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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 102 KB, 474x840, bhagavad gita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20023109 No.20023109 [Reply] [Original]

>it's coherent
>it's wise
>it's clear
>it's well-written
>it's intellectually significant
Surely this is a fake. This was not written in 400 BCE by Indians. It's literally impossible and unless someone has solid proof of it, I'm sure this was edited and written in the CE.

>> No.20023118

What unholy force compells faggots like you to shit up the board with these threads?

>> No.20023120

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.20023122

What is the denominator for common era and before common era?

>> No.20023128

>Surely this is a fake. This was not written in 400 BCE by Indians

Are you just retarded or something? Why would it not be?

>> No.20023132

It's clearly inspired from Greek philosophy. You're a gullible retard if you believe Indians came up with this by themselves at the same time as Plato.

>> No.20023134
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>> No.20023138

? I'm talking stricly about Gita not whatever folklore legends they had in the rest of their holy texts.

>> No.20023147

weltgeist doesnt need self-recognition

>> No.20023164

You're not smart

>> No.20023169

Would you say it’s superior to the Iliad?

>> No.20023173

No of course not

>> No.20023183

No one knows when it was written.

>The Mahabharata – the world's longest poem – is itself a text that was likely written and compiled over several hundred years, one dated between "400 BCE or little earlier, and 2nd century CE, though some claim a few parts can be put as late as 400 CE", states Fowler. The dating of the Gita is thus dependent on the uncertain dating of the Mahabharata. The actual dates of composition of the Gita remain unresolved.

I think 400BC is a stretch, mainly promoted by Indian scholars.

>> No.20023188

Iliad is morally empty. Eurocentric bias holds you back from admitting the truth: Europe has never created a religious text that is morally beautiful.

>> No.20023191
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>Eurocentric bias

>> No.20023193

Read a book retard, philosophy in India and Greece are coterminous and both begin in the Axial Age. In fact, we know Indian philosophy influenced Greek skepticism. Look up the Buddhist influences on Pyrrhonism.

The Ancient Greeks would be the gullible retards then, for they considered the Indian Brahmins to be some of the smartest and wisest people. Plotinus wanted to go to India to study with them.
I'm sure you know more after you just read 3 pages of the Gita.

>> No.20023201

It was written by Indians, but not the ones who come up in your mind - the Pajeets. Back then there was still a sizeable minority of whites (although mutted to a degree), those that descended from the conquerors that brought with them their own religion which was the Vedas, it was these 'mutted' descendants that were responsible for this book.

The book in itself, while good, is still a degeneration and corruption of original Vedas because that religion was never meant for Jeets or White/Jeet mutts, so consensions had to be made, things had to rewritten, old 'good' pantheon rewritten to be the bad guys etc.

TL:DR: For all the 'basedness' of Hinduism, it's still a degeneration of original heights. Read it and enjoy it for what it is, but keep in mind that it's been spiritually reduced.

>> No.20023207

So you admit we're talking CE. Rest of your post is useless garbage.

>> No.20023212

>Back then there was still a sizeable minority of whites
There was a pretty large community of Greeks since Persians started to deport them. Pretty sure both the Chinese and Indians were heavily influenced by diaspora Greeks

e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greco-Bactrian_Kingdom

>> No.20023216

Bad thread. As any hindu and Buddhist thread end up being

>> No.20023223

I know you're trying hard, OP, so here's a squirt of dopamine for you.

Oh, that's not enough? I'm feeling generous! Here you go, OP!

Oh, that's not enough? Well, I guess I can do it some more...

Okay this is done.

I don't like this, OP.

Stop it, please.




>> No.20023229
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ESL retard, gain some reading comprehension. Gymnosophists, or Indian Brahmins were considered some of the smartest men in the BCEs, both by Megasthenes as well as every other historiographer that travelled with Alexander near the Indus. The tale of Kalanus is quite famous.

Otoh, its theorized that Plato's views on the soul come from the Upanishads, since they predate him by 400-500 years. Maybe you should read a book, for once.

>> No.20023236

>indians were wise therefore gita was written in 400 BCE
Great argument you fucking retard. Now show me archeological evidence or get the fuck out

>> No.20023237

again what is the denominator? Why are you acting like trannies. Either adopt a new calendar or drop this crap

>> No.20023243
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Indians have genetic continuity since 1100 BCE, the people who composed the Rigveda looked like modern upper caste north indians, forget the gita. You're just talking out of your ass.

>> No.20023245

AD and BC is retarded because it combines two unrelated languages. If they were both in Latin, I'd use them.

>> No.20023247

Well Plato was a pythagorean, and I know Pythagoras was taught by Egyptians, Hebrews and Persians, but I do not recall him being taught by Indians.

>> No.20023251

funny how you didn't address the claim that the upanishads (800-900 BCE) predate all philosophy in greece and hence influenced plato and aristotle, because it goes against your narrative.

lousy ESLtard.

>> No.20023255

More like because it's retarded and unsubtantiated. Plato wasn't influenced by the OT despite parts of it being written before him. Something existing before something else doesn't mean it's influenced. Are you some kind of double digit IQ retard

>> No.20023260

Actually the ancient Greeks probably sent their people to learn from the Indian gymnosophists.

>> No.20023269

Look retard, I'm not saying there's nothing to learn from Indians. There's something to learn even from mesoamerican tribes and survivig hunter-gatherer tribes. I'm saying Gita was not written in 400 BCE as it's clearly influenced by Ancient Greek thought. Ancient Greeks going to India to learn things sounds like a smart thing to do, but it's unrelated to this thread

>> No.20023277
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Okay nordcuck

>> No.20023284

> plato wasn't influenced by something that came before him, even though diogenes recounts opinions that philosophy began amongst the indians
> but the gita is due to greek influence just because it's well written

you should drop this reading thing, you don't have the acumen for it.

>> No.20023287

Latin and English are related. Through French.

>> No.20023295

>another retarded post from the resident thread retard

>> No.20023313 [DELETED] 

Shitskin cope born from Nietzechian last-man mentality. Anything based in this world has white people as its root, you just appropriate it and then call it "your own".

Posts (((genetics))) that are totally 100% precise and not muddied by (((agendas))). Keep hard-sucking that Shlomo cock, you seem to enjoy it.

>> No.20023315


>> No.20023324

Bait but
> Anything based in this world has white people as its root
this is true because based is a western concept emerged out of our shared understanding of good which is uniquely european

>> No.20023345
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This is cover has just explained shitskins entire history in a spiritual and metaphorical sense.

Wrong. Western concept emerged as a consequence of its technological pursuit, upon which's back the "values" were hard-carried upon. Suppose you can make a case that "Teutonic" marriage to Judeo-Christian mindvirus rejuvinated the culture somewhat, but we'd be fools to ignore the technological advances.

>> No.20023352

Please to be sneeding good sir.

>> No.20023360

This is high tier for /lit/. Fuck off.

Clearly India was whiter at one point, OP.

>> No.20023374

Can anyone explain India's obsession with recurrence/rebirth/eternal cycle of birth and death/etc?

>> No.20023381

It's in Norse mythology too.

>> No.20023383

Concept of Racial Soul and those few historical individuals who seem to be able to recall memories from their previous lives. Rebirth is absolutely a thing, and was even part of Christian values before they were removed during Council of Nicaea.

It's just that some powers that be absolutely don't want for you to go "into the light".

>> No.20023385


Why Greek influence? Europeans in the 18th and 19th century, who read more Greek classics than anyone does today, didn’t think it was very ‘Greek’ like in its religious tone. They thought it was more Christian like. Warren Hasting in the 18th century writing:

> “l hesitate not to pronounce the ‘Geeta’ a performance of great originality, of a sublimity of conception, of reasoning, and diction, almost unequalled, and a single exception, among all the known religions of mankind, of theology accurately corresponding with that of the Christian dispersion, and most powerfully illustrating its fundamental doctrine.”

And Max Müller, the German Sanskrit scholar, had to agree about the similarity although he didn’t think there was any Christian influence like some people in the 18th and 19th century seemed to have believed.

> Writing on the general subject of bhakti, Max Müller conceded that there was a resemblance between Christian conceptions of faith and love and those qualities as they appear in the Gita: “It strange,” he wrote “that these scholars should not see what is natural in one country is natural in another also. If fear, reverence, worship of the supreme God could become devotion and love with Semitic people, why not India also?”

