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20011266 No.20011266 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: the worst book you have ever read

>> No.20011270


>> No.20011278

Quitters, Inc. and Lawnmower Man by Stephen King
Not technically standalone books but still

>> No.20011285

>Amy Schumer
are you stupid or do you just enjoy wasting your life?

>> No.20011295

I was doing an 8 hour car ride and my friend thought it would be funny if we listened to her audiobook on the way. We had to take several breaks because of how bad it was.

>> No.20011296

You're nor referring to Qumran, are you?
Just checked. It's some Jap shit.

>> No.20011300

get out. this is /lit/, meaning that we read here

>> No.20011303

doubt it

>> No.20011304
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Who else was assigned this in high school?

>> No.20011306

maybe not the absolute worst, but the worst i've read in recent memory was Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke. heard good things about it and was expecting a psychological drama but it was just 2edgy, and not even in an interesting and thought provoking way

>> No.20011314
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Didn't have to read that one, but I did have to read this piece of trash. It's about some lady who chooses to live in poverty and then complains about it for 200+ pages. My asshole teacher decided to assign us this book over Christmas break.

>> No.20011316
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>> No.20011317
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>> No.20011321

One Hundred Years of Solitude
Crime and Punishment is a close second

>> No.20011323
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>we read here
>on /lit/

>> No.20011327

The Holy Bible.

>> No.20011330

Picked up one from Wal-mart when I was a teen. Book was about people turning into wolves and raping women. There's a scene where a dude takes his girlfriend's used tampon out of the trash and sucked on it.

The Chocolate war and it's sequel were comically bad.

House on Mango street also sucked.

>> No.20011339

If we're going by popular authors, I think vonnegut was shit

>> No.20011343

>Book was about people turning into wolves and raping women

>> No.20011347

I'm halfway through Herzog and it's making a case for itself

>> No.20011361

I honestly haven't read many books I didn't like but The Hunger Games is probably the only one I don't remember fondly. Read it back when it was popular to see what all the hubub was about and I just found it annoying and soulless. I'm glad that sort of genre is slowly dying out.

>> No.20011376

I honestly hate any kind of books that center around organized oppression. The Hunger Games just made me depressed more than anything.

>> No.20011387

Pride and Prejudice
Jane Eyre
Wuthering Heights
To the Lighthouse

>> No.20011392

I wonder what the commonality is to those books....

>> No.20011402

I'm a brainlet. Pls explain

>> No.20011416

all written by white people.>>20011387 is a racist.

>> No.20011444

They are all genuinely terrible books

>> No.20011455

Fuck you, I just spent 2 minute reading about this on Goodreads

>> No.20011511

I dont know if its the worst but I could never get into Dune. Quit about a quarter of the way through.

>> No.20011729
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Does it count if I didn't finish it.
Also holy fuck at the number of people who mention Dune in these threads. I'm guessing it's the only sci fi or fantasy novel you've ever read?

>> No.20011812

The ass rape was a bit much

>> No.20011835

the five books of moses

>> No.20011878

The Art of War

>> No.20012147

Probably one of the Warrior cats books

>> No.20012177

Yeah, but it wasn't the worst thing I read. That title goes to Native Son which is just a vulgar propaganda piece. Kite Runner was alright, my main gripe is that the villain of the novel in fucking Afghanistan is some blonde haired white guy.

>> No.20012181
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>> No.20012187

Seems kind of try-hard and contrived. What did you think?

>> No.20012190

What's so bad about it?

>> No.20012193


>> No.20012280

He didn’t like the title. It infers that we used to worship goddesses. Graves romanticizes the idea there used to be a matriarchy

>> No.20012297

There are other worse books, but I have dropped those midway.

>> No.20012325

“So Sad Today” by Melissa Broder. A friend lent it to me, and the essays were so disgusting and narcissistic and fucking weird that reading them made me want to shoot myself.

>> No.20012357

>I didn’t get it

>> No.20012453
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It was so bad i remember it 10 years later for being trash

>> No.20012496

These are probably the worst books i've read:

The Sun Also Rises
Slaughterhouse 5
The Da Vinci Code
Angels and Demons
The Satanic Verses
Catcher in the Rye
Death of a Salesman

This excludes SFF as there's waay too much trash in those genres that i've read

>> No.20012507

>the number of people who mention Dune in these threads
It's hyped, but it sucks. I've been reading scifi for over 20 years, but I only read Dune a few months ago. It's the worst scifi I've ever read. A novelization of Star Wars would be better.

