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File: 155 KB, 370x492, 2002 DC Sniper attacks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19986754 No.19986754 [Reply] [Original]

2002 D.C. sniper attacks edition

>> No.19986756


>> No.19986757

Previous: >>19979807

>> No.19986785
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>> No.19986787

clearly left
both look obnoxious

>> No.19986789


>> No.19986796

Both of these two characters in relation to their existant in question I would happen to bereft them of their choice to marriage in a possible universe as bequest by me in thought as to each of my hands does both grab in turn to my face and kisses them planted on their cheeks and grind their mind as my future for ever in the univesre that has phantasy setting of Middle Ages origin from Earth of that time and the literature of current time does so represent in matter and not style but matter, thus they surrender themself selves to be mine in marriage as equally in polyamorous nonexistant possible relation toward high heaven as repugnant and unforseen but uses as like concubine but greater and handed in bound by the tie thats binds us all in the end.

>> No.19986805


>> No.19986825

I can’t focus with this happening in Eastern Europe. I’ve done nothing but refresh /pol/ today. I need to break free.

>> No.19986936
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5 years ago, I took the language test (for military cryptologists) just for fun and to see what I would've gotten. Cryptolinguists learn foreign languages to collect intel on other countries and analyze it. In other words, spying on other countries. I took it and got to the category that said I can study any language the military needs, so I mentioned it when I spoke to my friend, who was a Russian soldier (conscript). We were both young and dumb.

He asked, "What language are you gonna learn?"

"I can learn anything, but I am gonna learn Russian, so I can spy on you and your country."

"Okay, you can spy on me and my country." he chuckled, "We have mountain. We have beach."

"And cute girls playing on the beach."

"with nice butts." he adds.

I continued, "When the American military sends drones to other countries, they're not looking for intel or to see what the Russian government is doing. They just want to look at hot girls in other countries playing volleyball at the beach."

"The important things. Who cares about anything else?"

"Yes, this is very critical information. So the drone comes back with pictures of girls in bikinis and the private gives it to his officer, 'Hey boss, we got intel on the Russians. Are we winning yet?' The officer snatches the photos and tells him 'Good job, Private. These are very critical information. I will go study these in my office now. Alone.' and then behind the closed door the soldiers hear a mysterious fapping noise. He's been in there for a while so they think he must have found something important."

My Russian friend, who barely ever smiles, finally cracks a big smile. "Yeah, just another day in the army."

I then told him, "just kidding, I want to learn it so I can come visit you." and he gave out a hearty laugh.

>> No.19986973

starting to feel like being an alcoholic loser isn't that fun anymore

>> No.19986981

Right and it's not even close. Light haired women aren't attractive.
>inb4 Vargtards

>> No.19986992

The problem is that it remains fun for a very long time and only gradually becomes boring and depressing and soul-crushing, and it's hard to notice it as it happens because the progression is so slow. "If you get the message, hang up the phone" applies as much to the romanticism of early alcoholism as it does to psychedelics

>> No.19987003

Must be the physical and mental toll because there is no reason to disdain or feel shame over alcoholism otherwise.

>> No.19987167

If you're in a bad spot as a man, like jobless or sick, people want you to die. They just do. They say otherwise because the pretense hasn't still dropped but you can see how the thinking opens up when you move to social media, pseudonymity and then anonymity. You can really guess what people think when you see how things change when you move across these stages. Real name, pseudonymous and anonymous. If there is a movement from A to B then this is what people think.

>> No.19987170
File: 161 KB, 1200x1214, 1546237563557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a hard time being confident, but i'm trying. I'm so sared of being embarassed or humiliated that I never truly open up around people. In the long run ths only hinders me; I'm not happy living like this. The thought of showing other people my writing scares me. I don't know how artist gets the courage to put themselves for everyone to see.

Anyway, it's something that I need to work on. I have made some progress at least.

>> No.19987173

I'm tired of geopolitics. It's such a soulless way of viewing the world. Interesting and complex but also kind of deadening to realize as you get older how chaotic the world truly is. Think soon I might turn away from it altogether and focus on some esoteric philosphical subject simply to escape from this brutal reality.

>> No.19987269

I am just a data point.

>> No.19987277

I wish I could get off to my own smut. I can create things perfectly to my tastes, make my fantasies vivid and permanent and real, but I can't enjoy any of them. I feel cucked.

>> No.19987278
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Women are...le bad.

>> No.19987299

To add some more about my feeling of resignation. There's no sense of humanity or character but only the complete inconsequentiality of the individual. One reads about people dying in mass from some failed state with the same indifference with which one views an ant's mound crushed into the dust. All this complexity yet humans are as fearful and suspicious of eachother as they ever were. I'm left feeling the senselessness of it all, how little able we are to escape from our selves.

>> No.19987315
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>> No.19987374

Globalists ironically cannot manage the globe.
It's a misnomer.

>> No.19987385

>just take roids

>> No.19987408

>and then behind the closed door the soldiers hear a mysterious fapping noise
take this part out it is too on the nose

>> No.19987410

I simply cannot get a job. Been trying for so long. Not a clue what it is.

>> No.19987440

you probably don't interview well

>> No.19987445

How do you fix this? Where do you apply? Sometimes I don't even get a response

>> No.19987462

I was having the same problem for a few months before randomly getting one. It was a great mistake and I regret it immensely

>> No.19987464

i've repeatedly talked my way into jobs i'm not qualified for. people equate being articulate with being smart so you have to exploit that. it takes months for most of my employers to realize they've actually hired an idiot and by then it's too late

>> No.19987467

The Lonely City, I guess

>> No.19987470

is suicide the only logical conclusion?

>> No.19987477

Do you practice at all? Maybe talk in the mirror or simulations in your head? Are you dropping $10 words?
I just don't want to feel like an invisible loser anymore. Also money is nice.

>> No.19987483

jobs are overrated anyway anon, enjoy your NEETdom

>> No.19987489

>Also money is nice.

Yeah I miss the freedom of neetdom but it sure is nice to be able to buy random shit without having to watch my pennies every time. If it makes you feel any better I am a complete sperg and flunked a couple of interviews before getting the job, so keep trying and you may get there too.

>> No.19987497

Hoping for it soon. It will surely be nice.

>> No.19987501

i think it works better if you wing it. all the best lines i've dropped in interviews have been completely spontaneous. just get into the mental state that these people are chumps and you're getting one over on them, the words will come naturally. it helps to be a little drunk while you do this

>> No.19987538
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Been chatting to a girl I met abroad. She flew from America to meet me in Europe, we had a pretty great (although occasionally turbulent) time and she told me she loved me. When she flew back she went on a date with another guy the same day. I asked her why and she said she doesn't want to be pining away waiting for me when she can't be certain I'll come and see her. She says she'll carry on going on dates but she still wants me to come over and see what happens. Hearing that makes my heart kind of hurt. I had already absolutely promised to come within three months. I said I'm not sure I can do it if she's always on dates. Am I being unreasonable? For what it's worth, I think she was genuinely in love with me, it was almost shocking to see that amount of smiling.

>> No.19987542

LDRs rarely ever work man, the only time they really work is if you have shitton of money and are free to go whenever, wherever. And even then they have a high chance of failing. Why don't you find someone in your own town?

>> No.19987548

I know that, I just mean the going on a date the same day she told me tearfully that she loved me. I'd be willing to change my life for this girl. My town is a backwater of lip surgery and boredom. I can survive if I can't be with her, just wondering if I should cut her off and spare myself the pain.

>> No.19987559

That's pretty cucked dude. She's not worth your time.

>> No.19987560

life is completely and unambiguously bad. if you're fortunate it's good for a while when you're a kid and then it kinda gets gradually worse and then it gets exponentially worse, and the positive experiences of the past aren't enough to justify the agony of the present

>> No.19987561

Okay now write a 3500 page masterpiece about it

>> No.19987564

well that's just not gonna happen

>> No.19987566

Yeah, that's what I told her. It's the same story every time. I don't know how she could seem so sincerely in love. Maybe I'm just a terrible judge of character. It was on a layover in Lisbon that she begged me to join her for, but I didn't have the money. I've really fucked it up, I think.

