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20041384 No.20041384 [Reply] [Original]

Talk about Bible-related stuff and translations ITT.

>> No.20041397

What is the favorite translation of spanish speakers? I've been reading the RVR1960 translation to my dad this past week, its always been my favorite.

>> No.20041403

Is this version a good one?

>> No.20041442
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Is it really possible to live like he did?

>> No.20041450

Yes, in fact theres no better time to imitate him then now!

>> No.20041454

It looks good, although I haven't downloaded it because I'm paranoid. Have you read the Bible before, anon? I wouldn't consider myself someone who studies it carefully, I think I'll do that when I'm older, right now I'm just focusing on the gospels.

>> No.20041480

There are no physical Bibles and never have been, only "bibles", until the NRSVue is released soon.

>> No.20041498

>ANOTHER liberal revision
Why do Americans keep on doing this?

>> No.20041510

No, I haven't. I'm a noob too, unfortunately
Good luck in your journey though, fren

>> No.20041527

They’re apostates who hate the word of God as it is

>> No.20041534

Why are you interested in reading it, anon? What made you curious? I've been a christian for a few years already, and I've read the gospels before too and some other books, but I started reading it to my dad because it feels more special if I do that. I'm very interested to hear about you

>> No.20041575

Not them but I'm interested in hearing more about (You) reading to your Dad. Is he Christian? How did you get started doing that? How does he respond? Do the two of you discuss what you have read? It sounds pretty great so far, just the act itself.

>> No.20041632

He is a christian, we both are, but we've never felt comfortable inside a church. We used to go to a tiny temple where less than 10 people went to, but we stopped because one of the preachers made me feel unwelcomed. He always told me to be thankful of what God has given me, but this only started making sense for me when I became a christian as a teenager.
He responds well to what I read to him. I used to read him random chapters from the Bible years ago, and only last year I started reading books to him. I only started reading him the Bible daily (well, I try to do it daily) last week, and he listens to me very respectfully and tries to work as quietly as he can so he can hear me reading. We don't discuss what I read, he's a man of few words, but I ask him questions about what I've read sometimes, or add some comments or re-read some parts to make a point. We don't go to church, I don't think he'll ever feel comfortable in one, but I'm glad I can do this with him

>> No.20041647

Wow, this sounds truly amazing, bless the both of (You). I feel blessed even just hearing about this.

>> No.20041657

A-are you serious, anon? Thank you for your sincerity, bless you as well. May I ask if you're a christian yourself? What lead you to become one? What are your favorite books in the Bible? I just finished reading the Gospel of St. John to him today, and I'm wondering what I can read to him next

>> No.20041677

Absolutely serious. I was born a Christian nearly 50 years ago and can remember learning verses at age 2. John is probably my single favorite but I love all of the Gospels, Acts, and Revelation the most. Beyond that I cannot say a favorite as I love it all so very much. The Gospels are the best of the best.

>> No.20041695 [DELETED] 

Great post, I think you'd enjoy CS Lewis.

>> No.20041719

You learned verses at age 2? That's lovely, the closest thing I had to that was my mom teaching me how to pray when I was 4 or 5. She taught me the Hail Mary and the Our Father, and another prayer for angels to take care of me that I sadly forgot. My parents are not very literate people, but I'm thankful that I am and that I can read to them (althought I've yet to convince my mom to let me read the Bible to her)
I will start reading Acts to him tomorrow. This exchange is making me very happy, thank you.
I think I'd enjoy him too! I've been meaning to read him for a couple of years already, but I feel like he's someone I'd like to be able to read to my dad, and sadly I will be moving away from him next week and I'll only see him on the weekends. Where should I start with him, if you don't mind answering?

>> No.20041762

Well, in my 2 year old Sunday School class we were given a Children's Living Bible and a little red box with small (maybe 1 in tall by 3 1/2 in wide) colored verse cards in it (box was maybe 3 1/2 by 3 1/2, full of verse cards) so I used those. I kept them in a drawer until I left home at around age 20.
>My parents are not very literate people
Wow, man, imagining your Dad just quietly listening to you read, taking all that in, not being too literate himself, and imagining his experience of that, all amazing beyond expression.
Why are you moving away from him?

>> No.20041771

As based as it gets

>> No.20041778


>> No.20041801

Sunday school... I wish I had been to something similar, but I'm also glad the way things turned out. Every little experience I had as a child helped me find Jesus.
I'm very thankful for your words, its a very beautiful experience for me as well. I read Les misérables to him last year (its the book that originally made me a christian), most of it at least, and he listened to me very carefully as well. I spent 4 or 5 hours reading to him sometimes. I'm still trying to find books I can read to him, but that will have to be when my semester in college is over. I'm moving to a different city to study. It makes me very scared to move because I see my mom and dad every day, they are my entire world, but there is a big world out there too and I believe it will be just as beautiful as them.

>> No.20041813

In Mark, why is Jesus so adamant about telling everyone he comes in contact with not to talk about his miracles?

It's paradoxical that Jesus on one hand seems so intent on preaching and teaching about his divinity but also on not calling attention to his actual miracles.

>> No.20041828

He probably didn’t want to attract too much attention to himself before the right time. He knew it was inevitable that his miracles and ministry would cause an uproar and fame for him, but it would be bad if he had the authorities and hostile Jews catch on too early. He wouldn’t even openly call himself the Christ most of the time. Of course he slowly dropped that later when it didn’t matter as much and his fame had spread.

>> No.20041830

>but there is a big world out there too and I believe it will be just as beautiful as them
It is not, it is just not. I think you and your Dad should do your own Holy Communion together, read to him the accounts of the Last Supper and then do it however you are able (bread and wine or grape juice, whatever you get make/get). Also keep in mind that John chapters 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 all take place during the Last Supper.
Just keep reading and hold on to faith with all you have no matter what. Anything else just leads to regret.

>> No.20041860

I love your idea, thank you very much for suggesting it. I will try to do this tomorrow or friday, before I have to leave. I appreciate your advice a lot too, I have been feeling very bad recently but whenever it happens I just start praying or start reading parts of the Gospels. I will hold onto my faith, thank you for being so kind.

>> No.20041870

I memorized and recite the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6 version), Psalm 23, and Proverb 3:5-8 daily. There are more that I do randomly here and there, but those are my daily foundational staples that I cling to regardless of anything and everything that does or doesn't happen in life.

>> No.20041907

This is very helpful, I only repeat the Lord's Prayer when I feel bad but I will memorize the two others you mentioned because I always felt like I should memorize something else, but I never knew what.
May I ask what you do for Lent? I only started paying attention to Lent last year, but I never know what I should and shouldn't be doing

>> No.20041911

are there any white power preachers that have sermons online? I'd like to have a listen for research purposes

>> No.20041921

>wanting to listen to a Satanic false gospel

>> No.20041981

I do not do "Lent" but regularly discipline myself in myriads of ways similar to the ideal. Only you can determine what of your regular behaviors needs regulating or eliminating.

>> No.20041985

Thank you for your words! They make a lot of sense, and I will think about them

>> No.20042069

>Good works can’t save us and they mean nothing before God, and by the way, they’re basically bloody tampons (Isaiah 64:6). You’re inherently evil because of a choice your forefather made, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

This makes me feel hopeless and nihilistic, it doesn’t really give me hope in God at all.

>> No.20042107

>but I never know what I should and shouldn't be doing
prayer, fast, almsgiving. Give yourself a small penance if you like. For example I am not drinking caffeine this lent.

