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/lit/ - Literature

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20032681 No.20032681 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20032689
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>> No.20032699

>esoteric hitlerism

>> No.20032715
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Moby Dick changed the way I think fundamentally, changed my ideas of what a novel is capable of portraying and achieving and introduced me to all sorts of Transcendentalist perspectives and specially the ones regarding the nature of reality itself fucked me up. Because of it (and later on many other novels) I now think of Literature as the highest form of presenting a story.

I want everyone to read it and be equally as bewildered by it. Here is a little taste:

"And when we consider that other theory of the natural philosophers, that all other earthly hues — every stately or lovely emblazoning — the sweet tinges of sunset skies and woods; yea, and the gilded velvets of butterflies, and the butterfly cheeks of young girls; all these are but subtile deceits, not actually inherent in substances, but only laid on from without; so that all deified Nature absolutely paints like the harlot, whose allurements cover nothing but the charnel-house within; and when we proceed further, and consider that the mystical cosmetic which produces every one of her hues, the great principle of light, for ever remains white or colorless in itself, and if operating without medium upon matter, would touch all objects, even tulips and roses, with its own blank tinge — pondering all this, the palsied universe lies before us a leper; and like wilful travellers in Lapland, who refuse to wear colored and coloring glasses upon their eyes, so the wretched infidel gazes himself blind at the monumental white shroud that wraps all the prospect around him. And of all these things the Albino whale was the symbol. Wonder ye then at the fiery hunt?"

>> No.20032718


>> No.20032726 [DELETED] 

why so triggered, faggot?

>> No.20032826 [DELETED] 

Stop scapegoating the jewish people. Cringe.

>> No.20032841 [DELETED] 

I will if they stop subverting our nations, they keep giving me reasons to. Unless you're jewish, thinking jews have nothing to do with the spread of globalism, multiculturalism, degeneracy etc is even more cringe.
Serrano though mostly speaks of the metaphysical differences between Gentiles and Jews, not actual politics.

>> No.20032852 [DELETED] 

Meds o'clock, schizo.

>> No.20032858
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>Every goddamn fucking thread must devolve into NIGGER JEW JEW NIGGER JEW almost immediately

>> No.20032864 [DELETED] 
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So jews have nothing to do with the spread of globalism, multiculturalism, degeneracy etc?
Is that what you're claiming?

>> No.20032882

Probably Gravity's Rainbow. I read it when I was 20, and it showed me that reality is a complete and utter farce of chaos.
I'm a reclusive NEET
now at 26.

>> No.20032883

Wtf how did Melville know light moved (as a wave yet somehow) without a medium? In the 19th century didn’t every still believe in aether theories? Am I misreading that line?

>> No.20032888 [DELETED] 

we live in a globe yes, globalism is the logical progression
you're not special
ewww saaawwyyy. go suck hitlers dead cock

>> No.20032891 [DELETED] 

The two greatest issues of our times

>> No.20032895 [DELETED] 
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Excellent bait, comrade. You captured the redddit essence in three concise sentences.

>> No.20032897

My answer is gravity’s rainbow but not because it taught me about reality, but instead the confidence of his prose. Feels like I’m having a psychedelic experience every time he says some shit like
>yes amazing but true
>Not too many gongs around here. Gongs are special.
It feels like he is God himself leading me through the back doors of reality with a shit eating grin

>> No.20032900
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>> No.20032907 [DELETED] 

no. we are locked in an impossible cultural bind between a completely exhausted and materialistic marxism and a completely cancerous and value-dark kind of capitalism. neither of these systems is tolerable actually and each feeds of the other as its reason for being. the fact that you reflexively consider anyone who's not a nazi a commie is testament to your binary fickle little mind.

>> No.20032916

He was a very well-read man keeping up with the scientific theories way ahead of the curve.

>> No.20032918 [DELETED] 

You are very autistic, comrade.
>no. we are locked in an impossible cultural bind between a completely exhausted and materialistic marxism and a completely cancerous and value-dark kind of capitalism. neither of these systems is tolerable actually and each feeds of the other as its reason for being.
I don't disagree, therefore we need a third position. Nazism has had its time, although obviously it was on the mark regarding some issues. We need something new and organic that opposes both capitalism and communism.
>the fact that you reflexively consider anyone who's not a nazi a commie
I don't, comrade.

>> No.20032931 [DELETED] 

You've been played nigger

>> No.20032947

Yeah but even Maxwell believed in an aether, it makes sense, what wave moves without a medium? Ocean waves have water as a medium, sound waves have air, light wasn’t discovered to be mediumless until the early 20th century

>> No.20032993 [DELETED] 
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But by whom?

>> No.20033028

Reading Catcher in the Rye and Confederacy of Dunces side by thought me humility.

>> No.20033048

I hate it when there's a catcher contraption in my cornbeef on rye

>> No.20033067 [DELETED] 

>globalism is the logical progression
Why are marxist-hegeltards like this?

>> No.20033077 [DELETED] 

see >>20032907
you and your isms can go fuck off, hypnotized fool

>> No.20033081 [DELETED] 

Those two posts say completely different things, faggot. Globalism is not a logical progression of living on a globe you absolute retard. It only seems that way because the people pushing for it control the media and institutions, and you have been indoctrinated with it since your birth.

>> No.20033093 [DELETED] 

>globalism is not a logical progression of living on a globe
You are beyond salvaging. Your synapses are cooked.

>> No.20033126 [DELETED] 

And you are retarded for not being able to think beyond the confines of what you have been indoctrinated with, faggot.
Please explain to me how it is a logical progression then. Because the only reason you think it is is because you have been marinated in this idea.

