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19984150 No.19984150 [Reply] [Original]

He literally predicted everything
What the fuck

>> No.19984155

>Westoids are afraid of a literal janny

>> No.19984161

He predicted nothing. Ethnic Russians always had the purpose of reunify Russian, Belarus, Ukraine and North Kazajstan. Even Solzhenitsyn defended this sort of irredentism.

>> No.19984163

He was a janny in the KGB banned documents archive
Unironically, I am not even kidding

>> No.19984512

dugin is one of those guys who are irrelevant but readers keep trying to make him relevant.

>> No.19985645

>"As for the Russians, it is better not to talk about their intellectual capabilities."
Rene Guenon "East and West"

>"The Slavs have never had a tradition."
Julius Evola "Pagan Imperialism"

>> No.19985864

>Germany should be offered the de facto political dominance over most Protestant and Catholic states located within Central and Eastern Europe
>France should be encouraged to form a bloc with Germany, as they both have a "firm anti-Atlanticist tradition"
>The United Kingdom, merely described as an "extraterritorial floating base of the U.S.", should be cut off from Europe
>Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics"
>Ukraine should be annexed by Russia because "Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning, no particular cultural import or universal significance, no geographic uniqueness, no ethnic exclusiveness, its certain territorial ambitions represents an enormous danger for all of Eurasia and, without resolving the Ukrainian problem, it is in general senseless to speak about continental politics". Ukraine should not be allowed to remain independent, unless it is cordon sanitaire, which would be inadmissible


>> No.19985942

He hasn't been relevant for over a decade but go ahead and tell us what he "predicted" that wasn't already blatantly obvious

>> No.19985968 [DELETED] 

Germany should be offered de facto existence as a soveirgn territory within the Greater Polish Empire and nothing more.

>> No.19985970

What “anti-Atlanticist tradition” is he referring to exactly? France appears to me as historically pretty “Atlanticist”.

>> No.19985972

>France appears to me as historically pretty “Atlanticist”
How so? France is arguably the most anti-Atlanticist of all NATO countries

>> No.19986008

this guy is just like russian steve bannon, right?

>> No.19986020 [DELETED] 

Bannon is an irrelevant ex-eCeleb so no.

>> No.19986025

Diversity was a truly a mistake, and I say this as a Marxist…

>> No.19986027

No he's more like Tila Tequila

>> No.19986053

It was anti-Atlanticist until the defeat of Napoleon or at least since the 1830 revolution. Since that time it was aligned with the British interests, its industry was financed by the Rothchilds, its ruling class was Freemasonic and its foreign policy was aligned with that of Britain.

>> No.19986218


>> No.19986601

>old believer
>and yet "pagan"
I've never read his books but how this is not an openly contradiction?
Where, in which book he explains his position?
Wikipedia only says shit.

>> No.19986608

Obsessed with orbs and the ghost of hitler, and numerology.

>> No.19986610
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>Rene Guenon is the most correct, smartest and most important person of the twentieth century. There was no smarter, deeper, clearer, absolute Guenon and probably could not be. It is no coincidence that the French traditionalist René Allé in one collection dedicated to R. Guenon compared Guenon with Marx. It would seem that there are completely different, opposite figures. Guenon is a conservative hyper-traditionalist. Marx is a revolutionary innovator, a radical overthrower of traditions. But Rene Halle rightly guessed the revolutionary message of each of Guenon's statements, the extreme, cruel noncomformity of his position, which turns everything and everything upside down, the radical nature of his thought.

>The fact is that René Guenon is the only author, the only thinker of the twentieth century, and maybe many, many centuries before that, who not only identified and confronted with each other secondary language paradigms, but also put into question the very essence of language. The language of Marxism was methodologically very interesting, subtly reducing the historical existence of mankind to a clear and convincing formula for confronting labor and capital. Being a great paradigmatic success, Marxism was so popular and won the minds of the best intellectuals of the twentieth century. But R. Guenon is an even more fundamental generalization, an even more radical removal of masks, an even broader worldview contestation, putting everything into question.