>> No.20042122

there's no point arguing with this shit. if all you want to do is live like a shit and be saved because you believe thats great. in fact I agree that is how it works but God also gave us the 10 commandments. did he do that just for shits and giggles or are you supposed to keep them? I think you know the answer

>> No.20042268

>if all you want to do is live like a shit and be saved because you believe thats great

Isn’t that the only viable option?

>> No.20042279

Jannies nuked the last thread which contained my ongoing notes on reading the Bible for the first time. I hoped to have it all archived. And it was a fun way to keep me going through the less exciting parts. What cruel heartless monsters these transgenders can be.

>> No.20042363

Spoke to my local priest in depth for the first time today. Had a great chat, she was thrilled to have someone with an understanding of theology to speak to, and I was pleased to find we are theologically aligned. Not sure about confessing my sins to a woman though.

You can get it from the offsite archive.

>> No.20042510

Why do christians ignore that the bible calls the Catholic church the Antichrist?

>> No.20042534

Yes but you can only do the stuff he did prior to his crucifixion. The new eternal body is only after the final Judgement IF you are chosen. Sorry

>> No.20042539


>> No.20042545
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That's why I'm Eastern Orthodox.

>> No.20042614

Which one?

>> No.20042870

Why do Protestants make themselves look like retards by not taking eschatological matters seriously?

>> No.20042975

Everything in the Bible is Catholic. Who do you think decided what books are in it?

>> No.20043001

It’s viable insofar as you really believe God will somehow not care if you aren’t keeping the commandments. I’m not suggesting Catholicism or Orthodoxy are correct but people who really believe in once saved always saved are playing with their life and chances of salvation. Imagine leaving your eternal life to chance. That’s effectively what you’re doing when you select a small portion of the Bible to live by. The problem is a ton of people don’t believe once saved always saved, they’ve just convinced themselves it’s right so they can fly around in a private jet or go to a mega church that gives $50 million a year to Israel.

>> No.20043013

John 14:15 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments."

James 2:17 So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.

>> No.20043024

Uhh... God.

>> No.20043038

God inspired the texts but we need a way to know which texts are inspired.

>> No.20043111

You cannot seriously think God compiled the Bible. Did he also tell Martin Luther and Co to add 7 books or whatever. The Bible was compiled by the early church. Unfortunately you are willing to skip right over all of tradition which is what fills the gap between Jesus and the Bible.

>> No.20043138

If you read the Bible, you would know that righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ, and that God is love, and that we were created for good works and to partake in the divine nature.

>> No.20043163

God judges you by your deeds. Anyone saying otherwise preaches a false Gospel. Anyone saying that you can do whatever you want because you have faith in Jesus is trying to lead you into hellfire

Revelation 20:21
> And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done.

Romans 2:6-8
>God “will repay each one according to his deeds.” To those who by perseverance in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality, He will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow wickedness, there will be wrath and anger.

>> No.20043166

Your good works do matter and they are necessary for your salvation, but they do not merit your salvation. You do not earn salvation through works.

>> No.20043167
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Why did the last Bible thread get deleted?
I thought /lit/ jannies let us have this.

>> No.20043187

A female “priest” is no priest. Find a real church, friend

>> No.20043188

So uhhh... How do you gentlemen deal with Matthew 5:30?
>And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to depart into hell.
From the context it seems to be a ban of masturbation, since Jesus talks about women beforehand. In Matthew 5:29 just before also saying how you should gouge out your eye if it leads to sin, which means don't desire other women etc. I'm gonna keep it real with you, I am a friendless 26 year old virgin, never had a kiss or any of that and masturbation is one of the few things I enjoy and I know it sounds like defensive cope, but I fail to see the harm in me masturbating. That being said, I am still reading the NT, maybe in the OT it is explained/elaborated etc. I know I should have faith and believe in the good word, even if it is not explained too much or even beyond my comprehension. But again, I fail to see masturbation as being something bad (currently), when it arguably does less harm then drinking alcohol, also a quick pleasure-bringer, then again I am very new to all of this.

>> No.20043191

Yeah, it just disappeared, what the hell was that?

>> No.20043214

>but I fail to see the harm in me masturbating
There are many reasons; the pornography industry is predatorial and often feeds on misery, many that are hired are destitute women. It can also lead you into greater sin (child porn consumption, zoophilia, incest) which can bleed into you commuting these sins in real life.
If you don’t see the harm in it, try going without it for a week…

>> No.20043242

To put it simply, cumming was meant for reproduction, only after you are married may you have sex freely with your wife. Masturbation is greed, and misuse of something sacred.

>> No.20043246

>There are many reasons; the pornography industry is predatorial and often feeds on misery, many that are hired are destitute women.
I almost exclusively consume 2d porn, even if it sounds like hair-splitting.
> It can also lead you into greater sin (child porn consumption, zoophilia, incest) which can bleed into you commuting these sins in real life.
I'd never do this shit IRL, I never even had sex, kissed a girl or anything like that. When it comes to sexual stuff I never had and never will harm anybody like rape or something, except (if masturbation is really bad) I harm myself.
>If you don’t see the harm in it, try going without it for a week…
I know how hard it is, at least for me, since this is one of the 2-3 things in my life that are fun for me. My life is already shit enough as is, I try to get pleasure wherever I can (which is just masturbation, alcohol and video games, I don't have anything else). But people who are married get to fuck their wife daily and I masturbate and am sinning? It's not even like I am that debaucherous or practice sodomy or something. I don't know man, while writing this I kinda feel slimy, like I try to weasel my way out of it, so maybe that alone shows that it is kinda harmful, I don't know.

>> No.20043262

>To put it simply, cumming was meant for reproduction, only after you are married may you have sex freely with your wife.
I'm going to be 100% real with you, even if I could, I would never marry the average western woman in 2022 who already got fuggd by 10+ guys in before turning 20 and all that other shit. But why do you say "cumming WAS meant for reproduction", that implies it is not anymore.
>Masturbation is greed, and misuse of something sacred.

I think I am just way too early to criticize and doubt in general and should try to read more and understand and then see what to do.

>> No.20043266
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>I'd never do this shit IRL
I believe you, but I believe many people have said this and given into their list for one reason or another (when drunk, high, etc)
>I know how hard it was for me
Then you know that it is an addiction like any other. It’s bad for you the same as alcoholism, gambling, substance abuse, you name it.
Having accepted you’re addicted, I would recommend being addicted to something else, primarily in worshipping our lord, attending Church and accepting the salvation that is given to you from these things. You will meet good people on your travel, but the devil makes use of idle hands and thrives in misery.

>> No.20043272

Masturbation is a distortion of human sexuality. God created the sexual organs so that one could reproduce *and* so that one could share love and pleasure with their spouse of the opposite sex. Masturbation is self-directed and cut off from others.

Not to mention that it can be highly addictive. I speak from personal experience. Masturbation is a complete waste of time, it makes me feel sluggish and disgusting. I started watching more and more depraved forms of pornography because normal porn stopped arousing me. I started masturbating two or three times a day. It doesn’t satisfy one, and the more one indulges, the more they want. It’s like drinking salt water to get rid of thirst, or to throw fuel on a fire you want to go away. My experience is not unique. I’m sure multiple people reading my post can relate in one way or another. And now there is data coming out that children as young as ten are being exposed to hardcore pornography, and are being told by ‘educators’ that masturbation is normal and healthy. All of these addictions can give you hypofrontality, symptoms of which include atrophy of the frontal lobes of your brain, causing impulsivity, compulsivity, emotional lability, impaired judgment, etc.


