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19985504 No.19985504[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What book captures the cuteness of women? No incels allowed in this thread

>> No.19986163

anna karenina

>> No.19986168

Women apologists are even lower scum than wom*n.

>> No.19987111
File: 157 KB, 790x444, 4B35146A-F9F6-446D-AB68-C8E3D9941CB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This woman’s kitchen was blown up by Ukrainian nazis. Probably with some family members in it.

>> No.19987126

I came here to say War and Peace lol.

>> No.19987135

three musketeers

>> No.19987148

>Women apologists
They're called real men now stop being an incel

>> No.19987151

roasties do be like that frfr tho
dey be talmin mad shit to a nigga but shiiiiiiet she know damn well a nigga woahn toucher like he would anotha nigga talmin mad shit on my momma these bitches trifilin

>> No.19987155

fellow chuds be advised I have infiltrated the thread

>> No.19987159
File: 219 KB, 412x560, Wagner 1871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of Wagner's dramas.

>In joy and gladness to bear the thing conceived, this is the deed of Woman,—and to work deeds the woman only needs to be entirely what she is, but in no way to will something: for she can will but one thing—to be a woman! To man, therefore, woman is the ever clear and cognisable measure of natural infallibility, (Untrüglichkeit), for she is at her perfectest when she never quits the sphere of beautiful Instinctiveness (Unwillkürlichkeit).

>> No.19987168

Wait I thought we loved when women were in the battlefield trailer... wait... are you telling me women don't want to fight in a war?

>> No.19987175

There is nothing cute about a contemptible spiteful creature that bleeds from its genitals every month and can destroy your entire life at the drop of a hat. Theyre about as cute as a hungry lion. One who values his safety and peace should avoid women and not engage with them in any way more intimate than a platonic interaction. Spending time engaging with a woman one on one, let alone having sexual intercourse with one is opening yourself up to attack. ANY weakness you allow them to see WILL be exploited by them. Do not leave yourself vulnerable to their temper tantrums and spiteful nature. They should be actively avoided at all costs if you are to remain safe, NEVER let them in your home and NEVER be alone with them without at least a handful of honest and impartial people nearby. Speaking of anything more controversial than the weather with a woman is simply foolish.
>inb4 I said NO incel opinions
This is not the opinion of an involuntarily celibate man, it is the observation and experience of a man who has dealt with holes from a young age and has become very familiar with the true nature of holes. In most situations women will hold a figurative axe over your head and the "mood" or "vibe" of being in their presence is likeable to that of a cop who is on edge. Women can and will try to gaslight you, if for no other reason than they feel like it. It is a hassle and a needless risk to invest your time and effort into women.
Dont fight me on this, just listen and accept it. Heeding my warning may well save you a great deal of trouble in the future.

>> No.19987745

Unusual choice

>> No.19987748

>sphere of beautiful Instinctiveness
What does this mean

>> No.19987751

Have sex dude

>> No.19987755

Seen about 70 different iterations of this joke from women.

I guess they are cute like herd animals are cute.

>> No.19987756

Women are vile. They have poison juices inside of them. Stay pure, anon. Don’t let them corrupt you with their vile juices.

>> No.19987765

What zero pussy does to a mf

>> No.19987770
File: 95 KB, 640x640, IMG_20220115_201831_725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife and baby daughter both just finished a nap resting across my lap. I love them!

>> No.19987777

Emotionally Weird by Kate Atkinson

>> No.19987782

It's so weird how femoids immediately resort to "your pp is small" or "you have no sex lol" easily implies that even they really only see value in their holes and not much else

>> No.19987788

That's true but doesn't invalidate the fact that all of 4chan's disdain for women stems from them being undesirable men.

>> No.19987794

Well, there isn't any reason to try and come up with a reasonable response to an inherently unreasonable opinion. You could say all you want, but you can't convince an anti-vaxxer, you can't convince a flat-earther, and you can't convince an incel.

