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/lit/ - Literature

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20006470 No.20006470 [Reply] [Original]

WWOYM - Write What's On Your Mind

I could own you all in a swordfight edition.

>> No.20006477
File: 236 KB, 961x425, Screenshot 2022-03-02 at 20.46.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do we do about the Ruski Question?

>> No.20006485
File: 405 KB, 644x706, Screenshot 2022-03-02 at 21.08.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we going to hunt them down?

>> No.20006493

Fuck off with your /pol/ bait.

>> No.20006518

Seethe incel

>> No.20006525

/pol/ is the most incel board on whole 4chan, even more so than /v/ or /rk9/ because those have some women now.

>> No.20006538

>want to defeat Putin
>fuck over ordinary citizens on both sides instead

What did the Western powers mean by this?

>> No.20006550

/pol/ is the least incel, /lit/ is on par with /r9k/ if not worse. Not surprised you'd be projecting though angry incel

>> No.20006565

90% of /pol/ traffic is generated by 15 year Twitter crossposters, those aren't even old enough to fuck. The rest are paid shills and clueless Facebook boomers who can't even get it up anymore.

>> No.20006574
File: 12 KB, 295x394, Vincenzo_Chiarugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the west free men have influence on their leaders and they often mistake this condition to be universal. In reality the oriental subhuman recoils from any individual responsibility. Yet the western rot has evidently reached Russia as the serfs complain about the sanctions. Do they not understand anymore that it is their part to suffer for the benevolent Tsar?

>> No.20006579

no one cares chud

>> No.20006584

why does my anus smell like rotting fish???

>> No.20006587

Russia honestly is nothing but a menace and at best a nuisance and has been throughout its entire history. I get the sense that Napoleon and Hitler invaded just to shut them up.

The entire country should be liquidated and cease to exist, and divided into harmless smaller countries on the scale of Estonia or Lithuania.

>> No.20006590

I want to keep my job but I also want to move to a new city. Suburban life is killing me.

>> No.20006597

I think that if weren't for nukes, WW3 would have started already.

>> No.20006609

Hello /lit/ please remember to:

Have sex, go to gym, be yourself, seek a therapist , take your meds, meditate, go for walks, learn a trade, learn to code, get off social media, call a friend/family, read, listen to audiobooks, invest, write a journal, write 3 things you are grateful for everyday, make your bed in the morning, leave motivational quotes around the house, walk with your head and chest up and shoulders back, stop playing vidya, sneed, stop eating fast food, stop drinking/smoking/doing drugs, maintain a proper diet, keep a routine, compliment at least 1 stranger per day, travel, volunteer, have hobbies involving members of the opposite sex, limit time on phone/internet (especially pornography), dopamine fast, sleep at least 8 hours a night, drink water, pray the rosary 3x a day, think like a winner :)

>> No.20006610

If it weren't for the nukes, it would have been fought nearly 80 years ago. And a dozen times after that.

>> No.20006614
File: 3.87 MB, 2000x2829, 3A4E485A-172E-40CD-8F73-B1944334379E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP, it has to be in the header post

>> No.20006630
File: 54 KB, 680x425, ABC77DCD-55FD-4ADF-AA68-67628EC6751F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to skip to the part where I succumb to old age on my manor surrounded by a loving family after a life well lived.

>> No.20006632


>> No.20006635

Eat shit again

>> No.20006636
File: 1.23 MB, 720x1280, 1643997434770.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have sex
Have sex

>> No.20006637

There is absolute order, absolute chaos, and the infinities in between.

Most or many people if lived in a perpetual state of perfect order might long for a little freedom/chaos; if lived in a perpetual state if chaos/freedom might long for a little order.

The world is chaoses and orders; the nation is chaoses and orders; the state is chaoses and orders; the city is chaoses and orders; the town is chaoses and orders; the corporation is chaoses and orders; the family is chaoses and orders; the individual is chaoses and orders;

It is a matter of how muches, and of what kinds, and when, how often, wheres and hows and whys

>> No.20006641
File: 17 KB, 356x435, 16460690595140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah laziness, how original and interesting

>> No.20006642


>> No.20006645

I'm tranquil. It feels so good. Sometimes I think it feels even better than being happy.

>> No.20006650

It will not last. Nothing does.

>> No.20006651

This vid of this girl has been posted a lot around here the past few weeks... Don't you have any other vids?

>> No.20006666

The ass is gorgeous though

>> No.20006668

>wanting a "life well-lived" without doing the actual living
What you really want is to die without regrets or guilt

The distinction between order and chaos is entirely man-made

>> No.20006680

I don't think I have it in me. I literally have nothing to say. There is nothing I want to convey, no story to tell.

>> No.20006687

Convey your inner nothingness. Give it concrete form. Find concretes that, when put together, symbolize this nothingness you have inside yourself.

>> No.20006690

Don't you have any strong feeling or opinions on anything? The easiest method for me is to pick a topic that makes me seethe and channel all my rage into writing.

>> No.20006699

I hate to unfurl muh blogpost but I could do with some input from my fellow autists. Thing is, no matter how much better things get, or the changes and improvements I make to things, there's this thought which re-occurs at intervals. It's the deeply planted knowledge (or, it feels like "knowledge," indistinguishably so) that I'm just not going to be here much longer. As though I *have* to die "before my time." I'm just not supposed to be here. Even when things are good and I'm talking to people and all the usual things anons like to recommend (e.g.: touching grass). I'm getting too old to die young, I guess (although I could still join the 27 club!!), but even still I know something about it all just doesn't feel right.

So, why this? Why this thought which persists even after all the usual markers or instigators of depression have seceded? wat mean? wat do?

>> No.20006704

I think I may be kind of a psychopath

>> No.20006709

That’s an ingrained thought pattern. Go talk with a therapist about cognitive behaviour therapy.

>> No.20006710

Women have so many options its enough to make their head spin, a dominant man holds her down and proved his love and demands her, her seeing how much he wants her and needs her and loves her, to be so dominant and demanding helps make the choice a little easier. If a man is not scarily dominant with her, then she will not feel as attached, and drift away as it seems her options are still open. regardless though, dominant man, not dominat man, her options are always open, it's just the dominant man scares her with her experience of his strength and energy and violence, so she is psychologically less likely to try to cheat on him, for fear of being beat, or unless she is the type that would like this, having her new lover get beat up

>> No.20006715

Thanks. I'll try to do something with this advice.

I am very calm in all situations. And pretty lazy by nature. Nowadays I don't really find it worthwhile to have opinions. In of themselves they seem useless and discussions are mostly pointless as conflict usually arises from differing sets of presuppositions and most of the time people just speak past each other.

>> No.20006716

>The distinction between order and chaos is entirely man-made
Is everything man mad entirely without use, worth, sensicality, meaning, value or validity?

>> No.20006717

>virgin psychosexual theorizing

>> No.20006722

It can be useful, sure. But these aren't cosmic categories, they aren't the stuff that constitutes "the world"

>> No.20006725

what difference does it make?

>> No.20006726 [DELETED] 


>> No.20006728

While I respect your digis, and believe she is very pretty, her ass is not that great, really. It's one of her worst qualities, from the back it doesn't really arc out, it kind of just depressingly slopes down, and then again, not much of an undercurl tuck, but a dissipating blur into the upper thighs, it is a butt more in the family of boys and skinny grandmothers, than sexy goddess vixens

>> No.20006734

I've tried the therapy thing but it seems to have only been temporarily helpful in dispelling the pattern. This has been going on about 15 years at this point. It's not just something that's triggered by certain scenarios or related feelings. idk mane

>> No.20006744

that's the problem, nothing makes any difference

>> No.20006746

What does fol mean?

