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20012877 No.20012877 [Reply] [Original]

>depression is rage turned inwards

is this true?

>> No.20012887

I don't know the original context, but I would disagree as I've always seen depression as connected with chronic boredom and chronic boredom is basically when you've become so used to being anxious or worried that you're absolutely numb.

>> No.20012893

Yes, Nietzsche said the same thing. If you had the chance to kill your enemies and rape their women you wouldnt be depressed.

>> No.20012898

Well I'm certainly both very depressed and VERY angry so maybe

>> No.20012901

In a way, yeah. It plagues neurotic people, ie people with a tyranical superego. That's why it is linked to narcissism. Your ideal self haunts you and berates you. You can only feel like shit in comparison.
Worst of all it makes you extremely vunerable to pervs who manage very well at speaking like the superego, whose fonction is to make you internalize norms so you are not a total weirdo. Theyll use catchprases like "people won't tell you, but ...", taking the rest of the world as a witness of your failures. That's why the left has so many of them. Its crazy what you can make people with a strong sense of their duty to the world do.

>> No.20012922
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Hi, I'm no perv, but I was wondering what other catchphrases might these people use to speak to your superego? Just so I know how to identify and avoid such people

>> No.20012925

based manipulator

>> No.20012927
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is this me? oh my god

>> No.20012957

They generally use formulations that make you feel isolated.They adore secrets and often use your supposed ignorance "I know stuff that you cannot begin to imagine" without ever telling you exactly what they are refering to. A good way of getting immunized is to simply identifying your soft spots, what exactly makes you feel the worst about yourself. Now it's also very difficult because even so you might feel like you're very self aware, a depressed person tends to actually avoid the harsh part by overgeneralizing their flaws. The mean voice in your head is the part of your superego you are conscious about. Once you're able to detect it, its patterns, its triggers, you know how the perv is gonna talk to you.
Now that doesn't mean every angry people whose accusations make you feel guilty you'll meet have bad intentions, maybe you did act poorly and owe an apology, but if someone is using the rest of the world to make you feel like shit rather than explaining how you hurt them or a specific person, that's probably a perv.

>> No.20012961

I suppose by keeping it vague it causes their target to 'fill in the blanks' with their own anxieties and inadequacies. That's awful.
The real reason I asked was someone once tried to use a very similar line on me, something like "no one will ever tell you this so I might as well..." as part of a long rant they wrote to me. The thing that is very weird is they presented themselves as a victim of abuse, and so it's interesting to wonder: is the reason why their attempt to use this abusive language didn't work because they were unsuccessfully mimicking their abusers, were they an abuser themselves playing the victim, or were they just having such an obvious mental breakdown that I could plainly see through their intentions?
>but if someone is using the rest of the world to make you feel like shit rather than explaining how you hurt them or a specific person, that's probably a perv.
That's a pretty good heuristic I would guess.
>"They say..."
>"Everyone knows...."
>"You have no idea do you....?"

>> No.20012963


>> No.20012966

No. I don't have rage or anger, I just don't care about anything and am waiting to die

>> No.20013004

>The real reason I asked was someone once tried to use a very similar line on me, something like "no one will ever tell you this so I might as well..." as part of a long rant they wrote to me.

Damn, I'm sorry to hear someone put this shit on you. Hope you're doing better

>I suppose by keeping it vague it causes their target to 'fill in the blanks' with their own anxieties and inadequacies. That's awful.

Yes, that is exactly why highly neurotic people are vulnerable to it. The thing is a perv is not necessarily a very intelligent person, they even generally lack imagination and creativity because they put their will to the service of their impulses. So they don't even need to know the specifics of your anxieties, they just need to know the general way to trigger them.

> The thing that is very weird is they presented themselves as a victim of abuse

Yeah the victim complex is common among them. In many ways pervs are the opposite of the neurotic, they don't suffer from the bullying of a tyrannical ideal self, they have merged with it. They fully believe they are it, so there is no conflict with it, no gap between what one might desire to be and what one actually is. And an Ideal self, never does any wrong obviously, so the victim in our caricatural imaginary.