>> No.19987797

Women have always served very critical functions in war, as nurses, messengers, spies, and most importantly as cum receptors for the conquering army

>> No.19987822

>It's so weird how femoids immediately resort to "your pp is small" or "you have no sex lol" easily implies that even they really only see value in their holes and not much else
Please explain how saying that you’re angry at woman because you’re sexually frustrated imply objectification of women.

>> No.19987863

>This is not the opinion of an involuntarily celibate man, it is the observation and experience of a man
Nah man, I don't believe you

>> No.19987867

You haven't even provided an argument, you just said an opinion as an absolute truth, so you cannot expect people to take you seriously or actually give counterarguments, since you have no argunent to begin with.

>> No.19987868

>What book captures the cuteness of women?
Sally Rooney's Facebook page!

>> No.19987908

>>In joy and gladness to bear

>> No.19988016

Jane Eyre.

>> No.19988208

The monster you have projected onto women is a hell of a lot more interesting than women actually are. That said you are deranged. Women are guilty of being boring, passive, and easily swayed by groupthink. You're attributing to them a vitality they do not possess.

>> No.19988219

based and lol, lmao

>> No.19988223

meant for >>19987782

>> No.19988225

The one where dante is simping for Beatrice. Vita Nuova or something.

>> No.19988251

It means she does not rationalise, analyse or precognise her actions or intentions, but merely acts spontaneously, guided by her instincts and emotions -- unlike man, who ponders his decisions and narrates his life with an inner monologue.

>> No.19988282

That's not cute behaviour, it's Machiavellian. Besides she looks like she'd burn toast.

>> No.19988315

get laid.... oh wait, nevermind

>> No.19988342


>> No.19988392


>> No.19988393

Men like you, if you can be called a man, always make me laugh inside. Not to realize the natural tendency of a woman to lie, deceive, sacrifice the well-being of the community for her offspring's success, inability to form friendships, inability to be loyal to anyone except her offspring (and even then many exceptions to this rule exist), not to realize all these things, I don't understand how much of a half-brained retard you have to be.

>> No.19988396

Let me clarify this, the exceptions are to being fully loyal to offspring, not to being disloyal to the community.

>> No.19988417

Let me guess, you got your heart broke a time or two, or you never even seriously tried with girls. This sounds incredibly bitter and I’m guessing you project this into your daily life

>> No.19988438

I really dislike modern western chauvinism:

i was at a house party last weekend and the guys wouldn't shut up about how much they dislike Aristotle dude to his disregard for women, but then non stop would make fun of other dudes if they lost a beer pong match versus a girl and would always say the phrase "I am not a girl" when asked if they did were too pussy to do something, failed to achieve something or do anything demeaning. And all of this right infront of their girlfriends and other girls who would always just shut up when girls were the but of the joke.
I dont really care about any of that except for that my boy Aristotle somehow is now persona non grata, which I will not put up with.

>> No.19988443

>i was at a house party last weekend
Stopped reading there. Leave, normalslime

>> No.19988450

you do realize the majority of /lit/ are fairly normal people.

>> No.19988454

You have no idea.

>> No.19988459

I do. I know people who psot on /lit/ irl.

They are not cool, but they are not mom's basement shut in incels.

>> No.19988465

Yes, that's why the board has become unberably shit in past 5 years. You can set an example for tourists and casuals by leaving.

>> No.19988476

I am somewhat fortunate to come from a background of war, civil war and society-wide poverty, a great environment to observe the true nature of men and women (and not only these two groups). You, on the other hand, are an effeminate Westerner, embarrassment to the male sex, spiritually castrated and dominated by the weaker and dumber sex. Your entire experience with women and knowledge of women comes from interactions in which true power was wielded by women. Ever since you were in your cradle you were conditioned by your dysgenic, weak society to worship the vain and the feminine. You can't imagine a scenario in which men understand women's vile nature except in a domesticated Western setting, be it school or an activity circle or university, because you have never dealt with women in an environment of extreme scarcity. You think the thousands of years of mysogyny in human history were unreasonable, and the worth of women being equated to cattle in hundreds of unrelated cultures was even more unreasonable. You are extremely pathetic, just like the majority of those sharing your culture and mentality.

