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20008249 No.20008249[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Western Europe seems like some kind of dystopia. What the fuck is happening? I realize the USA is largely to blame here but my god. We are reaching levels of absurdity I never would have imagined 10 years ago.

>> No.20008253

not a big loss for education

>> No.20008260

It's not shoved down enough throats and so I say this unironically.
>Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it

>> No.20008262
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>le open soceity face

>> No.20008282

Doesn’t Ukraine literally have an official Neo nazi army battalion called Azov battalion?


>> No.20008321

enemy of an enemy is a friend (while there is a war going on)
they're getting cucked and shamed to death in peacetime

>> No.20008326

Somehow i feel like this event has exposed the normie more than any other event in my lifetime.
The level of unashamed ignorance, delusion and the eagerness to fall in line is fucking putrid.

>> No.20008338

Unironically yes

>> No.20008339

most people are getting exhausted ith the anti-american, anti democracy attitude that pervades internet culture and this is a chance to celebrate the immorality of someone else for once. It's going to be an adjustment of perspective for a lot of people

>> No.20008341

You can’t expect much from cattle desu

>> No.20008356

You deserve to be oppressed.

>> No.20008358

WW2 turned Europe into a cuckold continent

Weirdly the UK has managed to become the only part with hope outside of London

>> No.20008360

In peacetime, what exactly do you expect a highly armed group of thousands of Neo nazis to do if they are in any way threatened by the weakened Ukrainian government?

>> No.20008368

If you don't know anything about the history or politics of a country then don't comment.

>> No.20008370

any sort of right-wing shit gets smashed immediately
last autumn, they did raids on bars and night-clubs. all of them got arrested within a week
I lived in Kyiv for 29 years but you're right, I should let western retards from the internet tell me how things are

>> No.20008372

Hey how come everyone is saying kyiv now. What happened to good old kiev? And everyone is pronouncing it "keev" in english instead of "kee-ev?" What the fuck

>> No.20008374

try actually reading retard. I didn't say anything about how I personally feel did I?

>> No.20008376
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Ukraine has been used as a vassal for US/NATO expansionism. Azov are literal neo Nazi savages that have been around for years. Russia will crush these scum. I am sad for the Ukrainian civilians killed and hurt especially the little girl riding her bike who was hit by a mortar and died. War is tragic. But if I had to pick a side I choose Russia. This is what flirting with NATO and poking the bear gets you. Most people crying over this are NPC’s.

>> No.20008379

ok putinbot

>> No.20008381

Kiev implies Kievan Rus. I think they did some kind of Orwellesque fuckery. Double plus good.

>> No.20008383

The most telling part about this whole situation is how un-shocked I am. The "democratic" "liberal" West has been regressing hard on its supposed identity, so much so that in my eyes it has stopped being "The West", because what is The West without the democracy it so chants about? People lack the ability to be honest, to themselves and to their fellows

>> No.20008386


>> No.20008387

Covid lockdowns didn't do that for you?

>> No.20008388

You're either a braindead twitterfag or too young to remember that all these wars had protests, especially the Iraqi one.

>> No.20008390

I’m not a “Putin Bot” you fucking subhuman cattle have no respect for the delicate balance of power in the world. Ukraine brought this upon themselves.

>> No.20008392

you keep posting but the number of unique posters stays the same. Curious!

>> No.20008394


>> No.20008395

They already reversed the decision after backlash, old news

>> No.20008398
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Take off your tinfoil hat you deranged lunatic and turn off CNN it’s turning your brain into mush

>> No.20008405

Iraq war protests never reached this level of hysteria.

>> No.20008406

>I am sad for the Ukrainian civilians killed and hurt especially the little girl riding her bike who was hit by a mortar and died. War is tragic. But if I had to pick a side I choose Russia.
So, r*ssia is bombing civilians and children but you choose to side with it?
The propaganda really did a trick on you gullible counterculture retards

>> No.20008412

The USA bombed a Doctors Without Borders hospital. The USA bombs civilians everyday. Obama carried out more drone strikes that killed civilians than even his predecessors. I don’t see much of the world and Western media condemning that. The Ukrainian military are not innocent either and have harmed civilians. In war there will always be civilian casualties it’s unavoidable and tragic. That doesn’t mean I will side with a literal CIA puppet who wants to have missiles and US military bases on Russia’s doorstep. If China put missiles and soldiers in Mexico the USA wouldn’t stand for it. This is exactly how Russia views what NATO is doing in Eastern Europe. Like I said you have no respect for the delicate balance of power in the world. You don’t respect the regional security concerns of other nations. No respect for the Minsk agreement of 2015. You are the real warmongering, bloodthirsty cattle.

