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/lit/ - Literature

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20069644 No.20069644 [Reply] [Original]

You are studying the dharma right annon...?

>> No.20069652

Buddhism is just a dishonest version of Satan worship

>> No.20069680

Desiring to stop desiring is still desiring

>> No.20069692

until it's not

>> No.20069693

nah I'm entering zen by getting drunk in the morning

still beer

frog gulps down


>> No.20069700
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>> No.20069708
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I read pic related and I just got the first Nikaya

>> No.20069719

Most buddhist cultures literally pray to demons

>> No.20069723
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>come on just admit you're the villain from my schizo headcanon
the absolute state of christlarpers

>> No.20069751
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Look, if you're trying to chase some subjective sense of completion (nirvana, enlightenment) why don't you just inject yourself with heroin and get there in an instant?

>> No.20069769

Satan isn't a villain, he's just there to tempt the faithful

>> No.20069771

My best guess is a conservative atheist pretending to be Christian made that image

>> No.20069772

so he's not even in your life if you're an atheist?

>> No.20069776

He's what led you to atheism in the first place, everyone is born a perfect Christian

>> No.20069777
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>Most buddhist cultures literally pray to demons

>> No.20069779
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>the faithful
yeah he's your headcanon, he's not in the room with you and your interpretation is irrelevant to someone who isn't on your team

>> No.20069782

what about muslims?

>> No.20069789

Whatever. I live in a liberal American city with a lot of these boodist types and it's accurate.

>> No.20069797

sounds more like they live rent free with you

>> No.20069816
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>r-rent free!
The compassion is strong in this "buddhist"

>> No.20069822

Well actually it's rather selfless of you to make available all that housing for these Buddhists

>> No.20069830

Because that's what a good Christian would do

>> No.20069833
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You should try listening to some Monks before you humiliate yourself.

>> No.20069840

A good Christian would hurl insults at his non-Christian neighbors and constantly question their sincerity? Yes that does seem like their MO since time immemorial

>> No.20069853

That's only the Tibetans, and they admit they worship demons.
Buddhists in China and Thailand just worship trees and their own grandparents like normal people

>> No.20069859

Trees and grandparents are demons

>> No.20069868
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Christians when they see a Buddhism thread

>> No.20069873

"Demons" are understood to be empty of any essence and are meant to be disspelled as any other phenomena; it's an entirely different interpretation than the Christian one, where demons are somehow agents of real evil even though God must have created them or something retarded

>> No.20069889

Why should I?

>> No.20069902
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I own and have read books on the Pali Canon, the Yogacara, mahayana, and Zen. I used to be a boodist like you, and I could probably teach you about your "religion," too bad your egos are so fragile.

I saw a buddhism book at Whole Foods yesterday next to the kombucha. Your "enlightenment" and "samadhi" are just products to herd you, the goyim, into working harder and collecting shekels for the corps. Find Christ and quit following this false path. Come home.

>> No.20069927

There are no limits to the stupidity of anti-semites. Even now they pray for their salvation at the hands of the people they hate, and rely on the words of those very same people to guide them through life

>> No.20070061

>what is a metaphor?

>> No.20070104

yea no shit, wanting to step out of the cycle of rebirth doesnt mean youre instantly enlightened, no buddhist believes this

>> No.20070132

He's is literally an incel videogame addicted zoomer who recently converted.
Why do you still respond to him?

>> No.20070133

The only metaphor is thinking your religion isn't someone else's cope for being conquered by Rome. If you read your Bible you'd notice you have more in common with the Canaanites or the Persians

>> No.20070163

>Your "enlightenment" and "samadhi" are just products to herd you, the goyim, into working harder and collecting shekels for the corps.

>Leave the household life(quit your job)
>Don't handle money

>"I'll teach you about your religion"

>> No.20070172
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>> No.20070175
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>> No.20070244
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The Jews in Christianity refers not to the LARPers in Israel, but anyone who is a follower of Christ. Gentile refers to those who are not part of the faith yet.
Those verses have nothing to do with ethnicity, but rather religion, it's just that Zionism twisted this, and from there you get your misinterpretation of the verses.
One can make the argument the followers of Judaism are the true anti-semites because they rejected all the prophecies in the Torah when they came true when Jesus came along and fulfilled them.