That's why being neurotic isn't necessarily a bad thing. It makes you highly self aware, it gives you the capacity to become better, to move beyond. But to achieve that it is required to find a way of making peace with the superego. Otto Rank suggests even that art is how you do that

>> No.20013021

>That's why being neurotic isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Based "you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like" poster

>> No.20013068

Thanks for this. I think I knew I was really quite narcissistic for a long time but noone has ever reflected it back at me because I'm so manipulative through agreeableness and that tends to avoid detection by most people. I probably either avoid or play dumb with people who I don't think would be susceptible to it.
I had multiple IQ tests done in the last year or so at request of my therapist and it's made me so much more depressed and self aware of how calculating I really am. Sometimes you manipulate so hard and so good, and when you never really turn it off, you really start to drink your own kool aid. IQ tests can be bullshit, but high pattern recognition makes people so easy to read and play with. I am so gross. I've never done a thing for myself. I just leech off of everyone else's hard work and they're all so happy to have me.

Anyway I have been in a relationship for about 6 months now with a "perv" type and I'm addicted to him. I love the games and how he can't keep up with me and he loves those things too. It's a really fucked up relationship and I should probably back off of it. In recognizing what an abuser I am, I just latched onto another abuser so we can fling shit at each other all day.

>> No.20013103

Don't beat yourself too harshly, it's of no use to go so hard on the paint, guilt can be a good advice giver only if you let yourself in capacity of acting upon it. If you are capable of seeing this about yourself then it means you are still capable to reconnect with your neurosis. Not many people who have gone so far on the path you have taken still have that opportunity, most won't recover from it. You still have that chance to come back, consider it a miracle fren, it seems you already know what to do in your life

>> No.20013185

Eh, not really. That kind of explanation is no different from when women try to claim that all men’s anger comes from a place of insecurity or an inability to adequately confront their “deeper” emotions, rather than taking the emotion at face value. Depression is depression- it’s a disenchanting frame or horizon that is impossible to see beyond or escape from. It’s not some kind of cover for other emotions, people who say that are effectively saying that they don’t believe you when you try to tell them what’s wrong. It really bugs me when armchair psychologists try to find a “deeper” meaning behind your feelings to the point that they completely ignore what you’re telling them directly.

This is an interesting take but I’d argue is closer to imposter syndrome than depression. The two are definitely linked but they aren’t the same thing.

>> No.20013254

No not at all. Your feelings are exactly what they are, they are totally transparent to the person experiencing them. But your feelings are not an explanation to themselves, they do not provide the mechanism that leads to their manifestation, and feelings are not spontaneous, they do not appear randomly. Not all anger or abuse come from a place of insecurity. In fact, bullies have high self esteem, they believe they are the best they can be.
Depression is the most extreme point of neurosis. It is a place of total despair, where action is rendered impossible, but it doesn't emerge suddenly.

>> No.20013268

On impostor syndrome, yeah it is a common symptom among the neurotic kind. Depressed people often have experienced it before they fall ill. But depression is obviously a whole other level. That's what is interesting about psychoanalysis theory in my opinion. Instead of focusing on the frontier between the normal and the pathological like the behaviorist tradition. It studies the continuum between them.

>> No.20013295

Very informative, thanks. Is there any book or reading material i can more read on this?

>> No.20013312
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>> No.20013317

>your feelings are not an explanation to themselves, they do not provide the mechanism that leads to their manifestation, and feelings are not spontaneous, they do not appear randomly
This is true, but it goes both ways. That mechanism might not be transparent to you, but nor is it transparent to the person suggesting that there are “other” emotions driving your rage, or that somehow your anger is the result of a kind of emotional immaturity or refusal to confront the real feelings behind it. I’m aware I’m going a little off-topic since this is supposed to be about depression, but I think it’s still relevant.

