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20048702 No.20048702 [Reply] [Original]

Was Sade right? Should there be state funded brothels? I honestly think it’s better than modern overconsumption of porn and is a potential solution.

>> No.20048712

State-funded wives

>> No.20048728

Is it true prostitution is illegal in the United States? This might be why you have so many sexually unsatisfied men.

>> No.20048735

Yes besides certain areas of Nevada i think.

>> No.20048753

> Should there be state funded brothels?
Hell, it might quell the incel school shooter threat somewhat. It’s also a lot less infrastructure than giving every incel a state-issued 5/10 gf

>> No.20048760

But you guys have legalized fags, trannies, etc. why not prostitution? Seems like a basic thing.

>> No.20048825

How much does it cost to hire a whore currently?
I don't mean some pornstar escort, just any old hooker.

>> No.20048833

Ask your mom for a quote.

>> No.20048842

I said no high-class escorts.

>> No.20048849

I don’t know. I’ve never hired a hooker, I personally feel like it would be extremely awkward and embarrassing to have sex with someone who doesn’t actually want to have sex with you. I just think state funded would be good for society. It would reduce porn consumption (which is a particularly malignant aspect of modern hyperreality), reduce rising rates of loneliness and inceldom, and it would spend a part of the accursed share. Most importantly, I would find it amusing.

>> No.20048869

Women actually have a net-negative effect in terms of taxes; they unilaterally receive all the fruits of male labor, while not only doing nothing in return, but being an active drain on the state. In an ethical world they would somehow repay this debt to society, state mandated prostitution would be the perfect solution, and only fair.
>but muh bodily autonomy
If men can be drafted into the military, women can be drafted into state run brothels.

>> No.20048877

Around 100£ for an hour in bongland

>> No.20048883

Yes. State brothels. Execute pornographers. It'd solve:
>the incel problem because sex
>the tranny problem because sex rather than porn
>the simp problem because pussy deflation
>family breakdown because men needn't cheat on their wives with coworkers or friends which leads to divorces and violence
Prostitutes should be treated as a distinct but respected caste, like monks,

>> No.20048886
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>> No.20048887

In the Netherlands, the states gives people with physical and mental disabilities the access to prostitutes. Truly and advanced society. That said, fucking a whore is only awkward if you make it so. I've fucked two whores in my life. One was young and hot (mid-to-late 20s) and the other one was a bit more mature. It was then when I knew that condom sex was simply not for me.

>> No.20048895

>Execute (((pornographers)))
Wew, I see a potential conflict of interest here. It's not going to happen for this reason.

>> No.20048902

Some $50 bucks where I live. A decent 'vanilla' fuck. More expensive if you want something else.

>> No.20049063

Whats with the ((())) here?

>> No.20049081

Antisemitism, just ignore it and move on

>> No.20049117

Studio porn is owned by them. It's not even a secret.

>> No.20049123

Sade lived prior to mass media, internet porn, and dating apps. He would see that we dont need brothels now

>> No.20049140

Mass media, internet porn, and dating apps are not actual sex. They’re hyperreal simulations of sex.

>> No.20049149

None of that is sex lmao

>> No.20049150

I don’t get why liberals here don’t push for legalization harder
they’ll pay lip service every now and then since they’re oppressed and shit, but they’ll also just stand by when they government starts shutting down online avenues of prostitution (which were actually safer for the whores themselves since they can keep a record on clients and spread the word on abusive customers)

>> No.20049163

Anyone can find sex on hookup apps

>> No.20049180

No, anyone can find "sex" on hookup apps.

>> No.20049186

Not true. It's a random game, like a lottery. But if you go to a prostitute you are 100% having sex.

>> No.20049189

And a brothel isnt?

>> No.20049194

You guys always have the funniest ideas. Theres not a single person I know who has ever failed to find sex on a hookup app or site.

>> No.20049201

>/lit9k/ reinvents temple prostitution
not surprised by the lack of literacy or the coomerism

>> No.20049207

Just to be clear, what exactly do you have in mind when you say "hookup app"?

>> No.20049216

It's the easiest issue to lose on politically even if there is an ideological demand for it from activists. It's probably a bigger NIMBY than a nuclear reactor. Or maybe in this case, Not in My Daughter. You get the idea.

>> No.20049218

Are you retarded?

>> No.20049219 [DELETED] 

Get back to the grill, grill-bitch. You're a lonely creep, we get it.

>> No.20049222

In the age of state brothels, this'd be like asking a random woman to give you a hair cut. Leave it to the pros.