>> No.20012533

Easily Ready Player One

>> No.20012540

The mistborn books by sanderson were pretty bland
I was pretty dissapointed by the Wheel of Time finale
I used to read webnovels and so my palate is somewhat desensitized.

>> No.20012942

Look up the authors.

>> No.20012958

Albert Camus - The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.20012964
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Yeah that was fairly rubbish.
You're wrong about this
No, he was great
Not the very best, but not so bad.
Native Son is fine for propaganda. Cages Bird Sings is really horrible.
Well, what the fuck do you enjoy, you contrarian prick?
Yes, Dune really is poor in many respects.

>> No.20013139

Why did you even read that lmao

>> No.20013152

The Poisonwood Bible

>> No.20013170

Womyn "authors"

>> No.20013217

No it was the author's sexual fetishes come to life. There was a scene were a woman giver her boyfriend a golden shower. Never finished it because nothing happened after so many pages.

So bland I don't remember the title.

>> No.20013236
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As a teen i got this in the airport bookstore. It is still the worst book i have ever read.

>> No.20013257

what didnt you like about it? i enjoyed it.

>> No.20013303
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I must confess that I've never read this in full, but I really don't think I have the willpower.

>> No.20013390

Norwegian Wood was physically painful to read.

>> No.20013396

Take a Girl Like You

>> No.20013555

Nigger of the Narcissus

Like what the fuck is the point of it? He's trying to be psychological? Literary tropes Man vs Man, Man vs Society, Man vs Himself? it's shit.

>> No.20013562

Yeah this was dogshit. Main villain was a caricature while the protagonist was a coward who throughout the entire book has everything fall into his lap.

>> No.20013598
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The worst prose i have ever read in my life, the politics are equally atrocious (inb4 stormfags try to defend genocide).

>> No.20014013

Will I like this if I really liked Kafka on the shore?

>> No.20014046

Fuck you, house on mango street is based.

>> No.20014060
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Read this during my Rand phase, and even then I could tell it was shit. Paper-thin characters, atrocious dialogue, almost no tension, and completely forgettable. All I remember is that it got me to stop reading her.

>> No.20014097

Camus - The Fall
Dick - Ubik

>> No.20014174

>Hey I got a great! What if we listened to Amy Schumer's book! You know, as a prank!
Is your friend retarded?

>> No.20014180

I stopped reading Pride and Prejudice halfway through because I just couldn't bring myself to pretend to care anymore. Maybe it's because I have a penis but it just felt like reading women gossiping, and nothing ever really happening.

>> No.20014196

They're all books that anon read.

>> No.20014251


>> No.20014314

The Bible

>> No.20014335
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Had to read this for a course. Was the only book I didn’t take back home with me after graduating. Think I left it on a couch in the university library, or perhaps even in a dumpster

>> No.20014397

Mind & Cosmos by Nagel.
> T. Idealist.

>> No.20014747

The Secret.
Never in my life has a book made me so viscerally angry as that. It was the first time I'd ever read anything in a book that was verifiably, totally, insane, and the fact that it's so popular amongst middle-class women depresses me.

>> No.20014811

but why did you read it?

>> No.20014830

The one in >>19984404 tbqh

>> No.20014896

Nothing But Blackened Teeth and there is no close second place. Utterly dreadful.

>> No.20014945

You can grab a random sci or or fantasy novel off the shelves at B&N that was published in the last five years and there's like a 99% chance it will be drastically worse than Dune.

>> No.20014946
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>> No.20014958


Ubik is not the masterpiece people claim. Do you enjoy other PKD?

>> No.20014960

Fuck, I remember Native Son. It was such garbage.

>> No.20014988


>Camus - The Fall

objectively shit, indeed

>> No.20014989
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I didn't mind Native Son, the plot was engaging and the humor landed for me. Great cross between noir stories and farce. The author goes really far out of the way to make sure that no character is conventionally virtuous, so it wouldn't be fair to call it propaganda.

