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20047690 No.20047690 [Reply] [Original]

Bionicle Edition

Previous thread >>20038401

>> No.20047820

As I grow older it becomes increasingly clear that I'm a bad person. This isn't an angsty post or anything, I'm not being woe as me. It is more neutral than that. From a disinterested objective viewpoint I have been a bad person for all of my adult life.

I feel like Jack Kerouac captures this realisation really well at the end of Maggie Cassady. You think the small town hero of the story is going to go to the city and become a man, but he returns to Lowell an asshole. I think it was a really tender moment of self awareness Kerouac displays there that people don't give him enough credit for.

>> No.20047827

how do you become a giver? is it something that comes naturally with age or is it something like "you either have it or you don't" state of mind

>> No.20047834
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>> No.20047861

I think generally speaking people are judged by what they do with the feelings given. I am a giver, but as a good deed I imagine it weighs lightly on the scales cus it always came easy. I am not forgiving, so I imagine if I can actually manage to be once that will weigh heavier.

so my answer is: I have on idea, but I reckon the value of things like that is more fluid. I'd pray for it if I was you.

>> No.20047876

What is a bad person?

>> No.20047898

Like most things you just do it until sunken costs kicks in and you mistake your habit with being a some immutable part of you and begin thinking of yourself as such

>> No.20047905

If one were to remove the concept of the "present"; would we live 1 second in the past or 1 second in the future?

>> No.20047911

Brother is calling me an indecisive lazy parazyte. Hes not wrong but it still makes me feel bad.

>> No.20047917

Call him a fag

>> No.20047932

Bionicle mythology is the one true mythology. All others are just pale imitations or distortions of the truth. Imagine not believing that we are tiny robots living on the corpse of a giant robot that crashed to earth.

>> No.20047939

Get a load of this lazy parasitic bitch!

>> No.20047965

This is the dumbest pseud question I've encountered in a long time. Complete with incorrect usage of a semicolon.

>> No.20048065
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I wonder if /lit/ is good at hill starting in a manual car.

>> No.20048181

Those are bionicles

>> No.20048186

Yesterday my dad asked me if I've given up on ever having a gf.

>> No.20048197

Just use your parking brake lmao

>> No.20048205

The whole universe is painted on the flip-side of my skull. I'm in what I am and what I'm in is in me.

>> No.20048218


>> No.20048220

Would anyone drink a wet pussy flavored soda? I think I would try it at least once, maybe seltzer would be better since soda has a lot of sugar and would get innthe way of the salt and hint of fresh tuna.

>> No.20048241

What's wrong with it? I am curious. You must have a reason for wasting your life typing an unnecessarily rude response to a question deemed beneath your intellect. Thank you for correcting my grammar.

>> No.20048259
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>> No.20048261

I'm currently reading Lolita and I like it. But I don't know what it is that I like about it or why; I just do. And Humbert: he is a disgusting man but at the same time he appears like a good and likeable pervert.

>> No.20048271

Brb booking a flight to the UK

>> No.20048274

>wet pussy flavored soda
Is such a thing even available or are you just posing a hypothetical question? To answer your question: I would, just to find out what a wet pussy taste like.

>> No.20048290

I cant even hill start in an automatic car

>> No.20048294

Depends on the pussy desu. Only pussy I ever tasted belonged to a black girl with bad hygiene. I like to imagine that other pussies arent so bad

>> No.20048297

Hypothetical, I've been reading a bunch of 60s sci-fi lately and there's lots of weird sex stuff. I was laughing the other day at the idea of an asexual alien species getting addicted to human pussy flavored soda.

>> No.20048326

Reccomend me some sexy 60s sci fi

>> No.20048400


>> No.20048451

I cant, hes better than me.

>> No.20048458

Find his deepest insecurity and exploit it. He'll try to turn it around on you, but just ignire it. Dont be on the defensive, dont even acknowledge he said anything. Just hammer away at his shortcomings

>> No.20048496

>but it still makes me feel bad.
And this gets you off? You want this to be true?

>> No.20048593

my brain has been balkanzied

>> No.20048598

Yugoslavia has been balkanized

>> No.20048599

The brain stem is Kosovo, the spinal cord is Albania

>> No.20048624
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>> No.20048628
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There's really no lasting cure for "low motivation", is there? You can't fix the problem of not wanting to do productive stuff, so you just have to fight through it most days. Am I wrong?

>> No.20048635

>just change
If only that'd be so easy

>> No.20048710


>> No.20048717
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This is great keep going

>> No.20048719

Low motivation is cured with consistency

>> No.20048721

It's a desire, you have to want to do it. You can will yourself into it if you'd like by habituating that kind of behavior consciously.

>> No.20048746

If you werent living in decadence you would be motivated to work for survival

>> No.20048748

Any femanon wanna be my gf

>> No.20048766
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Dundam > Bionicles

>> No.20048781

Any femanon wanna play legos with me

>> No.20048782

dont talk to me. dont look at me. dont reply to me.

>> No.20048785

what tends to happen anon?

>> No.20048804

> really into storytelling
> be talented at drawing
> not Japanese

>> No.20048829

No, because motivation is by definition the desire or willingness to do something. If you don’t desire to do something, that leaves willingness to do it anyway. So “low motivation” actually just means unwillingness to do things you don’t want to do, which is totally natural and obviously. If you’re not eager to do some irrelevant and tedious task, you’re not “unmotivated”. You’re normal.

>> No.20048838

Anybody else get after-the-fact anxiety? I'll feel completely fine in a social interaction and as soon as it's over I start cringing about what just happened (even though it was a completely benign interaction), I'll start to blush, get hot, etc. What the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.20048890

No, I'm not a fag nor a cuck, sorry homo

>> No.20048980

Plato is right. From the centre of the sun springs light and from the centre of light springs truth. But the sun is in my bosom. Here lies the lake of beauty. The pilgrimage leads within.

>> No.20049004

Pretty much yeah. Sometimes I think I'm just too sensitive to live and start wondering if I should kill my self.
Any book for this? Reading is my way to cope

>> No.20049054

Bohrok could be here

>> No.20049071

Unemployed. Had an interview for a very good job but i think they probably won't hire me.

>> No.20049200
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I think it's because you are more aware than most people that your social self is a persona (which literally means mask), and while it isn't completely manually operated and artificial for you, like it is for an autist, this is almost worse, because instead of "manually operating" it like a total autist would, you are letting it run on its own like an evolutionary algorithm.

Algorithms do unpredictable, odd things, because by their very design, they make approximately correct-enough solutions out of many many failed and wonky solutions. A complete autist would be like "I would like to terminate this social transaction now," which is at least authentic. Despite its deficiencies, this form of interaction is "clean." You on the other hand have enough social skill and experience that you can just switch your algorithm on and let it run. But unlike a total normie, i.e. someone who is ALL algorithm, with no need to turn it on or off, you are also aware of the algorithm, and you evaluate its results rationally like an autist would at the end of the day.

