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20054789 No.20054789 [Reply] [Original]

hit me with your favorite aphorisms.

>> No.20054795

"War is father of all, and king of all. He renders some gods, others men; he makes some slaves, others free"

Heraclitus, Fragments

>> No.20054818

"History is the graveyard of aristocracies"

Vilfredo Paredo, The Rise and Fall of Elites

>> No.20054928
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"The American empire shall be destroyed."

Aleksandr Dugin, The Foundations of Geopolitics

>> No.20054939

"this nigga eating beans" - folk saying

>> No.20054956

"Our technology is the most human thing about us"
-- Marshall McLuhan

>> No.20054970

"Anons need therapy." - anon

>> No.20054980

tell me what an aphorism is first

>> No.20054983

>there is truth in wine and children - Plato

what the heck did he mean by that bros?

>> No.20054987
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kill wife

>> No.20054988


>> No.20054991

i just google'd what an "aphorism" is
my favourite so far,
"if it ain't broke, don't fix it.".

>> No.20054993


>> No.20055003

i clicked apothegm after and consider "tomorrow is another day" better

>> No.20055006


>> No.20055010

Drunks and children don't have a filter

>> No.20055025

that's not what he is saying lol

>> No.20055073
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God has a providence that protects idiots, drunks, children and the United States of America
-- Otto von Bismarck

>> No.20055543
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Based. Exaltatio Mars.
A good one.
Pic rel. This guy is true aphorist immortal.

>> No.20055548

Nubians fellate mine rectum.

>> No.20055648

"Oi, bruv." - Winston Churchill

>> No.20055743

Don't get this one

>> No.20055751

Hypocrisy is man's most prevalent trait.

>> No.20055806
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A picture's worth a thousand words

>> No.20055825

"just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you"
"you cannot lead an army if you think you look silly on a horse"
i'm not big on them really they were like training wheels when i was like 13 but life is about adaptation and evolution and not losing

>> No.20055833

oh and "yellow skin green hair a real weirdo" kek

>> No.20055840


>> No.20055850

The blood of our enemies is still the blood of men. The real glory is to spare it.
— Louis XV of France, King of France

>> No.20056039

I've been fuckin' hoes and poppin' pillies
Man, I feel just like a rockstar (ayy, ayy)

- Post Malone, Rockstar

>> No.20056109
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Treat a work of art like a prince. Let it speak to you first.

The doctor sees all the weakness of mankind; the lawyer all the wickedness, the theologian all the stupidity.

Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.

The first forty years of life give us the text; the next thirty supply the commentary on it.

Music is the melody whose text is the world.

Every possession and every happiness is but lent by chance for an uncertain time, and may therefore be demanded back the next hour.

The fly ought to be used as the symbol of impertinence and audacity; for whilst all other animals shun man more than anything else, and run away even before he comes near them, the fly lights upon his very nose.

To live alone is the fate of all great souls.

The king of aphorisms. No philosopher comes even remotely close.

>> No.20056130

Apres moi, le deluge

>> No.20056425

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.

>> No.20056547

a single truth that you may or not find true

>> No.20056565

anythings a dildo if youre brave enough

>> No.20056629

Mfw driving through New Orleans at night
90 degrees but Im shivering
Captcha: WPN0G

>> No.20056644

Read some History, (fellow) peasant

>> No.20056754

who is Joe?

>> No.20056864

Joe mama

>> No.20056889
File: 80 KB, 1067x600, https___cdn.cnn.com_cnnnext_dam_assets_150923083405-restricted-03-berra-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by yogi

>> No.20056912

Yes it is faggot. In vino veritas

>> No.20056917

Those are not aphorisms you subhuman retard

>> No.20056940


"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom."

William Blake, Proverbs of Hell

>> No.20056959

Two Joyce quotes

"“Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world a mother's love is not.”"

"Love loves to love love"

>> No.20057019

>How many things are there for which I do not want.
- Socrates

>Few things are needed to make a wise man happy, nothing can make a fool content. That is why most men are miserable.
- François, Duke de La Rochefoucauld

>Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it.
- Kierkegaard

>> No.20057021

Great quote.
I wish my spanish was stronger so I could read Davila.

>> No.20057492

is there a cycling edit

>> No.20057495

science is gay
and others things from that webm

>> No.20057852

- The perfect woman commits literature the way she commits a small sin: as an experiment, in passing, looking around to see whether anyone noticed and to make sure someone has noticed...
- To enter into only those situations where you cannot have any counterfeit virtues, where instead, like the tightrope walker on his tightrope, you either fall down or remain standing -- or come away...
- Contentment protects you, even from colds. Has a woman who knew she was well dressed ever caught a cold? -- I’m even assuming that she was hardly dressed at all.
- Women are considered deep -- why? Because you never get to the bottom of them. Women aren't even shallow.
- When a woman has masculine virtues, you feel like running away; and when she doesn't have masculine virtues, she runs away herself.
- 'How much did conscience have to bite? And how good were its teeth? — And these days? What’s missing?' A dentist’s question.

Plato was a pedophile

>> No.20057873

you've been dealing with a lot of whores

>> No.20057898

- Even the bravest among us only rarely has courage for what he really knows...
- For once and for all, I want not to know many things. -- Wisdom sets limits on knowledge too.
- Help yourself: then everyone will help you. Principle of neighbour-love.
- Don't be cowardly about your actions! Don't abandon them afterwards! -- The pang of conscience is obscene.
- Can an ass be tragic? -- Can someone be destroyed by a weight he cannot carry or throw off? ...The case of the Philosopher.
- Man created woman -- but out of what? Out of a rib from his God, -- from his 'ideal'...
- What? You are looking for something? You want to multiply yourself by ten, a hundred? You are looking for disciples? -- Look for zeroes! --
- Between women. -- "Truth? Oh, you don't know truth! Isn't it an attempt to assassinate all our pudeurs?"
- Whoever doesn't know how to put his will into things can at least but meaning into them: that means, he has faith that a will is already there (principle of 'faith').