>> No.19988484

I've been here longer than you, and I'm married with kids and own my own house. The influx of bitter teenagers really sent this place downhill

>> No.19988491

Excellent posts, I've come to identical conclusions after several relationships - all of which I regret, but they taught me a lesson. Don't mind the simping Twitter zoomers replying to you, they'll get cucked and find out on their own soon.

>> No.19988495

I came here to post this

>> No.19988496

>claims to be an adult man
>hangs out with simpletons playing beer pong and cancelling dead white males
Please, leave.

>> No.19988499

How do you break out of a conditioning by the feminine? T. Western man

>> No.19988502

greetings from Kazakhstan

>> No.19988517

Where ARE the cute girls anymore?
It seems like every girl dresses and act a like a whore, intentionally uglies up her appearance with piercings, dyed hair and tattoos and hey don’t act like women anymore.
The whore thinks that tweet is cute and funny but it isn’t because we all know the bitch means it.
The only cute women are foreign and you’re unlikely to meet them.

>> No.19988524

Not anon but my life became 75% better by becoming a volcel. That includes no porn or longing for a woman

>> No.19988539

This goes hard

>> No.19988557

This but unironically.

>> No.19988576

When you brag about your war torn country and how everyone is shitty, that strikes me as a problem with your country. This whole post is delusional

>> No.19988587

>and the worth of women being equated to cattle in hundreds of unrelated cultures was even more unreasonable.
No, I just say whatever I can possibly say to justify my hatred of subhumans like you.

>> No.19988589

I learnt my lessons through extreme disappointments in a society-wide existential crisis, moral and material poverty, women were just part of it, so I might not give you the best answer for your environment, but perhaps a good advice would be the next - observe your thoughts and try to figure out where they stem from and what their purpose is, more and more frequently you will notice those thoughts come from the perspective of women, where you judge yourself in the given situation based on how the average woman would judge you. Another advice I could give is when interacting with women always be aware that they can be setting traps, even if she is the cutest looking girl you have seen, be wary. Your fiance, your wife, your mother even, and I do believe mothers, exceptions aside, love their children and especially sons with all their heart, perhaps the only people they can sincerely love, but mothers being women too, will give you advice and guidance that conditions you to the contemporary gynocentric environment, because every mother wants their sons to dominate the environment they participate in, to conquer and to gain status, but those things will not fulfill a dignified man, because conventional ways of gaining status and wealth in modernity mean embracing female traits, especially deceptiveness and gossiping.

>> No.19988595

Both of your replies are as worthless as the whores that spawned you.

>> No.19988599

>just like stop longing for women, bro.

>> No.19988601

Post physique

>> No.19988632


>> No.19988637

Guaranteed your of semitic descent.

>> No.19988640
File: 144 KB, 945x600, e97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19988646

More men embrace feminine virtues, more their mental faculties weaken. You are even dumber for believing Semites would rationalize mysogyny as much as I did.

>> No.19988647


>> No.19988651

Females eternally btfo

>> No.19988657

Not same anon but fuck off

>> No.19988661

Anna Karenina is a good reflection of the woman who reads it. If you got a woman who reads it and sees Anna as this brave woman, disregard her immediately.

>> No.19988663

Simps are defintely not real men

>> No.19988670

Didn't know /lit/ had so many women.

>> No.19988675

I have no patience for "le w*myn amirite based ch0nzbros xD" when modern men are equally despicable and worthless. It's tiresome.

>> No.19988678

g8 b8

>> No.19988682
File: 892 KB, 1704x1278, foreword-gq-4apr18_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you call these "men"

>> No.19988701

I don't know what the context of this is but if you're insinuating I'm a feminist, they're faggots too. However, for how much you want to suck your own dick for being epic based and redpilled, you embody none of the masculine ideals you admire.

>> No.19988746

but you're implying that people would only see values in females' holes, when there's so many cute young femboys to enjoy :)

>> No.19988757


>> No.19988764

l'etranger or animal farm, but it's pretty oblique the way they do it

>> No.19988815

>stems from them being undesirable men
Yes and? What sort of wisdom isn't acquired through "unfortunate" circumstance?