>> No.20049236

I don't know, prostitution does nothing for me. Every time I've seen a hooker I couldn't cum and it felt awkward. I think I'm broken

>> No.20049237

I dont understand this thread. You're all in favor of state mandated brothels but think dating sites are for creeps?

>> No.20049242

It'd be easier to send out fleshlights.

>> No.20049244

I was on tinder for a month and never got a single match let alone a message. You're delusional.

>> No.20049249

Are you obese or something?

>> No.20049252

No, I want examples.

>> No.20049253


>> No.20049259
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Fleshlight manufacturers: executed

>> No.20049261

Try a different medium. Theres more options than tinder.

>> No.20049263

I don't care anymore, I've given up.

>> No.20049266

Prostitutes, for instance.

>> No.20049271

Why does the state need to fund them? Just make them legal. It’s not like they aren’t in operation anyways

>> No.20049275

You can find prostitutes online now. Shocker, right?
Well no wonder you couldnt get a match lol

>> No.20049277
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This thread is picrel incarnate.

>> No.20049278

It's illegal in many places.

>> No.20049280

>Well no wonder you couldnt get a match lol
I gave up afterwards, dumbass.

>> No.20049281

I always feel so weird on there, I'm not bad looking just average like most of the other guys on there but a very large proportion of the girls have the sort of looks that you'd expect would make it a breeze finding someone to date irl. So what gives, do they all have horrible personalities or are they just surfing for Mr perfect?

>> No.20049283

This has no relation to the thread lol

>> No.20049284

So what?

>> No.20049286

>>20049081 is right. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_parentheses

>> No.20049288 [DELETED] 

Most of the profiles aren't real, you know that right?

>> No.20049293

So you can go to jail. No one wants that in their legal history.

>> No.20049300

Long live the Hotel de Longchamp!
Long live the laws of hospitality!

>> No.20049301

Reactionary status quo defenders are coping hard. No arguments.

>> No.20049303

t. Redditor

>> No.20049304

You think you'll go to jail for finding a prostitute online? Are you 13?

>> No.20049309

tranny term

>> No.20049312

Yes, and I'm deploying it against the trannies to annoy them.

>> No.20049315

Why risk the chance.

>> No.20049317

You didn't answer >>20049271

>> No.20049318
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Word of warning, guys. There might be antisemites lurking in this thread.

>> No.20049320

Well, I think It at least sounds like an interesting idea, Which one of sades works can I read about his philosophy in?

>> No.20049325

You're pathetic. No wonder you cant get laid

>> No.20049329


>> No.20049330

It's not just a provocative Sadeanism, Aquinas had the same view. He said you take the cesspool out of the castle, now the castle is full of shit.
So prostitution should be allowed. But there are all sorts of health concerns and safety concerns, and lots of seedy things happening, trafficking and girls getting taken advatange of. That's why it's not enough to just allow it, but you should also fund and regulate it.
All this not out of approval, God forbid, crossing myself as we speak, vomiting at the mouth at the thought of sex in general, let alone with women, but to prevent a worser state, in all wisdom.

>> No.20049332

No, I have sex. Just not in the ways that you say. Tinder, for instance, is a waste of time.

>> No.20049333
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>> No.20049336

Legalizing them would be a great start. But if we're talking ideal worlds, it should be state-owned, and a seperate prostitute caste created.

>> No.20049337

>you're a pollack for point it out the obvious

>> No.20049340

What isn't a waste of time?

>> No.20049341

Extremely based.

>> No.20049345

Reading Gene Wolfe's books at 2 am.

>> No.20049349

Arguments for what? Sade was a fetishistic boor, and only a marginally better writer than Restif. He wasn't Rousseau and he certainly wasn't Voltaire (i.e. thought leaders). He was a fringe misogynist, which is why /lit/ loves to lap his loads.

>> No.20049350

Yeah, I know that it means I just wanted to know why he's using it for pornographers.
Apparently, they run the porn industry or something, is this a bad thing? would it be different if it wasn't run by jews?

>> No.20049360

Why can't retards who mistakenly believe they're normalfags (they're really not, they're just as much of a social outcast as the rest of us on here) ever let anons discuss things outside of the bounds of socially acceptability without flooding the thread with accusations of being /pol/acks and spamming poljaks? Sade isn't a right winger and this isn't a right wing idea.

>> No.20049368

There are state funded brothels in my cunt-tree. And no, it's not the solution.

>> No.20049374

>Arguments for what?
re: the question in OP...
Should there be state funded brothels?
as another anon has pointed out, other writers have made the same point, your fondness for De Sade's general worldview isn't relevant

>> No.20049376

Except it is a right wing idea. From a sex-negative position, advocacy of this sort is tantamount to role assignation, which is dehumanizing. That's why incels like it.

