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/lit/ - Literature

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20064271 No.20064271 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys talk about /lit/ things without being seen as pretentious and weird? People always ask you what your favorite books, music, films are and people are always weirded out when you start listing 1930s German films, Monteverdi, and Czesław Miłosz. Like every time it just stops the conversation and they get weirded out and I'm a great conversationalist. It's got to the point where I might just start just saying normie shit to fit in

>> No.20064285
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>People always ask you what your favorite books, music, films are
No one has ever asked me that.

>> No.20064291

I don't. When I used to begin conversations about my passion for literature I would unfailingly get a response from the person that they felt bad that they weren't reading enough and that they really wanted to read more. They'd immediately turn into apologetic messes, and that's both cringe and boring for both of us.

The things you mention are pretentious and weird and you will never find common ground on them with the normies. That is literally what being a patrician means.

With that said, yes of course, you should speak about normie shit with shitty normies, there is no reason to wilfully be an autist when you have the opportunity not to be.

>> No.20064310

>People always ask you
A comment like that on this forum will be seen as humblebragging. ("Although I possess a rich inner life I can move with ease and aplomb through the normie world. I have many conversations daily with people outside my immediate family. Some of them are members of the opposite sex.")

>> No.20064314

Don't be a coward. Just throw out the lure and see who bites. You should be able to make an educated guess about how well read someone is and go from there. There is nothing weird about someone asking you what you like to read and you telling them. Obviously don't blast illiterate normals with esoteric shit, it's not difficult to talk about what you like. If they aren't familiar keep it broad.

>> No.20064324

>I'm a great conversationalist
it took me 4 sentences to realize that this is not true, start from there

>> No.20064325

>when you start listing 1930s German films, Monteverdi, and Czesław Miłosz.
thank you for letting us know

>> No.20064347

Give appropriate answers to appropriate audiences. Any time someone asks you for a recommendation, they are really asking what they would like more than what you would like. Or they may be trying to learn more about you, in which case you can answer honestly or, following the above, give an answer the questioner would like.

>> No.20064505

I'm a 23 year old kissless virgin incel who has no friends but I still go to school and people have conversations with you

>> No.20064508

How do you know?

>> No.20064542

If they're normies, I try to talk about philosophy in everyday terms and reference points, and I try to make it relevant for cultivating common sense.

If they're well-read and we share an overlap in intellectual interests, then I jump to that. But I often go "up" or "down" the levels of reality.

Obviously, some topics are more conducive for certain mediums than others, but theoretically you should be able to talk about anything within any "code" provided that you and the interlocutor are skilled, knowledgeable, and willing enough to have the conversation.
>t. soft Sapir-Whorf guy who loves Leibniz and the Socratic Dialogues

>> No.20064548

Because a great conversationalist would effortlessly make even a normie feel at ease with not knowing some random esoterica and move on to a more interesting topic.

>> No.20064577

It's not talking about topics I would never talk about topics with normies. It's when they ask you your favorite media. They're expecting you to say like John Wick or Pulp Fiction at most and when you say your favorite movie is Prästänkan they just get very weirded out. I've done it so many times now it's the same reaction every time.

>> No.20064585

I literally do that. I usually end it with "Yeah I know people think it's pretentious but you like what you like right?" and then ask them about them. It's only weird for that few seconds

>> No.20064588

Could you sue the family for the cost of the ammunition in pic related?

>> No.20064591

That's a good question actually. I think yes but they would have to be dead or they could counter sue

>> No.20064599

that is an atrocious segue.

>> No.20064616

It works pretty good for me. What do you recommend?

>> No.20064628

Legal fees would make you lucky to break even.

>> No.20064660

>People have conversations with you
Yeah fuck off normalfag

>> No.20064703

This. A lot of people feel somewhat intimidated when encountering someone who is confident in their interests and reading habits, regardless of how weird they might outwardly appear. Some might attack you for being pretentious, others might voice regret at not reading enough- both reactions are actually just manifestations of the same thing, which is insecurity in the face of someone who is unashamed about what they like. Just own your passions and don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks.

>> No.20064724

most people actually care if you care enough to explain a bit why you like the stuff you like without being dismissive of other people tastes. If someone asks you it's because they want to find a commn ground with you, and if it's not the exact thing, the reasons might be enough. Of course if you say my favoruite booke si Ride the Tiger cause I can't stand to live in modern society there might be problems.

It's not what you say it's how you say it.