Get back in your AmaZen cube

>> No.20070304

What a bizarre cope. It's literally not about you. The entire book is another people's history, and how they made a contract with their god who promised to dispossess other groups of their lands and punish them for not worshiping him. It is your version that is so obviously a misinterpretation peddled to the Greeks and other foreigners that they might become useful in tearing down the Roman empire.

>> No.20070335
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Amazing cope

>> No.20070349

I didn’t read your post, just giving a (You) to a fellow SMTfag.
Get yourselves an emulator and download SMT II + translation patch, it’s good.

>> No.20070360

If it is a misinterpretation, and the Bible is about the "Jews" then why did those same "Jews" write the Talmud in response to Christianity in a hurried attempt to do a "we wuz da real joos n shiet"?
And I think your interpretation of those verses is actually giving in to the subversion by those "Jews". With your logic, you accept that Jewish people are indeed the chosen ones and they are the same ones in the Bible. But when you just look at the surface level behavior of Jews, as well as read the Talmud, you know this isn't the Jews who are being referred to in the Bible.

>> No.20070370

I don't really care about jews.
Take it to another thread.

>> No.20070376

Fair, wasn't this a buddhism thread anyway?
What do you guys think of Yogacara?
I hope you're a lawfag

>> No.20070424

Get thee behind me, Mara!

If the dhamma did not teach you compassion, all you learned was wording. You did not even manage to become a stream enterer.

Your churches are no better than supermarkets these days. Even Rome sells nick-nacks for Mammon.

>> No.20070435
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I also don't care about them since Buddhism doesn't require you do a hostile exegesis of the Old Testament order to show the people who wrote it are wrong about what it means, and that it actually tells the story of Yahweh talking in secret codes about how, eventually, he will overthrow the entire system he is giving them because that's his whim. Such is Christianity's unique problem, that the very information it needs to make its own truth claims about God and salvation require another religion to be false even though its texts are true. Both sets of Abrahamists can keep doing their own thing and any third party can see they are merely rival interpretations of the same texts, and that neither's claim to be true over the other holds water.

>> No.20070457

Brunnholzl has translations of the some of the major Yogacara works along with their Indian and Tibetan commentaries. Lots of informative endnotes as well.

>> No.20071058

But it is not craving.

>> No.20071079

you can cross vegan too, some 70% of "vegans" and "vegetarians" eat meat regularly
I hate Americans and I hate social media.

>> No.20071083

So here are the books on Buddhism I own and if I have read them or not. Can you all provide any comments on them?

Way of Zen - Watts (Watts seems like some Westerner trying to bring Zen to the West?

Three Pillars of Zen - Kapleau (see above)

What the Buddha Taught - Rahula (this is the only book of the three that I've read and I really enjoyed it).

So how are the Zen books? What even is Zen, some sub-brance of Mahayana? And if I wanted to start meditating what method/style should I attempt?

>> No.20071087

Zen is Mahayana and therefore garbage. If you unironically want to get into Mahayana you're better off finding a local Christian church.

>> No.20071123
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Lankavatara with DT Suzuki's translation and commentary. It's considered a Yogacara text but influenced Zen due to its association with Bodhidharma. Zen is the Japanese version of Chan, which is a Chinese-developed school, i.e. it had no direct correspondent in India like some other schools did. It is named after the Chinese transliteration of jñana/dhyana which are the meditative states detailed in the Buddhism of the Pali nikayas (or to the Sanskrit based Chinese schools, the agamas). Chan, and by extension Zen, are Mahayana Buddhist.

>> No.20071157

Has Buddhism ever been able to answer why we should accept it over Hinduism?

>> No.20071170

oh great its another quote taken out of context + misunderstanding about Christianity sprinkled with a lack of any delimitative statement

>> No.20071194

I don't get this. Isn't this true? Like how does this even work? Especially meditation which is supposed to be nothing, but the brain will fill up nothing with something so people go psychotic. Is any of this even rational?

>> No.20071201

Terrible take

>> No.20071314

You just stop desiring. That's the point. You just stop desiring.
>but that takes a lot of hard work
Why do you think monasticism exists?

>meditation which is supposed to be nothing
Buddhism completely rejects the idea of "nothing". The Buddha spent a lot of time arguing this point.

