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19993887 No.19993887 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw history wasn't dead

>> No.19994011

God Emperor Macron will unite Europa from Lisbon to Vladivostok.

>> No.19994021

Dubs confirm.
God bless

>> No.19994034


>> No.19994091
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>muh history = borders changing
>muh history = politics
>muh history = wars
>muh history = eu4

Historians are the worst kind of psued, History is the unfolding of the grand Idea, it never stops, and never will.

>> No.19994138

>prehistory: from Creation
>history: from Christ
>end of history: Last judgement

>> No.19994147


>> No.19994172


history = vic2

the best paradox game

>> No.19994176


>> No.19994518


>> No.19994529

>Excerpt from - A Distant Thunder
At the end of the twentieth century, there was a Japanese college professor named Francis Fukuyama. He wrote a long, intellectual, and trés chic essay called The End of History that became quite famous.
Francis Fukuyama was an intellectual whore who sold his mind for money. He was a tame academic who sucked up to the wealthy and powerful of his era, big time. He told them what they wanted to hear and he reaped their largesse. When the blank-faced white men in the silk suits said jump, Francis Fukuyama
asked “How high?” When the suits said run, Francis Fukuyama asked “How far?” He politely avoided the mildly disturbing term plutocracy, and substituted a much more fashionable practice of publicly referring
to the wealthy, corrupt, amoral, incompetent, discreetly homosexual Anglo-Zionist corporate ruling élite of the late twentieth century by the grotesque name of liberal democracy. It was, of course, neither liberal nor democratic, but truth didn’t matter in those days.Fukuyama argued that liberal democracy was the final form of human government for all time to come. He claimed that the allegedly irresistible combination of liberal democracy and multinational capitalism had triumphed over all other competing systems such as monarchy, fascism, communism, National Socialism, welfare state socialism, and of course that nasty Islamic theocracy of the ignorant Arab
peasants that persecuted poor little helpless Israel so. History was now at an end, Professor Fukuyama told the world. All that remained was to formalize that fact by taking care of a few little details and getting everybody on board and whipped into shape. Then once we got rid of all those picky little details like race,
and religion, and culture, and morality, and the traditional nuclear family—in other words, once we destroyed all that makes humanity truly diverse in the non-politically correct sense of the term—then all the nations of the earth would boogie down in one great conga line onto the great worldwide EuroAmerican consumer plantation. There mankind would graze in the grass, dancing and singing and
blowing dope and fucking anything with a pulse, bathed in the warm soothing glow from the television.The very flow of history itself would cease and the Garden of Eden would be reborn, but instead of a serpent in our new paradise we’d have only Ronald McDonald.
The world would henceforth and forever be benevolently ruled from the corporate boardroom by pale, unseen beings in expensive suits, while at their shoulder for spiritual guidance whispered the holy rabbi
Hyman Heeblebaum from Temple Schmuck-El, wearing his little blue and white knitted beanie, his heart filled with the brotherhood of man and confident in his ancient Talmudic knowledge of what is best for us all.

>> No.19994532

>part 2:
Wrong, asshole.
Dead wrong.
The United States of America into which I was born was all a lie. A cheap, shoddy, vicious, evil lie that deserved nothing but bloody death at the point of the sword. In the United States of America, if you had a white skin and a dick on you, if you had no money, then you were nothing. Get back, redneck! No one cared about you. No one would lift a finger to help you, and all you were good for was to fix the rich people’s appliances and toys. You were raw material for biped swine in suits to make money for themselves off your sweat and your pain. You lived your whole life like a dog, you were beaten like a dog, and you died like a dog. Well, by God, we showed those rich sons of bitches and their smart Jew lawyers
and their pet monkeys that dogs have teeth!
Oh, yeah. Amazing what a few well-placed bullets and a dab or two of Semtex under some rabbi’s kosher tuches can do to get the wheels of history jump-started and turning back on track.

>> No.19994544

Macron probably has the ambition but I'm not sure he has the capability.

>> No.19994602


>> No.19994767

>Christianity is...LE BAD

>> No.19994796

oh it really is

>> No.19994799

>oh...it really is... LE BAD

>> No.19995060
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>> No.19995370

Yeah and you're a big important part of it, no wonder you're overjoyed! Or maybe you're a complete nonentity trying to associate yourself with world events to feel some fleeting simulacrum of significance... hard to say!

>> No.19995391

you're implying a lot in this post, what If I'm just glad to see the ball is still rolling? I don't care about what I get from it

>> No.19995396
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>WOAH! There's a hecking WAR between Russia and Ukraine - and get this, IT MIGHT TURN INTO WORLD WAR III. It turns out history ISN'T OVER, because THIS ONE'S GONNA GO DOWN IN THE BOOKS. Who will win, KEKED western liberal democracy or BASED AND REDPILLED Russia? This LITERALLY and UNIRONICALLY changes everything

>> No.19995412
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Ah, you're the detached intellectual willing human carnage so you, a self-implied nobody--can be 'glad'. Haha that's even more pathetic. Not only is it disscoaitive to the point of mental illness it's equally as fatuous a self-centered notion.

