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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.07 MB, 2311x1300, __gandalf_and_balrog_tolkien_s_legendarium_and_1_more_drawn_by_anato_finnstark__d8e6f65b4fcf9e918d701a6736b3fd8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20017288 No.20017288 [Reply] [Original]

The Shadow and the Flame edition

Previous Thread:>>20011817

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.20017304 [DELETED] 

1st for no women or tranny in sff

>> No.20017334
File: 469 KB, 2518x1024, xianxia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you reading the masterpieces that are the wedding of technological development (web novels) and the blooming of the Chinese into their proper place on the world stage?

>> No.20017351

Because western gamelit is pozzed and there are maybe 3 chinese xanxias worth reading, everything else is just approved commie trash

>> No.20017360

>Because western gamelit is pozzed and there are maybe 3 chinese xanxias worth reading, everything else is just approved commie trash
Harem fantasy is still unpozzed (for now), problem is 90% is shitty written coombait, and almost all is litrpg, or at least with some game system mechanic...

>> No.20017364

because it's bad and mtl'd and fuck chinks

>> No.20017369 [DELETED] 

Harem by definition is pozzed

>> No.20017377

Should I keep trucking on with Dune? I'm halfway through the Maud'dib part and I just keep thinking 'holy shit there's still more'
I enjoyed it at the beginning but it's really overstaying its welcome. Does it get more engaging again?

>> No.20017381 [DELETED] 

>the natural state of humans is pozzed

>> No.20017385


>> No.20017402

How real do the characters and world in The Expanse feel?

>> No.20017405

>Harem by definition is pozzed
A man fucking as many women as humanly possible (with no string attached in most cases) is considered pozzed?

>> No.20017406

Gandalf was a Dunyain

>> No.20017414

Just ignore the shitposter already.

>> No.20017429

No. If he was, he would have accepted the ring from Frodo. Or had already conspired to take it from Bilbo as soon as he suspected its true power.

>> No.20017536
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Is Bakker still ruling supreme? I don't see him anymore.

>> No.20017559

>The Human Emperor
Read the first couple of chapters and I had to drop it. I'm not reading another story translated by an ESL ever again.

>> No.20017572

The last couple days I read The Death of Dr. Island (Wolfe), and then The Vale of Lost Women (Conan story).

Feeling like sticking with shorter stories for a while longer. I'm reading Burning Chrome, then a couple of GRRM's stories in Dreamsongs v.1 starting with Sandkings - I never read his other work even though I always loved ASoIaF. After that, I'm thinking Hour of the Dragon.

>> No.20017589

If you like Wolfe you should try The Aleph by Borges (the short story collection).

>> No.20017601

So give it to me straight, is Malazan pozzed? I'm not reading through 10k pages of Wakandan warrior queens, Kvothe and allegories about colonialism.

>> No.20017604

I read all his short stories a long time ago, overdue for a reread certainly. The only ones I read recently were The House of Asterion, Weary Man's Utopia, and The South (I think so, that's the one where he nearly dies from fever and gets into a knife fight).

I didn't quite get those vibes from Dr. Island. The most surreal part about it is the physics of the Point which I won't pretend to have grasped on my breezy read. The premise itself is comprehensible, although worth a reread to bring the early conversations between Nicholas and Diane into full perspective.
The main thing I wonder about is whether that story fits somewhere into the world of Wolfe's novels so that I can give a greater context to that place.

>> No.20017633

Conan has never committed rape.

>> No.20017636
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Der Ring des Nibelungen > Lord of the Rings

>> No.20017639

What are the best modern English translation and/or novelizations of historic mythological fantasy? IE Arthur, Beowulf, Jason and the Argonauts, etc (even/especially lesser known stories). Not looking to read medieval-style poems but actual novels.

>> No.20017648

Butler did a prose translation of the Iliad and Odyssey.

>> No.20017649

I have that actually!

>> No.20017655

Have you read it yet? If so, did you like it?

>> No.20017741

you are free to discuss his book if you've actually read them now that mod has purged the underage american spammers

>> No.20017753

>le american boogeyman

>> No.20017880
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I'm feel like reading this. What are anons' opinions on it?

>> No.20017886
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I don't think its the mods, something is... off

>> No.20018117

I love the Rincewind books but Equal Rites bored the fuck out of me. Is there a chance I'll like the rest of the witch books or should I skip them? If I might like them is it worth finishing Equal Rites? The characters and dialogue bored me, the jokes were all cringy to me and overall it was just bland.

>> No.20018183

In Equal Rites the series hasn't really found its footing yet. I'd say Wyrd Sisters is the real start of the witch books.
Guards! Guards! is the starting point that I see recommended the most.

>> No.20018210

That or Mort seems to be the one most recommend.

>> No.20018214
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>> No.20018237

Are these all as trashy as they look?

>> No.20018239

Hey. I am new to these genres. I am looking for recommendations. I enjoy character-centric books :

1. Books that are not obvious who is the bad person and who is the good person. Either because it’s evil vs evil or key facts are being hidden from the protagonist. I don’t care about the protagonist being morally grey, more like the world they are living in is confusing from a morality standpoint.

2. Books that have unpredictable, original twists. It’s okay if they incorporate many tropes as long as some of them are subverted and defy expectations

Basically, I am not looking for an obvious evil vs. good.

>> No.20018251

watch your mouth, Gene Wolfe's in there

>> No.20018258

Completely unfamiliar with that author.

>> No.20018377

Is the wizard knight good as they say? I wanna start with gene wolfe but botns may be too much for me.

>> No.20018461

First book is the page turner. If you don't like it, I guess finish book 1 but stop reading the series completely. It's not for you and will only disappoint you. Maybe Brandon Sanderson is more your speed.

>> No.20018470

Wizard Knight is a straightforward gamelit isekai and also one of most obtuse of Wolfe's works. Give it a go.

>> No.20018478

It's straightforward but also the most obtuse? Huh?

>> No.20018481

You just listed 3 different mythologies from completely different cultures. Reminds me of the kind of books they had us read in like freshmen highschool English classes to give us brief summaries of mythology throughout the world. I wouldn't expect anything in depth containing all 3.

