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20013690 No.20013690 [Reply] [Original]

Any books like this movie?

>> No.20013696

You mean terrible, pretentious pieces of shit?

>> No.20013697

No I'm not asking for movies of your life story

>> No.20013698

You're just seething because you missed out on young love

>> No.20013702


>> No.20013918

films like this are made for people who missed out on young love

>> No.20014067

Not a book but After the Race by Joyce

>> No.20014073
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fucking lol

of course you retards shit on everything here

>> No.20014087

La Grande Bellezza is literally just a (bad) remake of La Dolce Vita.
Except the latter was actual satire on Rome’s rich and fabulous while the former can’t make up its mind on wether it’s criticizing or glorifying it.

>> No.20014179

Fellini is a hack and La Dolce Vita is bad.

>> No.20014192

>you can't criticize things! that makes you a contrarian!
It's actually an shit movie for once. Please jump off a high place to improve everyone's conditions.

>> No.20014195

>me no like, therefore, le HACK!

>> No.20014199

He is too fantastical and that's his only shtick. That's the only thing people talk about with him

>> No.20014223

The movie begins with a quote from Celine's "Journey to the End of the Night," so why don't you start there?

>> No.20014250

There’s absolutely nothing pretentious about it. It’s about a guy seeking beauty and realizing that the «Great Beauty» he’s been seeking is the memory of his first love.

>> No.20014252

What the fuck is happening here holy shit
This thread happened again with the same responses, am I in some kind of loop?

>> No.20014257

>while the former can’t make up its mind on wether it’s criticizing or glorifying it.
top kek, you gigantic retard
La Dolce Vita and La Grande Bellezza are similar on a purely superficial level. Their central themes are totally different. Also, you have to be brain dead to think Sorrentino is glorifying mundanity. He’s trying to show beauty in the everyday vulgarity but he’s not glorifying that vulgarity.

>> No.20014315

There has never been a thread about this

>> No.20014334


>> No.20014431

>can’t make up its mind on wether it’s criticizing or glorifying it
It's clearly criticizing it, constantly showing the ugliness, the hypocrisy and the weakness of people who live "glamorous" lives. It's evident in the movie, they don't really try to make it ambiguous.

>> No.20014450

This is a good movie and you are a gigantic faggot.
It's obvious Sorrentino takes from Fellini, but that doesn't take away from this film.

>> No.20014455

Jep’s felling safe ambiguous.
On the one hand he criticizes all the pompous asshats in his milieu but at the same time his attitude is like “yeah Rome might be trashy and decadent but it’s my kind of town”, not to mention that he’s proud of being the “king” of it.

>> No.20014458

*Jep’s feelings are ambiguous.*

>> No.20014460

Completely wrong. That's the whole point of that scene with the little girl who you think is going to paint retarded postmodern art for rich people and it turns out to be "beautiful"

>> No.20014469

>shit movie with shit actors wins meme award
>idiot burgers think it's good
I lose more hope in humanity every day

>> No.20014700

The great beauty takes the vignette structure of La Dolce Vita, but they are very different. LDV is extremely nihilistic and TGB is unironically about the great beauty. Love both. The former may have more artistic merit, since it influenced the later, but I think I like the later a bit more though.

>> No.20014728

It’s Italian

>> No.20014767

How can you not love this movie's ending, you niggas?

>> No.20015235

I'd say Nabokov, for a decadent celebration of true beauty.

Even if I were to agree with your assessment (I don't), the fact that you think ambiguity detracts from rather than greatly enriches art is unrefutable proof that you are a complete and total midwit.

Good point - I think one of the chief reasons I love TGB is that it so effectively dissolves all of the cynicism and nihilism with sheer and jubilant beauty, and honestly, for that reason, I think it superior to LDV.

I was enraptured by it.

>> No.20015709

The Death of Vergil.

>> No.20016526

Seems fucking retarded. Is it about a man that wants to live the "high life" but really wants true love. Read the fucking great Gatsby for fuck sakes.

>> No.20016554

The Sound of Waves by Yukio Mishima

>> No.20017266

>Is it about a man that wants to live the "high life" but really wants true love
It's about a man who indulges in decadency because he feels he can't aspire to a high life after losing the naivety he had when he first fell in love.

>> No.20017763
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