>> No.19995427
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But for the West history is indeed pretty much dead or at least has dissapeared. Look at the redditification of the present conflict.

The masses can only understand conflict through memes and the empire of the "good" vs the bad guys. Nuance is dead in the west, meanwhile Putin, an old style dictator has to present the geopolitical realities to his people through a televised adress (first initiated by Kennedy) , at the same time western "leadership" has vanished behind news sites, economic warfare, and disinfo on the internet. This is why non-Westerners see the the US especially as the great Satan and the empire of lies, they can barely even understand it.

>> No.19995454

Historians don't think like that at all, unless you're a mil hisfag, a ww2 historian, or an american larper. Most historians focus on mundane things in their speciality, culture, and populations.

>> No.19995466
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Book? I need a book for this.

>> No.19995483

you're not as smart as you think. I'm of the belief that if nothing, as to happen at all the results, would be far more catastrophic.

>> No.19995484
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>baudrillard is picrel
>claims the whole world hasn't been subsumed in the spectacular.

You're well read, I can tell, with vast experience in sociological field studies all over the 'non-west'. All these hottakes are highlighting the inherent delusion of the 4chan chud assuming they're giving insightful penetrating takes on geopolitics like a fucking RAND think tank is missing their most trusted advisor for a minute because he's phoneposting on lit while he's in the can. Its glorious.

>> No.19995485

*was to happen

>> No.19995489

>I'm of the belief that if nothing, as to happen at all the results, would be far more catastrophic.

Getting late where you are? Forgetting your English?

>> No.19995493

Didn't think there was anyone dumb enough to still believe trite like this.

>> No.19995498

It's surreal. Not just the Ghost of Kyiv shit either. Reddit is literally recruiting armed militants for Ukraine.


>> No.19995500

respond to the statement you hack, don't pretend as if you didn't at least understand what was being said

>> No.19996747

>inherent delusion of the 4chan chud
lmao why are you even here, you seething faggot?

>> No.19996872

You are probably thinking of history enthusiasts, not actual historians. The people you describe tend to be ridiculed in /r/badhistory

>> No.19997067

I love history it's my favorite hobby

>> No.19997115

Shit like this has always existed. Volunteer corps and foreign legions have caught in every major conflict

>> No.19997181
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One could only somewhat understand that delusional millenarian stance glorifying the Orient (or whatever the fuck non-western means in your head), and he did point out that Putin, with all his queer little photo ops of the past years, is clearly part of the simulacra you pretend (or wrongly think) the 'east' isn't. You don't understand anything beyond a private fantasy of your political engagement. If you had anything going on in the realm of foreign policy you wouldn't be cruising such an insignificant board, you'd be busy right now. Nobody is claiming we know better, but clearly at least a few can spot a fucking idiot like you 2000 miles away. (Caption to where I found this granny pic of Putin also detailed when he was proudly getting vaxxed. A real nigga, hey?)

>> No.19997188

>Hey, get off my chud incel board we need a safespace.

>> No.19998392
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what is wrong with redditors

>> No.19998405


>> No.19998415

I would say I hope that Redditified Ukraine getting their teeth kicked in by Chechens will cause these people to end their delusions but that's optimistic.

>> No.19998479

You do know that over 10k Canadians volunteered to go fight in Vietnam, right? This has always happened in a way or another.

>> No.19998494

I'm not really sure what you're saying here, I'm not glorifying anyone or anything, it's been a while since a conflict that's went against the grain of large multinational organizations has happened, because all I feel when they are in charge is cultural decay. you've built this schizophrenic narrative of who I am in your head and are attacking it mercilessly with all your virility, while I'm sitting very confused in the corner here. Take your meds

>> No.19998503


>> No.19998507

who are these "few" you speak of?

>> No.19998508
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this stuff is all designed for mass appeal to the Marvel/DC Comics generation; would be very, very uncomfortable to think that this sort of absurd wartime propaganda didn't start 4 days ago...or even 77 years ago...

>> No.19998515

I stood in opposition to the Iraq War, derided as a shill of Saddam for insisting there was no evidence to sustain allegations of WMD. I find myself again in the minority, accused of defending Putin’s actions. I defend the truth, and let the chips fall as they will.

>> No.19998519

Don't engage with it. It's just here to insult people without any substance. Usually because people have views which are not the same and he cannot present any coherent argument.

>> No.19998529
File: 330 KB, 828x784, A31B2189-4950-4337-8A14-0BE7FAE0CA97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A literally Rothschild tweeting about a hypothetical jewish holiday based around misinformation and propaganda and saying how it will be the basis for young jewlings to rule globohomo governments. This isn’t a parody. This isn’t made up. This is an actual tweet.

>> No.19998559

The perception of Ukraine people have is totally created my media, it's crazy. People want to believe Ukraine is indisginguishable from Paris or DC or London or wherever and that Putin is invading a "Western democracy". This is best shown by something that goes against their perception, that one Ukranian on the BBC who lamented the fact that blonde haired, blue eyed Europeans were dying and people freaked out. If you said that kind of thing in the West you'd be a Nazi but over there it's just instinctual.