>> No.20023387

>Rebirth is absolutely a thing
take meds then touch grass

>> No.20023392

> It's clearly inspired from Greek philosophy
can you identify one (1) idea in the Bhagavad-Gita that you think is inspired by Greek philosophy, which isn’t clearly already in much earlier pre-BC Indian texts like the Upanishads?

>> No.20023394

Have sex incel

>> No.20023402
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>> No.20023403
File: 243 KB, 720x1019, 9438DB9D-15D5-4CC1-A846-A90E43BFEF16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g*rms have no culture and values. Their nation was literally founded after a forced Christian conquest.

>> No.20023409

It's very Christian too, but the teachings of the Bible are not as self-reflective as Greek philosophy and only became so when they were theologized by Christian scholars educated in the Greco-Roman tradition. It's not so much the subject or themes but rather the mode of thinking that was revealed by Greeks and is still the main intellectual force that propells the world and unleashed European supremacy for the past several centuries.

>> No.20023414

If rebirth is a thing then how do you explain population growth?

>> No.20023425
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I care about races, not subraces. If we are to take collective white output and compare it with shitskins and we wuz kangz, we'll be comparing Hawks to Cuckoo birds.

>> No.20023427

What is the /lit/ approved translation?
Geoffrey Parrinder is reddit's

>> No.20023430

>It's not so much the subject or themes but rather the mode of thinking that was revealed by Greeks and is still the main intellectual force that propells the world and unleashed European supremacy for the past several centuries.

Oh no bros…but muh “greek” philosophy

> the historian Herodotos of Halikarnassos (lived c. 484 – c.425 BCE) describes Thales of Miletos (lived c. 625 – c. 545 BCE), who is traditionally said to have been the first Greek philosopher, in his book The Histories 1.170.3, saying that he was “τὸ ἀνέκαθεν γένος … Φοίνικος,” which means “by descent, the nation of the Phoenician.”

>> No.20023440

Soul is luxuary, a product of a healthy pursuit of both mind and body, which in turn allow you to achieve a soul. Most are not born with one, they must earn it.

'Life' is a bow
'Mind' is the arrow
'Soul' is the goal/target

>> No.20023446

Swami Nikhilananda with commentaries.

>> No.20023449
File: 12 KB, 251x242, 1624878631865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on now. you are just making up things in your mind. how different is that from believing crystals can heal?

indeed. these people who believe in 'rebirth' are essentially new agers.

>> No.20023461

New agers is well poisoning designed to lead you astray when you're about to embark on the right journey. You should check the last names of the promient Western "New Agers" and who sponsers them - should tell you all you need to know.

>> No.20023470


>> No.20023474

> If rebirth is a thing then how do you explain population growth?
1) There is no hard rule that rebirths have to come from previous beings on that same planet

2) Hinduism teaches that in the cycle of rebirth one can attain the status of humans, animals, bugs, plants, lesser gods etc, its not just souls being limited to humans, but anything that is alive and aware has a soul in it that can enter into any other sort of womb/egg/seed etc after death

>> No.20023483

Hinduism doesnt teach that

>> No.20023485


The only impressive thing about nordcuck greatness is how short lived it was. 300 years out 200,000 of humanity’s existence. You can’t declare yourself irrefutably superior with only that short record.

>> No.20023494

When did I say that it was Hinduism, or that Hinduism is the only belief system that has a concept of rebirth/reincarnation?

>> No.20023497

Thales wasn't a philosopher

>> No.20023508
File: 508 KB, 608x597, 1630921441267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey those 300 years were a blast to behold at least. Meanwhile Shitskins essentially are aliens from Bronze Age - minus all it's positive qualities as per usual - who have problems working out basic math.

Some fires burn brighter and quicker and they happen to leave more impact than some shitty brown candle that's been burning for 200k yet has close to nothing to show for it.

>> No.20023529

This one? https://www.holy-bhagavad-gita.org/
Reads way too modernized and simplified. Can't be /lit/ approved translation because /lit/ only approves the ones closer to literal translations.

>> No.20023534

Souls progress from minerals to plants to animals to humans. We live in a time when many many animal souls are experiencing human life for the first time, which explains why there's so many degenerate retards and niggers nowadays.

>> No.20023540

>Iliad is morally empty
Read it again, put attention this time

>> No.20023548


>> No.20023559

>This one? https://www.holy-bhagavad-gita.org/
No, that's by Swami Mukundanda

This is the one by Swami Nikhilananda


>> No.20023561


>> No.20023565
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>> No.20023574
File: 164 KB, 920x691, 11DED0BD-0D29-4D89-85AF-765A6AA704F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-b-but niggers and jeets!!!!

Pick on someone your own size.

>> No.20023582
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>> No.20023589
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>> No.20023590

There are still brown Jeets to this day that have done insane intellectual feats. No reason they couldn’t have done it back then.

>> No.20023591

It was written far before 450BCE anon
also this. why do we have so many low effort bait threads

>> No.20023593

This looks good thanks anon

>> No.20023600

So are there no attested influences for the Gita? The Greeks have tonnes of attested influences, but the Gita none at all?

>> No.20023601

Name ONE Jeet that was on the level of Plato, Davinci, Newton or Tesla.
Whites are in their own tier and no other race has ever come close or even halfway.

>> No.20023610
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Any of these probably

>> No.20023620


Thanks for the laugh though

>> No.20023625

Man I don't want to be racist, but Indians are so hard to look at sometimes. I wish the "we wuz" anon was right, this stuff would be so much more aesthetic if it was white

>> No.20023628
File: 193 KB, 1291x891, Screenshot 2022-03-06 113803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the picture

>> No.20023631

Chandra Bose.
Tesla was a Serbian.
Also Jews literally go head to head with whites particularly in finance, mathematics, physics and psychology.

>> No.20023633

Isn't the Bhagavad Gita just the pajeeto-mystical Kant's categorical imperative?

>> No.20023638

But /pol/ says race mixing isn’t beneficial to either race? This makes it seem that the subhumans smartest move would be to find a white womb.

>> No.20023639

>serbians are not white
>finance and psychology are real subjects

>> No.20023642

You have to go back

>> No.20023643

Tesla was a genius

>> No.20023653

Oh no! Imagine actually thinking that this fraud is an achivement. A white person of pure stock with right spiritual values and similar circumstances and will would blow this jeet out of the water.

The original Vedas as a proof that was written long before shitskins could even conceptualize 2+2.

Anyway, opinion discarded glownigger-kun

Right after you.

>> No.20023656

Whites literally only allowed Jews to run their banks throughout human history because everyone else kept fucking it up. And yes psychology is a legitimate subject. Look at the current information war going on now with Ukraine vs Russia. Psychology is a broad field that encompasses more than being put on medication for identity issues.

>> No.20023657

>This makes it seem that the subhumans smartest move would be to find a white womb.
If their goal is to become more white. Eugenics can be achieved without outbreeding, though, and without destroying one's identity and sense of belonging.

>> No.20023658

You’re the one who said the Gita was written by mutts.

>> No.20023666

Wrong. Whites viewed finances as a field of lessers that were just a cut above slaves and inferiors.

I will however admit that it was a wrong move, but then again, back then all they needed to do was to grab the Jew by the balls and the money would be coming, so who cares, right?

>> No.20023669

And I also said that it was a clear degeneration of original Vedas.

Call someone else btw - you're too easy.

>> No.20023671

It’s only bad if blacks do it. For some reason their genes just dominate the white genes and it takes like 5 generations to snuff it out. And that’s if the negro had decent genes in the first place(for a nigger at least)

>> No.20023679


>> No.20023681

>Whites literally only allowed Jews to run their banks throughout human history because everyone else kept fucking it up.
Jewish historiography
>And yes psychology is a legitimate subject.
Maybe in the 19th century with (white) people like Le Bon, but it got hijacked by jews in the 20th century so now it's worthless
>Look at the current information war going on now with Ukraine vs Russia. Psychology is a broad field that encompasses more than being put on medication for identity issues.
Propaganda has existed since forever and today's propaganda is pathetic.