>> No.20071334

>What even is Zen, some sub-brance of Mahayana
Zen is the Japanese form of Chan Buddhism, which is the school of Buddhism deriving from the teachings of Bodhidharma. It is a form of Buddhism focused on radical empiricism, subitism (tl;dr the view that spiritual growth happens in discrete, so called "sudden", moments rather than subtle accumulation), and a hardcore focus on meditation. This puts it in opposition to the more scholastic Huayan, and the more soteriological Pure Land traditions of China. All three are VERY Chinese, but in varying ways. Whereas Huayan is focused on monism, Chan is more interested in opposition between extremes, and Pure Land is ultimately just taking the relationship that the Chinese have with their Gods and importing it into Buddhism.

>how to start meditating
Sit down and watch your breath.

>> No.20071360

I didnt know what that meant until I zoned out today. I had a heckin nice mediation on formless non perception.
Didnt want anything.

>> No.20071374

Jeff Bezos now owns everything you used to.
And he says in his bald enlightened gaze.
"Thank you"
And you smile.
Wow dudes. See ya on good reads. What a good deal.

>> No.20071435

Screenshotted. Epic post, my guy

>> No.20071473

>Zen is focused on radical empiricism
stopped reading right there

>> No.20071493

>le clever meta GOTCHA!

>> No.20071911

"Desire" is a bit of a poor translation of the Pali word "tanha" or "trsna" in Sanskrit. A better translation would be "craving." The Buddha does outline positive or appropriate forms of desire, such as the desire to seek enlightenment, the desire to meditate, etc.

>> No.20071967
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>Spirit Science
Thanks for reminding me of Jordan Deez existence.

>> No.20072435

Are there any decent mahayana/vajryana podcasts? It seems most buddhist podcasts are focused on the theravada and I've had my fill of that, otherwise there's RWDS but it's dead and their discussions are all over the place and dwell too much on owning da libs.

>> No.20072778
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>> No.20072781
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>> No.20072793

Good Satan worshipper.

>> No.20072806

>is white
>believes in oriental ethnoreligion
love laughing at larpers

>> No.20072809

>spiritual tribalism

this thread

>> No.20072845

The most disgusting thing about Buddhism is I have never seen a single worthwhile piece of Buddhist art or literature worth reading. It really is a perfect reflection of the Chinese as a whole - sterile, decadent, lifeless.

>> No.20072940

Buddhists will never recover from this.

>> No.20072971
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This is a Jain board.

>> No.20072981

Buddhism shits on art, since art is a the entertaining creation of non-enlightened hedonists

>> No.20073015

Buddism will keep rising on /lit/ since there's a plenty of Christian LARPers here, and Buddhism is one of the things that is very effective at making them seethe.

It's a natural reaction in this ecosystem.

>> No.20073180

Why couldn't you mix Buddhist philosophy with Christian principles ? But then again I'm not entirely Christian ethier , I sin by fornicating with women so I'm a little bit Satanist too , oh no what am I!?

>> No.20073218

ikkyu was a poet but not a zen master.
emulating others will not bring enlightenment anyway.
and yes that goes for the buddha copier meditation worshippers too.

>> No.20073228

where do I start with Vajrayana, which I could incorporate into my life?

>> No.20073246

have sex

>> No.20073315

Exquisite bait.

>> No.20073453

Have you guys read Brahmana Sutta?

>> No.20073458

A real human bean

>> No.20073482

>everyone is born a perfect Christian
Then literally what was the point of original sin and Christ's sacrifice?

>> No.20073506

>these jews didn't like that jew so they're not jews and he's not a jew and we wuz jews

>> No.20073539


christianity is a jewish invention made for goyims, especially the ones at the bottom of the roman hierarchy, ie women and the poor

>> No.20073560
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Buddhism is nihilism, it is analogous to Platonism and any other wochsein dependant 'philosophy'. Christianity is a Magian cult which cannot be fully comprehended by any modern Westerner

>> No.20073647

modern /lit/ has to have an average iq of like 90 with replies like these

>> No.20073873
File: 410 KB, 2000x2000, iq per board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think again.

>> No.20073925

/fit/ is way too high and /biz/ is filled with Poos shilling their shitty coins

>> No.20074034

Every board here has the same iq as /x/.

>> No.20074726

Thanks for proving my point, notice how I said modern, that's a word meaning present and current. Your image is old.

