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20057274 No.20057274 [Reply] [Original]

Worth a read?

>> No.20057329

Yeah but the design of that particular hardcover edition is annoying on the shelf.

>> No.20057528


Why is that guy in white dressed up likr a brit

>> No.20057547

It's Kim Il Sung and according to the book it's a propaganda painting titled "Worrying About a Warrior's Health" by Chong Kyu-taek

>> No.20057553
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Check out The Aquariums of Pyongyang.

>> No.20058782

Is The Gulag Archipelago worth reading, while we're on the subject?

>> No.20058915

I don't believe these faggots, it's more likely that we're the real North Korea.

>> No.20058958

It's crazy how successful they've been at getting people to not see this.

>> No.20059110

redpill me on north korea

>> No.20059400

Yes but all 3 not the abridged one

>> No.20060120

>Stalinist style dictatorship based on hereditary rule
>all the industrialization was in the north so they had a head start after the war
>SK's rise (was one of the greatest economic successes of the 20th century)
>NK wanned due to poor management and the fall of the Soviet Union almost collapsed their government
OP's book describes:
>the racial ideology of NK
>Juche is largely external propaganda meant for the West
>it triggered a lot of Koreans because racial ideology is also a big part of the South and is largely ignored
Koreans (north and south) are probably the most racist people on the planet. Their ethnic nationalism is frequently compared to a civic religion. If you ever date a Korean you'll notice it in things they do and say. See link below.


>> No.20060130

Everything written for the West about the experience inside of NK is propaganda

>> No.20060138

>If you ever date a Korean you'll notice it in things they do and say.

>> No.20060140
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Read Kim Il-Sung

>> No.20060142

kim dindu nuffin

>> No.20060162
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Are there problems? Yes. Compared to the US? A paradise.

>> No.20060195

They consistently insult based Nippon even thought they shamelessly rip off Japanese culture.

>> No.20060232

Unironically most of these books are western propaganda that take advantage 1) the lack of any real knowledge the general public has about North Korea, 2) fears of le hungry hammer, 3) widespread racist beliefs about asians being homogenous bug hivemind.
Remember that we are still literally at war with North Korea and they have practically zero means to refute any sort of slander.

>> No.20060284

>Unironically most of these books are western propaganda
Its not slander. People are aware of communist countries being shit holes. You're shabbos goy that defends a Korean midget for free.

>> No.20060286

No it is literally fiction

>> No.20060302

>1) the lack of any real knowledge the general public has about North Korea,
North Korea is the only country in the world that deliberately forces people to not connect to the global internet and does not allow foreigners to view the country. It doesn't even allow people born in the country to leave. Clearly, retard, that alone is a red flag to confirm North Korea is seriously a fucked up country like East Germany. North Korea shoots people who try to escape. But a stupid, dumb heeb like yourself thinks everything must be fine and nothing is happening or unusual about it. Nah, just being a complete hermit, more restricted then some war torn countries like Syria clearly means North Korea is clearly perfectly okay and fine country. As we know, countries that hide what they do are totally innocent and are not of any wrong doing. You communists are such stupid shabbos goys. Literal kike, subhuman IQ having people. You don't even realize how retarded you sound when you make these arguments.

>> No.20060305
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The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital are Talmudic fiction. The Gulag Archipelago isn't.

>> No.20060349

>thinks everything must be fine and nothing is happening or unusual about it.
I never said this. Of course its a very poor country and considering its literally at war with the rest of the world it is also uses very authoritarian means of control.
>It doesn't even allow people born in the country to leave.
North Koreans can visit China.
>does not allow foreigners to view the country.
They generally do, recently this has been closed off because of COVID but especially Chinese citizens or Zainichi Koreans have been allowed to visit North Korea on a more lax basis than western tourists.
Remember that they are literally at war with the western world and their recent history is being completely torn apart in the Korean War and pillaging from Japan.

>> No.20060364

>it’s da jooz
No one tell this /pol/tard the demographics of North Korea, his brain will 404 when he realizes there are no Jews there

>> No.20060369

Yeah, and if that interests you you will probably also be interested in Mao's Great Famine by Dikotter.