>> No.20058009

You are a retard, not understanding what you are quoting.

>Man created woman -- but out of what? Out of a rib from his God, -- from his 'ideal'...
"The sexes deceive themselves about each other: this happens because basically they honour and love only themselves (or, to put the matter more pleasantly, only their own ideal—). Hence the man wants the woman to be peaceful—but woman, like a cat, is essentially not peaceful, however much she may have practised an appearance of peacefulness."

>- The perfect woman commits literature the way she commits a small sin: as an experiment, in passing, looking around to see whether anyone noticed and to make sure someone has noticed...
"In Athens at the time of Cicero—who expresses his surprise at the fact—the men and youths were by far superior in beauty to the women: but what hard work and exertions the male sex had for centuries imposed upon itself in the service of beauty! We must not be mistaken in regard to the method employed here: the mere discipline of feelings and thoughts is little better than nil (—it is in this that the great error of German culture, which is quite illusory, lies): the body must be persuaded first."

"In the other case: that is to say, when extreme clearsightedness is present, the genius of the actor is needful as well as tremendous discipline in self-control, if victory is to be achieved. That is why priests are the cleverest and most conscious hypocrites; and then come princes, in whom their position in life and their antecedents account for a certain histrionic gift. Society men and diplomatists come third, and women fourth."

"Good actors have I found all the vain ones: they play, and wish people to be fond of beholding them—all their spirit is in this wish.
They represent themselves, they invent themselves; in their neighbourhood I like to look upon life—it cureth of melancholy."

>When a woman has masculine virtues, you feel like running away; and when she doesn't have masculine virtues, she runs away herself.
"Infertility itself tends to encourage a certain masculinity of taste, for man is, if I may say so, “the infertile animal.”"
"There are two kinds of genius: one which above all breeds and desires to breed, and another which is happy to let itself be fertilized and give birth. In just the same way, there are among peoples of genius those to whom the female problem of pregnancy and the secret task of shaping, maturing, and perfecting have been assigned —the Greeks, for example, were a people of this kind, like the French—and there are others who have to fertilize and become the origin of new orders of life—like the Jews, the Romans, and, one could ask in all modesty, the Germans?"

>> No.20058088

Take it up with Nietzsche, smoothbrain. Not a single word was my own.

>> No.20058098
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The individuals, as is well known, the men who only live for themselves, provide for the moment more than do their opposites, the gregarious men, because they consider themselves just as incalculable as the future; and similarly they attach themselves willingly to despots, because they believe themselves capable of activities and expedients, which can neither reckon on being understood by the multitude, nor on finding favour with them, - but the tyrant or the Caesar understands the right of the individual even in his excesses, and has an interest in speaking on behalf of a bolder private morality, and even in giving his hand to it. For he thinks of himself, and wishes people to think of him what Napoleon once uttered in his classical style - "I have the right to answer by an eternal "thus I am' to everything about which complaint is brought against me. I am apart from all the world, I accept conditions from nobody. I wish people also to submit to my fancies, and to take it quite as a simple matter, if I should indulge in this or that diversion." Thus spoke Napoleon once to his wife, when she had reasons for calling in question the fidelity of her husband. - The times of corruption are the seasons when the apples fall from the tree: I mean the individuals, the seed-bearers of the future, the pioneers of spiritual colonisation, and of a new construction of national and social unions. Corruption is only an abusive term for the harvest time of a people.

>> No.20058145

>Take it up with Nietzsche
There is no problem with Nietzsche, because his goal was to filter imbeciles.

>Not a single word was my own
Indeed, cretin. The context of these words is everything. You do not comprehend what you are quoting.

>> No.20058163

You philistine. Have you even read Twilight of the Idols? They're literally in order.

Never fucking reply to my post again with your menthol-encrusted mouth, coon. You are the reason it's unsafe at night in Africa.

>> No.20058231

There are no uninteresting things, only uninterested people.
G. K. Chesterton

>> No.20059710

so glad someone brought up Davila

>> No.20060947
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>> No.20061018

>Plato was a pedophile
The quote was saying drunks and kids have no filter. Is there any proof whatsoever that Plato was a pedophile? People bullshit about history more than anything else in the world.

>> No.20061130
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"Bacchus looks after his own"
Ernst Junger

>> No.20061498

"You don't know what you don't know."

>> No.20061827

blessed post

>> No.20061833
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Out of the frying pan, into the sauce pan
Stephen Merchant

>> No.20062026

- reddit

>> No.20062044
File: 16 KB, 202x242, 553A29F1-7BDA-4B28-A619-F38D4FBC9CF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milk where I live is $6.50 a gallon now

>> No.20062073

What's 9+10?

>> No.20062087

>The animal wrests the whip from its master and whips itself in order to become master, not knowing that this is only a fantasy produced by a new knot in the master’s whiplash.
Writer should be obvious.

>> No.20062093

Where do you buy books in NOLA

>> No.20062102

$2.24 gas. Those were the days

>> No.20062123

He said an aphorism not a fucking treatise

>> No.20063023

Birds can't eat rice that was never planted.

>> No.20063533

That's a contradiction, false

>> No.20063544

>Exaltatio Mars.
So go fight in Ukraine, faggot LARPer.

>> No.20063912

Obstacles do not exist to be surrendered to, only to be broken - Hitler
No man is more hated than he who speaks the truth - Plato