>> No.20008414


>> No.20008418
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Haha doesn’t take away from the truth. See >>20008376 you fucking hypocritical NPC. Death to America.

>> No.20008424

What if I hate all of it? Does that still make me a Nato shill?
It did actually

>> No.20008433
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>it's not a war crime when Russia does it

>> No.20008463
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Don't basedsplain me, mutt.

>> No.20008470

Mearsheimer is based. He still maintains that view.


>> No.20008487

I don't think that's it. Kyiv is a transliteration of the Ukrainian spelling while Kiev is the Russian one. Both would lay claim to the heritage of Kievan Rus, or I guess Kyivan Rus. I'm not anglo though, and newspapers my country (which is definitely anti-Russian) still say Kiev.

>> No.20008490
File: 233 KB, 1024x908, reds-back-down-1200-1024x908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>status: russia did a bad (ignore the parallels to cuban missile crisis)
>order: ban russian things in outrage
>result: lots and lots of collateral damage
simple as, the line to fall on is russia = bad in the west right now, people don't realize that nato fucked ukraine not russia
TLDR; what's wrong with the west?
a lot but mostly idiotic bureaucrats following orders in a byzantic maze despite not understanding the repercussions of their actions, politicians worried more about public appearance for re-election than the survival of their country (if we die in m.a.d i don't have to worry about it, if we don't ill look super patriotic and pro freedom)

>> No.20008504

>status: russia did a bad (ignore the parallels to cuban missile crisis)
Russian propaganda. Ukraine was never close to joining NATO; any attempt would be rebuked.

>> No.20008508

>screenshot.png from twitter

You are what is wrong with the West. The sooner you kill yourself the better off we will be.

>> No.20008513

>ukraine was never close to joining NATO
and not a single silo was built on cuba, do you see how pre-emptive measures work and why guarantees of neutrality / border safety are necessary for there to be any trust with border friction nations? look at how finland handled being russia's neighbor for years, we had to keep from bowing to either west or east for a long time to ensure we don't get caught up in their politics and it worked until now, now some with history with ussr are having the next red scare and seriously considering what their options are to avoid becoming the next country russia attacks if shit hits the fan in there big time

>> No.20008519

American missiles were not en route to Ukraine. The Americans aren't stupid; they wouldn't want to provoke a similar crisis again, and I don't think they have, not directly. It's an excuse used by the Russian government to consolidate what they believe is their rightful clay. And don't believe I'm pro-American; I understand the necessity of Crimea for Russia's national security, I understand why Sevastopol is exceedingly important to them. And I'm not about to defend all the insane things the US tried to do to Cuba outside of the crisis.

>> No.20008526

fuck you

>> No.20008538

the tensions between russia and ukraine have been high for a long ass time, nato and the west pretty much propped ukraine up to be eaten by the wolves by getting too cozy with them
if you want to know how to survive as a border neighbor with russia you have to either be very small nation or a very neutral nation, if you start leaning too pro-west you threaten soiling relations with russia and ukraine only double down because the west was blowing smoke up their ass

>> No.20008546

>the west was blowing smoke up their ass
it's obama's puppet government ....

>> No.20008557

Again, that does not matter if Russia's leadership are entertaining delusions of imperial restoration. I used to subscribe to the idea that Putin was an highly pragmatic, if self-serving leader, but at this point I can't tell if he hasn't fallen into the trap of all dictators; that of surrounding himself with yes-men and building himself up to be something he isn't and cannot be. It's not as if I'm watching this from the western edge of Europe; my country is not a member of NATO, and while we don't have a land border with Russia, we share an inland sea and we do actually share an airspace "border". We've been forced to do the same thing as Finland for centuries, though with lower stakes. At some point one has to accept that Russia might not be doing what they are for rational reasons of national security, but for imperialist reasons.