>> No.20023682

>So are there no attested influences for the Gita?
Scholars speculate about how it could have been influenced by earlier Indian teachings that existed before the composition dates that some scholars put forward, but there is no conclusive proof of this. Some within the Indian tradition put forward a composition date for the Gita much earlier than the one western scholars posit.

Certain academics claim to find evidence of influence upon the Gita by the Indian schools of thought Samkhya and Buddhism, or they will say something like the Gita is a synthesis of the schools of thought of Vedanta, Samkhya and Yoga. The problem with this claim though is that the Upanishads talk about most of the same ideas as the Bhagavad-Gita, and the Bhagavad-Gita itself purports to be explicating the same truth as the Upanishads, and the Upanishads predate all schools of Indian philosophy like Samkhya, Buddhism etc so it may just as well be the case that these ideas continued in a straight line from the Upanishads to the Gita as part of the same tradition and these ideas just happened to also be picked up or copied by various Indian schools of thought both Hindu and non-Hindu.

>> No.20023690

3 to 4 generations, in some cases as low as 2 but that is related to a field that will seriously REEEEE the resident glownigger

>> No.20023696

>And I also said that it was a clear degeneration of original Vedas.
how so, what makes it a clear degeneration?

>> No.20023698

cope cope cope

>> No.20023707
File: 43 KB, 600x526, NIGERundayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you weren't a shitskin retard, you would have remembered.

>> No.20023711

Today’s propaganda has whites worshiping blacks and even breeding with them, men becoming women and women having “equal” rights. The Jews perfected the art.

The George Floyd debacle was them showing the height of their skills. Even japs were marching lmao.

>> No.20023715

Enough of this talk, white women are in short supply. I don’t want the subhumans getting any ideas. Shill Jewish women to them. Should help their genes.

>> No.20023718

Is that why the majority of whites voted Trump? Because the propaganda works? Sounds like it worked on you because you actually think most people like that crap.

>> No.20023719

go home jew worshipper

>> No.20023723
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Are they talking about jews here?

>> No.20023724

And it reflects rigth about 1-3% of reality, even if Jews desperately want you to believe that it's more than that. White women are the most race-loyal out of all women in reality, but the shitskin Jew want you to think otherwise.

Most of them women who marry niggers are Jews(larping as whites), or used up broken whores (who worked in Jew industry) who no proper white man wants to marry. But they never tell you that do they?

Anyway Sneed, Feed and Seed

>> No.20023727

This, he was an olive press merchant.

>> No.20023732
File: 19 KB, 474x316, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Savitri devi was a proponent of a synthesis of Hinduism and Nazism, proclaiming Adolf Hitler to have been an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu. She depicted Hitler as a sacrifice for humanity that would lead to the end of the worst World Age, the Kali Yuga, which she believed was induced by the Jews, whom she saw as the powers of evil.

>> No.20023737

That's all the result of brute power, not finesse. Jews have the largest propaganda machine in history, and they're not using it very intelligently. It seems to be waking more people up than anything.

>> No.20023739
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5 is a bit much, shouldn’t take more than three if it’s with an African American.

>> No.20023749

So how did whites lose their foothold in India? Food shortage?

>> No.20023754

the westoid unable to produce a well suited counter argument returns to his old habit of posting frogs, absolute state

>> No.20023758


>> No.20023759

Er I meant back in the days when they were writing the Vedas and enlightening the orientals.

>> No.20023760

Classical split in factions. One were race purists who wanted to keep the purity, others took pity on shitskins. The ones who pitied were mutted and the mutts revolted against whites.

The script we're seeing today has already happened before.

>> No.20023763


>> No.20023771

The shitskin glownigger is unable to read the first few comments proving once again that he's inferior. Almost feels like I'm picking on the disabled here, although in this case it's a mental handicap.

>> No.20023807

>The book in itself, while good, is still a degeneration and corruption of original Vedas because that religion was never meant for Jeets or White/Jeet mutts,
The Vedas don't have any consistent systemization of how caste status and the inheritance of caste works. There are some passages which can be interpreted as relating it with birth, and some passages which appear to imply that caste is just determined by your inclinations or how you conduct yourself. All the elaborate rules about how the offspring of a Brahman and such and such caste has such and such status is found in later smriti texts that don't have the same scriptural authority as the Vedas and which originated over half a millennium later than the Vedas. There isn't strong enough textual evidence to reliably assume some rigid birth- and race-based social hierarchy in Vedas or at the time of their composition.

Even in the Vedas, Brahman is still the soul/essence inside everything (Rig Veda 1.115.1; White Yajur Veda 32.4; White Yajur Veda 31.18-19; Rig Veda 10.121.10; Rig Veda 10.90.2-4). While it's true that the practice of orthodox Vedic rituals is supposed to only be for those who are qualified, the same truths taught by the Vedas about the nature of the soul etc still applies to all beings, and the Vedas say just like the Gita does that there is one ultimate God above the various deities or forms that peoples worship (Rig Veda 1.164.46). And Vedic ritual is not the ultimate end in life anyway, so life isn't meaningless or devoid of happiness in such a worldview if you are not a performer of yajnas for various reasons.

>old 'good' pantheon rewritten to be the bad guys etc.
Indra isn't rewritten to be a bad guy, he is pictured as gaining immortality through knowledge of Brahman in the Chandogya Upanishad, in accordance with the Vedas which say "By knowing Brahman one attains immortality here. There is no other way to its attainment" - (Taittiriya Aranyaka of the Yajur Veda, 6.1.6)

>> No.20023842

Whites were too retarded. They didn't see finances as a field of lessers. Stop making shit up. They handed that to the jewry because of Christian prohibitions.

>> No.20023843

I don't get it. You guys suck Japanese dick, especially Mishima who I consider an insipid thinker, like no tomorrow, yet when it comes to Indians, Chinese, brown-toned Middle Easterners, or whatever, you reee like no tomorrow.
Retards, the average person in every race is a moron. It's about the exceptional individuals who turn the tides of history.
I have encountered many exceptional Indians and many stupid ones too. The same applies to every single race, including whites. Acting like overly haughty faggots isn't befitting to someone of noble or intellectual stature.
Even Arabs are honestly not that bad.
The only race that is truly irredeemable are Western Africans. Eastern Africans are a bit better.

>> No.20023847

Jews killed Prabhupada by the way.

>> No.20023852

Can you substantiate your claims? You see my dreams say otherwise.

>> No.20023857 [DELETED] 

Absolute retard, history didn't begin with Christianity, Rome or even Greece in that matter. Read history in it's depth and go outside of highschool curriculum tard-kun.

>Even arabs are honestly not that bad, even 'bulbs' are better than them
Outed yourself right there shitskin moslem. Opinion discarded.

>> No.20023861

I am talking of last few centuries. Why are you so butthurt and getting emotional?

>> No.20023870

Where are you on the historical initiation of India. Tell me the basic story from conquest up to Buddha - I need to know if you're actually serious or baiting.

>> No.20023873
File: 5 KB, 192x262, j_krishnamurti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J. Krishnamurti looked pretty good to me.

>> No.20023881

Imagine thinking that calling someone a tard is butthurt now. Stop projecting.

That aside cultural beliefs run deeper than surface level, many rights, beliefs and even subconcious behaviors can be attributed to older knowledges, customs and cultures.

It was beneath an Aristocrat who held the values of Warriors to be counting money, that was work of his servants. This belief had it's birth long before Greece even became a thing.

>> No.20023889
File: 258 KB, 2048x2048, Sri-Ramakrishna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the face of god reincarnated.

>> No.20023901

I'm not Muslim or Arab. I'm just saying not every single one of them is bad. Al-Ma'arri is a good poet.

>> No.20023917

>Caste status etc
Imagine codifying a belief system with castes. Of course it was a later addition, post conquest, as it was product of its necessity after whites found out just want kind of retards they were actually dealing with. You'd still have to comend them for even creating that shit.

>Vedas not so different hurrrrr

>Vishnu was a minor god and Shiva didn't even exist unless you want to count Rudra as a sort of proto-Shiva.
>There was no idolatry in Vedic religion, no Gods had faces and forms to worship and it is that idol worship that has corrupted the original message somewhat. It's subtle but it does its work well enough.
>Women had no Sanyas (based)
>The entire religion was more in line with intellectual pursuits and not blind pursuit of spiritualism, in essence there was a balance that later Hindus broke in which spirit overpowered mind.

