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20029055 No.20029055 [Reply] [Original]

I have quite a few friends that are good people in their heart but due to living in the postmodern world of absurd they have been turned into typical western men without any complex of morales or ideals, living just to live, apathetic to the world around them and therefore easily controlled. It's a torture to see them waste their lives on escapism just because they've been thrown into this godless society without any consent. I want to wake them up, I want them to have the fighter spirit like I do. What book or collection of books would you recommend to open their eyes? To make them understand there is a better world we've lost, and it's worth fighting for?
So far I only considered Revolt Against the Modern World or something by Mishima.

>> No.20029062

Agreed but 90% of this bord is frumpy liberal DYEL basedcucks who get spiritually filtered by this creed.

Brace yourself for basedcattle memers

>> No.20029063

S(0)Y is apparently 'based' according to this board. Should tell you all you need to know

>> No.20029068

Do they lift? That would make the job a whole lot easier.

>> No.20029079

Chronicles of Wasted Time - Malcolm Muggeridge

>> No.20029086

Probably something by De Maistre would also fit.

Anything by:

Just off the top of my head

>> No.20029095

It was based according to Hitler as well, you fucking idiot

>> No.20029108

Hitler gets a pass, you don't however, limbdick DYEL tranny

>> No.20029111
File: 137 KB, 1075x650, miyamoto-musashi-the-retainer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Book of the Five Rings" by Miamoto Musashi

First, you have to understand that it's their lives, not yours. You're not entitled to saving them from anything. Their lack of agency is what got them to where they are in the first place. Responsibility is a right, not a duty. And what I mean by this is that responsibility gives people power over their own lives. To strip people away from their responsibility, to shelter them of the consequences of their own actions, is to steal from them all dignity as a Human Being.
Second, you're not going to convince them to fight for something. They are probably so drenched in nihilism that they genuinly don't care about anything anymore. What they can do, however, is learn how to live with themselves and carry their lives with pride.

Once the flame of their spirits is reignited, perhaps then, if you're lucky, they will look forward and try to acomplish something with their lives.

>> No.20029933
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>> No.20029941

What's wrong with escapism? Modernity sucks. I'm burying my head in the sand in the most pleasurable ways I can find.

>> No.20029949

It's been that way site-wide for years. Welcome, newfag.

>> No.20029953
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Keep going down that road and you'll find out soon enough

>> No.20029961

>adopts the worldview of a single book wholesale per the advice extremely online polemicists he's never even met
>calls others easily controlled

>> No.20029962

You've convinced me. I'm gonna get mad at all the headlines now.

>> No.20029985

Lifting is escapism.

>> No.20030001


Socrates is one person you blithering mindsloth.

>> No.20030019

Socrates told you to read assblasted Italian and Japanese reactionary writers? Socrates was put to death for whining about everything the Athenians were doing.

>> No.20030043

>Revolt Against the Modern World or something by Mishima.
They will never read those or anything like them. Unless one of your friends is already a major reader, he's not gonna start digging into dissident esoterics, even on a recommendation.

The most surefire way for you to help your friends is to be admirable, helpful, funny, and unapologetically, as well as articulately, representative of your beliefs.

Then, once they're interested in how you came to be so awesome, they'll gravitate to your way of thinking and ask to read those books.

>> No.20030168

>western world today has no morals
Yet it does, you just don't like them.

>> No.20030212

If you figure it out, let me know.

t. apathetic western man

>> No.20030257

Proof people whining about /pol/ are all newfags.

>> No.20030278

its a healthy form of escapism that improves your life outside of lifting.

>> No.20030427
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>> No.20030434

consoom and work are not morals, nor is "have pity on the less fortunate" a non-nihilistic principle.

>> No.20030457

Pls be bait

>> No.20030769

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.20030775

Plato complete works

>> No.20030813

>proceeds to literally believe in magic
suck my veiny cock dude
only children and retards believe in anything outside centrism

>> No.20030943

>consoom and work are not morals
You consoom air and all release of energy is work. You're not one to tell me about nihilism buddy, being against these things is literally life denial.

>> No.20030968

suck on an egg dorks

>> No.20031298


centrism being an actively defended belief system and not just a socio-politcal slur tickles me pink

>> No.20031389

>typical western men without any complex of morales or ideals, living just to live, apathetic to the world around them and therefore easily controlled
It’s very easy to see yourself beyond the trappings of ideology and everyone else inside it, but I’m afraid that isn’t the case. You’re never more trapped within it than when you think you’ve escaped it. EVERYONE is controlled to some degree, it is not a case of they are and we aren’t. It is impossible to exist in the modern world and remain untainted, simply by virtue of being entangled in it by living through the present. Thinking you are free from it simply because you have returned to traditional values is naive.