>> No.20008564
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he should just write an open letter and denounce putin
problem solved

>> No.20008565
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the virtue signalling is getting pretty cringe at least i will save so much money never supporting any of these retards ever again

>> No.20008568

don't know whose satellite state it is but they clearly don't know how to live next to russia, at this point it doesn't really matter the future is not looking very bright for anyone involved, ukraines chances of winning are low to non-existent and if russia wins the sanctions are just going to stay in place until they force russia into the arms of the chinese even worse than they are right now
best case scenario would be if a neutral party negotiated an out for russia and the peace deal would lift the sanctions, prompt a new election in ukraine, give assurances that ukraine won't join nato and won't become the next cuba and then maybe pulling some russian citizens out of the region or redrawing the borders a little bit
as things stand now that seems like a pretty unrealistic thing to happen, no one in the west wants to admit that ukraine is getting fucked because of them so they just placate the public with giving russia sanctions which will only escalate russia's desperation to double down
>russia is so high on their own pro-state propaganda that they think they're in a position to expand
i highly doubt that, either ukraine was bedding nato / west or putin has gotten some bad intelligence from his underlings on how the situation was, attacking ukraine just to expand there seems like a retarded plan if there was not actual fears that ukraine might join nato / start housing nukes there

>> No.20008587

I think Russia simply misjudged their position utterly. Putin's ambitions for Russia have been known for years, haven't they? And it's not like the invasion wasn't planned; that much was made apparent when speeches and meetings that were supposed to be broadcast live as responses to whatever Ukraine/the West was doing were all pre-recorded. They're putting up an unconvincing stage play to justify an imperialist war. Maybe it wouldn't have happened if Yanukovych had remained as an obedient satellite leader, but I really don't believe that Zelenskyj is a western puppet either; if anything he and his government are the ones being pushed westward by the invasion. At some point one has to stop attributing the most rational and reasonable excuses to these countries, and I'd include the US in that; they've done plenty motivated by imperialist paranoia. The pre-emptive war is nothing new, and it's almost always a bullshit excuse by a strong nation to invade a weak neighbour, and as always they try to paint the weaker neighbour as a legitimate threat (in this case by accusing NATO of trying to puppet Ukraine).

>> No.20008597
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could be something as simple as a certain little country making sure west and russia don't get too cozy by prompting a invasion of ukraine and ensuring west hates russia and russia hates west due to sanctions, there are some small countries that have a history of meddling in foreign politics and who are not above a little bit theater to get what they want be it reparations or political gains, but that's just a theory
as it stands now both the west and russia are not only losing a potential future ally and ruining the hard work of years of building good relations and trust but are getting hit with economic backlash as well, i wonder who profits from war

>> No.20008616


>> No.20008629
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>> No.20008644

it's profiteers raking in dosh to cover for corona losses by throwing their satellite state to the wolves, these men with no roots to a nation who use europe as their cesspool sewage

>> No.20008646

The more women and left wingers are in an institution the more irrational and conformist these institutions become

>> No.20008647

At this point I'd genuinely prefer détente with china over russia. At least they don't invade sovereign nations and there's more to gain than from a third rate power with a fifth rate economy.
Unfortunately you can't expect good foreign policy from the west anymore, it's all emotionally driven.

>> No.20008655
File: 55 KB, 620x413, mosad-izrael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20008668

this kind of absurd wartime tribalism is pretty much a human universal. if the french started a world war tomorrow the world would "unite in solidarity" by swearing off french fries and banning the Eiffel-tower emoji.

>> No.20008674

ask yourself who actually benefits from this status quo and you'll find who stoked the fires

>> No.20008679

>elect jewish comedian as president
>dumb shit ensues
Fuck Ukraine, they brought this on themselves.

>> No.20008684

>no you see, it was actually the Ukrainian president that ordered the Russian soldiers to attack the Ukraine
Brainlets back to /pol:

>> No.20008686

>starred in a TV series in 2015 in which he played a high school teacher who becomes president on an anti-corruption anti-oligarch populist platform
>becomes president in 2019 on an anti-corruption anti-oligarch populist platform
He's manifesting his art, that's it

>> No.20008694

>it should only matter when the bombs dont advance jewish interests
Kys nigger

>> No.20008700

the funniest thing is the west will never point the finger where it should go for all the shit they've been through because the masses are too afraid of the j word after ww2, oy vey even the self hating jews are shaking their heads at this onceler shit

>> No.20008712

literally pull your heads out of your asses and look at who actually benefits from the bad shit that happens around you, but of course that is always just a mere coincidence because accepting the reality that your country is run by profiteer oligarchy from the shadows would be too horrid

>> No.20008713

Protests mean nothing if you keep dropping the bombs at the end of the day. Americans refuse to take any responsibility for the actions of their military, yet they claim to be a democracy. There was large opposition to the Vietnam war but that's really it, the following 20ish (or whatever number it is) countries the government decided to invade seem to have garnered no engagement or interest.