>> No.20006750

what do you care then

>> No.20006754

it's intellectual

>> No.20006756
File: 224 KB, 1284x1891, 1620887581362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this then

>> No.20006764

Just a century ago this is the shit they were saying about Germany. Just a century ago the global financial cabal economically isolated Germany just as it did Russia. You fag lords need to learn from history and see that we're being set up for a very violent conflict.

>> No.20006766
File: 202 KB, 1300x866, 66554243-writer-typing-with-retro-writing-machine-view-from-above-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think Ayn Rand of all people had the best writing advice I have ever found: concretize your abstractions.

You're feeling something. That feeling is abstract, formless, shapeless. It's anger, lethargy, depression, emptiness, whatever. What you do with it is: you give it form.

Think of things, real world things, that would represent that feeling. It's a start. Then try and think of actions that would convey that sentiment as well. You feel life is meaningless? Imagine someone who goes to buy some groceries, trips, falls on his head and dies, all while a baby nearby laughs at it. That's a very short way of conveying this sentiment and can be further fleshed out.

It helped me a lot to actually get writing done.

>> No.20006779
File: 111 KB, 1206x636, FM2ztI8XIAARH2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over for ruskibros

>> No.20006788

Its ironic how totalitarian that statement is

>> No.20006789
File: 905 KB, 1072x1650, 1646262203774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some weeks ago, on /pol/, there was some thread talking about books. Perhaps it was something to the likes of "Pol approved books"; can't remember.
I had wanted to post the cover of a book, which had been recommended in another thread a couple of years ago, yet couldn't remember the name nor had the cover image. I knew how the 1st edition cover looked like though, thus I tried to describe it in a post, to see if it rang any bells to anyone; "a spider's web with yellow and orange colours within it". I'd gotten a couple of answers, but it was not the right book.
I recently found, within my computer, a pdf file for said book, which surprised me for I had thought it had been accidentally deleted. Pic related is the cover I'd wanted to share.
(Haven't read the book, btw)

>> No.20006792

Go on about that. Or i geuss I will respond in attempt to provoke your going on.

>these aren't cosmic categories
The possible orders and chaoses of the world, the town, the family, the individual; are not cosmic facts?

>they aren't the stuff that constitutes "the world"
Math, the periodic table of elements, the need for sexual reduction, the need for community of some sort to avoid interbreeding and to collectively stave off preditors be it animals, other tribes, hunger, the elements?

The body itself as a bilogical mechanism, which is what I meant by; the individual, physical and psychological, orders and chaoses; is very orderly, beyond man made comment, the bones, nervous system, eye, eyes functioning and ability, if order has any understood meaning, some of these things would have to be considered of that word.

>> No.20006802

Sometimes I go on /pol/ to reccomend books and authors to people. I'm always met with disdain. One anon told me the philosophy book cover was an mk ultra crafted design. I was trying to explain Natural Law to another anon and he thought it was the same thing as Natural Rights. After informing him he was incorrect he did a brief google search, found a one sentence definition of the term, and then acted like it made him an expert on the topic.
People on /pol/ are just retards stuck in perpetual seethe.

>> No.20006805
File: 257 KB, 900x1200, 1629683830477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The omnipresent online environment we live in is inherently totalitarian. Basically there is no private life anymore, and everything you ever do or write or buy is on the record somewhere and can be brought up against you any time on the blink of an eye, should you draw unwanted attention.

Economic and social activity basically require you to be online, unless you want to lead a very fringe existence. Which means is: that if your online records - of what you wrote, bought, accessed, or did - is deemed sufficiently disagreeable, you can be expelled from this life and be forced onto the fringe. Which means you need to carefully think even when typing out a supposedly "private" message - as it can be screenshot, and you can't trust the social media company not to store it for later use. Every aspect of your life being policed: there is the essence of totalitarianism.

The main difference is that the thought police is no longer an official organ: it's been outsourced to ourselves, as we constantly police and report each other to whatever jannies patrol a given social media outlet.

>> No.20006810

Everything happens at the same time
Every place you have ever been to exists right now and it did constantly throughout your ride of different emotions and perspectives

Any books on dis feel? Xd

>> No.20006813

Damn damn damn damn damn damn

Damn son where did you find this

Hawt hawt hawt hawt hawt hawt

Lawdy lawdy lawdy lawd

bravo bravo, magnifico bella bella belismo

Noice noice noice noice noice noice

awhoooo gah awhoooo gah
Ding ding ding ding ding ding
Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong

Erh erh erh erh erh erh erh erh erh

Weeee woooo weeeee woooo weeeee woooo weeeee woooo

>> No.20006836

The Parmenides dialogue

>> No.20006862

Ive found a lot of freedomby getting into the construction industry

>> No.20006876

I really hate that I’m American sometimes.

>> No.20006881

That’s so vague that I find it hard to believe you really found it helpful.

>> No.20006904


I'm envious of Sanderson's ability to dedicate himself to one thing. I feel like I'm always spreading myself too thin, with wanting to do too many things at once and half-assing it as a result.

>> No.20006944
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This person's fanfiction is about 10K words/day since 2017.

>> No.20006952

I feel like there’s something wrong with my brain because I can’t seem to just sit down and write a story.

>> No.20006968


>> No.20006979


>> No.20006982

That’s not it. I just always convince myself I have no ideas or my ideas suck. It’s a problem of self-criticism.

>> No.20007007

Letterle 9/26

>> No.20007024
File: 202 KB, 1920x1080, BA872255-3C9F-483B-A5E4-95B6216DF1E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you LARPing as today?

>> No.20007035

>>virgin psychosexual theorizing
You are right , thd truth is she was 18, been in a relationship with this guy, and is just learning about all her options in the world, she was attached to some random 22 year old, she had no idea she could have multiple millionaire sugar daddies. It would be very hard for an 18 year old gal to marry the guy that took her virginity. As hard as it would be for some to only ever eat chicken fingers and french fries

>> No.20007083

people should be afraid of me. they don't have any sense, they can't see what's right in front of them.

>> No.20007085

I'm feeling sad, my guys. For the first time in ages, it's a happy sad rather than depression and it feels like a light rain shower after a shit few weeks.

It's refreshing. I can breathe. It's nice to feel real emotion instead of running with my settings being fucked up. The next video will probably be on Pokemon, but I'm excited. We're all going to make it bois.

>> No.20007092


>> No.20007215

You wont so shit faggot

>> No.20007225

For 20 yrs world has seemed increasingly like a literal mare incognita: as if during the monstrous 9/11 attacks it had been shaken of its moorings & begun to adrift thru many Charybdis & Scyllas (terrorism, finance crisis, pandemic, etc) only to finally reach the ends of the earth: finis mare, finis mundi.

>> No.20007239
File: 205 KB, 1467x1964, Walter Beach Humphrey (American, 1892-1966) - Woman in Equestrian Clothing.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL, I forgot when I made the last thread and now someone else forgot it too. Let's just hope the next OP has good memory and attention.

>> No.20007266


>> No.20007300

You don’t even know yourself. 10/10 larp.

>> No.20007319
File: 10 KB, 220x220, boing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I now realize what Parmenides meant by boing is a sphere.

>> No.20007340

Ive spent my whole life socially isolated

>> No.20007341
File: 39 KB, 598x397, Oil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is my favourite
>innocent people dying in Ukraine, why aren't you making oil cheaper for Americans you Saudi bastards!

>> No.20007378

I want to quit my college, but what will I do if I quit ? I have no money, no perspective of the future, no hopes or plans. It is almost over, quitting at this point would be too stupid, all that time wasted for nothing.
At the same time I need money now, at the same time I need an internship to complete college and all my attemps at that were so grim and an intership means no money for some months still.

>> No.20007379

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20007380
File: 11 KB, 375x165, numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a book with the same number of ratings as pages. Do I win something?

>> No.20007382

fuck this world

yes, this (you)
enjoy it as much as you can

>> No.20007386

Mine as well and I’m actually balkan.

