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20017691 No.20017691[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been reading the International Jew by Henry Ford. It was written in the 1920's, so I was wondering if there were any other books that systematically and concisely outline the extent of Jewish power in the world, or its involvement in the great ideological movements like communism and neoliberalism.

>> No.20017692


culture of critique
for a more mainstream view ,the jewish century by a jew i forgot the name.

>> No.20017698

Does culture of critique go over Marx and the Russian revolution?

>> No.20017744

The Ultimate Avatar by Miguel Serrano. Probably other books by him too, as that's the second in his Hitlerism trilogy.

>> No.20017841

E Michael Jones
He has written quite a few books

Dr Andrew Joyce
theoccidentalobserver . net/author/andrew-joyce/

>> No.20017854
File: 31 KB, 298x455, Judaism in Music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judaism in Music is about Jews in German art culture.

Das Rheingold is about Jews in banking:


>> No.20017857

From what I've heard about E. Michael Jones, he views Judaism as purely a religion, as opposed to a racial group. Is this true? Does it influence his investigations of the Jewish question?

>> No.20017863
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>> No.20017875

Needs jews and art section

>> No.20017937

EMJ is a hardcore Catholic so his standpoint naturally precludes any racial (biological) considerations when it comes to examining the in-group sociological tendencies of a particular people. He views the Jewish Question from a mostly theological perspective, i.e. his main thesis throughout The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit being that the moment Jews rejected Christ (the Logos) 2000 years ago, and when they subsequently no longer had a homeland and a Temple of worship, they inevitably became spiritual 'revolutionaries' always seeking to go against the grain and against the established moral and social order of their host nations, viewing themselves as a sort of liberators of humanity who must subvert the Western Catholic world which they viewed not only as an oppressive continuation of the Roman Empire, but also as a necessary evil that had to be first destroyed before the Messianic Age could commence - a central Jewish motive that has been propped up by false prophecies and Messianic figures (like Bar Kokhba and Sabbatai Zevi) ever since then, a topic frequently discussed in the book. In short, he views whose Jews who want to subvert the natural order of things, whether we're talking about atheistic, secular ones or Jews practicing Judaism, as spiritual rebels who have always struggled to come to terms with the fact that God's Covenant is no longer exclusively with and for the Jews, but rather with and for everyone who has accepted the Christian faith.

>> No.20017942

he views those Jews*

>> No.20017950

>culture of critique
>go over Marx and the Russian revolution
Sure. Not about the theory of Marxism but the "praxis" and of course the Bolshevik Revolution.
Codreanu's For my Legionnaires should be at the top but it doesn't seem to be included at all.

>> No.20018069

>read a critique of international jewry
>no one can name names, list dates or organizatiins, or provide hard evidence


>> No.20018128

>read a critique of international jewry
What's this critique?

>> No.20018167

> Haha guys, we're so much better than those minorities we conquered, enslaved, and oppressed!
> They are so dumb!
*10 secs later*
> Oh no! The Jews are doing really well!
> They are doing well in science, in literature, in philosophy, in art, in music, and in finance!
> No, no, no! They're going to do what we did to minorities to *us*!
> This isn't right: they're weak and stupid (but also strong and cunning)!
> They're inferior to us! but doing better than us!
> They control everything despite us being the master race!
> The strong must conquer the weak (except when the Jews do it to us!)
> We are the smartest, bestest, most superior race (except we willingly let Jews gain control over us)

You guys are a laugh. How can you take any of this seriously?

>> No.20018171
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No one is reading your baits

>> No.20018184

>all this seethe


>> No.20018192

Wasn't henry ford a Capitalist, exploiting factory workers? Didn't Henry Ford act in his life like a formidable jew, like a formidable merchant?
Did Henry Ford think that if one acts like a jew, like he did act, but is not jewish, he gets a pass?

>> No.20018195

>>all this seethe
Ironic. I made a post and it's too much to read, but you guys will willingly read all the books on this >>20017863 because you seethe at Jews this much!
You guys never disappoint, that's for sure.

>> No.20018199
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>> No.20018205

> Oh no, he profited from making cars! boo-hoo!
You're retarded if you actually think like this.

>> No.20018244
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Uh oh his schizphrenia is flaring up

>> No.20018246

Funny, pretty sure that's how you look, incel.
Go back to >>>/pol/ and stop shitting this board up, you semi-literate.

>> No.20018256

Russian bot thread 60 rubles


>> No.20018275


>> No.20018279

tfw no jewish gf

>> No.20018282
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>> No.20018290
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Yeah, I'm thinking I want to kms.

>> No.20018291

Ford's mindset was to pay his workers top dollar to keep them and to pull talent from his competitors. That's about as un-jewy as you can get.

>> No.20018293
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>EMJ is a hardcore modern Catholic
Catholics back in the day did not deny racial reality. When they conquered Mexico, they did not ordain any natives into the clergy for good reason, neither did they ordain any Jews into the Society of Jesus for certain reasons. E. Michael Jones' denial of race-realism is completely bogus and anti-Catholic. To say that niggers can become as sophisticated as Romans with 1000 years of Catholicism borders on blasphemy. The white race, particularly the Aryan race, was not called Herrenrasse (Race of the Lord) for nothing. Through proper religion (Catholicism) we reach a level of godhood, other races are incapable; they may reach certain heights, but not the same.