Maybe I’m projecting a little here, and maybe this is just my latent misogyny bleeding through, but it seems to me to be a common occurrence that women only want men to express their feelings in a way that satisfies them, rather than encouraging us to fully embody the emotions that we are actually feeling in the immediate moment. Unless that anger can be codified in terms they can understand (eg, anger resulting from insecurity, anxiety, etc.), then they will inevitably demonise it. To them, male rage for rage’s sake is the embodiment of toxic masculinity; unless it can be re-transcribed in terms of emotional sensitivity, then it inevitably appears to them as an unjust violence.

>> No.20013324

The problem is you don't know what you feel.

>> No.20013363

In my opinion, Otto Rank's The Art and the Artist is the best on neurosis, he basically contradicts Freud on its origin (the Œdipus complex) and believes it actually forms with the formation of consciousness of death (which happens a little bit before the œdipus). It's kinda a heavy read so as an introduction I'd still recommend 2 major articles by Freud on the matter "Neurosis and Psychosis" and "The loss of reality in Neurosis and Psychosis" (both 1924). You might as well check on Ferenczi, he wrote very interesting bits on war neurosis.

>> No.20013368

No. Nothing Freud or any other psychoanalyst has ever written is true. It's all bullshit with the fanciest form of dressing. It's worthless.

>> No.20013398

Actually there’s a lot of contemporary research into metacognition in fields like neuroscience which is showing that Freud wasn’t far off with his concept of the superego. Also things like the unconscious mind, repression, etc… he was wrong about a lot (if not most) things, but only a very dull-witted person would fail to see how his contributions (wrong though they were) can be highly illuminating. Even bad ideas can be good springboards for fruitful discussion.

>> No.20013408

I totally see what you mean. I do believe that rage, anger and suffering are "sad passions" as they are manifestations of suffering but they are not sadness itself, and it is important to make the distinction between them. An angry person is still in a position of acting, it's even the last resort before incapability.
Now us women tend to pass our agressivity and antisocial behaviors through other ways than men. Men commonly (but not necessarily) express agressivity through physical violence and sometimes even sexual violence. Women commonly do that by the destruction of reputation and sense of self. That s why masculine sociopathy requires omerta and femine sociopathy on the contrary tries to recruit as many bullies it can. Neither is better than the other since they both lead to the target's suicide. The myth of masculine toxicity is typically a tool that goes in that direction, it fosters on the idea that a parasites devour men from the inside and needs removal through education and though submissiveness to the agents of civilization they claim to be. The funny part is that when you inspect what they actually refer to as toxin, is virility...

The truth is, the best parts of masculinity come with the worst. Take the sense of honor. It allows one to be loyal, resilient and brave, to be a competent and strong member of a community. But it also renders vulnerable to suicidal tendencies, misplaced pride and paranoïa.
Same goes for feminity, what allows a woman to be empathetic allows her to quickly understand your fears and use it to destroy your sense of self

>> No.20013411

so to fix depression you have to rape your therapist

>> No.20013412


>> No.20013420

Yes absolutely! The main problem with the unconscious as a concept is that it is unfalsifiable. René Girard and his mimetic violence have shown how we do not need it to understand what Freud was trying to explain. However he is, like you said, still a major name in our modern understanding of the mind, I think it is still important to read at least a bit of him to get how we arrived where we are standing

>> No.20013441

> Men commonly (but not necessarily) express agressivity through physical violence and sometimes even sexual violence. Women commonly do that by the destruction of reputation and sense of self. That s why masculine sociopathy requires omerta and femine sociopathy on the contrary tries to recruit as many bullies it can. Neither is better than the other since they both lead to the target's suicide.
That’s a neat distinction and well-elaborated. You seem to have a very balanced perception of the differences in emotional management between the sexes.

>The funny part is that when you inspect what they actually refer to as toxin, is virility...
Yes! No wonder so many men are petrified of symbolic castration these days. The femme fatale myth was never a disservice to women, in fact it highlights just how powerful and dangerous their capacity for empathy really is. If you have a keen intuition about the most sensitive or delicate nerve endings throughout the body, then of course you would make an excellent torturer. Just as the aspects of pride, loyalty and honour associated with masculinity opens them up to tyrannical oversight and undeserved self-confidence.