>> No.19986655

Started reading The Fourth Political Theory yesterday, and admittedly I haven't finished it, but it comes off more like an effortpost you would find here on /lit/ than something truly rigorously examined.
It is mostly a gesture, a gesture indicating that there should be a 4th theory, but also the expectation that someone will do the hard work of actually making it happen.
I was impressed with the awareness though that this would necessarily have to be a framework constructed from the leftovers of modernity, ideological rubble, as this is what attracted me to reading the book in the first place. I have a interest in non-Euclidian groups that don't map easily to the simplistic frameworks we use to codify everything (like 1930s Technocracy, National-Anarchism etc), and lurk on the periphery.
But as far as Dugin's book goes this amounts to little more than a vague hope that the fragmentary outside will congeal in some configuration capable of assaulting the inside.

I will finish reading it but, my take so far is that the book is more a plea than a theory.

>> No.19986657

He's a fucking dumb ass

>> No.19986786
File: 243 KB, 1440x1440, alunya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dugin "predicted" nothing, that implies he just got things right by chance based on observation on the sidelines. No, he basically MADE this happen because Putin and the Russian political elite endorse his geopolitical advice. Everything that Dugin said should happen is happening because Russia is following his advice. Some of it is much more covert, but the Russians have shown themselves remarkable at using cyberattacks and other such things so you can trace it back to them. Dugin is the creepiest motherfucker because everything he said in the 90s is doctrine for Putin and everything is happening according to his guidebook (Foundations of Geopolitics) and yet NOBODY IN THE MEDIA IS POINTING IT OUT, there is a remarkable deafening silence in the news, and not even conspiracy theorists (the people most keen on popularizing attention to shit like this) are talking. It's freaking weird. Makes me almost think that Russia already controls the Western media AND the conspiracy theorists. Or worse, that both of those things + Russia serve some third worse thing. And I don't even believe in conspiracy theories much but the silence is really really really weird to me. I've been telling my friends about Dugin puppetmastering a lot of shit since like 2014-2016 when Crimea got annexed, Brexit happened, and Trump ran and got elected. But nobody trumpets it, not even the people who would most benefit (if they really hate Putin/Russia) from doing it.

>> No.19987785

Le tradition
Le masturbate to tranny porn
Le regrette
Le tradition

>> No.19987805


Do you know where can I find his book (Foundations of Geopolitics)?

>> No.19987810

underrated post

>> No.19987828
File: 44 KB, 976x549, dugin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dugin is one of those guys who are irrelevant but readers keep trying to make him relevant.
>No he's more like Tila Tequila
>Started reading The Fourth Political Theory yesterday, and admittedly I haven't finished it, but it comes off more like an effortpost you would find here on /lit/ than something truly rigorously examined.
>Dugin is the creepiest motherfucker because everything he said in the 90s is doctrine for Putin and everything is happening according to his guidebook (Foundations of Geopolitics) and yet NOBODY IN THE MEDIA IS POINTING IT OUT, there is a remarkable deafening silence in the news, and not even conspiracy theorists (the people most keen on popularizing attention to shit like this) are talking. It's freaking weird. Makes me almost think that Russia already controls the Western media AND the conspiracy theorists. Or worse, that both of those things + Russia serve some third worse thing. And I don't even believe in conspiracy theories much but the silence is really really really weird to me. I've been telling my friends about Dugin puppetmastering a lot of shit since like 2014-2016 when Crimea got annexed, Brexit happened, and Trump ran and got elected. But nobody trumpets it, not even the people who would most benefit (if they really hate Putin/Russia) from doing it.
>He literally predicted everything
>What the fuck

>> No.19987841

He didn't "predict" anything. Putin is reading from his playbook.

>> No.19987900

fucking kek

>> No.19987933

And even when he is mentioned in western media he’s made out to be some orientalized caricature reminiscent of Rasputin. My uncle mentioned something to me about some Orthodox mystic being in Putin’s ear this whole time. It took me a bit to figure out he was talking about Dugin. Makes me wonder if that’s Russia’s doing or just typical western retardation.

>> No.19987937

Dugin is just a mad bolshevist, what he said about Russia's desire of expansionism is what most russians have been thinking for decades, Putin as well.

