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20037591 No.20037591 [Reply] [Original]

Ask me anything

>> No.20037606

Why did you study the Bible for 28 years?

>> No.20037607

islam is just arabic mormon not jw

>> No.20037608

who jesus?

>> No.20037611 [DELETED] 
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Because The more I study the Bible, the more I know more about our Creator. As I grow in knowledge of God, my faith will become stronger. Faith helps you to please God. (Hebrews 11:1, 6)

It moves me to repent and to make beneficial changes in my way of life.— Acts 3:19

"Allah" because means God in Arabic, so in the Middle East, Jehovah is called "Yahwa Allah" in Arabic

Fun fact, I learned that Christians in the Middle East say "Allah al-Ab" (God the Father) to distinguish themselves from muslims who just say "Allah", because in islam it's blasphemy to call consider God as a loving father unlike Christianity

What does Mark 3:11 say ?

>> No.20037620
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Because The more I study the Bible, the more I know more about our Creator. As I grow in knowledge of God, my faith will become stronger. Faith helps you to please God. (Hebrews 11:1, 6)

It moves me to repent and to make beneficial changes in my way of life.— Acts 3:19

"Allah" because means God in Arabic, so in the Middle East, Jehovah is called "Yahwa Allah" in Arabic

Fun fact, I learned that Christians in the Middle East say "Allah al-Ab" (God the Father) to distinguish themselves from muslims who just say "Allah", because in islam it's blasphemy to call consider God as a loving father unlike Christianity

What does Mark 3:11 say ?

>> No.20037634

Do you actually do the daily prayers or do you just ask from god without actually worshipping him?

>> No.20037639
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1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to "Pray constantly"

“The eyes of Jehovah [God] are on the righteous, and his ears listen to their supplication, but the face of Jehovah is against those doing bad things,” says the Bible. (1 Peter 3:12)

Clearly, God does listen to prayers !

but he especially inclined to listen to those who follow his precepts

Regarding God’s willingness to hear us when we pray, another scripture states:
“This is the confidence that we have toward him, that no matter what we ask according to his will, he hears us.” (1 John 5:14)

Prayers should spring from the heart and be expressed with sincerity; they should not be learned by rote and repeated mechanically.

The Scriptures urge us:
“When praying, do not say the same things over and over again as the people of the nations do, for they imagine they will get a hearing for their use of many words. So do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need even before you ask him.”—Matthew 6:7, 8.

>> No.20037640

Is satan/devil actually the good guy ? Up until the end. It seems like hes there just to be gods right hand man or something

>> No.20037643
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Satan is the original cause of evil.

Though once a perfect angel, Satan developed feelings of self-importance and craved worship, and eventually challenged God's right to rule. Satan caused Adam and Eve to disobey God, and humanity subsequently became participants in a challenge involving the competing claims of Jehovah and Satan to universal sovereignty. Other angels who sided with Satan became demons.

God's subsequent tolerance of evil is explained in part by the value of free will.


This period of suffering is one of non-interference from God, which serves to demonstrate that Jehovah's right to rule is both correct and in the best interests of all intelligent beings, settling the issue of universal sovereignty.

Further, it gives individual humans the opportunity to show their willingness to submit to God's rulership.

At some future time known to him, God will consider his right to universal sovereignty to have been settled for all time.

The reconciliation of faithful humankind will have been accomplished through Christ, and nonconforming humans and demons will have been destroyed.

Thereafter, evil (any failure to submit to God's rulership) will be summarily executed !

>> No.20037644 [DELETED] 

Is satan/the devil gods right hand man until the end of the book?

>> No.20037645

suicide toi

>> No.20037650 [DELETED] 
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Jesus is KING

>> No.20037659
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Jésus est ROI.

>> No.20037663

I respect JW for sticking to monotheism even without a chain of transmission. The word YHWH is alluded to in the Qur'an:
Allahu la ilaha illa HUWA al-hayyu al-qayyum
Allah, there is no god but HIM, the living and the subsisting

>> No.20037664

how old are you? serious question. I want to know at what point of your life you think 'studying the bible' began.

>> No.20037668
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Indeed, The trinity doctrine dishonors Jehovah God. No one is his equal; nor did he have a fleshly mother, since Jesus was not God.

the Trinity doctrine has confused and diluted people’s understanding of God’s true position. It prevents people from accurately knowing the Universal Sovereign, Jehovah God, and from worshiping him on his terms.