Some great food for thought here anon, thanks.

>> No.20013442

No sadly you gotta think bigger. Rape your mom. Then rape your dad. And then rape congress and then rape the president and then rape the fed.

>> No.20013457

There’s also the value of his work to literary studies that shouldn’t be overlooked. An essay I would highly recommend reading is You’re So Paranoid, You Probably think This Essay Is About You by Eve Sedgwick (great title). She basically talks about how the hermeneutics of suspicion inherited from thinkers like Freud and Nietzsche aren’t necessarily true in of themselves, but rather can be used in an inverted fashion to illumination the mechanisms of repression that lead people to believe in crazy persecutory delusions or paranoid conspiracies. She relates it to the AIDs epidemic, suggesting that even though conspiracies that the US government invented HIV to kill gay and black people arent necessarily true, the fact that people are willing to believe these kinds of things tells us a great deal about the kind of world we live in.

In the case of Freud, maybe the Oedipus complex was an instance of pure projection- maybe he was the only one who wanted to fuck his mother and wrongly assumed everyone was like him. Nevertheless, that kind of penetrating self-investigation helped to bring about a symbolic understanding of Oedipus in terms of society and the individual, navigating between desire and social prohibition, thinking on what we are permitted to desire and what is withheld from us as degenerate or perverted.

>> No.20013470
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No. Depression is just lack of action. Just go do something. Deeds not words. Stop thinking so much.

Psychologists and psychiatrists etc make money out of people being "mentally unhealthy", if people were mentally healthy they'd have no job. Its a con.

>> No.20013479

>just man up bro
Lots of great discussion in this thread and you unironically thought that was a valuable input lmao

>> No.20013486

It is though. Your proclivity for ruminating over action is what landed you in depression. You must examine this even if it gives you cognitive dissonance like it just did.

>> No.20013487

Specifically exercise. Push yourself to the limits of your capability. If you're not uncertain whether or not you'll be alive in the next 30 minutes then you're not pushing hard enough. The world will feel absolutely new and even sweet after this.

>> No.20013494

I don't think so because rage turned inward can still be rage.
But it's out of context. Maybe he was alluding to depression as being self-flagellating, I don't know.

>> No.20013495

Sweet I’m doing this in a couple hours after I work some and eat.

>> No.20013496

I’m not depressed fucknut, it’s just interesting to talk about. But by all means, keep engaging in repression. And whatever you do, don’t think about the alarming male suicide rate.

>> No.20013504

You are depressed bro

>> No.20013505

Thank you my pop/armchair psychologist, it’s always nice to have unqualified people diagnosing me over the internet based on a couple of posts.

Also, didn’t you just say that mental illnesses were made up by psychiatrists for the sake of profit? How can I have depression if it doesn’t exist other than as a money-making scheme, according to you?

>> No.20013519

Oh thanks anon for the reference. On my way to libgen to look into it !

>> No.20013520

Why are you so mad? It’s messing with your reading comprehension

>> No.20013531

Where am I mad, and where did I misinterpret what you said?

>> No.20013540

The whole thing buddy

>> No.20013545
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>durrrr you’re wrong
Okay thanks

>> No.20013942

This is exactly what he was talking about. Lots of words and thinking instead of moving your body and actually doing something. Action is the currency of the universe.

>> No.20014560

>the unconscious as a concept is that it is unfalsifiable
literally demonstrated by the fact that you (presumably) don't shit yourself

>> No.20014572

When I stopped hating myself and started hating others my depression went away.
Takes some effort to stop hating oneself, however.

>> No.20014702
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God forbid anyone actually does any thinking in this place. You’re right, instead of talking on /lit/ we should all just sit at our computers and flail our arms around like retards.

