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/lit/ - Literature

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20000417 No.20000417 [Reply] [Original]

He's /lit/ personified but yet the board hates him.


>> No.20000424

He's a faggot.

>> No.20000427

/lit/ loves vidal tho. i think you're mistaking /tv/ fans who like buckley in one interview for /lit/.

>> No.20000434

this. pay no mind to /pol/ and your /lit/ experience will be ten times better

>> No.20000461

So are you but I wouldn't give you shit for it.

>> No.20000468

>He's /lit/ personified
He's a progressive reddit pseud, please kys.

>> No.20000474

He's more Conservative than you think.

>> No.20000477

you need to go back

>> No.20000480

>progressive reddit pseud

See, this is how I know /lit/ doesn't read.

>> No.20000482

All I know is that Lisa Simpson likes him and that's enough for me to know what he's worth.

>> No.20000484

Where's your treatise on the Axial Age?

>> No.20000488
File: 81 KB, 707x682, 1640057640334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forming your opinion off a fucking Simpsons Episode

>> No.20000490

He's America's biographer, you fucking illiterate.

>> No.20000494

Woah look at the leftypol invaders freak out their hero is criticised.

>> No.20000500

>lefty pol
Do you know how triggered those trannies get by his opinions on trannies and gay sex?

>> No.20000504

Wasn't he a homosexual himself?

>> No.20000505

No, I mean an actual faggot. He's un/lit/. Also he voted Democrat which is reddit.

>> No.20000507

What do you mean? The faggot sucked off hundreds of dicks in his life.

>> No.20000508

>getting called lefty by someone who hasn't read a book
Being stupid doesn't make you right wing

>> No.20000524

He claimed they didn't exist, as an identity, and anyone who thought they were born this way and couldn't change were lying to themselves. You're a collection of your choices, just like you make the absolute failure move of thinking repeating shit you saw on the internet as fact was going to be informed conversation on a book. You're always going to have that moment in your life, but saying it's definitve of you and you're not choosing to act like an idiot every time you do it is letting you off easy. Just like pretending sucking cock isn't a case by case issue.

>> No.20000527

>I haven't read him
We know.

>> No.20000537

So? How the fuck is that profound? Jesus christ, am I supposed to be impressed?

>> No.20000539

Reddit pseudo-logic.

>> No.20000542

You're sharing a board with unironic Buckley fans, ignore them. Those who read understand Vidal's talent, he isn't among the greatest for sure but he's a good writer.

>> No.20000544

>How the fuck is that profound?
Were you under the impression that voicing your ignorant opinion was going to result in anon being profound rather than just pointing out you haven't read him?
I'll take your word for it that you read Reddit, but not that you've read Vidal.

>> No.20000555

I dislike Vidal because he had the audacity to make fun of Fitzgerald.

Is he really as good as he thinks?

>> No.20000560

>unironic Buckley fans,
They're not even good fans. I've read more of Buckley's kid's work than they're going to read of Buckley, though I can almost guarantee you their exposure to both is through a film streaming subscription.

>> No.20000564

>audacity to make fun of Fitzgerald.
Everyone makes fun of Fitzgerald. Even Zelda makes fun of Fitzgerald.

>> No.20000579
File: 20 KB, 493x622, gore-vidal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a Vidal thread


>> No.20000582

OP did say /lit/ personified

>> No.20000587
File: 91 KB, 1566x880, 130908-salinger-romano-tease_qqqgvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Conservative
>ended up liking Vidal more than Buckley

That's how bad William Faggot Buckley is.

>> No.20000596

touch grass or seek help. your mind is a meme

>> No.20000621

Why do I see these threads and know immediately they're cross posters who home on a completely different board culture?

>> No.20000622

>he's trying to banter like Vidal

>> No.20000678

Epicureanism/Hedonism/Libertinism is just sophisticated existential nihilism.
Most on this board are just sophisticated nihilists who read books looking to prolong their metaphysical illness like heroin addicts looking for another fix of abyssal certainty.

>> No.20000748

And it’s working

>> No.20000753

>High on life: bad
Dumb take, nihilist

>> No.20000843

>Dumb take, nihilist
What's the telos then on getting "high on life"?
Where the transcendence out of nihilism?

>> No.20000860

Sounds to me like you're stuck in a false propositional duality.

>> No.20000865

Finding your own meaning is enough. Always has been. Thinking yourself into depression and suicide isn’t profound or intellectual. Not to defend this other extremist philosophy of hedonism. Epicureanism is a reasonable place to start.

>> No.20000875


Vidal was a complete pseud and only a vapid brainless place like America could consider him an 'intellectual' for the sheer novelty of the fact he takes cocks in his ass, not unlike say OP.

>> No.20000888

tourists and shills have no notion of how hard they stick out or why

>> No.20001486

>t. election tourists

>> No.20001610