Nice try tho

>> No.20023920

This entire post is completely wrong.

>> No.20023931

>U WRONK b-but I have no arguments
Sure thing buddy - keep coping and seething

>> No.20023935

anon stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.20023942 [DELETED] 

Samefag with no arguments. Keep sneeding.

>> No.20023949

Samefag with no arguments. Keep sneeding.

>> No.20023998

If Greek philosophy is just *true*, surely someone else would have figured it out on their own too.

>> No.20024059

How so? Do you think everything that is true has been figured out and it's been done in all culture?

>> No.20024260

Both the far right narcissists and far left self-loathing degenerates are the trash of the white race.
Trump is just as big of a cuck and Jew controlled. He was controlled opposition.

>> No.20024286


How is he wrong this seems to mirror what I learned.

There were also no divine avatars

>> No.20024290

>both sides are teh same!
You're not white

>> No.20024310

Newsflash: racism is retarded

>> No.20024315

Who gives a shit if I'm white or not. The Japanese aren't white either and you suck their dicks, but your recent ancestors were most likely at war with them.
You have no metacognitive awareness.

>> No.20024357

There was a lot of differences. People try to paint it like it's a difference between Christcucks, Kikes and Moslems, but it's far more different than anything those 3 have in common.

>Vishnu, Shiva and probably even Brahman (not sure about him tho) came from Dravidian religion.
They were part of corruption. Although there are certain Vedic deities that would mirror concepts of both Vishnu and Shiva, but they're so different that comparing them is almost not worth it.

>Main gods were related to elements like Surya, Agni and Indra etc
And like you pointed out, avatars weren't really a thing. That's a Dravidian degeneration, and therefore makes the entire Bhagavitgita less important than faggots here try to paint it to be.

>Cow slaughter was allowed
The Vedic religion came from fucking Pastoralists of all people. These guys ate meat. The graincel Dravidians forbade it because "muh sacred milk that Aryans drank made them strong therefore holy cow we can't kill it". So fucking retarded it hurts.

>Idol worship was not a thing.
It's yet another corruption. The gods had no faces and no statues to worship.

>Reincarnation wasn't even a thing
They believed in an afterlife, although there are rumors of a sort of "Racial spirit", but I personally took it with a grain of salt.

These shitskins are coping hard by saying it's "ours". It never was. They stole it and mutted it down with inferior concepts from Dravidian shitligion.

As for that samefag loser, it's a spiritually dead glownigger, pay no attention to him. I use him mostly for free bumps and he's too retarded to notice.

>> No.20024362

Your opinion on white politics is irrelevant.

>> No.20024369

Your opinion on nonwhites is irrelevant too. The only people who you have a valid grievance towards are the Jews. Jews also conditioned you to scapegoat everyone else but them. You have the mind of a Jew more than anything else.

>> No.20024391
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No? Keep crying faggot.
Calling Yamnaya whites is a stretch.
There was idolatry.
The religion developed more advanced philosophy later. Saying that Vedic Hindus were more focused on intellectual pursuits is so fucking retarded, especially considering the Hindu golden age was several hundred years later.

>> No.20024404

>discover the meaning of life
>still don't poo in the loo

What did pajeets mean by this?

>> No.20024432

>We wuz Kangz
They were lightskinned. Stop buying into the disinformation cope that they were brown, that's just shitskins coping.

There was no idolatry. You're poisoning the well again.

>Cope, Cope, Cope
It was 50/50 intellectual pursuits and spiritual before union with Dravidian shit. Absolute retard holy shit.

>> No.20024434

Not every culture is meant to modernize.
Industrialization, secularism, and modernity were all mistakes.

>> No.20024451

>They were lightskinned
Only a few genes select for skin tone, eye color, and hair color. They're not the determinant factors of race. The best way to determine race is with PCA autosomal DNA plots and measure distance of clusters.
A swarthy European still clusters with other Europeans.
You're low IQ trash and should fuck off to Pol.

>> No.20024486

>I'm admitting that I'm wrong, but I'm still gonna project my own retardness upon you.
I accept your concession

>> No.20024495

I never admitted to being wrong. I'm just reaching you some basic population genetics, dumb faggot.
You act like a low IQ smug Jew.
Genuinely kys.

>> No.20024514


>> No.20024669

Keep coming cumskin. Jews have to run and manages white societies cause cumskins are incapable of running it themselves.

>> No.20024684
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>> No.20024692

Whites are stuck in a kind of Masonic loop of either self-loathing or grandiose complexes because of Jews.

>> No.20024698

Not really, we have neither lol

>> No.20024703

It's sad that obvious things like this have to be stated on a daily basis on this "literature" board.

>> No.20024720

Schizo shit like this is not far off from what conclusions the usual /pol/tard ends at by his own powers.

>> No.20024724


I’m serious. Last time a cumskin country aka g*rmland fully removed Jews from their society, they completely collapsed in less than 12 years. Even nietzsche said that cumskins couldn’t survive without Jews.

>> No.20024736
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>> No.20024745

From my experience and watching the
contemporary sociopolitical movements, especially this thread, 90% of modern whites are either far left self-loathing degenerates or far right narcissists who think everyone else (but muh based Japs) are subhuman. Both are manipulated by Jews to a large extent and a part of some kind of controlled Hegelian-like dialectic.

>> No.20024753

You're just dumb lol

>> No.20024755

I prefer Germans over Jews, and it would have been better for world stability if Hitler won WWII. Nazis were actually not as racist as contemporary altright tards who were engineered by Jews.

>> No.20024768

We are reaching levels of schizo that shouldn't be possible.

>> No.20024769

I'm just far above the average of any race, so I come off as dumb to the insipid rabble. You're a part of some kind of multidimensional matrix engineered by the Jews.

>> No.20024774

Lol ok

>> No.20024779

Resorting to "th-this is you!" responses sure is showing how hard whites are getting btfo in this thread.

>> No.20024780

Witness the depths of confusion ignorance of the holy White race can wrought.

>> No.20024781

There's no schizo here. I just know the way Jews operate and how they go about consolidating their intergenerational wealth.
Hitler was probably changed a body double during the war anyways as Celine remarked.
Regardless, as long as Jews hold considerable power in the West, almost every single Westerner will be a brainwashed pawn that either hate themselves OR scapegoat others. It's a dynamic of self-hate and scapegoats.

>> No.20024786

Jews are not sentient beings and the problem with the modern West largely stems from them. Both their endless scapegoating of others and self-loathing tie into Jewish social engineering.

>> No.20024787
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>> No.20024792

You're falling into the Jewish plan by being a smug racist OR pro-open border multiculturalist.

>> No.20024794
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Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.20024801
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>> No.20024804

You got it all wrong buddy. The real red pill is realizing that the nazis were nothing but a jewish larp. The jews sacrificed millions of their own to permanently cement their power. And it worked.

>> No.20024815

Imagine thinking that 6 gorillion was real. Its like 100-400k at best, and most of them died because a lot of Jews were pro gommunism and Germans had to have a defacto civilwar with them.

But glowniggers will of course cope by saying it's FAKE and MUH SOURCES

>> No.20024823

Numbers are irrelevant to my point.

>> No.20024849

That's Christopher Jon Bjerknes' argument. However, I think Hitler was changed with a body double midway.

>> No.20024857

Both Communists like Marx and late NS Germany wanted one thing in common: a devastating and fruitless war between Germany and Russia.

>> No.20024858

So how do you guys cope when you read about the Arab golden age? Or when the the mongols brought Europe to it’s knees.

>> No.20024860

lmao this absolute retard

>> No.20024865

Which Celine are you referring too?

>> No.20024868


>> No.20024871

Would’ve been amazing for world stability had Hitler not invaded past the Sudetenlands.

>> No.20024873

I was shitposting.

>> No.20024878

Hah! GOET EM NICUUUU. BAIT WOOF WOOF! GJ glownigger kun. 0.2 added to your account.

As to answer your question, Islam golden age was due to Persians who are part of the greater white family, and Mongols were based pastoralists BTFOing graincels. Guess who taught Asians pastoralism and horse husbandry.

>> No.20024886
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Based and Himmlerpilled.