>> No.20008715

I'm sick of the US getting blamed for shit Jews are responsible for

>> No.20008717

>blame the puppet state whose heads got dragged into a war without some of them even being informed of the decision being made
how very machievellian of you, have your lackie do the dirty work and then throw them under the bus

>> No.20008722

you want to talk about war in iraq? direct result of the sanctions the oil sheiks imposed on US because they interfered with israels war followed up by a backroom fix that got sneaked into effect without people even being informed of the decision being made that ended up in a catastrophy where the only benefit was the restoration of import of oil, none of which would have gone down like that if US had stayed out of someone's war in the first place
it's not hard to look at the scoreboard to see who is playing the board against itself

>> No.20008731

man imagine if people weren't fucking retarded

>> No.20008734
File: 29 KB, 500x461, 3fe9d9ab2dfdb67d79324db939d01cc2--fanart-el-lorax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"if i wouldn't destabilize my (allies) for profit, someone else would~"

>> No.20008736
File: 133 KB, 807x1280, IMG_20220227_012006_112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most retarded take itt, you must be one of those bunkertrannies stinking up the site with their norm-core opinions.
>hurr this week da teevee man told me russia bad

>> No.20008743


>> No.20008746

>if the mainstream media tells me something is bad, then that means it's actually good
please drink cyanide
everyone says that it's bad, should be up your valley

>> No.20008748

Italian here: it has been just a professor who removed Dostoevskij from his course, it wasn't a decision of the university, and btw, we are talking about a shit tier university

>> No.20008750

>binary thinking
hello bot

>> No.20008753

You haven't gone further than binary in your own post, tranny.

>> No.20008756

Ukraine is a country of nazi nationalists. They are killing people living near the border because they want to speak a different language and hold a different passport. They also refuse to take in african and muslim immigrants. Not to mention its a hot spot for sex trafficking. Literal neo-nazi skinheads march in the street and have the support of government and police.
Why is media and the left siding with ukraine?

>> No.20008760
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>> No.20008762

because your view of Ukraine was shaped by r*ssian propaganda
as a Ukrainian I can't stop laughing at all this stupid shit you faggots post here, it's literal bizarro world

>> No.20008766

>Italians do dumb shit
>Americas fault
Eurochuds will never endthe cope

>> No.20008771

That is how the western media was reporting on Ukraine between 2016-2020. I forgot that NPCs were gold fish, you have only have short term memory.

>> No.20008778

You're full of shit, the western mainstream has generally been pro-Ukraine since 2014

>> No.20008782

One university in a college no one goes to does something stupid

>what's wrong with the west

What would /lit be without hyperbole.

>> No.20008783


>> No.20008794

are you seething so much you start misspelling things or are you a just a retarded, uneducated olgino shill?

>> No.20008799

People love war, and on top of that people love to be oppressed. I think the reason America is so good with its oppression is because it knows that beating people with sticks and putting them in camps only gives their lives meaning, and pain from opposition and combat occupies a special place in the human mind separate from normal pain.

>> No.20008800

>not conforming to amerimutt consensus is bootlicking
glow harder

>> No.20008815

So I should starting hording as much Russian literature as possible before it's too late?

>> No.20008824

Ukraine is Orthodox as well, midwit

>> No.20008873

All of this could end right now if that Jew Zelensky just surrendered but of course he won’t because it’s not his hide on the line, he’ll keep the war going and keep se don’t the Ukrainian people to die so long as he’s safe in his bunker.

>> No.20008885

not that anyone cares about the actual content of op pic, but that decision was already retracted. the decision was probably just a administrative basic bitch working at a low tier university that saw something saying "russian" on one of the lecture titles and thought she would get good girl points on social media for pulling it. a tale as old as time.

but go ahead, continue to discuss how the west is a dystopia because they're mean to your heckin daddy putin.