>> No.20060370

>forces people to not connect to the global internet and does not allow foreigners to view the country
Nothing wrong with this.

>> No.20060382

Dude North Korea has an explicit racial focus and they absolutely hate jews. Why do you think the western media hates them so much?
They get praise by actual 'nazis'.

>> No.20060386


Only if you're planning to write an academic piece. If not, and you just want to get an idea of what it was like in the Gulag, go for Varlam shalamov's writings.


No, read Andrei Lankov instead. He is incredibly well-versed in North Korean socio-politics and makes Myers seem like a first-year student.

>> No.20060414

You aren't thoughtful for thinking everything is propaganda. You're just retarded. Go to Google maps and have a look at the concentration camps for yourself retard.

>> No.20060464

A friend of mine was acquaintances with some guy who studied North Korean literature at a university in North Korea (they met in China). He went around wearing the black uniform with a pin of Kim Jong-un and was completely serious about it. Anyway, he was eventually arrested by the Ministry of State Security and forced to confess to a bunch of espionage charges over the course of a few months.

In short, you're a complete moron if you think North Korea is in any way a normal country that the West has to broadly mischaracterize. It isn't the 1960s anymore retard.

>> No.20060465

keep saving the world, whiteoid, your country is flawless so all there is for you to do is complain about foreigners that you will never interact with

>> No.20060508

I hope you don't actually believe modern day reports that North Korea banned laughing for 11 days or whatever other story that has its only source as "an anonymous source told RFA". Obviously North Korea isn't a great country but you're pretending that the US hasn't lied after the cold war which is really stupid, I'm sure you remember WMDs and similar claims.

>> No.20060518

Why resort to whataboutism and out yourself as a retard so easily? Even if I buy into it I can point out a large swath of my country isn't starving and I have 0 fear of being disappeared because a government official needs to meet an arrest quota.

You're dumb.

>> No.20060519

>I never said this. Of course its a very poor country and considering its literally at war with the rest of the world it is also uses very authoritarian means of control.
Its not at "war" with the West, you retard. The west hasn't bombed North Korea since the 50s, you dumb nigger. That's just the lies the KIms says to keep his grip on power. NK is a Hermit Kingdom.
>North Koreans can visit China.
Actually, no, North Koreans are deported back all the time from China.
>They generally do
No, they absolutely do not. Foreigners have always been restricted and no go anywhere in the country without a guide. This an utter lie. How dumb are you, kike?

>> No.20060520
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>that our nation's leaders want you to read

>> No.20060529
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Japan gets nuked twice, and has one most advanced countries in the world. North Korea suffers some well deserved bombing for staging an aggressive invasion of South Korea... and are still suffering from it? This is basically the excuse niggers use for slavery when pretty much every race has experienced slavery, colonization and are more advanced than them.

>> No.20060531

I told a specific story linked to someone I know personally. Being aware that propaganda exists doesn't make you a critical thinker retard. Learn to discriminate media and don't project your simplistic nonsense onto others faggot.

>> No.20060539

North Korea is a marxist shit hole; the don't hate Jews, they are Jews
>They get praise by actual 'nazis'.
Wignats are feds, nazis don't even exist anymore you dumb libtard

>> No.20060543
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>North Korea is seriously a fucked up country like East Germany.

>> No.20060552

>He says this while he uses a site North Koreans can't even use
Yeah, its perfectly okay for the government to own all means of communication, like Marx said in the Manifesto, bro. Just let the shabbos goys surrender any ability to criticize and replace their leaders. That's what the goy really need. A stern dictatorship. No, we judeo-communists aren't insanely retarded.

>> No.20060563

The blurb is easy for retards to make fun of but it's there because that edition came out just after Bush removed red tape for North Korean asylum seekers (and cited the book in an interview about it...he later invited the author to the White House).

>> No.20060564

>Marxists kikes defending a country that made built walls to keep people from escaping starving
No wonder the Jews are in control. There's so many low IQ people they can manipulate into being useful idiots for them.

