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File: 63 KB, 750x821, Youre a virgin arent you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19997974 No.19997974[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone recommend me a book that will explain why virginity in a man is so hated?

>> No.19997980

Incel = cringe, desires worldly pleasures more than a sex and drug addict, but isn't even able to get them.
Volcel = based, giving up wordly pleasures.
Simple as

>> No.19997981

>that greentext

…How did she know?

>> No.19997991

Did he post the writing assignment?

>> No.19998003

Virgin prose. It's not unlike the virgin walk.

>> No.19998006

You can tell when someone is writing about something they know nothing about.

>> No.19998064
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>> No.19998069

because it displays a degree of social ineptness, and people who don't 'fit the mould' as always seen as bad.

>> No.19998083

>because it displays a degree of social ineptness
No it doesn't, Jesus, I hate Americans

>> No.19998114

I don't see hate, most just have cheap feeling of superiority over those who never had sex.
Unfamiliarity with the subject shows in writing, although it doesn't necessarily mean text itself is bad.

>> No.19998144


It objectively does. This is not to say that sex is the end-all be-all of adult socialization, but it is a major component. Never having had sex, not even one time, is tantamount to not having a single friend: what might at first arouse pity (always a negative emotion, see Nietzsche and others) eventually arouses disgust and (usually well-founded) suspicion that the person is a dangerous loser with something to hide.

There is a reason why STDs were referred to in the Victorian era with the polite euphemism "social disease".

>> No.19998150

He probably wrote the woman like one of those damsels from 1920s sci-fi

>> No.19998153

Virginity in men is cute. Cute!

>> No.19998156
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>> No.19998214

I always get a little hard when someone here mentions their virginity. The same if someone mentions that they're infertile or impotent.
I don't know what the fuck that says about me. The faint echo of some ancient monkey-rape gene.

>> No.19998259

>suspicion that the person is a dangerous loser with something to hide.
I get this for not having social media

>> No.19998264

seconding this

>> No.19998269

he posts anime on 4chan

>> No.19998271

…How did she know that?

>> No.19998283

He simply had 'the look' about him.

>> No.19998300
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I used to get that but since becoming a wizard and also having something to hide, people think it's cool and mysterious. Especially now that I'm just open about it, that I don't talk about certain topics, and I'm willing to walk away if someone insists, and that I seriously don't think I'm capable of a romantic relationship this late in life.

I do regret not having sex a ton when I was younger. Fuck grades, getting laid would have been way better in the long run.

>> No.19998310
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Don't listen to this normalfaggot. I will not have sex before marriage. It is easy to see how fornication ruins people once you begin to pay closer attention. It results in the inability to distinguish lust from love.

>> No.19998329
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I write romance of my own volition. I’ve shared it with people online and IRL, most of them shit on it

>> No.19998333

>I do regret not having sex a ton when I was younger. Fuck grades, getting laid would have been way better in the long run.
In the long run how ? I mean at least now you probably have money for hookers you probably didnt when you were younger so there's that.

>> No.19998349
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When I became a wizard I either received esoteric knowledge about the true nature of women, or decades of observation combined with declining hormone levels let me see just how awful they are. I think if I had had sex before that point, I never would have really woken up and there'd still be hope for me. Now? No way. Plus, there wasn't really a good reason not to have sex in hindsight. Birth control mostly works and even if I'd knocked up some chick, it wouldn't have been the end of the world and at least I'd have reproduced. Grades weren't worth it, in fact having worse grades would have kept me out of nearly 6 figs of student loan debt, and I would have just gone into the trades like I should have.

Yeah I can afford hookers now but why pay money to interact with 3DPD? Seriously, you couldn't pay me to fuck a 3D woman at this point. The only thing that sucks is I know it didn't have to be this way, so I feel a bit of regret.

>> No.19998357

Because its not realistic i mean maybe this could happen in some low budget Hallmark romantic comedy.Women otherwise dont say stuff like that.