>> No.20014718
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>Rape the fed

>> No.20015582

True. There are those who operate by the pleasure principle, normies and hedonists, and those who operate by the death drive, incels and ascetics. The former are by definition sadistic in nature, since masochism violates their ethos, they are out to avoid pain. The latter are masochistic in nature, because they engage in self-destructive behaviors. they do not avoid pain. Not being sadistic by nature, any rage the second category feels is turned inwards, perverted upon themselves. In the first case, rage is expressed outward and pleasure is derived from it. The hedonists take pleasure in taking their rage out on the world, because they must not feel pain. The ascetics internalize their rage, because feeling pain is their way of life and they perhaps lack the ego to express it outwardly or are otherwise repressed by the superego to do so. However, the hedonists are not without their own form of torment, for they are like carnivore that must keep seeking meat else it perish. They squirm in unfathomable anguish in the absence of pleasure, they soon die without it. The ascetic lives less cravenly, but his torment is the endless visions of the ecstasy of which he is depriving himself. The masochist is haunted by ghosts of pleasure taunting him with accusations of a wasted life.

>> No.20015625

Depression comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of yourself, and by thinking that the mind is you, rather than a tool of you.
A healthy person will live so in touch with the body that the mind would only turn on in situations of danger/ embarrasment.
The mind is a survival mechanism, but that is all it is. In the white western anglo world they tell you from birth that your thoughts are who you are, and they repeat that lie at a feeble age and it can fuck you up until you realize this fundamental misunderstanding of who you are.
All neurosis comes from believing that this survival mechanism is essentially you.

>> No.20015633

>so to fix depression you have to rape your therapist
>you have to rape the rapist
Bravo, Freud.

>> No.20015829

Depression is a specific state. It's a vaguely defined area of cognitive behavior with a thousand influencing factors. Psychologists are fucking embarrassing, almost as bad as psychiatrists.

If you're depressed, something is bad. It might be fixable. it might not be. The ultimate secret is that you don't be depressed forever, so you can often just wait until it goes away while reassuring yourself that the feeling isn't permanent. This is how you can avoid suicide even when strongly compelled to kill yourself. This is not medical advice and I strongly endorse cognitive behavioral therapy contrary to my previous statements

>> No.20015869

>Also things like the unconscious mind, repression, etc…
Can you direct me to any literature that shows how he was wrong about the unconscious mind? This is very relevant to my current interests.
I'm basically trying to understand rumination: why people (i.e. me) think over and over about certain unimportant things.
Even when I do shit I look around and go "Now I'm tired and still depressed". This advice doesn't work, or is so vague that even if there's some truth to it it's impossible to implement.

>> No.20016424

>Damn, I'm sorry to hear someone put this shit on you. Hope you're doing better
Thank you. To be honest it didn't hurt me much at all, I didn't take it personally. However I still think about it because she was clearly suffering some deep mental shit. I feel guilty about ceasing communication with her when it's clear she needed help, but on the other hand not only is there nothing I could do, and also - fuck her for lashing out at someone who has only been nice to her.
>So they don't even need to know the specifics of your anxieties, they just need to know the general way to trigger them.
I think I've just got very good coping mechanisms. Because I'm very neurotic but chose not to take it personally. As you say: neurotically self-aware.
>Yeah the victim complex is common among them. In many ways pervs are the opposite of the neurotic, they don't suffer from the bullying of a tyrannical ideal self, they have merged with it.
See this is what got me thinking: is she a victim of abuse who is mimicking the patterns of her abusers, or is she an abuser herself with a victim complex.
Might check this out

>> No.20016488

>They adore secrets and often use your supposed ignorance "I know stuff that you cannot begin to imagine" without ever telling you exactly what they are refering to.
Someone who used to consider a friend did that to me, I started feeling very attached to him, and very dependent on his approval, some of his comments still bother me sometimes, we share a common group of friends, but as I said I don't consider him a friend anymore. Your post made me reflect a few things about myself and helped me understand a bit better what I went through, thanks.