>> No.20060578

propaganda, into the trash it goes

>> No.20060582

Isolated Third world country that tried to open itself to the global market and establish peaceful relations to the south but gets cockblocked by the same global power that annihilated their country and tried to eliminate their civilization by starvation. You can guess who that power is. Everything else about NK is merely symptomatic of this.

>> No.20060587

>Its not at "war" with the West
I'm sure the west is very interested in peaceful co-existence with such a country.
Back when John Bolton was in power, he said that the US was interested in pursuing the Libya Model with North Korea.
Do you know what the Libya Model is? The US said that Gaddafi had to give up his pursuit of nuclear weapons for peace. He did, and Libya was promptly destabilized and brought from a country with the highest standard of living in Africa to an impoverished war-torn mess. That is what John Bolton said he wants to see happen with North Korea, and you're saying that the West is longing for peace or something.
>Actually, no, North Koreans are deported back all the time from China.
Mexicans get deported from the US all the time, that doesn't mean they can't still visit the US.
Also, I have never seen the-liberty.com before and all it sites are sensationalist South Korean media.
North Koreans in South Korea are often discriminated for their birthplace and struggle with employment, so when newspapers offer jobs for testimony they accept immediately. However, simple tales of fleeing a country don't give a stable income, so defectors need to embellish their tales to keep getting jobs. Thats how someone like Yeonmi Park can tell such increasingly fantastical stories.
>Foreigners have always been restricted and no go anywhere in the country without a guide.
Nice backpedaling.

>> No.20060589

See >>20060563. They also want you to read physics textbooks retard.

>> No.20060590

They literally eradicated any mention of that from their constitution.
>It removed mentions of Marxism–Leninism in the constitution, and constitutionalized the philosophical principle of Juche with the Workers' Party of Korea being stated to have a leading role in the country's activities.

Don't get me wrong, North Korea probably is not a fun country to live in.
They pay a high price for doing their own thing in a globalist world.
There are concentration camps, there is no free speech, no land ownership, a very planned and centralized economy.
But the country preserves its people and their identity, something many western nations don't do.
The country is basically in a state of war since the 50s.
Back then the only option was the US or the USSR, no other option.
The chose Stalinism and it influenced them, but they inherited many things from Imperial Japan too, it's all explained in the book from the OP.

>> No.20060599

>They literally changed their propaganda! They means they aren't Marxist anymore
Lmao, you shabbos goy are so easy to manipulate. Who fucking cares about their Consitution? Communists always set up fake documents like that, and never followed them. They're words on a paper. Marxists like you are kikes and liars. Your head should be put on a pike.

>> No.20060605
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>he adds this information as if it makes the book any more trustworthy

>> No.20060608

>Marxists like you are
I'm no marxist and neither is NK.
Marxism entails globalism.

I wouldn't even like to live in a country like NK, nonetheless I doesn't fit into the cold war one-dimensional spectrum of communism-capitalism anymore.

>> No.20060614

>kikes like me trustworthy
>me, the unemployed socialist bum who's too afraid to tell people who is because its easy to larp as a communist anonymously online
Case and point. Feel free to let people know who you are to make your claims. Stop hiding, nigger

>> No.20060620
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>Not real communism
etc, etc

>> No.20060623

I added the information to point out your logic is retarded. Can you provide any specific evidence that the book was commissioned by the US government? No? All you can do is say "governments engage in propaganda" and act like it's a deep insight because you're a retard.

>> No.20060624

Japan was rebuilt by the most powerful country in the world, North Korea was sanctioned by the world and only saw major trade with the USSR, China, and East Germany. Two of those countries don't exist anymore and China isn't keen on trading as much with them. Also Japan only got two cities destroyed, North Korea lost 15% of their population, all of their industry, 85% of all their buildings, etc.
>The US Air Force estimated that North Korea’s destruction was proportionately greater than that of Japan in the Second World War, where the US had turned 64 major cities to rubble and used the atomic bomb to destroy two others. American planes dropped 635,000 tons of bombs on Korea -- that is, essentially on North Korea --including 32,557 tons of napalm, compared to 503,000 tons of bombs dropped in the entire Pacific theatre of World War II.
>On 17 November 1950, General MacArthur told U.S. Ambassador to Korea John J. Muccio, "Unfortunately, this area will be left a desert." By "this area" MacArthur meant the entire area between "our present positions and the border".