The high school book I wound up hating the most was To Kill a Mockingbird. The tone was all over the place, and all of the characters were painfully flat.

>> No.20015052
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The sequels get even worse. I read them around the same time you did, because everyone else was too. The story completely unravels and by the third book Suzanne Collins is just pulling shit out of her ass to keep it going. It makes the worldbuilding and plot holes of Harry Potter look genius.

Anyways, pic related is the worst thing I've ever read. Can't believe I finished this shit even for a middle school book report. The author must've been a crackhead super-autist who tried to observe human socialization by watching Dhar Mann videos. All the characters and their dialogue were Twilight erotica fanfic tier, it felt like it was written by an AI. I was actually astonished that someone agreed to publish this book, let alone make it a movie.

>> No.20015075

catcher in the rye

>> No.20015088

>t. phony

>> No.20015092
File: 445 KB, 1068x1600, Spring Heeled Jack_COVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to read this a few years ago when I was going through a bit of a steampunk phase. I've always liked Spring Heeled Jack as a figure from folklore. This novel turned out to be perhaps the pinnacle of the strange trend of steampunk novels being in some way political or ideological. The author is basically an angry atheist who hates Christianity and used the novel as a way of communicating those feelings. I didn't finish it and to this day it's one of the only books I've thrown in the trash.

>> No.20015093

reading is for nerds lmao

>> No.20015113

Quran and it's not even close.
And I've read TKAMB and Diary of Anne Frank so it's on good authority.

>> No.20015350

I actually really enjoyed this series. There's a great twist at the end of the 3rd book. Books 4-6 on the other hand I didnt really care for.

>> No.20015852

Did he ease up a bit?

>> No.20016427

Sorry, I didnt notice all you said. Not saying it wasnt there.

>> No.20016692

>t. phaggot

>> No.20016703

hideous cover

>> No.20016822

what a turd

>> No.20016905

Herzog is the first book I quit in years. This was pretty recent. Started alright but gets Jewy to the point my eyes didnt want to look at the page anymore

>> No.20017738
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>> No.20018186

I couldn't stand One Hundred Years, but I absolutely can't understand not liking C&P

>> No.20018204

Anything by Shakespeare. Fuck him, he's the biggest meme.

>> No.20018273
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Not only because I hate Islam. Objectively speaking it is the worst piece of literature I've read. Didn't bother to read beyond the second chapter.

>> No.20018283

Why do you guys hate Murakami? Or is it just 1Q84 that annoys you? I have to ask because I agree with you otherwise in all other examples, but I really like Murakami. I know the history will eventually forget him and that he's not culturally important, however the man knows how to write and induce emotions. Way worse options out there. Anything by Barbara Cartland would be my go to answer.

>> No.20018401


>> No.20018449

Herzog inspired me to make a thread quite like this just yesterday. I gave up after about three pages, it was painful.

>> No.20018905
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you bought me anon. gotta need this audiobook so bad.
i see

>> No.20018909
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>> No.20019496

This book was shit and boring. It has no right being anywhere near the top 100, yet it was there since the beginning.

>> No.20020224

great song

>> No.20020316
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The Magus. It goes on, and on, and on with its stale shenanigans, and after some hundreds of pages you finally realise what the author was about, and that makes your opinion on it even lower.
At least normal shlock is short.

>> No.20020328

Now I'm curious about what your favourite books are.
I've read all of these except Kiterunner and Satanic Verses and didn't like any of them either

>> No.20020339

Lol, give me a quick rundown if you care to

>> No.20020366
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>> No.20020907
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It was recommended to me as some mind-opening book about society, but it turned out to be the subversive babble of a pseudo-analytical person flirting with socialist ideas of class struggle. And then just add some random passages about technology. Waste of time.

>> No.20020924

Unironically this. Cause of almost all the wars and strife in human history. Terrible little book for pea-minded people.

>> No.20021268

I liked this overall, but it had some pretty glaring problems.
>"I must return to my country, to fight the final boss... my childhood bully!"
>his orphaned secret cousin who's been assraped by the same guy his dad was gets a 360 noscope with a slingshot
Getting a pseudo-firsthand look at Afghan life prior to and then through the Soviet and Taliban takeovers was neat though, as well as seeing the struggles of especially his father adapting to immigrant life.
FAR from the worst book anyone has read.