>> No.20018294

>literally no Judaism in Music
>the formative tract of antisemitism

>> No.20018302

Are you stupid? this is a thread devoted exclusively to anti-Semitism; and I haven't even called anyone that, I was just pointing out the stupidity of the logic in the racism you guys are spewing.

>> No.20018335 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20018390

>n-no I never c-called any of you anti-semitic!!!
>but you're still racist ignorant fucks for exposing the greedy and insidious nature of my people!!!1!!1!
I think you're starting to malfunction from tapping too much into Saturn's energy, Moshe

>> No.20018399
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This should give you the best understanding. It is better than reading conspiracy theories. Good luck!

>> No.20018428
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>conspiracy theories

>> No.20018458

> n-no I never c-called any of you anti-semitic!!!
> but you're still racist ignorant fucks for exposing the greedy and insidious nature of my people!!!1!!1!
I thought you guys would be proud of being anti-semites? Scared of someone calling you out? The point of my post wasn't to call you an anti-Semite (which doesn't need to be said since you, me, and everyone knows this already) it was to show you how stupid and inconsistent your racist beliefs are.
> tapping too much into Saturn's energy
Hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha, what do you know about that, schizo? take you're fucking meds.

>> No.20018484

>don't protect your own racial interests because of this strawman I made

>> No.20018588

>it was to show you how stupid and inconsistent your racist beliefs are.
I can assure you that nobody here gives two fucks about some sleazy inbred kike's opinion

>> No.20018612

> Strawman
Refute it, you can't.
Why are you guys so sure that I'm Jewish?

>> No.20018633

>refute my strawman i need attention

>> No.20018649
File: 157 KB, 710x467, 1633053855624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jewish Century - Yuri Slezkine
The Jews and Modern Capitalism - Werner Sombart

>> No.20019074

He was an industrialist, not a speculative merchant.

>> No.20019079

Russians aren't anti-semitic. Or, at least the Russian elites aren't.

>> No.20019097

I would still love my family over a tribe of malicious strangers, even if their malice was complimented by intelligence.

>> No.20019121

But isn't that your ideology? The strong conquer the weak? You are weak and stupid so you lost. The Romans did it to the Gauls, the Americans did it to the Indians, the Whites did it to the Africans (and a lot of other races), and now the Whites are finally losing [ boo hoo :,( ]
But why don't you just get over it? it's the way of the world, the natural order.

>> No.20019171

>Sabbatai Zevi
Everything about that man scares me.

>> No.20019186

An eagle may succumb to a bacterial infection, but objectively an eagle is superior to a colony of bacteria. Although an eagle is inherently stronger and more beautiful than a bacterial cell, it may yet succumb to an infection. The same applies in the case of the Aryans and the Jews. Aryan men and women are superior in terms of beauty, strength, nobility, and talent. These are the values of the Creator, making them objectively superior. Jews surpass Aryans in terms of corruption and deception, making them objectively inferior, but capable of doing great damage.

>> No.20019216

>The strong conquer the weak?
Which is why right-wingers want to fight back retard.
>now the Whites are finally losing
If whites were losing you wouldn't be here.
>But why don't you just get over it? it's the way of the world, the natural order.
So let the natural order run its course. Do you think you're the arbitrer to call timeout? Or are you scared? There's nothing to worry about, whites already lost, no?

>> No.20019229

If jews are stronger, then they deserve to win. However, the war is not over until every single white man is dead. So calm your tits and wait for your turn for the genocide.

>> No.20019235

stay weird, 4chan.

>> No.20019272

>The Romans did it to the Gauls
Why didn't the Romans quit when Gauls won a battle? Why didn't they just get over it?

>> No.20019620

Like this can work decades. Especially today, with relocating in cheap countries like China.
Profit is surplus value taken from wage workers unpaid work.
So he did speculate on factory workers work. In any case, finance is anticipation on Capital gains. So it's anticipation on surplus value. So much for the "good" industrial Capitalist.

>> No.20019634

>Which is why right-wingers
Commodity rightists. Why should i give a fuck about merchants? Do you think you are a better merchant than the jewish merchant? Do you thing that you are an honest merchant?

>> No.20019650
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>Like this can work decades. Especially today, with relocating in cheap countries like China.
>Profit is surplus value taken from wage workers unpaid work.
>So he did speculate on factory workers work. In any case, finance is anticipation on Capital gains. So it's anticipation on surplus value. So much for the "good" industrial Capitalist.