>> No.20031413


>> No.20031436


reductive cynicposting is sophmore tier

>> No.20031493

other way around, tourist

>> No.20031495

You have to be masculine and have masculine inclinations and ambitions to get into Evola.

An inborn goodguy / badguy mindset and a desire to be the goodguy and defeat the badguy

An inborn willingness to be brave and then braver and alone if you have to be

An inborn recognition of your action as an extention of gods will and the refusal to sit idle and let the currents sweep you away without a fight.

If this isn't a central part of your character Evola is going to slip past you as a bunch of useless mythology and esoteric autism about principles and doctrines.

I hate to break it to you but if your friends don't have masculine instincts they won't be able to develop them. They cannot be created but have to be awakened if they exist dormant, the problem is they might just have none at all. I've tried to get a bunch of my friends into Evola and it's only stuck with a few those who have had warrior hearts since birth, the rest brush it off as the aforementioned useless mythology and political commentary that blackpills them and makes them feel infantile.

>> No.20031496

The Oera Linda is a good place to start. But I prefer Always the Horizon
Lets look at the illusions of Yesus Buda. Banking of West and East.
They say hello my fellow Aryan,
Follow the Aryastangamarga to endure this suffering when you own nothing, have no privacy, and are being fed bugs and are surrounded by faceless know nothing bug men who only obey. Ah I think you got the hint how this new threat sounds like a familiar old offer from ancient eastern bankers and see the joke is on us, Mendicant. We are reduced to beggars though we are bright scholars, strong warriors, popular statesmen and friends of the people.
I see the future becoming Eastern and want to be more attained for going through it not around it. I resist not evil because even if I had the intellect of Claude Shannon, the strength of Clarence Kennedy, and the friendship of William Pierce's alliance, the endorsement of President Trump, how far could I go? I would be stuck at the same dull drowsy and bug scale numerous obstacles that obscure us.
We must beg for our meals in between bouts of seclusion. Prepare yourself realistically. Strengthen your resolve even if your flesh is unable to thrive in a healthy environment and schedule or is able to thrive but can mature for worst case scenario stoicism. Being spartan and athletic is not enough to endure this marathon of drudgery that is ahead of us to reunite. Being unshakeably stead fast and conserving energy in expensive effort is how you get past these snakes, Mendicant. Ever notice how Buddhist monks wear orange robes just like convicts?
Did not Paul say we are sinners in rebellion to God?
Isn't odd how unfunny these temples of gloom must be to operate this joke?
Isn't it odd how ALL are welcome into these global anti old guard hierarchies?

>> No.20031537

Btw many Buddhist monks are literally convicts going through a deferal of justice program. You're all property of the Sangha and training for your extinguishment but ah this faith you see it is not by works that you are saved hear ye hear ye hallejuah amen brothas and sistas in Ching Chang Chong Gupta Poopa! There is no attainment! Sola nada! Sola fide en nada! A whole lot of nothing sold to you in the degeneration of your old guard subverted in glorified poverty. Me thinks there is a Martin Luther linguistic cheat code lost in translation ala back stabbing "love your neighbor" (neighbors for me, chosen and above criticism for thee)

>> No.20031549


touch grass faggot

>> No.20031557

Is it even possible for a good religious tradition to survive our world? Do we even have the language and information exchange to uphold such a thing hated by our rulers and apathetically discarded cattle peers?
Is there a moment where the context saves the subverted hell for gleams and glimpses of truth and healthy trust?
I trust no teaching. I trust no teacher. I trust only blood and the sense within it to know it for myself and I guard myself among the weak and trusting Christians, the weak and trusting Buddhists, the weak and trusting Science sheeple. I simply know I am the target and am strengthened by my investigation and self reliant nourishment.
Freddy Nietzche is my only lode star in this fight.

>> No.20031579
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Consider the existence of luxury beliefs.


Now that you realize the ruling class is treating philosophy like handbags: consider what makes luxury goods appealing. Study marketing. If you are charismatic enough and play your cards right you could singlehandedly save the West.

>> No.20031611

I do not wish to disparage the Buddha and the Dharma but to reveal the rotten subjugated sangha who bleats that Hitler is the ultimate evil in order to stay in business. They then unknowingly abide the ultimate evil and thus are not a door way towards ultimate truth but a repository of fancy dead old tools.