Pornography and masturbation are not good. As another said ITT, try to abstain and see if you are really ‘free’ or not.

>> No.20043304

A female "priest" is as valid as a male "priest", let the reader understand.

>> No.20043320

t. hasn't read Paul

>> No.20043325

Show me an office of priesthood in the NT. All believers are now priests, the believer's body is the temple, the believer's life is the sacrifice. Anything else is a hijacking fraudulent grift.

>> No.20043380

By the looks of it no, it isn't any more significantly faithful than the R–V. If it has been good enough for multiple generations of people before you than it should be for you as well. 1960 version is the only revision I would trust as the later revisions make it more simplified and dumbed down. The old Reina–Valera is probably the most faithful to the source languages but also more cumbersome to read.

>> No.20043384

You read Prot translations so you don’t realize that the ‘elders’ appointed by Paul wherever he went were presbyters (priests).

>> No.20043386

The presbyter is a priest. He is a priest due to his sacramental office.

>> No.20043392

every time

>> No.20043400

I've studied presbyters and elders, they are literally "old men". Show me where they perform rituals. Show me where they mediate between man and God. Show me where they are faggots. Show me where they diddle kids. Show me where they administer the Lord's Supper to others. Show me where they can take the Blood for themselves alone and give only the Body to the laity.

Pro tip, you can show me none of these things in Scripture.

>> No.20043413

>Show me where they are faggots. Show me where they diddle kids.
Do not respond to this. Pearls, swine, etc.

>> No.20043418

Whatever the case, priest and elder are still two different words that were not coined with the composition of the NT the same way 'church' also wasn't.

>> No.20043427

Demons always expose themselves

>> No.20043441

Yes, being kiddie diddling faggots is one sure fire way.

>> No.20043472

I am not obligated to respond to anyone regardless of how vile their behavior is. If you want to have a conversation then learn to act like an adult. Try again some other time and I will happily do so. You have the benefit of anonymity after all.

>> No.20043488

I accept your surrender and wish you would stop responding in Bible threads altogether unless you can stick with things that are Biblical. Feel free to enjoy unBiblical "Tradition" threads elsewhere instead of shitting these up.

>> No.20043509
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I’m venturing into Catholicism and I’ve started with these books.
One thing I’m having a problem reconciling with is the pedophile priest scandals.
Now, I am of the opinion it was a homosexual issue and not a religious one, seeing as nearly all of the victims were boys (I am willing to be corrected on this.) and these priests were devils in disguise looking for positions of power to carry out their defilement of the pure and innocent.
Following on from this, part of me thinks that Hell is the perfect place for these kinds of men, but the other part of me, reading what I have of Catholicism, if they repented and plead for their forgiveness they will be granted it and saved and welcomed into God’s kingdom…so which is correct?
TL;DR - my question is, Hell or Salvation for repentant paedophilic, homosexual priests?

>> No.20043519 [DELETED] 

> Hell or Salvation for repentant paedophilic, homosexual priests?
Obviously hell

>> No.20043531

Demonstrate to me the contents of the canon and sola scriptura with the Bible

>> No.20043534

But they’ve repented for their sins? Or else you’re saying that there are sins that are unforgivable to our Lord?

>> No.20043536

How far have you got with the Bible?

>> No.20043545

I read it wrong and deleted my post. I thought you said unrepentent. If they are truly repent (only God knows), then they will be forgiven. They shouldn’t be a priest or allowed anywhere near children if they are molesting children or living as an active homosexual though

>> No.20043547

The Bible is the book of the Catholic Church and I will respond in threads discussing it. I ask that you cease your foul manner of speaking. The cover of anonymity allows us to behave in manners that are unbecoming of Christ. The fact that this is 4chan does not excuse you. Hopefully in the future we can have a discussion befitting Christians.
There is no sin that is beyond the power of Christ to forgive. It is easy to look into the depths of evil and think that the things others have done should not be forgiven, but by the same token neither should the things you have done be forgiven. Do not be quick to esteem yourself more righteous than others and more deserving of Christ's mercy. Perhaps you have not yet understood the depths of your sinfulness and how filthy your own deeds are before God.

>> No.20043596

Not to worry. I appreciate your reply gents, that’s cleared things up for me.
To follow on from this, what’re your views on the “cover-ups”?
Now I was having this conversation with my agnostic dad, and I said that if a family member were accused of sexual abuse, you’d want a full investigation and to thoroughly make sure it was true before you believed it, and I believe that’s what the Church officials did. Im not sure it was a “cover-up” per se. As well as dealing with false claims of sexual abuse from people who just hate the Church in general it is a difficult task and not clear cut.
Opinions? I want to know this so I can defend my faith fully, just so you know.

>> No.20043615

Sorry, I didn’t see your post.
Truthfully not all that far. I’ve decided to get a Didache Bible because I feel I need a commentary to help guide me along the way. I understand that some people will be able to but I’ve found it difficult to just read the Bible front to back with no religious teachings behind me. I want to fully understand what I’m reading in the correct time and context, basically.

>> No.20043621

Read Ephesians 5:11. They should be exposed when found.

>> No.20043735

>and I believe that’s what the Church officials did. Im not sure it was a “cover-up” per se
>false claims of sexual abuse from people who just hate the Church in general




Rhymes with Pope, which means "Papa".
>call no man Father
>Father here
>Father there
>Father everyfuckingwhere
I can't wait until Christ returns and destroys this abomination that masquerades as His church.

>> No.20043755

>Prot babble
Just be quiet, please. The adults are conversing.

>> No.20043774

new religion board

>> No.20043908

We live in a degenerate age, and the church coverups and Vatican II are a symptoms of this. But I think this should not keep you away from joining, in fact the church needs good people like you more than ever. With more good people, this will drive out the evil men in who have entered the vatican.

>> No.20043977

However you slice it, those who were in charge failed in their duties in a substantial manner. But their failures do not invalidate the promises of God. That is the most important thing to remember. We trust the Church because of the promises that God has made regarding it, not because of men.

"“The soul of a bishop is for all the world like a vessel in a storm: lashed from every side, by friends, by foes, by one’s own people, by strangers . . . I do not think there are many among bishops that will be saved, but many more that perish.”
--St. John Chrysostom

>> No.20044012

>our "Church™" is the "One True Church™" and is lead by the Holy Spirit so all of our decisions are correct.
>well except for when we molest kids and cover it up, but the rest of the time the Holy Spirit is telling us what to do
Utter retardations of cope.

>> No.20044033

can we talk about the bible? and not catholic v protestant shit again for the 6000000 time

>> No.20044049

I'm sure it has been explained to you over and over that the Church is guided in regards to the truth of our religion, that is, we are prevented from falling into heresy. You might as well listen at some point rather than continuing to misrepresent what Catholics believe. To do so when you know otherwise is to bear false witness.

>> No.20044069

What's your favorite Psalm, anons?

>> No.20044091


>> No.20044151

You can blame protestants, their movement's name is about being against Catholicism so they can't help but be obsessed.

>> No.20044159

Psalm 34 is comfy

>> No.20044218

when I have finished with the odyssey I want to study the bible, but from the point of view of its impact on art and literature, rather than from a religious perspective
I understand that there is a loose concept of bible stories and parables
is there a definitive list of the major ones, or are there other resources I should use?