>> No.20018500


>> No.20018533

Why not just skip it and go on to the next Rincewind book?

>> No.20018560

Sounds like Book of the New Sun

>> No.20018613
File: 47 KB, 250x380, MalazanBookOfTheFallen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So no one here has actually read this?

>> No.20018619

I thought about it but I get bored of action shit

>> No.20018625

Sure but I don't remember everything about it.
You WILL read about Tattersail's fat ass wobbling down the hallway and you WILL like it.

>> No.20018701

Sometimes I wonder how royalroad's top 50 can be so diverse in quality. From the worst to worst litrpgs to intriguing political dramas.

>> No.20018718

I want to go to my old public schools and get a copy of my library records to see everything I read when I was a young'un.

>> No.20018731

It's good

>> No.20018873

Any of these take place in an academy setting?
I think Mother of Learning does?

>> No.20018888

I believe Mother of Learning's story concept is "Guy mentally time-travels to the start of his school year" right? He time-loops it, because "repetition is the mother of learning". I haven't read it, because it sounds kinda cheese, but maybe it's alright.

>> No.20018901

Wolfe basically wrote pomo fantasy aka the story is basic but everyone is some kind of animated giraffe anus that talks in riddles

>> No.20018907

also extending this post to once again request for more books set in academies
previous request >>20011986

the only thing I know is that it's a web novel from royal road, and after just wasting my time with worth the candle, I'm honestly scared to engage with anything on that website

>> No.20018917

I’m trying out Library at Mount Char and the edgy characters theme is fucking annoying

>> No.20018944
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I got to book 8 of Martial World and I'm reading other stuff now. I'll get back to it at some point.
David was insufferable and basically a gary stu or plot device at best.

>> No.20018962

Opinions on China Mieville? I’m thinking about trying out Perdido Street Station or The City and The City

>> No.20018970

I just got to the part where the meet the tiger about 15% of the way in and yea David is fucking stupid and the one characters obsession with weed is fucking stupid. Really he has a thick helmet made out of peoples dried blood that can stop a 9mm round and he wears an army jacket with a tutu? Come on this shit is just retarded.

I’m about to just put it down.

>> No.20018971 [DELETED] 

Fuck off chink

>> No.20018995

It does have its kookiness. All that matters is Steve found his dog

>> No.20019040

>story is basic but everyone is some kind of animated giraffe anus that talks in riddles
This isn't exaggeration, by the way, though this particular example is from The Fifth Head of Cerberus.

>> No.20019062

Perdido Street was interesting enough at the start for its weirdness but became banal half way through. I began to skim and dropped the book when the tabletop RPG recap had no end in sight. I don't think I'll pick his stuff any time soon.

>> No.20019065 [DELETED] 

Living a life of a coomer is pozzed.

>> No.20019087

mother of learning is really bad, don't waste your time with it

>> No.20019117
File: 811 KB, 1103x1845, BE4C2C65-9518-4F5C-9021-7108E07EB4FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Gravity’s Rainbow count?

>> No.20019120

but I doubt you'd find anyone who's actually read it in this thread, this thread is for literary shit eaters only

>> No.20019131

Eh I got bored about 1/3rd of the way through, probably gets more interesting after that but I just couldn't be bothered to care.

I've seen no evidence of a ban, it tapered off because the two losers behind 90% of the posts had their honeyed anuses gaped by Brando's $23,000,000 curved phallus causing the air to prickle with understanding that they were spending hours each day shilling a dead incomplete book series of a failed author to the same 50 people who mostly hated them.

>> No.20019264
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>> No.20019313

What's wrong with it?

>> No.20019395
File: 211 KB, 610x447, revolver ocelot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me a good fantasy or sci-fi with great mysteries plot twists and mind fucks.

>> No.20019423

I saw the Amazon tv show edition of Eye of the World at the bookstore today and as if the gross cover and tv show advertisement weren't bad enough, it starts with the Egwene Ravens chapter before even the prologue. Very baffling choice for hooking new readers but I guess it makes sense for people who like the Egwene-centric show? I've always thought that chapter was an awful hook though.

>> No.20019475
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Prince of Thorns comes to mind.

>> No.20019497

read the Dick

>> No.20019512


>> No.20019629

Are there fantasy and sci-fi novels that are about ordinary, everyday people living in extraordinary settings? Something like Stoner but in space or a fantasy kingdom?

>> No.20019632

As in, slice of life-style, or more 'random guy gets thrown into a situation' thing?

>> No.20019672

Something like slice of life or even just some good stories that don’t involve saving the world. I was disappointed by the end of Lies of Locke Lamora, and even more so by the sequels. I think I’m just tired of high stakes, epic stories and want some more personal fantasy or sci-fi stories.

>> No.20019685

I haven't read any myself, but I've seen a couple here and there. Some stuff like 'retired adventurer opens a tavern and just enjoys life'. You might have to just search for fanasy and slice of life together, see where it gets you?

>> No.20019696

>retired adventurer opens a tavern and just enjoys life

>> No.20019706

I'm not sure how those sort of books play out (what's it even about? What's the actual plot, etc?) but they're nice to see existing. I might pick one up, but I tend to enjoy stories with stakes.

>> No.20019746

Any story has conflict but not every conflict has to be life or death, and even if it is, it doesn’t have to be life or death on a global scale. I would love to read some good SFF slice of life, but I also just think I’m burnt out on big epic stories with huge casts, and huge stakes, etc.

>> No.20019761 [DELETED] 

P*zzed h*rem

>> No.20019766

Fair enough. The stakes can be as small as 'some assholes might rough up the tavern' or something like that.

>> No.20019771

So what's wrong with it in a way that actual people talk?

>> No.20019778

Just ignore the shitposter already. He does this shit every thread.

>> No.20019792

I think the first book of Phule's Company fits the bill a bit. I thought it was mores slice-of-life-ish than military sci-fi and I laughed a lot.

>> No.20019800

Does anyone have that first page that was posted awhile back on /lit/ that was a laughable flood of world building/exposition dump?