>> No.20074989

the ontological goal is to remove all false identifications of self, the desire to stop desiring is just a stepping stone. eventually you stop caring about that too

>> No.20075128


>> No.20075636

I'm sorry what was the methodology for this thing?

>> No.20075652

epic xD

>> No.20075665

all completely false. nice job

>> No.20075675

checking these slots

>> No.20077012

Okay, so they already wrote it about, but there's no answer anyways. Interesting.

>> No.20077117

If everyone was Buddhist (a.k.a lazy dumb ass) literally nothing would get done and, furthermore, the entire drama of human history would have never played out. Such a cop-out philosophy.

>> No.20077328

It has an answer.

>> No.20077506

satan worship, known for its asceticism.

>> No.20077509

>preventing the needless chaos and destruction of human history is bad
What did he mean by this?

>> No.20077526

My race has the spark of the creator, we cannot help but be exceptional pupils made in His image and push forward to explore this beautiful creation. You may not understand as a prerequisite to do so is having a soul.

>> No.20077540

niggers don't have souls anon

>> No.20077547

Quite agree. The relevance of this?

>> No.20077585

listen, i was just trying to be nice, but i try not to speak to the help, run along now

>> No.20077596

You don't use punctuation, capitalization, or speak in greater than two syllable words. You're not fooling anyone. You're a nigger, or have a niggered brain. There is no way to distinguish through online interaction alone.

>> No.20077603


>> No.20077620

>My race
Your race but not (you) personally though. You only contribute hate, discord among men and sitting on your ass in front of a computer.

>> No.20077631

>Your race but not (you) personally though.
My fathers, my sons, their sons. That's how a race works. Glad to educate you on the matter, son.

>> No.20077709

No it doesnt. You contribute nothing. Stop riding on other peoples accomplishment.

>> No.20077921

I cringe at the thumb nails and voice too much to sit through 10 seconds of that garbage that is perhaps well researched for all I dont know.

>> No.20078066

Sorry, I only do Neutral

>> No.20078078
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Some Buddhist /lit/ charts from the last thread.

>> No.20078082
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>> No.20078107
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>> No.20078406

What's with the Xs?

>> No.20078466

"And what is continued existence?
Katamo ca, bhikkhave, bhavo?

There are these three states of existence.
Tayome, bhikkhave, bhavā—

Existence in the sensual realm, the realm of luminous form, and the formless realm.
kāmabhavo, rūpabhavo, arūpabhavo.

This is called continued existence.
Ayaṃ vuccati, bhikkhave, bhavo."

>> No.20078495

Saṁyutta Nikāya
Connected Discourses on Causation

12.23. Proximate Cause

At Sāvatthī. “Bhikkhus, I say that the destruction of the taints is for one who knows and sees, not for one who does not know and does not see. For one who knows what, for one who sees what, does the destruction of the taints come about? ‘Such is form, such its origin, such its passing away; such is feeling … such is perception … such are volitional formations … such is consciousness, such its origin, such its passing away’: it is for one who knows thus, for one who sees thus, that the destruction of the taints comes about.

“I say, bhikkhus, that the knowledge of destruction in regard to destruction has a proximate cause; it does not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for the knowledge of destruction? It should be said: liberation.

“I say, bhikkhus, that liberation too has a proximate cause; it does not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for liberation? It should be said: dispassion.

“I say, bhikkhus, that dispassion too has a proximate cause; it does not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for dispassion? It should be said: revulsion.

“I say, bhikkhus, that revulsion too has a proximate cause; it does not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for revulsion? It should be said: the knowledge and vision of things as they really are.

“I say, bhikkhus, that the knowledge and vision of things as they really are too has a proximate cause; it does not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for the knowledge and vision of things as they really are? It should be said: concentration.

“I say, bhikkhus, that concentration too has a proximate cause; it does not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for concentration? It should be said: happiness.

“I say, bhikkhus, that happiness too has a proximate cause; it does not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for happiness? It should be said: tranquillity.

“I say, bhikkhus, that tranquillity too has a proximate cause; it does not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for tranquillity? It should be said: rapture.

“I say, bhikkhus, that rapture too has a proximate cause; it does not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for rapture? It should be said: gladness.

“I say, bhikkhus, that gladness too has a proximate cause; it does not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for gladness? It should be said: faith.