>> No.20016506


>> No.20016538

This, I started boxing about a month ago after almost a year and a half of inactivity, I haven't felt better in a long time

>> No.20016831

>I just leech off of everyone else's hard work and they're all so happy to have me.
All you had to say is you're a woman and the rest would be implied

>> No.20016983

This place IS a depression nest.

Some people just want an excuse to be shit. That's all psychology is.

>> No.20016999

Boredom is a kind of tension, depression is a step out of the tension>release>recovery triangle.
depressed people don't get angry, anger is energetic and vital while depression is an absence of both.
You're probably just another negative creep, full of needs but afraid to act, standing scared and greedy at the edge of things.

>> No.20017002

>That's why the left has so many of them
The mental health of the world is sorted in a binary political graph.
Amerifats are fucken insufferable

>> No.20017976

women want to chop your balls off

>> No.20017980

What's rage turned outwards?

>> No.20018014

>Can you direct me to any literature that shows how he was wrong about the unconscious mind?
My point was actually the opposite- that fields like neuroscience have reached a stage where they can confirm some of his hypotheses to be more true than we might’ve initially realised. the idea of unconscious desires, for example, is seemingly confirmed by the fact that we can see the electrical impulses guiding our decisions before we have even consciously made the decision to act. I’m not aware of any scientific literature that completely blows apart ideas like the unconscious, but I’m sure you could certainly find some which challenge some of the assumptions that underline it.

>> No.20018025

Agency is not as simple as you’re making it out to be. Yes people often do indulge in a kind of fatalism w/r/t their mental health, but that’s also literally a symptom of poor mental health lmao. To say that they are entirely responsible for their inability to improve is incredibly reductive and doesn’t adequately address the nuances to the discussion at hand.
>That’s all psychology is
See what I mean? You think you can boil something as ineffably complex as mind down to a statement as simple and unambiguous as that. It’s completely lacking in rigour and scientific scrutiny.

>> No.20018105
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Depression is a regulating factor in all living things designed to keep their population and resource consumption in check
To put it simply depressed people don't do things and in the context of living organisms "doing things" ultimately boils down to eating and reproducing
This is the harsh truth that humans do not want to accept, that they are all getting more and more depressed and unmotivated for a good reason

>> No.20018108

Unironically though how bad is the viewpoint that depression is "chemicals in the brain" and you need to take these pills bro?

>> No.20018154

>Some people just want an excuse to be shit.

Has it ever occurred to you that your boomer-tier philosophy of "le just do things" is actually just how you are as a person?

The fact that you aren't mentally ill isn't because you do shit anon, you do shit because you aren't mentally ill.

>> No.20018163

> Depression is a regulating factor in all living things designed to keep their population and resource consumption in check
Damn, this might be one of the most blackpilled takes I’ve seen that is actually somewhat plausible. Depression is just the manifestation of the death drive as an evolutionary mechanism for population control. Which would mean it only comes about when a sapient population reaches some kind of terminal point at which the race would be better off with less people. Looks like the widespread prevalence of depression means we’re approaching the civilisational endgame lads. Time to get in your bunkers.

It’s bad, and ensures that the pharmaceutical industry has a constant supply of consumers. But then again, the “just work out bro just don’t think about it” response isn’t much better. There are no easy solutions.

>> No.20018284

>Depression is a regulating factor in all living things designed to keep their population and resource consumption in check
Living things are not “designed“, you are either a theist or an illiterate evo-psy bro who thinks he can make up whatever vaguely plausible sounding shit he wants.

>> No.20018289

>Depression is just the manifestation of the death drive as an evolutionary mechanism for population control.
Ha yes, “death drive“, a trait that was surely selected by evolution, you fucking retard.

>> No.20018312

When a system reaches an absolute limit of saturation, either the system needs to expand to account for the excess energy, or the excess must be pointlessly wasted. Read Bataille’s The Accursed Share. The death drive in this sense is an evolutionary mechanism that kicks in when a population reaches that limit. “Everyone surviving all the time” is not a good evolutionary characteristic to be selected for, it leads to too much competition for resources, space, etc..