>> No.20008888
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No actually anti-american sentiment is extremely enjoyable and its spread has barely begun

>> No.20008891

The UK is currently the biggest instigator of this shitshow besides the US and is even more likely than milan to pull bullshit like OPs pic

>> No.20008916
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I think he's right, except for the word 'Jewish'

>> No.20008923

But I do have to say, pig fat bullets are based.

>> No.20009006

>Ukraine has been used as a vassal for US/NATO expansionism.

Why are they expanding?

>> No.20009009

>j-j-just stop noticing things!!!
slit throat

>> No.20009039

one of the main reasons you are seeing more widespread 'hysteria' now is because of social media

>> No.20009175

the UK will always obey americans
the only hope in europe would be france, but its ruling class is too busy trying to be american too

>> No.20009182

no, humanists have always been hypocritical, all the 200 years they have been in power

>> No.20009189

>libs are now doimg their own red scare

Horseshoe bros... i kneel!

>> No.20009273

>this is what you get for not doing what russia says!
i really don't get this line of reasoning. isn't the fact that russia invaded proof that ukraine was right all along to have a long term interest in joining nato (not that it was being seriously considered any time soon)? how fucking stupid are you? i thought the invasion would finally put this argument to rest.

>> No.20009300

the whole reason all these countries want to join NATO is that they know Russia is going to annex them for the n-th time in their history once Russia feels strong enough to do so again kek. NATO should've known this would happen the minute Ukraine became a separate country and moved to include them in NATO then, not de-nuclearizing them and giving them a security guarantee they wouldn't uphold. Or they should've just let Russia in NATO back in the 90s.

>> No.20009305

Somebody post that pic of azov soldiers proudly posing with israeli flags.

>> No.20009318

The Russian troll factories sure are busy lately.

>> No.20009320

I don't disagree, but russia gave them that security guarantee as well. why is NATO being held to such a high standard but we should all just expect russia to chimp out and there's nothing to be done about it.
the domestic abuse analogy is perfect here:
>woman's bf is abusive and controlling
>bf has beaten her in the past
>woman is concerned for her safety
>woman begins making plans to move in with friends
>bf finds out and beats her to death
Dumb bitch had it coming!

>> No.20009323

I hate Jews and the global homo. Simple as.

>> No.20009358

>but russia gave them that security guarantee as well.
Yeah but they should've known Russia wouldn't uphold that, Ukraine is too important to them.

>why is NATO being held to such a high standard but we should all just expect russia to chimp out and there's nothing to be done about it.
This attitude is mostly from people who just resent NATO/US for being powerful or spreading rather dumb post-WW2 "values". The reality is, there's a reason most countries formerly part of Russia want to join NATO - they're tired of being invaded by Russia over and over again. If you oppose allowing certain border states to join NATO because it'll make Russia more paranoid what you're basically saying is that those countries are Russia (because that's what is going to happen).

What's funny especially about this is the people who screech about national sovereignty or nationalism and then defend Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Just admit you're a contra and support anyone who opposes the US and friends right now, don't cloak it in nationalist language.

>> No.20009370


>> No.20009371

Ultimately I blame Marxism (cliche) and whatever you call Bourgiouse rule. French Revolution or something.

Both of these institutions regardless instill an idea that poverty and stupidity is a virtue and and an ideal state and that the nobility that existed and drove culture was wiped out of existence. We now have poor middle class petty bourgiouse running the world via democracy and effectively demanding its small brain problems and views and likes become institutionalized.

>> No.20009376

agreed. people are retarded, and this will help those with the slope of their forehead that's off, to learn, america's actions in the world that people despise, isn't uncommon or just something that america does, but at least is motivated by good. and that communism isn't the answer. that communism isn't some peaceful solution. maybe people will grow up.

>> No.20009381
File: 54 KB, 750x401, White cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is because White people are cringe as fuck, and they are the only group of people to try and shame people.
The white collective is so sensitive and overreactive to the most minor shit.

>> No.20009383

>yeah bro fuck the will of the Ukrainian people because 1/10000000000th of them are nazis lmao
If we're going to play whataboutism games, Russia is just another petrostate looking to take Ukraine for its oil to protect its influence within the region.

>> No.20009385

Interestingly I've noticed a decent number of people on the e-right flipping pro-Ukraine now (mostly Euros), I'd expect them to have been pro-Russia but I guess disliking Russia is the one thing that can get Euros on the same page together.

