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/lit/ - Literature

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20052344 No.20052344 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that are essentially a collection of aphorisms, witticisms, and pithy quotes? I really enjoy a good well-phrased quote and I feel like reading them and understanding their substance and structure allows me to improve my own conversational skills and ability to say meaningful things.
I'd love an entire book or collection of things along the lines of "The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy" and "Scant is the part of life in which we live. All the rest of existence is not living but merely time".

>> No.20052427

Whose the whore

>> No.20052443

The maxims of La Rochefoucauld

>> No.20052447

Lots, just do a search for "book of quotes." You can find them covering all sorts of topics and general collected quotes of individuals.

>> No.20052448

I'm not sure if his books are translated, but Nicolás Gómez Dávila was the kind of aphorisms.

>> No.20052454

mi diario, desu

>> No.20052456

Essays on Idleness

>> No.20052464

Bed of Procrustes by Nassim Taleb (pbuh) is the best book of aphorisms I've read

>> No.20052476

Are you sure a book of quotes is what you need when you want "something meaningful to say"? Seems to me it would just lead to you saying more platitudes than anything else. desu, conversational skills come from conversation.

>> No.20052603
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>spewing rehearsed lines like a robot

>> No.20052678

You've never had an original thought in your life.

>> No.20052687
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I only bone to e-girls right now, it's quite sad

>> No.20052693

Still doesn't change the fact you asked for books to copy trite zingers from

>> No.20052699

I remember reading a book full of Oscar Wilde quotes, not sure what it's called anymore though. But it sounds perfect for your needs.

>> No.20052707

Oh yeah, it's called wisdom of oscar wilde. Bunch of good ones in there fr

>> No.20052833
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>> No.20052842
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>> No.20052851
File: 595 KB, 600x700, keep-calm-or-you-will-get-wet-panties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That look when she's about to sneeze but ends up creaming herself instead. Priceless.

>> No.20052863

Will check these out, thanks!
I'm not going to be quoting things directly. I just like the way the sentence structure of a lot of quotes flows. Sure you could say "Damn like, you gotta like learn shit as you go in life, y'know?" but "Life is like playing a violin in public and learning the instrument as one goes on" sounds a lot nicer. I'd like to be better at speaking in that style.
Lmao at that li'l dude in the background, what's he up to?

>> No.20052865

maxims - la rochefoucauld

>> No.20052996

Sayings of Kings and generals, Plutarch

>> No.20053111

imagine the farts coming out of her asshole

>> No.20053248

what you search for is '''moralistes'' which is not about morality, but just quotes about stuff.


>> No.20053746

Really guys?

>> No.20053804

girls making stupid cute faces used to have such power over me

now i just think "who's the whore"

>> No.20053809

Congratulations. You’re a typical weak male that goes with the crowd just to fit in.

>> No.20053812

no i'm a man who aged out of puberty, don't worry you'll probably get there too eventually

>> No.20053846

>Misanthropy is maturity!! YOU'LL GET THERE SOMEDAY!!
They’re just girls making faces at their cellphones. Enjoy it pr don’t.

>> No.20053857

adult women making infantilized neoteny faces into their phones as a primary pastime is a travesty of female agency and you should feel ashamed of yourself for enabling it

women are not happy being glorified blow-up dolls but they are so bombarded by incitements to be "cute" from youth that most of them can imagine nothing else. your desire to be "nice" and "just let people do what they want" is the kind of complacency that led to all the horrors we now accept as normal

>> No.20053866

Pretty much anything written by Oscar Wilde.

>> No.20053871
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Imagine repeatedly punching her in the face until your knuckles are bloody and mangled, and her face is a gaping hole with brains and gore oozing out of it.

>> No.20053880


>> No.20053881
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Have a sniff, it'll ease your pain.

>> No.20053915

Did you mean to link to someone else, Mr. Anthropy?

>> No.20053917

Maxim's and reflection of a Florence statesman - Franseco Gucciardini

>> No.20053931

Meditations? The start reads like a philosophy paper but it turns into self help one liners

>> No.20054334
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So fucking based.

>> No.20054335

Aulus Gellius - Attic Nights. Never seems to get enough attention; /lit/erati from the classical world collects his favorite stories and quotes into single book. For a bonus it's the only surviving content from a great many lost works.

>> No.20054355

Basically any Japanese zuihitsu. Essays in Idleness was already mentioned above. I also highly recommend The Pillow Book

>> No.20054415

Athenaeum fragments by the Schlegel bros. and Novalis

>> No.20054435

Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary

>> No.20054454
File: 57 KB, 640x360, wTZhZiLPpprkbLODmMKe93vHJXd7yAjAC-GsZeSmOtE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lmao at that li'l dude in the background, what's he up to?
He's probably being abused by her considering how small her "boyfriend's" penis was.

>> No.20054495

no, i always reply in good faith even to retards, in case any lurkers charitable enough to engage in dialogue and think through ideas other than their own preconceptions may be reading

whether the particular person replying to me acts like an obtuse cunt for the sake of defending their preconceptions, without engaging in dialogue, is immaterial. this is 4chan, most people are as stupid and as obtuse as you, and view saying "Lmao ok?? I.... disagree!!!! XD" as a victory. it's no more a defeat for me than the fact that some random normalfag would disagree as well. i'm always implicitly talking to any humans who happen to be reading.

in the long run you damage your own mental and neurological health by being this stupid. the dopamine you get for frustrating a random stranger by refusing to engage in good faith with him, but still for some reason replying anyway, is not worth the damage you to do to your neurons by habituating yourself to never engaging with things unless they already conform to your biases.

proper 4chan use literally helps prevent alzheimer's because it forces you to be in a constant state of creative banter with people different from yourself. improper 4chan use (like yours) is just twitter upvoting/downvoting while you happen to be on 4chan. it's like the eucharist: you are substantially on twitter, you are only accidentally on 4chan.