>> No.20007435

prayer, reading and manual work.

>> No.20007457

>flat chested
>no ass
>cow nosering
Yeah, I like trailer trash too.

>> No.20007475

Wow! This Bitch Thinks Getting Fat is an Act of Radical Defiance!

>> No.20007487

This but unironically

>> No.20007498

I just watched a tiktok of a fat chick saying preferences for skinny girls is "fatphobic."
I think it's really interesting how theres a growing belief that preferences are immoral. It started with racial preferences in dating, then to "genital preference", and now weight preference. What exactly is the end game? Is everyone supposed to feel obligated to fuck everyone else on demand?

>> No.20007537

Sadness can have a certain delicacy to it. Almost a beauty. Some of the most elegant musics are sad, some of nature's most tranquil scenes, and ultimately, we may come to find, so is the truth. The truth is sad for when we discover that it is so dissatisfied and untailored to human aspirations, it's sad because it is such a let down, a denouement.

Depression in contrast is a harrowing experience. It's what happens when a mind rips itself apart, psychic violence. Truly a brutal and horrific stand of mind, a "black hole with teeth" as someone described it.

>> No.20007544

I probably could have weathered all the traumatic experiences I had as a kid. I could have moved past all the family drama. I could have restarted after losing everything. But what really killed me was the isolation. The damage that has done to me cannot be overcome

>> No.20007562

>I just watched a tiktok of a fat chick saying preferences for skinny girls is "fatphobic."
And my response to this is: so what? You don't get to tell me where to stick my dick jelly rolls.

>> No.20007611

Sadness is a necessary emotion, a part of a whole without which we would be deprived of the essence which makes us human. No one should ever run away from sadness.

Depression is not merely excessive sadness. That is a critical misunderstanding because depression is not even an emotion or a distortion of emotion. It's classified as a mood disorder, but physiologically it has been associated with brain inflammation and even brain damage.Depression is what you get when the cranial machinery goes awry and falls out of electrochemical synchrony. It is cerebral self-cannibalism, atrophy of the dream-matter, The depressed wish they could just feel normal sadness. That would be a relief.

Most of all sadness differs form depression because sadness is relational and contextual. There's usually a definite reason for why one is sad. More importantly, one almost always understands the reason. Sadness communicates emotional reality and puts you in touch with your life. Depression is a bottomless enigma. It appears unanswerable, total and absolute. It pervades everything and poisons belief and threatens to undermine the very foundations of the self. Sadness is an extension of the self, depression consumes it.

>> No.20007616

In reality this trend toward moralizing preferences is the death knell of the credibility of identity politics. You expect me to believe I'm oppressing you because I don't want to fuck you? Or because certain body parts don't do it for me? You've cried wolf one too many times . It's not about some noble cause, it's about your own selfishness. These are bad people .

>> No.20007622

I wish I could just feel something

>> No.20007624
File: 96 KB, 1109x169, Screen Shot 2022-03-02 at 9.54.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ might be the worst board on the site

>> No.20007631

It was the image you attatched. /tv/ is full of bait so naturally they ban that shit. I think /tv/ is the funniest board

>> No.20007643

>More importantly, one almost always understands the reason.
Perhaps one might speculate that there is an epistemological dimension to the two mental conditions. Sadness has some knowlege associated with it. What makes depression so vile is that it is immersed in ignorance. Depression and ignorance coincide because when depressed one never knows the solution or can find the way out from within. That's what makes it worse. Undoubtedly this has to do with the neural incapacity induced by depression which leads to cognitive deficits

>> No.20007680

I've never been more ready for my death. I just hope it isn't a painful way to go. I'm considering drowning myself in a cold fresh water river. I think that's how I'd like to go. There is increasingly little in this world that I want and could ever hope to attain. Each day is exhausting and I just want it to end. There is no reprieve.

>> No.20007694

I hate myself and my history, everything about me.

>> No.20007727

I typically only really hate American politics, but I saw this broadcast of the EU talking about all these sanctions on Russia and everytime this bitch talked about what they planned on ceasing exporting and importing to/from Russia everyone just clapped, and all I could think is how fucking detached and self-congratulatory these fucks all were, waving their tiny Ukrainian flags, while doing absolutley nothing of substance about the matter at hand.

>> No.20007748

Its even funnier to see the people on twitter adding emoji ukraine flags to their usernames.

>> No.20007753
File: 28 KB, 268x268, yoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you, isolating myself from everyone during my teens really did a number on my psyche but still you shouldn't give up. Things do get better if you work on yourself. Although I'm not improving as fast as I wished sometimes, I am still making progress. Take it one day at time and work on yourself. Most importantly, try to stay as positive as you can be; negative thoughts poison the mind and leads toward self-fulfilling prophecies in my experience

>> No.20007754
File: 99 KB, 1280x964, IMG_20220302_194610_432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20007763

Everyone hates America until their military shows up on their side. Europe is militarily weak at the moment. Because they relied on the US to put everything into the military while they could focus on having actual first world countries. But when Russia starts acting up they hide behind America's skirt

>> No.20007771

It's too quick for my liking. 90% shit and 10% gold. This board is the same, but it's slower.

>> No.20007774

It's because you can't bring up Mr. Fink or his organization

>> No.20007777
File: 259 KB, 250x250, 1646044894401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to headshot a dragon with a .50 cal and watch it's blood squirt & spray everywhere.

>> No.20007779


>> No.20007781 [DELETED] 

What do u think

>> No.20007788

What percentage of those people previously had BLM in their username but are turning a blind eye to African refugees who have been living in Ukraine being turned away at borders?
Someone who has what he wants in life
I could probably do that, I'm pretty sure I have hypergraphia. But I unironically don't want to because what would it accomplish?

>> No.20007803

i'm just so fucking tired and I hate that the fat lazy eyed puerto rican I work with took a 2 week vacation and now i have 50 hour work weeks
I just want to read at work

>> No.20007929

Does anyone have a link to that youtube video of that one /lit/ celeb who made some edgy video that showed animals being killed in a slaughterhouse while saying something like "That's the way your mom likes it," then a different part of the video shows him and another dude jerking each other off while some text floated across the screen?

>> No.20007994
File: 70 KB, 680x537, 1634137727769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read something I wrote a long time ago and it's a lot better than I expected, Kinda pulpy and stephen king-ish but that's not too bad for a first try imo. Maybe I should finish it after all.

Also used a pandemic lockdown as a plot point like 2 years before covid happened which is wierd. Maybe I'm the main character of life after all

>> No.20007996

You're mocking me now? I'll say it again. I can probably beat you in a swordfight. Your parrys would be useless against me. I could slice you into bits in a matter of seconds.
Also I can drink more than you.

>> No.20007999

"Jerking each other off" sounds disingenuous. Sure both of them had the other's penis in their hand and were doing a jerk motion, but neither of them had an erection. It was a skit for the video.

>> No.20008007 [DELETED] 

You had to mention he was Puerto Ricans, nice: this bored is nothing without the constant sprinkling of racist hate. That Puerto Ricans should go back to Puerto Rico! He's not American! He's a Puerto Rican Islander!

>> No.20008011

You had to mention he was Puerto Rican, nice: this board is nothing without the constant sprinkling of racist hate. That Puerto Rican should go back to Puerto Rico! He's not American! He's a Puerto Rican Islander!

>> No.20008016

You're hysterical

>> No.20008029

No he's right. You guys are just a bunch of meanies. That Puerto Rican has probably worked harder in his lifetime than anon ever will.

>> No.20008044

I don't think Puerto Rican anons need you to protect their neck miho

>> No.20008048

I stand with all people of color and will defend them as I please. Los razistas no passaran!

>> No.20008050

>t. White middle class American casually responsible for half the racist imperialist oppression in the world
Sure thing

>> No.20008102

I also want this

>> No.20008133

Beat underrail today. Used the wiki all the way through like a babby. I love reading emails in video games so much.