>> No.19998359

Boring, but competent. >>19998357 hit it right on the nose, you'd be a good dialogue writer for direct-to-tv movies

>> No.19998360

Is seen a sign of social inmadurity like the other anons above said, and in many cases it is. I would not be myself over it: Sex outside marriage is a sin anyway, and honestly the act of sex itself will solve nothing for you unless it comes from actual social development, which is good and desirable, but perhaps not worth compromising your values for (at least, if you share my values).

>> No.19998366

*beat myself over it.

>> No.19998371


I wrote the post that you responded to. Let's just say that I had myself in mind when I wrote it.

>> No.19998376

>Seriously, you couldn't pay me to fuck a 3D woman at this point. The only thing that sucks is I know it didn't have to be this way, so I feel a bit of regret.
Why did you develop some weird fetishes along the way so you dont like how women look or?

>> No.19998379

I'm going to assume that you're a virgin: it just doesn't go down like that. It can go down in a way that you can novelize like this in a Christmas direct-to-VHS, but it's usually more ironic and self-aware while emotions are more contained both ways.

>> No.19998422
File: 16 KB, 485x319, 23964611ba1cc30ca3e3e67907515937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex and Character by Otto Weininger
Your mom is a whore. Sorry. It would be worse if she wasnt because then your mom would be an ugly whore. Your first mistake started with respecting women. You know your dog eats his own shit. You know your cat licks shamelessly. You will now know that women only care about their holes and pretend to be men to hide this eternal truth. They are good at convincing people to drop such subjects in favor of worshipping their holes. Want to go on a date with a woman and show her your poems and movies? No patience either you win sex or youre not interesting. Why would a woman have ambitions and effort? To lure a man thats it. No more depth. Thats why the best woman you could ask for is a shrewd penny pinching home maker who is YOUR WHORE.
>spank spank spank spank
If its anything not in a XXX complete dominance bin she files it under cute nursing the aww bin. If its not in either youre in for a 404 tantrum. Male virginity? What a loser! Male goals? I bet he just wants more whores. Male virility? Oh my gosh toxic.
Male ape predictable. Male genius does not compute. And if it does i bet he has a small peepee anyway teehee go buy me stuff cuck.

>> No.19998425

The problem here is that your dialogue is unnatural and that your buildup for a kiss is too sudden. Both of them just realized they liked each other and are already passing bases. Romance starts with the confession not ends with it. Though the biggest problem is that your dialogue doesn't have any rhythm. Its too explicit and it feels like reading a book instead of two people talking to each other. Also, the female has too many mood changes through the conversation, most people when talking to each other have one to two moods for a whole conversation. There also isn't much rhythm in their replies, by that I mean they don't talk off each other, I think most normal people call it chemistry. For example just try imagining their conversation in real time, it doesn't flow very smoothly. I think there's some basic rule here that when talking to other people you match the length of their reply. Fuck just try getting your mother to read off this conversation with you and see how unnatural everything is.

>> No.19998445
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Selling romance is ridiculous. If any of you were to find out real sexcapades ala Roosh V stories you would not think them real. Lets say you owned all the dating apps and snooped on society. Would you like the truth? The reality would not be a pleasant story to purchase much less repeat outside of a ghastly gossip. A good romance is like a dream house on a hill away from the slum neighborhood. It takes a big person to take that hike. It must necessarily detach itself from the horrendously dissonant customs common today. Youre selling people escape they can believe but I dont think people can believe.

>> No.19998448

I know how women are at a fundamental level. Even though the female body is attractive, the female mind and character is utterly repulsive to me. I want as little to do with them as possible, same with rats and lice and ticks.

>> No.19998464

Women are the Jews of Gender btw
Jews got it from women, matrilineal remember

>> No.19998797
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Any good books with a focus on gender themes? With a fantasy or post apocalyptic scenario preferably.