The total autist gets to enjoy his clean, rational detachment from the irrationality of the social. The total normie gets to enjoy the clean-running naturalness of his algorithm. You are getting the worst of both worlds (the autist's rational awareness, the normie's deep involvement in the irrational social), in a false synthesis of the two. I think your goal should be to effect a true synthesis, so that instead of getting the worst of both with the benefits of neither you get the benefits of both with the downsides of neither.

Look on the bright side. The normie has the inverse of your problem: he only feels at home and anxiety-free when completely surrendering himself to the social. Whenever he's "in" the social and being accepted by it, he's so desperate to maintain this acceptance that he turns back toward his own inner life and regards anything that doesn't contribute to his current state of fittingness as ipso facto bad. The anxiety you get about your failed social performance, he gets about what might be the best and most integral (even if only latent) parts of himself, and he attacks those like he has a psychic autoimmune disorder, usually with the encouragement of his new peers.

You go home and panic that you may have made an ass of yourself, around people who themselves seem to "flow" naturally and don't have to have such worries. But the normie goes out, "flows" for a few hours, and panics that his new fairweather friends would despise him if they knew the (relative to their acceptance) ill-fitting contents of his inner life. He's like Fedka in pic related, everything good about him is ultimately sacrificed to the algorithm. Everything that sticks out gets sanded down by the flow and eroded into a smooth, featureless surface eventually. That's why even when autists are abrasive there is still often a charm to them that normies don't have. They still have their soul.

>> No.20049205

Loitering laws are evil.

>> No.20049212
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>> No.20049213
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I feel like I fucked up somehow but I'm not sure how and it's really bugging me

>> No.20049265

Isnt that chad from tiktok?

>> No.20049282
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>> No.20049454

Speed Metal is a critically under rated form of literature


>> No.20049493

any speed metal recs?

>> No.20049495

What is the source of this excerpt?

>> No.20049507

do you know of any situation in the history of anything where having trained formally in logic has been useful for anyone? it just seems to me like if you make sense you make sense and if you don't you don't. I can't imagine what kind of a situation would be aided by a "formal training". You understand what you understand. It's an intuitive human mechanism. What's to get.

>> No.20049557
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>two friends went to some SJW Christian event in Denver
>now both of them are atheists who hate organized religion

How does this happen?

>> No.20049561

Yngwie Malmsteen for the neoclassical RETVRN

Helloween for that peak speed/euro power metal crossover feeling

Dragonforce for the modern bubblegum cringekino speedmetal

This one tutorial song by Michael Angelo Batio

Assorted lost in time video game soundtrack masterpieces

>> No.20049590

Big dicks will rule the world

>> No.20049630

the claim that there are objects is arbitrary
the claim that I'm a pseud is spurious
how do I know?

by this

>> No.20049680

I shared an extremely passionate week with a beautiful girl just 3 weeks ago, and I can't stop thinking about it. She proceeded to tell me she had just gotten out of a relationship, was looking for a distraction, really thought I was incredible, etc., and then ghosted me. Now I don't know what to do. I've become melancholy and apathetic, especially towards other women in my life, and it's as if I experienced something so beautiful and brief that my whole body has turned unsatisfied and sick. I ask myself, Schopenhauer, Nagarjuna, the Christians--are they right? Was it worth it? This one week of extreme pleasure has been the ruin of a whole month. I've been distracted from school such that I had to cram for midterms this week. I will get Bs at best on two of them. Was it worth my comprehension of a semester's worth of math classes? Something of greater permanence and benefit to me than a flash romance? Fuck, I ask myself these things with the obvious course to say no, pussy ain't worth shit if it costs you more than dinner. But that pussy was so good man. I'll never forget it. I just need to stop myself from becoming desperate for that same experience.

>> No.20049682

But is it also not an objective fact that the obesity of Michael Romeo is simultaneously the cause of his virtuosic shred skills, while also being caused by them?
Had he not played so much guitar, I'm sure he would have been a more active boy and not gained so much weight.
Therefore, who is or is not a pseud, and the debate upon the arbitraryness of objects, is in fact arbitrary in and of itself, as this has no bearing on the crunchyness of the speed metal in question.


>> No.20049724

Thinking about trying out fetlife. Any anon have experience using it?

>> No.20049727

Not that guy but I'd say I'm a 'bad person' in rehabilitation and my definition is someone who habitually puts himself before others, and considers others as less alive and vivid than themselves.

I think when considering what healing actions a bad person should take, the difference between 'fault' and 'responsibility' is really important. The bad person shouldn't blame themselves for the mistakes they've made, because doing that will only reinforce a sense of resignation and keep them stuck on that path. Instead they should take responsibility for the way they are, and the things they have done- take responsibility for the pain they felt and inflicted even if like everything else it was all a cascading of personal issues and uncontrollable factors that they never asked for. Responsibility is not fault. Then, after drawing that line in the sand, making amends (when ready), trying to find compassion for oneself, looking outward to a few people who they feel ready to care for and be cared for by is a step toward being a better person.

I'm at that stage myself, and I don't really know what's next, but I hope that I can learn to care about others as people in themselves. I don't think that bad people should be able to inflict pain freely, but I think even the most despicable person deserves love. Everyone holds trauma and everyone acts badly from time to time, and the only way to move past that is to take responsibility for one's situation. If you are unhappy with yourself and aren't genetically predisposed to psychosis, I lightly recommend smoking weed, or psychedelics, since that can soften your ego, defense mechanisms, and allow you to see ways you could be kinder to others. But be careful with that, cause it can be an uncomfortable experience.

>> No.20049731

My desire for sex is making it impossible for me to be a christian

>> No.20049738


>> No.20049761

>since that can soften your ego
I think in my case Im a bad person is because I have very little ego as in how can one love/respect others if he cant love/respect himself?

>> No.20049837

Best to be at least part-time employed when interviewing for good jobs because at least then you are work-fresh and the rejection isn't so gutting if it comes to that. Wishing you luck though fren.

>> No.20049983

Niggies I don't read but I had a spontaneous spiritual experience today that made me realize we are not living at the end of time because I imagined a friend of mine as living in the medieval ages only to realize the similarities between the present and my caricature of that time and I felt some strong tribal emotion I didn't had for a while. In our existential condition not that much changed, still stumbling upon this weird rock doing our weird arbitrary nonsense
>any books 4 this feel

>> No.20050044

Narrative art is many thousands of years older than writing. Comicbros, I kneel..