>> No.20064733

How can you say it works well and make a thread like this? You are an idiot.

>> No.20064746

What do you mean? I'm trying to not make it weird in the first place so I don't have to say anything like that

>> No.20064804

This nigga used the word “aplomb” lmfao

>> No.20064952

Not my problem. Not your problem. You can also give them your "entry tier" favorites.

>> No.20064968


>> No.20064972

But if they're patrician now you look like the normie

>> No.20064978

>when you say your favorite movie is Prästänkan they just get very weirded out
I would talk w u abt it anon...

>> No.20064984

Are you cute and where do you live?

>> No.20064993

>I might just start just saying normie shit to fit in
Do that. Unless you're around other artfags anything not immediately known to the general populace will alienate and ostracize you

>> No.20065001

It's a Catch 22 If I say entry level shit to a patrician I look like a dumb normie retard but If I say patrician shit to a normie I look like a pretentious faggot. There is no winning huh friend

>> No.20065027

It's just a matter of reading the room and knowing your surroundings, the vast majority of people you interact with anywhere are normies unless you're in film school/club or some other art school situation

>> No.20065044

Good. I'm filtering out both the racists and the SJWs.

>> No.20065051

Always a risk one takes.
This. You can also deliver it in a way that implies you like other things too without being too much of a pretentious faggot. It's an art.

>> No.20065059

>This. You can also deliver it in a way that implies you like other things too without being too much of a pretentious faggot. It's an art.
Teach me brother

>> No.20065153

You have to actually have a broad understanding of all works and an understanding of the works they treasure so that you can connect your "strange" love with their familiar one through degrees of similarity. These conversations are an exchange of experiential history. Like if I was trying to explain Faust to zoomer Christians I would start by drawing the parallel to Job. Then I'd explain how it differs from Job. All of this has to be as succint as possible. Even the weirdest art has pale shades in the normie sphere. If you can't see the threads then you don't know either works well enough.

Being well read is not a matter of pretentiousness. It is supposed to expand your connective potential, not isolate you. It gives you more keys to the doors of life. Only retards think in terms of walls. Everyone shuts down when they encounter something foreign. It's your job using your vast knowledge to blaze a trail between your unknown to their known territory.

>> No.20065172

No disrespect but this sounds like it would weird them out even more brother

>> No.20065239

Usually that happens when I talk about music, when I say I like metal people think I enjoy Linkin Park when its something closer to Hate Forest I say I like I like punk people think Green Day when I mean something like Chaos UK, electronic/industrial people think NIN when its closer to something like Rasthof Dachau (don't ask), or jazz and they think Kenny G and I'm all about Sonny Sharrock or Peter Brotzmann or classical and they think Yo Yo Ma when I mean Karlheinz Stockhausen or Steve Reich. I think you get the point but yeah its tiresome

>> No.20065243

Do, reflect, do, reflect, do, reflect. That's the only way.

>> No.20065250

Then why the fuck would you care to interact with them? The situation is the normie approaches you first and asks the question. You aren't cold approaching someone and evangelizing about something they've never heard of before. You're answering their question without being insincere and making an effort to give them some familiarity with it.

>> No.20065259

How should I respond instead of the usual drivel? I suppose I might react in a similar manner since there's quite a great deal of books and genres out there. I do feel sadden by such a missed opportunity to have experienced the same content to be able to connect and bond through one another beyond the physical plane and into the astral. Such feelings would surely lead to an apologetic mess, but how shall one recover before the room goes sour? Is it possible? Would you want one to? What's the appropriate response here?

>> No.20065267

I want to fit in but I also don't want to be a beta who has to act like a pleb to fit in. I wonder now if the poster in the first few posts was right and it was just me

>> No.20065269

Talk about it earnestly and know your audience. Understand they have little knowledge of literature so down overwhelm them or seem condescending. Just say interesting things you’ve read but don’t say you read them unless asked where you got that

>> No.20065277

another thing that separated me from the normies growing up is that I never truly had an interest in handegg or basketball or sports in general (maybe NASCAR, skateboarding, soccer, winter games shit, offbeat stuff I guess) and never figured out how rules worked in those sports (I've pretty much outed myself as a geek here who did poorly in physical education) and it never held my interest but I faked it for the longest time and I sort of feel bad for deceiving these friends of mine just so I didn't weird them out or anything. I also never had a best friend growing up and drifted from peer group to peer group and never got a proper footing because I was the "annoying weird kid" sigh...