>> No.20018316

Semantics. If he used the term “selected for by evolution” rather than “designed”, would you have the same contentions to his fundamental point?

>> No.20018386

Those who have recovered from depression, how many years did it take to feel things again? I can't feel anything. Thanks

>> No.20018402

No, depression happens when people live in a society defined by scum like (((Freud))) and are told that they have no greater purpose beyond mere existence.

>> No.20018404

Can you elaborate more on this? I'm not my mind? I feel much happier when acting by instinct of my body

>> No.20018406

It’s not really a question of time but breaking the cyclical thought patterns that affirm negative feelings with ones that reinforce positivity instead. CBT really helped me in that regard. Also getting a gf, but I’m aware that this is harsh advice for most people on 4chan.

>> No.20019241

Depression is apathy, lack of vitality, you're dead but alive

>> No.20019257

Basically, humans are the only mentally ill animal, because we turn our survival mechanism (The brain), into our entire idenity. The brain is an inherently negative entity as it is only concerned with your survivial.
The Western world has basically disregarded everything but the brain as useful, when its literally the other way around.
Your conciousness should be centered around your heart beat, your breath, your vision, and all the senses. If you do this, you will wake up.

Read the Power of Now by Eckart Tolle for a more in depth answer, but basically you just need to know that the mind is not you. You are the thing that listens to the mind, which makes you a distinct entity from the mind.

>> No.20019335

pretty interesting take.

>> No.20019391

except its wrong

>> No.20019435

People who say stuff like this never read more than 2-3 books of said psychoanalysts(if that)

>> No.20019450

The crazy thing is the unconscious is actually foreign to humans.

>> No.20019502

I am the center of the universe, the ego said.

>> No.20019521

>itt extreme cope
The truth is you all love it.

>> No.20019568

The center of the universe is God.
You're depressed because you think you are the center of the universe or that there is no center at all

>> No.20019635

You wish it was wrong because you identify with your clever mind. You are probably ugly, or not very socially gifted, so you turn to identify with being clever.
Being a "thinker" is the refuge for the inferior person.

>> No.20019741

I find that "leaving it to God" is a shortcut for avoiding the hard lessons of man's bounded rationality. It's really just a euphemism for the realization no one knows anything, a conclusion one can arrive to with experience. It achieves the same goal of humility, but without the journey. Granted, a life without faith is equivalent banging one's head against a wall until you figure out the wall is stronger than your skull.

>> No.20019891

.t never read Freud

>> No.20019904

You're depressed because you realize that the personality you created and wore for the majority of your life is not good, and now you feel like you have no purpose in life.
Depression is basically your body teaching you a lesson that you need to change, or die.

>> No.20019909

t. Triggered Anglo who is buttmad that Freud doesnt neatly fall into his gay little rules of science

>> No.20019927

>depression as connected with chronic boredom
this is absolutely, completely untrue and extremely simplistic. depression isn't "ugh I fap and play vidya all day and I'm sad", there are people who are legitimately struggling not to kill themselves.

>> No.20019941

>Also getting a gf
my experience with relationships was a major contributing factor to my depression. I always felt even more alone when I had someone who "loved" me, I have always felt like all relationships need to be at surface level because going any deeper starts to alienate the other.

>> No.20020731


>> No.20020736

>is not good
How is God not good lol

>> No.20020779

> going any deeper starts to alienate the other
That sounds more like a compatibility issue than relationships in general actively worsening your depression. It’s not easy to find someone you feel a genuine connection with, let alone with depression. But for the right person, there should be a motivation to improve, not just for her, for yourself too. Seeing yourself through another’s eyes is a terrifying experience, but it’s one that can shake you out of your inaction, as it did for me. It’s as I said with cyclical thought patterns- they can either reinforce negative emotions, or positive ones. Right now your attitude to relationships is reinforcing the negative feelings, because you associate relationships with alienation. But that’s all it is- an association. It’s not an immutable law. You have the power to change that for yourself, even if it isn’t apparent to you right now.