>> No.20050180


>> No.20050187

Then how do you explain me sucking a dick despite the fact that I'm so straight I would never EVER suck a dick?

I did it for you, freedom

>> No.20050198

I've been thinking all day about these letters supposedly written by a leak within the FSB to a Russian human rights and anti corruption activist (rough translations by this other guy on his own website: http://www.igorsushko.com/).). Of course it can't be verified, but some ex-FSB contacts of another journalist said there's no doubt it's written by someone from the agency. The general wording, length and content (mentioning other situations like Syria, turkish pipelines etc. and not just focused on Ukraine) all point to it being genuine. Or at least written by someone who knows a lot about this, maybe an ex-FSB agent spreading his own propaganda.

Anyway, if they are real, the situation is bad. Russia has been cornered and outplayed to the point where everything is possible as the elite tries to hold on to power. If the situation that develops from this doesn't end civilization and this is verified, these letters will be quoted in history books. Give it a read if you are interested. The are pretty long and there are 4 letters by now, but they are fascinating to read.

>> No.20050205

Kek you were always going to suck a dick.

>> No.20050254

Well you're on the other extreme and the opposite of what most people think of when they think of the stereotypically egotistical bad person, but that doesn't free you from the need to take responsibility for your situation. You probably don't have the emotional resources to allow for a normal sense of self-worth and even doing the best you can results in the feeling that you are bad. In your case, where loving yourself even just a little bit is like swimming against a strong current I think the most effective thing you can do is to first never compare yourself to anyone else, take things very slowly but surely, and do activities that take your mind off of you. You may already try to do this, as I did, by spending days on entertainment, porn, surfing, but really this a blatant worship of self in the most insidious way. To escape the negative feelings you have of yourself and build your self-worth you need to go out of your comfort zone slowly, and have experiences. I'm not saying that you should go full NPC and just fill your mind with the values and thoughts of others, but I think people who are devoid of self-love need to learn love by being around others first.

>> No.20050272

>take responsibility for your situation
that would imply free will exists

>> No.20050292

God will love you, look for love with Him
for real tho

>> No.20050331

I was in a really messed up relationship a long time ago. I haven't even processed much of what happened until pretty recently. Now I keep having this very, very short phantasy of her dancing naked in a dark-blue lit room, and I only really see her leg as it kind of shifts down into a step, sort of slow, and as her heel hits her ass jiggles a bit, and she's moving her hands up over her face in a kind of a daze and singing along to this song that I only remember these words being almost spoken pretty slow in it

"do you love me
baby do you love me
do you love me
baby do you love me"

I just see that foot shift down over and over and hear the words and her being all.. fucked up. it got pretty weird. we both probably got out of there with previously latent mental health issues now, and since then, in full bloom.

>> No.20050332

I've been unhappy and tired this week, I fucked my sleep cycle after I stayed up till 5 in the morning last weekend having a nervous break down because I managed to convince myself that demons were real and I was summoning them by thinking about them. It's been alright since but I've been feeling kind of bleak. I've fallen off the horse again and I'm behind on my studying and my reading has lost momentum. Feels like whenever I go through a cycle of feeling awesome I inevitably lose track and find myself timewasting online again. I managed to get out and exercise today and I'm meeting an old buddy of mine this weekend so my life's not in terrible condition or anything, I can just feel this nihilism permeating everything I do though.

>> No.20050386

What does it mean when a woman tells you "I am sexually attracted to you".

>> No.20050392

She's trying to trick you.

>> No.20050408

How so?

>> No.20050412
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She wants your barn.

>> No.20050418


>> No.20050422

We are all of us in a room dancing, some doing tangos and salsas, others ballet, street, whatever. I think the point of being in the room is to find the dance which best suits you, and invite others to dance with you. What you wish to do is to is the dance with one step. I hope you find it in you to come to terms with your pain and learn to believe that you have power and can change your life.

>> No.20050442

They're always trying to trick you

>> No.20050460

Does it matter she is a muslimah?

>> No.20050464

I think, therefore I am wrong here.

>> No.20050471

Pretty words. But i learned to believe free will doesn’t exist. Nice cope.

>> No.20050496

dunno. the answer to the women problem is simple.

have a good wife and sleep with prostitutes on the side.

>> No.20050528

I wish my roommate had more of a social life. I don't mind hanging out with him every so often and I do invite him to come and hang with me and my friends but I'm sick of having him hang off me like a leech 24/7. It'd also be nice to have the place to myself every once in a while.

>> No.20050534

Introverts and autists don't understand these things. Be nice to him and find a way to tell him that isn't exasperatedly going "haha it's just like haha bro it's cool but don't you think you're a little cringe?????" like most normalfags do. He probably thinks you're bros and would be embarrassed to know that you think he "hangs off you like a leech."

>> No.20050599

Estava à toa na vida
O meu amor me chamou
Pra ver a banda passar
Cantando coisas de amor
A minha gente sofrida
Despediu-se da dor
Pra ver a banda passar
Cantando coisas de amor

>> No.20050927

I’m going to kill myself sometime this week. It’s been fun /lit/ bros.

>> No.20051010

Yeah, you don't even have to turn the key.

>> No.20051012

Fuck it all
A fretboard
Nothing else
The physicality
Mind and body
The present
Feeling it
And nothing more

The others
The complete sound
To sound our best

In life
From now until the end
My body
My soul
Let it rip

>> No.20051020

Why, what's the problem?

>> No.20051138

See you on the other side brother

>> No.20051148

Can’t seem to enjoy anything. I’ve given up.

>> No.20051154

Thanks, we’ll meet again.

>> No.20051206

I've had a shitty life and I'm pissed off about it

>> No.20051212

good luck with that. call if you need a hand with it.

>> No.20051306

Don't do it. We need more people holding on even when it doesn't seem like there's any reason to. In the future when people like you do have a support system they can turn to, and do have ways of making sense of it all even and turning back from the edge when they're at the point you're at now, those people will look back on the "founding fathers" who managed to lay the foundations for meaning even without the luxury of having any meaning or certainty themselves.

Some generation has to be the first generation not to give up and to pull off the paradox of holding on even when there is nothing to hold onto. Only that way can the way you feel right now be conquered so nobody has to face it alone again.

Every individual person who turns back from the edge and goes into the light instead, even without being able to understand why, is already laying the first cornerstones of something better for future sufferers.

>> No.20051313

Also sorry if this sounds pretentious. I'm not trying to say anything cool. I'm just not good at expressing myself. I really believe this and even if it sounds retarded I have to try to express it because it helps me.