>> No.20044220
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>> No.20044246

>Revised Version
KJOnlyists will deny that it's the only official revision of the KJ approved by the crown. Hold onto it for dear life. If it's only 66 books, though, I'd recommend looking into getting the rest of the Bible.

>> No.20044253

>fisheye lens

>> No.20044275

It’s literally just Prots. They are aggressive and toxic

>> No.20044280
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>> No.20044283

It's not even Prots in general. It's one dude.

>> No.20044286

True, I don’t want to antagonize all Protestants.

>> No.20044300

I hope you guys don’t worship a Trinity in this thread. You would be worshiping Tammuz , Astarte and Baal

>> No.20044330

Any good Bible verses/homilies/writings to read for someone thinking about an heroing?

>> No.20044349

If the particular Bible you have has a printing date beyond the 50s or 60s, you might want to consider hunting for one. Print quality in books, especially Bibles, has dipped significantly since then. The advent of "digital retypesetting" also ushered in an age of typos in reprints of older editions. Paper quality has also dipped. Big publishers have also moved printing to China while nevertheless raising prices.

>> No.20044366
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What do you guys think?

>> No.20044377 [DELETED] 

Far right, definitely.

>> No.20044388

Right, definitely.

>> No.20044431

Yes the snake images, we’re the whore of Babylon etc, etc. It gets very tired after a while.

>> No.20044476
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Interesting view. I know, for example, that I myself have not posted anything at all since >>20044012 and that there were other anti Catholic posters in the thread prior to myself, so there's those little factoids to chew on. Enjoy the carnival funhouse room of mirrors.
In other news, picrel just showed up in muh Google feed even though I see it made PR rounds late last year.

>> No.20044481

Think about what?

>> No.20044983

The entire NT over and over, what do you think Paul would tell you? Get to know him well and he will help you get to know God.

>> No.20044991
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What bible verse should I choose for a tattoo?

>> No.20044998

Leviticus 19:28

>> No.20045001

Leviticus 19:28 wherever and maybe "t. retard" across your forehead.

>> No.20045058

6 But now we have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer captive to its power. Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit.

I guess you guys eat kosher as well

>> No.20045070
File: 160 KB, 1200x1200, 0DF749FE-8E63-4793-B5BA-A4449B9E8C7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not them but literally every brain dead normie has tattoos these days, why would you want one?

>> No.20045077

If not being a trashy retard happens to coincide with the law then so be it.

>> No.20045082

Do you shave your bear? That's against the law bro

>> No.20045088

No, in fact I do not, and do not trim it into "Reformed" hipster shapes either.

>> No.20045131

An anon here mentioned a method to read the Bible in a year which was developed by a weirdly named British reverend or some such in the 1800s and google gave me nothing.

Does anyone know what I am talking about? What is his name?

Trying to start reading the old testament with that method.

>> No.20045140

Getting a tattoo isn't living in the Spirit, it's a prideful and vain thing to do.

>> No.20045175

nvm I found it, M'Cheyne reading calendar is the one.

>> No.20045196

shit i didnt do my research very well. my audiobook niv version of the bible is the protestant 39 book old testament. i basically just want to know wtf the bible is about. how fucked am i?

>> No.20045205

Just listen to the Bible in a Year podcast.

>> No.20045250

Just go watch some Bible Project videos, star with the Tree of Life and the Water of Life ones, and go from there. Their website has them grouped into series. That is the best way to gather the most possible information in the quickest, easiest way, by far.

>> No.20045275

Jesus sends out 72 disciples who include women, and they successfully perform exorcisms which the Apostles had failed to do to that point. The only argument against female priests is that none of the Apostles happened to be women (even though one might have) which is just weak when the Bible also shows their access to the Holy Spirit. Roman Catholics also don't allow female deacons despite them actually being in the Bible so I'm hardly going to listen to them anyway.

>> No.20045282

If you can't abstain from ejacation, you should get married. They are the two options for your sexual life. In some Christian views, masturbation is worse than rape because at least rape can be procreative.

>> No.20045290

>Just go watch some Bible Project videos
Them just writing off Jonah as satirical fiction has always rubbed me the wrong way. Otherwise, I'd agree that he should read a book and then watch some summarizing videos like theirs for clarity, but shouldn't treat their opinions as Scripture.

>> No.20045304

I would definitely agree that there are flaws in their videos, as there are in *any* "preaching" or other presentation, but even with the flaws it will still serve far better than just jumping straight into the Bible without having any prior knowledge (of any depth at all) and especially direct experience of Christianity and walking in faith.

>> No.20045337

Jesus goal was to teach us how to be the perfect Christian.
It was necessary to show no arrogance nor narcissism even when performing the greatest of deeds

>> No.20045393


>> No.20045413

Thanks anon, much appreciated

>> No.20045446

Oh look, it's the "biological dad" argument which has nothing to do with the context of the rant against religious leaders again.

>> No.20045478

>Paul is the biological dad of all his students in Acts
Go on.

>> No.20045496

>Paul used it as an official title that everyone should call him rather than a descriptor of his relationship with specific individuals

>> No.20045505

I Have the opportunity to be a sperm donor

Is this based or cringe, biblically speaking?

>> No.20045517

Do you have Scriptural evidence for your claim?

>> No.20045593

Some guys at a place called Mt. Athos do it all the time.

>> No.20045604

I'm not the one making "claims", show us where he is called "Father Paul", and show us where he claims to be "Father" as a title over an entire congregation.

>> No.20045608
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it's not fish eye lens my dude and it's disturbing that they got away with this after Vatican II, even masking it as le modern art

>> No.20045612

No they do not, Jesus prayed *only* to the Father, for just one example.

>> No.20045640

That's a particularly good one that I've never seen. That photo being taken at that stage of construction is indicative of them *knowing* full well that it was designed intentionally so and not just some coincidental thing that got randomly noticed later.

>> No.20045648
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Ok JW. Don't you have a copy of The Watchtower to salivate to?

>> No.20045667

I'm far from "JW" and invite (You) to show me one instance of Jesus praying to anyone other than the Father, or teaching praying to anyone other than the Father. Anyone who does anything other than pray only to the Father is as bad of a heretic as the JWs, if not much worse.

>> No.20045771

Would it contradict the faith if some higher animals were self-aware? I've been struggling with this problem lately. Some of them seem to be conscious, they recognize themselves in the mirror, can solve puzzles, remember things, etc. If humankind is the only one covered by the divine plan of salvation, then why create other rational yet non-eternal souls? This would only make sense in a world where consciousness is but a brain construct that happens to appear under some conditions and varies in degrees.

>> No.20045796

Betta aks Balaam

>> No.20045801

Are mormons Christians?

>> No.20045812

No they're not. Not at all.

>> No.20045819

>It gets very tired after a while.
It shouldn't, it shouldn't get tiring. What will it take you to wake up? You should never be lulled to sleep by constant proof that your Church is quite literally the Synagogue of Satan. You should NEVER be desensitized to images that reveal you to be leaving your soul under the charge of LITERAL OCCULTISTS, DEVIL WORSHIPPERS, SATANISTS, etc.
>it's so le tiring :(
Wake up. Wake up bro.

>> No.20045877

this is the correct answer. I have tattoos and I regret each single one.
and you will too

>> No.20045885

>leaving your soul under the charge of LITERAL OCCULTISTS, DEVIL WORSHIPPERS, SATANISTS

>> No.20045904

some of you sound like actual schizos

>> No.20045906

Christians are normalfag proto communists of yesteryear. Fuck the bible

>> No.20045918

Christianity and communism are opposed though.