>> No.20054772

I appreciate your effort posting but 4chan isn't the place for it anymore I think. I've used a few smaller chans and one I found actual discussion on ideas, healthy debates and arguing in good faith. There is still some trolling, shilling and retarded posts but there is a board owner who removed shilling and anything that doesn't foster discussion, meanwhile on 4chan it's a shitfest and the admins and mods have gotten worse and worse over time.

>> No.20054994

Absolutely vile. …Link?

>> No.20055019

anything by Cioran

>> No.20055024

Who is this?

>> No.20055052


It was a switch and bait meme for a while, which it's perfect for because of how long she takes to get the pants off.

>> No.20055109


>> No.20055169
File: 895 KB, 948x1500, 97914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viking Book of Aphorisms - W.H. Auden

I own this one, it's organized by theme and has a bunch of different sources.

>> No.20055175

look up hannahowo blowjob on google and its one of the links
wasnt very good
the highlight of the video is unironically >>20055052

>> No.20055181

Who is this cum plum?

>> No.20055306

Essays and Aphorisms by Schopenhauer.

>> No.20055394

For all the coomers in this thread
Be warned, it will just make you more depressed if you watch this.

>> No.20055491

It's asking me to login to view, what is it?

>> No.20055497

>you have to log in to see restriced content now
well thats new

>> No.20055503

The small bunny nose too look younger than she actually is. She looks like a copy of the hit or miss girl.

>> No.20055523
File: 181 KB, 1080x1350, 1646233930008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another post with this face structure

>> No.20055574

It's a fully nude handjob/blowjob video that's about 2:30 seconds long. Most of her twitter has nude photos and pornographic videos. Just make a burner twitter. If you're that desperate or just google hannah owo nude and click on the videos tab

>> No.20055677

I can never tell if these posts are genuine expressions of resentment, post-ironic confessions of those same sentiments, but with the added subtext that the poster is aware that these feelings are the expression of some deep-seated sickness, or legit zoomcooms pretending to be the first kind of poster to make their own unironic obsession with instagram models, idols, tiktok performers and the like seem less strange and pitiable by contrast.

>> No.20055721

Very sad that women circulate themselves like this

>> No.20055745

when i do it its the first

>> No.20055761

not sure what you're doing on /lit/, #1 belongs on /r9k/ or /gif/ and #3 should stay off imageboards entirely.

>> No.20055789

Maybe like 7-8 years ago at the earliest, sure. Those days are long gone, /lit/ is more acceptable for this than /r9k/ is now

>> No.20055865


>> No.20056183

Old r9k was the bees knees, such a shame what happened to it.

>> No.20056249

The West should have normalized killing or enslaving whores.

>> No.20056265

It says it on the bottom right corner of her photo. Retard.

>> No.20056387

You dream of female agency

>> No.20056574

Will check this out, thanks


>> No.20057213

She could be yours!

>> No.20057322

I wrote one a little while ago. Just haven't had time to have it properly edited, as it's a little controversial in nature.

>> No.20057391

>Balthasar Gracian

>> No.20057479

>The dick wasn’t big enough for me

>> No.20057484

Poor Richard’s Almanack

>> No.20057494

That's the look of a girl who molests her underage babysitting charges. And when she gets caught blames it on pot & some fuccboi named Foucault.

>> No.20057496

Terribly based, she is now very attractive.

>> No.20057505

The Pensees by Pascal is basically that, but it also has a heavy Christian apologetic tone so be warned if you don't want that as well

>> No.20057510
File: 87 KB, 513x1200, A3E7A345-899B-4AF0-8A44-A75C6675C4F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How terribly shallow

>> No.20057561

This is not the reason. Standards are very low for women and they can do whatever they want easily and get disproportionally encouraged/facilitated.

The reason is that it's just easier for them to be like that and it feels good. Maybe not in a 'life purpose' kind of way but obviously they like attention and social capital and money and options for partners. Not being like that is harder and not enjoyable. The only women who go a different path are too ugly for it and secretly (or openly) seethe that they are unable to compete in either domain.

>> No.20057562

Looks like a hog.

>> No.20057596

Look at that person in the background. lol

>> No.20057647

She’s in love with a small package white male

>> No.20057786

/lit/ literature

>> No.20057810

i hate books but i love tiddies

>> No.20057820

Love boobas but hate women, simple as.

>> No.20057823

I wish I could've been "molested" by a hot babysitter when I was 13

>> No.20057832

This chick looks retarded pulling that face.

>> No.20057843

what about big titty goth gfs?

>> No.20057868

Don’t get attached

>> No.20057870

Like a swamp leech up some girl's panties, I will.

>> No.20057942 [DELETED] 
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From frosty to frosted in under an hour: that's my thot record.

>> No.20057952 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20058076
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>> No.20058746

Literally "aphorisms"? Kafka has one book called like that, and also The last castle was a compilation of quotes I read from him. Art manifestos also are just a bunch of quotes most of the time.

>> No.20059117

Implants. Get them.

Weak balls