>> No.20021272

>Cause of almost all the wars and strife in human history
>calls others pea-minded

>> No.20021282

shit lmao I remember reading a couple of these in highschool, "quality filter" did not exist in my brain
I barely remember anything that happened, but it was basically anime vampire highschool with sex I think.

>> No.20021324
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This was a big stinker, but from what I can tell it was nothing special; exactly what one can expect from YA bullshit. It is a bit aggravating trying to look up reviews/critiques and only seeing loads of praise for it because the only people who read this are those who seek out the genre for pleasure.
The one detail that's going to forever stick with me is how, when describing the poor conditions of the lower-class people in the capital who didn't have magic, the author wrote that they were all so stressed that the tips of their hairs had begun greying.
The tips of their hairs began greying from stress.

>> No.20021355

stupid redneck powerfantasy.... it was used by the cianiggers to stain the movement

True National Socialists are against genocide bro

>> No.20021568

You must be fun in mixed company.

>> No.20021618
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>the most godawful work of fictional propganda i have ever read

>> No.20021835

Corey Taylor's biography thing, it was like having him ramble nonstop in literature form

>> No.20021855
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This was far and away the worst book I have ever read. Granted, I was forced to read it in early high school so my standards probably shouldn't have been so high, but it was so abysmal that it left a lasting impression.

It's a shame, too, because I met the author and she was a very pleasant and nice person

>> No.20023061

By King:
The Regulators

By Clive Barker:
Mister B. Gone

>> No.20023069

Yeah Frankenstein is awful.
Wuthering Heights is a drag, though certainly misunderstood by a lot of people.

>> No.20023471
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>> No.20024109

I have read and enjoyed the following:

a LOT of Faulkner, especially Absalom! Absalom! and the Snopes trilogy
Borges' Collected Fictions and Selected Nonfiction
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Vargas Llosa's Conversation in the Cathedral and Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter
Brothers Karamazov
And Quiet Flows the Don
War and Peace
Hadji Murad
Master and Margarita
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Book of the New Sun
The Long Ships
Butcher's Crossing
Tortilla Flat
East of Eden
Moor's Last Sigh
Midnight's Children
The Long Goodbye
Paradise Lost
Blood Meridian
Outer Darkness
The Bell
The Black Prince
Ada, or Ardor
The Stand
The Plague
Lord of the Flies
Heart of Darkness
Madame Bovary
The Awakening
Name of the Rose
Wuthering Heights
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell

I've read a lot, still have a lot to go. Haven't read too much German lit yet nor hardly any Asian lit. I enjoy fantasy and science fiction too, but mostly that scratches a different itch than the list above.

Perhaps some of the books listed as the best or worst I've read are because of when I read them in my life, but I don't have time to go back and reread everything, especially if if felt like shit the first time through.

>> No.20024136

Why would you subject yourself to reading that trash? Are you male?

>> No.20024140

Light in August

I know many will disagree strongly, and I'm fine with that. I think I may have thrown the book away at some point at how absolutely annoying it was, and I almost can't believe I even finished the thing. Faulkner - never again.

>> No.20025444

but you'll definitely enjoy Wild Sheep Chase, Hardboiled Wonderland and Dance Dance Dance.
even though i've never read the english translations, those are rather close. considering all the hate for Murakami here, i assume it's all about the translations. the german ones are pieces of pure beauty and i'd call him one of my favourite novelists.

>> No.20025462
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This garbage in High School.

>> No.20025500

I can't really say since there haven't been any books where I said halfway through "man, this sucks" where I didn't just put the fucking thing down and move on. I've never really forced myself through a book I wasn't enjoying or thought had no intrinsic value to me. It's probably a personal failing, but it's also saved me a lot of time and has allowed me to discover a lot of stuff that I found generally brilliant as opposed to muddling through.

Fastest thing I've put down that I remember off hand was The Scarlet Letter. Though that might be more down to it being a school assignment to read from a teacher who was literally insane that sapped all my interest in reading it than the actual book itself. No, I don't want to write a three page essay on every chapter of every book I read, asshole. Fuck you.

