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/lit/ - Literature

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20059380 No.20059380[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ is full of pseuds and poseurs. Most of the people here just discuss the same 100 or so books ad infinitum. No body here has any original opinions or authentic taste in literature, they are just concerned with reading the "cannon" to appear cultured (assuming they actually read at all, which is doubtful). Virtually nobody ever talks about books from recent or obscure authors, books from outside the western world, and practically none follow or participate in local literary scenes. It is the equivalent of people who only listen to /mu/ core music or only watch movies on the IMDB top 250

>> No.20059384

Not my problem

>> No.20059395

who do you most identify with in karamazov bros tho

>> No.20059401

> No body here has any original opinions
Including your opinion, obviously.

>> No.20059418
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I read Bataille

>> No.20059512
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The more time you waste on some fandom they engineered, the less time you can read history from Christian perspectives.

>> No.20059532

>You only read widely appraised books that have stood the test of time! How dare you, you PSEUDS! If you were real you would read OBSCURE books, for THAT, my friends, is the sign of a TRUE intellectual!

>> No.20059540
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Ask yourself why Augustine is recommended so often.

>> No.20059575
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still waiting for something better than Infinite Jest

>> No.20059578

You’re the pseud

>> No.20059654

You're right. What's worse is when someone tries to discuss stuff that is less known, at least when it's philosophy, the poseurs here hate on it because the poseurcore already informed them to think another way.

>> No.20059677

I was thinking the same thing!!!! Im smart but I have my own life and yet they can't stray away from the flock, it's just meme after meme after meme. I think they're honestly like people who are from other boards (the dumb ones with crazy opinions like /pol/ and /mu/) who just want to colonize this board with their sorry excuse for taste in books - criticize everything so that they look the smarties, yeah right, go make another IQ thread...Intelligent people wouldn't last two days here, they would see the echo chamber after three scrolls down the catalog and they would go back to living their best life. Me, I've been here popping in and out the last couple of weeks and GOSH! The things they call cringe are.... One guy literally said it's the meaning of life, debating cringe and based. That's the spirit of this board as far as I can tell, not reading. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk

>> No.20059688
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> the same 100 or so books ad infinitum

Lol, bitch. I don't read shit. I bought Mario Puzo - Fool's Die at Goodwill for $1 3 years ago and I'm about halfway through it. I just make my own shit up. I tried to read it today, I read a chapter. It's just listening to some douchebag think. Funny how that describes literally every book.

>imagine being such a cunt that you let some other douchebag insert his thoughts into your head
>you're already a massive douchebag
>just think for yourself

I make up all my own shit. I'm not going to cuck out my mind to some asshat douchebag just because some spineless cuckolds don't have the backbone to think for themselves. If anyone has an "argument" I disagree one principle, just because I'm not going to let some "argument" hang out in my mind when a dozen other niggas already went and jacked themselves off and nutted on that argument. My mind is not some bukakke for pretentious douchebags with airs. It is a private area for a singular douchebag to slow-stroke it in the mirror without being bothered by inferior quality douchebags.

>> No.20059690

2/3's of the books I read wont appear on anyone standard list of dutch lit, to bad its meaningless to anyone not dutch

>> No.20059697

"Never broken"? LMAO. Ever read the Bible, John?

>> No.20059748
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I used to write shit, but the peasants can't read and the intelligentsia is nothing but the subhuman cancer shat out of the peasants' collective asshole. Even the peasants hate the faggots who can read. I only write to masturbate my ego, and as I grow older, I'm content enough with my life and canon that I'm willing to die quietly. As much as it would delight me to have the peasants stroke my ego for me, so long as they refuse to do so, this, per my delusion, remains evidence that my writing is of such caliber and girth that it causes great pain when the peasant attempts to insert it into his skull, and even more pain should I attempted to brutally skull-fuck his peasant mind with my rhetoric in person.

You can't convince me otherwise any more than you can convince some Che Guaverra T-Shirt communist that communism won't solve the fact that he's an unemployable morlock subhuman. The last 20 years of Western History are equally as illigitmate, unfounded, baseless, irrational, and delusional as my own sentiments regarding the caliber and greatness of my writing, thus it becomes impossible to delegitimize my greatness without delegitimizing the state approved narratives that have been forced down your throat by the propagandists for 20 years.

I just came here to yell in the doorway then wander away because I don't really care about arguing my point as much as I do shouting loudly into the abyss of the internet, purely as a cathartic act, all while deluding myself into believing I've made some sort of meaningful point or argument within this screed. I don't even think I have done so, but I still give myself credit for doing so, just because the quality control on my thought processes are little more than a factory worker taking a nap at the conveyor belt, confident enough with the quality of the product that he sees no reason to be awake and inspect the products for quality.

Look at this words. Human noises converted into text, easily reconverted into audible noise through a computer program. Go remind me of your baseless subjective sentiments about "quality" of human sentiment, as if any of the meaningless and arbitrary noises that get sputted from a bag of liquid and meat have any real potential to produce significant meaning. To argue about quality with respect to human written work is to reduce yourself to being a connosieur of farts, just meaningless human noises. I'm sitting here farting for entertainment and enjoying myself, all while the peculiar faggots of the world sit there trying to judge and critque farts for their "civility" and other gay traits.

I'm not a fart connoisseur. I do enjoy farting, it is entertaining, but it just pains me to try and sit down with a book, just to turn the pages and try to critique the sound of some meatbag farting in my face being silently communicated in the form of phonics.

I only started writing, many years ago, because I wanted the federal government to send me to a death camp and kill me.

>> No.20059822

>doesn't listen to what other people say
>considers himself intelligent
It's more about actively listening and then formulating your own opinion

>> No.20059833

OP must be new to the internet. If you need "muh intelligent discourse" turn your computer off and join a book club IRL.

>> No.20060420

based yiik

>> No.20060656

You must be new to reality if you think IRL book clubs have intelligent discourse lmao

>> No.20060674

you sound like a pseudo intellectual retard that probably identifies with the "cynical aloof above it all character" in modern fiction

>> No.20060681

You are more of a poser than anyone else here

>> No.20060688


>> No.20060810

Post work otherwise I'm not going to read your rant.