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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 129 KB, 600x1205, e-reader - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1995782 No.1995782 [Reply] [Original]

Man fuck e-readers amiright?

>> No.1995792

e-readers are the future of reading and anyone who actually perfers real books are probably really autist

>> No.1995798

Ill throw you on the ground.

>> No.1995807

>explaining the joke in the last panel

that comic's creator couldn't into comedy.

>> No.1995810

It's funny how angry Luddites get over e-readers. It's like they are threatened, and they get irrationally upset, even to the point of abuse (like OP's comic.)
Nobody is going to come take your books away. I promise you nobody is going to come take your books away. You can read, smell, lick them until you ejaculate, erry day for the rest of your lives.
You don't like e-readers? Don't read them. There's no threat, here, so chill the fuck out.

>> No.1995828

Until they actually stop selling traditional books, I'm not worried. When that happens, I'll go live in the forest with my fellow hippies like in the bizarro ending of Fahrenheit 451.

There's just something... good... about turning sheafs of tree-flesh with my own hands.

>> No.1995838
File: 79 KB, 441x485, ladysovfuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le throw*
Go away.

You can go away too.

>> No.1995850

You can't into pop culture.

>> No.1995866
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>le throw

>> No.1995875
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>le throw

>> No.1995938

That's actually an edit. The original comic has no 'le throw' and in the last panel the guy says something along the lines of, 'Keep it real mother fucka.' Why someone would just make it more unfunnier I have no idea.

>> No.1995942



>> No.1996075
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>le throw

>> No.1996082


More like some 4chon edited it to troll.

>> No.1996086

Not much else to say now. Just some dude knowing people will get mad if he makes a comic less funny and add "le" to it.

>> No.1996248

i prefer a book...most of the time.
but a kindle dx is fucking great.

>> No.1996249

ereaders are pretty nice right now. once e-ink displays get better, ereaders are going to really be all over.
i have a kindle dx (chosen for large size for native pdf viewing) and ive found myself using it for reading more and more...i love books, but i could see ereaders almost totally replacing them

>> No.1996258

I like my ereader, and I like normal books.

I remember a similar argument when the first wave of viable digital cameras arrived, die-hard film enthusiasts hated them, and first adopters became smug and hyperbolic.

Realistically, in a few years time, ereaders are going to drop in price to a point where they are readily available to everyone, once that happens, the traditional paper book will get overtaken. It won't die out, however, see Vinyl records/lomography for instance

>> No.1996339

E-readers will overtake the market. The average reader doesn't need to carry around 9000 books. The average reader reads 5 books a year, at the beach or on a plane. The average reader doesn't give a fuck enough about reading to want to do it on a screen. The average reader will most likely be spending time on facebook on an iPad.

I read an article in PC Magazine in which they claimed e-readers were a fad and wouldn't last long. I agree.

Seriously, some people like reading on something that is not a screen for a change.

>> No.1996346

E readers are dumb as poo i have one and everytime i use it it's like i can't see the page numbers how am i even supposed to know how long my books are or how close i am to finishing i'll like e readers a lot more when they cater to people who aren't fucking stupid

>> No.1996353

I only read papyrus scrolls. I just like the feel of leafing through home-made papyrus, and my shelves of my scroll collection make my house feel more comfortable.

>> No.1996360

Insecure sarcastic e-reader detected.

I realize you're buttmad that you spent 250$ on the literary equivalent of a slap-chop. Just think of all those 9000 books you have that you'll never read!

>> No.1996364

What type of ereader is that? I have a Cybook Bookeen Gen3 which is a few years old and that tells you the page numbers. I thought Kindles etc would be far more advanced than the Gen3.

>> No.1996366

E-readers will take over when the world turns into male neckbeards virgins that post on 4chan.

When that happens, I think the least of our worries will be the demise of books, we'll be concerned for the demise of the world. E-readers are by far the stupidest demographic in the world. They're the Insane Clown Posse of the literary world.

>> No.1996368

i use my ereader for pulpy stuff and newspapers, and get a copy of things I care about in hardcopy for my shelf. I'm just making fun of people who are always afraid of new things, even though there old thing was once new technology.

People always assume the new will replace the old, but that usually doesn't happen.

>> No.1996372

Fab, you are silly. The Kindle tells you the page number and "locations". All e-readers show you how much you've read in some way.

>> No.1996373

>E-readers are by far the stupidest demographic in the world. They're the Insane Clown Posse of the literary world.

>> No.1996375

ITT: people don't realize that e-readers are so popular on 4chan because all that people care about is pirating books for free and nothing else.

>> No.1996378

I'm more than fine with Ereaders as it is good for the enviroment and makes real book's collecting more interesting, challenging and unique. I don't feel any urge to see other people but myself read from paper instead of screen.

BUT- on the day print books would stopped being produced: then I'll know it's my time to go.

>> No.1996380

because /lit/ posters are like juggalos.

