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20048816 No.20048816 [Reply] [Original]

What books do zoomers read?

>> No.20048822

24 yo here

I do and read erotic roleplay online.

>> No.20048828

Femdom hentai

>> No.20048848

/lgbt/ posts

>> No.20048855


>> No.20048923

Born 2k so I think I'm on the cusp. Mythology is pretty interesting. I like the basics like metamorphoses by Ovid but reads like journey to the west are also interesting

>> No.20048931

21 year old.
Reading Terry Pratchett currently

>> No.20049096

Usually science fiction and fantasy, and that's if they read at all. Others, who have felt they've been robbed of a decent education, turn to canonical works

>> No.20049100


>> No.20049122

zoomers don't read, they just watch tiktok all day every fucking day

>> No.20049668

well given that traditional books don't really have much cultural capital with zoomers, the only books you could say they, as a cohort, read would be:
>Contemporary fiction, mostly YA
>Self-help books
>"Pop" nonfiction books like those written by Malcolm Gladwell

But that doesn't tell you much except that zoomers aren't big or deep readers.

>> No.20049691


Reading Grimm's fairy tales before I try to read them in german.

>> No.20049715

zoomers dont read they scroll down twitter and scream on fortnite

>> No.20049723

zoomers don't read, all they do is twerk, be bisexual, charge they phone, eat hot chip, and lie

>> No.20049756

They dont, for the most part

>> No.20049787

The ESG landing pages for corporations they are considering applying to for a salary.

>> No.20049844

>All they know is *popular thing*
>We are the TRVE KVLT ones lmao

all you niggers do in these threads is describe normalfags, which also exist in your generation, and will forever exist.

>> No.20049896

"Zoomer" is basically a synonym for low IQ normalfag. The fact that it has a colloquial definition that differs so much from its literal definition is the cause of a lot of problems. I was born in 1999 but I still maintain a relatively clear idea of what a 'zoomer' is that doesn't include myself.

>> No.20049910

fuck off zoomer and take your shaved sides woolly on top haircut with you

>> No.20049926

yes but normalfags were about 75 percent of the population in our generation, there were just enough weird people that you could find your clique and there were weird and fresh ideas put out into the system
your generation has 90 percent normalfags, so your creative and cultural output is almost zero since the weirdos have no place to express themselves and create something new. you have no goths or punks or skinheads or any of the various subculture previous generations came up with, you have marvel and tiktok and blacked. you have no significant countercultures, your culture is corporate globalist consumerism

>> No.20049953

You're misunderstanding it. There is no "normal" anymore, all zoomers are fucking weirdos. It's matter of if they are smart and brave enough to be weird in an interesting way that sets them aside from the general trend of mindlessly staring at their phone. They are all loaded with unique mental issues and cringe, no matter what.

>> No.20049977

If they read at all, probably manga. Zoomers that care about politics also might read some of the basics for whatever political leaning they like.

>> No.20049981

thats the thing, when weird becomes normal, nobody is weird, and there is no cultural output, there is no conflict. zoomers think of themselves as weird because they draw characters with 3 eyes on their deviantart. or eyes on their arms and shit. all of them. and they think theyre unique for it. when you actually strip away a zoomers weird art and weird sexual tastes, their dmt stories and breaking bad theories, theyre dull as fucking bricks. absolute snores to talk to

>> No.20049996

This. Zoomers dabble in a bunch of random topics that are themselves interesting but rarely develop any actual opinions on them. Many of the are legit anti-intellectuals and will actually get mad if you, for example, express a belief that a movie has a slightly deeper meaning than what is on its surface. They are honestly braindead and forcefully spread the idea it's a virtue to just sit there being bored and unthoughtful.

>> No.20049997


>> No.20050692

>Hehe am I fitting in yet fellow boomers?

>> No.20050701

Agreed, zoomers are subhuman and I am frightened of the future.

>> No.20050758


They are mostly an online generation because the world is that way now, in social circles you know nothing about since you've been out of touch for well over a decade. What do you know about zoomers putting out new things if everything is to be mocked in your own eyes? How can you expect to be surprised with their generation when you yourself think so lowly of them regardless?
Normalfags have always been a majority, and you can't pretend there are more normalfags than before.

>B-B-B-B-But they watch *popular series* and use *popular thing*
You did in your own time too. Or didn't because you wanted to be le epic contrarian.

Truth is you're just bitter and try to strip away any legitimacy from their own culture to make your own feel special, because you're undergoing the same phase your parents did.

>> No.20050782 [DELETED] 
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the very way zoomers speak is obnoxious, could barely finish this. surprised you didnt throw any yas's in there.
you have no culture besides tranny shit and grubhub perks. prove to me otherwise. yes emos and hippies were embarrassing but at least they werent trannies obsessed with foodies, which is all you have

>> No.20050814

Where can I read more from people who are awake to the zoomer plague? I need to know I'm not crazy here. It's to the point that I'm getting off the fucking elevators and zoomers are just walking right in and plowing into me and other people and I'm thinking "am I insane or did this not used to happen?"