>> No.20008186
File: 224 KB, 750x1334, 1FE1B580-9923-406A-8A58-26717F8477B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brain has been bowlderized

>> No.20008191
File: 1.35 MB, 1284x1138, 9E0C494F-C97A-4F40-8D8E-042BA90D5CD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not a twenty year old. I have made myself already.

>> No.20008219

Life as a human is brutish and short. It is only recently the majority of us have made survival no longer a struggle. There is still poverty but there is probably much less of it now that the middle class exists.

I am going to focus on minimization of activities. I intend to live a strictly righteous and lawful lifestyle. Only do what is necessary to sustain my existence while trying to be a good person. That is all God requires of us really, and even God Himself in His Glory is justified through trying as best as He can. The honor of a noble attempt.

There is a violent war going on in another part of the world, and my major concern is living without the comfort of air conditioning (it gets hot in Florida even randomly in the winter time). I suppose it just puts things into perspective is all.

>> No.20008235

What’s stopping me from joining the military getting a bunch of Evangelion tattoos and becoming a drone pilot? Arabs don’t look like space aliens. Air conditioned computerised cargo containers don’t feel like piloting Evangelion. Women in the Air Force don’t look like Rei. So be it

>> No.20008301

Is CLOVER by Clamp worth reading despite being unfinished?

>> No.20008416

I have an enormous crush on a girl but she doesn't turn 18 for three more months and I'm in my mid-20s.

>> No.20008419

It would be incredibly annoying

>> No.20008422


>> No.20008457

To whom

>> No.20008462

Being in the military would be annoying

>> No.20008467


>> No.20008469

My brain is a waffle iron that burns everything

>> No.20008595

I don’t get why women care if they’re taller than you. I’ve never met a woman I couldn’t kill with one punch

>> No.20008608


>> No.20008625

The problem is that you couldn't kill another man

>> No.20008628
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Books on how to socialize, speak with confidence and win any debate?

>> No.20008661

There's a lot of black women that could likely easily tear you limb from limb.

>> No.20008676

The guys who persist in trying to win a debate, even if their arguments are strong, tend to be very unpopular in casual social situations. Groups of people get bored of them easily.

>> No.20008707

Socialising = validating the person you’re talking to, whilst not boring them.
Speak with confidence = either great knowledge or to pretend: close to none stuttering, loud voice and most importantly unambiguous sentences/statements (when wrong just admit to being wrong and make no big deal out of it).
Win any debate = useless and counteractive to the above. If you really just want to “win” (hollow term that only applies to your ego See >>20008676
) just dehumanise the opponent and talk over them without addressing any points.

>> No.20008744

First rule is don't try to win debates. Just put forth your rationale for others to take or leave.

>> No.20008749

Several days ago somebody wrote that we suffer because of what they called puppy love. And the more I think about it, the more truthful it sounds to me.

>> No.20008752

I can't get a job and I don't want a job.

>> No.20008759

Is it weird that i shower everyday but only change my shirt every other day?

>> No.20008761

>I’ve never met a woman I couldn’t kill with one punch
It's not the force that produces brain damage and KOs usually- it's the oscillation. It's why the other sport to boxing that tells you how to snap your head to avoid concussion is ballet. You're bragging about being less skilled than a waifish 5'5 dancer.

>> No.20008765

My theory is: your shirt gets less dirty because you're cleaner so you can wear it longer. But also I often rotate shirts. Different shirt when I come home. and I wear pajyamas at night.

>> No.20008769

>Is it weird
Since the Georgian era, yes, so long as you're in the West.

>> No.20008779
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I just go there to lurk /trek/ from time to time.

>> No.20008796

I'm a very goal/purpose driven person. Can rarely commit to anything without a 'reason' or end in mind. Recently I realized that I'm very ineffective, albeit prolific, about setting goals.
This comes as a huge surprise, and while it does explain why I can't get shit done, it doesn't offer clues how to set more achievable or actionable goals such that I can do them. (Yes, I know about OKRs, SMART goals, Goal Factoring etc.)
It's one of maybe 3-4 surprises about myself I've learned in the past year.

>> No.20008807

Think I'm going to make myself a pair of shorts

>> No.20008808

You mean you're going to design and sew it? Nice

>> No.20008816

Yeah it's easier than working out if a brand has a true sizing or even what my measurements in inches/cm are.

>> No.20008818

What's the science of my hair feeling softer after a cold shower as appposed to a normal one.

>> No.20008819

my gf started to sew her own clothes a few weeks ago. be prepared to make a thousand mistakes and thus buy enough cloth, anon

>> No.20008828

I've done this for years, anon. If your gf is working off patterns (Simplicity/McCall's/Burda/etc) tell her to finish her seams because most companies just say press flat because they know people are idiots.

>> No.20008843

niiice.. it's a fine hobby
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the whole 3D/flat-conversion was the biggest hurdle in the beginning. will gladly tell her

>> No.20008846

A couple of weeks ago I had the place to myself and four or five half empty bottles of booze that I needed to get rid of. I'd already been drinking beer all night I got home and decided I was going to finish them off. Finished a bottle of wine, a bottle of whisky, a bottle of sake... that's when I must have blacked out. Woke up on my couch the next morning and there were big scratches on my wrists too like I'd been trying to cut myself, but they were only surface scratches. I have absolutely no memory of trying to do that to myself to the point where I'm wondering if it was something unrelated, but the marks really looked like self-harm scars. Turns out I'd finished off the rest of the alcohol, including a big bottle of rum which had been otherwise sitting there for three years because it tasted foul. It must have been the drunkest I've ever been in my life to be honest, but luckily I was just in my own home so couldn't do too much harm. But did I try to hurt myself lol? Weird. Surprised I didn't jump off the balcony.

>> No.20008861

If she's learning how to draft, get her Metric Pattern Cutting (there's one for men and one for women). If she's a complete newb on all fronts though you might want to get her sewing classes instead.

>> No.20008872

Warm water makes your hair more porous and prone to damage.

>> No.20008886

Not just planned tomorrow. Both a blessing and a curse. I almost don't going to work because it gives me something to do. When I have the day off I spend it reading and writing, but it never seems to be enough and I get anxious that I should be doing more which stops be from really relaxing. Doesn't help that i don't have book I'm really in love with at the moment. Finished Runaway Horses and picked up a few books but none of them really grab me. Debating whether or not to pick one and finish it or drop them all and pick up something new from the bookstore.

>> No.20008910

I'm pretty sure she just enjoys the thrill of figuring out as much as possible by herself, but I'll get her the book for Easter anyway. Thanks for the tip !!!

>> No.20008935

Retard tier reasoning skills. Russia was ready to crush Germany since the beginning of WW2 - the only reason he attacked is that he had a slight chance of winning if he broke the tenuous treaty and attacked the Russians first. >>20006764
Pay attention to what this anon says. They cry wolf over minor issues like Russia so you ignore that your mind your entire system designed to enslave you to shitty money lenders that play tap dance with your fears on your mind just to cause cognitive dissonance.

>> No.20008940
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>finally buy a vape
>wait a week for it to arrive
>super stoked
>put a little fluid in the tank and screw it shut just to test it out
>can't unscrew the tank again
>tried rubber grips
>tried freezer trick
>tried mechanic's oil
>tried alcohol
>tried pliers
>tried monkey wrench
>tried monkey wrench with rubber grips
>gave myself blisters trying to unscrew the thing
>still stuck
I am going to have a stroke.

>> No.20008957

They don’t pay in their fair share for that protection they just like milking us. We should tell them to handle Russian problems on their own

>> No.20008963

That's not true. Many people go there when the far right party in their country does badly in an election or has yet another scandal, so they can laugh at all the crying losers in the dedicated threads.