>> No.20060626

two cities destroyed by atomic bomb*

>> No.20060627
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>something something da joos
Classic /pol/fag cope. At least try harder next time you shill for the CIA you disgusting mutt. You will never be white.

>> No.20060641

Well we've seen real communism and it was terrible.
Is that what you wanted to hear?
Again, North Korea is far from a 'paradise on earth', they do whatever they have to to survive.
Guess who else censored free speech? Lincoln, when he put censorship on the press during the civil war.
Guess who else put people into concentration camps? Roosevelt, when he figured the Japanese-American citizens could've been dangerous otherwise.
Drastic times, drastic measures.

>> No.20060646

>There is absolutely nothing wrong with reading glowie-approved propaganda material and taking it as factual
You need to go back.

>> No.20060650
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I don't really care about your claimed personal anecdote. Most media about North Korea is bullshit and understandably so, and that's all my original post that got your panties in such a twist was saying. You can't just be aware that propaganda exists and eat up Yeonmi Park books the next day, you have to understand where it comes from and why.

>> No.20060651

You don't have your facts straight. North Korea was economically ahead of the South as the base of industrialization was in the north. It had a huge head start that was squandered by the Kim regime and greatly suffered due to the Sino-Soviet split (and basically collapsed with the fall of the Soviet Union).

So no, the North wasn't working against fate retard.

>See The Impossible State (Victor Cha)

>> No.20060665

>Gulags are western propaganda
>"look it up on google maps bro"
holy shit

>> No.20060676

My point is you're a contrarian to the point of being simplistic. For example, you bring up Yeonmi Park as if that's my insight into North Korea but it's actually your level of insight into propaganda. Basically, you're like an autistic teenager who brings up the trail of tears at thanksgiving dinner. No shit retard, we know. We also know you're incapable of a conversation with any depth to it based on your projections and overly generalized and simplistic focus on how media works.
>Propaganda n' lies! We don like NK! Lies!
No shit retard. Try reading instead of watching bolted korean tits on Joe Rogan.

>> No.20060693

no it isn't

>> No.20060702

The Westoid thinks they're saving the world by complaining about other countries.

>> No.20060705

>North Korea was economically ahead of the South
So? That's not because the North was rich, its because Rhee was even worse. The US was still pumping millions into the South which is why it grew so quickly after in the mid-1980s.
>It had a huge head start
The Soviet Union was funding the North for sure, but nowhere near what the US pumped into the south. And again, the USSR doesn't even exist anymore while practically the rest of the world refuses to acknowledge their existence, just because you had a trading partner ~30 years ago doesn't mean you're gonna be a wealthy country rebuilding from practically the ground up.
>Victor Cha is the former Director for Asian Affairs at the National Security Council

>> No.20060713

Cry harder

>> No.20060720
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Whoa, can't believe Bush himself recommends this book. AWESOME! Take my heckin updoot already kind stranger!

>> No.20060721

>I'm sure the west is very interested in peaceful co-existence with such a country.
North Korea has begged to join the World Bank, you dumb goy. You are speaking non-sense. Libya was also a shit hole country too, and Gadafi held sex slaves. You're a dumb kike just regurgitating propaganda from RT. Its not working here. Go take this bullshit somewhere else.

>> No.20060725

He's a retard:
Yeah. Propaganda exists. Are you 16?
>It's not true
Here's the evidence.
>Whadabout your country!
My country does fucked up shit. Did you know Canada put Ukrainians in concentration camps and killed a bunch of them?
>You think you're saving the world!!
No. I know how to read.