>> No.20019667

>Why should i give a fuck about merchants?
No one asked you what you care about

>> No.20019670
File: 31 KB, 333x499, 484C3D7F-9C86-4A0B-9CDD-7EDC83437DE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the best one

>> No.20019683


>> No.20019700
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Cope. Jews have contributed the most to the modern world in terms of science, music, entertainment, film, literature, journalism, technology, etc. and you know this.
So what now? at the very least, your analogy is overexagerated, but even if was slightly or 100 apt, what of it? the eagles die, but if they couldn't survive then so what? nature has taken it's course. Survival of the fittest.
>However, the war is not over until every single white man is dead.
Why does it always have to be genocide? who says whites won't be enslaved forever or happy in their new enlightened multi-cultural society (just a reminder: most are, incel)?
Most white people aren't hardcore anti-Semites, just you freaks.

>> No.20019718

You're equating the speculation on markets with industry, which is nonsense. At any rate, he was white and occupied a position of power, which is infinitely better than a Jew occupying that position. Because the Jew would use it in furtherance of their racial war against Whites. Of course, you will pretend to not understand what I'm saying, or pretend like I never said it, in typical Jewish fashion.

>> No.20019732

The fact remains that the Aryan and Jew are in a struggle, like the Eagle and the Bacterium in my analogy. The outcome of the war is not determined. You simply side with the bacterium, while I side with the Eagle, because you desire to corrupt, infect, pervert, and lower, while I desire beauty, strength, and elevation.

>> No.20019759

>Why does it always have to be genocide?
It's just the way it goes my friend :) Good luck

>> No.20019786

Most whites vote right-wing. Most white Americans voted Trump. White people despise you. It's just a matter of time until you'll experience it more acutely. Prepare or not, seethe or not, cope or not, whites will defend themselves like they've done throughout history.

>> No.20019817

>have contributed the most to the modern world in terms of science, music, entertainment, film, literature, journalism, technology, etc. and you know this.
Kek the ever delusional parasitic brain

>> No.20019907
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Henry Ford claims to hate Jews but he helped the Bolsheviks stabilize their newly created state. Merchants not even once

>> No.20019942

Unironically based.
I hate liberal politics because you get punished for doing really well as a minority. I'm brown and we have to be the absolute best in test scores so that we can compete average white people or god forbid, mediocre black people

>> No.20020033
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The Jew is fascinating. I hardly believe that there is anything in particular that is special about the Jewry in a supernatural sense but yet they project an image of parasitism, embittered hatred, and perversion that is far beyond any other race. The Jew is dysgenic in a way that not even the lowest Pajeet could be. Having been raised on scientific materialism like many others you find it hard to fathom that there would be something about the Jews that are not strictly interchangeable with any other race, that their craven, sickly nature is just the result of genetics or environment or some kind of adverse cultural mores yet there is such overwhelming evidence to the sheer malevolence of the Jewry that it becomes almost like a magical thing, a force that transcends the material realm and the mundane.

>> No.20020054


>> No.20020064

Let's be real. How many books do you really need? I think Culture of Critique gives enough info, what more do you want?

>> No.20020086

it makes me wonder what the supercultural boogeyman was before the advent of the eternal jew

>> No.20020180

Great, so they've directly contributed to the dissemination of atheism and nihilism throughout the world and the turning of humanity's focus away from the spiritual towards the material

Jazz and rap isn't real music, it's merely incoherent noises mingled into one degenerate mess

>entertainment, film, literature
Kek a 7-yeard-old's painting has more artistic merit than everything ever produced by Jews (with a few exceptions)

Okay, I'm starting to feel that this is bait

Again, more atheism, materialism and consoomerism

>> No.20020289

Of course white goyim moneyman do not wage war against the working class. :s Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, might be a myth.
>You're equating the speculation on markets with industry
What is speculation on the market, if not speculation with stocks representing shares from the industry? I mean, are you really sure you know how this works?

>> No.20020308

Bolsheviks were unironically anti-jews. See the bolshevik anti-jewish institution: the Yevskektsia.

>> No.20020312

>The Jew is fascinating.
The merchant is fascinating, etc...

>> No.20020387

>Schlomo Sand
>Israel Shahak
>Norman Finklestein
Stop recommending literal Jewish Communists. They're anti-Zionist because they see Israelis as another instance of whitey oppressing the poor brown people, not because of legitimate reasons like Israeli lobbyists manipulating the US government. These people are a far more subversive type of kike than Zionists

>> No.20020405

>Warren Buffet, Bill Gates
All part of the judeo-masonic international cabal

>> No.20020413

Bait, but the Jews are uniquely dangerous precisely because they're the only oppositional race with an intelligence on par with white Europeans. Resentment and self-destructiveness fuels their actions rather than a civilization-creating spirit

>> No.20020414

this desu. CofC and looking around you

>> No.20020422
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>Jazz and rap isn't real music, it's merely incoherent noises mingled into one degenerate mess
Defend this position seriously right now, faggot. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.20020426

> noo! science and technology is ebil!
So fuck off and go live in the woods, retard.

>> No.20020441

Retarded post. Science, technology, music, and literature are all the hand of the white man. Entertainment, film, and journalism are pretty much as jewish as finance.

>> No.20020447

Half of american billionaires are not jewish. There are 1200 chinese billionaires, versus only 900 american billionaires (half of them being jewish). Are those 1200 chinese billionaire part of a judeo (lol)-masonic cabal?
What do you want exactly, half-wit, do you want goyim billionaires, who are not part of masonry? Would that be better? Would that make you happy?
So instead of doing shady business in masonic lodges, they would do shady business in a totally secular way. Would that be better?

