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20054351 No.20054351 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is going on in these two books? I was following the Jung recommended reading chart from /lit/, and I was doing fine and thought I understood Jung until I reached these. Did he just have a mental breakdown when he wrote these?

>> No.20054923
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I mean it makes sense when you understand his friendship with Serrano

>> No.20055058

Wait till you get to the Red Book

>> No.20055327

You can find a few videos on Aion on YouTube. It's honestly just schizo shit though and I don't see how it would help your life in any way.

>> No.20055351

It's good knowledge to have in mind as things get seemingly weirder and weirder.

>> No.20055352

I couldn't get past the first page. He goes full schizo and the annotations definitely don't help his case at all. It's like the mentally ill can't form coherent sentences and it really shows.

>> No.20055558

Try to read books by modern psychiatrists, you'll go back to the schizo ramblings of this guy in a second.

>> No.20055670
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Jung's brain was so huge that he recognized that the stars have a prfound impact on human nature and perhaps some psychic effect which we cannot understand. The Aion of Pieces (the fish) started around 0 AD with the birth of christ and ended around the year 2000. As we move on to a new Aion a new world order follows
Alchemy I have no idea

also my brain is not nearly ridged enough to even pretend that I understand it

>> No.20055768
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>the Jung recommended reading chart
Anyone mind posting it? Recently grabbed a bunch of Jung at the Salvation Army and I'm wondering where to begin.

>> No.20055909
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This is the one I got.

>> No.20055917
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And another one.

>> No.20056028

If peterson had just stayed within his field as a jungian the world would be a better place.

>> No.20056299


>> No.20056308

>within his field as a jungian
Is his academic work about Jung? I was under the impression that most of his publications were about alcoholism and personality.

>> No.20056312

Maps of Meaning is pretty Jungian.

>> No.20056318

And I know it was a book but he originally intended it to be an application for a tenure

>> No.20056335

Stargazing was the only way early man could predict seasons. I do not doubt some evolutionary force was exerted on the humanity which positively selected the stargazing people at the outset of modernity. To this day higher intellects are often marked by an admiration for the stars.

>> No.20056449

>I couldn't get past the first page. He goes full schizo and the annotations definitely don't help his case at all. It's like the mentally ill can't form coherent sentences and it really shows.
The Red Book is one of the best things written.

>> No.20056860

Can you stop pretending you're a human being with original thoughts?

>> No.20056999

To really understand Aion you need to really grasp enantiodromia as a concept and how it relates to the unconscious. Reading Psychological Types can be a good preface to the kind of psychological processes he describes in a macro scale in Aion, as they are arguably the same phenomena but in a micro scale per individual.

>> No.20057061

>Can you stop pretending you're a human being with original thoughts?
I've never pretended that.
It isn't my fault that poster couldn't embrace brilliance, even if it's through the lens of a man deep in mental chaos

>> No.20057244

Let's be real. The only reason you're jacking off this mentally ill, demented old man is because everyone else is. He immediately starts off by saying he has no justification for what he's about to say, then says he has abandoned the scientific method as well. I could understand this and would have kept reading even though it's basically just a man's thoughts and opinions at this point. If he didn't go further and insult me with schizophrenic, incoherent ramblings with annotations calling God "a symbol of the libido". I would have probably continued just to see his merits and ideas, but it turns out he has nothing to offer but something for pseudo to read and sniff their own farts in the process.

>> No.20057266

He was trying to explain the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensional field to a retard. It's esoteric, it's not for aethiest or uninitiated plebs

>> No.20057306

I've re-read this post several times and each time I find something new that's entirely retarded. Your post is to stupidity as the Amazon is to biodiversity.

>> No.20057446

Thanks for your rebuttal. Keep worshipping a perverted, schizophrenic, blasphemous old man.

>> No.20057698
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>> No.20057736

You sound like a hylic retard that can't grasp anything beyond the material world. If that's accurate, then yes you will get nothing from Jung beyond a certain point. At the deeper levels psychological understanding, you can't avoid confronting the spiritual and the spiritual manifestation of the Self. Spiritual understanding and material reductivism via the scientific method are completely incompatible. All major religions understand this. And Jung understood this as well. But what he wanted to do later in his career, was provide a bridge for scientifically oriented people to appreciate the real value that often gets dismissed in esoteric traditions. So yes, of course he had to abandon the scientific method when he addressed the deeper layers of psychology. As it is intimately tied to the spiritual.

But again, if you're a committed materialist, it's literally impossible for you to appreciate what Jung was trying to accomplish with the books in OP's image. Idk, go back to Freud (not that you'll find truth there, but he provides a nice safe space for navel-gazing atheists)

>> No.20057750

will i enjoy other Jung books if i didn't like modern man in search of a soul?

>> No.20057753

The meek responses to this post only underline the truth of it attracting pseuds.

>> No.20057824


Everyone can see through your samefagging