>> No.20051336

I thought Peterson's response to a suicidal fan was worth reading:

>> No.20051374

I represent a fusion of Plato, Nietzsche, the Illuminati, Hitler, and Batman

>> No.20051415
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How mentally off base do you have to be in order to feel an intense irrational urge to outdo other people, especially artists, and attempt to ''get it right'' whenever you encounter their work? I never really had a traditionally competitive nature throughout my life, mainly because i was more of a slacker who preferred to make jokes rather than work, but whenever i saw somebody from my community/country that's in my age range try to do something, even if its as seemingly innocuous as putting together a retarded meme (to take an event that ive been through), my mind always raced with thoughts that went along the lines of : ''you fucked it up, now its all dry and limited. i can do it better.'' despite my skills not being up to par most of the time.
Now here's the catch. I don't treat those people with contempt, the way a clichéd outwardly arrogant and prideful sumbitch would (not saying that i may not fit this description). An internal dialogue tends to happen before interacting with those folks, where i rationalize the situation to myself and go through with the most respectful and cordial approach possible without it being forced either. Maybe try to ignite a friendly competitive spirit if i know them well enough. And i actually like people, most are just decent dudes trying their best, so i dont want to be hurtful to anyone, but god damn do i feel a burning rage when i'm on my own. I suppose it's what you'd call having a chip on your shoulder, but i don't know. I want to do right by the people who have offered love and a place where i can belong by giving them quality work instead of always settling for half assed mediocre attempts to pass ourselves as something that we're not, having a little dignity, and that's where i get this feeling. Perhaps psychotics such as friedkin or herzog or (to remain /lit/erary) céline felt this exact way regarding their contemporaries as well. I just can't read any book from my country without feeling this way. It could be that i hold my vision of the world to be rightful with it pointing towards a severe case of narcissism, but again, i don't have a concrete answer.
Are these unhealthy psychopathic tendencies? Genuine question.

>> No.20051422

That sucks man iktf

>> No.20051447

Thanks anon I appreciate it. But I don’t think that can be me. I can’t really cope anymore. I guess i’m just too fucking weak.

>> No.20051463

Rape. Rape is ever-present on my mind. Imagine raping a pro-life Christian girl. They could lock you up. They could even execute you. But you've already won.

The panic, confusion, pleasure, and disgust all mingle into a sublime concoction of anguish. And that's just the rape itself. Imagine a hypothetical pregnancy. The constant reminder of trauma growing inside her, a parasite implanted by the assailant. All the while she's being told it's a "precious child of God" by her family and friends. Her motherly instincts constantly at war with the cold hard memory of the man who violated her.

Call me sick. A rape apologist. What have you. But this is the natural way. Might is right was the law before arbitrary moral codes were invented. They are sheltered and don't understand anything. So they deserve to be raped because that's just reality. The rest of us have been living in hell. It's only fair that they should join us.

>> No.20051466

I'm just screaming into the void. I really want to be screaming jnto someone's face

>> No.20051471

When do you plan to do it? Will you post your note on /lit/?

>> No.20051475

I don't know about that but I find the whole "rape correction" meme very funny.

>> No.20051479

I'm afraid of getting old

>> No.20051482

Idk yet exactly. But I figured out how.

>> No.20051485

good stuff. Take out a massive loan and give me the money

>> No.20051492

Celebrate the days as they come.

>> No.20051496

I have nothing to celebrate

>> No.20051520

The normie mind is a real mystery to me

>> No.20051528

Except your birthday!

>> No.20051546

We're all so similar.
Who cares.

>> No.20051570

Thank anon, just read it and started to cry a bit. I don’t think it’s Peterson’s words, just realizing i’ve heard this all before and my mind is still set on doing this.

>> No.20051574

People like you are the reason I want to kill myself.

>> No.20051576

It's all so trite, played out. We're going through the motions. Post post etc irony. Sigh. It's exhausting.

>> No.20051579

Irony, Sincerity, post-irony, post-post-irony, meta-post-irony.

All these things cease to exist the moment you stop thinking about them.

>> No.20051588

>stop thinking about them
That is not a simple task, for me.

>> No.20051596

My birthday just passed and it left me deeply depressed

>> No.20051610

But while you've been talking with me, you haven't done it. So who's the real bad guy? The dude who engaged you in conversation or the other anons who whispered soft platitudes and dropped the issues? Check mate nerd

>> No.20051612

You left yourself deeply depressed

>> No.20051641

Get off the fucking internet and apply yourself to something real for once

>> No.20051646

I said “celebrate the day”. Live in the present. Stop lamenting your eventual demise.

>> No.20051652

There's always next years birthday! Celebrate becoming a year OLDER! Every year you can CELEBRATE becoming OLDER.

>> No.20051661

>I’m lazy and indecisive and my brother calls it to my attention so that I feel baaaaaaaaad
>if only that was easy!

Do it or stop typing. Ever.
In fact, start there. STOP TYPING HERE. EVER.

>> No.20051662

Well, wasn’t planning on doing it today, but you might make me reconsider.

>> No.20051670

My present sucks

>> No.20051676

funny world we live in

i havent posted in this thread in almost 2 years

>> No.20051688

It’s not that old

>> No.20051695

Fix that, but be happy about it while you work on it
Geez,fuck,wow. I gotta think of everything?
You been out of bed yet today even?

>> No.20051696

Unless you're 19 anyone who is actively creating something slowly learns to basically ignore people whose level of skill is not on display and atleast up to par with his own percieved skill level. If you spend more time critiquing rather than creating you have no authority (in the eyes of a master) to assess the value of a piece.

If I encounter people of a lower skill or nothing on display with lots to say about the direction and quality (or lack of) in my art, I let my mind wander until my facial expressions make it seem that I'm staring at an inanimate object.

>> No.20051702



>> No.20051708

Is he that Shitkickers author?

>> No.20051709

Do what you want dude. No one here can stop you or make you kill yourself.

You haven't explained why you want to, you haven't given any details about your life. So we can't give advice or even listen to why you want to kill yourself. That's your choice. Expecting strangers to sit here and say

>"Oh no, don't do that, random stranger who I don't know and who hasn't expressed himself despite this being a board about writing and reading." You wanna share, share. You don't, don't. Don't blame your suicide on some comment I made.

>> No.20051713

I wish depressed people could see how self-absorbed they really are

>> No.20051718

Oh wow why didn't I think of that?

>> No.20051729

No its a joke. Because the other anon was complaining about getting old.

>> No.20051732

>why didn’t I think of modifying my mood and doing something to get out of the same thought tunnels that got me here to begin with?
Indeed. Good luck, champ.

>> No.20051737

Ive tried anon. I really have. I feel trapped

>> No.20051739

self-pity has got to be the most unattractive trait

>> No.20051757

That was just a joke. I’m also not expecting anyone here to convince me otherwise. I just had to tell /lit/ i was going to do it, simple as.