>> No.20024890

More like Germans had no other choice but to start war because they were running on empty on resources and War back then had back then carried a greater payoff than it does today. Waiting would have caused economical issues and Nazis would have lost power right as Gommunists would have planned a greater invasion of Europe.

Possibly based, but not so much if you're Nazi

>> No.20024892

You sound this black dude I met on the bus who was telling me how blacks taught whites this and that and that and this. It’s okay to admit some centuries were not in our favor. The Jews and Chinks for instance are currently looking much better than us in this century and likely millennia.

>> No.20024893

>greater white family
It's always hilarious seeing /pol/trannies try to call Persians white because whenever you go back to ancient Greece, the Spartans, and Alexander the Great, the Persians suspiciously become brown.

>> No.20024894

Im a fundamentalist Christian but I am so tired of people disrespecting ancient people, assuming they are stupid or unable to produce anything of merit, when we stand in the foundations of what they built. The ancient people are us, there has not been enough time for us to evolve to the point where we can look down on them in disdain like so many people do.

>> No.20024910

>Projecting POL upon me
Nigger my views are all over the place. You can't neatly place me into a category, greater people than you tried and failed.

I share no racial views like "Muh Blonde Hair and Muh Bluuu Eyez".

It's important to descend down to the lesser beings level in order to establish proper communication. Me spittin white language at you would cause your brain to overload

>> No.20024914

Well he was right about it. See >>20023183

No one ITT produced evidence that it was actually written in 400 BC and it seems sources indicate possibly CE.

>> No.20024915

>Persians who are part of the greater white family
Persians don't cluster near Europeans on PCA autosomal DNA plots. Stop thinking in memes and actually study some population genetics.

>> No.20024922

See >>20024914

>> No.20024923

you start dead -> you are born to life ->you go back to death -> ???

Not the wildest philosophy to deduce

>> No.20024926

14000 Russians died every 3 hours in WW2 for three years during the most bloody years. WW2 was the worst event ever to happen to whites and Germany’s answer to the problems of that day were ultimately wrong in the end as it led to nothing but slaughter of the best stock. Globohomo could’ve been pushed back 200 years if it wasn’t for WW2. And Britain nor America would’ve allowed Communism to spread through Europe not that the incompetent Russian regime could even sell such a thing to them.

>> No.20024927

>Muh (((Genetics)))
Proof on internet by people with entire family trees from almost 1k years not corresponding to (((evidence))). They purposefully add 'African' or 'Semitic' to promote "we're all the same" rhetoric.

>> No.20024933

Why are /pol/fags so insecure about being /pol/fags?

>> No.20024940



>> No.20024947

>14000 Russians died every 3 hours in WW2
Yeah well maybe they shouldn't have been communists. All communists deserve death forever.

>> No.20024953

I think I broke this one.

>> No.20024960

Which why Hitler wasn't a hero Fascistcucks desperately try to paint him as. He was flawed and his faustian bargain didn't pay off.

Not to mention the fact that it's also probable that he indeed was a planted agent, and that he escaped later because no body was found in Der Bunker.

>> No.20024965

>Not to mention the fact that it's also probable that he indeed was a planted agent, and that he escaped later because no body was found in Der Bunker.
The absolute state

>> No.20024981

No they don't. Study population genetics and autosomal DNA. I prefer PCA approach of dimensionality reduction and then plotting one's genetic profile on a 3D graph.

>> No.20024982

>Still sucking cock of mainstream history
Do fags even

>> No.20024992

Demographics are destiny. Political views come and go with the times but genes are right here and right now.

Just because he escaped doesn’t mean he was a planted agent. That’s a bit of a jump. If Mussolini had managed to escape at that checkpoint would that make him a planted agent?

>> No.20025003

>The Jews and Chinks
The Chinese, yes, but not the Jews. They will always be an irrelevant peoples. Kourosh should have slaughtered them there and then instead of free then from Babylonian captivity.
Iran is controlled opposition of Jews too. Iran unfortunately had the biggest kike minority who are likewise parasitical and have close ties to the Sassoon family, who were likewise connected to the Rothschilds. Every single modern country is somehow manipulated by Jews.

>> No.20025007

Said that it was probable, but I'm personally not certain for myself. Sometimes it does seem a little bit too perfect for the ones who inherited the power structures in West, almost like it was according to script. But I also realize that it's a bit of a stretch.

>> No.20025013

Pajeets aren't all built equal. A Kashmiri Brahmin and a Tamil nigger are basically different species.

>> No.20025017

>Iran is controlled opposition
Wut? I understand muslim countries like Turkey and Pakistan considering that they were allowed to develop, or have nukes on their territory, but Iran? The Iran that kikes are currently seething hard about?

Yeah right. Based Persians are currently the last non-pozzled muslims because everyone else sucks Jewish cock.

>> No.20025023

This people don’t realize there are variations. A Japanese and A Han Chinese are far more tolerable than veitnamese or someone from Thailand

>> No.20025034

The Jews are great people with a rich culture. Certainly better than snowniggers, that's for sure.

>> No.20025036

Iran is the last country standing in the way of the Jews biblical prophecy coming true.

>> No.20025052

Hah! Imagine thinking that Shlomo. All Jews have is stolen from other cultures. They're the original WE WUZ KANGZ niggers appropriating foreign cultures and customs.

>> No.20025057

Marc Rich's connections to Iran are suspicious and Khomeini himself was most likely half British and half Indian/Kashmiri. The only thing that came from the Iran-Iraq War was killing a lot of young and intelligent Iranian men. The Islamic Revolution also involved the slaughter of many scientists, mathematicians, and more. The British have a saying, "Keep the Arabs fat and the Persians hungry." By keeping the Arabs fat, they can keep their nations as passive markets to the (((West))) and by keeping Persians hungry, they create a perpetual state of war which will culminate in the country Balkanize and an always ready MIC.
>Based Persians
Persians have been regressive since the incompetent Qajars. Even Mossadegh was controlled opposition (probably from Russians) and Qajar descent.
Every single country is the same shit in the modern world, ultimately working for Satanic globalist instutions like WEF, WHO, UN, IMF, Swift, etc. It's why they all followed the fake Corona narrative. Corona didn't even exist.
Russia and Ukraine war is theatric too.

>> No.20025070

>They're the original WE WUZ KANGZ niggers
Those would be the Romans who stole from the Greeks et al.

>> No.20025071

Nah, I prefer white people when they're not yelling shitskin at me. I actually like Germanic pagan myths.
I dislike the deceptive nature of Jews.

>> No.20025091

>Persian decline
No argument from me, compared from their older heights when they were going toe to toe with Romans, Scythians and other Steppeniggers they've surely declined.

>Ukraine and Russia theatre
Designed by Western faggots to replenish declining demographics - that shitskins won't carry - and by trying to do in KGB Jews who have a turbulent relationship with the Globohomo - or as you correctly pointed out the (((organizations))).

>Persia is controlled opposition
I'm not feeling it to be honest. Khomeini was more of a Stalin figure, in that he probably was in on the plan, but then went rogue on them after he got enough clout and power at homefront.

Thought I wouldn't mind learning more about your perspective desu

>> No.20025095

>I dislike the deceptive nature of Jews.
They aren't any more 'deceptive' than any other group.

>> No.20025104

Isn’t European culture based heavily off of Christianity?

>> No.20025106

Jews started long before Rome even was a shitty backward village. Get your history and facts straight please, the mainstream historical narrative reeks from your argument.

>> No.20025112

>Jews started long before Rome even was a shitty backward village
What did the Jews steal from pre-Roman people?
> the mainstream historical narrative reeks from your argument.
What do you mean?

>> No.20025115

I miss /lit/without /pol/ bs

>> No.20025117

>Muh fellow white people
>Muh poor 6 gorillion Jews
>Muh evil nazis
>Muh evil patriarchs and evil Europeans

Yeah right bro. Name one people that does HALF the shit Jews do in terms of obfuscation, gaslighting and lies.

Expansionist Abrahamist religion that did everything in its power to destroy other pagan religions and faiths. Gee, I wonder.

>> No.20025124
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Europe was only able to remain Christian because of the Safavids repelling the Ottomans. You should be grateful to the Safavids. Safavids were good for you but bad for Iran from an overall geopolitical context. It would have been ideal for Iran to remain Hanafi in order to enlist Pashtuns for a defensive army and Pan-Iranian alliance.

