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/lit/ - Literature

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19989328 No.19989328 [Reply] [Original]

How's "The Meme Trilogy" going /lit/?

Did you read them already?

>> No.19989331

>ulysses in translation
lol wtf read Terra Nostra or something

>> No.19989332

you've managed to make it even more cringe by reading it in spanish

>> No.19989336

Wallace improves in translation. The others, not really.

>> No.19989393

Ulysses is definitely meme, but it is fun as well. I enjoy following the train of thought and how it deepens as it goes, reminds me of my own thoughts and has made me a more clear and depthful thinker. It takes ages to gear up to read another chapter, and some take me several tries (I don't force myself if I don't feel like it).

>> No.19989425
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>> No.19989478

Ulysses is definitely better in Spanish.

>> No.19989500

Do people really read that shit? Or is it just a meme?

>> No.19989527

menudos tostonazos

>> No.19989617


>> No.19989627

Ulysses and Gravity's Rainbow seem to have gained an extra few hundred pages in Spanish, is that because they are a bitch to translate or are they critical editions or something?

>> No.19989745

No tiene sentido leer Ulises o El arco iris de la gravedad en traducción. Leete a Jose Cela.

>> No.19989749

Me recomiendas leer esas cosas en español?
T. Spik indeciso que está leyendo The Tunnel de Gass en inglés y ya está harto

>> No.19989757

5,000 pages of vastly overrated garbage. One good line out of the bunch (that line being, "A screaming came across the sky.) God I wish these books were good or profound but they just aren't, they're gibberish and their "profundity" is false and forced.

>> No.19989812

spanish is retarded, just look at gravity's rainbow it took 5 words to write the title alone lmao

>> No.19989844

First time I’ve seen this book mentioned here, have you read it? I’d like to start on it next month

>> No.19989845
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GR and IJ and half of Ulysses is what I have read.
Would I recommend them? Yes, mostly.
Will I read them again? Maybe in 20 years.

Have an anime girl. A concession I make to thee so that you can easily disregard my post if you don't like it.

>> No.19989879

Read Gravity's Rainbow and Infinite Jest (twice for IJ). Have yet to conquer Ulysses.

>> No.19989887
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two problems with what you said,
>Wallace improves in translation.
>improves in translation

>> No.19989897

Read this maybe ten years ago. Liked it a lot.

Got halfway through and dropped from boredom. Might try again one day.

I have no interest in this.

>> No.19989904
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I'm working through portrait still, it's fun to bust it out on kindle at the pub tho

>> No.19989907

Yeah it's good, huge scope, sort of a mashup of all the major archetypes through the history of Spanish lit, peak magical realism IMO. Maybe a bit "too ambitious" but that I believe that quote from 2666 is apt here:
>What a sad paradox, thought Amalfitano. Now even bookish pharmacists are afraid to take on the great, imperfect, torrential works, books that blaze paths into the unknown. They choose the perfect exercises of the great masters. Or what amounts to the same thing: they want to watch the great masters spar, but they have no interest in real combat, when the great masters struggle against that something, that something that terrifies us all, that something that cows us and spurs us on, amid blood and mortal wounds and stench.

>> No.19989914

I've read all of them. I will not be taking questions.

>> No.19989971

>these are the midwits calling you an anglo

>> No.19989981

It could just be Arcoiris de gravedad, honestly.

>> No.19989997

For me it’s Don Quijote, 2666, y Cien Años de Soledad.

>> No.19990004

this is absurd

>> No.19990016

jesus christ they're thick. does espanol use more letters or something

>> No.19990162

>cien ANOS de soledad

>> No.19991096

Out of the three I've only finished Infinite Jest. I plan on finishing the Bible and Plato before moving on to other memes.

>> No.19991128

>He brings his Kindle to the pub
That's pretty BASED my man.

>> No.19991451


>> No.19991482


>> No.19991653

>knows english
>reads translation

>> No.19991659

I finished GR a while back. I took a detour over to Gaddis, but Ulysses is next for me. DFW is too recent for me to feel comfortable reading him, at least until I've finished the novel I'm working on.

>> No.19991727

midwit trilogy

>> No.19991791

next level cope

>> No.19992005
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There's some extra content that couldn't be communicated in English.

These guys get it. Monoglot goons will never understand the power of minds like Pynchon, Wallace and Joyce.

>> No.19992032

Wtf are you talking about. He got the title right, you got it wrong

>> No.19992309

Are you really this retarded

>> No.19992830

English is a very short language compared to Spanish

>> No.19992838

The usual term is pithy.

>> No.19992845

unironically yes. very alpha male.

>> No.19992859

its a meme of people who havent read that much to call ulysses a meme desu

>> No.19992870

never read Bolano but this quote that keeps getting posted ensures i never will. why are the postmodernists so shit