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2002636 No.2002636 [Reply] [Original]

>dat feel when an okay book is ruined by the author changing the spelling of words to reflect how the characters talk

"nigger talk" is the worst

>> No.2002644

what video is this from i have a fetish for these sorts of things

>> No.2002643

what the fuck else would you have them do?

>> No.2002646
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niggers exist. deal with it.

>> No.2002649

i bet OP would love their eyes were watching god

>> No.2002653

Not randomly accent some speech while failing to do so with others? Every part of the planet, even while speaking the same language, pronounces some words differently.

>> No.2002654

where did you get that picture of me

>> No.2002658
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>mfw i started reading that book and nobody told me it had nigger talk in it.

>mfw i then had to finish it since i have this thing where i can't leave things unfinished

>> No.2002659

It's ok, OP.

I agree with you. Writing in dialect has the unfortunate result of reading just as annoyingly as it sounds. Imagine if you were watching a movie in which a character with a backwoods Appalachian accent is given subtitles, but in dialect.

It's a double-edged sword, really:

1) the misappropriation of English sounds is itself grating

2) often the author will do a poor rendering of a word in dialect, leading to the double-minded thought:

"fuck dialect is annoying"
"fuck awkwardly-conveyed dialect is even worse"

>> No.2002661

"Holy shit that is a big cock," she said in a nigger accent.

There. Not...

"Holeeeey sheet, dat iz a big kok," she said.

>> No.2002662

oh i loved the reading the word "Gwine" in an accent in sound and the fury

>> No.2002669

Have other characters comment on their accent. Let their word choice and grammar make the point that 'this character speaks poorly.'

For me, intentionally misspelled words like this really ruin the flow of the piece and take me out of the book.

>> No.2002670

good looking girls saying the N word

>> No.2002668


yeah, no.

>> No.2002667

lol @ OP's "dat feel"

>> No.2002666

What sort of fetish might that be?

You only wish you were 1/10th that and she isn't even that attractive.

>> No.2002672


protip. she isn't really saying nigger.

>> No.2002673
File: 12 KB, 249x213, 1295521656819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2002675

why is it captioned like that then...
what was she saying....

>> No.2002676

You mean girls using "bad language" in general?
Like this?:


>> No.2002679

that one is just kinda gross but yeah like that

>> No.2002683



she's actually not that smart... (likes rand)

>> No.2002687


this just in, people have been known to add unrelated captions to pictures

>> No.2002688

no, i'm dead serious
that's me at an acquaintance's home in bayreuth

>> No.2002691


>> No.2002692



>> No.2002695

thank you, now i remember where i recognize her from.

>> No.2002698


Well there's a very simple way to prove it, isn't there? I think I'm probably not the only other /b­/tard here, so timestamp please.

>> No.2002699

So I take it you don't like Joyce or Pynchon or Faulkner? A Hemingway man, perhaps?

>> No.2002701

Talk about failing.

>impersonate person
>deny you aren't person
>double down on it
>realize this was bad decision
>quickly backpedal
>haha guys I was just kidding

>> No.2002706


Oh don't treat Hemingway like that.

>> No.2002711


faulkner doesn't do this. he changes the style of how people talk maybe by changing word order but doesn't fuck with the spelling

>> No.2002713

It was a bit deeper than that, but I guess it only made sense in my head
I waited until someone posted an actual link, then attempted to make it look like I was just kidding about the claim that I was the person, thus giving the impression that I might actually be this person and was embarrassed by the fact that someone found my youtube

i'm very bad at trickery

>> No.2002714

>lol @ OP's "dat feel"
Yeah I found that bit of irony to be hilarious too.

>> No.2002720

>sees (likes rand)
>responds with nevermindilied

Like when you saw that she likes Rand you didn't want anything to do with it.

>> No.2002721

jones from confederacy of dunces was done really well i think.

>> No.2002725

no, that was just a cool bonus

>> No.2002732

Are dialectical phrases like "gonna" and "wanna" acceptable to me only because I understand them?

>> No.2002733

You have aspergers, you have no grasp on language beyond what you were taught in public school.

>> No.2002735
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Mmm hmm.

>> No.2002739

Man, fuck Their Eyes Were Watching God. The only summer reading assignment I gave a fuck you to ever. I hate niggerspeak.

>> No.2002744

I love Ernest. No disrespect was meant, I was just comparing the two styles.

>> No.2002750


Think about the fact that you only ever really see this when it's some "low" form of the spoken language (i.e. the way a lower class or less educated or poorer person might speak). You never really see British accents transcribed this way unless it's supposed to be Cockney or something similar. You never really see American accents done this way unless it's BEV or a really twangy Southern dialect. You sometimes see Boston or Italian-New-York accents, but it's always some weird ethnic stereotype of a character.

Anyway, my biggest gripe is: why is this representation of the accent necessary? You're reducing a character to words on a page, and you feel that the most important thing I need to know about them is that they talk differently than someone else? What does that add? It's a really superficial thing and is just bad character building, like spending too much describing a character's physical appearance, or overwriting their physical presence in a scene.

It usually winds up looking like parody, which is really problematic.

Now, I only really feel this way about dialogue in works that are otherwise written in Edited American English. Books and poems written entirely in dialect, I can get behind, because there's something to that about identity and rights to one's own language. But when it's just a tool for characterization, it's more like caricaturization.

>> No.2002754

I know how much people on the chans hate this kind of thinking, what with us all being black-and-white-thinking extremists, but it looks like this one's going to have to be settled as a matter of degree.

I don't think any of us stumble words like:


But by God, there is something seriously annoying about the use of dialect in Their Eyes Were Watching God. I know we like a hard-and-fast maxim, but this one's kind of an unsatisfying grey area.

Perhaps we could establish something about neologisms. Maybe it's OK if it's been in print before, but then Their Eyes Were Watching God alone would open up a whole floodgate of --frankly-- eyesore renderings of simple words.

On a certain level it's just belittling to the characters to render them without a single correctly-spelled word. It's just cruel to all involved.

>> No.2002779

>dat feel

Nigger talk.

>> No.2002781

'dat' is the joke

>> No.2002808
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>> No.2002917

Dayum. OP, let me ax you: Does such a slavish concern for orthography that y'all's not capable of perceiving a dialect of English accurately represented with phonetic spelling not strike you as debatabo at best?

De only dialect writings which hab ebber irked me were William Barnes' eclogues in de Dorset dialect. But I think that using phonetic spelling (sparingly or no) to render dialect is wholly permissibo. Or suhtainly ought to be judged on an ad hoc basis, and not with a blanket generalization of de sort you made. Sheeeeit.

>> No.2002925
File: 15 KB, 200x150, mammy1-719030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"No, suh," Dilsey says. "I aint gwine do it. You aint got no business wid mo'n one cup, a seventeen year old gal, let lone whut Miss Cahline say. You go on and git dressed for school, so you kin ride to town wid Jason. You fixin to be late again."

Sound and the fury was so good at nigger talk