>> No.20025138

>Muh fellow white people
Are you saying Jews created the fake 'white identity' in places like the US in order to camouflage?
>Muh poor 6 gorillion Jews
I mean, it's a fact people were getting genocided by the Nazis. I don't know the exact numbers but they weren't only Jews.
>Muh evil nazis
They were seizing their fellow Europeans' territory, killing their people and destroying their cities, not to mention the inhuman conditions of concentration camps. So yea, I would describe them as evil.
>Muh evil patriarchs and evil Europeans
Not sure what you mean.
>Name one people that does HALF the shit Jews do in terms of obfuscation, gaslighting and lies.
The Americans and the Brits.

>> No.20025157

Doubtful. Ottomans never would have pushed past Germany, and to be honest it would have most likely activated their latent Snownigger chimp-out genes a lot sooner than 1933. What would have happened though is that Christianity would evolve into something similar to Islam - a militant zealotish faction. It's the same story as with Crusades and Jerusalem, the logistical nightmare would have prevented them from gaining foothold.

Iran's problem wasn't just Ottoman issue, they had Mongols, and weakass Arabs who only defeated them because Persians were exhausted from fighting Byzantins and were also hit by a plague. They're a people that borders to several civilizations, which implies constant conflicts - similar to Russia and Spain, although it's probably worse for Iranians.

>> No.20025160

The only other group similar to Jews are Gypsies. Every other group typically assimilates.
Negroes, however, are more chaotic and can't even assimilate if they want to.

>> No.20025183

>Are you implying.....
Have you actually taken a good long, critical and constructive look at Western society? Because I don't think you did.

>I mean, it's a (((fact)))......
And we should totally believe those sources right? The real numbers are around 100-300k - possibly twice - and a lot of it was due to Jewish Gommunism chimpout that based Germs crushed. Yeah lots of Jews died, but it wasn't a genocide, more like self-defense.

>They were seizing ter
Who wasn't at that timeframe? Beaten, starved and purposefully put into that place by their neighbours. They also needed resources in order to not starve again. Niggers steal when they starve, and you people defend them. Germans did it on a bigger scale that's it.

>Not sure what you mean
Yeah, I'm sure you don't.

>Americans and Brits
Who are ruled by Jews, and whose every single societal impulse is micromanaged by them. Most "Brits" and "Americans" who go "fellow white people" are kikes.

>> No.20025190

Iran also had the largest Jewish minority. I think that's a bigger problem than anything else.
Most Iranians in California are crypto-Jews.

>> No.20025216

Rats flee the ship first. The first people to flee from current Ukrainian conflict were the Jews as well - because guess what, if you're jewish you're allowed to leave even as a man! In case you don't know there's a mobilization that prevents all able bodied men to leave country.

>> No.20025234

>Have you actually taken a good long, critical and constructive look at Western society? Because I don't think you did.
It's completely downhill thanks to Angloid culture which they share like a virus via social media and entertainment.
>And we should totally believe those sources right? The real numbers are around 100-300k - possibly twice - and a lot of it was due to Jewish Gommunism chimpout that based Germs crushed. Yeah lots of Jews died, but it wasn't a genocide, more like self-defense.
Honestly, the numbers don't really matter. What matters is that this slaughter happened and the Germans come up with such a vile torture. Closest thing to Hell on Earth, probably. And no, it wasn't 'self-defense', you need a justifiable aggression for it to count as self-defense.
>Who wasn't at that timeframe? Beaten, starved and purposefully put into that place by their neighbours. They also needed resources in order to not starve again.
Then they're not better than the rest. They were just prouder and delusional.
>Niggers steal when they starve, and you people defend them.
Not sure what you mean by 'you people.' Your worldview is completely rotten by two-sided politics. I have never in my life defended niggers who loot and steal.
> Germans did it on a bigger scale that's it.
You're saying Germans are even bigger niggers than actual niggers? Interesting. Guess you're right.
>Yeah, I'm sure you don't.
Yea, I don't. It's completely out-of-context and vague.
>Who are ruled by Jews, and whose every single societal impulse is micromanaged by them. Most "Brits" and "Americans" who go "fellow white people" are kikes.
You give way too much credit to the Anglos. They are loathsome beings and responsible for all the modern social cancers. You can't just use the Jew card whenever something bad happens.

>> No.20025265

There's something very strange about the Jews that we should proceed about slowly. For example, Mao was largely backed by Jews too. Isn't weird how Jews are always the center of every major sociopolitical movement since the 20th century, perhaps even before? How is it possible that 90% of the people backing Mao's communist revolution were Jewish? Do they have loose connections everywhere? They subtly co-opt movements and then push for their interests via Faustian bargains and more. You can't win with them. If Gypsies become more intelligent, the will become the same because the concept of "Romanipen" basically implies we are all beasts like goy.
Frater realized this and said his own people should become more like Jews. You don't want intelligent Gypsies like Frater guiding his own people.
Jews and Gypsies should have been ethnically cleansed a long time ago. None of these problems would have existed then.
No other race is like them as a whole. These are groups of people that should not have survived. I am serious. The combination of being very tight-knit and viewing all outsiders as subhuman makes them a dangerous parasite. I've read a "sanitized" translation of the Talmud, and it argued that even if a gentile were to give alms to Israel, they will always exist in a state of sin. All gentiles exist to be scapegoated by Jews for their sins, much like their ritual of smashing the head of a chicken and believing they can rid themselves of sin that way.
I think the entire world is partly under Jewish and Masonic dominion.

>> No.20025333

Jews are a ethnicity of cope. Fact of the matter is, unless temple stands completed, you can't be a Jew - it's according to their own faith. Which is why Juidaism is obsolete and all jews are spiritual LARPers, what's left is just their tribalism. Perhaps it's also why most of their elite worships demons and does mostly pagan rituals.

Personally I'm of the opinion that even if Jews were to go away, sooner or later someone else would fill in their niche. Within the human psyche, there exists a weakspot that can be taken advantage of, hence why parasitic groups are a thing.

>> No.20025389

The only group close to the mentality of Jews are Gypsies.
Most races are not that bad because they offer equal benefits through certain actions.
In Judaism and Gypsy beliefs, you will always be considered lesser, and your hard work, merit, and individual values do not matter. The Talmud even said a virtuous gentile will always exist in a sinful state, and their purpose is to serve as scapegoats for the sins of Jews. To a Jew or Gypsy, you will always been seen as lesser, much like the sacrificed chicken during Kapparot, regardless of your individual accomplishments.
I'm not claiming other races are angels. I'm saying none of them are as bad as Jews or Gypsies. I am 100% serious when I say they should have been ethnically cleansed in ancient times.
I've heard Gypsies come from the shudra class of India. Imo, they should have been outright slaughtered rather than allowed to migrate into Europe.
These two groups are irredeemable and their entire cultural and ethnic identities should be eradicated. There is no such thing as a good Jew or Gypsy.
Look at the way how Jews treat Palestinians. Most other races would have offered the opportunity of equal benefits by forced conversion or following the newly instated laws. The Jews offer no such thing, so as a consequence, the conflict will never end. The recent fiasco was actually due to Jews squatting on Palestinian lands to seize it from them. The Talmud also dictated squatting to take away people's lands, so it's possible the whole squatting thing began with Jews themselves too.
From what I've read, Jews destroyed the housing market in NYC. They keep selling properties back and forth from each other, gradually inflating prices. This is the kind of shit they do to enslave gentiles.
There is no such thing as a good Jew or Gypsy. I disagree in regards to other races (except Subsaharan Africans because they are technically a different subspecies). You will always find a couple of good people from every other race.
The problem is that intrinsic in the Jewish and Gypsy identity is deceptiveness and viewing all life outside their ingroup as lesser and fodder to be manipulated.

>> No.20025446
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OP here. I listened to the In Our Time episode on the Gita (at the gym ;) I can fuck up any of you btw). The Hindu scholar who was asked to date the text said early CE. In other words, get fucked, cope, and of course don't forget to dilate.

>> No.20025531

Standard elite behavior. Elites have been doing this long before Jews hit the scene, and I suspect thats why a lot of them mingled with the Jews and became Jewish as well. Their culture is good at centralizing power by making everyone related to each other - Donald Trumps kids are married to Jews, meaning that his line will become Jewish (as an example). So it's not unique to Jews and plenty of folks did it before them, just that nobody was stupid enough to build an overt culture around it. I think it's a giant mistake on Jewish part to be honest - to be this overt that is. Elites of old did it better because it was more subtle.