>> No.19987567

you barely know her, how much time did you spend with her? 1 or 2 weeks? don't necessarily cut off ties with her but just keep looking for other options and take it easy. If it'll make you feel better stop talking to her entirely and distract yourself with something productive

>> No.19987574

So there's this girl, right. And but I want to breed a veritable fucking hoard of children with her. I want this with a seething, spastic rage which is frankly debilitating.

>> No.19987575

Like two weeks total but been talking for three months. Yeah, got too attached too quickly. Is it unusual to do that if you tell each other you're in love? I feel like I fucked the vibe up by saying I wanted a relationship. She just seems like she doesn't know what she wants, but she would if we were nearer. I kind of want to risk it all on her but the moment will probably have passed within the three months it would take me to save the money. Just one of those I guess.

>> No.19987583

yeah, kind of seems like a long shot. take care man

>> No.19987585

Nvm just had a wank feeling much better now cheers lads inabit

>> No.19987619

Appreciate the responses mate

>> No.19987636

what are some books for people who are actively hurting themselves and deriving a sort of sick pleasure out of it?

>> No.19987638

Notes from Underground, Kafka, Ulysses

>> No.19987642

There's a big pit in the graph of life. For some dudes, it starts in your teens, others in your twenties. Some people hit it in its form of the midlife crisis. For me, my twenties were absolutely miserable. I had no clue what was going on, no clue who I was, what I wanted, or how to take the first steps doing it. Unless you're seventy years old looking back on a long life, you're probably overstepping yourself in saying it keeps getting worse and worse. Now that I'm over 30 and finally getting a good picture of who I am as a person and the values by which I want to live my life, things are much, much better. It's not even that they're better externally. In some ways they're worse, since for me, I discovered that I really don't want a high-powered life in a big city competing with all the other climbers. For me, happiness is a night shift job where I can be left alone to read and write, a cat, and a woman I love. I don't need—or even want—all that much more. The things society told me I wanted all my life have turned out to be wrong. For me.

Good luck, anon. It can always get better.

>> No.19987643
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Want a /fit/ gf to bully me

>> No.19987646

this phone call might be monitored and recorded. press three if you accept the charges, if not hang up.

>> No.19987650

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.19987667

Metaphorically already do

>> No.19987672

Is anyone on this board happy? I like the banter here but I genuinely can't relate to the constant depressing shit that gets posted

>> No.19987683

I am happy after I masturbate to some nice porn

>> No.19987691

I am happy while I masturbate to some nice porn and imagine the actress as my first gf from 10 years ago and the actor as the Chad who bullied and cucked me back then, but I want to kms after I cum.

>> No.19987700

I'm content. Sometimes I'm happy, it comes and goes. Generally, I'm satisfied with the direction I'm moving my life. There are some things I need to improve on that get me down. Overall: breddy gud

>> No.19987744


>> No.19987757

I feel absolutely nauseous about how I treated my mum during my teenage years. The arguments and the conflict, when she was just trying to help, she gave up so much to help me and I was so ungrateful. The thought of causing pain to someone so undeserving makes me want to cry.

>> No.19987767

I'm happy or at least content but I don't really post because there's little worth replying to. I see a few anons engaged in bad faith argumentation, I roll my eyes, scroll the page, and leave. But I noticed your post and thought I'd say hello. Have a good day, whatever your travails, and I hope you come out on top.

>> No.19987824

I fucked myself up by constantly fantasizing about an ideal girlfriend for years. I’m perpetually left with disappointment in my life that she isn’t real and never will be, and my standards have been inflated so high that I have never met a girl that I could ever see myself being interested in. I know that most guys probably do this but the extent to which I did is truly absurd and I’m embarrassed by it. But even after this shameful anonymous confession I will still probably go to sleep fantasizing about being held by someone. It’s all I want in life.

>> No.19987837

I’ll be citing some random anons who recently posted about relationships, maybe they’ll speak to you.
>Fuck her. She wouldn't make you wait if she truly liked you.

>Move on. Life's too short to sulk on a bitch that doesn’t appreciate you.

> They were right. Imagine some self-pitying and self-absorbed dickhead with white knight syndrome and various compartmentalized psychological disorders just trying to score some pussy with a wan smile, and losing his shit when they gave it to someone else who could pull the same one-trick pony.

> Or they're just saying it because it's a convenient shortcut to "I want to be around you for company even if we don't go all the way." I feel like your last bit there was too harsh because of this.
> Also, it definitely can be a friendship, you just balance yourself by having restraint. And besides, there's nothing wrong with seeking affection and attention from a romantic or platonic relationship, so long as it isn't pestering.

>> No.19987862

When it tells you the Belgrade to Bar train lasts 8 hours, it doesn't tell you how long it actually feels or how often your entire life will flash before your eyes.

>> No.19987902
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What's on her mind? What is she writing down?

>> No.19987954

A person that I despised has suddenly died today. Why is there slight hint of joy in me though?

>> No.19987957

>know that most guys probably do this

>> No.19988026
File: 22 KB, 974x160, tzBq3mZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Russian philosophy and literature but average Russians are literally African American tier, they need another thousand years to mature to the level of normal humans. I can't believe the nations bordering Russia even manage to coexist with it after centuries of retarded Russian peasants periodically ruining and raping everything and insisting they are the best and the beacon of civilization. The only other group that acts this way is American blacks. For all the shit Balkaniggers get about their savagery toward one another, even they are more humane. At least their behavior is just motivated by hate, they aren't just booga booga tier undeservedly self worshipping retards.

Russian peasant stock should never be allowed to step one foot outside quarantined and designated areas. Maybe 500 years of eugenics can fix whatever the fuck is wrong with the ones descended from peasants.

>> No.19988049


>> No.19988060

This is pretty good. It's pretty true, too. Thanks

>> No.19988062
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Too much space can be a bad thing.

>> No.19988070

>anon's first introduction to e-girls
Look up "cluster B personality disorders in women"

Here's a life trick you should always follow: anything a woman does, picture it coming from a man, and ask yourself with brutal honesty how you'd react. You will quickly find that you have a special way of dealing with women that presumes that they are some mixture of mysterious, insane, and most of all, entitled to be that way. In reality, most of the time they are just being extremely bad people and you're unconsciously justifying it because you want pussy, validation, and the warm fuzzy feeling that men can only get from a woman "letting" them romance them.

It's good to keep in mind that women aren't nearly so starved for that warm fuzzy feeling. They are swimming in physical attention, validation and potential validation, and the warm fuzzy feeling of belonging and people caring about them. They enjoy this, but have enough of it normally. They crave different things from what men crave from women. You should at least be aware of this when they come to the bargaining table. Behind your valuing "the relationship" or "our connection" is actually just your desire to feel something (which is otherwise hard for you to get, since as a man you know it may be a months or years before you make another connection and have another set of opportunities like this, and that's a painful thought).

She knows this, probably consciously but at least unconsciously, so she'll strategically pretend to value "the relationship" and your "connection" too, by paying lip service to them. But what she really wants is, more likely, validation from stringing you along, or the small amount of happiness she'll get from you obsessing over her enough to visit her, even though this is devastating and unfair to you it will still give her an afternoon of entertainment. Many women are irresponsible and selfish enough to make that trade.

Do you really think it's acceptable what she did, and what she's now doing? Really take a step back and ask yourself. Is "heart hurt" really the appropriate reaction to someone who does this? Or is going "wtf this bitch is a fucking selfish retard, see ya" possibly more appropriate?

It would be different if she were coming to YOU and you were having mixed feelings about degrading your real feelings for her with a booty call dynamic of a relationship. But she's asking you to come and simp for her. This woman isn't an adult, I'm sorry, she is barely a human being.

In my opinion this whole experience should be a strong lesson to you that you are perfectly capable of developing feelings and attachment to someone who is not worthy of it. Something all men need to learn and remember. Most of men's problems in life come from not knowing this. Learn to vet and doubt your own puppy love feelings or women will use them against you. Mutual and self-respect both come before lovey dovey bullshit feelings.