All of my instincts are telling me, these people are notably, almost cartoonishly antisocial and retarded. But my rational mind says it's not possible for things to get this bad in a single generational gap, and I must just be going through typical boomer "in my day kids had manners" stuff.

I heard "no cap" from a rich WASP kid in public recently. They really say that? They all slur their words together. They can't enunciate. They don't know what most of the words they use mean. Can things really be this bad?

>> No.20051024

no you arent wrong, i hold doors open for zoomers doubled door entrances, they dont hold the next door open for me or even thank me, they awkwardly just shuffle away from me as quick as possible. every other person, older or the same age, different race different sex at least says thanks and usually holds the door open. ive never seen such an autistic generation. not enough parent beatings

>> No.20051043

Same. Small Gods appears to have a layer of dark satire beneath its exterior that cuts to the very shit OP’s zoomer tradcath is coping with.

>> No.20051062
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Zoomers unironically need to be drafted into a pointless conventional war in Europe to teach them manners. Combat is the hard reset on civility.

>> No.20051073

>People need to die because they are... RUDE!
You fucking fashoids will come up with any justification for pointless suffering.

>> No.20051087

>I heard "no cap" from a rich WASP kid in public recently
And? Every generation has its own slang. There's slang from the hippie generation that sounds just as retarded.
>They all slur their words together. They can't enunciate.
I would imagine that's probably more an indicator of class &/or education than age. I'm in uni and most of my peers sound relatively articulate. Not to say they're all intelligent but they don't really seem all that different from other generations in terms of intelligence.

>> No.20051088

First of all we are long overdue for a cull of 10-20% of the fighting age male population. Nature is a harsh mistress. And second, there's no better way to drastically improve your attention span than being threatened

>> No.20051095

unironically, rudeness is how societies crumble. little shits deserve to get artillery shrapnel through their ribs

>> No.20051106

If you don't hold the door for your elders, don't complain when they ship you off to be cannon fodder. We can make more kids. You had one job and it wasn't hard.

>> No.20051398

Steppenwolf currently, liked Brave New World and The Things They Carried

>> No.20051406

crossdressing hentai

>> No.20051567
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No no, he's right. I'm a zoomer and I struggle to read more than a few pages at a time.

>> No.20051620
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>> No.20051636

they watch Murdoch Murdoch

>> No.20051669

21 year old. I read primary texts of scholastic(Aquinas, Scotus, Ockham, Suarez, and others), poetry(currently thomas merton, c s lewis, and g k chesterton), some islamic philosophy(Al-Ghazali atm), and the odd sci fi and catholic novel(A Canticle for leibowitz, Lord of the World, most things by isaac asimov, and a plethora of other books in these respective categories).

>> No.20051795

>not enough parent beatings
and lack of bullying
now I realize why bullying is based

>> No.20051839

Sounds like you're somewhere western North America. I could be wrong but this is the sort of shit I experienced being in the west coast

>> No.20051953

The generation I really fear for is the children of Millennials.
These are kids that are literally realizing their first moments of consciousness through the fucking YouTube Kids app on an ipad, raised by the sewage outlet of youtube autoplay due to the neglect of their also braindead/depressed/overworked parents.
These are people that are learning to walk and interface with a touchscreen concurrently, so I can only imagine the levels of autism that will result from being programmed by the media system out of the womb.

>> No.20052150

I've thought about this a bit, there's gotta be a sweet spot for bullying that actually builds a person's character right?

>> No.20052171

Facebook, snapchat, instagram are the most popular works of literature.

>> No.20052182

bukowski poems/short story
t. 23 yo

>> No.20052184

Jesus fucking christ what a terrible post

>> No.20052197

20 here.
Just finished Purgatorio by Dante, starting Paradiso. Took me 3 years though was too busy playing fortnite and watching interracial porn.

>> No.20052202

Not sure what "a sweet spot" implies, but bullying has been on the decline ever since 2018, because of the passivenes and faggotry of zoomers. Any type of suffering does build character, but bullying is especially effective, since it's personal for everyone. Those kids who endured the bullying without turning into a complete degenarate emo faggot are the most enlightened out of all their peers.

>> No.20052206

I'm 23 and I don't do that shit nor have I met anyone who does that shit, although I don't frequent people younger than 25. Seems like an american problem mostly

>> No.20052216


>> No.20052220 [DELETED] 
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17yo frenchfag

>> No.20052223 [DELETED] 

Efface ton post avant de te faire bannir, sous-âgé

>> No.20052242

I'm a zoomer and I posted >>20049096 . Honestly It's fairly accurate and I'm not saying it to give people shit

>> No.20052267
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18 yo frenchfag

>> No.20052277

Summarize Deleuze for me, don't feel like reading philosophy anymore

>> No.20052291

1996-1998 is cursed we're zoomers with boomers for parents who hate us. For those of you that don't know, Zoomers actually get love and care from their gen x parents. It might be less painful to not know this though.

>> No.20052292

You did read the essential Freud, Jung and Lacan to know what D&G even argue against, right?