>> No.1996383

I own about 500 real books and spend much more of my time reading real books but what if you suddenly got nostalgic about the Goosebumps series or Three Investigators series or something. I certainly wouldn't want to buy them or faff around going to the library.

When I buy a physical book it's because I'm confident I'm going to like it, but I can use the ereader to read a bootleg of a book I'm just curious about and not sure whether I'll like.

>> No.1996384

But that's a myth. The production of e-readers and having to dispose of them are far worse for the environment. Don't listen to the viral marketers.

Most books are made from recycled paper.

>> No.1996398

Every device I've ever used as an ereader tells you the page number, namely the

Entourage Edge
Cybook Booken Gen3
Nokia n770
Gamepark GP32

and the GP32 was a handheld game console from 2001.

>> No.1996400

You read at a slower rate on e-readers and you don't remember what you read as much as on a book. E-reading is also viewed as less relaxing because it reminds people of work.

Science has proved this.

>> No.1996405

>Most books are made from recycled paper.
1. this isnt true
2. when it is true, the paper is only like 25% recycled anyway
3. recycled paper really isn't that good for the environment. it puts out more waste than the production of new paper, a lot of it toxic.

>> No.1996407

I'm sure the production of an e-reader is a lot better for the environment.

*rolls eyes*

>> No.1996411

its not, but this whole line of argument is disingenuous as hell and everybody knows it. you don't give a shit about the environment, you're just looking to justify your irrational hatred of a consumer electronic device.

>> No.1996416

No, I was responding to an e-reader who was justifying e-readers on environmental terms.

That's not why I hate e-readers though, I hate them because they serve no purpose. And they seem to only attract really stupid people who believe stuff like "omg no paper sew good 4 the environments" and "omg 9001 books everywhere i go weeeeeee."

>> No.1996418

>serve no purpose
>any and as many books you want for free

Yeah, no purpose.

>> No.1996423

Maybe I'm weird, but I don't see how downloading 9000 books that you will never read is actually practical or serves a real purpose. The only purpose it serves is to satisfy, briefly, the simple mind of a completist.

>> No.1996424

I only bought an ereader because I'd saved thousands of webpages and I was struggling to read them off a monitor, and when I printed them out, the black ink on glaring white paper just made my eyes go funny.

Once I bought the ereader I proceded to hoard thousands of ebooks though.

>> No.1996428

Do you see the purpose of only downloading whatever it is you are going to read immediately then?

>> No.1996443

I don't think the kiddies on 4chan will ever read as much as they download. You buy them because you like the idea of pirating a bunch of stuff but have probably spent more money on your device than if you were to buy the amount of books you actually will read brand new.

>> No.1996448

>believe stuff like "omg no paper sew good 4 the environments" and "omg 9001 books everywhere i go weeeeeee."

this is the shittiest, most childish way to argue your point. stop it.

>> No.1996451

You have no counter argument? Did I hit you were it hurts?

>> No.1996461

>Science has proved this.

If only I were on my home computer and had some crazy reaction image for this post.

>> No.1996462

>I don't think the kiddies on 4chan will ever read as much as they download.

Irrelevant since there is not cost to download.

>probably spent more money on your device than if you were to buy the amount of books you actually will read brand new.

That's maybe10-12 book news. Not that hard.
Now, if you got them for $1-$2, then maybe you have a case.

But for people who don't want books all over the place? No. I suppose you could just donate them though.

>> No.1996465

they're like a hundred dollars. do you honestly think people are reading less than 10 paperbacks worth on those things? I've read more than that and I've only had mine for a couple of months

being anti-e-reader is solely an emotional position. its not intellectual. thats why when people try to come up with logical reasons why e-readers suck or are the death of literature or the people who use them are "bad", it will always come off as desperate.

really, you're free to say "I'll never use an e-reader, I prefer REAL books" and sure that makes you sound a little douchey but at least its honest.

>> No.1996468

actually, you're misremembering. that study showed that people preferred e-readers with e-ink like the kindle, nook, over readers with LCD screens like the ipad and nook color.

>> No.1996470

> Irrelevant since there is not cost to download.
The point is you bought a 200$ ipod for books but will never use it. It will serve no purpose.

You guys might read 11 books, and make 10$ of profit with your e-reader. Enjoy your slower reading speed and having a harder time to remember what you just read.

don't like storing books around? They have libraries for this. Fucking 'muricans.

>> No.1996473

> Fucking 'muricans.
oh so you're not stupid, you're a troll.

nevemind, hiding thread, etc.

>> No.1996474

Another e-reader thread where fanboys try to convince themselves and the world that they didn't make one of the worst investments.

>> No.1996477

I have an e reader, but i prefer given a choice to read actual books. e readers are basically good for two things:
1. Travel
2. Pirating books( you cant find at a library/used book store)
and thats it.
I don't i'll actually ever use one to purchase books.