>> No.20033144 [DELETED] 

This this this
Fuck socialism
Fuck communism
Fuck judaism

>> No.20033215 [DELETED] 

Fuck fascism
Fuck capitalism
Fuck nazism

>> No.20033222

what a bunch of retards cant maintain a thread for more than 1 post

>> No.20033227
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>> No.20033254

Fuck you niggers for ruining this thread, imma post anyway.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra for me, just because of how it BTFO my institutionalized libtard feminism views I had growing up. It's like my worldview got disintegrated in front of my eyes each page I read. For most edgelords here who grew up with /pol/ and rw-lit it might sound dumb, but for my 18 y/o self it was a experience of leaving behind my old self and embarking on a new journey. Furthermore it introduced me to other great literature and inspired me to read the Greeks

>> No.20033258

s0i moment

>> No.20033268
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every important person throughout history was a nignog

>> No.20033272 [DELETED] 

why are trannies so into psychiatry when they need it the most?

>> No.20033275 [DELETED] 

am I the only person who never had a liberal phase? cannot even imagine

>> No.20033277
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>> No.20033315

Mein Kampf
Adolf Hitler: the Ultimate Avatar
The Fire and The Sun

PS: captcha was J00TJ…

>> No.20033332 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20033339 [DELETED] 

Somebody fuck me too

>> No.20033352 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20033533 [DELETED] 

that's what growing up with a single mother and being taught by mostly female teachers in one of the most progressive countries does to a man

>> No.20033543


>> No.20033564

He was enlightened. Or perhaps the book was Inspired.

"Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond."

>> No.20033579

I read this, and I’m sympathetic to fascism… this book is honestly retarded. All of Serrano’s books are kind of retarded desu

>> No.20033583

I heard.

>> No.20033585 [DELETED] 

Lol u mad. Seethe tranny

>> No.20033604

>Angloid empiricist take on nature
Yikes. Prefer Goethe.

>> No.20033783

The Gospel of Matthew made me Christian. I don't think people fully appreciate the lunacy of a figure like Christ - not only that, but the genuine horror at His even being a possibility that came to the world and only healed and never damned a single person. Yeah. Also, Understanding Media by McLuhan and the Summa.

>> No.20034000

Listen anon. Look me in the eye and tell me how you build the patience, and the gigachad IQ to wrap your head around the bible.

literally wat do

It's like watching one piece, naruto or dbz.
How fuck does one even begin? yt/google and all of big tech are literally pro athiest so you can't even warm up with some fun 4 min introductions before you enter literally the lore creation and god himself.

>> No.20034057


Drink some caffeine and enjoy. Also, I've been reading for years so that helps. To actually be able to read get rid of all notifications on your phone (including texts and discord) and you'll be able to focus a bit. Also, read books you like to build the muscle.

>> No.20034081

>Sometimes I think there’s nought beyond.
I heard Dafoe’s voice here

>> No.20034146

Bless you anon, that sight looks promising, hopefully its my final breakthrough into the holy book. I've literally saved my expensive coffee for this!

>> No.20034172

Sorry can't tell if you're being sarcastic but hope it helps it you regardless!

>> No.20034252

doxing yourself again lmao

what if christ was an alien!?!?!

>> No.20034401

Newtonian conception of light as a particle didn't need a medium for it to move through. Melville could have just been ignorant of the wave theory of light.

>> No.20034408

And the medium referred to in the Melville quote is not the aether it's colored glass so that without it white light would touch everything, the "blank tinge".

>> No.20034444

oh you sweet summer child...

>> No.20034448


>> No.20034500

>Newtonian concept of light didn’t need a medium
It didn’t not need a medium, mediums are irrelevant to the discussion when we’re talking about particle theories of light. Also Newton himself still believed in a medium because his theory was clearly incomplete. Everyone believed in a medium the precise moment light as a wave entered the discussion. Maxwell (the grand daddy of electromagnetism) believed in a medium and this was after Moby Dick was written. Before that the only human being alive that dared to question aether theories was Faraday (only 4 years before Moby Dick was written) but that didn’t gain acceptance until decades later.

I never said he was referring to an aether, that’s exactly my point. He says “operating without medium upon matter”, as opposed to “coloured and colouring glasses”, which was scientific heresy as far as 1851 was concerned.

>> No.20034533

I assume you have no background in metaphysics or esotericism, if you go in blind without familiarity with those, fat chance you'll be filtered.
It's Serrano's philosophy in fiction (he also wrote non-fiction). Basically a variant of The Hero's Story, while drawing from many mythological, metaphysical, religious and esoteric sources and traditions. He speaks in a sort of coded language which can be confusing at first.
Also he is known as an Esoteric Hitlerist, but in his fiction books these themes usually stay below the surface.

>> No.20034534

Although you’re right in that, if he believed in the particle theories of light (although this was rather outmoded by this point), and he’s trying to stress the metaphor of Lapland travellers refusing to wear glasses, then mediums become relevant to the discussion and it’s not “wrong” or “irrelevant” to talk about light moving without medium, but that would be just as curious of a coincidence, that his out of date conception of light led him to make a statement that wasn’t necessarily incorrect

>> No.20034545
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Everything and nothing

>> No.20034570

Alright, I'll bite. What do you recommend to read to understand Nos and Serrano's other works?

>> No.20034710

I'd recommend familiarising yourself with general (ancient) mythology, especially European, but also beyond it.
Jung is also important since they were friends and Serrano took a lot from him, but I've not read much Jung so general familiarity should be enough.
Knowledge of esoteric societies and strands throughout history is also not unwelcome. Masons, Rosicrucians, Sufis, etc.
But the most helpful to me in understanding has been Evola's Revolt Against the Modern World, even though they did not see eye to eye at all regarding most subjects. But that book gives a good metaphysical grounding for the concepts found in Nos.

>> No.20034787

I admit I was just bored his entire chapter on the color white. Even that excerpt means nothing to me.