>> No.20045944



>> No.20045996

No, you are making claims at odds with the Christian Church, so the burden of proof is not on me.

>> No.20046091

They’re polytheists

>> No.20046177
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>> No.20046219

All this does is show how much better the KJV is.

>> No.20046251

Just ordered KJV; what am I in for?

Tips & tricks to this version appreciated

>> No.20046265

The RV is more literal, and is the only official revision of the KJV recognized by the Crown.

>> No.20046284

Anons, why didn't Christ return later in the first century? Reading the Bible it seems like he indicated that he'll return between 70-95AD (within a generation of the destruction of the temple).

>> No.20046301

He was referring to the destruction of the temple.

>> No.20046315

Italics are supplied words. Using your brain to filter them puts you as close as it gets to reading the original language using English words.
"The Crown" was nothing more than an honorary decorative lineage by then. The King James is the only Bible commissioned and authorized by an actual king.

>> No.20046363

>"The Crown" was nothing more than an honorary decorative lineage by then.
Sounds like cope, m8.

>> No.20046463

Wrong. King James could make a command and it was carried out. Queen Elizabeth can't command much more than the expelling of a fart but can put her symbolic signature to things.

>> No.20046600

>Queen Elizabeth
The RV was completed and published under Queen Victoria, who was more powerful than King James I ever was.

>> No.20046648

That Elizabeth chooses not to invoke the power she holds, has become a part of the widespread respect she has cultivated for the crown.
Republicans continue to seethe.
God save the queen.

>> No.20046663

>a bible done by a woman
Paaaaaaaaaasss queen

>> No.20046692

Thoughts on Meditations on the Tarot : A Journey into Christian Hermeticism?

>> No.20046726

A journey into Satanic Hell

>> No.20046730

NWT best bible of the 21st century no contest imo

>> No.20046751

>NWT best bible of the 21st century
It was produced in the 20th century.

>> No.20046885

Not that fucked, deuterocanonical texts are worth reading but it won't be the end of the world to skip over them for now. Just read them on your own time at some point.

>> No.20046917

The lack of the missing books has saved you from listening to a shitty translation. Now dump the NIV and get an actually good version.

>> No.20046946

What issues does the NRSV have other than its gender neutral language? Also, how does it compare to the ESV?

>> No.20046974

It was done by a bunch of arrogant "scholars" who went with a lot of wild alternate readings just because it was theoretically "allowable" so they could feel smarter than everyone who came before them.

>> No.20046975

Sorry I meant that I wanted genuine and specific criticism, not schizo nonsense.

>> No.20046987

And that's exactly what you got, faggot.

>> No.20047004
File: 640 KB, 1366x768, nrsv vs esv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the video for you:
It's very long, so feel free to skim, as it provides a lot of comparisons. See picrel for a very brief summary.

>> No.20047363

Frankly, gender neutral language is enough to condemn it. It purposefully translates the text contrary to its own context, which is patriarchal, for ideological reasons. Gender neutral language is contrary to the Vatican's translation guidelines for this reason:

>3. The translation of Scripture should faithfully reflect the Word of God in the original human languages. It must be listened to in its time-conditioned, at times even inelegant mode of human expression without "correction" or "improvement" in service of modern sensitivities.

>> No.20047369

I agree but I am looking for additional reasons.

>> No.20047380

God I wish Jesus would just say what he means so we knew how to govern the church and how to attain salvation. Allegories my ass.

>> No.20047385

Basically it translates under the presumption that Christianity is not a fulfillment of the Old Testament, so things are translated so that they do not line up. This is unfortunately rather common in modern translations. This is a Protestant website that goes into it a bit:
And here's a more thorough article there on the RSV, which has similar problems:

>> No.20047388
File: 893 KB, 1920x1159, delivery-of-the-keys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only he left behind people who could authoritatively teach and govern the church.

>> No.20047422

>govern the church
Those who govern themselves according to His teachings automatically form His church as it should be..

>> No.20047425

Thanks for your very special opinion that you can never prove and that no one ever believed until the modern era.

>> No.20047434

My favorite modern theologians
Catholic: Matthew Levering
Orthodox: David Bentley Hart
Protestant: Hans Boersma

>> No.20047437

"... we do put to confusion all those who, in whatever manner, whether by an evil self-pleasing, by vainglory, or by blindness and perverse opinion, assemble in unauthorized meetings ... by indicating that tradition derived from the apostles, of the very great, the very ancient, and universally known Church founded and organized at Rome by the two most glorious apostles, Peter and Paul; as also [by pointing out] the faith preached to men, which comes down to our time by means of the successions of the bishops. For it is a matter of necessity that every Church should agree with this Church, on account of its preeminent authority."
St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 3.3.2, written 180 AD

>> No.20047457

This is what I mean. Why didn't he plainly declare that Peter is the first pope, his successors through apostolic succession will be leaders of the visible church, etc.? All we have is one verse that can't even be unambiguously interpreted. There shouldn't be debates about vital matters like this.

>> No.20047473

Because the New Testament isn't a church-running instruction manual. It has some details on that but on the whole has to be read within the context of the Church. For example the Epistles are addressed to Churches that already exist or to individuals who are already part of the Church.

>> No.20047479

Aren't you kind of dodging the issue by claiming that if Jesus taught such a thing it would be explicitly in scripture? Christianity is a tradition, it's passed down to people, Holy Scripture is very, very important but just as important is how to understand Holy Scripture which is passed down in the oral teachings of the Church.

>> No.20047491

Take baptism for example. Things that are not clearly defined in the NT:
>Who is to be baptized? Only confessing believers or their children also? What about slaves?
>What method of applying water is required? Is immersion necessary? Does pouring or sprinkling water invalidate the rite? What if you live in the desert and can't get enough water? If that a valid excuse?
>Who is allowed to perform baptisms? Who is not allowed to perform baptisms?
>Is the intention behind the one performing the baptism relevant?
On and on. Just as bad regarding the Lord's Supper.

>> No.20047510
File: 338 KB, 1000x750, 1635827959429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You DO own several premium Bibles, right anon? You didn't buy tech toys like consoles, iPads and Smart Phones instead of a nice leatherbound Bible, right?

>> No.20047677

>comparing the church in Irenaeus' time to the current one
Do you think they prayed to dead martyrs back then? Or, even worse, considered a mortal coredeemer of humanity?

>> No.20047727

>Do you think they prayed to dead martyrs back then?
>Or, even worse, considered a mortal coredeemer of humanity?
No. This is a theological development and is also not part of Catholic dogma. Maybe the matter will be officially defined in the future.

>> No.20047731


>> No.20047734


>> No.20047742

Help me out here. I'm on board with God, but why would he choose to reveal himself as a human, 2000 years ago, to do some miracles which would've convinced people who witnessed them, while all we have is ancient testimony?

>> No.20047752

Seems like something God would do, honestly.

>> No.20047761

But why would God, seemingly arbitrarily, make salvation so evident for some people while making it so challenging for others seeking it for their entire lives?

>> No.20047775

The Bible is filled with God interacting with particular people in special ways, most notably the Israelites.

>> No.20047785

So just another mystery of God then?

>> No.20047797

What happened when He came back then? He was accused, and they didn't believe Him.
Do you think it would be any different today? His followers believed through faith, and it's the exact same thing now.