>> No.20020451

Embarrassing nigger post

>> No.20020455

What an embarrassing post lol

You are correct, but if they're giving the game away on their fellow Chosen, then that's a fuckup on their part. Yes, you should not trust Norman Finklestein, but if he says that Schlomo Shekelwitz is fucking you over, it's a simple fact that he's telling the truth, he's just doing it for some motive other than your benefit.

>> No.20020457 [DELETED] 

Here then


>> No.20020459

It's you who are ultra-cringe, because you think a billionaires could somehow act honestly, provided he was not jewish, and not a mason. You are the naive one, the kid, for thinking like that.

>> No.20020460

>they inevitably became spiritual 'revolutionaries' always seeking to go against the grain and against the established moral and social order of their host nations, viewing themselves as a sort of liberators of humanity
This is literally a description of his own religion and its relationship to the Roman empire. Do christers really?

>> No.20020469

Yes. Jones is aware of these two facts. He is aware that Christianity is just proto-Liberalism, and he is very much aware that his career depends on him proudly proclaiming that. He is aware that Christianity is nothing more than LARPing as Jews. He is aware that if he ever takes an explicitly racial stance, and points out that it is not Judaism the religion, but Jews the people (the Chosen people), then he will lose his job. That's why he takes the whole "well gosh darnit we white people sure are just overly empathetic for no reason huh!" line.

>> No.20020477

Muh protocols of the elders of zion, muh mein kampf.
Do you think you are the only one who have read this?
No. Your problem is that you mostly only read this.

>> No.20020500

>Resentment and self-destructiveness fuels their actions rather than a civilization-creating spirit
I didn't know white civilization wasn't typically based on exploitation of the working class. Enough of your bullshit. Do you hear me boy? ENOUGH.

>> No.20020506

Even without your racialized angle his critique only makes sense in a hermeneutic of Christianity trying to be the real Judaism. Somehow the other sectarians are wrong because they aren't part of his school. But if you step outside of this it is plainly obvious both branches are from the same root. Contemporary Christianity has walked back from this debate since it is considered hateful. I guess he is considered "based and redpilled" for keeping it going. But fundamentally his claim must be that he is the true inheritor of the covenant theology of Exodus

>> No.20020539

>muh working class
Fuck off to your trannybunker

>> No.20020546


go back to your bunker fucking retard.

>> No.20020565

>Are those 1200 chinese billionaire part of a judeo (lol)-masonic cabal?
Every affluent and influential person (say, who has a certain minimum amount of money and assets at his disposal) has to, in one way or another, follow a set of preventive guidelines if they want to keep their position on the global trade and/or geopolitical scene and not get crushed by (((central banking))) or bring upon themselves a (((colour revolution))) just like in Gaddafi's case. If you have the resources and are capable of even the slightest resistance against globohomo, and deicide to start playing against their rules, you'd me immediately eradicated by both legal and illegal means.

>What do you want exactly, half-wit, do you want goyim billionaires, who are not part of masonry?
I don't want neither billionaires, nor masons, nor Jews who secretly or openly dictate the life of the masses. You're mistaking me for someone else.

>> No.20020601

My response was to a reply about a purportedly positive Jewish contribution to those fields, nowhere was it claimed that all of them were started by Jews. Retarded nigger


>*tips fedora*

>> No.20020618

>My response was to a reply about a purportedly positive Jewish contribution to those fields
The proper response is that jews had a much lesser impact on these fields than whites, not that these fields are bad.

>> No.20020621

I hope this is bait, if not, kys

>> No.20020625

>not that these fields are bad.
Never claimed they were per se, except for the field of sciences

>> No.20020628

Well the field of sciences is good and what allowed Europe to dominate the world by such a huge margin. Unfortunately, anglos fucked us over when they allied with jews, so now they're getting fucked over themselves.

>> No.20020633

>Wage-labor doesn't exist
So basically you are against class based society. That's better than those Capitalistic rightists. Enough of commodity people, either from "left", or "right". And enough of those anti-jews, who think themselves as rebels, when they are lackeys, of commodity, lackeys of the Capital. Promoters of wage-labor. Not impressed by these people. Not impressed at all.

>> No.20020638

Kill yourself

>> No.20020640

Didn't know feudalism wasn't based on exploitation of the serf. Again, even non classical marxist people know it to be the case. Fuck off exploitation apologist.

>> No.20020663

You are left-wing, which means you're a tranny and your opinion is garbage. This is not the site for you.

>> No.20020680

I'm not left-wing retard. Left and right are categories of Capitalism.
Those categories are for retards like you.
I've had enough of you boy. And your bullshit. No more.
Again, do not even think for a second that you are a badass because you love Swatiskas.

>> No.20020688

You're left-wing and embarrassed about it. Still a tranny.