>> No.19988169

She's a whore bro

>> No.19988177

Still getting filtered by Elden Ring.

>> No.19988190

You get it on PC or console? I want to get the PC version but people have been having a lot of issues getting it to run properly.

>> No.19988215

I've been there before anon, it's not that. She flew halfway across the world to see me because when we first met she couldn't take not seeing me again. I wasn't even into her really. I'm not even sure I'm into her NOW the way she seemed to be into me. It's just irksome, I want it resolved

>> No.19988217

And frankly, I'm going to be fucking other girls in the interim so whatever

>> No.19988231

Oh, you're just also retarded.

>> No.19988234

My best friend in high school was half Ukrainian. He was proud of his heritage and hated Russia. Somewhat racist back then as well. He recently added the Ukrainian flag to his profile pic. Wonder how he's feeling now.

>> No.19988235

I have PC one.
I'm a complete noob to the souls games

>> No.19988250

>I love you
>I also want to date other guys

She's fond of you, she doesn't love you. She doesn't even know what love is and it sounds like you don't either. Just forget about it, not worth thinking about.

>> No.19988278

any sense of aggressive belonging to one nation and complete hatred or rejection of the other one, especially the one that is slightly close to your roots is peak retardation

>> No.19988290

It's not too late to change it anon. You love her.

>> No.19988316
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This is as degenerate as a man in a dress and a wig. Make no mistake.

>> No.19988325
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Decided to pick up a fifth book, gonna try to finish it this time. Its picrel.

>> No.19988416

I came here to bitch about my bench press but realized this wasnt /fit/'s feelsbar

Fucking hate bench press tho

>> No.19988665

Ohp is what gets you girls from weights anyway. Do push ups instead.

>> No.19988725

kat is kat

>> No.19988735

today is going to be a BAD day

>> No.19988745

Is Cannibalistic Ideation normal when you are hungry?

>> No.19988752

is cannibalistic ideation normal when you're horny?

>> No.19988758

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.19988775
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Hello my friend,

I'm doing okay. I'm realizing important things about us. I'm sorry I haven't been talking.

Have a good day. I miss you.

>> No.19988797

I need to lose weight.

>> No.19988804

How? What's your day like?

>> No.19988826

its interesting that alongside the idea of a 'demonic elite' is this necessity for them to reveal (if still a in a subtle, hidden manner) themselves as such. i've picked up on a pattern with the youth in the music/arts scenes of attaching themselves to certain demonic images on social media (vampires, red, devil horns, lovecraft) while being extremely cordial, 'empathetic' and nice upon meeting.

>> No.19988895
File: 39 KB, 419x630, 9781932664164_p0_v2_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please recommend me a book, I haven't had a favorite in years.

Past favorites were:
Hermann Hesse - Steppenwolf
Haruki Murakami - After Dark
Banana Yoshimoto - Asleep
Albert Camus - The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.19988907

Four-Dimensionalism: An Ontology of Persistence and Time

>> No.19988916

the world has gone to shit didn't it?

>> No.19988921


>> No.19989119

was kinda shit to begin with wasn't it?

>> No.19989135

Papini, L'uomo finito

>> No.19989250

Looks like it should be on a lesswrong reading list


>> No.19989390

Do you guys think a second cold war is coming?

>> No.19989446 [DELETED] 

إذا المرء لم يدنس من اللؤم عرضه فكل رداء يرتديه جميل

>> No.19989482

When did the first one end?

>> No.19989508

1991 isn't it?

>> No.19989538

>They crave different things from what men crave from women.
Women can definitely fall head over heels, man. The issue is they a lot of incentive to make men feel like they care about them even when they don't actually love them.

>> No.19989539
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Russian propagandists posting on /lit/

>> No.19989547

Geopolitics doesn't sleep.

>> No.19989563

Kat. her sister always looked weird to me. Like she rarely washes her hair.

>> No.19989580

Death is “voice robbing”

>> No.19989598

I'm mostly happy, content at least and no longer scared shitless of the future. And yes, this board is depressing but I think that's likely a true reflection of the world. After I read this, I had a change of opinion and these days think that the world is likely worse than we think it is. His numbers are a bit weird, but when you start thinking through all the bad things may be going on in people's lives, it's easy to see how almost everyone gets a slice of misery.

>> No.19989601
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I feel overwhelmed with what has been happening the last couple of days. I didnt expect a fucking full blown invasion, and now so many things are happening at once that i feel overwhelmed

>> No.19989613

Is it perhaps that the translating of linguistic sentences from an existant foreign language into another certain foreign language of existence le similar-familiar processes as the trans-lating of objective conscious reality from I-thou sense-datum into neural-linguistical, brain-processed interpretant meaning, and perhaps would this elaborate why English-language-speaking, American-continental-living peoples have so much troubles process-understanding non-mental reality?

>> No.19989619

so when biden says that US troops won't be fighting in ukraine, just "defending NATO allies", this is just a way of saying that we're actually going to be fighting right? like it doesn't even make sense and it seems like it just equates to us being involved in practice in spite of denying it on paper. like how we never declared war on vietnam in spite of waging a full blown war there for nearly two decades. am i interpreting this situation correctly?

>> No.19989628

First one never really ended.
I'm not much into politics but this is just Russia doing the obvious move to consolidate their power by pushing up against the borders of NATO, it was going to happen eventually and no one wants WW3 so Russia knows at least they can't immediately fight back. Invading Ukraine right now is definitely to Putin's benefit and the weak response so far from NATO countries just proves this.

Calling Putin an evil warmonger misses the point. It was a necessary move for what the modern Russian state is trying to do, otherwise their reach just continues to diminish until it's not even on NATO's radar

>> No.19989657

A US soldier will never kill a Russian or a Chinese.

>> No.19989663
File: 116 KB, 828x828, 22748029bfc7cc97a1dc376432c1e9743164106b2beed14b5499e6fbfcb327d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever i try to create something in writing or painting i realize ive seen the most insane and absurd shit on imageboards already in the last 15 years and it feels like nothing i can come up with will be able to top it.
How do i deal with this?

>> No.19989668

Just write in greentext format
For me, a recent height of insanity was the hole anon on /r9k/ who got a hole in his back all the way to his spine, and yet his mom was more concerned with getting breakfast.

>> No.19989675

i hope you're right

>> No.19989699

I paint only what I see in my dreams and landscapes on-site, your question makes no sense to me when it comes to creation as I know it.

>> No.19989703

how does one not fear one's own death without a good reason (e.g. giving it up to save others) or some sort of mental illness?

>> No.19989748

Mostly true, Putin has reasons to do what he does, I still hope it's as costly to them as possible. There's been a general sense in many right leaning online platforms that because he has realpolitik reasons for doing it, it's okay and his victory would be fine, which I don't really understand. Since when do these people want their enemies to gain ground? The idea that

>> No.19989750
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Damn, the ruskies got to anon

>> No.19989756

i'm so tired but i don't want to go to sleep because if the incessant night terrors

>> No.19989762
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It's incredible to me that all of social media is full of hopeful pro-Ukraine posting and the playing up of Ukranian victories, but then I look into what's actually, objectively known, on /pol/ and from more savvy accounts, and the Russians are still probably going to take the country within the month.

Is this all just a big psyop by the US? This overinflating of Ukranian resistance, and playing up Russian incompetence? Because that doesn't seem to be what's actually happening in real life.

>> No.19989784
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I guess its about not being able to choose as well. I have all those images and stories at hand but i feel i cant do anything with them because they dont belong to my life in a way.

>> No.19989825

I'm not saying it's "right" - we're talking about older, wealthy men sending young and poor men to die in a foreign land. The only way this could possibly be ethical is if you accept that this offensive move is really a defensive move against NATO pressure, and the Kremlin is sending these young men to die so Russia can remain powerful which is in the best interests of the Russian people. So if you believe the current Russian regime consolidating its power is ultimately for the best for them, and justifies sending people to die, then it's ethical. Otherwise it's terrible.