>> No.20060739

Literally saving a North Korean life with every post while your country murders a Middle Eastern every second

>> No.20060747

>highest standard of living in Africa
Libya did not have the highest standard of living. This is how communist propaganda works. You jews, you kikes, repeat propaganda you get from either the Russian Government or the Libyan government. And then you just run with the conspiracy theory. You're so stupid. You blame the US for everything, and completely ignore the fact your mode of government is a complete and true tested failure. Its always the same meme argument
>We had a socialist utopia, the communies dindu nuffin, and then the US swooped in ruined everything
Its the same meme bullshit all the time. Complete jewish lies. There has never been a successful socialist country besides the one in Nazi Germany.
>North Koreans in South Korea are often discriminated
As they should be. They're foreigners. Why the fuck wouldn't you discriminate against someone who basically looks like a skeleton coming out the grave.

>> No.20060766

Since when was Libya communist?

>> No.20060773

Vietnam was even bombed more than North Korea and is more advanced than it. And this argument doesn't work since the Soviet and the Chinese still pump billions into that shit hole for decades and its still terrible argument.
>North Korea lost 15% of their population, all of their industry, 85% of all their buildings
Should have lost more, honestly, they were trying to spread communism. You reap what you sow. But even this argument is a meme - Vietnam suffered more, Japan suffered more and still they are more successful. It has nothing do with a war from 50 years ago. Literally country has recovered from multiple world wars from the same time period, which was more devastating, and yet you're telling me a shit hole country like North Korea couldn't even recover from that? Even Jews had it worse than the North Koreans, and they have recovered completely. Like, your argument is just fucking retarded.

>> No.20060781

Hating America and the West is not a well developed geopolitical outlook in and of itself, and braindead retards like you are optics poison to anyone who tries to bring up legitimate criticisms of Western governments. You sound childish.
Your entire worldview is rooted in the two words "America Bad"

>> No.20060783
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>That's not because the North was rich
It's because the industrial base of the country was in the North retard. It's exactly because it was rich in terms of prior development and infrastructure.
>its because Rhee was even worse.
Whaddabout! Shut up. The means of industry and development were located in the North and it was quickly patched after the war by Soviet/Sino investment.
>nowhere near what the US pumped into the south
Actually, the level of investment was comparable and the North initially had an advantage via a top-down organization in implementing investment towards development.
>the USSR doesn't even exist anymore while practically the rest of the world refuses to acknowledge their existence
Yeah, because totalitarian regimes didn't work out so well in the 20th century. NK exists on life support and still uses a platform of Cold War brinksmanship to inform its foreign policy outlook retard.
>Your source is bias!
Show me something from the book I cited that's specifically related to my argument and demonstrate why it's factually incorrect. If you can't do that shut the fuck up about sources because I've been nice enough not to point out you're completely talking out of your ass based on a misplaced bias towards The Great Eater.

>> No.20060785

Do you lack reading comprehension. The anon is clearly calling you out for campism. You dumb basedcialists do it all the time. Your politics are basically being apologists for Jewish led socialism. This is a Nazbol psyop

>> No.20060794

>Literally saving a North Korean life
By shilling, anonymously on the internet, for free, for a fat retard that eats at Mac Donalds in Switzerland, drives Roll Royce while his citizens live in mudhutts and starve.

>> No.20060798

ITT: Tankie retards engage in whataboutism

>> No.20060803

I don't know why you think I'm under the opinion that North Korea is managed perfectly or something, I freely admit its a very authoritarian country and although I understand why it spends so much on the military is still sucks a lot of their resources. And the money didn't go to nothing, North Korean life expectancy pretty good for its development level for example.

>> No.20060807

He's completely incorrect with that argument. North Korea was ahead of the South in terms of development and investment and was actually held up as exemplary of superior communist development and industry during the 50s-60s. Their infrastructure wasn't devastated by the war and they had a prior network of development to utilize which the South lacked.

This person is just a retard and doesn't actually know the history of the country.

>> No.20060811

What does complaining about NK do when there are problems to be dealt with at home?

>> No.20060815

Last time I checked nazbol entails civic nationalism as opposed to the ethno-nationalism we see going on in NK.
Can you show me a single jew that has influence in NK?
I know that in China Israel Epstein started it all, but in NK?

>> No.20060816

Why are you on a board about reading? Go volunteer in a soup kitchen or something.