>> No.20020691

>So basically you are against class based society.
No I'm not lol. I'm against the possibility of people accumulating enough money and power over time that would later allow them to meddle in the government's decision-making business and thus slowly begin to corrupt and subvert the society they live in from within.

>> No.20020692

>I’m not gay, I such suck dicks, read theory chud.
Hahah, whatever you say buddy.

>> No.20020801

>I'm against the possibility of people accumulating enough money and power
When enough is enough, 1 million, half a billion, two billions?
You might as well want to abolish commodity and money.
You are a shopkeeper. No matter your swatiska flag. You are a shopkeeper.

>> No.20020889

>I'm against the possibility of people accumulating enough money and power over time that would later allow them to meddle in the government's decision-making business and thus slowly begin to corrupt and subvert the society they live in from within.
So you're a National Socialist.

>Christianity trying to be the real Judaism
That's exactly what Christianity IS, though. The central claim of Christianity is that it is Judaism 2.0. Whether that means "gentiles have to wear peyotim and mutilate their dicks too" or not is just an aesthetic question on what is a universally agreed upon point.
>his claim must be that he is the true inheritor of the covenant theology of Exodus
That is literally what all Christian denominations claim.

>> No.20020898

Anon, we don't speak the same language, we don't have the same understanding of reality, we don't have the same goals, we don't have anything in common. I don't even consider you human. I consider you an unsalvageable genetic aberration whose whole belief system has absolutely nothing to do with reality, objective truth, and Good.

>> No.20021221

You broke them anon.

>> No.20021225

>on par
holy kek

>> No.20021516

Stellar refutations, retard.

>> No.20022131

>See the bolshevik anti-jewish institution: the Yevskektsia.
Sounds like an anti-zionist organisation. There were still shitloads of Jews in the Bolshevik movement.

>> No.20022302

Still inferior, but higher than the others

>> No.20022332

>Against paying people for their work - fuck you lackeys for job creators!
>you are against class based society
No, class is a necessitate for civilization. Class is pre-determined by genetics, and its sheer lunacy from Marxists who believe they can just use laws and state terror to enforce equality because they don't like implications of our genes. Leftists are simply retards who just solipsism to ignore the historical and genetic evidence of variations in societies among races and human beings.

>> No.20022335

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit sounds like exactly what you want even though I haven't read it

>> No.20022376

I was about to lament the state of /lit/ that threads such as these are not deleted anymore, but then I remembered one word: containment. Thank you jannies and mods for being so wise.

>> No.20022401
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What is there to refute, faggot? Jazz music is literally nigger music and technology in the long run has caused nothing but calamities and woe to humanity. Would you rather live in a transhumanist dystopic hellhole eating your state-approved, rationed bug burger and staying in your shared pod hooked to Zuckerberg's Metaverse via Musk's Neuralink VR headset because 95% of the time you wouldn't be allowed to go outside due to "climate change" and "dangerous pandemics"?

>> No.20022404
File: 12 KB, 427x400, 1609717469147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was about to lament the state of /lit/ that threads such as these are not deleted anymore, but then I remembered one word: containment.
>Thank you jannies and mods for being so wise.

>> No.20022413
File: 607 KB, 300x400, a35.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for staying here, embarrassing yourself, and not shitting up the other threads

>> No.20022423
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>Thanks for staying here, embarrassing yourself, and not shitting up the other threads

>> No.20022426
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>> No.20022431
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>> No.20022435

the israel lobby by mearsheimer and waltz

>> No.20022443


>> No.20022653

That's some serious cope anon. Do you think the 1 minute it takes for people to reply to one thread counts as containment or is it something you really want it to be true to feel better about being a loser?

>> No.20022752

You Gentiles

ZOG Defenders


>> No.20022783

proof or it didn't happen

>> No.20022787

They are literal demons

>> No.20022795

I haven't read it, I just want a systematic rundown proving communism and capitalism are Jewish.

>> No.20022799

>working class
I didn't say working class. I said the White race. Jew.

>> No.20022806

>Jews are 2% of the population
>make up 50% of billionaires
Jew: Relax bro half of billionaires aren't Jewish so its cool

>> No.20022813

Typical of Jew to want to ban books that point (((them))) out

>> No.20022848

Everything about that man amazes me. I consider converting to Judaism just so I can be a based Sabbatean.

>> No.20022852


>> No.20022864

Wanna wife swap bro? :)

>> No.20022869

That's unfortunate he would do business with the Soviets, but he did receive the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Nazi Germany... He did more to combat the Jews than to help them. Surely, if you're mentally stable enough to provide a source, you're reasonable enough to see that he was not fully in service of the Jews. Why would he have published and distributed the Dearborn Independent?

>> No.20022928
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>> No.20022934

Capitalism is Anglo, communism is jewish.

>> No.20022938
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>> No.20022952

>Surely, if you're mentally stable enough to provide a source, you're reasonable enough to see that he was not fully in service of the Jews.
the fact that you assume that from the post that it implies that Ford was in service for the Jews and not he's a typical hypocrite rich merchant who'd do anything for profit shows that you're the one not mentally stable.