>> No.20008967

Realize the whole racism thing is just a giant ad hominem against white people, the facts are all after the fact justifications so the sadists don’t get called out.

>> No.20008987

Spoken like a punk that needs to get his life together you are too old to be acting 11.

>> No.20008988

yeeeeeeah, imagine an European world without the smallest bit of jewmerican meddling.
Sadly it's too late. Spiritually we're already a colony of the midwit's great Imperium.
View your military support as reparations for your Kulturterror.

>> No.20008994

Pol is not some monolithic entity genius

>> No.20009012

Dialects is not logic. You are mearly painting a picture with no detail.

>> No.20009016

You see how muh reparations hand out doesn’t give you a single leg to stand on?

>> No.20009048

my intended joke was:
the rhetoric of "reparations" is inherently jewmerican, so speaking in these terms is just another sign of Europe being spiritually and intellectually colonized

>> No.20009064
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I fucking hate christians. After spending time with them both in real life and online, I understand why Jews hate them so much. Christians are low IQ ultra conformist cucks with no critical thinking. They're proto-communist subnormies and the whole religion needs to burn. Bible contradictions and holy pedophiles are just the tip of the iceberg. I can't believe these freaks used to go around burning people. Fuck jewsus and fuck christcucks.

>> No.20009076

The quest for happiness continues

>> No.20009085

Happiness is what happens when you accomplish goals. It isn't a goal in itself.

>> No.20009103

said who?

>> No.20009124

Honestly yeah I feel for you. I don’t like our manipulation of politics as much as you do. We can’t debate anything of merit over here in the United States anyways, it’s just a cacophonous symphony of malcontent retards. Truth is the world ended a long time ago with the spiritual death of our leadership.

>> No.20009125
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Nigger, have you tried living??

>> No.20009172

No that’s fulfillment. Happiness is when you fuck on cocaine

>> No.20009181


>> No.20009197

No it isn’t. If that were true shorter women wouldn’t care less
No shot
>you’re bragging about being less skilled
No I’m bragging I could kill any woman with one punch, that’s more skilled. The women are less skilled because they couldn’t avoid it even if they had boxing or dancing lessons. I don’t work out either, I simply have never slept with a woman that I couldn’t overpower no matter how much she hit the gym, and how little I did. I could kill them all with a single punch

>> No.20009225

Therapy lots of it, go now

>> No.20009232

I know women that could kill you, chud.

>> No.20009241

People seem to think I’m stone cold, stoic, emotionless. They think I can’t feel pain and joy, simply because I’m not an expressive person. People are afraid of me. People think I’m cooler than I really am. But every so often someone sees through me and knows how afraid of everyone I am. It should be humiliating, being found out like that. Yet I find it comforting, liberating. For someone to know I’m human.

>> No.20009246
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I was being sarcastic.
Happiness is a state of mind that you get when everything is going well, you can forget your worries and you are in a place you love doing something you love.
It can be goal-seeking, it is a form of happiness too, but not the only one.
For example, I'm happy when I'm hiking in the countryside in the midst of nature, there isn't any goal achieved there, just a fuzzy happiness.

>> No.20009250

I farted in front of my GF for the first time today

>> No.20009252
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>implying you would do anything but cower in awe as this Amazon pummels you into bloody pulp

>> No.20009256

> wears shorts
> entire ass visible
Why do they do it?

>> No.20009270

It is mean only to cove her pussy.

>> No.20009272


>> No.20009292

I’n going to rape you in your ass. I’m a nice person and you didn’t have to make me do this.

>> No.20009312

Context? Is that the kgb? The problem is that women arms are weak no matter how much she weighs. Her legs though, if she pinned me it would be over instantly, I wouldn’t even fight it I would just cum

>> No.20009335
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Therapy? For speaking the truth? If you’re uncomfortable then you need therapy
Who? There isn’t a single woman I’ve seen that would stand a chance. They’re just too weak. Last girl I dated weighed a lot more than me and drove stick shift tacoma and worked out. I played counter strike. She lasted 5 seconds in any struggle, even if she had her knees on my arms, it was over before it started.

>> No.20009425

No, anon sees an ethnicity used as a descriptor in a totally neutral way, and anon has a total meltdown over it. Thats mental illness.

>> No.20009430

You're a big guy

>> No.20009435
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>bragging about how you're stronger than females
imagine all the insecurities on that one

>> No.20009439

I was kind of late to the party here at /lit/ and joined around 2017. Has this place seen a sharp decline in the last year or is it just me?

Also, /lit/ has the worst humor threads out of any board. Just saying.

>> No.20009486
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>> No.20009502

>what would it accomplish?
even if a lot of it would be bullshit, there would by chance be a decent amount of quality words, and writing that amount everyday would tone your skills

>> No.20009505

This website has been in sharp decline for a good time now.

>> No.20009508

Leave her alone.

>> No.20009530

I was already struggling mentally before the world events but now I feel like theres no point and I cant do anything but scroll through Twitter and news sites in paranoid impotence.

>> No.20009557

Think about it. I know that when a person is struggling with mental health this kind of "logical" advice might seem something too easy to speak but too hard to do, but at least read and consider it.
The world is either going to end, or most of it will be destroyed but there will be human life and you may survive or no nuclear war will happen and things will solve themselves somehow. Either way, isn't it better for you to work on yourself and your own happiness now?
If it is all going to end, at least you were happy for a moment before the doomsday, if you will get fucked but alive, you will be stronger to face reality or, in the worst case, you will have some happy memory after you neck yourself in the post-apocalyptic world, and if things will solve themselves somehow, you will be one step closer to improving your life, yourself and to be happier.

>> No.20009562
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>some happy memory before you neck yourself
Fixed it.

>> No.20009658

I am convinced that twitter is designed to make people mentally ill.

>> No.20009667

>Dialects is not logic. You are mearly painting a picture with no detail
Ground work foundation setting, establishing an ultimate mutual understanding of the limits of discourse. The widest distance of goal posts, set In steel and concrete; absolute chaos, absolute order, everything in between; now that the ultimate limits have been stated, and all discoursers understand, discourse may take place with all on the same fundamental page.

It was merely an observant insight to place things in perspective an proportion.

>> No.20009680

having sort of visions of my old age. living retired maybe near the sea; thinking about my mum's face as an old woman & her expression of anxiety and disapproval and love, looking at the stars, how many there were, wanting to show them all to my dad. myself in a state of disrepair. anyway

>> No.20009701

>I'm happy when I'm hiking in the countryside in the midst of nature, there isn't any goal achieved there, just a fuzzy happiness.
Your goal is to hike in the countryside amidst nature, you are happy because you are achieving your goal

>> No.20009712

just turn that stupid shit off and completely remove politics and news from your life. I know it's easier said than done but there is only futility at the bottom of the political glass; you can do only nothing. Once I stopped caring about what asinine group X was doing today, my life improved tremendously. Only take action when it surfaces locally and strike hard.

>> No.20009745

what if you don't want to hike in the countryside amid nature but you're pulled along and end up enjoying yourself

>> No.20009762

Based. Church girls are turbowhores too.

>> No.20009775

/lit/ got way more political. Culturally it used to be like a brother to /mu/. I hate all the newfags that only want to share their low-information opinions on current events

>> No.20009784

I agree. It's the spill-over from /pol/. But the western culture seems to have evolved into a reactionary culture where current events are the center stage since we are so deprived of any true meaning.

>> No.20009937
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(You) are living in your own private Idaho.

>> No.20009947

How the fuck do I escape

>> No.20009956

Is that his gf?

>> No.20009959

I want to move to my own private Wyoming to live in my own private Grand Teton.

>> No.20009964
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You cant.