>> No.19987969

It’s not just the Russians, almost anyone with a brain and the slightest interest in geopolitics or Russian history could have seen it coming. This is not to downplay them, but I’ve always though the Russians to be almost a transparently easy country to interpret the motives of because they’re so obviously self interested in everything they do. It’s actually somewhat refreshing that they’re so straightforward as opposed to a country like France where they themselves seem to have the least notion of what they should do and are just drifting aimlessly in a labyrinth that was partly their own creation and was partly created by outside forces that seem to have left them bewildered and dazed on the world stage ever since the end of WWI

>> No.19987971
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All of Dugin's books can be found on Arktos
including some articles about him. Of course the only one missing is Foundation of Geopolitics. Arktos isn't even touching that shit. (Arktos is like a Traditionalist/right-wing version of the Criterion Collection for books. He has a book called Putin v Putin and is actually mildly critical of him. Interesting guy. Link:https://arktos.com/product-category/books/?query_type_author=or&filter_author=alexander-dugin

Lauren Southern did an interview with him here but they largely avoid Russian politics:

Amazon banned all his books, or at least the only widely-available English translations made thanks to based Arktos. This was months before the crisis. Obviously not at the behest of public outrage since Americans have never heard of the book. The US government lets Amazon sell books about Great Reset and globohomo plans including covid-19 and election "conspiracy theories" but stepped in to stop Dugin out of nowhere. And again, he wasn't even gaining traction to begin with. As this anon said >>19986786 it's very strange. Tucker Carlson mentioned him and how his book is read by high level officers in the military a while back, but that's it. Never seen a book so hard to get a hold of.

English translation? Not available anywhere. There's a copy made by a dude who doesn't speak Russian and literally put the entire text into Google Translate (https://agdugintranslate.gitbook.io/foundations-of-geopolitics/)) but that's it. The Russian version's online:

>> No.19987976

If you could really have seen it coming you would be a millionaire right now. But you will play it down as saying "you're not interested in money" or something. In reality you didn't see it coming. It's all just 20/20 hindsight.

>> No.19987979

fucking faggot

>> No.19987988
File: 103 KB, 500x773, tmw500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't read his ideological shit. He's an Evola/Guenon type Traditionalist. If that's your thing, great. If not, he seems like an autistic esoteric Russian nationalist. It's his geopolitical ideas that left an influence. Foundations of Geopolitics is his only work of value. Picrel is a vague interpretation of the world order, pretty anodyne. Amazon banned it but you can buy it online at a few other places. One thing that's based is he adheres to Carl Schmitt very heavily. One article I read some time ago said Putin got deeply into Dugin during the isolation period of the pandemic and has been driven by those goals more, idk. I already made that one effort post above about his interviews and where to find Foundations of Geopolitics you guys can probably do the rest from there.

>> No.19987996
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Just a snippet

>> No.19988007

Is the google translated book comprehensible or algorithm word salad? My concern is that, like most theorists, he will be using specific words in a highly technical way that doesn't survive literalist automatic translation.

>> No.19988013


>> No.19988018

I need to read Foundation of Geopolitics lads. It's time I take the Duginpill

>> No.19988030

Refuted by Glen Beck


>> No.19988079

>t. puritan burger

>> No.19988482

44 million people are being liberated from the Puberty Bloc and regathered to the bosom of civilization. Anything less than euphoria is indecent.

>> No.19988877

doesnt Putin listen to him?
how can he predict anything if he has power to make the things he's predicting happen

>> No.19988923

>predicted Russia would do the shit theyve done for the past hundred years
wow what a Nostradamus, no one could have foreseen this after the first time they invaded Ukraine

>> No.19989137

I'm going to start posting like this lmao

>> No.19989245

Yeah I only read the wikipedia page but it sounds like it's describing exactly what's happening right now
>Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".[9]

>> No.19989391

no. also, putin plays 1d chess. shitflinging and sees what sticks.