As theologian Hans Küng said:
“Why should anyone want to add anything to the notion of God’s oneness and uniqueness that can only dilute or nullify that oneness and uniqueness?”

But that is what belief in the Trinity has done.

“Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.”—Deuteronomy 6:4

Good for muslims that they understand that.

>> No.20037673
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>> Though once a perfect angel, Satan developed feelings of self-importance and craved worship, and eventually challenged God's right to rule. ... Other angels who sided with Satan became demons.
What's the biblical support for that? It sounds like Milton to me, and I got recall any of it from my 40 years of studying the bible.

Anons, I put it to you that OK is a misguided larper.

>> No.20037676
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I'm 28 :p

The Bible shows that God did not create the Devil. Instead, He created the person who became the Devil.

Regarding God, the Bible says: “Perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness, with whom there is no injustice; righteous and upright is he.” (Deuteronomy 32:3-5)

From that statement, we can conclude that Satan the Devil was at one time perfect and righteous, namely, one of God’s angelic sons.

At John 8:44, Jesus said that the Devil “did not stand fast in the truth,” implying that Satan had at one time been truthful and guiltless.

However, like the rest of Jehovah’s intelligent creatures, the angel who became Satan had the freedom to choose between right and wrong.

By choosing a course in opposition to God and inciting the first human couple to join him, he made himself Satan, which means “Resister.”—Genesis 3:1-5; Revelation 12:9.

>> No.20037687

It's that Jehovah's witness fag starting the same thread he got BTFO'd in last week. Someone brought up that they're a doomsday cult and twist scripture/prophecy and he had a meltdown (he tried to post a link to apologetics relating to failed prophecies that turned out to be obvious cope).

>> No.20037689
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After 28 years of study, the 28 year old puts forward Miltonic narrative, claims it's biblical. There's literally no 'fallen angel' story in the Bible, and the quotes you have provided really don't cut the mustard.
OP, in this post I seek to demonstrate that you are dishonest and you know less about the Bible than you think. It is neither fair nor right that you should claim to be an authority.

>> No.20037693
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>he got BTFO'd in last week Someone brought up that they're a doomsday cult and twist scripture/prophecy and he had a meltdown

What ? This never happened.

Anyways we have always used the Bible as the sole authority for our beliefs, so we have adjusted our beliefs as our understanding of the Scriptures has been clarified.

We do not try to hide these changes in our understanding of the Bible. In fact, we record and publish them:


Such changes are in harmony with the Bible principle stated at Proverbs 4:18:
“The path of the righteous is like the bright morning light that grows brighter and brighter until full daylight.” Just as the rising sun reveals details of a landscape gradually, God grants an understanding of divine truth progressively, in his due time. (1 Peter 1:10-12)

As the Bible foretold, he has accelerated this process during “the time of the end.”—Daniel 12:4.

>> No.20037695

Where is the fallen angels story in the Bible?

>> No.20037698
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Demons are “angels that sinned,” spirit creatures who rebelled against God. (2 Peter 2:4)

The Bible records a rebellion by angels before the Flood of Noah’s day: “The sons of the true God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose.” (Genesis 6:2) Those wicked, or fallen, angels “forsook their own proper dwelling place” in heaven and materialized human bodies in order to have sex with women.—Jude 6.

When the Flood came, the rebellious angels abandoned their human bodies and returned to heaven.

However, God expelled them from his family. As part of their punishment, the demons are prevented from ever again taking on human form.—Ephesians 6:11, 12.

Satan “did not stand fast in the truth.” (John 8:44)

He implied that God was a liar, when, in fact, he was the liar. He told Eve that she could be like God, whereas he wanted to be like God. And through his deceitful ways, he achieved his selfish desire. To Eve, he made himself higher than God. By obeying Satan, Eve accepted Satan as her god.—Genesis 3:1-7.

By fomenting rebellion, this once trusted angel made himself Satan—an adversary and enemy of God and man.

The designation “Devil,” which means “Slanderer,” was also added to this wicked one’s description. This leader of sin eventually influenced other angels to disobey God and join his rebellion. (Genesis 6:1, 2; 1 Peter 3:19, 20)

These angels did not make mankind’s situation better. Because of their imitating Satan’s selfish ways, “the earth became filled with violence.”—Genesis 6:11; Matthew 12:24.