>> No.20026275
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>we read here
Yes, it's integral to the experience of Amy Schumer's "Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo" that you go through it in hard-copy so that the prose can really breathe.

>> No.20026304
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This for high school English lit

>> No.20026369

I haven't read Angels and Demons, but I have read The Da Vinci Code. I don't think it's that bad, really, ***when you consider it on its own***. Yeah, the Jesus stuff is pretty, erm, inaccurate, but it's a nice story for learning about art history and that sort of thing. All the characters are pretty stale and one-dimensional, but the art history you learn more than makes up for it. Basically, it's a normie's introduction to art.

The issue is that apparently Dan Brown follows the same format for EVERY single one of his novels. Inferno is basically Da Vinci Code but with Dante's Inferno, Lost Symbol is the same but with freemasonry, etc. Once you've read one, you've read them all.

>> No.20026374

I am the first poster. I don't hate Murakami but 1Q84 was the first thing I read by him and I doubt I will ever read anything else by him. He might have some great stuff but 1Q84 was such shit that I have no interest in finding out, especially when considering that the pre 1Q84 memes suggest more of the same.

>> No.20026435

Godel Escher Bach

>> No.20026441

What did you not like about it?

>> No.20027008
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>Th'Arren, song of King L'arren the great ruler of the Iron Hills succeeding his father King Larrid the Jarrid whom in turn had succeeded this title from his father the legendary King Th'Orrid son of P'Enis, blah blah blah
Atleast it helped cure my insomnia

>> No.20027026

Catch 22
Beckett in general
Goethe in general

>> No.20027057

holy pleb

>> No.20027431

oh my god I was literally thinking of this book when I saw this thread. The fact it's written by a mother/daughter duo makes all the weird teen vampire sex even more fucked up.

>> No.20027646
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The earliest stories that have survived were orally passed down from generation to generation. To say the spoken word is of less value to that which is printed is to misunderstand the purpose of narrative. Writing off audiobooks because you view them as lazy substitutes for reading is nerd shit. Fuck outta here johnny and where the fuck is my science homework?

>> No.20027968

american gods and every other book i've read from neil gaiman

>> No.20028319

Effi fucking Briest. perhaps the worst book ever written. i will never understand the college circlejerks on Theodor Fontane. books with 500+ pages on wich nothing at all happens. european philologists seem to suck major dick.

>> No.20028330

Quitters Inc. wasnt bad

>> No.20028340

man I'm getting old, have no clue who or what that is.

as for bad books, I dropped Mikhail Bakunin's "God And The State" because the tipping just was too much, it fucking repulsed me internally.

>> No.20028345

What book/s did you have to read in school?
We had Great expectations and Of Mice and Men.

>> No.20028446

uh off the top of my head: To Kill A Mockingbird, Call Of The Wild, The Time Machine, A Modest Proposal (flew over my head and actually angered me I refused to do the assignment), Beowulf, Around The World in 80 Days, I think Animal Farm but not 1984, that 's all I can recall off the top of my head. I think we did read Of Mice And Men but forgot what the plot was about.

>> No.20028737

the alchemist

>> No.20028751

Most of those are pretty cool books.
Of Mice and men is about to guys, one is level-headed and the other is a retard. The retard kills things unintentionally and the level-headed guy tried to keep him in check the whole way through.
Don't want to spoil for anyone, cause I quite like Steinbeck and recommend the book.

>> No.20029142

>all the hate for Murakami here
Why do people hate Murakami? His books got me to love reading when I was a kid

>> No.20029171

You've been filtered by Frank, anon. But seriously asking, why did you hate it?

>> No.20029225

Buzz Aldrin, What Happened to You In All the Confusion? by Johan Harstad

A shy and introspective gardener has a quarter-life crisis and winds up in a psych ward on the Faroe Islands.

An interesting premise but hoooooly shit does his endless navel-gazing get boring after about 200 pages. He's a coward that lacks conviction to do literally anything to improve his circumstances; he just lets himself float across the surface of life and I got tired of waiting for him to change.

>> No.20029249

Anything by Stephen Spielberg
Anything by Grisham
I used to get these books for free from people who loved these authors. I was a bored kid in a small town and every time I read them it was bad.