>> No.19999169

Tales of Earthsea

>> No.19999172

This is the funniest shit I've read in weeks

>> No.19999207
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I've never met a woman who'd wanna be with a virgin. Girls are okay with it during high school, and even college to an extent, if you just happened to be a late bloomer, but literally no one in the mid-twenties range up wants to fuck a guy who hasn't fucked, bar some deranged chicks who just like the idea of controlling men. The idea of a man being a virgin is ridiculous because only boys are virgins.

That being said, sex is gross and animalistic and rarely has anything to do with love. Abandon the idea of love and sex ever having any connection. People fuck other people they hate, they have sex with people who repulse them, and sometimes they just fuck out of convience. Tropic of Cancer is a good depiction of what sex really is, just a social phenomenon that has the same capacity to be cordial or repugnant depending on who you do it with. Sex is about lust, about doing something you know is natural but also taboo. It's a high that ends with orgasm.

The only people who want virgins are either deluded, thinking it will somehow make you both love eachother more, which it won't, it will only make you constantly wonder what its like with others, and creeps, both men and women, who like the idea of owning someone and get flustered at the idea of someone else being intimate with their lover a decade ago.

>> No.19999209

could probably smell it

>> No.19999220

It's only hated by other men, and if you're an incel.
An attractive volcel is literally peak and is frequently sold as fantasy in women directed media.

>> No.19999284

Because the west is diseased

>> No.19999289

someone give a virgin and a non-virgin few sentences on romance right now

HARD MODE - don't say what you intended it to be

>> No.19999293

>t. perfect dream girl in a slice of life manga

>> No.19999309

Zero friends
Zero social media
Zero sexual experiences with non-hookers
Fuck normalfags

>> No.19999333


>I will not have sex before marriage. It is easy to see how fornication ruins people once you begin to pay closer attention. It results in the inability to distinguish lust from love.
kino virgin prose

cringe-kino virgin prose

chad volcel prose

unfortunately no non-virgin prose yet to be seen

>> No.19999347

doesn't that make us the women of race?

>> No.19999358

A bunch of anons have already given wonderful feedback so let me chime in with what instantly came to mind. This is you projecting what you hope would happen to you.

t. virgin

>> No.20000110

>fucked a hooker


>> No.20000136

Do you really need a book?
The final objective of a man is to breed and produce kin with his genes. You have failed at that task on a fundamental level.
I don't hold it against you, but it's obvious why there's a stigma around it.

>> No.20000143

It's not about virginity. It's about having been in a relationship. There's genuinely a LOT you learn after you've been in a relationship. For example, you'll watch a film and see a couple playing with each other's hair and suddenly you get it in a way you never got it before -- you know exactly how that feels and why it's important. Before you just thought "huh yeah that sure is a couple doing couply things" but now you know it's about a specific kind of comfortable closeness.

If you don't have romantic experience and you write about romance you'll miss these things.
Having said that, I went through the thread in the archives, and it looks like he was just making up the whole thing.

>> No.20000155

Which is why the most dangerous people have the most sex?
Men who don't have sex are passive and submissive. They are usually the least dangerous people around, which is why they're so repulsive to women.

>> No.20000163

>The final objective of a man is to breed and produce kin with his genes.
And what of childless women?

>> No.20000176

They are seen as pathetic too, people don't say it out loud because it's "not cool" and "antifeminist", but don't kid yourself.

>> No.20000198

I'm genuinely disturbed people are treating this like it's not bait because this is fucking horribly written. I assumed you were just shitposting but now I'm worried you were serious so I'm gonna give advice.

For fuck's sake stop doing Harry Potter tier shit like
>she asked in a dangerously quiet voice
>admitted with a heavy sigh
>blurted incredulously
>she nodded
>he exclaimed
>he asked dumbly
>she snapped
>she told him with an exasperated roll of her eyes
>he admitted cluelessly
It's too fucking much, anon. I get fatigued just reading it. Stop it. Use those kinds of expressions sparingly, when you want to really highlight something.