>> No.20060820
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No you're missing the point. America invaded Iraq and there were no WMDs remember? They said they were and that's imperialist!
So therefore making profuse apologies for despots like Kim and defending their regime is the intellectual position. You have to become learned in geopolitics anon.

America bad so therefore Putin, Xi and Kim are all good and can fuck the world over with impunity and any criticism you make of them will be met with some reminder about the US prison population or some other retarded shit

>> No.20060825
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>Why are you on a board about reading? Go volunteer in a soup kitchen or something

>> No.20060830
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>There has never been a successful socialist country besides the one in Nazi Germany.

>> No.20060861
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i read it.
it's okay

it never goes into history of korean ethnic nationalism as is shown here

>> No.20060883
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Reminder that the DPRK is a democratic republic which allows foreigners to observe its elections.
Reminder that Kim Jong-un is a democractically elected official and is not even in the most powerful position in the government.
Reminder that the DPRK's state media has never actually claimed that any of its leaders have any extraordinary abilities.
Reminder that the DPRK has internet, and it is only limited due to logistical issues caused by sanctions, not by government policy.
Reminder that the DPRK also allows people to visit other countries, this is likewise only limited due to logistical issues.
Reminder that the DPRK is forced to put a lot of resources into its military and nuclear deterrents due to the constant threat posed by the US imperialist forces stations in occupied southern Korea.
Reminder that foreign media is not banned in the DPRK, and pop bands from the ROK sometimes perform there. In fact Kim Jong-un himself is a known fan of some bands from the ROK.
Reminder that the DPRK is suffering under crippling US sanctions, and yet is still able to provide a higher quality of life than many capitalism countries which are not sanctioned.
Reminder that during much of the 20th century, the economic strength of the DPRK was comparable to that of the ROK, only being held back now due to relentless US sanctions.
Reminder that many absurd lies about the DPRK original from ROK tabloid newspapers and are spread as fact by western imperialist media.
Reminder that the ROK has an entire industry based on lies about the DPRK, and they literally keep defectors from the DPRK captive for this purpose.
Reminder that the ROK government has admitted to having attacked the DPRK over a year before the DPRK retaliated and "started" the Korean Fatherland Liberation War.
Reminder that the Workers Party of Korea enjoys tremendous organic support from its population!

>> No.20060904
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Reminder that you're a retard who was getting BTFO by multiple anons
Reminder that you couldn't even hold your ground against a Hitler apologist.
Reminder that you're trying to reframe the conversation to avoid defeat.
Reminder that if you have to use bait you've already lost.

>> No.20060952
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>tremendous organic support

>> No.20061124 [DELETED] 

This is interesting. Here's an interview with Kim Jung Gi (essentially an art god), where he lays out his major influences. He says
>being Korean, I cant help but be influenced by Japanese artists
or something to that effect, then lists the greats. He also says Leyndecker and Rockwell were his big inspirations when he started in the US, which is interesting.

>> No.20061174

I legitimately wish the government would ban me from using this shithole.

>> No.20061194

>the jewish media is true guize you should believe what they say about a country that doesnt want to use USD!!!!
Fucking retarded npc nigger cunts.

>> No.20061203

>i believe these things that i heard from jewish media

>> No.20061212

>Go to Google maps and have a look at the concentration camps for yourself retard
You mean the fema camps set up in America?

>> No.20061218

>praised by Iris Chang
>who wrote the Holocaust II jewish hit piece on based Nippon then roped herself
yeah, I'm thinkin garbage

>> No.20061230

These are the same retards who probably believed the 'news' about China putting men into reeducation camps if they played video games too often.

Does Japan still have sanctions imposed on it by the western world?

>> No.20061266

>I don't have enough knowledge about the history of North Korea so I'm going to talk about FEMA as if it's the same thing as a thoughtcrime camp wherein children are worked to death
Fuck off retard.
See>>20060783. Either point out a specific reference made in that book that is integral to any of the arguments I've made ITT and demonstrate why it is factually incorrect or shut up about sources.

Simply put, DPRK does not have the moral standing nor the credibility required for you to wave off arguments made by others by vaguely appealing to the phantom of propaganda as if it undermines all factual basis against the DPRK.