>> No.20047811

Any proof of that?
>they didnt do x, its a "development"
I wonder if anything like that was simply added in the ancient church... especially when it goes against the words of Christ Himself.
John 14:6
>I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

>> No.20047844

Maybe so. Look into the concept of election and see if that helps any.

>> No.20047848

>implying saints can do anything apart from Christ
>implying that saints aren’t alive in God and accessible to us because of Christ being the true vine
>implying saints give us access to the Father
>implying we go through saints to get to Christ

>> No.20047862

This will get neither of us anywhere.
Any matter you'd like to discuss amicably?

>> No.20047868

I'm more referring to seeking God and the individual level. lines like "knock and the door shall be opened" and God being self evident in nature. Why, then, are these points such a struggle for so many people?

>> No.20047869

> to do some miracles which would've convinced people who witnessed them
The Gospels are full of people seeing miracles and disbelieving, and saying that Jesus commanding demons and stuff like that.

And God revealed Himself to the Israelites because it was to them that he had given the prophecies and the prophets for generations. He was His chosen people to bring about the Messiah, and when the Messiah came, of course, He demanded His disciples to go out and baptize the entire world, and the Gospel has continued to spread to this day and find believers across the world. Though even abductively one can argue for the historicity of the resurrection, and see how many aspects of the Gospels are historically accurate, one can of course in this life right here and now have experience of God which validates Christian claims alongside all other sorts of prophetic and historical details

>> No.20047873

>Any proof of that?
There are early references to the believer being among the company of the angels and saints in prayer, which is effectively what is occurring. If we are with them in prayer we can pray for each other.

>I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
People who advocate for Mary as a co-redemptrix understand her role to be subordinate to Christ and not an alternate path of salvation. It's not something I have studied much, but it's about her participation in what Christ did. Again this is not a dogma.

>> No.20047880

I don't know. There are many around who don't really look for God, honestly. And, sadly, many who don't really follow Him, and expect to experience God, by showing some surface-level theatrics of faith.

>> No.20047903

What is the right way to search for God?

>> No.20047916

Follow His commandments, pray without ceasing.
Follow the Bible if i am to be concise.

>> No.20047929
File: 280 KB, 1170x611, 110E7D0C-5D94-497D-A18A-B40607534D3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they will lie and come up with excuses, but the Catholic Church, as an institution, is no different than who Jesus was talking to in picrel

>> No.20047937

Read the Qur'an.

>> No.20047945

Kindly don't.

>> No.20047949

What commandment of God has been laid aside?

>> No.20047999

The commandments not to rape kids and not to make graven images. You could start there

>> No.20048020

Catholicism teaches that child molestation and idolatry are mortal sins.

>> No.20048043

Yeah I didn’t mention what Catholicism teaches did I? Neither did Jesus attack the Law when he spoke against the Pharisees

>> No.20048088

The Qur’an is unironically the product of a demon

>> No.20048140

Thoughts on 1 Cor 13:11

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things

>> No.20048180

So what commandment is laid aside? If your argument is just personal sin then whatever group you are part of has plenty of it to spare.

>> No.20048224

Ah yes, one of my favourite passages. One of the high points in Paul's work. As you know Paul had an extremely apocalyptic worldview. He told his followers the Ascension (or Rapture, if you will) was imminent, within their lifetime. There is no second coming, no worldly kingdom of heaven - that's all Matthew. With Paul it's about resurrection of the dead and then ascension to heaven of all believers in Christ.

This verse - followed by the even more famous "through glass, darkly" is an analogy of what the end will be like. It's something indescribable, like you can't describe to a child what being an adult is like. Paul's reassuring the Corinthians who (foolishly) thought they would get some worldly benefit from faith in Christ. Instead they're stumbling around in the dark like everybody else - the point is that faith will be rewarded when the light is turned on. In the meantime Christ-followers are supposed to keep moral purity.

Here is the passage with a bit more context:
> 9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
> 10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
> 11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
> 12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
> 13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

>> No.20048234

I already told you a few commandments laid aside by the Catholic Church. My argument isn't about personal sin. You're Catholic, so I get it, you don't read the Bible very much, but this is why it's important to— because you totally missed the point in why I mentioned the Pharisees. I'm telling you the Catholic Church is led and populated by Pharisees, and just like the Pharisees, you think that no matter how corrupt your institution is, it can never be gone against because it's traditional

>> No.20048235

Thank you. I’m a total noob so posts like these really help me out

>> No.20048255

>180 AD

>> No.20048300

Even much, much worse than the Pharisees. The Pharisees would have torn their robes over things the Catholics do, and especially have done historically. The Catholic "Church" is far, far more tame these days due to not being able to get away with nearly as much thanks to loss of power (no longer being literally the government) and development of societal laws (they can't just kidnap aboriginal peoples and force educate them, which was a Babylonian practice, BTW).

>> No.20048333

This anon is not being mean Catholic bro, he’s trying to get you to read the Bible. You can have a direct connection to God you don’t need priests anymore

>> No.20048367

> they can't just kidnap aboriginal peoples and force educate them
Better for their souls than leaving them in idolatry and ignorance. Ancient Israelites would have just exterminated them

>> No.20048383

>buying premium Bibles
No, you use rebinding techniques to make your own. I will not be subject to the whims of what a "Premium Bible Company" does in the text block or what translations they permit. If I'm spending that kind of money, I want to control the type of leather, the color, the ribbons, the liner, the yapp, the everything. Either teach yourself how to do it or pay individuals/small family businesses to do it.

>> No.20048511

>If I'm spending that kind of money
There's just one of your problems. Getting a printed and hand bound in the USA calf skin King James Bible for $53 from Church Bible Publishers is the solution to it and all other problems you have.

>> No.20048525

>Church Bible Publishers
CBP uses shitty paper.

>> No.20048552

Wrong, their paper is perfect for being notated onto with fountain pens and not bleeding through.

>> No.20048664

No, I'm definitely right. There's no reason why regular paper (not map paper) in your Bible should have a gloss and a sheen to it rather than be matte.

>> No.20048665

>writing in the word of God

>> No.20048761

You must be seeing through some sort of fog of gayness, mine has no glossy sheen", it's just Bible paper.

>> No.20048778

The CBP Torquoise absolutely has a sheen on its paper. You're either lying or ignorant.

>> No.20048789

t. CBP employee

>> No.20048794

Vulgates are hard to get
I wanted one to practise my Latin but i cant find one that isn't really old and expensive

>> No.20048815

>within their lifetime
No he didnt

>> No.20048830


>> No.20048840
File: 253 KB, 820x1218, 371-3711376_post-christ-chan-singing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New religion board

>> No.20048870
File: 264 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20220311_134245_219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's a gay fog you see though. Map paper is thick and would result in a much larger and heavier Bible too, and you can't see through glossy map paper at all. I can see through my Bible paper, somewhat.

>> No.20048911

praise mary praise the saints (heh)

>> No.20048962

>praising is praying to

>> No.20049012

No, your argument is based on personal sin. The Catholic Church endorse any of the things you have referred to. They are failures on the part of its clergy. You are a Donatist.
I do read the Bible, and I understand that it is not a Protestant text. He can be as "mean" as he wants to. I am not perturbed by the ramblings of those who have rejected Christ's Church.

>> No.20049019

>The Catholic Church does not* endorse any of the things you have referred to.
Typo. I just woke up from a nap which is why it took me several hours to reply.