>> No.20022960

>He did more to combat the Jews than to help them.
Except he helped set up the same state which Nazi Germany accused later as "Judeo-Bolsheviks" so idk how you claim that he somehow did more to fight them because he wrote some book.

>> No.20023016

So if 100% of american billionaires were goyim, things would be fine? That's what you are saying?

>> No.20023028

Not him, but yes, all people with power should be white. That doesn't mean there are no longer problems and everythig is perfect, it's just an improvement over the current situation that will still be worked on forever.

>> No.20023040

It's total bullshit. Things would not be fine with 100% white goyim billionaires. Rockefeller, J.P Morgan, Gates, Buffet, Johnson, Astor, Onasis, Sinclair, Bush, Clinton, Dupont, are NOT jewish.
Yet they are just as bad, if not worse, than jewish billionaires.

>> No.20023062

Firstly, like I said, it's a necessary step and a start. Secondly, many of these are paid by jews. Thirdly, you're not right-wing, you're probably not even white, you don't understand races, and your goals for society are all retarded. Why are you pretending to have aligned goals with us? You want a classless society, we want classes, hierarchy, and Western values. You want communism and jewish values, so of course you defend jews.

>> No.20023075

I love jews now.

>> No.20023078

You always did

>> No.20023082

>we want classes, hierarchy, and Western values.
So jewish billionaire hierarchy is bad, and somehow you'll manage to have a good goyim hierarchy? With what, magic?
>Western values
What are those, exploitation of the serf? Commodity? Industrialism? Commodity consumption? Wage labor?
> You want communism and jewish values
Yes of course, you, and your commodity rightist fellows, validating Capitalism, is not jewish at all. Validating commodity, validating money, validating wage-labor, like you, is not jewish :s
Your values are intrinsically jewish.

>> No.20023089

>proceeds to spam intellectually dishonest logical fallacies
You're a vermin, which is why people no longer engage with you and instead wait for the steady downfall to run its course. See you then.

>> No.20023092
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For My Legionaires by Codreanu. Vividly depicts all that the Jews did to his country, and those nearby. Id strongly recommend it.

>> No.20023094

Exploitation is a necessary party of human society. Without surplus labor; society would have never moved past subsistence framing. Humanity needs exploitation because it must find ways to efficiently use its scarce time and resources. Being against exploitation is utopianism and anti-humanism. Its also pro-white genocide. Y

>> No.20023095

YOU are the steady downfall. YOU want to reform Capitalism, when it is obvious than Capitalism is dying. The central banks interest rate are close to 0%. The markets are saturated. It's over.
Yet you want to salvage this bullshit Capitalism. You are responsible for wanting to keep something that is both exploitative, unstable, and collapsing.
Once the proles will realize your true nature, you'll have to deal with them.

>> No.20023100

Too bad the women are so grotesque, even by modern western standards (beautiful slavs not included, no wonder they are being attacked, also dunnforget the holomodor)

Every single time

Almost forgot the whole site is a psyop/honeypot since 2010 prolly

**tips fedora**

A pox on you kike, for all you've done to every society, throughout history, get blacked

>> No.20023102

>Without surplus labor; society would have never moved past subsistence framing.
It's a good excuse to enrich a tiny parasitic elite. Whether jewish or nor jewish.
I repeat: i do not give a shit about a goyim Capitalistic class. It's not better than a jewish Capitalistic class.

>> No.20023104

>The central banks interest rate are close to 0%
Interest rates fluctuate all the time due to the specific conditions of monetary policy within a country. Like, kid, you have no idea what you're talking about.
I 100% suppose exploitation. Society ought to only exist so that the lower, inferior classes produce for the superior classes to add the most value to society.
>unstable and collapsing
Capitalism isn't Communism, so, its not.

>> No.20023107

>Being against exploitation is utopianism and anti-humanism. Its also pro-white genocide. Y
Totally wrong. Exploitation of the working class is what motivated brown mass immigration. In order to lower the wages, the Capitalistic class decided to import cheap labor, which happened to be brown. It also work with relocation in cheap brown countries. Relocating local industries in far away brown countries, depriving white locals of their work.

>> No.20023108
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>It's not better than a jewish Capitalistic class.
Didn't you say previously that it's actually worse than jews? Surely it's not that you just hate whites? There will be no mercy for your kind.

>> No.20023117

>>The central banks interest rate are close to 0%
>Interest rates fluctuate all the time due to the specific conditions of monetary policy within a country. Like, kid, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Genius, listen, central banks interest rates in the 1980s were around 10-12%, in the 2000s, central banks interest rates were around 4-5%, in the 2010s, central banks interest rates were around 2%. Today, central banks interest rates are close to 0%. It really doesn't take a genius in economy to understand that there is something seriously wrong. And no nat(soc) politic, or whatever, could solve this. Capitalism is fucked, irremediably fucked.

>> No.20023119

The exploitation of the working class is necessary to ensure the superior members of society have enough goods and services to keep existing and adding the most value to it with their intellect and skills. Lower class people get what they deserve. They should, and must suffer, because its required to serve the most useful members of society. Suffering motivates them to work more, and possibility to prove they should move up higher in society by demonstrating their courage and endurance.