Normalfags think every action Russia does now is terrible because they don't see why Russia should want to be separate from NATO/The EU, therefore nothing about it is justified. But make up your own mind over the situation.

>> No.19989850

If you view it through the lens of a politician it makes perfect sense: this is a legacy policy. The same thing happened with Georgia in 2008. That is why Putin is telling everyone it's being done to protect the sprachbund.

>> No.19989892

Sorry anon but you’re mentally a teenager and falling for bottom barrel propaganda…

>> No.19989909 [DELETED] 

Ahh…ooh… to kiss a monkey on the lips….

>> No.19990031 [DELETED] 

Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude. Principle of plenitude.

>> No.19990032
File: 167 KB, 1588x728, Meme I made.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19990036

there are productive things i could and should be doing right now, but i won't

>> No.19990080

I genuinely think that there’s something wrong with me. I just turned 24, and I’m still a total virgin. I’m so terrified of interacting with men that I’ll probably never have sex. Last year my friends all encouraged me to start using dating apps and put myself out there, so I did. I met a guy who I really liked and felt comfortable talking to for hours, but he lost interest. It really hurt, and I still think about him all the time despite the fact that we never even kissed or anything. After that I tried to talk to other guys, but they either just freaked me out or left me bored and apathetic, so I deleted my accounts and gave up.

I don’t know why I’m so scared of men. I think it’s because my father was violently abusive when I was a kid, and I grew up in a religious sect where premarital sex was considered a huge sin, to the point that people who’d committed “fornication” would be publicly shunned. That stuff kind of combined to give me a complex, I guess.

The fucked up part is that, if I wanted to, I could rejoin Tinder and find some guy who’d be willing to come over and fuck me right now with minimal effort. But the thought of being physically intimate with a stranger who just wants to use me as a human fleshlight is so off-putting. And I couldn’t seem to feel genuine attraction towards any of the other guys that I talked to anyway, so I worry that I’ll never experience that feeling again.

This generation’s attitude towards relationships depresses me. Most people I know in my age group have a body count of 10+, and will break up with their partners over the most minor issues and proceed to find someone else within a couple of months. I can’t imagine having such a casual attitude towards intimacy. I can’t imagine having sex with someone who sees our relationship as temporary and will just leave as soon as any challenges arise. Maybe love is just a pipe-dream. Even my religious friends who got married young don’t seem to have lasting relationships: my high school best friend married her childhood sweetheart, and I thought that genuinely loved each other, but I just found out they’re getting a divorce because he came out as a trans woman and wants to explore his sexuality. He’d had those feelings long before they got married, but decided to go through with it anyway and lied to her for years. At this point, I genuinely question whether a long-term committed relationship is possible for anyone. I hate modernity.

>> No.19990186

It's not modernity. Finding love has always been a crapshoot. Anyways I sympathize. While as a guy I can't easily get women, the couple times in my life Ive experienced a woman being interested in me I pushed them away out of fear. I'm turning 22 soon and im beginning to wonder if I'll ever be in a relationship with a girl or if I even really want that. Woman honestly kind of scare me. Ive used tinder a few times and it's very rare that I get a match but when I do Im too scared to just outright suggest meeting. Sometimes I will just immediately delete the app if I get a match too stressful.

>> No.19990200

neither. women are better off without me.

>> No.19990241
File: 453 KB, 714x844, cleetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inhibiting neural spine-flexes. Ontological Crisis? Things are what they are by virtue of, applied by mind? Or in themselves? in the universe? The shadows we see on the wall tell us the universe is out there, nevertheless. Is it possible, can it be that things are themselves with no one there to say they are or to perceive them as such? Flux is even proof that things are themselves due to themselves, for if identity was some kind of principle or perception of mind, things would never be able to change, but would comply to it. It is because their identity is in themselves that a change in themselves changes their identity. Nuclear holocaust, carving my name into stone, throwing rocks at the rats. The universe expects things of you, beyond your own survival. If only survival was all that you worried about. Manchurian, relegated into a finitude mask, provoking egestatem, malefactor of a darkening horizon. Do they verify our existence? Or merely satiate a biological need? There is of course an interpretative "should" framework between what you perceive and what you do or believe you should do. Pain is nothing but pain. The avoidance of pain is something else, something invented, by you. But even in escaping your biology you conform to a further abstracted biology. Evolution produces even the denial of evolution. I have chosen this, and that I cannot deny, and that I would not change, for all of my rage, I know that all longing is a lie, that if I had what I wanted I would hate it and remove it by my own hand as I have done in the past. This knowledge, and this commitment, cannot change my accursed biology.

>> No.19990318
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I have never seen /pol/ shilled even remotely as hard as right now. Not during 16/20 elections, or George Floyd, or Corona happenings. The entire board almost is just shills. It is unreal. I didnt think they even cared about /pol/ that much to put so many people on it

>> No.19990326 [DELETED] 

Is ww3 or nuclear war happening? Someone give me a rational, balanced, inform take.

>> No.19990392

>im not seeing the world play out according to my memes, must be the shills

>> No.19990403

If you've spent any time on a board you can tell when it's being shilled, and the situation over there is like nothing I have ever seen before. Also I am smugly aloof of the Rus/Ukr conflict due to a much more sophisticated brand of paranoia.

>> No.19990430

I have too many changes I want to make to my life and I know I probably won’t make all of them, maybe not even most of them… I feel terrible because I really don’t like myself or my life.

>> No.19990448

Last night, man, I was so drunk, I was calling Morocco, man. Calling, trying to get to the Hotel Hilton at Tangiers in Casablanca, man. That's, I mean, that's, that's pathetic, man! Is that what you wanna do with your life? Suck down peppermint schnapps and try to call Morocco at two in the morning? That's senseless! But that's what happens, man.

>> No.19990450

>peppermint schnapps
you have so many better options wtf

>> No.19990461

its a meme you dip

>> No.19990481

i smell BAD

>> No.19990510

take a shower doofus

>> No.19990515

i'm actually pretty obsessive about my hygiene and dedicate way more time to it than most men. i think it's simply in my nature to stink

>> No.19990539
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>> No.19990630

Me and my ex are drunk texting. Someone, God, please someone remind me that drunk texting is overly emotional and nostalgic and that I shouldn't throw my life away because some old gal is telling me "we were always soulmates and I know that."

>> No.19990649

You can remind yourself when you're hung over and hate your life again.

>> No.19990660

So far I'm good at keeping my distance. Mostly we're sending each other songs. She keeps saying shit like, "Do you think of me when you listen to that?" But I'm playing it cool so far.

>> No.19990671

drinking beer to stop shaking long enough to buy more beer

>> No.19990808

For what it's worth, the older I get and the more I learn, the more I come to doubt the wisdom of geopolitics. Recent events in particular have, I think, really revealed the limitations of that school of thought. It's a way for people who can't cope with the complexity and uncertainty of human action by appealing to geographical reductionism.

>> No.19990815

How have recent events contradicted anything? Surely you cant mean the russia thing

>> No.19990859 [DELETED] 

Soon my guts will hang
Soon my tears will drip
Soon my flesh will hang
Soon my feces will drip
Soon my blood will hang
Soon my penis will drip
Soon my testicles will hang
Soon my neck will drip

>> No.19990969

To the anon asking about books on why humans are selfish and/or petty here are my reccs (the thread deleted before i could post):
Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments - to complicate the dichotomy between self-interest and higher ideals
"On Aggression" by Konrad Lorenz - explores the drivers of aggression in other species
Franz de Waal - similar to Lorenz. Looks at primate behavior
Sociology of Religion and Social Psychology
The history of cults, demagogues, and ultra-nationalistic movements like Nazism can also be revealing regarding the nastier, tribalistic dimension of humankind.

>> No.19990980

>Recent events in particular have, I think, really revealed the limitations of that school of thought. It's a way for people who can't cope with the complexity and uncertainty of human action by appealing to geographical reductionism.
I think it's still useful but of course any theoretical view is going to be a simplification of reality. I've been binge watching this guy: https://www.youtube.com/c/NoahZerbe

>> No.19990996

>>100,000 renewable energy Tesla battery powered AIs all hooked up to DeepMind with extremeties that can move at the speed of sound, and be as delicate as surgical robots, all equiped with jetpacks?
>Forget the treaties and mad about nukes, start working on the superintelligent super strong ai robot clone army treaties
Though the ancients were very very remarkably advanced in many ways they could not have expected to get and understand everything about the universe.

