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20000591 No.20000591 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone a fan of sword and sorcery?
I’m tired of high fantasy world at stake stories. Personal feuds are more interesting.

>> No.20000630

Same. Also DnD was better when it was based on the pulps and Tolkien instead of...whatever the fuck it's based on now.

>> No.20000632
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Yes. If you've read Howard's Conan stories I highly recommend reading his Kull stuff. More philosophical, fewer stories and more fragments than Conan (thanks to retard losing the stories Howard's dad gave him to look through after his death) but still very good.

>> No.20000659
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I'm working my way through all of Howard's Conan stories as we speak. I pretty much read them all now apart from the unpublished/unfinished tales and I'm currently reading my way through The Hour of the Dragon. The first few chapters take a lot of plot points from The Scarlet Citadel but I don't know why I slept on this one for so long, it's better than most of his short stories. Howard's writing style has ruined all other fantasy authors for me. Nobody can write an action scene like Howard did. These are big dicked stories for big dicked men even if you don't actually have a big dick. I can feel my sinewy thews bulging just thinking about it.

>> No.20000723

>The first few chapters take a lot of plot points from The Scarlet Citadel but I don't know why I slept on this one for so long, it's better than most of his short stories
Yep. First Conan story I ever read was hour of the dragon. It's a shame it's the only novel Howard ever wrote cause it's fantastic.
I've read kull as well and at this point I'm trying to decide if I wanna get into some of his late 19th/early 20th century adventure stories or his boxing stories.

>> No.20000756
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>whatever the fuck it's based on now
It's based on their own lore so it's like how genre writers are made up of people who have never read anything but their own genre, which wasn't the case for Tolkien, Howard, Lovecraft, et al.
I love S&S. I tried to make threads about it but it seems there's only a small contingent of us. I suggest you look into Moorcock. I haven't read much but he has good taste (The Broken Sword) so I hope he synthesises S&S and fantasy into something interesting.

>> No.20000794


>> No.20000804

it was some /qa/ refugee saying "fol" in a basedjack thread

>> No.20000844
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Read karl edward wagners Kane stories if you haven't. They're up there with Conan, Elric, and Fafhrd and the Grey mouser as some of the best sword and sorcery tales ever written. Expensive and hard to find as physical copies because the KEW estate only releases huge expensive hardbacks but if you get them they're some of the best. dark, gothic, acid tinged, if you like howard's darker and weirder conan stories, solomon kane and bran mak morn or elric then you'll love these

>> No.20000893

>It's based on their own lore so it's like how genre writers are made up of people who have never read anything but their own genre, which wasn't the case for Tolkien, Howard, Lovecraft, et al.
I've been attempting to write some s&s stuff. Have been taking influence from history/myths more so than other fantasy stuff.
One is legit
>what if Hercules chased down the Argo when Jason abandoned him and got revenge
Kinda hung up trying to do a sort of anabasis with the character. Large battles are hard to write and I'm not sure where to take the story once it's over. Obviously have the people march home but not sure what to have them encounter

>> No.20000921

That sounds fantastic. I'd love to read it if you manage to publish it.
>Large battles are hard to write and I'm not sure where to take the story once it's over.
I like how Howard dealt with large scale siege/battles in Scarlet Citadel (near the end), I think you could reread that if you have already read it to pick up on how he manages battle flow and descriptions, although he only drew it out for 3200ish words in the fifth chapter. Have them encounter mythical creatures. In one of my stories that isn't S&S but just Greek-inspired fantasy, I have a riddle-speaking sphinx and harpies, etc.

>> No.20000960

>That sounds fantastic. I'd love to read it if you manage to publish it.
Thanks. My goal is to try and publish a bunch of these short stories together with an over arching story going on around then all.
Idea I have is main hero arrives at a tavern at the beginning and tells other adventurers/heros about his life. By the end its revealed said character has died and is talking to ancient heroes trying to prove he is worthy to live amongst them ala elysium. So basically latest hero tries to convince Achilles, Hercules, beowulf, etc. that he belongs.
Don't know if something like that is marketable but it's what I want to do with it
>Have them encounter mythical creatures. In one of my stories that isn't S&S but just Greek-inspired fantasy, I have a riddle-speaking sphinx and harpies, etc.
Yeah I'm thinking something along those lines. Just not sure what creatures to use.
And thanks for the advice about the battles, if I can get that done I think I can break through and finish the story

What are your Greek stories like? I've never read Greek inspired fantasy. Fantasy now seems to be either medieval inspired or derivative of that type of book

>> No.20001559

Rate those 3 books left to right from 0-10 with a short 2 sentences of why.

>> No.20001617

I stopped playing after 3.5e. They have actual Rick and Morty splat material these days. From WotC. I'll give you a moment to heavily sigh.

>> No.20002520

High fantasy is unbelievable.
Sword and sorcery is fiction, but it’s semi believable.

>> No.20002653

I remember reading through the Dungeon of the Mad Mage book and thinking it was brilliant that he had a gun on him when you kill and loot him. Fucking great reward and flavor for beating the 1000 year old world's greatest wizard.
Then it describes how you find a small flying saucer in his basement and I realized they just made him Rick and I cringed so hard I ripped the book in half.

>> No.20002697

I'm writing about a girl that's clearly fucked in the head for lusting after her brother

>> No.20003063

checked and based Kane fan.

>> No.20003262

Why though.
Sex isn’t even good in books, it’s the romance.
A sister listing isn’t romantic, it’s only sexual, because who would want to be romantic with their sister?

>> No.20004172

The Communist Manifesto and Handmaid's Tale

>> No.20004591

Then check DMR Books, it's a small publisher that specialize in S&S novels, both old and news.

>> No.20004643

Conan striding through the burning chaos of a village he just slaughtered carrying the severed head of king nigger to claim a woman terrified of him in Vale of Lost Women is the most erotic passage in the entire Western canon. No homo.

>> No.20004683

You buy books by publisher?…

>> No.20005576

Queen of the Black Coast is the best Conan story every written, close second is tower of the elephant. Sometimes you just want to read for a fun ride.

>> No.20006782

What’s everyone’s thoughts on thomas liggoti’s story Masquerade of a Dead Sword: A Tragedie? It’s probably his only stab at a sword and sorcery tale.

>> No.20006866

Ada, or Ardor

>> No.20008148

Moorcock is great. Razor fist on YouTube does a lot of good videos on Elric. I just painstakingly crawle the internet and compiled all the comics into .cbr files and I'm waiting on part II to come in the mail.

>> No.20008205


They're all good.

>> No.20008482

Speaking of comics, the Conan stories by Hiltunen are top-notch.

>> No.20008543

Share pls kind anon

>> No.20010031

look up s&s audiobooks done in the style of old radio plays
these books were meant to be read aloud

>> No.20010077

Schuyler Hetstromm writes good shit

>> No.20010147

lol Conan getting mogged look at his manlet rage

>> No.20010155
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Here's the man you're looking for. The very wealthy man.

>> No.20010162
File: 56 KB, 649x523, D&D satyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also DnD was better when it was based on the pulps and Tolkien instead of...whatever the fuck it's based on now.
Ahem. The term is "freakshit" and they don't need you, bigot.

>> No.20010163

That's what my long term writing project is about, actually. Classic sword and shield, Man vs Man conflict.