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20040687 No.20040687[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what would Evola say about surviving in 2022?

>> No.20040921

picrel in unironically true, it's a little enclave of a road stop at an interchange between two interstates in south central Pennsylvania. I remember being on the drive back from some long road trip when I was younger and passing on the cloverleaf while cars came in and out of the havens under the morning light and knowing we were on the last leg home

>> No.20040926

Suburbanites see a truck stop hub and think their nation is dying. Newsflash, that's how you get your Funko Pops!

>> No.20040960

What is wrong with the pic? I've seen this place a million times IRL

>> No.20041090

Fags like you will fight tooth and nail to justify the dystopian horror we live in because it provides you fleeting hedonistic entertainment. You'd live with a Blade Runner tier hellscape as long as you can play Witcher 3 for 600 hours. Pathetic swine.

>> No.20041097

Witcher 3 kek. Fuck that overrated piece of shit game

>> No.20041098

But havent you seen Blade Runner? Its so heckin kino!

>> No.20041103

its a completely utilitarian development meant for people driving long distances
sorry it doesnt have a gothic cathedral and hand hewn wooden signs

>> No.20041105

exactly. Onions garbage for bug men.

>> No.20041110

He would either become a Chris-chan tier lolcow or get bullycided on twitter within 15 minutes of first posting.

>> No.20041196

>Gas is so expensive
>You shouldn't have to drive into the city anyway but can't live around niggers
>All the food you can buy is cornsyrup and vegetable oil mashed into some xenoestrogenic nightmare slop
>All the people who work there are droopy faced immigrants that are unpleasant to interact with
>Even this shit arrangement has noticible decreased in quality in your lifetime

Yep nothing wrong with any of this...

>> No.20041207
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>> No.20041228

(The same picture as the truck stop but from a different angle)

>> No.20041272

Could be a comfy turn if the century English village but we chose a different path

>> No.20041277

The issue is that most Americans live there.
Have you ever been to a suburb in a town in the south or the midwest? Because that's it. That's where we eat and buy food. There is nothing else there unless you're in a wealthier enclave with some fake "old town square" put up less than fifteen years ago to cater to the children of the doctors in the county hospital.
This is why we're a country of deracinated, obese automatons.

>> No.20041320

place some tall, old and ugly home buildings and you'll know how it feels to live in europoor countries
you faggots have everything and still complain about it

>> No.20041332

I guess but things could be worse

>> No.20041340

Why cant things be better?

>> No.20041354
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Yeah, we could live in fucking Brazil or something, but that's not an excuse for squandering the greatest prosperity a single nation has ever had on such disgusting shit.
We don't make anything beautiful anymore and we haven't for many decades now. Look at this. This was my childhood - this particular picture was taken in the town I grew up in, but it could be ANY small American town in any part of the country, there is no way to tell.
The majority of our population lives right here and sees nothing while going about their daily lives but a few dozen of these units. There are easily a million of them, spread over the country, built to last ten years, falling down in five, tenants rotating in and out, a long succession of dead eyes gazing out that window at a mile of asphalt in every direction. Why the hell do we live like this?

>> No.20041374

>Do you shop at Walmart?
>No. I shop at Super Walmart.

>> No.20041376

>All the people who work there are droopy faced immigrants that are unpleasant to interact with
Damn, hits too close to home

>> No.20041428

Ever see women just lingering at these gas stations? Ever wonder what they do there? They prostitute, Anon. Right next to the alcoholic chainsmoking bums.

>> No.20041452

Amen Anon and I have never met a single soul in person who could reciprocate this fucking feel. I just get the flouride stare when I talk about it even though it's been my whole life but I feel like it's not all I know and not all that's out there. This spooks me. Do the retards glazing their stares at me not know there's better out there? Are they content?

>> No.20041455

Well pessimism is a choice

>> No.20041459

>that most Americans live there.
Wow what a dense fucking urban center. Shut up you know-nothing worm. You only look at pictures and think that makes you the king of something other than shit-mountain.