>> No.20019802

Is it just "women bad" with him or what.

>> No.20019805

Thanks anon I’ll check it out

>> No.20019818

Pretty much, yes. Just ignore him.

>> No.20019848

So, how IS Mother of Learning, if anybody knows? Kinda curious now.

>> No.20019953

Hope you'll enjoy it. I don't know how the other books are, haven't read them yet.
I'm looking for some sci-fi/fantasy slice-of-life books, too, so if you find others, please let me know.

>> No.20019981

Yeah I’m working right now but I’ll try to find some and maybe post a list of ones I’m planning to read, later today.

>> No.20020030 [DELETED] 

It is centered around women, the story, plot, everything revolves around women and women relationships. There are probably 10 women characters (with 10 times the drama, shitty dialogue etc) to one male character.

>> No.20020034

It is centered around women, the story, plot, everything revolves around women and women relationships. There are probably 10 women characters (with 10 times the drama, shitty dialogue etc.) to one male character.

>> No.20020044

Golden Age chads... who's better, Frederik Pohl or Poul Anderson? I've only read van Vogt.

>> No.20020172
File: 315 KB, 800x1067, sick spider battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have read the very first space opera, A True Story by second century greek author Lucian of Samosata, right?

>> No.20020272

Yes yes, we all saw the algorithm-supported bubbling up that factoid across social media. You're smart for knowing that it exists, good job.

>> No.20020285

>you're not allowed to discuss anything popular or topical you fucking SHEEP

>> No.20020301
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Clash of Kings is great
Does Bran's POV eventually pay off btw?
Should I read Wheel of Time if I'm enjoying ASOIAF? It seems to be similar

>> No.20020333

>It seems to be similar
How so? I'd recommend Wheel of Time to anyone who likes fantasy but you'll be disappointed if you expect any similarities to ASOIAF outside of swords and ridiculously long descriptions of shit that doesn't matter.

>> No.20020344

Well I don't think ASOIAF has ridiculously long descriptions

>> No.20020361

Doesn't George spend pages and pages describing food?

>> No.20020372


>> No.20020378

I wish he did, maybe he does that in a different book with a certain POV character idk

>> No.20020412

Maybe I was confusing him with another author.

>> No.20020449

I would assume you saw a paragraph from a scene that takes place during a feast and extrapolated that to something more.
Here's an example:
>All the while the courses came and went. A thick soup of barley and venison. Salads of sweetgrass and spinach and plums, sprinkled with crushed nuts. Snails in honey and garlic. Sansa had never eaten snails before; Joffrey showed her how to get the snail out of the shell, and fed her the first sweet morsel himself. Then came trout fresh from the river, baked in clay; her prince helped her crack open the hard casing to expose the flaky white flesh within. And when the meat course was brought out, he served her himself, slicing a queen’s portion from the joint, smiling as he laid it on her plate. She could see from the way he moved that his right arm was still troubling him, yet he uttered not a word of complaint.
>Later came sweetbreads and pigeon pie and baked apples fragrant with cinnamon and lemon cakes frosted in sugar, but by then Sansa was so stuffed that she could not manage more than two little lemon cakes, as much as she loved them.
GRRM likes to do this, but it doesn't get any more detailed. It's not like he's describing the characters chewing the food and thinking about how it tastes. He's just listing all the rich foods the nobles are eating at their feasts.

>> No.20020453

Well by normie standards he probably does, people probably find him difficult to read because they're retarded
Also /lit/ loves to shitpost about him

>> No.20020581

>does brans pov pay off
No because the story is not done. Preston Jacob's has a good recent series on it and I think he's right about brans future. That being said the books will never be finished by George.

>> No.20020592

Fantasy novels where mc is intent on climbing the medieval social ladder? no Chinese

>> No.20020610

It’s not good, it’s stretched out and the characters are one dimensional. Most web novels that people think are good are usually the worst ones out there.

>> No.20020622

Brans storyline is on the cusp of paying off.
A lot of people's stories are. Winds of Winter can't come soon enough.

>> No.20020702

>winds of winter can't come
Could've stopped there
It's been 11 years I've given up hope.

>> No.20020769

>tv show makes your series explode in popularity and a cultural phenomenon
>makes you wildly wealthy
>purposefully never finish the books
The man is a master class troll

>> No.20020792

what should I read after elden ring?

>> No.20020827

When did you start reading the series?

>> No.20020832

Titus Groan

>> No.20020834

I'd like to recommend Doomfarers of Coramonde.
While a bit pulpy, it gives a resonable perspective and dilemma to the portaled characters. Plus its absurdly rare having modern soldiers (at the time) being the protagonists in this sub genre.

>> No.20020843

I recently finished The Forever War by Haldeman on a flight and enjoyed it a lot. It put me in the mood for more Sci Fi but idk where to start. Other books I've recently enjoyed are the Malazan series, Children of Hurin. Sosomething with similar tones to either of these three would be nice.

>> No.20020946

Alright here’s the list I’ve got so far
>Phule’s Company
>Central Station by Lavie Tidhar
>Skyward Inn by Aliya Whiteley
>Vita Nostra by Sergey & Marina Dyachenko
>The Goblin Emperor
>The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
>The Healer’s Road
>The Misenchanted Sword
>Engine Summer by John Crowley
>Date Night on Union Station
>Quarter Share by Nathan Lowell
Not sure if they’re all good or if they’re all exactly slice of life, and not sure what order I’ll read these in. Some are sci-fi and some are fantasy. But that’s the list so far.

>> No.20020973

Btw does anyone have any others to add or anything to recommend or not from this list?

>> No.20021055

That's because you haven't read a storm of swords.

>> No.20021243

If you like Ray Bradbury I recommend R is For Rocket

>> No.20021293

Good rec thanks anon

>> No.20021307

How do I know whether an old story is public domain or not? I know everything 1926 and earlier is but there's also the matter of whether the stories in the decades after that had their copyrights renewed or not. Is there an easy way to tell?

>> No.20021366
File: 238 KB, 1125x725, DC582503-C9A1-4F4C-A71F-EB4EA0FAE116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the start of Cat’s Cradle supposed to satirise or pastiche Moby-Dick?

