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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.2000649[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

We recently had a brief discussion on /d/ regarding this well-known fairytale. Rape and cannibalism were among the things that were brought up, but I thought "hey, it's /d/".

Then I read the Wikipedia article and this: http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/type0333.html

Being familiar with only the modern version of the story, I was quite pleasantly surprised. So I thought I'd ask you literary anons for any book recommendations, thoughts, opinions, etc. you might have.

Pic related, it sparked the initial /d/iscussion.

>> No.2000660

I'm not sure what you're asking here. You want recommendations on other fairy tales with sexual subtext?

>> No.2000674

Yes, and any books that deal with fairy tales' origins, history, meaning, etc.

Apologies if I wasn't clear enough.

>> No.2000691


You're forgetting lots of incest.

>> No.2000706

Huh? Incest in Little Red Riding Hood?

>> No.2000802

There was some riding hood grandma weirdness if I remember correctly.

>> No.2000803
File: 32 KB, 321x475, 114476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2000805

You'll want to check out Angela Carter, in particular 'The Bloody Chamber' which is essentially a bunch of well-written, often sexualised, fairytales.

Do not bother if you cannot read something with a feminist perspective.

>> No.2001424

Sounds good, I'll check it out. Thanks.

That seems really interesting too, but I've also found another one called "Trials and Tribulations of Little Red Riding Hood" by Jack Zipes, and I'm split between the two.

>> No.2001429

well, vampire stories are all about the loss of sexual innocence, so there's that.

>> No.2001431

I thought modern vampire stories were about the threat of the other, especially in an erotic sense

>> No.2001451

I've read Stoker's Dracula, so I'm covered. I'm not really interested in modern vampire fiction. Unless you know any modern vampire stories that aren't girly crap, that is.