>> No.19998564

I never agreed with that sentiment in the first place. It seems more like an inability to see anything better in the future, or at least solutions to current political/economic/social problems...it's kind of sad to me, honestly.

Pretty much, although I think lack of nuance was during the times of old-style dictators. Its now being in the forms of memes and comparisons to Marvel movies rather than TV statements etc is probably what makes it feel like we're not living in "history" anymore. We're free to post recruitment ads on Reddit on our own volition, rather than having to rely on a government to do it for us, which is what happens only in oppressive regimes according to movies and books. I think the thought there is "old style dictator = history = bad, memes good because I can make them myself" even though memes are just a decentralized version of the same thing.

>> No.19998571

>This is best shown by something that goes against their perception, that one Ukranian on the BBC who lamented the fact that blonde haired, blue eyed Europeans were dying

>> No.19998579

>Hey buddy, why don't you and me fuck off with our tails between out legs

You fucking posuears are getting routed globally right now lol.

>> No.19998588

>One person

Get a fucking grip. One person doesn't exemplify shit. Are you Thay retarded?

>> No.19998597
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It's also weird to me that the /pol/ Nazi types are defending Russia. It's pretty obviously bland contrarianism. What they should be doing is supporting Ukraine with German propaganda. Wish I could find the one with the ugly Slav.

>> No.19998619
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Maybe because people like Soros and Bill Ackman support the Ukrainian side along with Israeli. They all demand American intervention; the billionaires have spoken.

It’s very cool how libtard social signaling hinges on performatively "opposing the rich" in peacetime, but now we are all supposed to get out jazzhands for Heccin' Chungus Billionaires who say it's time for us all to die in nuclear hellfire.

>> No.19998635

>bad people like thing so therefore thing is bad.

Nah man. Not gonna support a tyrant invading a free country and risking nuclear war just to own the libs

>> No.19998654

What is so different about the Ghost of Ukraine and the Blond Haired Knight of Germany? Or the Red Baron?

>> No.19998667

>Nuclear apocalypse is the price we have to pay for standing up for Democracy
NATO held an aggressive foreign policy against the east, this was entirely their doing because Putin was tame before this. People don’t care about the inner workings of Russia or how their true “democracies”, but want to take the chance of creating a post-unipolar globohomo causers by the Eurasian Alliance. Moreover, Ukraine was always a symbol of western kleptocratic gynocracy. It was always a joke; the leadership was literally installed by a western-backed coup; Victoria Nuland was recorded on phone bragging about installing members of parliament. This humiliating for the GAE. US-led NATO goaded Ukraine into a conflict they had no intention of supporting; that's the real story here, instead of coming to the board and negotiating in good faith, blank cheque security promises gave Zelensky and co a false sense of confidence with all this Ghost of Kyiv Propaganda dialed to 11.

This is the road to delegitimizing every western regime.

>> No.19998682

Not him, but It's funny to see people actually believe that Ukraine killed 3500 russians and downed 600+ aircraft on such a little amount of time. There's no evidence of Zelensky being on the frontlines either. Most people claiming this have an agenda behind, which doesn't surprise me. I don't support Russia nor Putin; but from our perspective, this is nothing else but a disinformation war from the part of platforms/people that have a clear bias against Russia.

>> No.19998687

why do people say history unfolds as if its predetermined?

>> No.19998690

>Still doesn't present a coherent arguement.

>> No.19998691

Ukraine is a client state of the Globalist American Empire, it’s being used to future GAE’s agenda — it’s nationalist militias don’t change that.

Being pro-Ukraine is being pro GAE, that doesn’t mean we should be russophiles, it just means you shouldn’t embrace the line pushed by the crooked regime.

>> No.19998695

you still haven't replied to my comment, you've done this twice now.

>> No.19998699

Because it’s misinformation and wartime propaganda?

>> No.19998820

>multicultural democracy

how the fuck did we end up in this retarded timeline

>> No.19998834
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>> No.19998892

Both ends are being heavily propagandized. Russian spooks know where they can operate best: free range and unmoderated areas. Vatnik shilling is obvious when flanked by terms like "hohol" or the new "Global American Empire (GAE)."
Strong dichotomies are signs of propaganda. In the case of the terror attacks in France, there were no accusations of globalhomo enabling for being against terrorism, nor was there calling of "based" to terrorists.

>> No.19998899

Is it not also obvious that Russia's taking Ukraine (back) is much more advantageous not only to stop western globalism/liberalism hegemony, by the most insidious means (propaganda, emotionalism), but also not to escalate worldwide conflict?

>> No.19998969

>You do know that over 10k Canadians
Why would anyone know anything about some obscure 3rd world country?

>> No.19998978

When did Russia invade a free country?

>> No.19998988

Your grandchildren will be brown, gender fluid, atheistic, fandom-obsessed sexual degenerates no matter how much all of you claim that liberal globohomo won’t succeed.

>> No.19998993

there’s been like a million Fukuyama threads the past few days and all of them die because no one bothers to just post in 1 single thread, why is this board so shit?

>> No.19999005


>> No.19999162

Yes support zog state to own the mongoloids

>> No.19999165

>free country
What happened to Ukraine in 2014?