>> No.20021397

>Is Cat’s Cradle supposed to satirise or pastiche

>> No.20021418

Can you give me a description as all the ones I've found don't say much?

>> No.20021448

Just finished The Warrior Prophet. If this as good as it gets, then this series is not worth continuing at the moment.

Maybe I'll come back to it later.

>> No.20021538

What is this and why do people keep posting it? All Google tells me is it's some anime-tier story about demons.

>> No.20021566

It's a response to bakkerposting.

>> No.20021578

Can you elaborate on that? I'm new to /lit/, and haven't a clue what most of your references are yet.

>> No.20021583

People shitposted about certain author, these guys shitposted back with this. It's not hard to understand anon.

>> No.20021590

Ah, I see. Sorry, I expected more.

>> No.20021648

I like litrpg as a concept but I’ve never actually read a good litrpg book. Can anyone recommend me a litrpg book with satisfying leveling, likable characters, and world building that integrates its litrpg mechanics sufficiently?

>> No.20021690

What's a good chart of must read scifi and fantasy books? I've seen a lot of them but what are the better ones? It sounds fun to mark them off a list and try the ones on there.

>> No.20021708

Do you even read the OP?
>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

>> No.20021710

I did. There's a fuck ton of them. Did you even read my post?

>> No.20021794
File: 58 KB, 333x500, donteventrytoreadthese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one YA series I thought was genuinely good with a great ending with all odds against it as a 9 book series. Then Derek just to go on and continue well past where it should have ended with a dose of post-2016 American election politics injected into it.
What a travesty.

>> No.20021800

it was an incoherent patchwork of "cool scenes"

lost interest

>> No.20021839

Sword of Shadows J V Jones

>> No.20021861

>tfw you have to become a Sandersonfag now because the tranny-commies are going after him

>> No.20021871

Sword & Sorcery is at its absolute best in short stories. And there's been a ton of great S&S short story collections over the decades.

>> No.20021885

Read Reverend Insanity.
That is all you need to know.

>> No.20021951

I loved that series so fucking much as a kid
I remember desperately wanting to be in the situation that Valkyrie found herself, started naming my video game characters after her and I used to fantasise all the time about what it'd be like if I could join the magic world and live as a girl

>> No.20021967

Btw I read up to a book where skulduggery gets sent to some hellish realm and Stephanie has to go and save him or something?
It's all orange and they fly around and do stuff maybe
Idk which book that is but does the series continue to be good after that point?

>> No.20021997

Didn't ask

>> No.20022173

>The soil tasted alive, full of hundreds of flavors, from pulverized mountains to beetles and punky wood and the tender tips of grass roots.
How does a dumb farmer know what pulverised mountains taste like?

>> No.20022190

It's got little rocks in it

>> No.20022191

>She shrugged. “The world is a scary place, and it’s only getting scarier. The American president is a narcissistic psychopath. Fascism, racism, misogyny and homophobia are all on the rise. We’ve ruined the environment. Animals are going extinct faster than I can name them. Bullying is everywhere. Nobody talks to anyone who doesn’t share their views. Everyone hates. Everyone shouts. Everyone cries. There is literally no escape for the human race unless someone steps in and orders them to be better. But the only people who could do that are sorcerers, and that would bring about the war with the mortals that Cadaverous Gant and these anti-Sanctuary nutjobs so desperately want. So … y’know. Rock and a hard place.”
>“Indeed it is,” Tipstaff said. “Although it’s hard not to feel superior when they have people like Martin Flanery as American president.”
>“Flanery’s an idiot,” Valkyrie admitted, “but, as far as I know, he hasn’t tried to take over the world or kill everyone in it. Can I ask you something, in the spirit of sharing potentially catastrophic global events? Have you guys had any encounters with, or warnings of, a woman with silver hair?”
>Gavin Praetor, a trim man with a distinctly feline quality to his movements, inclined his head slightly. “He is a boorish man. Arrogant. Narcissistic. Greedy for money and power. A thug in an expensive suit is how he’s being described by certain political commentators. In short, easily controlled and perfect for our needs.”
>He tried keeping the jacket closed over his gut as he descended. He didn’t like the wind, and he didn’t like stairs. He preferred air conditioning and elevators. There was no one on the ground to greet him, just the usual soldiers and Secret Service agents and the huge, armoured Cadillac they called the Beast. The photographer was there, too, taking snaps from ground level. This irritated the hell out of Flanery, as he knew damn well that every single one of those snaps would add a couple of chins to his jawline.
Powerful writing

>> No.20022221
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>Should I read Wheel of Time if I'm enjoying ASOIAF
Wheel of Time is like, halfway between GRRM and Tolkien in terms of mood.
With Tolkien, everything's pretty binary. There's the good guys, the bad guys, and one or two duplicitious characters.
With Martin, there's two or three moral upstanding persons, and a whole bunch of shitbags even among the heroes.
Jordan has the handful of good guys that try dearly to keep the bodycount low, a fair share of outright evil bastards, and plenty of grey in the middle.
Due to the sheer fucking volume, any pic related moments are far apart, though they exist.
I'm in book 11, and I'm still waiting for Perrin to stop fretting over everything and just go apeshit on something he doesn't have to worry about.
But before where I'm at now, the last really stirring moment was when Nyneve was spreading word about Lan riding to the Last Battle so he could have an army behind him.

>> No.20022235

>Legends & Lattes: A Novel of High Fantasy and Low Stakes

The book just came out but I haven't read it yet also the author Travis Baldree does voice acting for audio books. Even if you have no interest in the book I recommend checking out the article he wrote on the steps he took to self publishing his own book https://medium.com/@travisbaldree/self-published-book-launch-a-z-39ec6f9257e1

>> No.20022288

Stopped reading there.

>> No.20022485

Stopped reading there.

>> No.20022513

>My name is Nynaeve ti al’Meara Mandragoran. The message I want sent is this. My husband rides from World’s End toward Tarwin’s Gap, toward Tarmon Gai’don. Will he ride alone?