>> No.20049387

Fucking a prostitute is more of a simulation of actual sex than a random hookup from a dating app is. With the latter at least you have some reciprocal intimacy, however fleeting. A hooker is just providing a service, playing a role.

>> No.20049388

would there even be a massive pornography industry without them running it? It was jewish law firms representing pornographers that knocked down all the obscenity laws in the last century to broaden its legality and availability. Pornography is also a political and social tool to curb morals and native reproduction, its effects are enormous. It's demoralization propaganda. The role of judaism here shouldn't be ignored, accusations that theyve been using it to sow immorality are older than the medium of film, any thinking person can see there is a connection here.

>> No.20049389
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Quit dehumanizing women, incel.

>> No.20049391

Seeing as I've never heard of this being used I will assume that you live in some 3rd world shithole and that young men are facing much greater hardships than not being able to get sex.

>> No.20049394

depends on the whore or the tinder slut, no experience is exactly the same

>> No.20049398
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>Quit dehumanizing women, incel.

>> No.20049399

This depresses me to no end

>> No.20049412

at this point our degeneracy has gone way past blaming the Jews, most women now willingly record themselves doing pornographic acts and sell it online

>> No.20049424

>most women
This is a clear indicator that you spend all day on your computer and don't know any women irl.

>> No.20049431

That happened in the first place because of the normalization of pornography and 'sex work' in the first place, how do you not see that there's a chain of events leading here? Selling your body on the internet would've been illegal under previously stricken down laws, how much more clear does that have to be to you?

>> No.20049434

It's not de Sade (noble particle). It's Sade, or Donatien Alphonse François. It's sad (get it) to know that the average user can't connect the dots.
>state-mandated brothels
There's no such think as intimacy, all relationships are transactional. The average woman isn't hypersexual.

>> No.20049443

Please kill yourself at your earliest convenience.

>> No.20049444

>Fucking a prostitute is... a simulation of actual sex
Fucking a woman is sex. Always has been.
>With the latter at least you have some reciprocal intimacy
It's a good point you raise: that some men, even in a society with easy access to socially acceptable state brothels will never find a women willing to be intimate with them, they'll never find love. That's why euthanasia should be legal, and state-funded eugenics should be endeavor to prevent them from being born in the first place.
But intimacy, ideally, shouldn't be the point of brothels. The point is for men to solve their horniness in such a way that doesn't negatively impact society: by fucking other men's wives, by consuming pornography, etc. Those seeking intimacy, i.e. most people, need to find a wife or steady girlfriend. Intimacy goes far beyond the sex act. If the sexual attraction towards a wife withers, brothels are there to prevent the man from cheating and wrecking a marriage and all that entails.
>A hooker is just providing a service, playing a role.
Not a bad thing if the role benefits society.

>> No.20049447
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>> No.20049453

Sure but past a certain point you have to take some responsibility and teach your daughter not to be a whore, you can't just endlessly blame the jew for everything

>> No.20049460

>le individuals need to take responsibility for broad social problems caused by psychological operations
okay you fucking idiot boomer, surely nobody has tried that

>> No.20049462

fucking japan lmao

>> No.20049464 [DELETED] 

>solved by the diffusion of easily obtained sex
You should look up Fourierist communities, free love compounds, Brooks Farm/Oneida - they all failed for a reason. Why?

>> No.20049477

Being legal is different from state-sponsored.

>> No.20049478

>muh personal responsibility
>ignore society
>ignore power
Reactionary talking point.

>> No.20049485

And legal can mean legal to sell sex but not legal to buy. The point there being not to punish drug addicted women who sell their bodies but still to punish the men desperate enough to buy them. Solves none of the issues raised in the thread.

>> No.20049491

So I can pay to titty fuck in japan?

>> No.20049499

>they all failed for a reason. Why?
Because free love is a terrible, destructive idea. I've hinted in my own posts the consequences of infidelity. Why do you think I'd support in a wider scale.

>> No.20049509

in a way it's the most degenerate of all because it encourages fetishistic strange sex acts above traditional intercourse

>> No.20049586
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You guys who are considering hiring an escort: give Tinder a try first. Women on Tinder will throw themselves at you and they’re more attractive and less diseased than the hookers in your price range

>> No.20049600

Post face, seriously I just wanna see what women "throw themselves at".

>> No.20049609
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>> No.20049612


>> No.20049620

If this is actually you then i guess i don't have any excuses.

>> No.20049623

I fucked whores. I fucked onenightstands. It's the same shit at the end of the day.