>> No.20037711

Yeah, 2 Peter 2:4 is pretty explicit I concede.

it's probably not actually literally true, though

>> No.20037713

Have you ever read Yahwism by Johannes de Moor?

>> No.20037722

Literally none of this is biblical you retarded larper.

>> No.20037731
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I disagree but you are free to believe what you want. It all makes sense if you take the whole biblical message.

No I haven't.

>> No.20037736

Get on it then, De Moor is excellent. Try Assman too, you'll love it

>> No.20037740

It 100% happened. He even pointed out how you were specifically stretching your interpretation of scripture to make it suit your needs.


>> No.20037742
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>> No.20037747

This. Op is trying way too hard

>> No.20037757
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I don't see what's wrong with the explanation I gave, I think it was thorough.

The Bible clearly says (1) that Satan was once a good person then rebelled against God, (2) he is the source of evil and (3) he and his demons have been expelled from Jehovah's royal court and are now actively trying to misguide humans on earth

Why do you disagree ? I exposed the reasons given by the Bible, I wish to know your reasons for not believing it please

>> No.20037774

You didn't address the characterization of your behavior. You didn't directly address what was said about how the apologetics fell short. You failed to provide a counternarrative to the idea that you're manipulating scripture in a shallow and self-serving way. You had no direct answer when it was pointed out you fall back on a vague allusion to the idea of growing knowledge as a post hoc excuse for the above.

There was nothing thorough in your explanation and you're a charlatan. You just engaged in the same behavior without becoming the slightest bit self-aware. You're a true ideologue.

>> No.20037786
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I disagree. When we have discovered that our beliefs were not completely in line with the Bible, we have changed our beliefs. Is that not a logical thing to do ?

Jesus said quite explicitly “when you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors…Truly I say to you that this generation will BY NO MEANS pass away until all these things happen.” (Matthew 24:33, 34)

Since the prophecies have stretched over the past 120 years or so, there could be no one person who saw them all. But those anointed 'brothers of Christ' who did see - and understood that they were seeing - the Signs of the Times starting from World War One did actively share their observations, and discuss the significance of them, with other younger anointed brothers of their generation.

The last possible anointed brothers of that generation are now in their fifties.

BY NO MEANS will they all die before the end comes. So the end of this system is very close.

I also don't usually respond to insults towards me even in real life so I ignore lines meant to hurt other people.

>> No.20037804

See, you're doing the exact same thing again. I never made the argument that beliefs can't change and theology doesn't evolve. You're shifting the goalposts and recharacterizing specific criticisms because you're an ideologue.

I'm sure you believe that you're responding to what was said but the reality is you're filtered by the criticism.
>You had no direct answer when it was pointed out you fall back on a vague allusion to the idea of growing knowledge as a post hoc excuse for the above.
See. You just did the exact same thing yet again.

>> No.20037811
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Why did it take so long for any scholar to realize the Bible's creators were Hellenistic and they modeled the Torah on Plato's Laws?

>> No.20037828
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>beliefs can't change and theology doesn't evolve.

God's plan doesn't change, but how we understand it can because we are imperfect humans and don't always see how God guides things. I gave you many examples in the archive you posted

Now if you believe you are a prophet and claim to read into God's mind, you do you anon. I don't know what else to say to you, but I think it's important to be humble and admit that we can misunderstand biblical prophecies and rectify our mistakes, as you are aware JWs did.

They were not. Bible writers were inspired by God.

>> No.20037845

>God's plan doesn't change, but how we understand it can because we are imperfect humans and don't always see how God guides things. I gave you many examples in the archive you posted
Literally not the argument retard. I literally pointed out "shifting the goalposts" and you're so completely filtered you do it yet again.

Specific criticisms were raised and you continuously fail to address them. As far as the archive goes it was pointed out that it doesn't consist of apologetics that directly addresses the failings themselves.

You are falling back on a vague idea of growth in spiritual knowledge when SPECIFIC criticism is raised regarding the behavior of your cult. I am not saying theology has to be static. I am saying you're a retard.