>> No.20009967

>n00bz don't know /lit/ was once more right wing than /pol/
The only reason you're seeing those milquetoast /pol/ opinions that trigger your precious little mind spasms is because /lit/ has much fewer readers to scare off /pol/. That laxness which allows you to be chronically under read is the same which allows the other basic twitter arguments. The board went from its only rule being "No Ayn Rand" to "No fanfiction"; guess which market explosion you came in, wattpad?

>> No.20009982

Nice retcon, /pol/nigger.

>> No.20010021

Everything and everyone got more political. /lit/ used to be overrun by trip users. If you pine for those days, you pine for Butterfly, who was one of them and used the board for her personal cybersex sessions with Feminister (outed as a man pretending to be a woman, then never posted again).

You are literally waxing nostalgic about when /lit/ was 30% tripcode users who acted like people on /fa/ currently act. /mu/ is one of the worst boards on the entire site and always has been, filled with teenage girls.

What you really want is for 4chan to become like weird twitter, where you feel more comfortable.

>> No.20010041

Don't waste your time on me you're already a voice inside my head.

>> No.20010045
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Only leftcucks crypto-commies seethe about /pol/ and everyone knows it

>> No.20010049

you don't. you just don't.

>> No.20010059

When you’re Jewish I think it’s less hatred and more depression when you begin to understand the gaps in our worldview to that of Christians and Muslims. Jews thrive off of the belief that we are here because Hashem needs us to be here, that this is a mutually respectful relationship that Abraham entered willingly. For example, we should rest on Shabbat because we were made to need rest, why would we be made this way if it did not benefit our creator? Surely then, he needs us to do this. He gets something out of it. We have a partnership with the divine and so our relationship with Hashem is actually good for our lives here on earth. Christians live for the next world, and are born with the imposed belief that they are fundamentally flawed and must constantly atone, that god loves them and yet he wouldn’t think twice about throwing them into a lake of fire to suffer for all eternity, that my mother is a sinner because she had sex and created me. It’s not divine love, it’s abuse. So of course when you come from that type of worldview you see Jews trying to enjoy our lives, because you’ve been taught that all of these good things in life are evil. It is one thing to hate yourself, that’s very sad, but imposing that self-hatred on others is evil. Jews feel empowered because we know that we are needed here on earth to do good things, Christians grovel and proselytize because they have been convinced that they are needy.

>> No.20010075

>[Thucydides' rendition of Pericles at a funeral intensifies in background]
yes you're going to have to read an ancient language to understand the nuances of how I'm insulting you, /pol/bait

>> No.20010089

You can just say
>gay faggot shut in
It carries most of the meaning.

>> No.20010098

It won't make the noob learn Greek or history though

>> No.20010169

Anyone have the comic where the guy says he found a way out and then proceeds to shoot himself?

>> No.20010363

I’m realizing that if I don’t do something different soon then I’m going to become a corporate guy, and I don’t want to be a corporate guy.

>> No.20010371

You assumed I'm complaining about /pol/, I'm not. Politics is boring in general and this is a literature board, you have /int/ and /pol/ for that shit. Every year the number of actual literature threads goes down because you niggers don't really care about literature and never did.

>> No.20010376

Why are mass repliers not banned yet? Should be an autoban to consecutively quote more than 3 posts.

>> No.20010384

>mother is a sinner because she had sex
I'm not Christian but this is obviously wrong. Marital sex is not a sin; be fruitful and multiply, and all that. You'd be more accurate to replace it with "we're all sinners for simply existing", but I thought Jews too believe in original sin.

Btw, it's a Jewish stereotype to purposely mischaracterize others' beliefs in order to belittle them. This instance may have been an accident, but you should watch out for that.

>> No.20010392

I read more literature than you. It just so happens that we live in intensely political times, so if you can't deal it, it's on you. The rest of us are just living in the rhythm of the world spirit that filered and left you behind.

>> No.20010402

Modern Politics was already solved, read Ellul.

>> No.20010406

There's not going to be nuclear war. Things world have to escalate so much for that to happen. No one really cares about Ukraine. It's just a pissing match.

>> No.20010538

>I'm complaining about /pol/,
>/lit/ got way more political.
>spill-over from /pol/.
I explained how /lit/ has become less political, and more surface level, and that it's basic bitches like you who don't read who are responsible for both and the influx of twitter tier reading comprehension. Rethink yourself afk.

>> No.20010587

no one really cared about poland

>> No.20010611

Fuck, I don't wanna write this shitty paper any more where I am pretending to care about Chinese cyber power and warfare! I never cared about China and I don't care about China now either... on top of that, my shitty professor didn't actually teach us anything, just let us do presentations from beginning to the end, without giving us any type of material whatsoever. IF THIS IS ABOUT TEACHING MYSELF SOMETHING, I WOULDN'T NEED TO TAKE YOUR COURSE, BUT I COULD JUST STAY AT HOME AND JUST GOOGLE STUFF, you SHITHEAD!

>> No.20010624
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>this post

>> No.20010635

I am unwell

>> No.20010646

I'm pretty new here. While I know Butterfly, I would love to know the story about Feminister!

>> No.20010658

this is basically all that University (at least in the humanities) has become where I live.

Each week a shitty semi-prepared presentation from a student with the promise of "discussion" after. Zero valuable input from the teacher besides preparing the program each semester and a grade for a probably unread paper

>> No.20010697

Yes, I honestly have some great professors who do it the traditional way and give us some texts to read for the week to come that we then go through together and the lecturer then gives very valuable input, with background information about how this text is related to some other thinkers, etc.
But this lecturer (who is actually regarded as one of Europe's greatest experts on China by the way) just made us do two presentations each for this course, leading me to not know anything besides the topic that I was assigned. This leaves me to think that as he is such a regarded professor, he either doesn't have the time to prepare anything himself to do proper teaching or he just wants to monopolise his knowledge because he fears someone else might actually become knowledgable on the topics.

>> No.20010705

>Dialogue is often confused with something quite different: the feverish exchange of opinions on social networks, frequently based on media information that is not always reliable. These exchanges are merely parallel monologues. They may attract some attention by their sharp and aggressive tone. But monologues engage no one, and their content is frequently self-serving and contradictory. (§200)

>> No.20010723

>truth is insecurity
project harder

>> No.20010753

No refunds retards

>> No.20010756
File: 41 KB, 600x450, 3uamxf0zqzq51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a "american sanctimony is going to peak again" episode

>> No.20010757

Hiking is still an activity, there requires time for you to go from not enjoying it, to enjoying it. During that time you are hiking, you are achieving the task of walking step by step in the woods, the goal of the activity of hiking is at least hiking, therefore you are producing the goal of hiking, this goal achieved of hiking, produces you from unhappy to happy.

>> No.20010762

University is all about the degree in the end, proving that you can deal with a number of shitty situations at the same time and showing that you can think analytically; no need to actually learn anything.
So I probably shouldn't care about not caring about China.

>> No.20010763

buy Arberrys translation of Tazkiratul Awliya

>> No.20010769

Hey guys,

Has anyone read the accursed kings? I am looking for something similar to GoT and keep seeing it recommended (political intrigue, betrayal, murder etc). If you've read the series is it worth starting?

I've got the following but just can't get into any of them:

Dragonbone Chair
Wheel of Time
Way of Kings

Any recommendations, i want something violent and political (I've already read the Blade Itself).


>> No.20010783

I hate my job so fucking much.

>> No.20010790

get well soon.

>> No.20010791

Just do whatever you have to do to get that diploma so you can get a job, pay attention and learn everything you can, pay attention

>> No.20010826

I'm doing that... I wake up at around 12 AM, work till around 12 PM without managing to get to the gym which is what I actually wanna do finally after not being able to do it because of the pandemic and then I play some games before I have to go to bed again...

>> No.20010827

>At the end of the twentieth century, Gould [1, p. 48] popularized the thought experiment of 'replaying life's tape' and asserted that if we would press the rewind button—for example to go 600 million years back in time—and then run the tape again, the replay would be totally different.