We see in the past 100 years alone how things greatly evolve: cars, computers, 60s, 70s,80s,90s,00s .. tvs, vhses, DVDs, CDs, mp3s... Model T to lambergini 2022

Human mind and ability also may evolve in this way along with their access to technology and science and understanding of body mind and world.

The ancients had a VCR level understanding of God. It got the job done, but it was fuzzy and grainy, low fidelity, low resolution (maybe some will argue about superior aspects of analog, I personally prefer the technicolor films of 60s), and decayed.

Like wise there were the prophets and sages of old, who received and explained viewable visions. But as exponentially human technology and ability has been advanced, quantity and quality of human vision has too, and so all this to suggest; the creators of some sci Fi and The Terminator franchise are true visionary we don't need to say prophets but thinkers of possibly a very real possible future, and the logical possibilities of such suggestions should be take as seriously as the ancients took some oracles and prophets.

>> No.19991001

I have chosen to simply deny reality. None of this is real. You're not real and neither am i

>> No.19991021

I drink a truly disgusting amount around the clock but I'm never that drunk. My stomach isn't up to the task for how much it would take to get me shitfaced anymore

>> No.19991037

based and redpilled

>> No.19991053

watching the ukraine situation is depressing. reminds me why i got disenchanted with political science and later "security studies". it's always the same, people die, the charred bodies, the crying refugees. yemen, afghanistan, ukraine, syria, libya, etc. i simply decided there's no use in wasting life trying to "help" politically what is simply the human condition

>> No.19991063

I think I'll just stop paying attention to the news altogether and immerse myself in what I love to do which is to read novels and listen to music

>> No.19991073

>he came out as a trans woman and wants to explore his sexuality.
unironically what denomination were/are you?

im not sure if youre still religious but consider spending time at a catholic young adult group; if you live in a decent city no theyre not lame and youll find marriage minded people.

what do you do for work? do you perhaps have opportunities to meet men that way?

>> No.19991078

We are an insect colony

>> No.19991086

You're just old-fashioned. Besides its better to be a virgin girl than an old virgin guy in his 30's like me.

>> No.19991087

The anus hair in my soap is making me very annoyed by the second because I don't know if the tiny particles of fecal cake can taint it with its odor.

>> No.19991093

yep. 1 year here. grad school now because what else is there.

>> No.19991094

Driving to the next state over because the liquor stores open an hour earlier

>> No.19991112

Stop drinking, you are obviously calling for help, this is rock bottom, this is an intervention, go to an AA meeting instead. A good happy healthy life is awaiting you, but it doesnt involve abusing booze

>> No.19991116

My finger slipt right before I could press send, I was meant to get those quads, so just take that into consideration when you read my post bud

>> No.19991129

I went to AA meetings, i stayed sober for a few months, I was confident, and then I just fucking relapsed on a whim. Over nothing. I knew what I was doing the whole way I drove to the store. I was in complete control and chose to do it anyway. I don't deserve recovery
Sorry for your loss i was off by one on a massive get earlier and it ruined my whole day

>> No.19991133

whats your tolerance like? i binge sometimes and usually go out on weekends but i still get pegged as an alcoholic, likely due to race and mental instability. not chemically dependent though i did have DTs twice, never again

>> No.19991147

I used to binge drink but it collapsed into constant drinking for months on end. I've been sober maybe one day this entire year so far. My tolerance is so high it's shameful, I have to make multiple trips to buy booze a day, i can't look the cashiers in the eye because they've seen me so much and they've seen me in such horrible states. I'm always handing people my credit card with shaking hands. I have night terrors all the time and wake up with DTs every single day. I'm running out of money and I'm scared, I'm seriously contemplating begging or petty robbery

>> No.19991159


>> No.19991161

watching interviews with pornstars I like

>> No.19991163

baby go to a rehab facility if youre american itd be cheaper than continued use

>> No.19991170

>I don't deserve recovery
That's not true. Didn't you feel good sober? Didn't you prefer that life? Even if it can be harder and more challenging, didn't it feel better, more right, and legit, and tough to face those challenges and strive through them honestly?

And you are going in the morning, I'm assuming youre not one to have one beer with diner, you are looking to just purely abuse? If only there was a healthier way for you to get a little buzz and edge off

>> No.19991178

Have you ever eaten psych mushrooms?

Also you do need rehab to help you detox safely, when you are at that point of addiction it is not natural and right, your body, yourself, and your internet community and fellow citizens are rooting for you and wanting you to get in a better state. You are designed to live and feel in better state. You are punishing and abusing yourself for a bad and solveable reason

>> No.19991229
File: 125 KB, 444x562, JoyceUlysses2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am considering writing weight gain erotica about Ulysses.

>> No.19991240

I should but uhhh I won't. Maybe some day, but not any time soon
I genuinely didn't feel good sober. I don't feel good drunk, but that doesn't change the fact sobriety doesn't feel good either
I've taken A LOT of psychedelics and I feel exactly the same. I remember having profound, beautiful revelations, but I can't remember what they were
Anyway I've finally had enough to get to sleep so I'm going to let the nightmare demons torture me for a few hours. Gn frens, thank you for the kind words

>> No.19991245
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i don't understand people who say they can't sympathize with a character because they are bad/amoral/dumb/any negative value judgement--and that it makes a story bad. there is not a single person in the world that i cannot, in some way, sympathize with, and i'm not saying that like i'm righteous, i mean even the people i hate the most i can absolutely sympathize with in some way, as a human, even if i want to squash them like a bug. for a character in fiction, this is not and should not be at all difficult.
the only characters that i have trouble sympathizing with are poorly written characters. and i don't mean a character who doesn't have redeeming qualities or any other bullshit element youtube video essayists say you need for a compelling character; lots if people don't have redeeming qualities but i can sympathize with them on the basis that they are human, and many are incredibly compelling to me the harder they are to understand. i mean characters who aren't really people, just tools of the plot, or characters who are supposed to be smart or funny but are dumb or annoying, boring characters, among other things--but even these, unless they're truly egregious, i can at least sympathize with them, even if i don't care to read/watch more about them.
moral judgements seem to serve as either justifications for a lack of compassion/sympathy, or rules promoting the elimination of compassion/sympathy, depending on who you are. its just bizarre that it extends to fiction as well. i've never watched a movie where a character does something horrible and thought "this guy is evil, i cannot enjoy watching him and i certainly cannot understand him and do not want to try", not even when i was a kid--i usually preferred the bad guys, they were generally more interesting, but its a pretty common criticism you'll hear. and its not just "i didn't sympathize" it's always "they were evil so i couldn't sympathize".
it seems to me that a lot of people barely view the people they dislike as people, and morality is both justification and enforcer.
the only criticism worse is "i couldn't relate". same premise but even lower iq.

>> No.19991257

Never have I heard any say what you complain about. Everyone on reddit.com/ and 4chan.com/ complain about black and white morality and praise grayness anus like you.

>> No.19991268

have a character rape someone or be a racist throughout and see what the response will be on reddit. have a jewish character kill a white christian republican child see the response on 4chan. i'm not talking about grayness you illiterate faggot, i'm talking about explicitly "evil" and irredeemable people, no grey area if you consider morality at all.

>> No.19991297

Wrong. Reddit/4chan loves evil characters like Negan from The Walking Dead, Cormac McCarthy's evil characters, monsters like Freddy Kruger, etc. You're just trying to feel special, but it turns out that's the common view round here.

>> No.19991300

People post here when they are feeling particularly low. I would suspect that most of the depressing posters here post because they feel like they don't have anyone IRL that they can vent to about this shit. Keeping in mind too that people are venting and thus they are being hyperbolic to a certain extent.