>> No.20037848

God isn't real. There is no quantifiable, demonstrable proof of God. The Bible is not proof of God. Life is not existence of God. You are not existence of God.

>> No.20037856
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Calling me a "charlatan" or accusing me of "twisting the cripture" isn't a criticism, I simply chose to ignored your insults (or in your words, "shifting the goalpost")

Rather than being pulled into quarreling by an undue concern over false accusations, I focus on pleasing God.—Psalm 119:69

Jesus made no answer when he was falsely accused before Pilate. (Matthew 27:11-14; 1 Peter 2:21-23)

Likewise, Jesus did not respond to accusations of being a drunkard and a glutton. Instead, he let his actions speak for themselves, in harmony with the principle: “Wisdom is vindicated by its results.” (Matthew 11:19)

>> No.20037861

When I first moved into my apartment, the very next day came the Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't know how they knew, but they did. They sent me this fucking drop-dead gorgeous, torpedo tittied South American girl who kept smiling shyly at my jokes. Problem is, behind her there was this ancient-looking crone with some of the hardest, mirthless eyes I'd ever seen in my life who basically had her claws sunk into the girl's shoulder. She was like six foot two and towered over the both of us. I really wanted to fuck the girl but I knew there was absolutely no chance of it with the harpy hovering nearby, so I said I wasn't interested and watched her ass bounce and jiggle and move beneath the light fabric of her pants through the peephole in my door as they left. She had a fantastic ass too.

>> No.20037864
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The existence of an orderly universe containing life points to a Creator !

The Bible says: “Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.” (Hebrews 3:4)

>> No.20037868

Fuck Jews
Fuck Muslims
Fuck JW's
Fuck the Anti-Christ
Christ is Lord. Praise God

>> No.20037869

It was specifically pointed out how you were twisting scripture and not merely stated. It was specifically pointed out how you shifted the goalposts and yet you did the very same thing again in the next post. It was specifically pointed out that you fall back on a vague idea about the evolving nature of religious knowledge instead of addressing criticism and yet you continue to do so when confronted.

So yes, you are a charlatan just like the founders of your cult. You aren't ignoring insults; you're filtered by criticism because you're an ideologue. Get the fuck off my board and stop turning people away from God through pathetic hubris that is obvious to everyone here save for yourself.

>> No.20037874
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is biblical jesus any different than todays jews (may allah forgive me for uttering this word)

>> No.20037886
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>Christ is Lord. Praise God


The apostle Paul counseled Christians to avoid pointless disputes with opposers, describing such arguments as “unprofitable and futile.”—Titus 3:9; Romans 16:17, 18. I gave you several opportunities to have a polite discussion but you don't want to, so just like Jesus did not pay attention to the hurtful words of the Pharisees, I will not either.

Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake.” (Matthew 5:11, 12)

Yes because the Old Testament laws were in place at the time of Jesus.

Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD, so now there can be no more sacrificial system to the priests in the temple. That is why Jews today can't follow the Torah but they follow Talmud.

>> No.20037887

Revelation 2:9

>> No.20037895

Where does it say in the Bible that you can molest children and have Watchtower protect the child molesters?

>> No.20037898

>Christ is Lord. Praise God
What does "Lord" mean, JW?

>> No.20037905

Specific criticisms were made that you failed to address. Your responses were overtly characterized and yet you still responded in the exact same manner time after time. Your logical fallacies were openly laid before you and you failed to understand how you were being fallacious and continued along the exact same line of flawed logic (i.e. ignoring the specific arguments being made and attempting to shift the goalposts to a different discussion).

Don't try and condescend to me you little prick. I've given you every opportunity to realize your own hubris and turn toward actual religion. You're a charlatan. You're a cult member. Cope.

>> No.20037930
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>> No.20037935
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>> No.20037943

Oh look, a documentary about your faggy little cult that's going to be posted every time you make this bullshit thread.

>> No.20037949
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The Greek and Hebrew words rendered “lord” (or such related terms as “sir,” “owner,” “master”) are used with reference to Jehovah God (Eze 3:11), Jesus Christ (Mt 7:21), one of the elders seen by John in vision (Re 7:13, 14), angels (Ge 19:1, 2; Da 12:8), men (1Sa 25:24; Ac 16:16, 19, 30), and false deities (1Co 8:5).

