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/lit/ - Literature

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20040787 No.20040787 [Reply] [Original]

>rape is………….LE GOOD
Wow, so deep. Truly a revolutionary philosopher.

>> No.20040790

I will now read his works

>> No.20040794

Well, this place is mostly comprised of psychologically stunted, contrarian edgelords with daddy issues, so the consensus is yes

>> No.20040804

You’re right, but most of those psychologically stunted, contrarian edgelords are trad cath LARPERs that consider de Sade to be a degenerate.

>> No.20040806
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Oh my God if you retards start disrespecting Sade I'm going to burn this place down

>> No.20040813

Where do I start with de Sade? What is everything I should read?

>> No.20040820

Probably either the first version of ‘The Misfortunes of Virtue’ (Oxford Classics publishes it + stories) or ‘Philosophy in the Boudoir’. Don’t make the typical mistake of starting with the 120 Days of Sodom. It’s not representative of his work

>> No.20040822

Your first issue is in taking him at face value as a philosopher. First and foremost he was an artist and a novelist and wrote for effect. The other reason it's an issue is because he wasn't literally speaking through his character to advocate for what they are, he was responding to Rousseau and the dominant school of thought that believed human nature is inherently good, that man in nature would be a friend to all and that it's society that has corrupted man. Sade's response, which was correct, was to argue that actually society is what's keeping man in check.

>> No.20040827

He was a degenerate. There is little to respect.

>> No.20040828

Full on raping someone must be like pure carnal bliss. Sure theres a reason its the number 1 female fantasy

>> No.20040843


I would break this freak's skull with a rock

>> No.20040844
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>> No.20040871


>> No.20040876

The worst part is that he'd probably enjoy it.

>> No.20040981
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>Oh my God if you retards start disrespecting Sade I'm going to burn this place down

>> No.20040983

This is not an anime faggot

>> No.20041138

Put me in the Octagon with de Sade and we'll see who likes pain.

>> No.20041199

>French philosopher
What did you expect OP?

>> No.20042568
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Remember where you are, tranny.

>> No.20042970

He was a mentally ill peadophile rapist

>> No.20043326

It's a bit schizo, but Tracy Twyman implied in her final book Genuflect that the book was semi-factual and based on the actual degeneracy that the French aristocracy were frequently engaged in, and that the full thing was intended as an exposé of what demented elites like to get up to. I could be misremembering, but it was something along those lines. Either way, it really made me think

>> No.20043340

Not long ago I had a dream about being in a pool with a cute girl and I grabbed her waist and started forcefully ravaging her as she screamed in pain, fear and pleasure. Then my unconscious cockblocked me before I could cum and the dream changed.

>> No.20043348

Did he really have to write.. all that to make his point though? I mean there's no way you aren't a fatal coomer to write that whether you acknowledge the evil of your thoughts or not.

>> No.20043355

What is Sade's hottest book? I can get off to most things except serious gore/mutilation and scat.

>> No.20043372
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The Crimes of Love, The Misfortunes of Virtue and Other Early Tales or The Marquise de Gange.
120 has to be your last book, don't do what all the idiots on this board did, don't start with 120.

>> No.20043464

If you want sustained description I would go with Philosophy in the Boudoir. If you just want smut x1000 then Juliette. 120 days is an in-between skewing toward Juliette. Do not start with 120 days though, if you want the philosophical side of things.

>> No.20043489

>if you want the philosophical side of things.
I want to cum

>> No.20043676

I don't know who this sade guy is but since you are angry that people dont respect his name I'm inclined to agree with them

>> No.20043768

I seriously hate these reductionist "le" spammers.

>> No.20043780

As someone who actually read the entirety of 120 Days of Sodom I can safely say this guy was just an edgelord.
I like ryona as much as the next guy but De Sade takes it too far. Plus he also had shit-tier fetishes like scat and omorashi.

>> No.20043786
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>> No.20043790

Everyone should disagree with this animefag for being a subhuman animefag

>> No.20043794
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>> No.20043797

>he said on an anime website

>> No.20043826
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/lit/ will become a Bataillean board

>> No.20043843

Extremely based. I’ve been making Bataille posts every few days and they get tons of replies and enthusiasm for Bataille. I think you replied to one of my posts with a picture of cenobites from Hellraiser with the same caption.

>> No.20043844

Nobody here post 2005 actually cares about tranime


>> No.20043850
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here to stay, newfag

>> No.20043875

go back to whatever based and redpilled facebook page you came from

>> No.20043884

Worthless weebs

>> No.20043887
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I don't see how you can even begin to understand the world without realizing it revolves around discharging the relative surplus of a general solar economy, and that we do this by coom or by cruelty or by contemplation. Some do all three

>> No.20043891
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Seething redditor

>> No.20043892

So based, chuds btfo'd

>> No.20043903
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For real though I wouldn’t say rape is good, but is it as bad as people say? I have a cousin who was raped by a couple of lesbians when he was 9. He talks about it like it was no big deal. Women act like rape is worse than death, idk why since in our culture there is no such thing as chasity or honor anymore. Back in the day if you got raped i understand why it was such a big deal but today idk why people have their lives ruined over it.

>> No.20043920

Maybe you'd change your mind if someone forced you to

>> No.20043980

I blame Pasolini for all the idiots that read 120 days of Sodom and never read anything by sade ever again

>> No.20044108
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You will never be a Chad Frogposter

>> No.20044147
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Good, frogniggers are cancer

>> No.20044314

See and here is another thing to my point. People who are opposed to rape as if it some horrible thing often wish it on others. Like you hear a story about a guy going to prison and then the woman in the office will say, “oh bubba will take care of him” so your not actually against rape you just want the right people raped.

>> No.20044427

Just because he made some good points with his works doesn't mean he is a perverted freak who deserved to be imprisoned

>> No.20044541

No, his motivations in writing were actually very layered, that's why it's very easy to misunderstand him. I would say he was in this order a 1. novelist 2. philosopher (via satire of Rousseau, not the literal words of his characters) and 3. eroticist. So part of it was definitely that it turned him on to write it, of course. As to whether that has a place in literature I would recommend The Pornographic Imagination by Sontag

>> No.20044552

Ah now that it's been "wished" on you, you're seething that it shouldn't be. Well didn't you say it wasn't that bad? What's your problem all of a sudden? Just get over it brah it's no big deal

>> No.20044594

Isn't a certain kind of viewer - who watches Salò as an edgy, or supposedly one of the most extreme, film(s), putting it up there with mere sexploitation - also to blame in construing The 120 Days simply as the "book version" of Salò and vice versa (the "movie version" of... - you don't hear people say of Heart of Darkness for example "I've seen the movie" [i.e. Apocalypse Now])?

>> No.20044612

Fair point anon.

>> No.20044721

This post doesn't say anything of value except accuse everyone he doesn't like as a liberal (which is retarded and childish).

>> No.20044745

Incoherent sensationalist babble.

>> No.20044752

retarded counter signaller pedophile

>> No.20044755

meant for >>20043891

>> No.20044771

>Rape isn't evil because people wish it on others!!!
Fucking retard. Millions of people fantasize about killing their bosses too, I guess murder isn't so bad after all!

>> No.20044878

Not him but yes.

>> No.20044899

Just because you read a book doesn't mean you're qualified to comment on its worth

>> No.20044988

You need to go back to discord, tranny.