>> No.20029253

This list. Exactly.

>> No.20029272

For me I hated

>> No.20029277


>> No.20029279

You might like Bronte more. Austen is overrated.

>> No.20029283

>by the Author of Another Shitty SJW Book

>> No.20029286

>by Ooka Looka Booga Snoogy

>> No.20029294

>The Times

>> No.20029301

This wasn't too bad. It gives a practical approach some kids need.

>> No.20029327
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Do Americans have to read Native Son as a prerequisite? I read the summary on Wikipedia and it is ghastly

>> No.20029368

I don't understand why I was forced to read that bullshit in highschool. Why does it have to be that book of all things? If they want us to read Jewish propaganda they could at least make us read "The Periodic Table" by Primo Levi. But no, it had to be a child's diary because "think of the children". I swear to god, she complains so much about her own mother that, as a joke, I opened the book on 5 random pages and in all of them she was bitching about her mother.

>> No.20029563

The point is to show some kid was a normal kid forced to hide then executed. That she was bratty is irrelevant.

>> No.20029568

Who would expect that you would need a degree in English geography to understand a science-fiction book?

>> No.20029602
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Forgot pic

>> No.20029632

is there a dude controlling that big spider thing or is it a creature itself?

>> No.20029854

my dads gotten into running fairly recently
is what i talk about when i talk about running good?
and would my dad enjoy it?

>> No.20029928

This what I’m talking about, my nigga.

>> No.20030350

T. Woman

>> No.20030370
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The cuckold Bible

>> No.20030389

He failed to believe and his life never improved.

>> No.20030404

Ok? But audiobooks are not oral stories meant to never touch paper and only be transferred by voice and memory.

>> No.20030445

kinda cringe to think it was an old man writing that shit.

>> No.20030480

Probably something for school. Effi Briest was shit and so was Emilia Galotti and also Fräulein Else. I hated Woyzek too but then again I hated the teacher so maybe I was biased.

>> No.20030992

A Separate Peace

>> No.20031432

>The worst book I've ever read is one I was assigned in high school

Christ you're all boring

>> No.20031514

I wouldn't willingly read a piece of garbage

>> No.20031517

there was a dude

>> No.20031596

I've had to teach this book so many goddamned times. I read half of it and then used the Sparknotes. None of my students will ever know.

>> No.20031605

Anything by Coetzee, honestly. Waiting for the Barbarians is the single most loathsome work I've ever read, and I've been through the entire Instapoetry catalogue.

>> No.20032527

Not only is it shit but it’s blatant propaganda

>> No.20032856

It was the only PKD i had, i´m just not interested in continuing

>> No.20032871

found the pleb

>> No.20032893
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I still think this one is an elaborate troll

>> No.20033429

>inb4 the bible, communist manifesto etc.

>> No.20033563

not only is it shit, but it's fuckin shit

>> No.20033607

is it the norm in every western country to be assigned in high school to read whole literature works? In Greece it is passages mostly from poetry

>> No.20033631

Typical redditors

>> No.20033634

I think my mom read that

>> No.20033639

i was reading all of john williams books a while back and his short story nothing but the night. that was terrible and i would have dropped it but i found it educational knowing that my favorite author could still write such boring garbage

>> No.20033646

From what I gather it usually is, followed by a writing assignment to make sure we understood what we read

>> No.20033680
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or just most youtuber books

>> No.20033700

explain "fun"

>> No.20033731


teachers can ruin every book. i recommend rereading those you disliked ten years after. i had this with Woyzeck and some post-war novellas.

>> No.20033991

it's a badly written book that teaches nothing of value. you just agreed with my point that the only value that comes from this book is "think of the children". if you think that's important, then maybe you should do some research about what the UN did to the nazi children. as far as I'm concerned nazis and jews are the same. the real victims were the people caught in the crossfire.
and for the record, I wasn't calling her bratty. her complaints were perfectly justified. I just can't help but laugh at the irony of her being abused and it wasn't even the nazis but instead her own mother.

>> No.20033998

>I got a great
Are you?