The problem lies in the fact that there's a parasitic niche in most societies - or even human psyches. Those niches are filled by individuals who are willing to exploit others - aristocrats, invaders, rich people, criminals, jews etc. As long as this niche is allowed to exist nothing will change, which is why I think that Anarchists for all their insane ideas, are to a certain degree right. Power must be de-centralized, or we'll keep making the same mistakes. That or you will need to screen out the parasites, which is absurdly hard for the time being, perhaps in the future it'll get easier and we'll be able to humanely remove them - or treat them as a sort of different breed of mental retard (thus barred from positions where they can do harm).

The issue lies in the fact is of Elite being a billion times more united than the people. If Frenchies were to revolt against their government in an Anarchist sense, all the world governments would send support to their French Elite because they would fear that idea spreading to their own hometurf. When have the little people ever supported each other like that?

A lot of problems start and end there.

>> No.20025625

Actually, I've done some thinking. I would argue the elite and mobs (i.e., organized crime syndicates) have much of the time been historically similar. In the USA, I think a lot of mobsters actually moved into ranks of the government. People underestimate how big organized crime syndicates were during the 20th century, and I think the Jewish mafia was bigger than the Irish, Italian, and Russian ones. Mobs are pretty similar to the Satanic elite with their own set of initiation rites, harassing hard working people (e.g., loan sharking and excessive taxation), and so on.
My issue is that within the ethnicities of Jews and Gypsies, they are pretty much encouraged to be mob-like. The same applies to Muslims to a large extent, and the only difference being they offer possibility of conversion. Honestly, mobster mentality is more widespread than we think, and I agree with you that it leads to lack of virtue, empathy, and parasitical behavior. I respect anyone who holds good values, works hard, and so on without the desire to parasitize them.
Most major corporations like Black Rock and Vanguard are in some sense similar to mobsters or "clans" too. I don't think mobs can be dealt with through brute force since it threatens to rip the fabric of one's civilization. This is why the police would sometimes negotiate with the mobsters.
I disagree that decentralizing the power is the answer. It would just lead to more mobs/mafias forming. I think it's retarded a lot of common people glorify this kind of parasitical behavior.
I don't think there's any easy answer. Studying mob psychology seems fruitful in some respect.

>> No.20025655

>Narendra Modi, the 14th prime minister of India, called the Bhagavad Gita "India's biggest gift to the world".[332] Modi gave a copy of it to the then President of the United States of America, Barack Obama in 2014 during his U.S. visit.[333]

>> No.20025772

>Mobsters entering politics
Happens almost everywhere: USA, Japan, Russia, America, Ukraine, Africa etc.

>Mobster mentality
It's a surviving tribalism mechanism. The state destroyed original tribalism as much as it could, although the poorer the country the harder it gets, it's why West has close to no tribalism while MENA is very tribal when it terms to family and blood relationship. I find it respectable to be honest. There's a certain strength knowing that if I fuck up, my family and extended family will have my back.

Exactly! Dude you've put it into word. I've been thinking exactly that it's how one should best look at these organizations.

Yeah, it's why I think that Anarchists are ultimately wrong.

>Mob psychology
That's a field created for elite in order to learn how to better manipulate people. There are no similar fields for little peopel to learn how to better resist elites. There's no "anti-elite gasligting and manipulation"-course or similar, and I think a lot of people would ultimately benefit from that, or in general a more antagonistic relationship to the state. They keep paiting themselves as a father figure, I see them nothing short of criminals - if everyone in society did that it would be harder for them to manipulate us.

>> No.20025916

>you're a street-shitting untouchable Pajeet
>life is fucking miserable
>you sea yourself as a worthless piece of shit
>the only hope you have is making it in next life
>you are contempt with being a street-shitter until the end of your days

>> No.20025964
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Here's something somewhat related I wrote in another thread, which was deleted. I want to post it here:
When I study all animal species, including human beings, I see mankind as a very flawed and myopic species except for unique individuals such as myself. One thing that has struck me is how human beings have opposed their default evolutionary state in a manner that now threatens its own existence. In many ways, man has imitated the birds in its social organization, which probably led the Greeks to hypothesize man evolved from featherless bipeds. If you look encephalization quotient (EQ), there is a positive correlation between EQ and monogamy (+ cooperative breeding -- basically extended families) in birds, such as corvids. However, you do not see such a correlation between EQ and mammals, especially whales or Greater Apes. Quite a few traditionalists are unknowingly promoting man to imitate birds.
I do think extended families had some kind of role in organizing civilization, rearing young to adapt to social norms, and so on...
Could this in some sense be a sign? I know you may call me insane, but I have had past (or future) life recollections as an advanced avian species. From my observations as an advanced avian species, I have come to conclude they are better in forming civilizations that are in balance with nature and don't lead to advanced technological warfare.
I think mankind is merely the stepping stone to the speciation of various species of birds. They are much older than us, and the way their brains evolved seemed to indicate more robust connections in the pallium and NCL relative to the clunky layered hierarchical structure of our neocortex. It is possible that the neural circuits organized in the manner of a "heterarchy" will allow for heightened lateral thinking, which thereby allows them to transcend man in his simple-minded and shallow thinking.
In fact, I feel the Assyrians and Persians may have channeled visions of the future into their artwork of humanoid avians. When I look at this Assyrian relief, it looks familiar... If there are a priori aspects, which help project time and space, then why can't certain aspects of imagination channel the future? I did have a past or future life recollection as an avian species, as I've mentioned. You can dismiss it as overactive imagination, but I don't know...

>> No.20025989

based bird schizo anon fair winds to you
We abandoned Christ, that is all. Jews rejected Christ and by extension pretty much all of us behave like Jews (rejecters of Christ and his Church here on earth. That's it, brother. God bless you and may you have peace.

>> No.20026041
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Not a Christian, and I don't consider myself a schizo. I'm pretty serious when I say after mankind goes extinct it will be the "Age of Garudas". Garudas are divine bird-like humanoid devas in Dharmic religions. They will be better followers of the Dharma.
I think Garudas will speciate from birds with the top contender being corvids. The point I made about increased EQ and positive correlation with avian species was also a valid one.
You see it in Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam too. Why are bird wings associated with divinity? It involves an unconscious recognition that mankind is merely the stepping stone for a superior future species.
It's possible I will be reborn as a Garuda. I was able to learn more about both my lineage and future life forms through meditation, but my sensei said not to cling to such experiences.

>> No.20026097

>It's possible I will be reborn as a Garuda
You sure about that buddy?
Sounds like a glownigger CIA psyop bullshit I've used to watch on youtube by some ascended master whatever the fuck his name is, David something. He used to ramble similar shite about the Blue Avians. I never took any of it seriously but it sure as fuck did me some damage just by sheer exposure to this shit.
Stop your demonic posting, you evil desert CIA glownigger.

>> No.20026102

what the fuck are you talking about you dense, braindead fucking moron

>> No.20026119
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Based and birdpilled

>> No.20026294

>Iliad is morally empty
No, it just wasn’t written to be consoomed by women and unrepentant manchildren.

>> No.20026302
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You're reading the words of gods. It is the treasure that Hindus behold, kept safe for thousand of years. First it was Shruti (that what is heard) then it was written down, called as Smriti later. All the hymns was taught to disciples, then the disciples taught their disciples for hundreds of years until writing was invented.

>> No.20026306
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The flute of the infinite is played without ceasing and it's sound is called Love

>> No.20026511

so if i attack brahma with 207.360.001 atimaharathi i can kill the creator god?

>> No.20026519

is this one of those evola theories?