>> No.20022600

What happened to the Bakker poets? and there rap tier rhymes?

>> No.20022692

Show or tell me where in any of the novels GRRM describes food for "pages and pages".

>> No.20022930

Next, John Green will interview GRRM

>> No.20022950

Pages 428 - 430 and 498 - 503. The latter is especially bad

>> No.20022967

I've read Date Night on Union Station. It's a bit slow and clichéd at first in a way that the author thinks women talk with each other, and a bit tryhard, but in the second half it all comes together and I'll probably read the next book in the series, too, at some point. I'd give it a 3/5.
Same anon as the one recommending Phule's Company, btw.
Thanks for your list.

>> No.20022976

Whose chapters are those, let's pull this shit up.

>> No.20023006
File: 1.66 MB, 4032x3024, rx33n5mhem741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here who has read this and played the vidya?

>> No.20023019

Yep me, made a thread about the trilogy once, but interest here seems low.

>> No.20023068
File: 451 KB, 828x1792, 5DDB1086-D15A-4C8B-9FF7-0F8982FE5A9F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed the first book and all the games. Haven’t read passed the first one

>> No.20023149

Oh, that's the guy that did the Cradle audio book narration, right? I don't really listen to audio books, but I've heard he's pretty good at making everybody sound distinct.

>> No.20023190

bra bra, ba boom boom

phone poster detected

>> No.20023244

I don't care that he's a phone poster, what the fuck is with this retarded screenshotting his comment before posting it? What the hell is that supposed to accomplish?

>> No.20023259

It's just to show off the captcha because people like showing off their dumb captchas.

>> No.20023272

Ugghh, I despise superstitious appeals to magic sky people.

>> No.20023321

Which /sffg/ books have the best villains?

>> No.20023325

I feel like some fantasy with different planes or multiverses, or whatever. Is there anything that fits this description?

>> No.20023329

Go back

>> No.20023330

The Broken Sword has a villain you’re sympathetic to and a villain who is the good guy’s surrogate father, but who passes as good.

>> No.20023357

No, I'm tired of your mom already.

>> No.20023363

The "magic sky people" are post numbers, the captcha is tranny janny bullshit so it's funny when the rnadomly generated letters say gay or anything that would upset the delicate sensibilites of the tranny janny.

>> No.20023377

The captcha is randomly generated though, so it too is an appeal to magic sky people, "Aha! The fates are with me!" sort of nonsense.

>> No.20023379

No point in explaining shit to faggot redditors

>> No.20023386

Every western MC is such a loser

>> No.20023391

it's this fear of ego that's so apparent in western MCs

>> No.20023397

moderate pozz, it has women soldiers but almost they none of them are top tier fighters just can hold their own. it's one of those universes where women are like 80% as physically strong as men instead of 50%

>> No.20023401

unironically prince of nothing, grimdark and most people are evil and both sides are wrong and suck

>> No.20023406

perdido is pretty good like 3.5 out of 5, the city and city i got kind of bored with keeping up with all the terminology, didn't feel like fantasy more of a crime story, not bad tho

>> No.20023415

Anything above 60% is pozzed.

>> No.20023420

Oh no, the "women characters bad" group has shown up.

>> No.20023422

yeah that's as good as it gets for the first trilogy, the second is quite a bit different and more zoomed out in scope, still probably won't like it that much if you aren't enthused yet.

>> No.20023423
File: 37 KB, 479x487, coltaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malazan is essentially the anti-thesis of modern fantasy where people fetisthistically worship relating to characters and how emotionally invested they get in the first 50 pages as primary indicators of whether they like the book or not.

>> No.20023429

Learn to take a joke, bitch

>> No.20023448

they're fine
as long as they're not the MC

>> No.20023458

>every new book
>3/4 new cast to remember from now on
it just gets old

>> No.20023459

if leftists say racism is about the difference in power, then the same can be said about sexism
and since in the world of speculative fiction, more books are written for women, by women, then I, by definition, cannot be sexist because I'm not the one in power here.

>> No.20023509


>> No.20023551

Shut the fuck up, faggot

>> No.20023554

No, it seems very cringy.

>> No.20023606

It's not gay for me when your dad sucks my dick.

>> No.20023621
File: 237 KB, 996x1500, sabriel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogs your male MC

>> No.20023622

I keep meaning to get around to reading these. Is Terciel and Elinor recommended to read before Sabriel, or does it not really matter? I know it's a later book, but it's apparently the 'reading order' to read it first.

>> No.20023632

I don't know what Terciel and Elinor is.
There's an Old Kingdom short stories book as well but I haven't read it and wasn't too interested.

>> No.20023645

It's a later book set before Sabriel, as I understand it.

>> No.20023650

>The novel was released on November 2, 2021 and follows Sabriel's parents, Terciel and Elinor
Oh no wonder I never heard of it.

>> No.20023654

Ah. I've never touched the series, and the reading order at the start of Sabriel suggests reading T&E first, so I wasn't sure.

>> No.20023665
File: 347 KB, 1680x1244, greenangeltower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tad Williams is where it's at, mogs all that pretentious grimdark shit

>> No.20023733

>Every character is a first year philosophy student
>Grizzled soldier waxes pretentiously with wizard as they go to do X thing you don't know about yet, because the PoV has switched yet again.
I really do not see the appeal of Malazan. The magic system is a particular brand of shit; being over explained just enough to remove all the positives of soft magic settings, yet not enough to reach any benefits harder magic examples might have. "We have warrens and... err... every mage has one and there are older ones and err..." Yeah ok whatever pal.

>> No.20023745

How pozzed is it?

>> No.20023776


>> No.20023805
File: 75 KB, 1200x1200, JRR Tolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it autism?

>> No.20023849

>sanderson accidentally writes 5 books and makes $25 million
>butcher told fans his next book would be finished "next month" 7 months ago and hasn't been heard from since
It's not fair

>> No.20023865

It never has been and never will be. You only prolong your suffering by clinging to the scraps of hopes that it ever could be.

>> No.20023963

Magic: The Gathering

>> No.20023986

Really? You got any examples. Would love to see this.