>> No.20041470

Sometimes I think these women just ask for payment as their own personal permission to have sex with strangers rather than any actual business motive. I've gotten offers for as low as $10. Cmom at that point you just want to suck dicks instead of working at McDonalds. You might as well pay me to suck me.

>> No.20041513
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Because the powers that be are deeply committed to the idea that economic success is directly tied to power. We are barren of any abstract concept such as honor, loyalty or courage. None of these can be easily monetized or made profitable very long as they all cost resources to maintain.

We're also prevented from any ethno-religious bonding, so we can not develop and improve a culture. Culture, and abstractions valued in it, only come from group association. Traditions and strength too. When these bonds are broken we consume mass media as a substitute ritual.

>> No.20041593

I have very superficial knowledge about Evola's work, but I'd say just embrace the madness. Act the normie as much as you desire while maintaining your spirit and self in a healthy manner. Shitty as 2022 is, it won't last forever, no matter what blackpillers says so prep yourself for whatever new world comes after this.

>> No.20041602

Good post. Also, happy birthday GLR.

>> No.20041621
File: 2.28 MB, 4032x1816, 1646882382391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lived in 3 different places in the Midwest. I have traveled to Europe once, traveled extensively around the Midwest, and have been to several places across the US. I'm from Chicago originally, suburbs of course, and it was a pretty great life. Now, I am a permanent resident of a college town in a state 99% of people deride as being just corn fields. However, I got to handle several exceptional rare books a couple weeks ago. My family's home is well-made, both functionally and aesthetically. After my classes, I take a walk by the river and take pictures sometimes for my photographic commonplace book. I study Classics, and while I've had my fantasies about living in a different time and place, I honestly believe that there is no better way to live than a life lived in the Midwest. Maybe, I'm wrong. Maybe, I will find a good home elsewhere. But I am nonetheless happy and content here.

>> No.20041633

This nigga took the Joe Pera pill. Based

>> No.20041636
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Trump lost chud

>> No.20041641

tell me about the american, why does he protect the rich, condemn the poor, all the while being poor himself?
why does he protect the corporation and shut worker rights, all the while being a worker himself?

>> No.20041665

I’m also from the Midwest except I don’t have the family land you do. My family became urbanites generations ago.
But you’re right..the Midwest is my one and only home.

>> No.20041674

Iowa cityite spotted. I also majored in classics there

>> No.20041700
File: 324 KB, 736x1111, sussexcountynj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up in a small town in the last rural part of northern New Jersey (Sussex/Warren)

Growing up it seemed so tiny, provincial, boring and disconnected from the "excitement" of The City (NYC) and urban NJ. Like all my friends I moved away.

Now that I am in my mid-30s with a son of my own I look back at it like it was some kind of dream that does not seem like it could have been real.

>> No.20041755

If you live in the sticks, it is just that and what makes it nice to me at least if that the eye sores of the American consumerism are cornered into one place and not contaminating my rural area. Plus if you're driving to and fro they're not making the countryside look like when Mr burns turned the church into a casino, only once ever like 30 miles for a little area segregated from the rest of God's country. There's really no getting better than that unless you just dress up gas stations with cheap imitations of beauty (because realistically there's just no making a gas station or a rest stop beautiful, artist's can accept the challenge but I doubt it). So I'm pretty glad it's divided like that