>> No.20051764

then why not take out a loan and give me the money? you don't need a good credit score in hell

>> No.20051767

But i am forever me and that is the beginning and the end.

>> No.20051773
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>> No.20051777

In the past because the actual image to brain transmission is time based.

>> No.20051782

I'm willing to bet your heart is so small and inward looking that you couldn't love anyone even if you wanted to. Grow up. Grow bigger than you are. Stop thinking about your own miserable self and start thinking about others. That's the most honest advice I can give.

>> No.20051797
File: 75 KB, 538x334, 433ABB68-258C-4D12-AE73-9FCBEA28DB68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no regrets.

>> No.20051800
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My social anxiety and depression is getting better but there is still this barrier that I struggle to break which is dating, the thought of asking a women out or making a move on one puts me in a state that is very close to panic.

It's kina lame to feel that way at 23 but I used to be a lot worse back then. At least I can talk to people normally without panicking and I have a few friends now

>> No.20051802

Ah, a narcissism-affirming self-help quote from a war criminal. You do you anon. Nobody's gonna stop you from being shitty.

>> No.20051803
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>> No.20051804

What should i do? Volunteer at a homeless shelter?

>> No.20051807

Not him, and not a fan of the war criminal, but it’s good enough and simple advice

>> No.20051810

Crack. You clearly have tried all available options. There is obviously no hope left. So do crack.

>> No.20051811

they know, that's what makes it worse. even more of a tar pit.

>> No.20051830

My cousin is raising a baby conceived in such a circumstance. She treats it as a good result from a bad situation (she's pro life, not christian though). It really is weird, because you would think it was traumatic, but she could not conceive with her prior relationships so she is actually quite happy to have the child. I've always thought it took an underlying strength to carry on that duty after such a horrible thing, and she's proving to be a much better person than me.

>> No.20051832

All is vanity. It will always, eventually, revolve around yourself. It's how you channel it that is the key. Attacking the problem from the wrong angle won't do it, though your intention seems pure enough.
Fix your hearts or die, as a friend once said.

>> No.20051835

But I can’t focus on things outside myself because of anhedonia. What do you expect me to do?

>> No.20051842

How do i fix my heart Mr. Lynch?

>> No.20051849

Rationalize it, learn a healthy coping mechanism, get help. Instead of wallowing in victimhood and relegating your life to something less than it could be. Or don't. Its your life after all.

>> No.20051860

Perhaps, though from my own experience spending too much time around the homeless brings out my inner misanthrope.

Engage with humanity. Be a part of a community. You decide what that means. Learn to actually listen to your coworkers, family, or fellow congregants when they talk to you about their lives. Train yourself to care about the well-being of those around you. Be nice to the workers at shops you frequent. Ask them how their day is going and actually pay attention when they respond.

I know this probably sounds corny and boring, but this is how I climbed out of the pit. I used to be an insufferable, depressed, alcoholic NEET four years ago. I was an absolute PRICK, and now I'm a basically happy guy living a pretty good life 2000 miles away from where I grew up.

I'm still working on a few things, but I found that once I stopped obsessing over my own misery and insecurity I actually like most people. And people started liking me back once I got good at caring about others.

This is what I got. Take it or leave it.

>> No.20051863

I've been hanging out for a while now with this girl I know, we mesh pretty well together and I can definitely tell she likes me. I liker her too but I don't really know how to break it to her that I'm not vaccinated. She's not like one of those crazy people who harp on and on about Covid and stuff like that. But I feel like if I tell her that I'm unvaxxed then she's gonna go away or something like that.

Any advice?

>> No.20051869

dont tell her idiot. and if you need to go somewhere that requires a vax card, make a fake one and take a pic to use on entry.

>> No.20051870

Don't mention it. If she asks, don't lie because lying is for children.

>I was concerned about the possibility of vaccine side effects so I waited.

>> No.20051878

>get help
Easier said than done. I’ve seen 4 different psychologists in my lifetime anon. I’ve been on plenty of meds. I’ve rached out to love ones plenty of times. So what actual help is out there anon? I’m being very serious. Don’t you see I’ve exhausted my options already.

>> No.20051886
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Start by being nice to people on 4chan and going on walks outside once every couple days. Not joking.

Baby steps, Anon. You can do it.

>> No.20051887

I hear you anon, but socially everyone thinks i’m great and the nicest sweetest guy they’ve met. If they knew me deep down they would be shocked.

>> No.20051890

You clearly have. So do the crack smoking I suggested earlier. Maybe it'll give you something better to post

>> No.20051908

get bent

>> No.20051914

See you just want to fucking whine like a child. You ignore ever piece of advice the other guys offered claiming you've tried so hard and so much. So why not try something you've never done before? Lots of crack cocaine. Maybe it'll make your posts more enjoyable. Make you less of a cry baby

>> No.20051932

If everyone thinks you're a great guy, just maybe there's some truth there? Extend to yourself the same grace you would extend to someone you cared deeply for. Next time you catch your inner-monologue turning on you and cutting you down, ask yourself, "What if I'm not as bad as I think? What if others are quietly going through the same things I am?"

Because they are. Everything you feel is valid, but none of it is unique. This is why connecting to others is so important. When you truly see other people and what they are going through, you feel less alone. Your struggles aren't original, and you can find comfort in that. Your isolation is self-chosen.

>> No.20051964
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I swear I'm not losing it. Sometimes I hear a voice in my head that tells me to do things, usually mundane stuff like "back in to a parking space instead of pulling in to another," "leave your gloves at home," or "bring your phone in the bathroom when you shower tonight." I ignore it half the time, but the weird thing is that when I do, I seem to run into misfortunate more often than normal. I didn't back in to a certain parking spot once, and a car happened to roll into mine because of it. I didn't have my phone on me on a certain day, and had some trouble at work due to a missed call at that specific time. It doesn't quite predict the future but it comes eerily close.
The worrying thing is that the voice sometimes conducts very personal attacks on me, addressing me like a separate person, and sometimes tells me to do things I don't want to do, like telling me to kill myself or to worship demons, or to break my moral code.
I feel deeply uncomfortable due to whatever this voice is and the influence it's had on my actions. It goes away during prayer and scripture reading, but what that means I can't say.

>> No.20051989

Maybe if you tried crack you would give worthwhile advice.

>> No.20052022

I'm pretty scared of being arrested for shit like that though. I haven't gone anywhere that requires one of those things ever since they implemented it. My best hope is that my country decides to remove it in the future.

Yeah I won't lie, I never lied about it. That's basically one of the reasons why I'll say if she brings it up.

My main problem is that it's kinda just eating at me, you know? I feel like I wanna see and hear from her that she doesn't care about this kinda thing. My current strategy right now is just to get so close to her that she won't give two shits that I'm unvaxxed, but it feels a bit like I'm leading her on.