>> No.20023999

Is there romance?

>> No.20024002
File: 1.99 MB, 1424x8248, Tolkien reading tier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It was pure enthusiasm, dedication and passion for what he did.

>> No.20024009

>book about women
>no romance
Pick one

>> No.20024023
File: 31 KB, 357x278, MagnaCumLoudly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know who the next $25M kickstarter author is, amirite?!?

>> No.20024051

The Hobbit+LOTR is perfect. I don't understand how there are so many obscurely connected books. Lord of the Rings wrapped things up in a way that I never once really gave a shit about anything else in the world. Think about it, if you explain to me all the history and mythology about the world without it connecting into some larger overarching plot or narrative, it's only going to weaken lord of the rings for me. Considering there is no connecting narrative between the expanded universe books, I find it hard to want to read them when I can just read a different fantasy series.

>> No.20024083

Have you actually read the books or are you spouting bullshit you read in a wiki?

>> No.20024091

Because you don't get it. LotR and Hobbit were just stories in the world which was the real draw. Tolkien is the archetypal worldbuilder writer.

>> No.20024143

I've read the entire 10 books of Erikson's main series probably 3-4 times? I enjoy it a lot. There's a lot of very real characters with a full range of emotions in it, though it does feel like some get cloned in later books. I enjoy the humor.

A lot of people get filtered by Gardens of the Moon, but it's not really that difficult, just that a lot of people don't read fantasy and expect any kind of comprehension challenge.

It's an acquired taste, but so are so many other things in life. If you're against it, nothing I say will change it, but hope you give it a try through at least book 4 sometime (2 and 3 are i think the best of the entire series).

>> No.20024144
File: 182 KB, 734x1110, FS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20024173

Lord forgive me. For I am about to read smut and coom.

>> No.20024178

I always feel weirdly cheated by covers that break their trends like that. Having her face dead-on in various situations and then look away on the last one feels off. I wonder if that's just me being weird.

>> No.20024193

How are The Prince of Nothing books?

>> No.20024194

I feel like I've seen these books and never really been too interested. I'm sure they're fine, but nothing interesting-looking.

>> No.20024218

Very good. (Bakker post)

>> No.20024222

i'm looking for rss feeds on literotica to put onto my ereader
are there other smut sites with rss?

>> No.20024271

Very bad. (Sanderson post)

>> No.20024348

Very non-pozzed. (based post)

>> No.20024454

3.5/5, interesting but flawed

>> No.20024471

Alright I'll give it a try.

>> No.20024474


>> No.20024476

what is this gay shit

>> No.20024498

Wish I could stand books with shit prose
Wish I could stand books with female MCs
Wish I wasn't scraping the barrel of the limited types of books I enjoy

>> No.20024513

Did you not want to read chinese xanxia? Translation is also not bad at all, better than majority of translated novels.
Are you the same guy who read world magus? That was absolute garbage (translation + actual novel), human emperor is miles above it in every aspect.

>> No.20024535

Guess its hard to be a non-pozzed in a pozzed age

>> No.20024558

So it goes.

>> No.20024574

What is wrong with female MCs?
Are vaginas really that scary?

>> No.20024575

Wish I could stand books with shit prose
Can't stand when the protagonists are hoes
Wish I can find a book that's non pozzed
Wish I can find a protagonist that's hard

>> No.20024594

Wish I could stand books without shit prose
Can't stand when the protagonists are male.
Wish I can find a book that's pozzed.
Wish I can find a protagonist that's soft.

>> No.20024601

I can tell you're an ESL. Opinion discarded.

>> No.20024603

I'll always appreciate and generally enjoy something more that tries to hit for the fences than someone just churning out things of "consistent" quality. That sort of mindset made sense like 20 years ago, but in this day and age, when you've got so many options and opportunities to find something genuinely great, I can't fathom why some people just stick to safe because an author or two that they read produces "consistently solid" or "usually good enough" stuff. What a fucking boring and cowardly approach.

>> No.20024614

Nowhere near enough grammatical errors to be a native speaker?

>> No.20024618

See how he recoils.

>> No.20024619
File: 1.55 MB, 338x408, ezgif-1-87cbfa3db3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bakker poets entering the thread

>> No.20024626
File: 81 KB, 369x485, meh webnovels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because outside of a handful of novels it's all repetitive, cliché, poorly translated, and full of endless filler because authors are paid by the chapter.
t. I have read literally every single Chinese webnovel. Pic related are just the novels I've found decent enough to save. I've started and dropped hundreds of others.

>> No.20024633

Show us what's inside, anon.

>> No.20024641
File: 18 KB, 245x300, r587afadd4c8948f3ebe3ff3f255eaf39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off fuck sandersoi and the clique you claim
Earwa when we ride come equipped with game

You claim to be an inchoroi but I raped your wife
We bust on straight boys cucumbers fucked for life

>> No.20024643

I know the whole 90% of everything is garbage stuff applies, but is it genuinely just that xianxia stuff is so commonly from the same basic cliched template that you can tell beat-for-beat what almost any of them are? That's true for other genres, for sure, but it seems more prevalent there.

>> No.20024644

How can you tell?

>> No.20024646

It inevitably turns into some romance shit, or some feelings shit, instead of logic.

>> No.20024670

Left wings? Destroyed by fax and logic?

>> No.20024679

No, but they're better suited for visual media

>> No.20024686



>> No.20024701

You are correct however the remaining 10% are really good novels. xanxia genre has a lots of potential but western authors just can't write it because they don't understand it and also because they think it would not get published and get ignored and cancelled by majority liberal western readers (which is not true).
The chinese simply can't write because they have no imagination and even if they do they are prevented by taking any kind of creative detour from approved guidelines by commie goverment.

>> No.20024719

Try Lawrence Watt-Evans's Ethshar series.

>> No.20024725

I do enjoy Cradle, though that's not technically xianxia is it?