>> No.20049064

Odd that Catholics can point to such early texts to buttress their claims while you have nothing until the 1500s. It's almost like no one ever believed the things that you do until then.

>> No.20049310

Odd that the Catholics teach unBiblical things and have all kinds of claims of authority outside of God's word, and none of it is documented previous to decades after the last Apostolic writing (Revelation, as late as ~90 AD), and both Paul and Peter warn that immediately after their passing there would be wolves leading the sheep astray. I believe them, I believe Scripture, and anyone claiming anything outside of it can go to Hell.

>> No.20049385

Scripture did not come out of a vacuum. You can't even appeal to that without a historical justification that the canon is correct.

>> No.20049473

Protestants don't just read the Bible and follow it. They take the assumption of Catholicism, with its established canon and dogmas, and then winnow it down and reformulate the things they disagree with, coming to various conclusions along the way. But they begin with the foundations that Catholicism has constructed, because they have to. You can't start everything over from scratch. But that's the conclusion of the methodology. If things which were universally believed can be wrong, then anything can be wrong. The Trinity can be wrong, for example, and has to be reestablished from scratch rather than being assumed. The methodology feels schizophrenic, because you have to assume Catholicism as a foundation while undercutting everything that would allow this assumption.

>> No.20049474

I don't need "historical justification", God left codes in His Scripture that confirm canon. If your "Chrich" legitimately held it's claimed "Fullness of Truth™" you would know that yourself. Enjoy being mislead by Satanic Babylonian mafioso faggots.

>> No.20049480

Oh, Christianity is based on secret Bible codes that establish the canon. Who knew?

>> No.20049512

Oh, Christianity is based on secrets the Apostles told the Roman Government Chrich outside of Scripture, who knew?
You're dealing with the LORD God Almighty, ding dong, whose intelligence and ability is more incredible than can possibly be imagined by even the most genius of humans. Of course He can litter His word with patterns and codes. The entire thing is based on various symbolisms. How new are (You)?

>> No.20049552

You're really begging the question. You look at a specific set of books and find a "code", but those books are the ones you've already assumed are the canon. Also see >>20049473

I do know it's really just an assumption. For example the Westminster Confession says that the canon is self-authenticating, but this doesn't mean much when there are disagreements over what the canon is.

>> No.20049566

>the foundations that God has constructed
>you have to assume God as *the* foundation
Imagine trying to take credit for His work.

>> No.20049573

does the bible say anything about the practice of torturing and inflicting pain on baby monkeys and spectating such acts while taking pleasure in it?

>> No.20049580

>this doesn't mean much when there are disagreements over what the canon is
There are no disagreements of canon among Christians, only Catholics and "Orhodox™".

>> No.20049593

You can't respond to the objection at all. I understand. Neither could I when I was a Protestant.
What specific teaching is believed by Catholics and Orthodox which removes them from being Christians, and how do you justify this qualification from Scripture? I want to know specifically how it is derived from the Bible that whatever you say is something that determines whether a person is a Christian or not.

>> No.20049654

Christ ians do as Christ instructed and did Himself and pray to God alone. Christ ians avoid Satanic Babylonian pagan temples counterfeiting themselves as His. Christ ians are each priests, members of the Body of Christ, with no mediators but Christ Himself between us and the Father (of which there is only one, God).

Let those with ears to hear, hear.

>> No.20049659

Ecclesiastes would make a great animated musical like Prince of Egypt, each song one of Solomon's regrets

>> No.20049699

>Christ ians do as Christ instructed and did Himself and pray to God alone.
Where does Christ say to pray *only* to God and not to pray to anyone else?
>Christ ians avoid Satanic Babylonian pagan temples counterfeiting themselves as His.
Where does Scripture forbid worshiping in a building? How do you square that with the ornate temple commanded by God in the Old Testament?
>Christ ians are each priests, members of the Body of Christ, with no mediators but Christ Himself between us and the Father (of which there is only one, God).
There is indeed only one mediator ultimately, that is, one person who unites us to God, that person being Christ. However lesser mediators can exist. For example a person who teaches you the Gospel and leads you to faith is acting as a subordinate mediator. This does not invalidate Christ's singular and ultimate mediation of salvation.

>> No.20049735

OK Satanic Babylonian pagan led retard.

>> No.20049751

Your problem is that you understand prayer to always mean that someone is worshiping the one they are praying to. This is not necessarily the case. I think people can even pray to God without worshiping him as they should, for example if they are praying out of vain motivations. Anyway I am going to bed. Have a good day anon.

>> No.20049836

Every time Christ prayed He prayed to the Father. The one time Christ directly told us how to pray was to the Father. There is no need to show where He specifically said not to do otherwise. If He wanted us to do otherwise He would have taught it and perhaps done so Himself. I also can't show you where he specifically warned against grooming your pubes with a lawnmower turned on its side. Try that sometime, He didn't say not to.

>> No.20050509
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God just sent a prophetic message to the Catholic priests through the captchas. Be sure to let them know next "mass".

>> No.20050558 [SPOILER] 
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if you unironically "believe" in the bible, have "faith" in "god", or any other nonsense like that for more than a brief period of time, you've failed a critical thinking test and will permanently remain a retarded slave. pic related

>> No.20050743

Direct experience of the hand of God is not a matter of believing in mental ideas and stories.

>> No.20050751

You're confusing the Hand of God with schizophrenia symptoms

>> No.20050785

Yes, yes, that's nice, anon.

>> No.20050919

You're confusing thinking you know shit about fuck with actual reality.

>> No.20050979

Read the Acts today for the first time (with my dad). I didn't know the apostles performed so many miracles after Jesus' went back to heaven. Very nice read

>> No.20051011

That comes back to what I just said. We are to only to pray in worship to God. Asking those who are in heaven to pray for us is not worship. We can ask them to pray for us because we are all part of one living mystical body.
Grow up, anon.

>> No.20051038

Did your Dad seem to like it? What are you going to read with him next? I think maybe it would be good to get into some epistles, maybe the Peters and Johns. They are mostly short but very good. And do the Communion together.

>> No.20051255

He seemed to like it, although I'm not sure if he was paying a lot of attention to me... He gets tired sometimes, but I can tell he was listening to me as I read. I only read to him up to chapter 10, and I plan on finishing it tomorrow since I'll be leaving on sunday morning. I'd also like to read him some epistles, but I'll probably have to do that next saturday when I visit.
We will do the Communion together tomorrow, at least I hope we will. I told him about it, and he seemed to like the idea (he smiled at me, and he doesn't smile often). I'm looking forward to it!

>> No.20051297

Oh, wow, a rare smile, that sounds pretty blessed already! Man, this is truly awesome, I'm deeply grateful to know of it (the whole thing, all that you've shared here and above).

>> No.20051319

Hey, just something to keep in mind as you prepare for this, Christ appreciates things done toward him in humbleness, so do not think that your doing that together on your own isn't good enough because it isn't in some institution. Christ came to us in a barn, was laid in an animal trough. He was anointed for His sacrificial death by a repentant whore who washed His feet with her tears and hair, not some grand pompous religious figure. What you're doing is not only good enough, but at the very least better than average. Bless you and your Dad and your family.

