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/lit/ - Literature

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19984020 No.19984020 [Reply] [Original]

>excluded from social groups growing up
>find my way to 4chan as a young teen
>inherit worldview and hobbies without reflection, dive into mgtow and weebshit
>after fifteen years, realize that I don't enjoy anything I thought I enjoyed
>I'm a stranger in my own skin, and I've become a monster without realizing it

Books for this feel?

>> No.19984023


>> No.19984025
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Why don't you get the hell off the board and go find your own book normie

>> No.19984026

We’re the closest ever to nuclear Holocaust so hopefully you live in a major city and will be vaporised or cooked or die of cancer.

>> No.19984049

I decided that I'm gonna leave this place for some time because it's just pure escapism
If I could somehow see how much time I have wasted on this site, I would probably faint
All those hours that I could have used to learn a skill or excercise

I'm going to dramatically limit my internet use

>> No.19984069

Right. See you tomorrow, faggot.
>thought I'd leave 4chan when I got a job
>thought I'd leave 4chan when I got married
>thought I'd leave 4chan when I had a child

>> No.19984075

Don't you ever stop to think about the twisted pride you take in being less "normal" than the other less normal people you hang around all day? It makes you look like a tremendous faggot who's trying too hard to fit in.

I'm looking for people with genuine recommendations based off of unique introspection rather than some fucking /sig/ horseshit or whatever it is you'd have otherwise furnished me with.

>> No.19984096

I've done this. It doesn't get any better. Hobbies and things cannot replace genuine connection with other people.

>> No.19984101

>We’re the closest ever to nuclear Holocaust
cringe and low IQ pilled

>> No.19984134

having sex will do for you what no book can

>> No.19984164

Find a hobby that includes meeting other people, like sports. It's nearly impossible for you to connect in some way. At the same time, limit your time on the internet. Use it either for learning new information, or to quickly satisfy your boredom. Leave cesspools like reddit and 4chan. Results will show up naturally.

>> No.19984168

What does the word 'nearly' mean, exactly? People have been paranoid about this since forever, and nothing's happened yet.

>> No.19984277

I've been stopping by less and less. The latest progression of 4chan zeitgeist is growing away from me. Fundamental disagreements are emerging and it is clear that I no longer belong here as my attempts to converse fall on deaf ears.

This board is unironically too gay. Not even vital, interesting, and successful gay but bitter, awkward, and depressed gay. I am neither gay nor a misanthrope and so there is increasingly less discussion where I have anything to say at all.

>> No.19984796

Eh, you'll find another board (likely with a higher concentration of oldfags) and shift there. /biz/ has been popping the last few years, /fit/ is perennially decent. Funny enough /vrpg/ has good discussion a lot.