>> No.20023124

They are said that they are just as bad, if not worse.
Yes, we can argue that Bill Gates is arguably worse than Soros. Soros manipulates and brainwash youth, but Bill Gates poison people. Literally, and directly.
In any case, to be clear, as in clear, for me, they are the same. There are not good jewish billionaires, and bad goyim billionaires, or vice versa.

>> No.20023127
File: 119 KB, 850x609, Spreads-above-the-3-month-interbank-interest-rate-on-housing-loans-extended-in-domestic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, nothing you said is true - psued. Central interest rates go up and down all the time. And, no, they go up and down all the time. We also saw them go down during the 08 recession, and we see it now with COVID. This pretty standard stuff because lower interest rates encourages spending to get people out of a recession by buying more services and letting business employ more people. Its basic economics. Learn it.

>> No.20023133

>They should, and must suffer, because its required to serve the most useful members of society.
And how exactly are you going to convince the working class, that they should, and must suffer?
I mean, beware, because they possibly won't appreciate this condescension.
Who the fuck are you to exploit the proles? Are you this smart? Like an universal genius?

>> No.20023139
File: 237 KB, 2374x1290, Central banks interest rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You graph is a 6 year period frame you tard. Try this one, fucko.
In any case, you just proved that you are Capitalism defender. And yet you pretend to be a rebel to society. You are a lackey of social order. Nothing else. Do not even pretend you are a rebel because you like HItler, Swatiskas, or want to kill jews. You validate Capitalism. You are for the Status quo of society.

>> No.20023141

>And how exactly are you going to convince the working class, that they should, and must suffer?
Because like now they get paid for it, and the alternative would be you. The capitalist class is much more humane to their subjects than communists because capitalists feed them and give them enough to take care of themselves. The "proles" are exploited because like you, they're too weak and stupid, to fight back. And there's nothing you can do about it but seethe online like a loser while doing nothing to ever change that.

>> No.20023154

>The "proles" are exploited because like you, they're too weak and stupid, to fight back.
We will see about that. They have fought back. They have proven it, many times. In the 2010s, there was, in the west, occupy wall street, the los indignados (Spain), the yellow vests. And they will fight back in the future.

>> No.20023159

Actually, retard, that's not even a problem. That's suppose to happen - interest rates are suppose to natural decline to reach the natural interest rate. High interests are typically bad because they don't encourage investment. Low interests are great because they encourage spending. You're not an intelligent person, and you don't anything about macro-economics at all lmao.

>> No.20023160

Can anyone recommend me a short and sweet and not too autistic book on the JQ? Culture of Critique is on my list but I'd like something easily digestable as a primer first. In english or german.

>> No.20023165

Just leave the "Jews" alone. You really have nothing better to do? Their women already look like BBC news anchors

>> No.20023167

>Commie thinks that high interest rates are good
>Too stupid realize that the interest rates have to be low, towards the natural interest rate to encourage optimal investment and employment
Like, kid, read a book on basic economics. This is embarrassing. No wonder you're so retarded lmao.

>> No.20023168

>Interest rates are negative
>It's fine
Do you even know about inflation?

>> No.20023174

>Hyper-inflation is good
You are a dumb fuck. With close to 0% interest rates, the result is necessary hyper inflation. We are not talking about 2% interest rates, right know, but 0%. Go see for yourself you fucking clown in denial.

>> No.20023176

>Doesn't know what natural rates are
>Doesn't know how inflation works
You commies are so stupid and unintelligent. Its incredible. The interest rate is suppose to be low and close to the natural interest. Its cyclic you retard. You literally don't know anything about basic economics at all. Its embarrassing how dumb you are. No wonder why nobody takes you retards seriously. I doubt you ever took an economic course in your life.

>> No.20023184

>Negative interest rate
>It's fine
How much more in denial can you be?

>> No.20023185

Inflation is a supply issue, not a monetary issue retard. Inflation is always an issue with a lack of supply. Monetary policy is nothing more than government stimulus to encourage supply. side economics Fucking retards like you think if the central banks are what run the economy, and not businesses and consumers who make business choices. You don't know anything economics at all. You're a mediocre humanities major trying way too hard to discuss topics a bit above your level of intelligence. You're bum. Get job instead of pretending you're an intellectual on /lit/.

>> No.20023195

>Inflation is a supply issue, not a monetary issue retard. Inflation is always an issue with a lack of supply.
Yes because the market are saturated, and it won't change, due to the rate of profit, which is at an historical low, and is falling. The lower the rate of profit is, the more Capitalist have to compensate with more mass of items sold. The more mass is sold, the more saturated the market gets.
It's an insurmountable contradiction.

>> No.20023213
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>Capitalism is collapsing anyday now bro, trust me bro, its over bro
Yeah, yeah, your student loans payments are restarting pretty soon. Pay up, piggie.

>> No.20023915

Yes, that is what I'm saying.

>> No.20023991

I’m not Jewish and I see many of Israel’s actions as clearly oppressive and tyrannical (maybe I should say I don’t like Zionism and what one might see as a far-right and nationalistic wing of Israel’s politics).