>> No.20051327

with all the memes about the antichrist, can someone explain its appearance in the Bible? or is it merely Christian eschatology?

also what exactly is it? it seems to involve a collective rather than a single entity

>> No.20051340

That's a complex subject that can't be easily, succinctly addressed, but yes, there are many antiChrist "types", and there is an ultimate antiChrist figure in prophecy. There's plenty of wild speculation regarding the figure but that's pretty much what it mostly is, speculation. The true key is just recognizing him when he shows and not being fooled. Christ said the pure in heart will see God, so strive for that because being blinded to God leaves only seeing that which isn't God.

>> No.20051368

I will keep sharing! I'm very happy to have found a place to talk about this freely. I forgot to mention I also read 1 Corinthians 13 to him today as well. I read it to him years ago, and he liked it a lot, and I like it a lot as well, it always makes me feel comforted, and I needed comfort today.
Reading this makes me feel very happy, because I've been shamed before for not going to church and I've always felt insecure about not belonging to one or another branch of christianity, even though my faith in Jesus has remained strong through the years. My dad, and myself, to some extent, are lonely people, and your words mean a lot to me because I never thought that something as personal as me reading the Bible to him could elicit this level of kindness from a complete stranger. Bless you and your family as well, anon. Thank you for being so kind

>> No.20051376

>jesus gave the word of god to humanity
>humanity is fallen so they inherently will mess it up
>bible is messed up
why read the bible?

>> No.20051387
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Who should I believe, the greatest philosophers and mystics of all time or a retarded bugman on 4chan whose closest thing to an actual spiritual experience was buying Avengers Infinity War on BluRay.

>> No.20051441

>bible is messed up
And what exactly do you mean by that?

>> No.20051513

How should I get into reading the Bible? Should I just go from cover to cover, or is there a section at some other point that is more important for understanding the faith more broadly? Not a religious scholar, just interested in learning more about it

>> No.20051519

>Grow up, anon
Hands that get served wafers by gay hands typed that.

>> No.20051529

>The more of us that are mown down, the more we grow.

Christcucks, I kneel.

>> No.20051537


>> No.20051539

Start with the Gospels if you just want to see what Christianity is all about. If you're approaching it from a historical or literary perspective, start with the Torah and Psalms.

>> No.20051542

No, stand up, we are only men like you.

>> No.20051549

I'm saying that if humans are imperfect, and humans wrote the bible, then the bible cannot accurately reflect the word of god

>> No.20051566

I don't have anything against you Christians. I just found that statement by him incredibly hilarious and needed to share it. What was he thinking when he wrote that?

>> No.20051571

He was right wasn't he? The persecutions against Christians accomplished nothing but strengthening the faith further

>> No.20051611

>Church founded and organized at Rome by the two most glorious apostles, Peter and Paul

>> No.20051614

It's despicable to anyone with a modicum of human decency though. Like how the Soviets won WW2 with human waves.

>> No.20051651

I write to the Churches, and impress on them all, that I shall willingly die for God, unless you hinder me. I beseech of you not to show an unseasonable good-will towards me. Allow me to become food for the wild beasts, through whose instrumentality it will be granted me to attain to God. I am the wheat of God, and let me be ground by the teeth of the wild beasts, that I may be found the pure bread of Christ. Rather entice the wild beasts, that they may become my tomb, and may leave nothing of my body; so that when I have fallen asleep [in death], I may be no trouble to any one. Then shall I truly be a disciple of Christ, when the world shall not see so much as my body.

I know what is for my benefit. Now I begin to be a disciple. And let no one, of things visible or invisible, envy me that I should attain to Jesus Christ. Let fire and the cross; let the crowds of wild beasts; let tearings, breakings, and dislocations of bones; let cutting off of members; let shatterings of the whole body; and let all the dreadful torments of the devil come upon me: only let me attain to Jesus Christ.

- Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Romans

>> No.20051715

Anon, humans are made in the image and likeness of God. Fallen we may be, if God decides to work through us in order to produce scripture, we are not so fallen that His acting upon us becomes impossible.
Are you saying that the scriptures were corrupted in some way at their very writing, or over the course of history? In either case, if you accept them as "God-breathed," then it follows that mankind cannot so tarnish what God has breathed into the world through His servants that it becomes impossible to recover.

>> No.20052589
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Some absolute kino in Numbers
>Behold, the people shall rise up as a great lion...he shall not lie down until he eat of the prey, and drink the blood of the slain.
>God brought him forth out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn: he shall eat up the nations his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows.

>> No.20052764
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Sex-obsession has the same effect, but since sexual intercourse is not a solitary act it can be beneficial if done in moderation and with proper intentions. I'm talking about marital relations of course. When you are Christian and think making out (with tongue and grabbing you know what) and dry-humping are alright, then you miss the point of abstinence until marriage; the love-making is degraded to an animalistic act. It drains you and your girlfriend and does not elevate your relationship. Sure, the girl feels more attached because of physical closeness, but that is it. First, a spiritual connection through language needs to be established, only then a physical union makes sense.

>> No.20052769

"Human decency" is current telling us to accept children being surgically and chemically mutilated for ideological reasons, so I don't think that is a good barometer.

>> No.20052952

I’m not a Donatist, I never said that clergy have to be sinless. Once again you miss the point because you refuse to see that the Roman Church is Pharisaical. The thought never occurs to you converts that these problems exist within Catholicism not solely because people are sinful, but that there are deeper, real historical reasons for people to ‘protest’ against it

>> No.20052985

>there are deeper, real historical reasons for people to ‘protest’ against it
There are not any reasons that justify schism. If you want to appeal to something other than personal sin then specifically say what it is. Or is it easier to just be vague and pretend your opponent doesn't know anything about the matter?

>> No.20053004

Go check out who the Lion of Judah is

Have you read the NT yet? It helps recognizing a lot of prophecy in the OT that you wouldn't get otherwise.

>> No.20053047

Here's what i'm doing, works well:
Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, John, Epistles, Revelation.
Search everything you read, make sure you truly understand.
Afterwards, OT, front to back.
Keep your eyes sharp, there's a lot of prophecy there.
Remember, Scripture is interpreted with Scripture.

>> No.20053058

I haven’t been vague. I previously described exactly what it means to be Pharisaical. That is what the Catholic Church is. Your leaders will call anyone that opposes them schismatic, and in times past, those people were killed by your leaders. Just know that Jesus came to free His people, not enslave their souls to Roman aristocrats

>> No.20053079

Oh dear, people being punished by the state for religious matters. That has never happened even in the Bible. God would never comman--
I don't need to go through the whole rigamarole, I assume.

>> No.20053098

On a historical level, Protestants have also been trigger happy to outlaw Catholicism and execute dissidents. I don't think you can demonstrate from scripture that the state is obligated to provide absolute religious freedom to its citizens.

>> No.20053105

And, i've been there; have Proverbs 3:5 in mind always
>Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
If anything sounds off, you're the one getting it wrong. Seek further, and you will find truth, every single time. Don't listen to what wicked people say, they hold onto strawmen and twist Scripture so as to not have to face their sins.
A nice other tip, Scripture doesn't contradict Scripture, so make sense of verses (or get the correct sense) with other ones.

>> No.20053115

how did he find monies to buy bread?

>> No.20053127

Why don't we stop fighting?
We're all brothers in Christ, if in error in our ways. Is hate what will get us closer to truth?

>> No.20053139

It is good to dispute matters of importance such as this, but it does need to be done in the spirit of charity. We are indeed brothers in Christ.

>> No.20053636

No, those are just cousins. There's a better word in Greek which they didn't use, but that one can sometimes mean it also, in certain contexts, if you squint just right.

>> No.20053656

New thread