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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 137 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19993283 No.19993283[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do we think about her?

>> No.19993295
File: 86 KB, 900x900, unnamed (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She cute but not feminine enough
Pic related is superior. I wanna marry her.

>> No.19993296

Couldn't stand her voice, but lately she isn't so affected.

>> No.19993307

I love her so much bros... Will she marry me?

>> No.19993313
File: 710 KB, 743x720, 1622121731742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is in all ways inferior to my muse, Kat.

>> No.19993318

Are there more comfy booktubers like them?

>> No.19993319

Opinion disregarded

>> No.19993326


>> No.19993332

>le 6/10 big fish in a small pond effect

>> No.19993368

Nothing compared to big man Waldun

>> No.19993369

Simps are pathetic.

>> No.19993383

I go on youtube for skyrim modded requiem letsplays.

>> No.19993416

What's the best one?

>> No.19993428

Those bangs.... Sweet honey child.. we aren't 7 year olds in the early 90's anymore

>> No.19993437

Neither are we 40 year old diner waitresses in the mid 80s.

>> No.19993442


>> No.19993445

Who is this book nook?

>> No.19993457

Why not just cut all the way even around the sides and back to? Why limit the bowl cut look to just the front?

>> No.19993464

I wouldn't be flirtationally boyishly dumb impotently teasing if 8th grade quiet librarian nerdy girl crush vibes were not stirred within me

>> No.19993499

>I wouldn't be flirtationally boyishly dumb impotently teasing
stop writing like a faggot, faggot

>> No.19993584

whoever taught you the english language should be shot

>> No.19993594

1. Bladeweqver by mercurial decree
2. Fireheart raider by sir floppy
3. Healer by noxcrab

>> No.19993691
File: 59 KB, 615x737, 1646001438173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19993714

I like her
and the genre of book she reads also is quite diverse
not obsessed, though won't shy away from reading young adult books if she was interested in it
all in all I like her thoughts on books, her literary education also helps

>> No.19993739

I'd make her recite poetry dressed like she's about to go out while i stand over her jerking off furiously, fully naked, getting ready to splurt a few thick ropes on her eyebrows and bangs.

>> No.19993772

Very bukowskian

>> No.19993794

>millennial hair

>> No.19993803

>tells incels they set their sights too high on 8,9,10/10 girls
>they need to learn to settle for 6/10 or 5/10 girls
>incels start obsessing over a 6/10 girl

>> No.19993807

i never told incels anything except stop simping for egirls

>> No.19993812
File: 231 KB, 1080x1080, 1621775635724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6/10 girls are the hottest though. plain janes make my cock diamond hard.

>> No.19993916

Who is she, what her channel

>> No.19993920

She's my wife who I love very much.

>> No.19994031

Does she have an amazon wishlist? Would you mind if I bought her lingerie and paid her $100 to take a polaroid picture of her wearing it and for her to leave some of her feminie scent on said photo?

>> No.19994631

What's her channel ?


>> No.19994660

based and plain jane pilled

>> No.19994688


>> No.19994838


>> No.19994870
File: 65 KB, 749x903, 1634855643779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19994920

lol at liking some jew

>> No.19994928

chad only

>> No.19995016

Obsessing over internet girls that you'll never meet is the same as trying to go for girls out of your league, it doesn't matter if they are a 6/10 you'll never have them.

>> No.19995032

when I first saw her I was completely infatuated and thought she was adorable and perfect, after watching enough of her videos I realized she's just normal, and that's ok

>> No.19995144

Internet has obliterated the x/10 system. Every woman, no matter how ugly, dumb, or unlikeable, is a living planetary system of orbiting simps, instafollowers, endless daily reinforcement of their greatness and importance. As a result that mousy, geeky 5/10 library girl you've been seeing in a book shop has the same standards as a VS supermodel

>> No.19995153

>a literal ESL fag

>> No.19995436

hehehehehe ;-)

>> No.19995441
File: 61 KB, 621x466, 1245721228309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19995601

I want to have sex with her. That's the extent to which I think of her.