>> No.20065280

Look, if you don't fit then maybe you don't belong? The rejection and repulsion doesn't have to be a failure it can be viewed as a message to seek a different environment.

>> No.20065303

by great conversationalist you mean peak confident posturing and intonation of your voice, rather than just a sly master manipulator of ones words?

>> No.20065311

yes exactly. definitely my problem

>> No.20065331

Love this post

>> No.20065343

Beautifully put, however I don't know if such a being exists really. Have you met one so wise? I have not that's for sure. It would be like talking to someone particular in television, specifically Star Wars and somehow from that connecting a bridge to the great literary works that we know here. All of that without a single break in the pathway and allowing the elevation of both parties without any consent from the other, only the misdirection from the speaker.

>> No.20065400
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Picrel is Jonah Hill's list of his "favorite films." They are almost certainly not his favorite films for reasons I'm sure you can guess. The point I want to make is this list has something for everyone. Obscure kino, dumb fun, weirdness, and Oscar winners. When you're talking to someone about an intense interest you have that they might casually share as is the case with books, music, tv/film, you got to give them something like this so as not to completely alienate them

>> No.20065415

about 15 dollars

>> No.20065442

The only movie I love that could fit that is Don't Be a Menace

>> No.20065465

>A comment like that on this forum will be seen as humblebragging.
The day you start caring about what 4chan thinks is the day you should stop going to 4chan.

>> No.20065491

That’s not a catch 22, anon.

>> No.20065494


>> No.20065500

More of a music buff than movie buff but that's nightmare difficulty for me

>> No.20065511

Down into the depths of myth, up into the diverging ports, noted where they diverge. Simple as. Not nearly as complex or difficult as you are making it out to be. If they don't have a mythological base you omit the origin and focus on the divergence as the starting point.

>> No.20065585

just say my bloody valentine, van halen, and nirvana or wu tang and ur good

>> No.20065799

>there is no reason to wilfully be an autist when you have the opportunity not to be.
this lol
literally just choose not to be autistic

>> No.20066034

What are your favorite books, movies and music anon?

>> No.20066057

Literally just ask questions that make you seem interested in what they're talking about, you hardly need to volunteer information about yourself.
>No, I haven't had the chance to see/read/listen to that. Is it any good?
>is it like X thing or Y thing?
>what was the best part of it?

>> No.20066059

>OP got bullied by the CIA datamining threads
They just want to know the age of your bussy, you faggot. Nobody's there to start a conversation.

>> No.20066118

My favourite moobie/book choices are based but I do have to hide my musicional power level most of the time

>> No.20066466
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>How do you guys talk about /lit/ things without being seen as pretentious...

Monologically, by being the performer, and the chorus, without pretending anything.

>...people are always weirded out...
>Like every time it just stops the conversation and they get weirded out...

Every perspective is uniquely simple, as every person is weirdly complex; nonpersons get "weirded out" because they are not converted.

>> No.20066829

>How do you guys talk about /lit/ things without being seen as pretentious and weird?
You can't control what other people think, OP. If you like something, and want to talk about it, just start talking about. They'll make of it what they make of it.
>Yeah I know people think it's pretentious but you like what you like right?
How do you know that? Does being seen as pretentious and weird bother you? If so, why?

>> No.20066896

Surely the winner of the case can push the legal fees onto the loser, or else what's the point of winning?

>> No.20068163
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yeah it's a bit tricky. i mean i never lie or try to hide my powerlevel but i don't really try to force things either and just feel people out and if it comes up naturally in conversation i will kinda talk about something i like but try to keep things more subjective i.e why i relate to x or what i like about x. main thing is don't spaghetti about art and culture to people who are not interested.

i'll sometimes cushion things in self deprecating jokes about myself being a tryhard nerd but i'm usually joking around a lot anyway.

the other thing is to genuinely not feel superior or judgmental of people who have more normie taste. like, actually realizing that listening to some obscure drone artist or reading a postmodern doorstopper literally does not make you better than anyone else. this is the thing that actually requires work as most of us edgelords really pride ourselves on our taste and stake so much of our personality on the art and culture that we enjoy. but, if you have these attitudes they will come through in a way that is distasteful to people and rightfully so.

>> No.20068169
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>I'm a great conversationalist

fpbp, based apuposter

>> No.20069365

If you are such a good conversationalist, you should know that mentioning obscure media is detrimental to a conversation since the average person won't be able to relate to it.
My favourite movie is a bizarre fever dream puppet movie but you won't caught me mentioning it to anyone.