>> No.19991308


>> No.19991318

Speaking for myself, I post here (mostly other boards, admittedly) when it seems like there's some meaningful purpose in doing so. Once in a while I'll shitpost, but I honestly dislike being cruel or petty toward anyone who doesn't post like a bot, humans.
I'm pretty happy, in general. Things could be better in life, but I've got a smart, understanding, 6/10 wife who doesn't mind my worse habits. There's no point rubbing that in anybody's face, since it's none of their business anyway, but I'm not alone. Most of 4chan lurks, and I lurk more than I ever post, because you get rare gems and occasionally great information here.
Key thing to understand about /lit/: the slightly-swinging dicks posting a lot are not reading or writing in their free time.
Can't make out most of em, but Trick Mirror. That's a solid title, I'd flip through it.

>> No.19991330


>> No.19991353

Alcohol is such a garbage drug. The cost is way too much for the fun you get. It's so volatile that sometimes you are feeling great and dancing and you wake up the next day feeling fine. Other times you end up feeling like total shit and having an emotional breakdown or you get angry and break things... I just can't handle my liquor

>> No.19991354

I don't understand why this board attracts so many incels. They don't seem to read, they don't seem to write. By all appearances, they just come here, to this specific board, to make an endless of procession of "here’s my life story, books for this feel" threads. Are they all teenagers, or something? Rejects from /fit/?

>> No.19991357

Starting to realise I care way too much about what others think. So many things I stop myself from doing because I'm worried about societal perceptions. I really envy people who dgaf and are able to ignore other people's judgements. For me, it is easier said than done. I *know* I shouldn't care, but I can't help but care anyway.

>> No.19991360
File: 46 KB, 720x582, 1536144080492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're selecting examples of antagonists, which the stories don't require you to sympathize with to enjoy and already pass moral judgement on so it's not at all what i'm talking about. these are all traditionally "evil" characters, who the audience knows are evil and delights in the entertainment they provide, but do not need to have sympathy for and can be comfortable to enjoy, as everyone knows that they don't "agree" with the character. also, freddie kruger is what i'm talking about when i say "not a human", he's a cartoonishly evil monster, entertaining but not a human at all. you've also latched onto "evil" as if it means only murderous monsters, but i specifically said it applies to specific value judgements, related to a specific persons moral value system and what they prioritize.
what i'm saying is that if a stories main character is horrible, from someones perspective, but the writer aims to keep you emotionally involved in their story (wether or not they intend the character to be "horrible"), then in the audience there are guaranteed to be a significant amount of people who hate the movie because they "can't sympathize" with the main character. go onto letterboxd and look up taxi driver, see how many of the low rating reviews mention him being an incel as their primary reason for disliking it. look at the low rating reviews for uncut gems, how many of them mention the mc being stupid, selfish, etc. look at the reviews for straw dogs, how many mention the mc being horrible and abusive to his wife. this is what i'm talking about.
and no, this is not the vast majority of people. i never claimed that or that i was special, but it is a common criticism, and you'd realize it if you talked to people irl.
in short you're a dumbass and would be better off reading posts and thinking about what they're saying before replying to them

>> No.19991361

>I don't understand why this board attracts so many incels

They probably conflate the associations that literature has with introspection and introversion with inceldom.

>> No.19991364

I love In Our Time so fucking much bros

>> No.19991366

Its because I sit in the park reading zen and the art of motorcycle mantinence hoping a pretty girl will come up to me. Of course the horrible cunts never do.

>> No.19991392

I've passed the blooming age. Now it's withering period.

>> No.19991397

Wrote something along these lines in my diary not long ago
>Maybe our greatest error is that we understand everything so personally

>> No.19991399

I think I may be getting a short story published for the first time. Still way too early to tell, but I'm significantly beyond the point at which the automated message, which I was sent upon submission, said was a sign that they are seriously considering publishing. It's a very, very minor literary journal, but all the same I'm very, very fucking excited and hopeful.

>> No.19991409

When I mentioned le McCarthy, there's No Country for Old Men which has a bad guy as the protagonist, and Negan has his own spin-off series. There's plenty of others, in gangster movies, The Joker and every comic book villain that gets their own issues, Light from Death Note, Alex from A Clockwork Orange, Norman Bates, Humbert Humbert, Satan in Paradise Loft, Hannibal and other serial killers, etc. You're compaining about a problem of your own making.

>> No.19991411

Whenever I hear boomers having a conversation it always involves someone having a surgery or medical tests. "Oh when is the surgery? What hospital is it going to be?"
It makes me fucking sick.
The future is seriously going to be legions of boomers developing serious illness after serious illness while a small amount of doctors use cutting edge medical technology to save them... there's just something about it that is nightmare material and I can't quite pinpoint it. Can you guys help?

Does David foster Wallace write about this feeling? I've only seen him speak on youtube

>> No.19991413

Yeah, I feel the same. Got really into international politics the last year, but its just so depressing. I also just can't cope with the completely amoral view many people assume in geopolitics. Speaking about events like it were some epic war game, 6d strategic chess while irl all it amounts to is people dying for nothing. Have fun dying in your 20s so this abstract national entity can gain a slight strategi advantage over all the other entities on the world stage. I think to truly go into a discipline like geopolitics one has to be a bit soulless.

>> No.19991420

Just bought an epipe. I tried an e-cig for the first time 3 or so days ago and I'm already hooked. But it's empty now, and because it's sunday, I can't go out and buy anymore. I have to wait until tuesday, probably. This blows.

>> No.19991422

I've heard it referred as the sausage making. It certainly matters though.

>> No.19991430

Ha ha this is so accurate. The boomers at my shitjob would always be talking about some medical procedure. Like after a certain age youre just getting your body hacked away at regularly cause there's nothing left. All the young people try to ignore them cause we are all secretly thinking to ourselves "shit this is my future".

>> No.19991433

Are you using nicotine? I'd watch that shit its very addictive and really fucks up your sleep.
I'm not totally sure on this but if you get into heavy use you may have to wake up, have a hit and go back to sleep. Using a stimulant to stave off cravings to sleep is nightmare material

>> No.19991437

The denial of the future where your body is breaking down it part of it but its something else. I think it has to do with my bitterness regarding my economic situation. Priced out of the housing market and the need to learn some complex skill to earn money is very frustrating. This is then going to be contrasted with millennial literally cleaning up boomers shit and piss in nursing facilities struggling day to day while they yack on about their housing portfolio.

I'm bitter, I need a cure :.(

>> No.19991439

>I'm not totally sure on this but if you get into heavy use you may have to wake up, have a hit and go back to sleep
I've been a heavy nicotine addict for the last twenty years. I'm one of those guys who doesn't need a spit bottle when I'm dipping because I can just swallow the tobacco juice all day long. I have never once in my life awoken to "have a hit." That sounds like something a zoomer would lie about to paint himself as some kind of nicotine martyr, waking up in the middle of the night to feed his Horrible Addiction and jeez totally don't start using nicotine because you'd hate to be as cool and tragic as me!

>> No.19991443

Yeah, some. I also bought CBD liquid to test out. I used to smoke, but I quit because I didn't want to go out in the winter. I'll probably go hard in the beginning, but then I'll get bored of it eventually. I am a remarkably lazy person. If my addiction is too much of a hassle, I just quit.

>> No.19991445

Fair enough, I think I heard it about heavy smokers but it could have been bullshit. I like nicotine but its quite tricky to quit

>> No.19991446

It matter certainly. I'm just saying it's a soulless reality. And there's always a jarring disconnect between the abstractions of geopolitics v.s the lives that get thrown away to make the sausage happen.

>> No.19991447

O beautiful and forbidden beverage
The taste that is ever so sweet
Sitting unguarded on the office bench
I must have you..

Large grape fountain Soda
Fat in your styrofoam cup
adorned with a circle K logo
Sitting day upon day
Ice melted long ago

abandoned by some fool
who deemed you unworthy
to consume completely

but lo? what is this?
You have disappeared!
and I have never the chance
to taste your sweetest splendour

I must find another likeness to your beauty
onwards! to the store
My lips shall taste another but it
will only think of you

>> No.19991449

The abstractions matter though right? If you abstract (im way out of my depth here) that you need to engage in a conflict to protect and oil pipeline, or a certain port that has very real effects for the people in your country. So even if it costs some lives, they won't exactly be a waste as it could secure energy for your people during winter or whatnot.