>> No.20052047

You should tell her. Covid isn't going away anytime soon and it's gonna come up eventually. The more she thinks she knows you, the more she will register the revelation as a shock, especially if you've been passively allowing her to think that you are--which it sounds like is what you've been doing.

Bite the bullet. And if getting vaccinated is that big of a deal to her, and not getting vaccinated is that big of a deal to you, it probably won't work out. Don't waste her time. Don't waste yours.

>> No.20052055

suicide might be the path for you

>> No.20052092

Sometimes it feels like there's pee just in the shaft and not anywhere else

>> No.20052096

I know I probably should but I suppose I'm just pretty scared. It's been a while since I've connected with a girl and I just don't want to lose her.

If I were to tell her, should I do it in person or over text?

>> No.20052118

In person. Mention it next time the conversation comes close to it. Since you're already worrying about it anything less would count as dishonesty.

Explain your thoughts on it if it seems appropriate. Be sincere, not defensive. After that the balls in her court.

>> No.20052162

Alright, thanks for the advice anon. I'll ruminate on it.

>> No.20052173

I own this book actually. Given to me by an aunt who became a Ranger. Guess I'll read it

>> No.20052222

Your aunt sounds cool.

>> No.20052269

Out of klonopin. Going to drink myself to sleep. Gn guys.

>> No.20052290

I find myself envious of what Mormons have accomplished. The community is beautiful, the confidence born of surety is enviable. Collectively there is this positivity that emanates, a flourishing that isn't seen elsewhere in the West. It's just a shame it's founded on such an obvious fraud.

>> No.20052309
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Took a week off reading to play a game, then I went on a porn and junk food binge, edging for 5 hours and stuff. Now I'm finding it hard to get back into reading. I wish I wasn't like this. I just oscillate between two extremes.

>> No.20052477

this woman looks like she does not hve my sense of humour. i could make her laugh but she could not make me laugh. or, she could make me discover something about myself when she finally did make me laugh. then we could be very happy. but probably not. laughing is very important.

>> No.20052514

bro if you've been using for a while and are dependent cold turkey benzo withdrawal is no joke. even from short-term use. drinking will just lower your seizure threshold after an hour when it starts leaving your body
your life, your decisions, but stay safe

>> No.20052575

What is /lit's consensus on whiteboy sex?

>> No.20052576

>tfw adult acne

>> No.20052583

I, once again, feel drawn to Islam.

>> No.20052849

Aren't bionicles made by lego?

>> No.20052880

I wish I could have it with another lit anon

>> No.20053015

Today was good! Even despite my neuroses. For a long time I've been feeling like shit in my quarter life crisis. But I think I'm coming out the other end and realising what it means to only have one life. I don't want to spend the one life I have miserable and full of self pity. You might as well enjoy what you've got and be sincere - otherwise what else is there?

>> No.20053017

I've been kinda horny for femboys lately but I think I like the idea more than the actual thing. Once I actually see the face and the penis I shrivel up and lose all erotic attraction. In my mind's eye though I find the idea hot.

>> No.20053038

WAP is unironically a good song

>> No.20053146

I'm the original anon and I would agree that my definition of being a bad person is putting yourself before others and not considering other people's feelings as if they were your own.

>> No.20053149

great edition

>> No.20053163

I have gotten pretty good at it
Suck at parking though

>> No.20053405

She's retarded and selfish. I feel sorry for her rape baby who will be born because your cousin is lonely and selfish. Sooner or later the baby will find out its father is a rapist and a criminal. Keeping/raising it doesn't make your cousin a saint. It just makes her a lonely cat lady who found a new toy to play with.

>> No.20053663

pray if you haven't. ask Him for precisely what you want in your own language. give Him some time.

>> No.20053757

How do you become decisive?

>> No.20053796
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You just decide faster

>> No.20053835

doubts dont let do that :(

>> No.20053933

Start with getting offline.

>> No.20054013

Because you are weak

>> No.20054040

a lot of attractive polish girls sing along to this while dancing in Chicago clubs. Gets me hard

>> No.20054150

The older I get the more I'm annoyed by the whole "cringe" thing. Why are people so mean to others just because of what they enjoy or what they're like? A lot of the time, they don't even know them personally, and their judgement is a conclusion based on an amalgamation of stereotypes and assumption of bad intent. And if you say you shouldn't make fun of someone for those things, you're accused of being "cringe" yourself. Everyone deserves benefit of the doubt and some room to be "cringe". Thinking this way says more about yourself than the people you're judging.

>> No.20054173

I always thought "cringe" was someone expressing that they themselves would be embarrassed to have done what that person has done. it's empathy. like when you look away from a dude getting a splinter of steel shoved under his toe nail.

>> No.20054182

the world is ruled with buzzwords

>> No.20054319

Cringe posters

>> No.20054326

Flip a coin

>> No.20054383
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>> No.20054393

my body yearns for the plant i cannot consume.

>> No.20054439


>> No.20054456

Day 11315 of me being an unmerciful vindictive asshole that destroys friendships

>> No.20054460

basically because being a dick online is also a (cringe) hobby

>> No.20054468

>almost 32 years

>> No.20054486

Yeah I know I'm oldfag. What of it, punk? Get off my lawn.

>> No.20054493

Do you atleast have kids?

>> No.20054516

You're all my kids

>> No.20054529

She found me a job,
go here, by then
i asked for an adderall.
the god damn things were so hard to cut.
Using the oily sweat on my fingers to gather up the dust and cut it on the blade and put it in my mouth.

>> No.20054532

>The west starts censoring Russian content to prevent disinformation
>"Let's all act like who we are trying to oppose! That'll show them!

>> No.20054700

"What passes for hip cynical transcendence of sentiment is really some kind of fear of being really human."
DFW would have a field day with the popularity of the world cringe.

>> No.20054721

As long as the father isnt black

>> No.20054746

I want to know what I want but somehow I cannot penetrate deep enough to reach the conclusion.

>> No.20054773
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>take a three day weekend to get errands and personal projects done, probably gonna hit the gym
>sleep all day friday
>sleep 10 hours
>wake up late on saturday
>eh i dont wanna go shopping because id rather work out
>eh i dont wanna work out because im so tired from sleeping so much
>i know! ill work on some art
>set up paints
>i have been sitting here for two hours

>> No.20054953

>tfw no /lit/ bf

>> No.20054997

Hey qt ;)

>> No.20055033

Hi :)

>> No.20055039

I’m totally at a loss regarding what to do next with my life. In some sense it seems I’ve hit the lottery and ended up in a comfortable position but I also feel the golden handcuffs and I’m deeply unsatisfied.