>> No.20024748
File: 55 KB, 615x203, more folders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is two layers deep, I have a couple other folders for different categories. Though honestly, I've stalled on sorting them.
Yeah, if you've read enough xianxia the plot for any one of them begins to blur with all of the others. Like I said, there are a couple stand outs, but they're either the originators of any number of cliches or they're just the best executed and or translated of the bunch. I believe in Chinese they might not be as repetitive, but generally the people translating them aren't the best.

>> No.20024758

I mostly only know the stock phrase memes when it comes to xianxia. Is that a translation issue or genuinely just how it is in the original Chinese and it's clunkily translated?

>> No.20024761

Oh its fantastic up til book 9. Great ending to series.
Don't read anything past it since its clearly a cash-in afterwards.

>> No.20024798
File: 32 KB, 413x300, 81N1x-5M-7L._CLa%7C2750,2000%7C81yQQGoCkeL.jpg,91chrbu16cL.jpg%7C0,0,1250,2000+1500,0,1250,2000+625,0,1500,2000_._SY300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any books that are similar to the Daniel Black series by E William Brown?

Why hasn't anyone made a knock off book where someone is given magical powers and stranded in the middle of no where on a different planet, and they use their magic and logic to survive, thrive and prosper?

>> No.20024803

No, it is not. It is just a typical western ya with some eastern fantasy elements.

>> No.20024818

It is coomer. Check other coom literature and I am sure you will find several similar works.

>> No.20024832

Ignore the coomer shit. That is the only book from hundreds that I read that is not only well written, but has consistent logic.

>> No.20024945

I think it's a combination of both.

>> No.20024972

I suppose it's just "Chinese idioms being translated directly" then. Bit weird to see, but I guess a lot of them aren't professionally translated, so you'll see a lot of that.

>> No.20024983
File: 366 KB, 1305x2125, The Terror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second half of this book is some hardcore misery porn depression kino. I don't know what I was expecting.

>> No.20025046

There is nothing like daniel black.
people don't like magical engineering. that is shit only austist and nerds likes.

>> No.20025084

Bakker is a faggot.

>> No.20025196

>Magical engineering
What's this even mean?

>> No.20025205

magic with autism

>> No.20025209

Using magic to build shit.

Want a car? Slap a levitation enchantment onto a box, slap some force enchantments unto the back and there you go.

>> No.20025223

Ah. I've seen some series pull it off (most recent I've read was Arcane Ascension, though it's not the major focus, more just a 'thing the MC is constantly doing') so I don't think it's that niche.

>> No.20025231

This is what everyone said about A Dance With Dragons, and the book ended right before the natural climax, right before everyone's character arc would have come to an end/a next step. The book was supposed to end with two climactic battles but for inexplicable reasons they were cut to be moved to a next book that will never, ever come.

It's kind of similar. Wheel of Time can be a huge slog at times but when it's good it's really, really good. I think it's worth it to read. If you start feeling the drag in the back half of the series but you still want to know where it goes remember you could literally skip book 10 and miss basically nothing.

>> No.20025241

The problem with Arcane Ascension is that it's a faggot book.
I don't know what authors feel they need to soapbox and add in faggot shit to get cookie points.

>> No.20025244

I've not read Wheel of Time, because I asked some people I knew about it and they said there's about a 5 book stretch of basically nothing actually happening but you can't even skip them because there's a few critical moments buried in complete nothing. Is that accurate?

>> No.20025246

mage errant has a lot of this type of utilization through magic means
stormlight has fabrials :)
mageborn's MC learns to magic with no teacher so a lot of what he figures out is engineering shit together

>> No.20025248

Oh, right, 4chan.

>> No.20025257

Fabrials don't really get much focus outside of Rhythm of War, and the focus they get there is accidentally making magic nukes.

>> No.20025260

Yeah too bad this isn't Reddit or 4 (four) people could downvote his mean ol' comment to have it completely hidden.

>> No.20025261

yeah, you are not on reddit anymore, faggot.

>> No.20025271

I'm aware. I just meant it in the sense of "oh right, talking on 4chan about anything without only straight people in it".

>> No.20025274

I like litrpg as a concept but I’ve never actually read a good litrpg book. Can anyone recommend me a litrpg book with satisfying leveling, likable characters, and world building that integrates its litrpg mechanics sufficiently?

>> No.20025297

I find them almost impossible to take seriously so I think they have to be kind of at least a little silly to work, but so many take the concept seriously and it feels off.

>> No.20025298

Are you a real life faggot or something?

I don't like gay sex, if the tranny is attractive, I might jerk to it, because I'm attracted to the female form, not hairy muscle guys poking each other.

How do you expect someone that isn't a faggot to react when 60% into a book, faggot shit is just sprung on you? With no warning before hand.

I wonder how you would feel you are reading a book, then 70% in, the mc just grabs a loli and mating pressed her. Would you be disgusted, or accepting?

>> No.20025306

Which ones did you already try and dislike?

>> No.20025320

>mage errant
Both of those are YA trash with insufferable protagonists and annoying female side characters. No Thanks. Micheal Manning writes utter shit sometimes.

>> No.20025323
File: 29 KB, 316x475, 59548238._SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to stop replying to those people. How's Bastion, if anybody knows? I'm kinda just grabbing whatever shit on Kindle Unlimited and it's 800 pages so I wanna know if it's at all decent before committing.

>> No.20025334

The slog is overstated, if only slightly so. The books slow down after book 6, and books 4-6 are fucking radical so the slowdown seems more pronounced. Plenty happens in books 7 through 9, but they happen more to supporting characters while the main character takes a backseat. Since the supporting characters are fighting for slightly lower stakes it is definitely a disappointing switch but they still all pay off for the charcters' developments. And books 7-9 still have plenty of great action even if it is fewer and farther between than the preceeding books.

Book 10 really is irredeemable trash like the other anon said. But the series picks up to pre-slog excitement in book 11 until the end. The series overall is great and you shouldn't let the slower books deter you from it. Most of the bitching of them comes from people who had to wait years between releases which doesn't affect new readers so the slog won't be as bad for you.

>> No.20025338

Noted. I'll look into starting it when I've read through... All the other things I'm reading.