>> No.20034043
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If you like Anthony Burgess, you’re lying. Tried reading one page of A Clockwork Orange and pic related, put it down and threw both in the used bookstore 1$ bin. Total shit

>> No.20034052
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Not quite sure what I was expecting, but I don’t think a book has ever told me to kill myself quite so often in such a short span of pages

>> No.20034067

>It's about some lady who chooses to live in poverty and then complains about it for 200+ pages.
So Supersize Me but about being poor?

>> No.20034070

>Cause of almost all the wars and strife in human history.
Good bait here’s a (you)

>> No.20034076

If you think Hunger Games was bad, try to consider that Divergent is easily ten times worse

>> No.20034349

Because everyone here thinks he's to mainstream and thus an author for normies and fags

>> No.20034371 [DELETED] 
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A child captivates the world with blog posts about minimalism. The story centers around him hiding his identity as he becomes world famous for his shitposting.
[spoiler:lit] The story ends with the author faking his own suicide which is what I wanted to do for real after reading this garbage in highschool [/spoiler:lit]

>> No.20034376 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 280x500, larry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A child captivates the world with blog posts about minimalism. The story centers around him hiding his identity as he becomes world famous for his shitposting.

[spoiler:lit]The story ends with the author faking his own suicide which is what I wanted to do for real after reading this garbage in highschool[/spoiler:lit]

>> No.20034404
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the collective can oppress the minority. which is why you need a focus on the individual over the majority. for all the leftist in here, a fine example is gay sex marriage. all the states that voted, by democratic vote, to ban gay marriage. what protected the gay sex was #1, freedom of speech, #2 the system of checks and balances with the court, #3, representation. america was never a true democracy. its been a democratic republic since its birth. gay sex people were able to have people to represent them. a voice was given to the minority. the only reason why communist scream "democratic socialism / communism" because they think being able to vote for dear leader to fuck you in the ass will magically fix everything. communism / socialism / all that school of thought is just collectivist ideology.

collectivism is inherently oppressive because it puts the majority over the minority and promotes mob rule. it abolishes private property (you can live in this collective house comrade, but you don't own it, you just have permission to dwell in it, its personal property comrade, don't forget that), it promotes large centralization of rule and control, it rules by mob decree, it limits checks and balances because check and balances reduces the power of the collective, it nearly abolishes any forms of separation of powers because separation of powers reduces the power of the collective, it expands authority because the collective needs to strip people of private ownership and make sure no pesky person sells goods to ensure goods are "redistributed (under their authority of course)," etc. and then they wonder why communism / socialism always ends up so tyrannical.

no, "anarch" collective communes won't fix anything either. you are just splitting everyone up into mini states with the people living in those collectives being oppressed by the collective. and humans are tribal, humans will always end up creating some form of ruling board. there is no such thing as a "stateless" commune. its impossible. you'll just end up recreating feudalism from it. this is the reason why "real" communism can never be achieved. why the state can never be abolished. but

some people think they can reform marxism by tossing "democracy" on it. but its just used as a trojan horse in the end. so they toss it in front of their disgusting ideology to make it seem "good." see, communism isn't bad! its democratic communism! you vote for the leaders who will murder your family for owning their own farm and selling their grain they harvest instead of handing it over to the collective. with the rest tossed into the gulag system for free slave, eternal labor. but comrade, work under communism won't be the same as under capitalism! it will feel different! now dig the hole. all communism / socialism / marxism does is take a private sector monopoly and make it the de-facto authority. its like coca cola ruling your life and redistributing the goods. communism is the evil it warns about.

>> No.20034414
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and then above all, anytime anything inconvenient happens with their marxist ideology, they just scream "not real communism / socialism / marxism / collectivism." they always play word games. "oh they didn't follow the communist manifesto to the absolute T or no real marxist would have done that!" they sit there like christian theologians arguing over bible viruses over the REAL meaning of it! its why there are so many forms of "communism" because its left to enough interpretation they have as many versions of denominations of christianity. and they use that to scream "NOT REAL COMMUNISM!" when it does something inconvenient.

>> No.20034421

and no one ever wonders why so many communist revolutions were started by dictators. or why authoritarians hijacked the movements. its almost like calling for revolution, hippity hoppity abolish private property, seizing the means of production is attractive to authoritarians...