“I say, bhikkhus, that faith too has a proximate cause; it does not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for faith? It should be said: suffering.

“I say, bhikkhus, that suffering too has a proximate cause; it does not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for suffering? It should be said: birth.

>> No.20078499


“I say, bhikkhus, that birth too has a proximate cause; it does not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for birth? It should be said: existence.

“I say, bhikkhus, that existence too has a proximate cause; it does not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for existence? It should be said: clinging.

“I say, bhikkhus, that clinging too has a proximate cause; it does not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for clinging? It should be said: craving.

“I say, bhikkhus, that craving too has a proximate cause; it does not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for craving? It should be said: feeling.

“For feeling, it should be said: contact. For contact: the six sense bases. For the six sense bases: name-and-form. For name-and-form: consciousness. For consciousness: volitional formations.

“I say, bhikkhus, that volitional formations too have a proximate cause; they do not lack a proximate cause. And what is the proximate cause for volitional formations? It should be said: ignorance.

“Thus, bhikkhus, with ignorance as proximate cause, volitional formations come to be; with volitional formations as proximate cause, consciousness; with consciousness as proximate cause, name-and-form; with name-and-form as proximate cause, the six sense bases; with the six sense bases as proximate cause, contact; with contact as proximate cause, feeling; with feeling as proximate cause, craving; with craving as proximate cause, clinging; with clinging as proximate cause, existence; with existence as proximate cause, birth; with birth as proximate cause, suffering; with suffering as proximate cause, faith; with faith as proximate cause, gladness; with gladness as proximate cause, rapture; with rapture as proximate cause, tranquillity; with tranquillity as proximate cause, happiness; with happiness as proximate cause, concentration; with concentration as proximate cause, the knowledge and vision of things as they really are; with the knowledge and vision of things as they really are as proximate cause, revulsion; with revulsion as proximate cause, dispassion; with dispassion as proximate cause, liberation; with liberation as proximate cause, the knowledge of destruction.

“Just as, bhikkhus, when rain pours down in thick droplets on a mountain top, the water flows down along the slope and fills the cleft, gullies, and creeks; these being full fill up the pools; these being full fill up the lakes; these being full fill up the streams; these being full fill up the rivers; and these being full fill up the great ocean; so too, with ignorance as proximate cause, volitional formations come to be; with volitional formations as proximate cause, consciousness … with liberation as proximate cause, the knowledge of destruction.”

>> No.20078503

Numbered Discourses 10
1. Benefits

2. Making a Wish

“Mendicants, an ethical person, who has fulfilled ethical conduct, need not make a wish: ‘May I have no regrets!’ It’s only natural that an ethical person has no regrets. When you have no regrets you need not make a wish: ‘May I feel joy!’ It’s only natural that joy springs up when you have no regrets. When you feel joy you need not make a wish: ‘May I experience rapture!’ It’s only natural that rapture arises when you’re joyful. When your mind is full of rapture you need not make a wish: ‘May my body become tranquil!’ It’s only natural that your body becomes tranquil when your mind is full of rapture. When your body is tranquil you need not make a wish: ‘May I feel bliss!’ It’s only natural to feel bliss when your body is tranquil. When you feel bliss you need not make a wish: ‘May my mind be immersed in samādhi!’ It’s only natural for the mind to be immersed in samādhi when you feel bliss. When your mind is immersed in samādhi you need not make a wish: ‘May I truly know and see!’ It’s only natural to truly know and see when your mind is immersed in samādhi. When you truly know and see you need not make a wish: ‘May I become disillusioned and dispassionate!’ It’s only natural to become disillusioned and dispassionate when you truly know and see. When you’re disillusioned and dispassionate you need not make a wish: ‘May I realize the knowledge and vision of freedom!’ It’s only natural to realize the knowledge and vision of freedom when you’re disillusioned and dispassionate.

And so, mendicants, the knowledge and vision of freedom is the purpose and benefit of disillusionment and dispassion. Disillusionment and dispassion is the purpose and benefit of truly knowing and seeing. Truly knowing and seeing is the purpose and benefit of immersion. Immersion is the purpose and benefit of bliss. Bliss is the purpose and benefit of tranquility. Tranquility is the purpose and benefit of rapture. Rapture is the purpose and benefit of joy. Joy is the purpose and benefit of not having regrets. Not having regrets is the purpose and benefit of skillful ethics. And so, mendicants, good qualities flow on and fill up from one to the other, for going from the near shore to the far shore.”