>> No.20041768

The 90s in general feel like a dream to me

>> No.20041783

Lol. Thanks.
My family recently purchased some land, all thanks to my uncle trying to help us get involved in hunting and land development. We bought it a few months ago, but a deal was made last year, and apparently, it's already made an unbelievable (though unrealized) profit, despite it remaining a nearly unchanged tear down with some woods. This picture is not my property but public property in Iowa City, as another anon had noticed.
I'm impressed. I'm almost done with my BA. I've taken more classes for my Ancient Civ major than needed and have good grades. Currently, one needs 2 history classes, which are 1000 level. This fall, a student only need 1. My advisor says I can't petition, which pisses me off. My past advisor said not to worry and we'd just have to petition, but this one isn't willing to let me ask. I'm not sure I will even apply for graduation. I'm trying to go independent and make money through donations, like a streamer, since tons of people, myself included, block ads and pirate stuff, so a diploma is not what I'm after. I applied for grad school. I was even told here by someone in the department to not look elsewhere because it was such a lock, but then, I got rejected from everywhere (only 4 programs). I've been repeatedly told that there are tons of applicants, but that doesn't feel much better. Just gotta go independent earlier, even if it means my language skills are not as polished as they could be.
It's really cool to see an alumnus on here. Do you post in /clg/? I'd love to hear how your degree turned out, even if you ended up jerking off punks for 15 bucks a man under the Queensboro Bridge. If you prefer email, then I can be reached at dvdriessen@protonmail.com

>> No.20041802 [DELETED] 


>> No.20041809

cant let the heckin reds win

>> No.20041997

>10 dollars for 2 minutes of work making an incel autist cum
tbf its easy money

>> No.20042110

could be a comfy injun village

>> No.20042117


>> No.20042139

Let's combine the good of both:
A truck stop which feature Gothic buildings with plenty of flying buttresses and bronze statues of Hermes, Ođinn, and other gods associated with travel. The buildings would still be McDonald's and Pizza Hut shops but the buildings are nice.
Public bathrooms would still be shit.

>> No.20042148

Not everyone gets stuck in these places. The reason you get the stare is people either think they can escape, or are purposefully ignorant that they can't. Though there are definitely some who simply don't care, or don't know.

>> No.20042155

Agree with you on the overall need for culture, and the underlying cause of its destruction, but does it have to be based around arbitrarily chosen phenotypes? Honor is better when it's meaningful, not based on ridiculous surface level analysis.

>> No.20042174
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>> No.20042213

t. gamer, weeb, and /gif/ lurker

>> No.20042580

we're really not running out of room are we? yet the elites want to share images like >>20040687
and tell you we need to reduce the population.

>> No.20042604
File: 940 KB, 640x854, americacommerce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit look at this corporate dystopia, we need a revolution!

>> No.20042605

>we need to destroy an last remnants of nature because technically we can fit more niggers in this country

>> No.20042610

You better be sorry. I want my Gothic truck stops.

>> No.20042628
File: 117 KB, 1049x1200, EroHLMtVQAEeyYu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP picrel
>but it's at night
>and in Asia

>> No.20042796

This but unironically

>> No.20042821


they stare at you because youre ranting about a strip mall like a lunatic instead of just getting your fucking johnny's pizza and going home to your loving family like a functioning person.

you see a hair cuttery and go into an unhinged spiel. i'd hate to see what happens when you realize that they have stores and restaurants in
nearly every country on earth.

>> No.20042829


>> No.20042889

> Industrial scar on greenspace
It's a fully qualified shithole bro, stop coping

>> No.20042902

Most urban centers are like this but on steroids

>> No.20042903

> Whaddyou mean it's a demoralizing and corrupt environment?? Just consoom and ignore it bro
No wonder America is an obese tranny fucking shithole, stupid cunt

>> No.20042910

Unironically what's wrong with that image? I can see nazis and commies saying it commodifies our culture or turns people into robots or whatever, but like it's just a place to drive by for some food and gas. There's also greenery in the background so it's not even a bad view.

>> No.20042921

Stop being demoralized by a picture that isn’t even that bad. You’re on a hairpin trigger ready to demoralize yourself

>> No.20042929

So, it’s bad because the picture is blurry, cluttered with things our eye wants to detect, and it’s shot at an angle where it looks like things aren’t aligned. The angular lines denote busy, jumble. You walk 70 ft to the left and take another picture while not violently shaking the camera it would look just like a highway stop off. People just jealous they don’t own one of those businesses in a clearly fast growing area (good return on initial investment)

>> No.20042934

"It's not that bad"fags drool and watch football as everything gets worse around them; and no wonder it does

>> No.20042940

Again just more demonization sensitivity, you should insert a tampon that might help

>> No.20042941

It doesn't commodify culture: it's consumer culture itself.