Arguments have been stated in full awareness of the politicized bias against the DPRK and yet you keep retreating to a dimwitted idea of whataboutism instead of engaging in specifics. You're pathetic.

>> No.20061308
File: 39 KB, 801x218, whatabout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. You're all retards.

>> No.20061341
File: 285 KB, 448x421, 1324498015001 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20061351

Yeah, they do, Japan was forced to never have a standing army.

>> No.20061353
File: 26 KB, 211x239, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meds retard.

>> No.20061364

I can hardly imagine an individual more pathetic than a westerner who eagerly wants to lick the boot of some totalitarian state on the other side of the globe.

>> No.20061370

Honestly, there needs to be deportations of people like them.

>> No.20061374

>inb4 that just means they've completely cucked to the West (while ignoring the geopolitical order after WWII and hoping to slide the discussion away from the fact the DPRK is evil)
They're dumb. Don't expect them to be able to contextualize anything when they're afraid to meet specific arguments against their worldview. They don't even know they're being disingenuous--that's their level of retardation.

>> No.20061383

This >>20057553 is about a family that was aggressively in favor of the DPRK and moved there at the behest of their grandmother (who started several pro-DPRK political organizations in Japan). They ended up having all of their wealth slowly taken away before having their patriarch disappear and their entire family interred in a concentration camp because of kin punishment.

>> No.20061395

>nooooooooooooooo you cant talk about anything else, everything exists in a bubble and everything is black and white!!!!

>> No.20061416
File: 63 KB, 1000x1000, 76e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooooo! I don't want to talk about the evils of the DPRK because there are implications to the worldview I've internalized! I have emotively visceral reactions to the discussion! Let's talk about why the US is evil and everything is propaganda so I can believe whatever I want, k? Keep things vague for my sake please--I'm going to unironically project that you have a black/white worldview though.

>> No.20061452

Remember when you had to compare and contrast in school?

>> No.20061468


Atomwaffen Division schizos aren't representative of the NS movement, even in the US. They're widely considered to be a bad joke.

>> No.20061499
File: 123 KB, 1091x584, jasdfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in school
I remember edgelords who thought shoehorning vague anti-Americanism was a hot take response and somehow representative of an informed opinion on any subject involving geopolitics or even, as in this case, a specific country. Pic related retard.

>> No.20061515
File: 36 KB, 798x644, b27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P.S. It's great that you admitted you haven't grown your intellect beyond high school assignments though.

>> No.20061520

North Korea has been westernized because I said they are bad on the internet

>> No.20061795

I don't think there's much objective literature on NK and its history/present that isn't either fearmongering/gulag porn or official government reports, what a shame.

>> No.20061828

I'm sure that made sense in your head.
>I'm too retarded to research and scrutinize information so I'll write off everything as propaganda and act like it's thoughtful

>> No.20061838

>I'm too retarded to research and scrutinize information so I'll write off everything as propaganda and act like it's thoughtful
Who are you quoting?

>> No.20061849

>children are worked to death for thought crimes
Nice jewish propaganda, faggot.

>> No.20061856

>DPRK?! NOOOOO! J-j-jews! Jews!
Go back to /pol faggot.

>> No.20061860

>kids get put in concentration camps because well... because they do okay!!
>western media said it so it must be true!!
Whatever bro

>> No.20061880

When did i say that?

>> No.20061886

It's well-documented by multiple and diverse sources retard. I can post them but you'll just say:
>that propaganda! whaddabout japanese internment camps?! whaddabout ukrainian internment camps!? nooooo! every source is propaganda! it's a conspiracy!
You're a retard.

>> No.20061892

>I don't think there's much objective literature on NK and its history/present that isn't either fearmongering/gulag porn or official government reports, what a shame
>I'm too retarded to research and scrutinize information so I'll write off everything as propaganda and act like it's thoughtful
It's a match. (I pasted if for you because you're too retarded to scroll up).

