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/lit/ - Literature

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20022007 No.20022007 [Reply] [Original]

authors you hate? Moment you decided you didn’t like them.

Cormac McCarthy
While I was reading the road I had to look up what a catamite was and it disgusted me so much I stopped reading halfway through the book and looked up the synopsis on Wikipedia and decided I didn’t like him anymore.

>> No.20022011

>it disgusted me so much
You will never understand the Western Literary Tradition, bro

>> No.20022024

It may be a blue board, but you still need to be over 18 to post here. Go back to lurking, kid.

>> No.20022058

Every rightwinger ever

>> No.20022093

I have decided McCarthy is pretentious faggotry like Joyce and I will not read him. Giving priority to other stuff.

>> No.20022123

There were Shotas in the wild Wild West?

>> No.20022126

Americans make everything politcal. I wonder what kind of restricted inner monologue you have where everything is painted in red or blue. How stupid and small.

>> No.20022145

That's not political, that's the truth. Rightwingers, conservatives, traditionalists, reactionaries, etc. are just very bad thinkers and very bad writers. Same goes for religious zealots as well, I think it's because their worldview doesn't allow them to accept they can ever be wrong on anything. Thus, everything they write is garbage

>> No.20022154
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This is the worst thread on /lit/ right now. Congratulations

>> No.20022168

>that’s truth
Proceeds to list opinions that are in no way objective
>bad writers
>bad thinkers
>everything they write is garbage
Is your worldview wide enough to realize you made a horrible response?
I didn’t realize there were so many pedophiles on /lit/ excuse me I’ll see my way out

>> No.20022175

>Proceeds to list opinions that are in no way objective
Name one traditional/reactionary writer that's even readable, much less profound

>Is your worldview wide enough to realize you made a horrible response?
Yes, if you explain why that's the case

>> No.20022188

Not him.

Louis Ferdinand Céline.

And you need to be over 18 to post here.

>> No.20022194

Never heard of him. Sounds like some french fart smeller. Just like every other tradfag lol

>> No.20022214


>> No.20022270

are you willing to accept that you may be wrong on this?

>> No.20022446
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>> No.20022542

Wait until you read the Greeks

>> No.20023476
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>Giving priority to other stuff.
You'll like pic rel.

>Every rightwinger ever
Nah he's just the right-wing version of the progressive faggot that drops huck fin like a glowing ingot after reading the first "nigger jim". There are npcs of all stripes.

>> No.20023488

>believing (((wikipedia))) on things related to ancient greece
You're a gullible retard.

>> No.20024208

Robert Green makes books for actual NPCs and they internalize it like its the bible

>> No.20024485

I believe my biological attraction to cute boys

>> No.20024504

But this is false, considering there are many right-wing authors who are good.

>> No.20024531
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>because their worldview doesn't allow them to accept they can ever be wrong on anything

ah i see youre doing that thing where you accuse your "enemies" of your faults

>> No.20024538

Give Suttree a try, it’s unironically his best (and most under appreciated) novel.

>> No.20024578 [DELETED] 

>Joseph de Maistre
>Arthur Schopenhauer
>GK Chesterton
>JRR Tolkien
>TS Eliot
>Thomas Hobbes
>David Hume
>Edmund Burke
>Martin Heidegger
>Rene Guenon
That enough retard? I can go on.

>> No.20024606

>Joseph de Maistre
>Arthur Schopenhauer
>GK Chesterton
>JRR Tolkien
>TS Eliot
>Thomas Hobbes
>David Hume
>Edmund Burke
>Martin Heidegger
>Rene Guenon
That enough retard? I can go on.

>> No.20025086


>> No.20025098
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>> No.20025134

OP here again, I’m going to start reading the republic and if there is shotas in it I while through it out of my own window, whether it’s closed or not

>> No.20025143

Kurt Vonnegut. think his books are absolutely terrible garbage.

>> No.20025327

Before I go *farts and then closes door behind him, you notice his well sculpted back as rotten fumes enter your nose.*

>> No.20025371

what a nigger. fuck you, stupid nigger

>> No.20026069

>le ebin random acts of violence
Yes, Cormeme Mcreddit is terrible

>> No.20026087

Noam Chomsky.
Commie twat that tries to bend facts to fit his theories.

>> No.20026413

Not the Republic but Plato’s other works are full of shotas and shotacons. Symposium, Phaedrus, Lysis, Charmides, Erastai… the Symposium is basically about shota love

>> No.20026420

I think you need to read the Greek

>> No.20026485

was Plato a gay person? I read what he said about two different kinds of love, but (maybe I'm being naive) I thought he meant a mentor relationship was stronger than one with a woman.

>> No.20026494

I don’t know about Plato’s sexuality (later Greeks attributed homoerotic love poems to him but these are probably spurious). He himself seems to have been against the sexual element in pederasty, at least by the time of the Laws. But his dialogues reflect the social reality of the world he lived in, and many of his characters are involved in erotic relationships with younger males and praise this kind of relationship. Socrates, even though he is chaste and seems to dislike ‘giving in’ to temptation, is sexually aroused by young men (Charmides) and flirts with them (Phaedrus).