>> No.20010839

I believe that existing in this tention achieves something. I'm positive. Something's happening here.

>> No.20010842


>> No.20010851

Sure, I was exaggerating. But was surely about half of my experience. Lectures are different ofc.

Maybe your expert Prof. just doesn't care too much about teaching? Many such cases: academics that not only hate the teaching part but also suck huge dick at it.
Could imagine that. "pleb students aren't even worth my time, the whole world and important leaders listen to me"

meh, Uni in Switzerland is like 700.-/semester

>> No.20010859
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>> No.20010868

My friend texts me while at work so they can vicariously NEET through me and I can vicariously get pissed off about their workplace. It's pretty sweet, especially as I won't have to physically axe murder any colleagues.

>> No.20010872

write your novel about that

>> No.20010876

Sorry buddy we're both working on novels about different shit.

>> No.20010880

i haven't wrote a poem in 4 months. i'm going through a break up. i'm certain i'm going to be dead soon. i'm reading cornaro's book how to live a hundred years. i went to a party yesterday where they had a group discussion on how we should surrender to russia.

>> No.20010884

then i'll write it

>> No.20010912

>i'm certain i'm going to be dead soon
It's pretty interesting how so many /lit/izens share this exact sentiment..

>> No.20010936

>i went to a party yesterday where they had a group discussion on how we should surrender to russia.
first progressive thought I've heard in a while
how's the breakup going?
why would you want to live 100 years? don't kill yourself or anything I just really wonder what that would do for you?

>> No.20010939

I rate ok/10
the intended reference was

>> No.20010944

I may be uncultured, and I may be swine, but

>> No.20010948

You lost the argument.

>> No.20010952

I think I've reached a point wher eI sympathize far more wiht mr jones desu. fuck the geek

>> No.20010990
File: 254 KB, 858x976, dicsord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plz join my incel nazi child molester christian femboy club

>> No.20010991

I've never connected with faith.

>> No.20010995

but it's true love

>> No.20010997

kind of depressing being here because I realize that the emptiness inside of me and the lack of desire or need for any kind of relationship isn't even unique. Walking around I never see anyone like me and think I am totally separated from mankind, but then you realize that's just because I don't notice the people like me because they're like me. Here at least 10% of the people are like me so I'm not superior or unique at all, I'm just another mentally ill guy and probably a textbook case for some shlomo psychiatrist

>> No.20010999

You will if you join my esoteric Hitlerism book club discord server >>20010990

>> No.20011005

We're all exactly like you in this introvert social club discord server

>> No.20011009


>> No.20011014

nope i left all those deliberately because all you discord faggots are NPCs and even worse than normies. You're just a normie who doesn't get their social fix because you're a degenerate autistic loser in addition so you beg people to talk to you on 4chan by joining your naive zoomer pseudo cult that you'll grow out of in 2 weeks. people like you should be gassed

>> No.20011020

You're probably right. You're very smart, clearly you need intellectual peers of high caliber like only my dandy server can provide >>20010990
So join

>> No.20011035

I'm such a faggot.

>> No.20011038

Me too. Want to join my faggot discord server? >>20010990

>> No.20011082


>> No.20011085

breakup things continue to go up and down. re not dying young, one answer is i start feeling frightened about it. the other is just i don't know.

>> No.20011107

Since I can remember there's always been some part of me that wants a zombie apocalypse. The struggle for survival and civilization against an eldritch force, the extreme violence and perversion forced unto everyone, the fateful and dramatic encounters like in my anime, the searching and possibility of finding a young wife, the teaching and encouragement of those who wouldn't listen otherwise, the breeding and growing of crops for food, the moustaches and beards that men grow, the hairy armpits and legs for women, the missing and depleted garbage from the oceans, the farts and burps that no one demeans you over, the schools and jails that no longer keep your embarrassing records, an avalanche and mudslide emotionally bursting forth without worrying about masculinity, shame and recognition for pooping your pants in public are gone, and the love and compassion between survivors despite it all.

>> No.20011117

Holy fuck if I read one more woman trying to write philosophy I'm going to go nuclear. FUCK. OFF.

>> No.20011122

Any time I try to tell someone about a cool new book I'm reading, or tell them about a podcast I listened to, it's usually met with apathy or annoyance. I'm a furniture delivery guy, and I've had temps outright mutiny over me wanting to listen to classical music for "a" fucking shift. Everyone will spend hours telling me about this funny thing their fucking cat did, though, or some embarrassing thing that happened to them 10 years ago.

People are wholly wrapped in themselves, and then they wonder why I don't "reach out" to them. It's because sitting at the bar and drinking is only fun like once a month.

I don't even get what the point of this shit is. My girlfriend's okay, I guess. I'm glad I ended up with her instead of some bimbo that acts like fucking Jenny from Forest Gump.

>> No.20011130
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>> No.20011139
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If I am truly free, which is to say responsible for the creation of the whole of my being, why am I not in possession of a complete picture as to how this happened, why it happened, and all of the other whys with respect to myself? If I am truly in possession of a transcendental freedom, why can I not grasp it? Why am I confined to the world as appearance? If I were transcendentally free and wholly responsible, I would will the whole of my being and nothing would be a simple given, all would have completeness and justification with respect to myself, but this is not the case

>> No.20011153

in other words, how can I be simultaneously free in all aspects yet cannot grasp this power which I nevertheless exercise absolutely? Would this transcendent power of absolute willing and creation necessitate the knowledge of it if it were to be freely exercised and not merely something which "happened" to me?

>> No.20011247

Anyone who makes a pop reference deserves to be shot. If you need an analogy, use classical works that everyone should be familiar with nor films.

>> No.20011297

what he is describing is evidently a tendency, anon

>> No.20011298
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>> No.20011337

At least I could try to laugh over my own neuroses before. Now I’m so fucked up that it’s not even funny. I feel like nothing's ever going to be okay again. I’ve been spiralling for two weeks and I don’t know why. I can’t even cry anymore— I’m just dull and flat and stunned. There’s nothing going on in my head. I can’t read, I can’t study, I can’t listen to music or go for walks. So I bury myself under the covers and distract myself with mind-numbing shit: crossword puzzles, scrolling Twitter. If my mind isn’t constantly occupied I get so anxious that I can’t stand it.

I’ve been avoiding everything. Through my own inaction, I’m pushing away everyone who cares about me and wants to help me succeed. I can’t stop punishing myself and fucking myself over. I thought this self-destructiveness was an adolescent trait that I’d outgrown, but now I’m worse than ever. I can’t focus. I’ve tried to throw myself into my research and work on preparing questions for my interviews, but I can’t make myself care about any of my ideas anymore. I keep putting things off and missing deadlines. I’m watching myself destroy my future as a helpless observer, unable to wrestle control over my own passivity and stop this train wreck from unfolding.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Why can’t I just be normal? Why do I get so hurt by failure? Why does the slightest rejection make me want to cower in the corner like some kicked puppy? I’m not the helpless, terrified kid that I was fifteen years ago. I’m an independent adult. I should be more resilient. But it’s like some stupid babyish part of me is still constantly afraid that if I mess up then someone’s going to hit me.

Now I know more than ever that I should never reveal my authentic thoughts to anyone ever again. It never works for me. I don’t even blame him: none of this is his fault. He didn’t do anything wrong. We all like what we like, and he just didn’t like me— fair enough. What else did I fucking expect? At least he had the decency to be brutally honest in the end, and didn’t choose to lead me on or ghost me. Yeah, it made me cry, but I’m the one who directly asked him for it. I’m the one who acted like a pathetic idiot and embarrassed myself. I should have known better than to even try— I always ruin everything.

Sometimes I wish that I’d never ‘met’ him— you can’t miss what you never had. I wish I could go back to this time last year and do things differently, or just erase it all from my memory and move on. But I’ll never be able to forget. And still, I just want— but no. It doesn’t matter what I want because it’ll never happen.