>> No.19989419

Aktually its Mearsheimer who predicted the current crisis

>> No.19989611

oh wow, who could have predicted such happenings? dugin is nostradamus, wow get my pipe

>> No.19989688

arent his translations specifically tailored by him in a 4d chess psyops

>> No.19989735



Olavo told BRs many times this would happen

>> No.19989804

Americans in 1997 were saying history was over and every MENA nation and China would fall to liberalism lol

>> No.19989915

Okay even if dugin has the right philosophy po anti-modern mindset Neo-Modernism as a "super-culture" in the neoreactinary framework of anthropology turns into a super culture which by his own phiilsophy is justified in steam rolling the world. The only problem is that modern libs actually are actually so modern that they have forgotten modernism. The Neo-modernism of the future will be so anti-modern that it remembers modernism. This will be the movement that exonerates language but also destroys history itself and replacees the simulacrum with the anti-simulacrum aka the auto-iconoclast

>> No.19989922

So is he the Rasputin to Putin?

>> No.19989931

>Putin's Rasputin

>> No.19990009

retard they keep blaming this shit on russians but I really doubt they are doing it not only because it would be extremely hard but also because it's mostly retarded

>> No.19990027

wish he posted more strategy of revolution ;^(

>> No.19990179

He means anglo basically

>> No.19990670

It's always losers emphatising with one another. Same with the Moldius whatever leather-jacket-for-photoshoot blogger who their supporters think somehow is a visionary philosopher.
Same with this Russian propagandist.

>> No.19990685


>> No.19990686

>Dugin puppetmastering a lot of shit since like 2014-2016
It's the other way around, kiddo. Dugin "theorizing" acts, and kids like you swallow it as if they were tide pods

>> No.19990691

there's only two european states that are atlanticists. france is a continental power and has always been, like Germany. And profoundly anti-anglo.

>> No.19990698

There you go, PHAT ASS

>> No.19990699

Good for him I guess. I got off his train three years ago.

>> No.19990705

Yeah that's why stopped supporting him

>> No.19990732

The UK is the first obvious European "atlanticist", but what is the other one? Portugal? Spain? Those are the only two countries I can think over that would have their economies and politics focused more around trans-Atlantic thought rather than continental European thought.

>> No.19990748

Portugal. Atlantic on one side, desert on the other. Spain preferred european possessions over ultramarine colonies, and Catalonia over access to the Atlantic.
I guess you can say Norway and Iceland are potentially atlanticist countries, but they're content with independence, not really expansionist in thinking.

>> No.19990759

Very literal thinking, there.

>> No.19990791
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it's a long standing policy (6 centuries), it's all this god forsaken country thinks about in terms of geopolitics, even post-EU inclusion

>> No.19990809


>> No.19990818

ok zoomer

>> No.19990860

This is just your historical illiteracy more than any brilliance on his part. Look at a map of the Soviet Union and then look at a map of NATO. One of these has given up territory it held for centuries as the Russian empire. The other has territory under US alliance for mere decades. The Russians have basically said they won't give up Ukraine without a fight, because it means more to them than Poland or the Baltic for obvious reasons. There's great mystery unless your history curriculum was woefully deficient

>> No.19990947

No, anon. Putin is Dugin's Rasputin. That's the real redpill. (You will only get this if you actually know about Rasputin's role during those times).

>> No.19991024

It's cruder than that: The shit they give trial runs to is always biased by their experience of what sticks in Russia, rather a lot of which is laughable even to US brands of schizo, psycho, and retard.

>> No.19991080

If academia gave a fuck about actual dialectical materialism they'd be throwing Marx in the dust bin of history and picking up the 4th political theory
but of course none of them will
at least not for a decade or so

>> No.19991568

Except Russia is still not a superpower but an increasingly irrelevant middling power that tries to desperately increase its relevance by waging wars against its even more irrelevant and weak neighbours. Pathetic. But I guess controlling Ukraine will turn Russia into a superpower or something lmao.

>> No.19991765

Underrated comment, there is no value in predicting the flood but in building the arch.

>> No.19991907


>> No.19991943

Won't somebody translate the goddamn thing?

>> No.19991954
File: 31 KB, 648x486, photo_2021-07-06_12-47-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dugin is a Jewish satanist;


His is the plan Intl Jewry are working to bring into World Jewish slave Govt. after WW3 - see;


Dugin 2012: "We are for Stalin and the Soviet Union."


We must wake everyone up!

>> No.19991997

Whyd you highlight the e in balance

>> No.19992431


>> No.19992582

icular cancer