>> No.20055061

porn is fucking boring

>> No.20055090
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Is the kind of cynicism he was criticizing still an issue? Ironic hipster subculture doesn't exist anymore, young people who want to be edgy are all terminally online now and involved in different flavors of performative political radicalism. We went from "ugh, nothing matters" to "uwu i just wuv licking my wounds wif my suppowtive discord frens" without stopping somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. Irony is still around, but it's not poisoning people like toxic positivity and woke narcissism are.
I like sincerity as much as the next guy, but it seems to me that people who complain about "irony poisoning" are ten years behind the curve, at least.

>> No.20055120

I should clarify that when I said "edgy," I meant it in a general counterculture "I'm not like the other kids" way. "Edgy" doesn't necessarily mean being nasty and provocative.

>> No.20055164


>> No.20055538

Bros I just had a great conversation with a girl on omegle. Sadly she lives halfway across the world. Why do I do this to myself

>> No.20055544
File: 58 KB, 720x720, 821B66F4-E9E6-41BF-8D91-42CEA6CC883C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to read "T. W." just because he looks and sounds like someone who would write in a gas station with a stack of B*kowski and {guy who wrote Fight Club} on the toilet lid for inspiration. As you see I even refuse to type the names of anyone involved. Now you see how much the superficial matters. Why? Because without fail, it's representative of the soul. I already know all I need to know about T.W. just by his name and the picture I once had the great misfortune to see (after already eschewing him for his name).
Incidentally, I started watching Streetcar once even though I swore him off, because I wanted to see Brando. I thought he was acting so well, but the story was so offputting that I couldn't finish it. Actually I looked up the rest of the story to be sure that it was going to end up as offputtingly as I thought, saw that I was right, said "Yeah that's what I expected from this fuckin guy with his fuckin name and fuckin sunglasses and fuckin B*kowski and {guy who wrote Fight Club} stack." So it's not a completely superficial reaction anymore.

>> No.20055625
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When I'm having a bad day mentally, I'll read every page out of order; god forbid I'm trying to read something I don't find interesting.

It's like that stupid tv trope where the guy everyone thinks is retarded is just seeing the world differently with kooky visuals, except I actually am retarded, and I'm playing scrabble with words that are already in order.

>> No.20055661

now that's fuckin' talent

>> No.20055681

jesus christ. I live almost completely isolated and then I see shit like this and it feels like I'm in an edgy tv comedy. how am I supposed to deal with this? I have a hard enough time believing that insta influencers are actually real.

>> No.20055687

they learned about organized religion.

>> No.20055708

You're echoing your own observations of the world back at yourself through the lens of "something other".

>> No.20055934
File: 233 KB, 616x431, there are those who need to die and painfully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i relate anon it's frustrating inside i'm good but i just feel wronged i just want to butcher a whole room make things as they SHOULD be but i don't want to be bad which makes me even angrier i really want to kill a sex worker

>> No.20055947

to me someone who defiles about a day or two ago i think my mother died to me other people are just so... i hate them... they would stand by or encourage defilement their ignorance of what is of value in the world it's too much for me to bare other are simply unlovable undeserving of any positive feeligs

>> No.20055968
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a lot really /lit/ related i mean i really want to take my hordes of manga anime kinos and lit that i have amassed there are so many plays musicals etc out there to enjoy so yeah just art overload i just want to take it slow and enjoy/learn

>> No.20056111
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I went to a sushi train with my gf and I was completely enthralled by all the pretty business casual japanese girls instead of her

>> No.20056273
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Well why can't I ~ use the squiggle as a new punctuation mark.

>> No.20056324

If you aren't doing everything you can do become stronger every second you breath, you are the reason the life of humanity is at stake. You are the cause of all the great tragedies of human history. You are encouraging all the suffering in the world. Your failures lead to the failure of all mankind. In just the same way, only you can save this world, only you can save the people you see every day, and only you can make them strong, if only you would become stronger.

>> No.20056391

I don't know what to say. You're saying people aren't cynical anymore?

>> No.20056398

I'm stuck in a paradox. Everytime I acknowledge my problems I get stuck in a self obsess, neurotic depression. When I ignore my problems they just lay under the surface, festering and getting worse. I'm torn between being a whiney bitch and a ticking timebomb.

>> No.20056431

It bothers me a lot that America has no medieval history.

>> No.20056469

OK me again. Point taken. The ironic subculture doesn't exist anymore, but I think that's because no subcultures exist anymore. But of course people are cynical, and it runs entirely through our culture and pop culture. Kids shows are especially cynical. Every kids show now, and movies probably, features a main character that constantly scoffs and puts down the "stupidity" around him/her.
My nieces and nephews are pretty cynical. I see the same DFW-esque thing applying to them. They're afraid of being real, running the risk of being called cringe.

>> No.20056474

they're the only ones who had pirate history tho. at least the hearth of it

>> No.20056485

When i was younger i used to watch little machinimas, movies made through game engines, one that specifically squats in my mind (and has done for nigh on a decade) used Naruto opening music, now, most of these really amateur works were probably made with kids about my age using camcorder footage and windows movie maker, stuff like this:


Which to nine year old me, was some of the coolest, most interesting shit out there, it was like somebody had animated the fun stories i made up in my head about crash bandicoot being in the internet as depicted on futurama, just crazy mishmashs of everything, i fell in love with them, i started watching other machinima, most of which was absolutely terrible but captivated me anyway, that year, the guy making these got better at his craft, and by the end of it, he'd make this:


Wherein he actually hacked the game, so Mario was a pokemon, and Rotom, a pokemon from the newest games was transplanted back in time 5 years, and it blew me away, i wanted to know more, for the first time i saw games not as some incredible thing that came fully formed, but these equally incredible, lurching machines, built by teams, like a crane, straining under weight, swaying in the breeze, they were digital, physical things, and the ambient desire to become a game developer calcified, i'm studying computer science because of the long trail watching these videos as a 9 year old led me on, hell, this:


Probably led to my interest in history, so why am i wasting your time on this? Well for one thing you're reading an anonymous post on the asshole of the internet so fuck off stop pretending either of us have anything better to do, I'm writing this because so much of this is gone, the wrath of the ice god video? Original uploader's gone, apparently hacked, it's only available in reuploads, all your history? Ditto, reupload only, the network that uploaded hundreds of these videos, Machinima on YouTube has been completely surpassed by changing monetization and a changing internet, the machinima series with the Naruto music? gone, completely, i haven't been able to find it, something that wasapretty big part of my life for what felt like years is gone forever, and only my fallible memory of it remains.