>> No.20009393

>Just admit you're a contra and support anyone who opposes the US and friends right now, don't cloak it in nationalist language.
these people are mostly just useful idiots though. they don't actually believe anything or have any coherent ideologies. if tucker carlson or whoever told them that their own grandma was globohomo they would take up arms against her. they have been contrarian retards on the internet for so long that they ended up becoming the npcs they despise, just under the control of a different player character.

>> No.20009405

i'm not right wing, and i'm not pro-ukraine. i support a few of the russian gov'ts policies, as well as ukrainian. what i said, was pretty specific. people that are anti-american, or people that want a different economic model, don't realize, that the other side does the same thing as america, and this should bring that to light for those that drool uncontrollably.

>> No.20009415

normies are gassed up from all the covid bullshit and the russians stupidly painted a target on their back for everyone to lash out at

>> No.20009426

Not you in particular, just a vaguely related observation. Seems like the Russophilia trend is falling out of vogue now is all I was getting at

>> No.20009456

>e-right flipping pro-Ukraine now (mostly Euros)
there is enough recent history there that if you are czech, pole, finn, german, baltic, whatever, it is kind of hard to remain under the illusion that russia is based and you can't wait to be under their boot again. for retard americans, this isn't the case and if they have been convinced that US foriegn policy post ww2 is just globohomo, it is pretty easy for them to keep up the cock sucking.

>> No.20009459

i see. and if you want to know what i think is at the crux of it all, it's the same reason why the soviet union was the bad guy after ww2. an economic cold war is a good way to get the economy booming. to get all of the neets and protesters scared and to toe the line. fear is the oldest motivator after all, and works exceptionally well on the youth. which i think that they should. not for the reason of russia bad or make capitalist rich, but because our home is falling is disrepair.

>> No.20009493

I fucking hate America and I hate it more every day. I don't sympathize with other shithole countries because of it though. I just hate international politics and the globohomo.

>> No.20009503

Russia and the US are both shitholes in their own way.

>> No.20009511

Based scaruffi poster

>> No.20009515

The economy isn't booming though, we have high inflation, 0 growth and the Fed is going to tighten into a recession, a new cold war isn't going to cause a boom because of the underlying issues w/ supply chains and commodities

>> No.20009521

they both need to build up their infrastructure and utilize their own resources, but china is acting like imperialist. so the powers that be, are trying to get people back on track.

>> No.20009524

>there is enough recent history there that if you are czech, pole, finn, german, baltic, whatever, it is kind of hard to remain under the illusion that russia is based and you can't wait to be under their boot again.
Obviously, once it's realistic that Russia might be trying to expand again the fear becomes a lot more realistic. Among left/right internet political personalities, at least in the English language media spheres, I feel like almost everyone was Russophilic until recently because they could be viewed as Anti-Imperialist or the savior from muh globohomo depending on what you wanted them to be.

>> No.20009526

hence the start of an economic cold war, to spur things up, to get the engines running, to get people back to work, to get resources to where the can be utilized. fear does this, you dunce.

>> No.20009538

Checked. Entirely correct too.

>> No.20009542

>going to a university

>> No.20009545

>can't get a gf

let's be real for a minute here. there is a reason every migrant in the world wants to get into US/Canada/Aus/Western Europe and i'm sick of pretending otherwise. of course i have issues with the US, but the anti west shilling online has jumped the shark, and (as stated above) this invasion is serving as a reality check for a lot of people. turns out, being subjected to the horrors of gays on the television isn't that bad compared to your children being blown to pieces in their home by an invading army.

>> No.20009563

>Death to America.
True. Still doesn't justify Russia's actions.

>> No.20009573

>I've noticed a decent number of people on the e-right flipping pro-Ukraine
The "e-right" is not /pol/ on 4cucks. 90 % are glowniggers and not actual users.

>> No.20009579

is that supposed to be an insult? the glowies are the only ones that have come out of this crisis with an improved reputation.

>> No.20009590

>can't get a gf
why are you projecting you piece of shit? retarded tranny idiot

>> No.20009599

well you're right. i don't have a gf, but i do have a wife. anyways, did you care to address any of my points or would you rather resort to tranny posting, and thereby prove my point.