>> No.19991452

How do I learn to enjoy prostitutes? I want to live the bohemian sleazebag lifestyle but sex with whores does nothing for me.

>> No.19991466

bro i mg getting oto odl for thsi shit, ..

>> No.19991469

you need the right mindset

>> No.19991477

How do I acquire it?

>> No.19991534

Same anon. Once I realised that most of those jobs achieve nothing material for the people suffering then it just begins to feel almost like war profiteering. Not to mention a lot of non-govt. security-adjacent jobs are literally funded by big arms companies, at least where I'm from. I found it easier to just stay out of it and let history unfold by itself.

>> No.19991544

Of course I agree foreign policy directly impacts people's lives. If one country can't meet its energy needs it would devestate a country's economy but that's kind of my point about the absurdity
. Like animals carving out their ecological niche .... A nation, and associated states, fight to keep control over a resource or a piece of land to keep it out of the hands of the other. More or less like a game. Who the actors are doesn't matter. If you were born in the wrong country too bad lol your country didn't get the winning cards. That's what I mean by it being ultimately senseless. And the higher you go the more the individual human disappears from view and becomes from the leaders perspective a data point. Just as a matter of necessity because their position requires them to do so. As a data point your interest might align with that of the nation, you need energy to power your home, but that doesn't change the fact that from their perspective you are still only a data point to them.

>> No.19991549

It doesn't need to be nefarious anon - it's just how war works. Ukranians inflate their successes in order to boost morale and encourage their citizens to keep fighting. People on reddit post pro-Ukraine stuff because it makes them feel good to be on the 'right side' of the conflict. In reality, no one thinks Ukraine can actually hold off Russia. It took the Americans weeks to months to take Kabul and Baghdad.

At most, Ukraine making it slightly harder for Russia to take Kiev etc. will mean that Russia will be more cautious about trying to expand further because they'll realise its not quite as easy as it looks. But even that is wishful thinking.

>> No.19991565

Why should I leave the bed? There is nothing to wake up for, nothing going in my life but mistakes and regrets.

>> No.19991572

there's porn for you to enjoy

>> No.19991576

It's increasingly clear to me how little I am able to participate in society in the same way that everybody else does. Every time I try, I fail. I fail and then I build up this desire to be normal and I jump back in but I just fail again. The problem is, I don't know how to live outside of society without being a total failure and ending up miserable and alone. I read a Hunter S. Thompson article recently where he describes a friend of his as suffering "the dead end loneliness of a man who makes his own rules." I guess that's the way it goes.

>> No.19991581
File: 58 KB, 459x739, 1645960757552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most Baudrillard esque war yet
just utter bullshit from everywhere. And seeing the braindead masses just repeat and praise/condemn what is sold to them through media channels in real time on social media is blowing my mind. Same kind of bullshit with Iraq but the mind virus wasn't as strong then

>> No.19991588

Eh, I'm not convinced it hasn't always been this way. It's a cliche to say it now but I'm pretty sure it is just more 'visible'.

>> No.19991590

the world needs cleansing, there's too much people on the planet, we need these types of wars to balance out the numbers

>> No.19991593

Happy for you anon. It's a great feeling to see your writing some place other than your own laptop.Best of luck.

>> No.19991603

the worst part is that I believe I met her long ago

>> No.19991605

we need another world war at this point

>> No.19991609

>its a minor piece of technology doesn't work so Truman starts muttering about how Ted was right under his breath episode

>> No.19991611

>we need these types of wars
glorified skirmishes?

>> No.19991614

It really isn't. If she's not taking testosterones and not metalating herself there is nothing wrong going on here.

>> No.19991619

You're talking out of your ass. Ask me how I know you've never been in an active conflict.

>> No.19991636

what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.19991646
File: 602 KB, 624x421, Screenshot 2022-02-26 at 17.03.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone confirm whether this is an ancient depiction? I think it's fake.

>> No.19991660

Only people who have never experienced conflict talk about how cool war is. You sound like a fuckhead.

>> No.19991667

But you've never experienced conflict either. You just parrot what you heard from others.

>> No.19991670

>the it's always been the same poster
Worst type of brainlets

>> No.19991675

I'm literally posting from Yemen right now

>> No.19991680

I'm not saying everything is exactly the same. But if you're going to pick something I would say that inaccuracies in the reporting of casualties in the midst of war for propaganda purposes is something which has definitely not changed. People falling for that propaganda has also not changed.

>> No.19991688


>> No.19991690

It's different because now there is a huge cultural divide so the West is much more aggressive with their propaganda despite the war not directly involving us.

>> No.19991697

How come "No" almost always starts with N?
Ne ...

>> No.19991708

Nice try, but yes I have. There are few things that are more cringy than people who idolize war. The only people who ever say shit like that are basement warriors who will remain completely isolated from any kind of consequences.

>> No.19991713

Cope loser

>> No.19991719

It's also crazy to me that mother and father are almost universally 'ma' and 'pa/da' across the world. It's not insane to me that those sounds keep popping up because they are the easiest for a baby to make, its that the 'm' sound is almost always associated with feminine figures and the 'f/p' with the masculine.

>> No.19991728

>The only people who ever say shit like that are basement warriors who will remain completely isolated from any kind of consequences.
you're literally a basement warrior yourself, you're posting from 4chan mate

>> No.19991744

Yeah, and I don't think war is cool.

>> No.19991766


>> No.19991770

Same here, seems like connections are extremely important. Even like required. Too bad I have none.

>> No.19991822
File: 614 KB, 1773x1864, 1643962138376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, fren. If I can make it to Monday without getting rejected, I'm going to send a follow-up. They ask that they have two months to do their own thing before you badger them for the status. I wanted to give them a bit longer than that, but it'll have been two weeks past that come tomorrow morning and I'm dying to get in contact. Here's hoping.

>> No.19991904

Something about karmic loopholes that they exploit by technically telling people what nasty business they're actively committing via media, and that it's not their fault because there's few people trying to stop them . Pretty blackpilled worldview if true

>> No.19991908

I grew attending a small non-denominational Protestant church. I’m no longer religious, although I would say I’ve retained some of those values, so I don’t think that Catholic groups are a good option for me. I’m a university student in a program that’s over 70% female, so meeting men through my work isn’t really ideal either.

>> No.19991911

Oh shit, I replied to the wrong person. Sorry.

See >>19991744

>> No.19991938

>Pretty blackpilled worldview if true

I think, and it can be tricky for some, people need to find a balance between the two poles of 1. Leaping to conclusions about an individual based on their use of an aesthetic, and 2. Assuming that aesthetics carry no meaning at all, or any psychic weight.

I find the logic of "person uses symbol, style, aesthetic, therefore person must endorse everything ever associated with it" weak, and mostly used in service of driving engagement as form of sensationalist content.
On the other-hand I think what symbols do proliferate in a society is very meaningful and can say a lot, but in a frustratingly vague and general sense for people who want just finger people out as bad guys.

>> No.19991970

I fucking hate cops. They either refuse to do their jobs or they fuck it up.

>> No.19991988

I dont know if Im getting old or what. Im so exhausted after playing video games for 3 hours.

>> No.19992045

>getting old
>plays video games
you're just a retarded child

>> No.19992051

Whats wrong with video games?

>> No.19992069

wait til after August. youll see what they tuly are.

>> No.19992118

Their job is to protect and serve wealthy property owners and to bust up unions and other organizing crowds. Sometimes they’re told to fuck up on purpose. For instance these rising crime rates are so they can get an increase in funding. Works every time.
They’re prison guards, anon.

>> No.19992149

I know. That's why I hate them so much. Fat pigs, the lot of them. They're scum. Anything good about them is propaganda and bullshit.

>> No.19992186
File: 151 KB, 698x654, Anon, I....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's ready for the nukes?