>> No.20026656

>entire folklore is actually a Dynasty Warriors clone
What a bunch of hacks

>> No.20026901
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>evil desert
Not really from the deserts. I'm from the greener parts of the NW.
I agree that I am evil from a certain perspective because I renounced my humanity a long time ago to worship the sacred elements and acquire their wisdom: wind, fire, earth, air, and space/ether. I have achieved non-dual penetration into all of the five elements thereby apprehending their ultimate unborn nature and oneness where the whales' songs in the water, the birds song in the air, the ancient trees' murmur in the earth, the luminous beings' crackle in the fire, and the planets otherworldly sounds in space all manifest as a microcosm that blurs with the macrocosm within me. I worship the elements for this reason and like to imagine myself as a Soulsborne sorcerer who annihilates all of mankind for disturbing the balance of the elements (in an Empedocles sense). I recently beat Elden Ring as a sorceror, and it was great. My background music will have a mix of Avestan and Sanskrit chants, not Latin, and I will be immune to bleed. Pic related is what I looked like when younger. You will never beat me even with summons.
Also, Children of the Sea is a good high-class manga that goes into the microcosm/macrocosm indeterminate border of the water element, which I'd recommend. I want to go scuba diving again.
Jews only worship themselves, but I worship the unborn nature of the elements. I prefer analyzing the infinity of the elements rather than the skandhas because it is more colorful and artistic. I would have much preferred being a whale or crow during a time without man.
Idgaf if I was all over the place in this message. I am an enlightened Buddha and my crazy wisdom cannot be appreciated by all. I am better than Jesus.
Nice pics.

>> No.20027068

Morality is manners for the gay

>> No.20027506

According to hinduism, you are stuck in an eternal cycle of rebirth and death, and your ultimate aim in life is to be free from this cycle.
There is no concept of hell or heaven in Hinduism.

>> No.20027529

There were mathematicians back in the day such as Brahmagupta and Aryabhatta. The arabic numerals that everyone use were derived from the Indian numerals.
Europeans think that every discovery or invention is their credit while completely disregarding the contribution of Arabs, Chinese and Indians.
Even the fibre optic you use today to type nigger 50 times on 4cuck was created by an Indian.

>> No.20027661

Brahmagupta, Ramanujan, the annonymous others of the great Vedic texts, and the ten SIkh gurus are some great Indian men we know of. However, since the period of foreign domination of India began, all the fragile ancient historical records of the great Indian warriors, rulers, and philosophers of the past have been destroyed.
But to say they didn't exist just because the records are gone is conceit. The truth is that since the Mughals and until that pedophile Gandhi, the Indian people were simply not allowed to contribute to humanity.

Now I will give an oration: now that the country is free, because of the historical humiliation that continues to this very day there is still a massive hole unique to every rational Indian man's psyche that compells him to kill himself because of the weakness of his ancestors, and him being the descendants of such men. Thus the irrational, pathetic and disgusting scum prevail and successfully multiple in India's bosom: the slums. Though that isn't to say that Indian men are intrinsically destined to repeat the same mistakes, the same way that white people are not intrinsically destined to repeat the same intellectual successes. Every day I see fat white bitches and pathetic, retarded racist white southerners on one hand. The latter think they are great because they share the same skin of the great men in history, despite not having the same mindset, philosophy, intelligence, beauty, or even physical strength.

I know you think you are better than Indian men. However, you really mean to tell me that YOU are on the level of Plato, of Kant, of the great white men, because you have similar skin colour to them? A pathetic delusion, to hide from the fact that you are so much less than they, and so much less than your actual ancestors. Which is the exact opposite situation I find myself in, as an Indian: my ancestors dishonour me, but I know that I am the strongest man in my bloodline so far because of it. I can take pride in myself, in my father, and my grandfather. Most anglos nowadays can't do the same. Your kids will probably be trannies.

It isn't that hard for me and my descendants to be better men than my ancestors. I can't say the same for you anglos, you have a high bar to leap over and you clearly are never going to be as great as you once were if you keep being as pathetic as you are now.

As great as Plato, Newton, and Tesla are, I'm closer to their level than you are. Try to reach their level you dumbass cracker, instead of going on your racist lampooning

>> No.20027701

holy shit indians invented power level systems

>> No.20027900


>> No.20028063

Coping moron

>> No.20028066

Too much soul, I kneel

>> No.20028067

>WE WUZZING to this degree

>> No.20028073
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White people are just an inferior version of Jews?
Why should they exist at all?

>> No.20028076

>There is no concept of hell or heaven in Hinduism.
in Hinduism and Buddhism you are literally in hell right now, and you deserve to be here. The only option is clawing your way out through virtue.

>> No.20028080
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>that pic

>> No.20028089
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holy cope

>> No.20028095
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>> No.20028384

Absolute cope. Jews invented this shit only to award it to themselves. It's no different that current literature awards given to mouth breathing women because there's an agenda behind it.

Gas yourself

>> No.20028389

Shitskins coping hard as per usual.

>> No.20028406

funny how you didn't address the only claim based on population genetics made in this thread, right here >>20023243

seethe and dilate, kang

>> No.20028418

Because it's false, reductionist and it poisons the well. Explain the entire history of India from Yamnaya conquest up untill Buddha, otherwise you're just masturbaitor who got your talking point from Shlomo-TV that you regurgitate.

>> No.20028434

Also Trannie-Jannie deleted the comment that refuted it - probably a shitskin.

>> No.20029451

holy kek

>> No.20029721
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Do you need to ask?

>> No.20029726
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>Read a book retard, philosophy in India and Greece are coterminous and both begin in the Axial Age. In fact, we know Indian philosophy influenced Greek skepticism. Look up the Buddhist influences on Pyrrhonism.

>The Ancient Greeks would be the gullible retards then, for they considered the Indian Brahmins to be some of the smartest and wisest people. Plotinus wanted to go to India to study with them.
I'm sure you know more after you just read 3 pages of the Gita.

>> No.20029736
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>ESL retard, gain some reading comprehension. Gymnosophists, or Indian Brahmins were considered some of the smartest men in the BCEs, both by Megasthenes as well as every other historiographer that travelled with Alexander near the Indus. The tale of Kalanus is quite famous.

>Otoh, its theorized that Plato's views on the soul come from the Upanishads, since they predate him by 400-500 years. Maybe you should read a book, for once.

>> No.20029921

>you guys
stopped reading here, see ya

>> No.20031032

There's the realm rules by yama and the land of the gods, not very parallel to heaven and hell but it's close

>> No.20031095

I was not in the professional state of mind, faggot.

>> No.20031133

Let me guess, you read a modern translation of it.
The people who come here are remarkably inept.

>> No.20031134

Tibetans were highly competent pastorals but middle East had the best horses

>> No.20031170

You say that yet these Tamil "niggers" hav e achieved more than Kashmiris could :p

>> No.20031206

Literally bred for world leadership

>> No.20031211

You see Garuda in Hinduism too

>> No.20031224

Yeah but early Buddhism was almost certainly influenced by Greek atomism

>> No.20031234

It's the other way anon

>> No.20031235

I don't understand how Westerners can be so cocky and smug. It's like a cycle of fetishization and hatred.
>fetishize Indians in 70s
>now hate Indians
>hate Japanese in 50s
>now suck their dicks
Why should anyone give a shit what you think about them?

>> No.20031252

I don't understand why people on this board always have to compare and contrast. Don't they understand different civilizations had different ideals?

>> No.20031270

>Why should anyone give a shit what you think about them?
Yeah, why do you?

>> No.20031272
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This would be a lot to handle if the story was real

>> No.20031283

They're on the level of Redditors but in a more confrontational manner. The idea someone can enjoy both Ravi Shankar and Bach is beyond their shit brains.

>> No.20031285

It was spoken 5000 years ago in Kuruksetra

>> No.20031289

Because you won't stop screaming "shitskin" like a fucking nigger. Shut the fuck up, you pencil necked pseudointellectual faggot.

>> No.20031299

New wallpaper thx

>> No.20031447

Wonderful art, do you know the source of them?

>> No.20031462
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Here's some art I've saved myself.

>> No.20031473
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>> No.20031481
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>> No.20031487

This explains so much of the Indian condition.

>> No.20031511


buddha's anatta already articulated a relationship based onthology instead of a substance based ontology,way before hegel or schelling, this means, buddha's discovered something that would define western philosophy to this day more than 2000 years before western philosophers

>> No.20031518

brahman wasn't yet the creator god, he was more like zeus in the gitas, the monotheistic aproach to brahman will come way later in vedantic literature

>> No.20031521

i dunno what you're saying, that sound dope as fuck bro

>> No.20031642

>Swami Nikhilananda
>Swami Mukundanda
>Swami Prabhavananda