That said, I think it’s quite impressive to see the achievements of Jews in the modern age is several fields of human endeavor.

I don’t think this has to do with “superior genetics”, but mostly with culture. There is something that Jewish families were clearly doing very right for at least the last, what, 200 years?

I think there are many things to learn with these Jewish families. And I don’t even see how one could claim they aren’t white. They seem pretty much like Europeans, and the only difference has to do with religion. I guess that if “white” people see themselves as a different race or tribe then they would do well if they started to help each other more often, and above all, if they actually evolve a culture that values the teaching and appreciation of arts and sciences from a very young age instead of things like watching “The Kardashians”.

Sometimes I get the strong feeling that most of the hatred towards Jews has to do with envy. My guess is that the best solution to “fight back” would be to learn what others are doing right and do it even better yourself. But this takes work and patience and effort, and it’s far easier to forge conspiracy theories or to resort to violence “If I can’t beat you at chess at least I can break your nose with a punch, need!”.

>> No.20024006


If I can’t beat you at chess at least I can break your nose with a punch, need!

The last word was supposed to be “nerd”. Phone autocorrect once again conspiring against me.

>> No.20024024

Agree. Jews did wonderful things like communism, murdering millions of whites, promoting degeneration since Weimar till Weimerica, promoted sophistry since Frankfurt School till CRT, promoted lies since the Holocaust and banned free speech, and are now openly disseminating anti-white propaganda on all their channels. We should just admire all of this and stop being so envious of these great people who did so many wonderful things.

Or, alternatively, how about you go fuck yourself? How long do you think this pathetic pilpul is going to work?

>> No.20024055
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>I’m not Jewish
>impressive to see the achievements of Jews
>And I don’t even see how one could claim they aren’t white
>Sometimes I get the strong feeling that most of the hatred towards Jews has to do with envy.
> it’s far easier to forge conspiracy theorie
A bit too obvious moshe, try agan next thread but make sure to hide that gigantic nose better.

>> No.20024066


>anti-white propaganda

What is that, exactly?

I have read posts on /pol/ where people said it was mostly the promotion of equality and race mixing campaigns, and that would eventually breed out the white race.

But if that is the case, then Jewish women would never marry or have kids with black men, right?

And yet a quick Google search reveals that some Jewish women do have relationships with black men, just like some white women. And Jewish men also sometimes marry black women, just like white men do.




>> No.20024069

Henry Ford did more to improve workers rights through capitalism than socialists ever dream of doing. 5 day work week and 8 hour days are thanks to him.

>> No.20024078
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>What is that, exactly?
Pic related is just one of many examples. Rest of your post is a logical fallacy because your brain was designed specifically for lying when you're called out.

>> No.20024082
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Wilkomen peacetried&tested

>> No.20024088
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>What is that, exactly?

>> No.20024102
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> What is that, exactly?

>> No.20024108
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>>What is that, exactly?

>> No.20024134

>/pol/ infographics
you need to go back

>> No.20024135

>please stop posting evidence against me
It's ok, everyone knows it already.

>> No.20024162

Not him but:
The subordination of your ancestors to the monarchical hierarchy was the cause of your demise.
Emperor Constantine understood that adopting a foreign religion (Christianity) with centralization and Utopianism in mind would have a far greater impact on the plebs than a divided pantheon of gods.
For generations, your nobility has been putting already blood-mixed Jews to do European paperwork.
Most Jews did not betray the Western aristocracy, rather the Western aristocracy betrayed its own people.
And who said that the Jews are against class based systems? Perhaps only in our time, and only by theory, which does not correspond to practice.
The irony of all this is that there are currently very few Jews who are pure by blood or faith. For once, the Ashkenazi rulers are mostly genetically rooted in Europe.
Most of us Jews are hardly "Semitic," and with the exception of a minority of orthodox believers, most Jews have a very superficial understanding of their roots.
It's easy to blame us these days, but that's as long as you turn a blind eye to when and how your ancestral leaders have failed you.

>> No.20024171
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>I’m not Jewish
I don't know Moshe, your post pretty much reads like a Jewish diary entry blog, with the vibe "Dear white people"

>> No.20024182

You know, I fully recognize that old Mrs. Silverburg down the street never did shit. Problem is, there is nonetheless a fifth column of one small tribe controlling (not monopolising, mind) our mass media, finance, and government and using every dirty trick at their disposal to make acknowledging that fact - and ultimately changing it - not merely discouraged but actually unthinkable. Since WW2 ended the West has been subverted and directed by this one tiny group to a degree that would have been unthinkable only 100 years ago. It's a real and very serious problem that simply cannot be openly addressed (for now).

>> No.20024188
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Look, it's simple. We don't like you. You're cancer. Stay in Israel.

>> No.20024191
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Why do chuds have such a hard time with this?

>> No.20024195

The People of the Lie, who live within lies and celebrate lies, have no issue with it at all.

>> No.20024215

>old Mrs. Silverburg
Very good chance she's voting for anti-white laws too.

>> No.20024226


>6’2, IQ 187