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/lit/ - Literature

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20036757 No.20036757 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post iconic quotes from literature

“at first I thought him merely a good Gatsby, but it was at that moment I realised he was in fact The Great Gatsby”

>> No.20036768
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“Perhaps the real killing of a mockingbird was the friends we made along the way”

>> No.20036774

>The day was June 16th, 1904 and Leopold Bloom was about to have the greatest day of his entire life.
Greatest opening to a novel of all time.

>> No.20036808

"I want to fuck that little bitch Lolita"

Nabokov is the prose GOAT

>> No.20036840
File: 213 KB, 662x1000, FC1CD21F-B69C-4BBF-89FB-AF99453F0FD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racism is like, bad and shit.

>> No.20036870

>"Well, my dear friends, it has certainly been a long and eventful Journey to the End of the Night."

>> No.20036886

>"The setting sun was a red hole in the sky guiding the riders westward towards the sinister crimson like a Blood Meridian."

>> No.20036887
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>i didn’t

>> No.20036940

>”Although he spent most of his life feeling as though he was a moby pussy, and perhaps at times even a moby asshole, in that moment he came to the realization that all this time he was rather the Moby Dick.”

>> No.20037023

"Thus", spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.20037043

Where the title of the book is given as a quote within the book, it's the author putting his synthesis like stakes in the ground to keep children in the play area.
It's strongly associated with midwit literature where the author is afraid idiots won't understand and clever people might not agree

I was forced to read this in high school and suffer months of Marxist interpretations about Kapitalism and feminism.
As in fact I was with every single text in the literature curriculum

>> No.20037050
File: 531 KB, 773x1185, Cat's_Cradle_(1st_ed._cover)_-_Vonnegut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"See the cat? See the cradle?"

>> No.20037070

>It looks like I am finally about to have my Death in Venice

>> No.20037072

>For never was a story of more woe
>Than this of Romeo and Juliet.
Really, Shakespeare?

>> No.20037087

"I can't believe the director picked an actor who was that much of a ham, let alone in a play presented before the king"

>> No.20037094 [DELETED] 

What does she mean by this?

>> No.20037166


>> No.20037260

>Looking back, Odysseus realized that the long trip home really had been a real Odyssey.
Thanks Homer.

>> No.20037262
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>> No.20038259

Not funny. Kill yourself. Anyone participating in the this: kill yourself. Would you all please return to Reddit?

>> No.20038684


>> No.20038729

What book is this from?

>> No.20038749

Isn't it a funny coincidence that Lolita is a loli? Do you think Nabokov knew about loli before writing lolita?

>> No.20038758

The Incel Diaries

>> No.20038768

"The King was pregnant"
- Le Guin

>> No.20038780


>> No.20038787
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>> No.20038801


>> No.20038802

Forgot your meds again spergy schizo?

>> No.20038938

What novel?

>> No.20038985
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took me a minute

>> No.20039601

"It was you, Patrick; you're the american psycho!

>> No.20039615

this, honestly. what a bunch of low grade fucking idiots you all are for participating in this. have some self respect.

>> No.20039696
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>> No.20039711

>Senior José Arcadio Buendía, you are hereby sentenced to a hundred years in prison, which you will be spending in solitary confinement

>> No.20040006

Samenigger detected.

>> No.20040028

based self-denouncing samefag

>> No.20040030

>"If you do the Crime", he said as he lowered the brim of his hat over his eyes, "prepare for Punishment."

>> No.20040040

>A screaming comes across the sky. Ce n'est pas grave - it is rain. "Bow!" Slothrop sez.

>> No.20040067

The Big Book of Reddit.

>> No.20040080

>The Kid spoke "I guess it really was a Blood Meridian"

>> No.20040111

>Boo Boo took up the bar of soap and began to write with it on the bathroom mirror: "Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenters and Seymour: an Introduction, here comes the groom, whose name is also Seymour..."
Salinger kind of phoned this one in.

>> No.20040114

>"Come on Dante, we'll miss the comedy. The critics are calling it divine"

>> No.20040145


>> No.20040242

>Mon Dieu Edmond, it's you! You're the Count of Monte Cristo unabridged translation by Chapman and Hall!

>> No.20040247

There is none. Its the worst piece of shit Ive ever had the misfortune of reading.

The only people who think its good are people who havr only read the books they were froced to in school and its only to virtue signal.

>> No.20040255

You got filtered hard

>> No.20040356

It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.

>> No.20040445

>"There they are, that's them!" Duncan Idaho pointed at the dusty silhouettes of the Bene Gesserit witches on the open bled. "They're the Heretics of Dune!"

>> No.20040469

>"Surely this jest must end?"

>> No.20040549

"Don't you see, Pyotr? It's all just a cycle. First there's the War, then there's the Peace. And maybe that's just the best we human beings can do."

I'll be honest, I tear up a bit every time ...

>> No.20040972

finnegan's wake

>> No.20041194

And not even by the book, but by this thread kek

>> No.20041204

I may not be able to give a quote but The Catcher in the Rye book made me feel relatable to the main character.

>> No.20041211

By both. The Great Gatsby can be kind of annoying in its ways (it's basically written for women and the male equivalent of art hoes) but thinking it's actually terrible is retarded. It is quite clever and has some legitimately good wisdom in it.

>> No.20041731

"She kept talking. She told everyone. There was more to it, and she was trying to get it talked out. After a time, she quit trying."

–Raymond Carver

>> No.20042310

“Winston watched the clock strike midnight. It was 1983 no longer.”