I know I’m rambling. Nothing makes sense. My thoughts are all tangled. I couldn’t even make myself leave my apartment to go to class today. I’m so tired. Everything seems unreal. I wish I could stay in bed forever. All I want to do is sleep and sleep.

>> No.20011415

Why is communicating with other people so hard?

>> No.20011421

I recently became aware of the fact that most of the time, emotions precede thoughts. Like, I'd be walking outside on a sunny day and I'd feel good and have happy thoughts like a normal human.

But when I lock myself in my apartment I tend to have deeply nihilistic and suicidal thoughts, the funny thing is I thought that that was my personality or that I was "depressed", still not sure if that's really the case but I'm keeping an eye on my thought process and it's full of edgy negative shit but my life is not so good anyway at the moment.

>> No.20011427

The building of a nuclear reactor on Ukraine is on fire

>> No.20011445


>> No.20011476

>because Plato's Cave
But no, seriously, it's a valid question. I'm assuming you're saying this with regards to social contexts? Is it the effort and energy of trying to reach out and engage which you find 'hard'? or is it the frustration of not being understood and the mental energy of trying to correct that?
This always becomes a chicken and the egg thing for me: am I going outside because it's sunny, or was I inclined to go outside and it happens to be sunny which is why I feel happier? Am I feeling depressed and sad because I haven't gone outside all day, or have I not gone outside all day because something deeper is making me sad and depressed?

>> No.20011568

> Is it the effort and energy of trying to reach out and engage which you find 'hard'?
This, actually taking the step to talk to someone and managing the risks of being misunderstood or making some dumb mistake.

>> No.20011577

Not sure if it's relevant to you, but I was well into my 20's before I had the startling revelation that for the vast majority of people what is said/meant is far less important than the mere presence of a gesture.
That sort of changed the way I perceived the risks of things like sending random texts, it went from "oh goodness I hope I'm not annoying them, I hope I have something important to say?" to "they'll be happy I remembered them."

>> No.20011614
File: 201 KB, 463x346, Screen Shot 2022-03-03 at 8.40.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this guy. Just look at this fucking guy.

He is a youtuber named Mancarryingthing and his entire goal in life is to become famous on Youtube while putting the lowest possible effort into his videos.

His entire schtick (for the most part) is creating 30 second meme videos that are neither funny, witty, charming, nor marketable towards zoomers. He tries to present himself as a "brilliant, but lazy" trope, but it's obviously from a quick study that his eyes are soulless. He probably looks at himself in the mirror and wonders what he is doing and who he really is. He hides his insecurities ala RedLetterMedia through irony, satire, and sarcasm, because one real criticism would send him over the edge and he'd commit suicide.

Look at this fucking guy. He represents every repugnant quality about 21t century western men. We've come so far. We went to the fucking moon, and this is where evolution has brought us.

>> No.20011636

>I'm going to take a screenshot of a nobody youtuber and seethe about his face in a long-winded internet post
Who's pathetic now?

>> No.20011747

I never again want to become romantically involved with anyone else, it'll only remind me of all the skills and talents I don't have and how I can't be loved. I want to spend the rest of my life lost in nothing but work, sports, and meaningless hookups so that I never again have to be reminded of my family or my upbringing. I don't want to be reminded that I'm human, I don't want to remember that I exist, I just want all my thoughts directed towards something external which I can master: this is the closest thing I'll ever experience to control in my life.

Just anything to never remember my upbringing.

>> No.20011758

Rejection is nothing against giving everything of yourself for years leading to hard betrayal. Neurosis and fear are amateur hangups against living with black boiling rage every day and internalized misanthropy. The only loss you really can't recover from is wasted time on such things. Especially in your critical formative years. Sorry I don't have much better to offer than le it could be worse.

> If my mind isn’t constantly occupied I get so anxious that I can’t stand it.

Attend nature, remove the material and the modern and the pressures of the values the modern deems necessary, reset yourself somewhere you don't have access to your rut situation. Forget and start over. Leave the phone behind. You have an opportunity to make a clean break and a new and better you.

>> No.20011807

Putin is based though and supports Russian values

>> No.20011833

I sympathize— communicating with others can be really difficult. Is there a specific person that you’re struggling to talk to? What is it that you want to communicate to them? Maybe practice writing it out here, or privately on paper, just to see how it feels to articulate those thoughts. I do that often, and sometimes it helps to just get it out, even if you don’t end up sharing what you’ve written with the person in question.

Think of it this way: what’s the worst that could happen if they misunderstand you? The way that other people respond to your words is always going to be based on their own pre-existing thoughts, feelings, and experiences—- no matter how carefully you choose what you say, there will always be at least some degree of risk involved. But in order to connect with others, you have to be willing to be vulnerable. If you stay silent, you’ll just be stuck in limbo forever. And even if you do make a dumb mistake, do you believe that the other person will automatically assume the worst of you? That’s unlikely. If they’re reasonable, they’ll probably be willing to hear you out, and let you try to correct yourself and clarify what it is that you mean.

Also, when you’re thinking about what to say to someone else, try to picture yourself in their shoes. Don’t solely think about what you most want to say to them— you should also consider the kinds of statements that they might be most receptive to, based on their character and the specifics of your relationship with them.

>> No.20011867

You've got to get over it lady. You'll find YOUR guy, live for him and your future together.

>> No.20011920

as someone with very little (intimate) romantic experience, can you explain how your upbringing becomes involved in these relations?

>> No.20011948

I’ve already wasted almost a whole year ruminating about this whole situation, and that’s time I’ll never recover. I don’t have the option to start over elsewhere— I have to stay in my current situation because I’ve signed a lease here and I’m entering the final year of my degree. I can’t have a totally clean break and reset my life without dropping out of school and moving elsewhere, which isn’t an option for me at all. I can’t set myself back by uprooting my whole life over this— it would only make things worse.

>> No.20011957

I lack the self-will to really hone in my knowledge. I'm like a wild dog that follows whatever temporarily captures my interest. And with the internet I find myself routinely going in deep dives on random topics I know nothing about. At a certain point this becomes more cost than it's worth, that I should really center what I read more strictly to a few subjects, but I can't help myself.

>> No.20011960

I'm very similar. Do you have any core obsessions? What are your true talents?

>> No.20012012

how long did you know him before you asked him to be completely honest?

>> No.20012077

I have no real talent. I used to fancy myself a good writer but over the past couple of years my writing ability has gone to shit. I don't have any real passions only a variety of shallow interests.
At uni I studied many different subjects--political science, sociology, some philosophy, environmental science, anthropology, rhetoric--before I ended up settling in English lit which I'm finishing my last year now.
My issue is that I lack direction and a consistent worldview. I have a very good memory and can parrot summaries of other people's ideas but lack any of my own.

>> No.20012107


>> No.20012115


>> No.20012119


>> No.20012125

I'm beginning to wonder, and it sounds awfully whimsical and teleological which is why I'm skeptical, if it is possible to discern any pattern between your shallow interests. Sort of like the blind-men and the elephant, each one is an aspect of what someone might call your "true calling" but I'd rather call, "a aptitude or topic that fits you well"?

>> No.20012271

I think we’d been talking for a couple of months when I did it? I kind of saw the writing on the wall— I only did it because I wasn’t sure if he was actually busy or if he was blowing me off and trying to ghost me. I should’ve just taken the hint. But the uncertainty was making me anxious, and I thought it would be best to try to clear things up so that I wouldn’t have to be distracted wondering if he’d ever reach out to me again. I really tried to ask him about it in a low-pressure way, and I thought that he’d at least try to let me down easy. But his response was very cold and clinical, and it upset me so much.

>> No.20012432

There’s nothing that divides genre fiction from literary fiction, but there is a clear distinction between something that’s well-written and something that’s not.