Often the designation “lord” denotes one who has ownership or authority and power over persons or things. (Ge 24:9; 42:30; 45:8, 9; 1Ki 16:24; Lu 19:33; Ac 25:26; Eph 6:5)

This title was applied by Sarah to her husband (Ge 18:12), by children to their fathers (Ge 31:35; Mt 21:28, 29), and by a younger brother to his older brother (Ge 32:5, 6). It appears as a title of respect addressed to prominent persons, public officials, prophets, and kings. (Ge 23:6; 42:10; Nu 11:28; 2Sa 1:10; 2Ki 8:10-12; Mt 27:63) When used in addressing strangers, “lord,” or “sir,” served as a title of courtesy.—Joh 12:21; 20:15; Ac 16:30. In French for example we say "monsieur" (sir), which comes from "mon seigneur" (my lord)

this has been debunked


>> No.20037969

>No! You can't just post a documentary that exposes my cult! I don't care if it goes into detail! Here's something my cult put out that proves it's debunked!
Cope faggot. No one here is going to join your cult so fuck off with your retarded threads.

>> No.20037976

Where does the Bible come from?

>> No.20037985

Aren’t Christians supposed to be at least a little humble and certainly not seek praise and attention for how strong/devoted their faith is. So why do you post this same thread every few weeks?
Studying the bible not doing it for you now and so you need to seek approval from strangers on the internet.

>> No.20037996
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>> No.20037998
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Some parts begin with such phrases as “the words of Nehemiah,” “the vision of Isaiah,” and “the word of Jehovah that occurred to Joel.”—Nehemiah 1:1; Isaiah 1:1; Joel 1:1.

Most Bible writers acknowledged that they wrote in the name of Jehovah, the one true God, and that they were guided by him. Prophets who wrote the Hebrew Scriptures proclaimed more than 300 times: “This is what Jehovah has said.” (Amos 1:3; Micah 2:3; Nahum 1:12) Other writers received God’s message through angels.—Zechariah 1:7, 9.

The Bible was written by some 40 men over the course of 1,600 years. Some men were used to write more than one book of the Bible. In fact, the Bible is a miniature library of 66 books. It consists of the 39 books of the Hebrew Scriptures, called by many the Old Testament, and the 27 books of the Christian Greek Scriptures, often called the New Testament.

Because I love talking about God and his Word with others !

it has been debunked


>> No.20038003
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This shit again. For fuck sake. So there's this be a "good guy/gal" thing (nah you're free!) even after death?

Also a question. Are women secondary cause of all this mortal suffering on earth? I'm talking about a rib woman. Not that demonic bitch.

>> No.20038004
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Jehovah's Witnesses aren't Christians and they're obsessed with homos.

>> No.20038012

Fuck off retard. No one is going to believe something your cult wrote over dozens of independent journalists, governmental investigations in multiple countries and jurisdictions.

We're what your cult refers to as 'worldly' on this board. Fuck off with your faggy cult.

>> No.20038015

Do you accept the historical method?
Do you see it fit to apply the historical method to Christianity?
Does Christianity place phases on "History?"

>> No.20038016

Didn’t address what I said. You could do all this in the bible general without having to make a clearly boastful thread.

>> No.20038019


>> No.20038021

I mean, how was it put together? Tbqh, I am the Spanish anon from yesterday on /int/. Would you kindly post proof of what you said yesterday?

>> No.20038026

Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. YOUR NOT GOING TO CONVERT ANYONE TO YOUR CRAZY SECT OP!

>> No.20038035

Did you think you added anything to the thousands of years, and endless minds that have already studied the text?

Please don't say anything about relating the text to modern situations. Thank you

>> No.20038126

Is OP having lunch or what?

>> No.20038132
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Retroactively refuted by Celsus, Porphyry, and Julian Augustus.

>> No.20038134

You studied bible since you were born? What the fuck

>> No.20038144

If you stop posting this gay comics, I think you might proselytize me. My first understanding of death came from a JW pamphlet. I think your sect is the least retarded Christian

>> No.20038162
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I want to convert to JW now

>> No.20038275
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decent prose, anon, though you should have hyphenated "torpedo-titted"

>> No.20038362

Who made this?


>> No.20038365

>the least retarded Christian
Wait for him to tell you about blood transplants

>> No.20038565

This thread was moved to >>>/his/12977071