Also, obviously I'm missing context but this doesn't make sense to me. Why is Jamie sighing and acting all nonchalant if he's desperate to date this woman? If he's affecting nonchalance you need to show that. It's also just genre'd as fuck. It's like you're just regurgitating YA romance cliches. When this sort of thing happens in real life it's nothing like that -- it's a lot more euphoric, almost manic, as you both call each other idiots and repeat how glad you are that this is happening and how long you've waited for it. There's no time to be exasperated and roll your eyes. You're in love.
>this is how I'd write it
She was quiet. Then she spoke, carefully.
"Are you asking me out?"
"I..." Jamie swallowed, then realising the awkwardness of his silence, sighed. "I suppose I am. I just don't want us to never be together again. It doesn't make sense. Not after everything we've been through." Caitlin pursed her lips and hummed a little.
"I think I could make a bit of time for us to go on a date." She stared at him. He stared at her.
The silence lasted about one second before Jamie blurted "Really?" with enough incredulous, earnest happiness to make Caitlin drop her own act, and she put her head back and laughed in relief.

>> No.20000199

There are literally no downsides to hookers compared to regular dating right now. You do not get any added benefits. Women are not loyal, they are not feminine, they do not want kids until old, they have been railed by everyone and his dog, they are nasty, disgusting, fake, petty and everything you wouldn't want about a partner, and on top of all they are completely incapable of love. Prostitutes will at least dissimulate these aspects to make herself pleasant to you so you pay her a second time, and there's nothing a regular woman offers she doesn't also offer. She will not ruin you, she will not betray you. All that women can offer today is sex and sex is easy to find.

>> No.20000201

Why do you post authoritatively about things you self evidently have no experience with

>> No.20000207

I have only never been with prostitutes because I think adultery is immoral, but I've been dating for a long time and I know that modern women are completely rotten. But please go ahead and try to pin me to some retarded stereotype, I'm too fucking tired to argue with trannies so you win.

>> No.20000209

>I have only never been with prostitutes
Exactly! If you had you'd know they're so fucking expensive that it's sheer stupidity to recommend them willy-nilly to anyone and everyone. Only some people can afford regular service from prostitutes.
Prostitutes don't ruin a man? Are you stupid?

>> No.20000216

I touched the firmness of her outline as she stood before me yet to be had. She was supple. Her ferocity was unbridled. She awake something in me. A primal desire of her womanhood. And I knew then that this was time. There was nothing that could interrupt this perfect moment. Then she cried. We had only been together for a few minutes but my urges could not be quenched. Her arduous frame was met by a tickle. I made her stop her vociferous yelp, turning it into a glamorous help. Entering her slowly. She winced. It happened fast. I don't know who came last. And that is how I made love to her.

Now, am I a virgin or am I not?

>> No.20000222

>they're so fucking expensive
it's the only cost though and dating isn't free
the toll of being betrayed by a person you love is much bigger than money

>> No.20000227


>> No.20000229


>> No.20000255

Yeah and it's a fucking huge cost. Anon the cost of condoms alone is prohibitive if you fuck three times a day, how much do you think that is if you hire a prostitute?

>> No.20000269

First chapter of 12RFL. You are at the bottom of the dominance hierarchy
100% a virgin

>> No.20000277

I never said you have to fuck a whore every day. In any case if you want to do that, you can just earn more money. You're a single man in a nihilistic world with no future, there's no reason to invest in anything if you care about sex so much.

>> No.20000294


>> No.20000307

>real sexcapades ala Roosh V stories you would not think them real.
because they are not i cannot belive poeple folow that looser.Sleazy degenerate arab larping as traditional.

>> No.20000328


>> No.20000343
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Girls like virgins now not gross chads

>> No.20000365

>The final objective of a man is to breed and produce kin with his genes.
This is the final objective of a woman. Men do everything else.