>> No.20009600

>migrant in the world wants to get into US/Canada/Aus/Western Europe
Not after the corona shitshow and the Australian prison coof camp they don't, nope nope nope fuck those open air prison camps for pacified bugmen

>> No.20009606

I'm not even American and you are a fucking retard. I'm not reading your post because you outed yourself as aa faggot right away. Imbecile.

>> No.20009612
File: 210 KB, 1195x1367, 1644841080596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, r*ssia is bombing civilians and children but you choose to side with it?
yes and whats the difference between civilians and children aren't they the same, its seems to me that you are repeating propaganda headlines that focus on muh children for cheap emotional effect.
you couldve made your point without mentioning the children but you seem to be the brainwashed one.
any power that opposes the west and america in general i am with , i also like to help the underdog.
keep changing your towers colors and posting on twitter you absolute retard

>> No.20009620

>can't address arguments
>resorts to homophobia

i can assure you, third worlders don't give a fuck about australian coof camps lol. you spend way too much time online.

>> No.20009622

maybe stop the gay shit. it's a fringe group that's getting more representation than the majority.

>> No.20009642

i'm sorry, but i'm not so insecure in my sexuality that being reminded of the existence of gay people makes me long for an authoritarian daddy to step in and take control. what is the absolute state of your life if you have the energy to give one fuck about this culture war pastime bullshit. spend a little more time trying to live the life you want and less time worrying about how others live theirs.

>> No.20009660

lmao imagine unironically siding with putler

>> No.20009671

shut the fuck up faggot and go suck a cock if you like faggots so much
>>>/lgbt/ fuck off

>> No.20009681


lol at ur life right now

>> No.20009686

okay you're trolling, kys

>> No.20009692
File: 173 KB, 1400x788, FC7076B1-5435-498C-A8D8-D96967E4BD91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we need a Zelensky holiday when we already have Purim? Purim is based and a ton of fun. The Talmud literally says you should give food to the poor, go watch a fun play, and then get dressed up in costumes to get wasted with your friends.

>> No.20009706

U.S. droned a bunch of kids playing soccer last summer and no one even got fired.

>> No.20009710

it's ok when the USA does it

>> No.20009713

just like ukraine made the mistake of trying to join nato, their mistake was not being white children.

>> No.20009726

Wow this thread is bad
I thought you guys claimed to be knowledgeable about politics

>> No.20009728


>> No.20009734

no one said that pedophile

>> No.20009735

Who are you quoting? I dont see that text in the post you are replying to

>> No.20009740

kids can't be used by terrorist

>> No.20009746
File: 181 KB, 1080x1350, 1646233930008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am from germany and don't know what to think about all of this. I don't get what Putin stands to gain from "liberating" Ukraine when the whole world slapped him with sanctions. I don't get why we should kill each other anyways.

>> No.20009753

I for one am glad that Germany's finally taking its defence seriously again. My country is doing the same. Maybe this whole crisis will free us, at least in part, from military vassalage to the US.

t. scandi

>> No.20009754

because it's one of nature's population control mechanisms

>> No.20009763

Liberal Jews love nazis, Israeli shuffles funds to fascistoid paramilitaries all the time.

>> No.20009764

why are you upset about paying money for america's protection services, so that you could be free to develop social programs. america helped you be the nation you are today, and not work in some fishing village or be a milk maiden

>> No.20009771

There are a sizeable amount of rumours circulating that Russia is about to impose martial law. Perhaps it would've been better for everyone if Ukraine capitulated by now.

>> No.20009772

Because they are grinding my culture and language to dust with their disgusting slop made by and for philistine pigs. I'd rather not be beholden to that machine, and I'd rather not have my nation be destroyed by the fallout of their imperialist shenanigans.

>> No.20009776

>Germany's finally taking its defence seriously again

Not "its" defence. Globohomo's. The distinction is essential.

>> No.20009792

you would be getting smallpox on your fingies from milking cows all day, if america didn't do their imperialist shenanigans, which you and/or your ancestors voted for and reap the rewards of, sweetheart. you're a first world nation because you pay homage to us. you sound ungrateful. and haven't taken the time to understand, that china is going to step in and dictate your future, if america and the west aren't imperialist themselves. welcome to the big leagues.

>> No.20009797

this faggot is trolling, ignore him

>> No.20009807

influence of culture is a part of trade. is scandanavia, self-reliant. where does your food come from? are you mainly eating fish, and dairy products? who protects those trade routes? you're a child. grow the fuck up.