>> No.20049625

Its some retard from twitter iirc

>> No.20049636

They're not more attractive than scorts lmao I know my shit.

>> No.20049676

What's the difference between the service you get from a regular hooker and a high-priced escort?

>> No.20049694

Honestly, the pricy escort smells better and is more picky/icky, wears better lingerie, but that's it. In my country, even regular whores are attractive and are open to more shit, if you pay them a little more, whereas pricy escorts are more closed. Regular whores are like Android. Pricy escorts are like iOS. Pardon the meme equivalence.

>> No.20049707

I don't even really wanna have sex, I just want to find a nice girl I can cuddle and enjoy my/her hobbies with.
I just want some sort of emotional connection is that really too much to ask?

>> No.20049718


>> No.20049730

You'll never get a girl. Do what the troons do
>If I can't get one, I'll be one
problem solved. The thing is, you're a pathetic loser, like all of us. You don't have any social capital, nothing of merit or value to offer.

>> No.20049744

This is pretty bad advice for the guy.

>> No.20049758

We have semi-legal brothels; our massage parlors offer handjobs/full service and the police mostly look the other way

>> No.20049760

How would becoming a woman help retard. I'm looking for human connection, not faux femininity.

>> No.20049763


>> No.20049770

Is this really the rationale of trannies holy shit?

>> No.20049775

You can't bond with anyone, dipshit. That's why you're here. You're going to live a lonely life.

>> No.20049780

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.20049789

Lol, what sort of reasoning is that. I'd still rather live a lonely life on the edge than become a fucking trannie.

>> No.20049797

This is all just you coping that ywnbaw

>> No.20049801

Porn is both cheaper, less harmful, and more effective at reducing violent desires than brothels.

>> No.20049978


>> No.20050017

I posted 3 bait threads last night and I'm still not banned. Jannies are afraid of me.

>> No.20050025

just be attractive it’s not that hard to get laid

>> No.20050031

Wow, didn't know Sade was a communist. No wonder he's so retarded.

>> No.20050052

>>20050031# ur the retard how would there be prostitution under communism

>> No.20050177

yes but depending on the jurisdiction prosecution is either directed at the hooker or the johns. the latter obviously functions as de facto legalization

>> No.20050201

Its more harmful and less effective.

>> No.20050213

he's right, if liberal-capitalist society's moral justification is its ability to create the greatest amount of pleasure via the full exercise of desire it is willfully perverse to arbitrarily withhold the supply of sexual vehicles. the only real scarcity in the sexual economy is the need to sleep, everything else is bureaucratic red tape

>> No.20050241

the difference in price is how much service you're getting beyond the basic act. the actual analogy is the mcdonald's clerk versus the waiter at a michelin-starred restaurant. the high-price chick is going to pretend that she's actually into you and you're rocking her world, the basic hooker lies there while you do your five minutes of dirty business before heading off to the next customer. if you really get down to the nitty gritty the basic hooker charges more just to lie down

>> No.20050285

How so?

>> No.20050366


>> No.20050379

I got offered (but declined) a blowjob from a whore will waiting for a bus a few years ago. Price was 25$

>> No.20050749

Sounds myopic and retarded.
>Prostitutes should be treated as a distinct but respected caste, like monks,
Literally has never ever been the case despite how you attempt to subvert it.

>> No.20050769

>and more effective at reducing violent desires
Sissifying men and making them more docile isn't a good thing.

>> No.20050778

>Sounds myopic and retarded
Have you got an argument against what he said or was it just the monks thing you were referring to as retarded?

>> No.20050790

What kind of utilitarian incel bugman even thinks like this? What do you think motherhood is?

>> No.20050817

Did Sade ever write about bbc?

>> No.20050829

No. Come on, incels don't want sex (or love), that much is obvious. They are feminized so they become more like women. Women don't want sex, they want power and use sex as leverage. I was just thinking about it; if I told a girl we could be a couple, but that we had to keep our being so a secret, she likely wouldn't agree because the only reason she wants to date is so that she can boast about me to other people. All our sex and cuddling would just be fodder she can use in gossip or drama with other girls. Casual sex for women is for them a last ditch method to soothe that need to 'commune', with their own bodies. It's why women with high body counts aren't happy, and why they become more like men (sad.)

>> No.20051055


No, but they should subsidise it. The price of whores these days in my country is ridiculous.

>> No.20051190

what about ancient greece aphrodite holy woman prostitutes.