However, I don't have much issue with the picture. Those things arose naturally from the traffic of the region. It looks bad at first, but any hub of activity has the same inclination to have business float there.

>> No.20042944

>as everything gets worse around them
Yeah, the true crisis in America today is truck-stop aesthetics.

>> No.20042971

The American, desensitized by constant exposure to trannies and hoodrats and landwhales, displays an effortless cope about the lifeblood of his economy and logistical infrastructure being a rundown shithole that would be outclassed by a fucking Turkish caravan stop in the 16th century in some goatfuck desert
>It's not that bad bro
You are a nigger who doesn't know he's on the plantation

>> No.20042980

Ask me again in 5 years when your son bravely transitions into a queerpositive crack-affirming empowered trans-slut

>> No.20042981

(The tampons are for his axe wound)

>> No.20042983

Your ideology is hysterically reacting to pictures. You're dumb.

>> No.20043176

OP belongs on /pol

>> No.20043238

Bro I think this exact though every day I have to go to places like this. You worded it perfectly. WHY are we like this?

Just greed? I'm not one to tell people how to be but when this is the default mode, we need stricter rules on architecture and zoning. This shit shouldn't be allowed. This shit is depressing on a fundamental level.

Part of the issue might also be most people don't think about these things, like >>20041452 said

>> No.20043616

Same from Morristown

>> No.20043634

i have 1300 hours in counter strike and I am not good.

>> No.20043725
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>I actually shop at that place over there

>> No.20043804

How do you still not understand that those pictures are accurate depictions of where most Americans live? For the wealthy, yes, they're just exits off the interstate to get gas and food, the same way entire states are just flyovers for them, but for normal people that's America.
We have visceral reactions because it's all we see every day. Nothing but strip malls and parking lots and 55+ communities for miles in every direction, and every single day they expand and eat more of the country.

>> No.20044177
File: 170 KB, 1080x684, mc-Shartmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to look at the fate of America, look at Houston.

>> No.20044206

this image just makes it worse since it ruins a perfectly nice spot

>> No.20044221

Midwest soul kills the bugman.

>> No.20044227

>get a bite to eat
That would imply anything you can get there is more than 0.5% food

>> No.20044271

/lit/ started the burgerpunk meme

>> No.20044394

>Blade Runner tier hellscape
I already live in such a place and I can never leave.

>> No.20044404

>Pagan gods will have a truck stop for a temple
this says a lot about society

>> No.20044441
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>Town in American countryside: bad
>Town in European countryside: good

>> No.20044592
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I seriously wonder if they do these things as taunts or if they actually believe it's uplifting.

>> No.20044610

>for normal people that's America
No. Normal people do not live at truck stops. As for neighborhoods being drab or unaesthetic, sure, some are, but have you seen: everywhere. We have Google Streetview now, we know the rest of the world isn't a Miyazaki screencap. But if your ideology is based on reacting to pictures, I guess Europe = tourist shot of cobbled streets in tourist district downtown and Asia = epic sinofuturist nightime skyline

>> No.20044637

Nobody lives by those places. And if they do they have a bunch of acreage. Seriously, get on an interstate and turn down one of those roads that run perpendicular to it. I spent the past sixth months doing just that for work.
Houston has infamously bad urban planning. Nobody is copying it. If you want to see the future of America check out the part of your city where poor people used to live. Or an Amazon factory town

>> No.20044638


>> No.20044649


>> No.20044659
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>Americans who live outside of cities/college towns have to drive to get anywhere

>> No.20044675

Isn't that the faggot who wrote "Rim the Tiger" or some shit? Who fuckin cares anon?

>> No.20044682
File: 246 KB, 850x400, 1644885723437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evolasisters...not like this...

>> No.20044694

Reminder Evola was Sicilian