>> No.20052296

Nah, your parents are just assholes. My boomer parents don't understand my shit, but they are kind and remember how their parents didn't understand their shit either, so they love me regardless.

>> No.20052306
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18 yo here.
Currently read mythology by Hamilton, half of the way through Iliad and started Brothers Karamazov, also finished Purgatorio few months ago. I have to admit thought that most of my peers don't seem to be part of any communities. All of them mostly just read the same shonen manga and watch anime, not really deep into it just the most mainstream stuff. Ive been paying close attention to conversations of my peers, the only topics I have heard zoomers talk about are:
>shonen manga/anime
>football (UKfag)
other than that its mostly gossip and jokes. Everybody is into the same things and we dont have any small communities. Boys listen to rap/drill/trap, girls listen to American pop, with no exceptions (this opinions might be biased since Im an antisocial nerd).
There are a few ugly girls who (I suspect) read gay manga shit, and a few nerds here and there, other than that nothing really.
Was it any different with your generations? did you really have all the emos and punks and metalheads and nerds and stereotypical football team captains and cheerleaders? or was it the same?

>> No.20052318

Am I the only retard to have missed out on that shit

>> No.20052343

21 here. Last book i read was "Lenin lives"

>> No.20052364

17 turning 18 here. Just finished reading Stoner today. It was really damn good!

>> No.20052374

You missed out on a literal scam?

>> No.20052417

18 year old zoomer masterrace here
I mostly read Roman Late Antiquity history and ocassionaly read fiction.

>> No.20052581

18, brave new world

>> No.20052753

19, Plato - timaeus and critias

>> No.20052761

Zoomer post

>> No.20052903

I only ever hear seething poorfags say this

>> No.20052949

manga, Young Adult, teen romance

>> No.20053451

Anyone who makes a big deal out of things like holding the door for others reveals that they are a sad retard who desperately wants to have something to feel respectable over.

>> No.20053462

i notice a similar phenomenon. I'm a mailman and when I make a delivery to a zoomer they often wait for me to place the parcel at the doorstep then quickly open the door and snatch it up after I start walking away. Normal people see me coming and open the door and say hi, thanks, and take it from me. When they happen to be outside, they avoid eye contact with me and don't say hello, they look at their feet or pretend to be focused on doing something else even though I know they're hyperaware of me in that moment. Sometimes I greet them anyway just to be friendly and show them that interacting with me isn't so bad. Poor deranged little people.

>> No.20053472

I think he's just trying to illustrate how socially awkward zoomers are because they fail to do things you're supposed to do like thank people that hold doors open for you.

>> No.20053478

I'm going to interupt what I'm doing to talk with the mailman, faggot.

>> No.20053479

Zoomer here, wtf is a “books”?

>> No.20053487

And he's probably full of shit, people like him are so quick to make these assumptions to the point where it's basically just aggressive lying from someone who wants to start a fight. The one time someone has given me shit IRL for not thanking them for holding a door, they were completely out of sight on the other side of the wall and I had assumed the door was just propped open, didn't even know they were there until they started seething. It was a nigger, btw.

>> No.20053491

If you're not personally guilty of it then stop feeling so attacked, settle down there lil zoomie.

>> No.20053500

Heavy projection. I'm not a faggot who even thinks the phrase "I feel attacked", I'm just letting you know how full of shit you are.

>> No.20053502
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>hey there lil buddy, enjoying your toktiks?
Ah you'll understand when you're older.

>> No.20053553


>> No.20054685

zoomer here
im reading Schopenhauer right now
gonna read Mein Kampf after that

>> No.20054874
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refer to the chart

>> No.20054899

based zoomers, actually drinking water instead of poison

>> No.20054982

Stinky Steve is a cornerstone book for this generation.

>> No.20055107
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I try to read a bit of everything, from philosophy to fiction. I also enjoy theology a lot.Every now and then I also dip into the cesspool known as fanfiction.
Right now, i'm going through paradise lost.

>> No.20055119

Gotta say I agree with this post. Feeling robbed of a decent education is one of the reasons I'm trying to go through the western canon.

>> No.20056537

Social media.

>> No.20056767

22. I've been reading a ton of psychoanalysis recently. Indian epics too. The most recent fiction book I read for fun in my native lang was The Master & Margarita. I'm a student of literature so I normally don't have time for fun reading except during breaks.

>> No.20057255

Actual zoomer I read mostly literary classics and SOME books on booktok when I need a break

>> No.20057263

>trve kvlt
you are on the wrong board

>> No.20057273

Yo literally this. They read Manga, hentai, webtoons, and school assigned books.

>> No.20057276

Holy shit i leave 4chan for a couple months and this retarded namefag is still around? Please fuck off.

>> No.20057277

Ive read dracula, the mam in the high castle, some of paradise lost and im currently reading 1984

>> No.20057288

20 y.o. here.
Currently making my way through the gothic genre, but generally read a lot of ecology philosophy. My roommates read as well but one just reads young adult fiction and the other reads christian self help books. I do have a friend who reads philosophy with me sometimes though.