There's a quote i really like about this by Felix Biederman, in reference to the mainstreaming and perceived decline of MMA fighting, "This will be the fate of everything you love", and man, i loved this little flicker ofcreativity, and as my politics have changed over the years, this is what i want, i don't want flickering lights and big expensive productions, i don't wantbig marvel movies, capital has invaded the internet, and these are the burned homes left behind, for a brief moment, the dream was here, a world that transcended the physical, that linked people, and now it's all gone, and kids these days will never even know it was there.

Goodbye 2009.

>> No.20056513

you can, if you want everything to be sing-song

>> No.20056580

I remember when the squiggle was used to indicate sexy voice

>> No.20056589

Pirates are enemies of the state, so I don’t think they can be considered the same way you’d consider Medieval Vikings

>> No.20056595

We’re in a weird situation where Westerners want their stories to be drawn, not written, but specifically drawn by people who aren’t Western.

>> No.20056596

I think the squiggle should be used, and it should be correct in all its applications. The use of the squiggle ~ makes any sentences grammatically correct by its very presence.

>> No.20056598

Dod youever see thr knight vs pirate episode of Deadliest Warrior

>> No.20056628

you people who are just vulnerable all the time. i see you every day, listening to your music with full volume in public. having conversations with strangers, about your thoughts and feelings and lives. how do you do that?

>> No.20056642

A few things. Being well-socialized is ironically really about boundaries. All the time I engage in random conversations with people, and I simply say, "alright then" and walk away when I'm done. It's how most well-socialized people behave. Vulnerability and candidness work when you have an easy and respectable out.

>> No.20056654

The ironyis that they can be open because theyre not vulnerable

>> No.20056666

well you can't deny at this rate pirates are part of the romanticized sphere, along with vikings, crusaders, cowboys, etc. I wonder what we will romanticize of this age or the coming one

>> No.20056671

Sure, but while they’re not typically associated Americans and besides it’s the medieval period in particular that I’m interested in.

>> No.20056686

>I wonder what we will romanticize of this age or the coming one


Nice quads btw

>> No.20056687

Anything I can read which will disabuse me of my interest in Japan and Japanese manga?

>> No.20056732

Hang out with Japanese people. They're vapid and surprisingly dumb.

>> No.20056760

Dada da, dada da

>> No.20056832


Social media, a loss of social trust, and plummetting testosterone levels have caused crowd behavior to become much worse

>> No.20056935

I blame The Office

>> No.20057005
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>> No.20057160

for ants/10

>> No.20057169

I long every day for the downfall of American democracy. I am disappointed the coup attempt by Trump failed and I hope for a successful coup at some point in the future. Anything to rid the world of this pestilential government.

>> No.20057333

That's a good post fren. While I hadn't experienced the exact same things as you had (for me it was things like maplestory movies), I feel like the essence of our two experiences were the same.

Those good times are gone, and I'm okay with that.

>> No.20057456

Going to move into apartment with friends, it has a back deck but the door to it is inside of a friend's room. I can have the room next to it, which has a window facing the back deck. Would people call the cops if I routinely climb out of/into my back window (so that I can avoid bothering my roommate)? Don't give me alternatives, I just need to know whether my idea is fully retarded or not. I want to grow peppers on the deck.

>> No.20057506

January 6 wasn’t a coup attempt, it was a set up.
A coup is just a replacement of one ineffectual government with a new ineffectual government.
“American democracy” or what is being called “western democracy” is nothing but corruption.

>> No.20057535

I long every day to not be poor

>> No.20057537

I worked for a small village one summer about 16 years ago. At the start of every day, we'd push the pick up truck down the sloped street on which was the municipal garage for compression starting it. It was the only way (without actually fixing the truck). We'd then keep it running literally all day. They'd let me drive it even though I didn't have my licence yet.

>> No.20057712

your post resonates with me
machinima itself was part of the downfall, though, by trapping people who were making cool videos in shitty contracts in hopes of monetizing content

>> No.20057913

If this is Tennessee Williams, you're very wrong and bukowski and Palahnuik live rent free in your head lol. Imagine leaving a hobo and a pulp faggot live rent free in your head and convincing yourself you have made good decisions about anything else lmao

>> No.20057920

No they're the only ones besides islanders who still got kidnapped by pirates in Africa. You're confusing having to trade parts of the navy you haven't built yet for men you lost when the British stopped protecting you with the British not knowing about pirates/privateers. They knew it was a dumb take for the US to declare independence and then try to take a boat past North Africa, but the UK likes to watch other countries get burnt.

>> No.20058774

don't kill a sex worker.

>> No.20058789

I just want a cuddle from a cute twink.

>> No.20058808

I'm not sure to what degree I would owe it to a prospective partner to share my long and diverse history as an alien

>> No.20058811

I don’t know how I would even meet any.

>> No.20058944

I'm being raised by the internet.
I'm 30 years old.

>> No.20059011


>> No.20059062

I have come to the conclusion that as a white guy I have no problem saying "nigger" to my friends, and that it is a fun word to say. I would add that I am legitimately not racist and find racism to be a stupid, false concept. I would not say the word in "polite society" out of respect for others. I don't even mean to insult blacks when it's said. I also say "cracker" with no problem.

>> No.20059325

ok /lit/ i wont be posting about girls anymore. this has gone on for far to long. i have to get back to work.

>> No.20059355

Ya it is, and they don't live in my head, I was just using them as comparable vibes, they all fulfill that archetype to me of the "not actually literary dudebro nonetheless writing literature manfully for men", it's always so aggressively anti-literary and trendy, like they could all be easily imagined chilling in like Jack Koureac's garage (adding him to the gang now), talking cars and avoiding any discussion of literature since that's for nerds and women. That sort of vibe is so nauseating to me

>> No.20059717

Not that I know of, no.

>> No.20059745
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I can't stop thinking about the likelihood of nuclear war. I've given up on planning to survive, I just want to carry a suicide pill around so that if it happens I can die instantly and not have to suffer in agony for weeks

>> No.20059943

kind of have an urge to get into a kink but honestly none of them do anything for me. seeing a girl crawl around in a collar or be bound up does nothing to my libido. i feel like my worldview is so cynical and unflinching that seeing people play around with symbols that touch some of the dark aspects of life (inequality, violence, domination) feels like a joke.

>> No.20060015

How did you reconcile a love of novels and comics, and wanting to make both?

>> No.20060494

We're total opposites

>> No.20060724

>kind of have an urge to get into a kin
I guess not, since you claim to not have any.
You can get into mild kinks. BDSM isn’t for everyone.

>> No.20061301
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>> No.20061307
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>> No.20061316
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>> No.20061321
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>> No.20061324
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>> No.20061330
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>> No.20061335
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>> No.20061344
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>> No.20061350
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>> No.20061358
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>> No.20061363
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>> No.20061371
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>> No.20061375
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>> No.20061379
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>> No.20061382
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>> No.20061387
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