>> No.19995649

I liked her dress in the latest video

>> No.19995654

Cute and has cute feet
>inb4 some idiot complains that shes not making highbrow literature youtube videos
Yeah, I also complain why McDonald's doesn't make more healthy food

>> No.19995660
File: 2.70 MB, 1080x1350, 1645302119666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Alice

>> No.19995670

Where can I see her feet?
Good choice

>> No.19995671

I hope every simp ITT dies violently today

>> No.19995746


>> No.19995847
File: 533 KB, 1893x1080, Screenshot_20220228-010923_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19995875

>shortness of breath
Isn't that to do with anorexia?

>> No.19995955

I want her to sit on my face )))

>> No.19996163

She had a brain injury anon

>> No.19996415

Why are her videos so long? The books she talks about are shit and her opinion about them, shittier

>> No.19996502

What's her YouTube? Does she talk about literature or shiterature?

>> No.19996507

I find this girl incredibly attractive despite her obvious flaws.

>> No.19996567


>> No.19996571


>> No.19996576

in the latest one she says the word animal is problematic because it's "othering"

>> No.19996660

I'd sniff her farts all day long

>> No.19996781
File: 156 KB, 960x1298, 1641898234729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search for Alice Cappelle on YT. She's not really a "booktuber", more of a general social commentary often based on concepts and ideas of sociology authors. Her takes are mostly incredibly basic progressive views, but that's not why anyone watches any of those women anyway.

>> No.19998127

The Illiac Crest was fucking ass, I don't know what she saw on it

>> No.19998128

Anyone read her book? Looked on goodreads and it’s filled with 5 star reviews from teenage girls which could mean literally anything about it’s actual quality.

>> No.19998142

“On Sun Swallowing is a sweet and bloody collection of poetry, dancing in the spaces between skinned knees and red wine, satin and switchblades, rosaries and Dionysian ecstasy. Her writings are haunted by the ghosts of girlhood, god/s, lovers and the landscape of childhood, but Warren is unflinching - she haunts her ghosts in return, with sharp lyricism and cutthroat vulnerability.

On Sun Swallowing explores shadowy emotion, at times in a whisper, at times in a scream. Think: cheap cigarettes, even cheaper wine, and an oath to reach hell by midnight and be home in time for work in the morning.”

Compiling five years of poetry, prose and journal extracts, On Sun Swallowing is the debut release of Australian poet Dakota Warren. Winding through unflinchingly raw snapshots of her youth, Warren’s words are accompanied by original illustrations from Lydia Stone and curated photography from Francesca McConnell, Caroline Dare, Leche de Arte and Clara Slewa.

>> No.19998146

Ok I checked out the noxcrab letsplay pretty comfy.

>> No.19998205

* e m m i e *

>> No.19998233

>almost milf roastie with no future

>> No.19998242

>he doesn't apreciate her 5 min comfy af intro
You are a literal a faggot if you don't enjoy this video

>> No.19998246

I don't know the names of these camthots but this one has pretty hands

>> No.19998582

Do you guys even care what these girls say or do you just edge while looking at the 5/10 in the frilly dress? The mind of simps is fascinating

>> No.19998600

Sincerely? No. But their videos literally get me high. I get butterflies in my stomach by watching them talk.

>> No.19998610


>> No.19998611

Jesus Christ

>> No.19998760

sex with emmie...

>> No.19998800

she seems distressed in the past videos

which could mean a number of things, but I'd like to think that it's her seeing through redundance of the system and breaking her programming

>> No.19998851

Her fuck buddy left her.

>> No.19998860

Do we have good pics of emmie's feet? Kat has fantastic feet. Her sister too.

>> No.19998862

i dont think about her. i dont know who that is, and i dont want to know

>> No.19998863

someone please post the pictures this anon is referring to

>> No.19998887

sounds like ASMR response. Just watch ASMR videos. Emmie has her own dedicated ASMR channel.

>> No.19998888

Based. I love how well-written the hornyposting on this board is.

>> No.19999163

there was a compilation someone posted in the other thread

>> No.19999175

Which thread?

>> No.19999182

>written on a black page

>> No.19999189


>> No.19999223

what does that even mean?