>> No.20061897

I don't think the first statement is wrong, and to compare it to the second is retarded, it's a shame that there isn't an unbiased insight (that i have found) into NK, and it just means that you have to piece together what biased information and works on it there are to try and get a clear picture, it doesn't mean "everything is fake i am so smart!!! i can just make up whatever i want about them now because what exists doesn't matter"

>> No.20061921

It means you didn't read the rest of the thread and autistically stated an asinine truism that equates to:
>I'm too retarded to research and scrutinize information so I'll write off everything as propaganda and act like it's thoughtful

>> No.20061930

>It means you didn't read the rest of the thread
half the thread is autistic arguing with nothing substantive being said and is just people shitposting, if someone posted a good book on NK to read in the middle of that then i must have missed it

>> No.20061960

>uh, everything is propaganda just like the Kim apologists are arguing
>I'm going to restate that as it's own post as if it's an observation I've been able to deduce myself
>I'm going to unironically make the argument to moderation fallacy just like they do now
>but it's ok because I'm open to reading
See pic >>20061499. You're a retard.

>> No.20061972

>uh, everything is propaganda just like the Kim apologists are arguing
Everything is political and the glowing praises of the Kim dynasty are just as much propaganda as the gulag atrocity porn. Also post a good book on the Nk situation. What has informed your view on it? what even is your view on it?

>> No.20061985

>Everything is political and the glowing praises of the Kim dynasty are just as much propaganda as the gulag atrocity porn
Unironically posts that after being made fun of for appealing to the golden mean fallacy. Do your own research faggot. I've already mentioned 2 decent books ITT and another anon suggested Andrei Lankov. Anything I specifically mention for your sake will be written off by you as "politicized." No shit retard. No shit. Say something insightful.

>> No.20061990

Anything explicitly political is automatically propaganda anon.

>> No.20061995

>refuses to elaborate own positions
>i've already posted two books
no Ids and not reading through 120 posts of autistic sperging, either tell me or i will assume you are the OP or the aquariums of pyongyang poster.
>Andrei Lankov
this seems interesting, i recall hearing the name a few years ago in passing. i will maybe buy some of his works

>> No.20062012

When was the last time the US bombed North Korea in the last 50 years?

>> No.20062048

On what? The fact you think a topic being politicized means it isn't possible to find objective information about it? The fact you can't discern patterns of conduct by appealing to a known historical record alongside a multitude of diverse sources relating similar information? For example, I could tell you to research something like chulsin-songbun and figure out how it's related to the concept of filial piety in a wider context...but "everything's political," what help would pointing you in that direction do? None. Because you're a retard and a shallow thinker.

>> No.20062052

>On what?
Your own positions, i asked you what your views on NK are, did you not read my post?

>> No.20062063

I just did in that comment you filtered retard.

>> No.20062071

pretty narrow answer, also
>"everything is political"
do you think it isn't?

>> No.20062075

I've elaborated on why I think that's an asinine position to take in this and wider contexts. Also, what do you think 'truism' means genius? Fuck you're dumb.

>> No.20062079

Join this Discord. EhqJ8ybDAW

>> No.20062086

If it's a truism then why do you take issue with it? why can you not expand upon your views of North Korea beyond asking me to research something?

>> No.20062106
File: 36 KB, 773x221, 23232142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know what it means
Are you ESL? Work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.20062113

If it's obviously true then why take issue with it? i never claimed to be adding anything new or substantive given the thread is just a mess of shitposting and autism, also again why can you not expand upon your views of North Korea beyond asking me to research something?

>> No.20062180

I highlighted why I took issue with it in red and I told you to read the thread retard. I pointed out it was the same argument that Kim apologists were making and the fact you thought it was insightful enough to post means you're either stupid or disingenuous (or both).

You keep saying "elaborate on your views" when I've repeatedly posted about the poverty of whataboutism, how to weigh and contextualize information according to historical currents in acknowledgment of diverse sources of information, and so on. I even gave you a tidbit about how to understand something like songbun within the wider tradition of Asian philosophy.

You're filtered. I can tell you facts but I can't understand them for you. That's your job...unless you live in the DPRK where they're more than happy to teach you how to properly understand absolutely everything (under penalty of law).

Go read.

>> No.20063280

so do japanese with china
all east asian culture is chink anyway