>> No.20025344

The guy shit isn't the problem. It's that it was surprise gay.
There are plenty of books here with gay shit in them that people read and recommend. What we don't like is an author setting a character as X and not interested in relationships, then having them want to spread their buttcheeks when some chink asks him out.

>> No.20025361

He's not really established as not into anybody, he's established as not sexually interested in anybody, which remains true. Book 2 early on has him state that he's starting to realise sexual and romantic love are different things. There's also the question of "Why do you need to know?", and it's also made clear he's romantically into women too.

>> No.20025363

Whoa buddy, you never asked about quality or told us what you already read.
It's the latest big thing reddit has been raving about so probably has a few fun moments but is ultimately banal, stagnant, and stereotypical, like Iron Prince and Cradle.

>> No.20025382

If I saw the lgbt tags before I read, I would have avoided.
Gay shit these days literal have no meaning in books other than "yes, gay people exist".

Reddit really killed fantasy with it's echo-enabling-chamber.

>> No.20025393

So, it's on you, then, for missing the tag.

>> No.20025396

I tried Delve, liked it for a little bit but then it just stagnated and then I realized how the mc's build never gets any fucking better and where the soul shit gets way too much attention. Then there was Sufficiently Advanced Magic, which was very soft lirpg-like and had some interesting magic engineering bits but turned retarded in the second book. Also, there were two other webnovels that I tried to read but dropped off because god the typical tropes of litrpgs are so retarded. I think its the one where they spawn in the middle of a dungeon/cave which turns me off because I feel like the book is purposefully holding itself back from introducing the world. Especially when the average webnovel is packed with so many fucking words like holy shit get on with the goddam story, feels like I'm reading a translated chinese novel.

>> No.20025401

Me asking suggests I'm interested in some quality. And not some word salad from a spreg.

>> No.20025408

>/sffg/ poster
>interested in quality

>> No.20025420

>I tried Delve
Another book where the author did a surprise gay shit, and we found out more back story about the faggot than the main characters. Then we had the protags soapbox and defend the faggot.

Anyone have the screenshot of the author spregging out because people dropped him for his gay shit?

>> No.20025422

Whos gay?

>> No.20025437

I read the book before the lgbt tag was put up by other readers. The author didn't market his book with faggot shit tag.

>> No.20025442

delve by Blaise corvin?

>> No.20025455

no? the delve i'm reading is a litrpg

>> No.20025461

Choice of magic was kino (for ya), but the moment mc got romantically involved it turned into shit. I really don't understand Manning. He is clearly capable of writing good adventure so why does he always have to introduce shitty female characters and turn his books into drama shit and lirerally make the story about the females (he also introduced tons of other sjw garbage and other literally retarded characters).

>> No.20025467

>There are plenty of books here with gay shit in them that people read and recommend
wtf are you talking about, fag?

>> No.20025493

sounds like the author is a simp

>> No.20025498

There needs to be a better way to slog through all the webnovel trash without going on a reddit thread where they recommend the same three mediocre litrpgs. The only place modern fantasy can survive is in webnovels where they don't have the female jewish YA overlords pounding on everyone with their strap-ons.

>> No.20025525

life is too short to waste time reading webnovels and litrpg

>> No.20025528

Why don't you make a chart.

>> No.20025535
File: 3.26 MB, 1366x4920, Sufficiently Advanced Magic by Andrew Rowe Audiobook Audible.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 4chan has a problem with surprise faggot

>> No.20025537

Why don't YOU make a chart?

Bloody bastard. Infidel. Swine.

>> No.20025550

kek not gonna lie I really wanted him to fuck his sister

>> No.20025554


>> No.20025564

>Mother of Learning
>isekai and Gamelit
Chart is shit and is obviously made by a shitposter.

>> No.20025565

That charts quality is horrible and with barely any description or classification of the novels.

>> No.20025578

novelupdates > royalroad

>> No.20025579

no, I didn't make it.

>> No.20025585

New thread

>> No.20025592

Why do they need description or classification? DO you have assburgers or something?

>> No.20025601

It'd be nice if there was at least a quick blurb on them as to why they're on the list. What makes them notable enough to be there?

>> No.20025604


>> No.20025607

Doesn't change the fact that a shitposter made it.

>> No.20025612

But a shitposter didn't make it

>> No.20025628

>Imajica is on the chart despite it not being an isekai or a Gamelit
Going to have to agree with that anon, a shitposter made it.

>> No.20025640

>But a shitposter didn't make it
Nah, he is. He added a ton of books that weren't Isekai nor gamelit before removing them when he was called out. Guy is a shitposter.

>> No.20025650

I understand linking the two, but it is a little weird because isekai isn't necessarily gamelit and vice-versa. There's an overlap for sure, but still.

>> No.20025654

Did you read imajica?

Removing 2 books before a spammer shitted up every thread is a ton?

>> No.20025657

What are your favorite webnovels?

>> No.20025662

>Removing 2 books before a spammer shitted up every thread is a ton?
Adding The Library at Mount Char for no reason on to the list proved you didn't read shit.

>> No.20025664

>The Library at Mount Char
How the fuck is that an Isekai or gamelit?

>> No.20025679

It isn't and why I don't trust the chart no matter how many times he "revises" it.

>> No.20025680

Nice samefag.

I guess Father's other world isn't isekai.

>> No.20025689
File: 5 KB, 347x133, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, anon, people who hate your shit chart are samefagging.

>> No.20025745

Someone telling you, that you are retarded for adding to books that aren’t gamelit or Isekai isn’t a spammer.

>> No.20025756

>Yes, a screenshot proves I am not the samefag, because I removed the (you)

>> No.20025838

>tries to ignore facts and talk about samefagging ways

>> No.20026207

>it's another "crossboarders from /v/ call everybody who disagrees with them a samefag" episode

>> No.20026244

What's the difference?

>> No.20026339

Traitor Son

>> No.20026373

Magma cum loudly herself. Surprised netflix haven't adapted her stuff into white hating girlboss schlock by now.

>> No.20026457

Would you read an Elden Ring novelization by GRRM?

>> No.20026852

Less pozzed than both Bakker and Sanderson which basically are two sides of the same coin