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/lit/ - Literature

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20053030 No.20053030 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite short book? (Right around 200 pages or less)

>> No.20053036

Hadji Murat

>> No.20053041
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A man asleep - perec.
That describes my life.

>> No.20053049

A Christmas Carol
Leaf by Niggle
The Hobbit

>> No.20053052

the ice palace by vesaas

>> No.20053054

God don't real so prayer is useless.
Cooming is bad for you.

>> No.20053061

There are proven benefits to prayer, dummy.

I dunno I don't keep track of books under 200 pages normally. Probably The Richest Man in Babylon, then. I give copies out to people I want to make it and it's the first thing that comes to mind.

>> No.20053067

the movie was great and made me cry and also made my peepee hard. I read the book afterwards and was let down by a really crappy translation.

>> No.20053072

>proven benefits to placebo by people who experience delusions
I know.

>> No.20053087

Cool so why would you negligently go around trying to take those benefits away from people and increase misery in the world?

>> No.20053100

The Moon & Sixpence by Somerset Maugham
Hadji Murat by Leo Tolstoy
The Cossacks by Leo Tolstoy
A Hero of Our Time by Lermontov
77 Dream Songs by John Berryman

>> No.20053118
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Former psychotherapist discovers the voices schizophrenic hear are real. The stories inside are very interesting I have much reason to believe everything inside it is true.

>> No.20053156

The Stranger

>> No.20053203
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>> No.20053206

By Night in Chile

>> No.20053246

On the marble cliffs - ernst jünger

>> No.20053251

Molloy - Samuel Beckett
The Unnamable - Samuel Beckett
The Cannibal, The Beetle Leg, The Lime Twig - John Hawkes
Ray - Barry Hannah
Outer Dark - Cormac McCarthy

>> No.20053312

F Scott Fitzgerald's A Diamond as Big as the Ritz

>> No.20053343

They need to wake up and smell the roses. The truth hurts.

>> No.20053459

White Nights - Dostoyevski
The Death of Ivan Ilyich - Tolstoi

>> No.20053486

My favourite short story is 'How much land does a man really need?' - Tolstoy. I just wanted to say I've read three of Kafka's books thinking they'd get better, but I have yet to gain anything from them aside from the knowledge that Kafka self-inserts as a coomer and gets all the bitches.

>> No.20053516
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>> No.20054873

How many times does this book cite Jung?

>> No.20054985

haven't read it but the movie is kino

>> No.20055143
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>> No.20055298

any Louis Lamour book. theyre always like 200 or so pages. just straight up awesome old west cowboys and indians bad vs good. that kinda stuff love it

>> No.20055318
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>> No.20055326
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pic related

>> No.20056561

Scaligero's manual to meditation

>> No.20056576
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Try Kobo Abe.

>> No.20056682

>Mrs Dalloway
>The Trial
>The Colossus Of Maroussi
>As I Lay Dying
>The Old Man and The Sea
>The Tao Te Ching
>The Bhagavad Gita
>Pedro Paramo
>Pere Goriot

>> No.20057291

I'm not the person your replying to, but what does this do? This is a meaningless post, a complete waste of time.
>I posted a picture with a dumb face and body this means that your are leh dumb
You have challenged nothing. You have proven nothing. You actively contribute to the degeneration of this board into mindless drivel.
You are an inane and infantile being. I plead and beg that you will end your life soon.

>> No.20057303


>> No.20057307

Convenience Store Woman. Though I'm pretty sure this is the only short book I've read.

>> No.20057310

I have to correct this. Apparently Kafka's The Trial is under 200 pages, so that probably edges a bit above Convenience Store Woman.

>> No.20057317

Kafka's Metamorphosis is the best story I've ever read.

>> No.20057318

In this case the anon is suggesting that the anon he is replying to is the picrel, he is saying that he views that anon as a retard. You should lurk more before posting, newfag, your two posts are even more meaningless and time wasting than his.

>> No.20057323

I have never seen a copy of The Trial under 200 pages, mine is 285 plus a 50 page appendix for the unfinished chapters.

>> No.20057334

My copy is 168 pages

>> No.20057342

It cites Swedenborg

>> No.20057409

The Antichrist and Twilight of the Idols
don't make me pick

>> No.20058025

First, I only made 1 post (now 2).
Second, I understand what he meant by posting the image you autistic fuck. I'm just tired of this stupid fucking attitude on the entire site.
Posting retarded basedjacks is the exact same fucking thing as an ad hominem attack. It's a pointless waste of time, instead of engaging with the other person you simply insult them and leave.
In conclusion, go fuck yourself.

>> No.20058034
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>> No.20058399

ice by anna kavan

that being said i haven't read many books so i'll probably take note of the recs in this thread

>> No.20058491
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>> No.20058495
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>> No.20058506
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>> No.20058518
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I don't remember how long the books were

>> No.20058683
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This unironically. Read it in a single weekend and it made me realize I really like short books.

>> No.20059266

Golem XIV
The Drowned World
Story of the Eye
The Blind Owl

>> No.20060214
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>> No.20060238

This is unironically an 18-25 yr old mentality. What you don't seem to realize is that truth, being precarious and, in the day-to-day workings of the world, relative, things that a pure materialist would call a placebo are no more or less legitimate realities than actual treatments... they all have influences on chemical reactions in the brain and body of the subject. So how can you denounce prayer/meditation/exercise while ostensibly supporting explicit non-placebos like anti-depressants/stimulants/psychedelics?
Where do you draw the line between "things which improve people's moods and perceptions"?

>> No.20060876
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>> No.20060928

The metamorphosis by Kafka

>> No.20060999

Heart of Darkness

>> No.20062489


>> No.20063276

I hated that.

>> No.20063300
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Either/both of picrel
I bought a nice edition of it

>> No.20063744

The Recognitions

>> No.20064123

The Ballad of the Sad Cafe by Carson McCullers.

Beautifully written novella about a love triangle in a dying town down South.

>> No.20064156

Fathers and Sons

>> No.20064175

Old man and the sea was pretty chill

>> No.20064232
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Explain the meaning of the cuttlefish.
You have 10 seconds.

>> No.20064417

A King Alone

>> No.20064437

Chronicles of a Death Foretold

>> No.20065431

>64 replies
>ctrl+f -> "venice"
>Phrase not found
The state of /lit/...

>> No.20065521

Pedro Paramo

>> No.20065552

op start reading short stories

>> No.20065564

Sell me on this. Giono interests me

>> No.20065936
File: 24 KB, 258x400, 9780140189827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it was supposed to mean anything, I just noted that Sam became paranoid with visions of a recurring circle, and the cuttlefish was continually noted to have 'sine wave pupils,' so there was some sort of juxtaposition?
That and the immortality thing made the cuttlefish just seem alien I guess?
Also The Lime Twig is another good short book.

>> No.20065957
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>> No.20066450


>> No.20066587

It’s pretty straightforward. A police inspector is sent to investigate a bunch of mysterious murders in an isolated town in the French alps.

>> No.20068079

the happy innocents
the unbearable lightness of being

>> No.20068267

A Scanner Darkly
(220 pages, but they feel short)

>> No.20068342


>> No.20068354
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To Live, by Yu Hua

>> No.20069148

Michael Kohlhaas