>> No.19988827

You're not doing anything to better your """""""""misfortune"""”""". You wallow in your misery and seethe that women won't settle for a failure.

>> No.19988849

Thing is if you fet youraelf up to mediocre even mediocre woman think they deserve better

>> No.19988854
File: 306 KB, 1538x2048, 1644247349752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're ASSUMING the reason for grievance IS about women's bodies, sexually.

You CANNOT conceive of ANY other reason for why you, a woman, might not get along with someone. It HAS to be that they are upset because le NO SEX with you.

It exposes Women's self-obsessed and self-objectifying world view, they think they can't do no wrong, and the only reason anyone ever could be upset is because they don't have your approval.

Like that bitch on twitter who did the thing about Putin "if I was your mother", she can't conceive any possible way how ANYBODY could do ANYTHING that doesn't have to do with PUSSY.

Incels, PUA are just a side-effect of this, stupid men brainwashed by feminism and dragged into women's self-obsessed world-view. Everything in their lives revolves around women because they were raised by female narcissists at home and at school who had everything revolve around them.

>> No.19988868

Yes, women are biologically driven to be attracted to the best mate. This is neither good or bad, it's a fact of life. Humans are heirarchical. Suddenly you care about egalitarianism when you aren't getting pussy. Git gud.

>> No.19988872

No its juat bad, its inherently unstable

>> No.19988925

> You're not doing anything to better your """""""""misfortune"""”""".
Do you know what I do?
>You wallow in your misery and seethe
Do I? I don't think I am miserable.
> women won't settle for a failure.
Since when do you speak for all women?
What makes you think my happiness depends upon so?
Who defines failure?

>> No.19988927

>that little pudge in the dude’s tummy

>> No.19989157

>Feminist groups have to complain about being excluded from the order for 10-60 year olds to stay and fight the Russians.

>> No.19989166

Old man and the sea

>> No.19989175

i think the self-insert protag girl in the idiot by elif batuman is pretty cute desu

>> No.19989186


>> No.19989208

fair enough, modern men are also pussies I'll give you that, it's a shame to even call them men really. We need a cultural revamp, destruction of all technology that enables us to live the cozy life that weakens us

>> No.19989218
File: 173 KB, 680x344, 1645906539516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No incels allowed in this thread

>> No.19989244

lol I love how hierarchies exist now that we're talking about this, in all other cases it's ostracized. Hierarchies definitely do exist anon, and women do definitely go for the best mate you are right, if everyone was as honest as you we can finally move forward on this masculinity crisis we have on our hands. Guys are brought up in a society that promises intrinsic rights and respect and that they should give others the very same thing, when in fact things don't really work like that in reality, it took me a long time to figure this out, being raised mostly by my mom and all. My dad was very absent most of my life and was a weak masculine figure in my life, the worst part is my dyke feminist cousin told me he was progressive for that.

>> No.19989270

I assume that your past was demoralizing for you, since you mentioned the absence of a strong masculine figure in your life; how did you get past that exactly? How was the process for you?

>> No.19989277

How does the difficulty of meeting foreign women arise exactly? Most would assume that women from countries outside of the West would bend over backwards to get in here, right?

>> No.19989302

Traveling is expensive, how are you gonna get there?

>> No.19989354

How can /lit/ have the audacity to call itself an intellectual board when it has threads like these? /r9k/ tier

>> No.19989387

Yeah, because intellectuals since the dawn of civilization until mid-20th century have held women in such high esteem, right?

>> No.19989399

Yes Ossian did and so did and do Catholics.

>> No.19989411

>I'm for whatever makes the least demands on me.
Without Christianity, women are trash.

>> No.19989431

Not holding women in high esteem and being a bitter incel are not mutually inclusive

>> No.19990303

>biologically driven to be attracted to the best mate
And then not have children? That's evil behaviour.