>> No.19992228

Same for me but with leftypol
>inb4 tranny

>> No.19992240
File: 580 KB, 1706x1707, Dektar-FacebookMultiverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking fuck me. Holy shit. I fucking knew that moving to China and making a living there with some chink wife that has a fetish for Kraut cock would be the only reasonable thing to do in this day & age. Yet I stayed here in Germany for some fucking reason. And now it's too late. They're really gonna drop the nuke aren't they? Fuuuuuuck

>> No.19992250

yes it's fake

>> No.19992278
File: 1.72 MB, 600x440, 1515414193269.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading once that the two are reversed in some obscure Baltic country.
Interesting observation, though.

>> No.19992282
File: 981 KB, 1280x851, 1645976826524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19992296

Why are you a nazi?

>> No.19992300

Most of the languages we are used to are indo-european languages and this n- root is cognate in most, if not all, of them.

>> No.19992322 [DELETED] 

I was shopping a few days ago, somewhat aimlessly looking and trying perfumes. I was about to go when THUNDER! The silky-smooth, slender, opal-white abdomen of a barely pubescent teenage girl, topped with a cropped beige jumper stopping at the rib, complete with the cherry of her delicate nombril, and ending with some careless blue sweatpants sitting on her lower hips, was undulously moving right in front of me, at arms reach. Those sweatpants, it must be said, as careless of a choice they might seem, only accentuated the shape of her round little rump, for the relief of her tender breech was clearly showing through the ampleness of the cloth, and only made more delightful by contrast, as the rest of her lower silhouette was hidden. Despite being slender, not a single offending angle or unwelcome crease or bump was to be seen on her tum, she was, it seemed, only supple curves, shadows, and milky white. Oh grief! Despair! For what I desired the most at this moment was to get on my knees and cry like a baby, and kiss and lick this white, luminous promised land — Oh! To explore with my tongue the shyest parts of her navel! Oh! To run my lips across the reds acne’s marks on her face, and reassure her that none of the caprices of adolescence would ever make her undesirable to me or any sensible man! Had I been able to rest my face on her supple, immaculately white tum, and close my eyes, I (as I have the strongest possible conviction) would have been able to reach immortality through the sheer divinity of this experience, a slice of space-time so perfect, so logical, so entirely devoid of needs, angst or boundaries, that reality itself would bend around to preserve it, softly wrapped in eternity like a jewel — even if her and I shall be carried away in the Moving Now.

This was all of course, impossible. I thus let my eyes gorge themselves of her divine presence for a few more moments, and then, not without grieving what could have been in some parallel universe, carried away with me my unfulfilled lustful desires, resolutely decided to write them down for my loyal audience on 4chan dot org.

>> No.19992324

Yeah, I thought so while I was looking them up. Most languages stem from indo-germanic or latin. And No is one of the most basic words possible...

>> No.19992334
File: 34 KB, 540x353, 1644828749178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opal-white abdomen of a barely pubescent teenage girl,

>> No.19992340

alright, she was well into puberty if that makes you happier

>> No.19992348

Not really. None of you have taste. The ideal age for women is like, 30. Do you understand how delicious a woman is at that age? No, you don't. TRAGIC.

>> No.19992354

Yes, I figured this out recently. I've been applying for jobs lately and I just got a taste at how competitive and judgmental HR personnel has gotten. I could tell I was getting filtered on a human level and these broads almost seemed to beam with glee at the implied power they had over my life or death.
Fuck them. I'm the nicest person they'd ever meet, even too kind I think.

>> No.19992359

too flowery...you're turning people off. Debase it a little bit, otherwise the game is not worth the candle.

>> No.19992363

I'm actually a commie

>> No.19992369

I'm feeling very grateful right now my life is very comfortable, I'm well fed, I have a varied diet. I own comfortable and nice clothing. I am able to enjoy my leisure. I live in a peaceful and beautiful part of the country, part of the world. I am healthy and I am fit and I am becoming less and less of a slave to my addictions. I have no debts and I have a good career path ahead of me. I'm fairly young, being only XX. In 15 years I will be XX, which is quite a long time and is still fairly young. I am about halfway through my able-bodied life, and it has been a very long one already. (Should I be so blessed to live to 60 years old.) I have good friends and good family. I live in abundance. I know of Christ and though my relationship with God is complex and at times tenuous I find comfort in him and seek to understand him better.

I have had great days and nights and moments that have made it worthwhile to me. It is undeniable that it has not all been good, and that it is not all good. But I would rather not focus on that right now, and I will choose not to. I would rather think about the good and the plenty and the warmth and the beauty in my life.

>> No.19992376

You're not wrong, but I think you're simplifying it a little too much. I want my father to die. Why? I love him. But he's gotten so old- he used to be this vivacious, hard working man with huge muscles. He used to be this idealized form of the male to me. But now he tells me over the phone how he needs a breathing machine, and he's so thin, and he can't walk anymore without a cane. He wants me to visit, and I want to because I love him, but at the same I want him to die, because I'm afraid of seeing him like that. As far as my heart is concerned, he's already dead, and I'm just talking to a ghost of him. Imagine that: The person you love is dead, but their body isn't. Their body, decayed. Their personality, twisted. What's left over? Yes I want him to die, just to get it over with, finally.

>> No.19992378

Since i found out Jordyn Jones i have been jerking off close to 8 times a day.

>> No.19992391

Oh, I agree. I'm disappointed in how different my life is to the ideal, but at the same time, I want for nothing. Sometimes when it's cold out, I think how warm my bed is, and that I have plenty of pillows and blankets, and I think about how people used to die during the winter, and I'm absolutely content with my life.

>> No.19992407

Teeny Tahini (my kitty)

Oh how I feel, when you walk upon me
bending the neck, softened sweetly
under my arm, your head you bury,
and gently, I smile and caress thee.

Oh how I see, the disaffected infancy,
when you seem to stumble and fall onto me,
for my hands to find you and bring balance to your drunken extasy
kitten, your claw is a gentle thorn that catches on the lingerie, as you boldly demand your liberty
Here, I offer, with a twist of the fingers,
I release, I free, and plant on your brow,
the kiss of a loving mother.

>> No.19992415

thanks for your opinion. honestly I wasn’t sure where I was going with this, but I think it was more about describing a moment than writing erotica

>jannies deleted my post
lmao. so I can write a fucking book like this and make threads about it here but I can’t post this sort of thing directly? fuck off.

>> No.19992436

>Anon, I have always considered myself a leftist... but now I that I think about it, you've made me right wing on almost every issue
t. my roommate yesterday

/lit/, have you ever actually changed someone's mind on a political or religious issue?

>> No.19992454

For sure. In a lot of ways I'm quite sad and wanting - mostly that I'm single and don't have children at my age. And sometimes that hurts my very badly.
But, sometimes it doesn't, and when that happens, and I'm able to see all that I have and be grateful for it, it feels very good. By and large, I lead a highly enviable life. At least I think that I do.
It feels good to be grateful. It feels to good to focus on the good things that one has rather than the good things that one wants. There is a time for that, and it is good to harness that for motivation, but it is not all of the time.
I hope you have a peaceful day, anon. Thank you for responding to my post.

>> No.19992455

you're just obtuse and cannot begin to fathom individual morality that values certain things in a character higher than being a murderer/psychopath. hence why in that show peaky blinders he's a horrible murderous thief but he has to be anti-racist, otherwise people wouldn't sympathize with him. give me an example of a beloved character that's overtly racist and hateful, i'll wait

>> No.19992472

>4 300 casualties
>in 3 days
lol lmao

>> No.19992480
File: 159 KB, 640x590, 1645249126858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the oligarch run shithole fights the other oligarch run shithole

>> No.19992515

Ukraine vs Russia is a proxy war between globohomo jews and the non-globohomo jews. It has nothing to do with white people, other than they'll be the ones who die for it.

>> No.19992527


>> No.19992587

/pol/ is leaking

>> No.19992596
File: 132 KB, 725x1024, 1645923605143m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I figured as well but there are some vague signs it might be more than that. Could still all be theater though

>> No.19992608


new thread just in case, jump when this one reaches it's end

>> No.19992608,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you screw it up all the time?