Maybe my advice about relationships was a little premature, I can only speak for myself and how meeting someone special truly changed my life for the better. But I really do stand by CBT, it unironically helped me so much.

>> No.20020824

Oh shit, my bad. Anything on the topic of the unconscious interests me right now: supportive or dismissive. I'm not looking to confirm a belief I already have. I'm just trying to understand the nature of unwanted or impractical rumination.

>> No.20020835

What the fuck do you come up with vidya or fapping and what the hell do have to do with being so chronically anxious that you are no longer able to react with fear to stimuli because you're numbed to those stimuli?
I swear to god sometimes you people are hallucinating sentences and topics that aren't even there.
If you lived in a warzone, bombs dropping for weeks on end, wouldn't you eventually become 'depressed' instead of shivering with fear? If you live in constant fear of an abusive partner or parent, wouldn't you eventually 'disassociate' from the abuse as it becomes routinized?

>> No.20020838

>Just man up bro
>Just do something, like hit the gym IDK
Le stoicism squad has arrived.

>> No.20020909

>Psychologists and psychiatrists etc make money out of people being "mentally unhealthy", if people were mentally healthy they'd have no job. Its a con.
If it's a con, explain to me why my therapist has told me exactly this, then:
>Just go do something. Deeds not words. Stop thinking so much

>> No.20022311

Probably because they sense that your such a pathetic fuck that you wouldn't do it anyway / they know you've come to depend on them to be someone to bitch to.

>> No.20022699

anon, ur my hero this women's history month oxo u seem very intelligent and ur what I aspire to be

>> No.20022711

hikikomori in grand lingo.

>> No.20022726
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>This is not medical advice and I strongly endorse cognitive behavioral therapy contrary to my previous statements

>> No.20022731

i reckon he's got a point. if kurt cobain was sitting in a room feeling depressed and a midget ran in with a knife and started trying to stab him to death kurt wouldnt be depressed anymore.

>> No.20022734

>ou are either a theist or an illiterate evo-psy bro
You are clearly not aware of non-theistic Aristotelianism then.

>> No.20022747

an example of >>20015582 ideas of a sadist

>> No.20022751


>> No.20022765

>Which would mean it only comes about when a sapient population reaches some kind of terminal point at which the race would be better off with less people
GTFO this is not a sci fi thread

>> No.20022778


>> No.20022794

the cure to depression is a life threatening situation

>> No.20022810
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Aka suicide

>> No.20022845

You’re wrong anon. I’ve seen severe depressed people take what ever beating came their way in full apathy. I can imagine self destructive needs that welcome getting stabbed and suppress and flight fright fight response.

>> No.20022871

How is it sci-fi to say that population growth/indefinite societal expansion has a point at which it becomes a detriment to the species? What do you think happens when there are too many foxes and not enough rabbits?

>> No.20023039

>Looks like the widespread prevalence of depression means we’re approaching the civilisational endgame lads. Time to get in your bunkers
My conclusion, Your a Faggot

>> No.20023373

people are forced to supress their rage in order to live in society. this is what we call the shadow. as time goes on the shadow makes an effort to re-emerge and the continuous supression of it is what causes depression. more specifically, it is the avoidance of rage that causes depression. the cure for depression is to integrate your repressed shadow into your constious personality.

"Beneath the surface a person is suffering from a deadly boredom that makes everything seem meaningless and empty ... as if the initial encounter with the Self casts a dark shadow ahead of time." - Carl Jung

short term supression of negative emotions is important because people are stupid and they don't know how to properly display violence in a manner that is usefull for society. but in the long term, you have to study philosophy and learn how to properly manifest your negative emotions in a manner that is not destructive.

to give an example, >>20012893 is correct, but in the society that we live in this behavior is not acceptable. therefore, you must identify the problem and find a rational solution for it without using violence. if you solve the problem, the rage will go away. but the initial step is always to recognize that the rage is there in the first place. many people are blind to their own rage which then leads to the rage leaking out without them realizing.

>> No.20023730
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I dunno, I like Andrew Solomon's description of depression better