>> No.19990324

What too much pussy does to a mf

>> No.19990578

your innate desire to rebuke all criticism of women is just as much a side effect of being a worthless subservient peon to the gynocentric society we live in as the incel's misogyny is. Most men today live in fear and contempt of the women in their lives because they are completely under their control and at their mercy in all areas. If you said misogynistic things to a man in the past he would feel no need to rebuke you, he would agree with you, he just wouldn't care because he actually has the ability to dominate the women in his life and not be a total bitch unlike most if not all men today.

>> No.19990646

Who the fuck even casually brings up aristotle at a fucking house party?
I'll take shit that didnt happen for 200

>> No.19990653

>I'm married with kids and own my own house
Must be nice. How old are you? 30? 40? Who knows. It seems pretty clear you had an actually good environment to grow in. Perhaps a place where the male female dynamic was a little more friendly and less of overcomoetitive women trying to outdo everyone and intimidate men with the threat if legal repurcushion.

>> No.19990662

You say that like I give men a free pass. I dont, manwhores are just as despicable as women. The only men I respect are upstanding indoviduals of good charecter who would rather be with a good woman than sleep with many.

>> No.19990679

>modern men are also pussies
Maybe so, but its a defense mechanism. In a world where anything more aggresive than saying "no thank you" is punished then you have to adjust. Everytime I've been even a little pushy with someone I'm immediatly met with a flurry of screeches from faggot women who just cant stand to see a man have any more backbone than a slime. Doesnt help that sociopath fag cops are always on standby to come rough you up if you say the wrong thing or are too insistent.

>> No.19990684

The Scarlet Letter

>> No.19990687
File: 30 KB, 640x532, d993fea37eff86b2dea2b39f700e014fd9fd6f6ecc0963b2526de14d3456b30c_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how did you get past that exactly? How was the process for you?
You just, do, man.

>> No.19990688

The solution is simple: become a violent criminal

>> No.19991105

It's one of the main reasons I got in philosophy, so I can at least figure out the right mindset for getting past all this. I'm not quite fully there but it has gotten much better, the big catalyst in my life was when I got into my first fight, that was when my image of the world shattered into pieces, I began to realize violence and strength is an option, and we are made to forget that. I took the /fit/pill a while back when that board didn't go to complete shit and porn spam, and that definitely helped an incredible amount, people criticize the red pill, but it has some truths to it, although the community is complete cancer and full of suicide fueling lookmaxxers and r9k demoralizers. some books have helped me a lot as well. I'm looking into traditionalist thought and I think that to be the final frontier, but as of right now I can list a few things to get on the right path. 1. Get /fit/, you don't have to be extremely buff in any way or a cardio bunny, just keep a consistent fitness routine, some weight training some calisthenics 2. Combat sports of any kind are great, get into fights every now and then, seriously it's fucking enlightening if you haven't, doesn't have to be out of rage, it's fun to spar your buddies. 3. Equality is a false god 4. Don't worry too much about other people, find good earnest friends, and don't talk shit about others behind their backs, live an honest life

>> No.19991106

you are right, men aren't pusses MODERN men are, destroy modern society and we have a chance of starting anew

>> No.19991115

based, cucks here don't realize most people they accuse of being """incels""" probably have women figured out better than them

>> No.19991123

Best posts ITT

>> No.19991157


>> No.19991173

the joy luck club

>> No.19991187

No writers care of women
there is a reason 40% are gay
when you are intelligent enough to judge either sex as equal aesthetical bodies one quikly fines neither particularly pulling besides the anti-contemplative reproductive sense.
So what one calls "the cuteness of women" is really a man sided perspective on human aesthetical propositions. Its not nessisarily sinistier in its own intent but the productions of such a fixated "one eyed" view are usually bad. The innocense is tarnished by lust. So too is the innocence of human aesthetic project tarnished by the anti-human project. But here there is some reconciliation as lust poisins and maligns the anti-human is merely the progression of all humans. And as lust is not the progrssion of all lure is is vice, but as anti-humanity is the progress of all humans it must reconciled as neither vice nor virtue, but the continuation of fate, which as all fates is always equal and perfect in all justices. Such is the rule of harmony and such is the bliss of the wondering dream

>> No.19991204

bots are striking from all sides

>> No.19991289

r u from kazakhstan?