>> No.20051561

>pussy deflation

>> No.20051622

i live in the one place you can and i've never even thought about it

>> No.20051743

I don't have a horse in this race, but I will contend that the viewing of pornography - and to a lesser extent, masturbation - is a suitable analog to performing sexual activities with a woman. In some instances it may eve supersede the act, as we have seen with the introduction of "hyperreal" pornographic videos and art. However, it seems that the only impetus for a sexually unsatisfied man to choose prostitution or god forbid legalized trafficking would be the social element of it all. He watches porn because he feels he is not good enough (read: not comfortable with intimacy) so he, in this hypothetical scenario, becomes an aged-up Caufield and seeks out a simulacra of real consummation (not sex, why would it ever just be about sex with men undergoing these complex emotions?) with a whore.

Intimacy is possible with a whore, but it is shunned upon. Intimacy is also possible with pornography, but it is assumed to be the behavior of a quack. Intimacy is the goal of the romantic modern male, is it not? So why do we assign such a linear vector to this goal, when there are numerous methods of attaining various spots on the Hierarchy of Needs? Instead of cutting to the core of the issue - men's inability to properly pair bond in a post-capitalist society, and thus supplanting that desire erroneously onto the opposite gender - we skirt around it in similar fashion.

They are celibate, voluntarily or not. They practice semen retention due to some nebulous and often paper-thin notion of introspective shame. They just "don't measure up" or whatever porn-induced mass hallucination is trending this week. They view porn as a coping mechanism, followed by Freudian navelgazing and unironic kinkshaming. They are latent faggots, or even worse, latent pedophiles. This pigeonholing is more damaging to porn consumers than porn consumption itself, because it implants this idea of sex as evil, when, as I have previously made evident, sex was never what pornography and its proliferation was about.

>> No.20051906

That is arguable. For the continued existence of the current society it is a very benificial end result.

>> No.20052141

>It’s also a lot less infrastructure than giving every incel a state-issued 5/10 gf
Yes, like MARRIAGE.
What an infrastructure!

>> No.20052154

>It was then when I knew that condom sex was simply not for me.
Do you have a gf/wife now or you just don't give a fuck?

>> No.20052183

Augustine had the same opinion, I do too, ban porn, stimulate prostitution, its better that 1% of woman are whores and have to work for money, then a large majority of whores. Legally it shouldnt even be cheating for a man to visit prostitutes and we should stimulate minority woman into prostitution.

>> No.20052186

I disagree, I am very tall and manly, so when i arrive in the morning and just act friendly, I do get some reciprocal intimacy.

>> No.20052226

>You don't have any social capital, nothing of merit or value to offer.
I DO have this kind of shit.
I don't have a social circle though with women at my age. :_(

>> No.20052245

>sex was never what pornography and its proliferation was about
What is sex about?

>> No.20052248

Tits and ass

>> No.20052254

>Tits and ass
It makes sense.

>> No.20052461

what happens in the unlikely event that nobody really wants to be a prostitute? is the state obligated to draft women into service?

>> No.20052651

You pay them more. Supply and demand baby.

>> No.20052656

>what happens in the unlikely event that nobody really wants to be a prostitute?
Never going to happen. As the Romans said, "woman is all sex."

>> No.20052669
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Here is you whore bro, she is an union so she doesnt need to get tested for STDs or use contraception, if she gets pregnant with your baby you wont be allowed to see it but have to give 50% of your income to her every month.

>> No.20052692

I have indulged in the past in almost every possible facet of porn that appealed to me, and I can say for a fact that the one prostitute I've seen was 800% better than all and any of the porn I consumed. Perhaps others have different experiences, but there is simply no beating the physical contact and psychological interaction as you both orgasm.
>supplanting that desire erroneously
It's not erroneous at all. Both men and women in modern society both have issues pair bonding. But it's by no means impossible or even significantly worse than the past despite your "post-capitalist" boogeyman for men and women to pair-bond.
>Intimacy is possible with a whore, but it is shunned upon.
By whom? Where are you deriving this supposed fact? It's certainly not shunned by whores themselves. Your entire post reeks of weird presumptions and faulty logic.

>> No.20052700

>I don't have a horse in this race
Then why write three whole paragraphs on it? Seems to me like you definitely have a horse in this race.

>> No.20053566

If anything we need them more than ever

>> No.20054663


>> No.20054888

A choice.

>> No.20056416

in USA it’s about 200-300 to rent out a basic model, but they will be strung out or fat or ugly
600 plus for decent looking girls that aren’t on drugs
1000 and up for model quality whores

>> No.20056423

Maybe for the French. They're built different

>> No.20057858

>as you both orgasm

>> No.20057871
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>state funded brothels

most prostitutes are ugly, so no

>> No.20058778
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>Not being objectively a 9/10