>> No.20078574

based and got all pagan larpers seething

>> No.20078587

>desire is... LE BAD
Yikes! Did this fucking cringelord ever stop to think that he was completely retarded? Oh desiring bad you know what the solution is? Not existing, which is really ignoring the problem. What a fucking idiot, to think there are actual buddhists that's fucking cringe.

>> No.20078597

>average IQ of 147
The IQ metric literally breaks down past 1 standard deviation. The whole point is it judges individuals compared to a constant average which it does not do well when that difference is large.

>> No.20078623


>> No.20078781

it's minimalist, straightforward and action oriented compared to hinduism

>> No.20078973

What operating system would Buddhism be?
What operating system would Hinduism be?

>> No.20078994


>> No.20078998
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>> No.20079008

Dunno. I got these from another anon in the previous thread. Maybe they were books he had already gotten or read.

>> No.20079088

Manjaro (especially as it is currently, not even Enlightenment)

>> No.20079138

Stupid bitch

>> No.20079182
File: 10 KB, 220x272, SchopenhauerSupremeDRIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The types of threads and Anons on 4chen
Angutara Nikaya 4.132 Eloquence
“Mendicants, these four people are found in the world. What four?
1. One who speaks on topic, but not fluently.
2. One who speaks fluently, but not on topic.
3. One who speaks on topic and fluently.
4. One who speaks neither on topic nor fluently.
These are the four people found in the world.”
4.133 One Who Understands Immediately
“Mendicants, these four people are found in the world. What four? One who understands
immediately, one who understands after detailed explanation, one who needs personal
training, and one who merely learns by rote. These are the four people found in the world.”

>> No.20079193
File: 171 KB, 360x360, KhanSuperNooseAndPhone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that you recognize me,
here are the types of Anons in these threads
4.139 Dhamma Speakers
“Mendicants, there are these four Dhamma speakers. What four?
One Dhamma speaker speaks little and off topic. And their assembly can’t tell what’s on
topic and what’s off topic. Such an assembly regards such a Dhamma speaker simply as a
Dhamma speaker.
One Dhamma speaker speaks little but stays on topic. And their assembly can tell what’s on
topic and what’s off topic. Such an assembly regards such a Dhamma speaker simply as a
Dhamma speaker.
One Dhamma speaker speaks much but off topic. And their assembly can’t tell what’s on
topic and what’s off topic. Such an assembly regards such a Dhamma speaker simply as a
Dhamma speaker.
One Dhamma speaker speaks much and stays on topic. And their assembly can tell what’s on
topic and what’s off topic. Such an assembly regards such a Dhamma speaker simply as a
Dhamma speaker.
These are the four Dhamma speakers.”
4.140 Speaker
“Mendicants, there are these four speakers. What four?
1. There’s a speaker who runs out of meaningful things to say, but not of ways of
phrasing things.
2. There’s a speaker who runs out of ways of phrasing things, but not of meaningful
things to say.
3. There’s a speaker who runs out of both meaningful things to say, and ways of
phrasing things.
4. There’s a speaker who never runs out of meaningful things to say, or ways of
phrasing things.
These are the four speakers. It is impossible, it cannot happen that someone accomplished
in the four kinds of textual analysis will ever run out of meaningful things to say, or ways of
phrasing things.”

>> No.20079958

Why do Buddhists accept Siddhartha's teaching on the afterlife, if he just inherited the basic concepts from books and traditions that you don't believe are authoritative, or inspired? On what basis should one accept the reality of teachings on these matters, if he is just basing it off of pre-Buddhist traditions of men?

>> No.20080683
File: 76 KB, 1100x578, 3a4ed18a-f821-4f95-bb2b-1b57587f29bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>larpy buddhism will keep millions from considering Islam

>> No.20081108

the whole point of the fall is satan rebelled and tempted eve

>> No.20083128
File: 19 KB, 240x243, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20083138

>I used to be ____ but now I'm Christian!
Always with this pathetic pilpul.

>> No.20083151

Buddhists also believe you can levitate with magic so who cares.

>> No.20083227


>> No.20084186

If you post on 4chan you still have desire.