None of these are scientific concepts because they’re not falsifiable and are not derived from empirical data, they are philosophical ideas arrived at through reason and contemplation on experience. It’s why he makes science worshippers seethe so much.

>> No.20069951

>or is envy
This was meant to say penis envy

>> No.20069965

That's psychology, not philosophy.

>> No.20069986

It’s a philosophy of psychology, similar to much of Nietzsche’s philosophy (which was one of Freud’s biggest influences, to such an extent that he considered Civilization and Its Discontents to be a sequel of sorts to Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morals.)

>> No.20069998

>philosophy of psychology,
So basically not literature.

>> No.20070038
File: 48 KB, 446x357, 4C064EFF-6931-4345-8215-659DC0B7EE97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fuck yourself

>> No.20070050

>not falsifiable
It's not even obviously the case that falsification is what demarcates science from non-science. Are mathematical truths falsifiable? Does physics largely depend on mathematics? Is the autism of separating the "scientific" from the mathematical components of physics at all fruitful?

>> No.20070057

>they are philosophical ideas arrived at through reason and contemplation on experience
>they’re are not derived from empirical data
Anon, I...

>> No.20070060

I don’t know, I’m not a STEMcel. But almost all criticisms of Freud that don’t come from Christ cucks angry that Freud refuted their conception of natural law come from science worshippers who claim his theories are not scientific because they’re not falsifiable and not derived from empirical data.

>> No.20070073 [DELETED] 

>Freud is an excellent writer
Neck yourself kikel

>> No.20070097 [DELETED] 

Can we ever discuss literature in the literature board without /pol/tards flooding threads screeching about Jews? I don’t care if you don’t like Jews, I don’t like them very much myself, but can we please just have a discussion without this shit?

>> No.20070113


>> No.20070126

No, thank you, freudfag.

>> No.20070205

He explains why in the book. Read it or fuck off--all this thread will do is attract pseuds who think dunking on Freud is a hot take.

>> No.20070692

lmfao I love Bloom so not laughing at the intent behind this post but that's a 10/10 maymay kiddo

>> No.20071699


>> No.20071706


>> No.20071725

Okay, fine: Freud's father sexually abused him and his sister, and his theories are an attempt to harmonize this fact with Freud's rampant ethnonarcissism.

There you go, literature.

>> No.20071754

aww look how mad the jew is

>> No.20071820
File: 56 KB, 524x499, F28EE8A2-BD73-4B17-94A4-298E5EBBEE2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20071830

bro i literally want to kill all white people

>> No.20071841

>Okay, fine: Freud's father sexually abused him and his sister,
Wow, you actually avoided being a frothing at the mouth anti-semite and criticized him for something other then being jewish, is so proud of you ano-
> and his theories are an attempt to harmonize this fact with Freud's rampant ethnonarcissism.
God dammit.

>> No.20073201
File: 55 KB, 904x960, DEbLj7o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very astute observation!

>> No.20073217

>cancer is bad because it wants to take over bodies, persecute and invade other cells, and do metastasis.
>Isn't that exactly what you want white blood cells to do?

>> No.20073262

>Contemplation of experience
>Not empirical data
The sad state of /lit/ "philosophers"