>> No.20031612
File: 7 KB, 240x240, 54e7dbafcd506_corneliu_zelea_codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I'm not Christian, or even religious, but this book had more impassioned text and more heartfelt meaning than anything else I have read. I hope we see it's like soon.

>> No.20031627

you can, better than feeding into it I guess, but how long can you keep that facade? you will feel worthless

>> No.20031639
File: 51 KB, 508x540, 1639760476299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bury your head, build something around you that is pleasing and gives you joy.

Not videogames.

>> No.20031651
File: 296 KB, 1023x1200, napoleon-bonaparte-67784_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ruling class is treating Buddhism and Computer Geek culture like it does Louis Vuitton, Prada and tranny Matrix. The Communists turned the Buddha into a commissar. Which begs the question: was this ever thus after all yet we were none the wiser content in the tame meek and mild pleasant presence of "noble tradition"? Did they subvert philosophical inquiry itself right under our noses as we searched under our noses? Yes! (((Socrates)))? (((Hegel)))?
Our entire fence posts are built around the central bank and on the far fringe was the original heart center. Sterile doubters! Undreaming enemies of the spirited men of bellowing chests! Wralda! Brahma! Oh the Avesta says the same as the Rig Veda! Heraclitus says the same about the self as the Buddha yet: instead of the triumph of bugs in fancy terrariums in pacificistic order we see the tumultous triumph of the hero. Heroes we held up high were always sold in profane hands as idolatry dead without deeds. The ones that persist can only be said to have taken the crown for themselves.

>> No.20031668

Myth of the 20th Century
Quick n easy

>> No.20031739
File: 25 KB, 323x499, 41p0YvhuSeL._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loving comfort, risking little, terrified by the thought of change, (the middle class') aim is to establish a materialistic civilization which will banish threats to its complacency. It has conventions, not ideals; it is washed rather than clean. Thus the final degradation of the Baconian philosophy is that knowledge becomes power in the service of appetite.

>> No.20031782
File: 85 KB, 850x400, quote-never-forget-the-press-is-the-enemy-the-establishment-is-the-enemy-the-professors-are-richard-m-nixon-133-50-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the popular arena, one can tell … that the average man … imagines that an industrious acquisition of particulars will render him a man of knowledge. With what pathetic trust does he recite his facts! He has been told that knowledge is power, and knowledge consists of a great many small things.

>> No.20031799
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>The theory of empiricism is plausible because it assumes that accuracy about small matters prepares the way for valid judgment about large ones. What happens, however, is that the judgments are never made. The pedantic empiricist, buried in his little province of phenomena, imagines that fidelity to it exempts him from concern with larger aspects of reality.

>> No.20031810


>> No.20031831
File: 2.62 MB, 828x1080, sihyeon 190824 EVERGLOW Sihyeon - 'Adios' Fancam _ 에버글로우 시현 Adios 4K 직캠 @제일라아트홀 팬사인회 [ISsYO1hEodw]-[00.26.009-00.30.430].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i am too low iq to read julius evola.
he says a lot without saying anything
this tends to be case with a lot of occult/religious authors

>> No.20031920

The truth

If they don’t intuitively gravitate towards you, then you are not all you think you are. You are a dabbler, not the embodiment of anything impressive

>> No.20032013
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>The man of frank and strong prejudices, far from being a political and social menace and an obstacle in the path of progress, is often a benign character and helpful citizen. The chance is far greater, furthermore, that he will be more creative than the man who can never come to more than a few gingerly held conclusions, or who thinks that all ideas should be received with equal hospitality. There is such a thing as being so broad you are flat.

>> No.20032106


>> No.20032172

I don't disagree with the gist of your post, but you sound like a whiny larping fag.

>> No.20032186

>”I know it’s a larp because nobody actually takes anything seriously.”
OP may be a fag, but you’re also a fag in your own unique way

>> No.20032258

It's just sad really, keep up your "struggle" and sleeplessness, I don't even know for what or if it'll "achieve" or really "change" or why anything needs to change other than your mentally ill schizo mind.

This is just so ridiculous, it's literally just the male version of the self-harm cringe, irrationality and edginess that so many make fun off in teen girls.

>> No.20032280

Most of this place genuinely thinks that masculity is to be a selfish jerk that let's people suffer at badguy hands

>> No.20032619

Same, anon.

>> No.20034145


>> No.20034148

Nothing, you're only doing what's logical. Everything else is a cope.