>> No.19999238

it means that she is built for BBC

>> No.19999250


>> No.19999253

Amerilards need to leave

>> No.19999261
File: 1.26 MB, 1321x944, emz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls are so cute!
Girls! I salute
you with my toot.
Come in my arms
I'll turn your harms
away, come girls.
Put your little curls
on my shoulder.
'Tis a colder
world without you.
Beautiful brew
we make together
in this heather.
Girls are so cute!
Come, I'm no brute,
Come jolly Emmie !
I shall put gently
my thumb inside
your ass, I'll ride
you in winter
till comes summer,
and from June
to the clear Moon.
You'll suck my cock
shinning as rock
under the sun
of your sole one:
your beautiful clit
covered with spit.
To lick your cunt!
To make you grunt!
To kiss your crone!
To hear you moan!
I love your sex
hairy, complex,
greasy, stinky,
tasty, dinky,
pink, dry or wet,
but always het
for me my love.
Your breasts above
are my seasons,
crushing reasons
they breath with you
your joy anew.
Your whole body
knows nobody
but my warm hands
it understands.
Girls are so cute!
And I'm en route
To fuck you Emmie!
Beautiful Emmie
You'll soon know me.

>> No.19999442

We shouldn't let this thread slip away without getting emmie's feet pics.

>> No.19999510


>> No.19999539
File: 120 KB, 278x292, nattybeast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's called being a woman

>> No.19999557
File: 934 KB, 1344x697, 543264537354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No that was Kats feet I think

>> No.19999561

I'm in love with Emmie. She's probably the most beautiful woman I've ever seen but in a more natural way. She doesn't come off as naturally sexy, but she radiates natural cuteness, which is why she's so beautiful.

She's like a grown up version of Matilda from the Roald Dahl book by the same name. It's like watching videos by a grown up Matilda, albeit one who isn't as smart.

The way she dresses is cute. It's like a mix of the 1940s and modern style. The way she talks is cute. And the few times we see her interact with the world outside her room is cute. She's smart enough to where you can enjoy her talk about books, but not smart enough to where you feel threatened by her intelligence. Her body is also pretty cute. None of it is exaggerated like the modern day Kardashians of the world. And it's incredibly obvious that she actually reads the books she says she reads, including the classics she mentions. You'd think that all booktubers read books, but not all do. *cough* Waldun *cough*

I bet her pussy smells amazing. And I wonder what kind of panties she wears. She seems too cute to wear thongs but that just makes it seem more likely that she does wear them. I wish I could jack off to her but at this point I only get aroused enough by actual porn. I wish she would wear more tight fitting clothes so I can get a better look at her ass, legs, and pussy mound. But she does look good in dresses.

>> No.19999573
File: 1.04 MB, 1206x627, 543262374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19999580

Okay post Kats feet

>> No.19999596

ASMR is a very specific thing that was ruined completely by whores so nobody knows what it is anymorr. It has nothing to do with butterflies in your stomach.

>> No.19999618
File: 116 KB, 720x403, IMG_20220301_224913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only good book-tuber

>> No.19999626 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.30 MB, 3000x3004, 1646128462221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highest res I can find

>> No.19999895

Do you think Emmie posts here, bros?

>> No.19999899

shes been here before because someone linked a thread about her in her discord

>> No.19999906

What's her race? I'd be inclined to say she's white but those dark eyes seem to indicate otherwise.

>> No.19999912

I also watch mod spotlights.

>> No.19999927

Literally >>19998611 this
Wtf anon. Get help.

>> No.19999933

Is this real? Holy shit. Post video and timestamp.

>> No.19999947

What the hell I'm a simp now

>> No.19999974


>> No.20000087

obviously fake you poptards, look at how much more readable the title is compared to all the other ones

>> No.20000105

No, but I have a suspicion that Quentin visits this board.

>> No.20000116

She's /fit/ too.

>> No.20000128

I used to date a girl who looked better than her and studied literature with the poet laureate. She was really nice. Unfortunately she thought I was just using her for sex so she blocked me.
What the FUCK she looked had that style and she was called Kat too
exactly, that's the vibe

>> No.20000149

Were you just using her for sex?

>> No.20000177

Nope. I just didn't want to get into a relationship just yet because I'd had a string of bad experiences, plus I was worried she was using me as a rebound (which I now think she was).

>> No.20000190

you mean Q? his channel got banned from yt; you know where to find his videos nowadays?

>> No.20000224

It’s extremely obvious that he does. Or at least did for an extended period of time.

>> No.20000263

I have watched every single one of her videos

>> No.20000281

wtf I want to marry her