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20026229 No.20026229 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about the world as it stands TODAY?

>> No.20026310

No one reads books any more. Anyone who does is probably on a list, potentially destroying/psyoping any genuine thought or talent.

Furries were on CNN the other day. I wonder what monuments to society they will entertain. Honestly, how healthy could you be coming heredaily for years on out. Stay away from children.

>> No.20026317

Don't read for the world that exists now, read so you can be part of the reconstruction of the world that will exist after the restoration of sanity.


>> No.20026344

Yes, from the calibre of this board. Aside from destroying the critical faculty of the casual browser and promoting an agenda (()), what even is the point of coming here daily? It's probably unhealthy.

>> No.20026370

>What are some books about the world as it stands TODAY?
The Bible, prophecy fulfilled, if you want an explanation watch this sermon

>> No.20026383

the pornographic age t. badiou

>> No.20026497

For me, Houellebecq comes closest to capturing what I feel today. I've only read his early stuff though so keep that in mind.

>> No.20026530
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>> No.20026532

I see him mentioned all the time lately, can I get a qrd? I will check him out independently, but would appreciate a summary from a fan

>> No.20026577
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Lit has posted that Fukuyama guy so frequently over the years, then some took to posting Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations. I find Mearsheimer to be the most sensible of the three.
He’s critical of the deep state’s idiotic policies and isn’t afraid to call them or this stupidly powerful lobby out for it