>> No.1996478

> implying you're not american

At best you're British, which is just America lite.

>> No.1996479

If you read more than two books while travelling, you're not really travelling.

>> No.1996480

I'll never stop stuffing my beautiful bookshelves with carefully selected intellectual books that I'll never get around to reading in the hope that I'm perceived as intelligent by my friends who see my collection. I can't do this with e-readers.

>> No.1996488

> thinks building a bookshelf is some sort of pseudo-intellectual activity and not just a normal thing to do

Can you be any more American? It's like you guys think intelligence is a negative human trait.

>> No.1996489

You are wrong. Maybe if you are the kind of person that takes a two week holiday, but i go and travel for half a year sometimes.

>> No.1996490

Very well then, carry on.

>> No.1996500

books readers try to justify but they are basically all faggots. i had mixed feelings but now having a kindle i will never go back to actually flipping pages. how fucking primitive. i love being able to purchase a book anywhere on the fly and it takes less than 10 seconds to download, even on 3g


>> No.1996504

I hide my comic books and video game novelizations and fantasy books in my closet in fear that people will see them. I only display the very best on my shelves. My most recent addition is 2666. Looks boring as fuck but it has a pretty cover and will give me some cred.


>> No.1997522

it sounds to me like you are stupid and want an ereader to cater to your stupidity. you should go get an ipad, it will do everything for you and you want have to learn about formats and other tedious things.

>> No.1997547

I don't need to spend 200 dollars for yet another excuse to not leave the house.

I enjoy leaving my house, talking to people, paying honest workers for their goods and services which I appreciate greatly.

I guess you could say I'm the opposite of a sickly degenerate.

>> No.1997552

I've read over $10,000 worth of books on my Kindle. I downloaded every one of them for free. Many were books my library or other libraries in the area didn't carry at all.

Come at me.

>> No.1997574

I'm personally not a fan of e-readers, but isn't the fact that you can carry an entire library in your hands when you leave the house kind of the main selling point? Why would it give you an excuse to stay indoors?

>> No.1997594

The only reason someone would need 9000 books on them at all times is to hide away indoors, instead of going outside and getting books from libraries or bookstores.

When you go out, you don't think "oh, good thing I have 200 novels I can read right now." Unless, of course, you have acute ADD.

Face it, these scumbags order their kindle off amazon, torrent a big volume of e-books and never read or ever leave the house. They're far too busy making e-reader threads justifying their stupid purchases and making wild claims like "e-poops are teh futures"

>> No.1997622


>Come at me.

That is all illegal. You are a criminal.

>> No.1997632

It has the potential to make lazy people lazier, but it also makes reading much more convenient for people who travel often.

>> No.1997655

i don't see the point of e-readers unless you're traveling. and even then, you either won't be gone long enough or have enough down time to need more than one or two books, max.

>> No.1997695

I purchased a nook about 4 days ago and am currently reading through my 3rd book that I pirated.

Honestly, I don't see the point of arguing that it is a bad or good investment because all that is mostly subjective to the person interested in it.

Anyways, I see this as a great investment myself.
I can see how people who are hoarding thousands of downloads in advance might be getting one for the wrong "completist" ideas As a person who downloads another book when finishing the one prior, I feel that I will be getting my money back and then alot more for what I actually paid in due time.

Although arguing about losing money while reading books is kind of irrelevant, a lot of people read to get away from reality.

There is no price on knowledge and imagination.

>> No.1997912

>grad studentfag here
the vast majority of my reading for class is pre-17th century.
bookstore wants too much money, limited copies of required texts in the library...enter the gutenberg project
haven't had to buy any books for school since getting my kindle
i also buy crappy 99cent zombie books off of amazon.
so yeah, it's worth having, esp. since i got it as a gift.

>> No.1997933


>> No.1997934
File: 36 KB, 531x344, l005b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-Reader Advantages:
- Lighter than a book
- Pirate just about any book
- No storage space required for your books
- Page turning is actually faster than turning the page on your book

E-Reader Disadvantages:
- Initial investment is higher
- Not all books are available
- Personal gripes about it being not the same as a book
- Whatever scientific studies proving whatever bullshit statistics you can pull up about reading comprehension, speed, or remembrance

Personally, I read both. Textbooks have no equal in the digital world, and I like heading to the library to browse for a book that I might not have otherwise picked up. I prefer the e-reader for extended reading because my arms get tired holding the pages open. Paper books are nice, and I've been reading them for quite some time. Even so, they are less convenient in terms of literature distribution and physical form.

>> No.1997944
File: 175 KB, 800x401, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1997946


I am fully aware of this and it does not bother me in the slightest.

>> No.1998063

I'd like to add to that list of disadvantages:

- Not as durable as a book (could a Kindle survive being run over by a skateboard? one of my books did)
- Replacement cost is much higher than a book (cat pees on book - $4 at half price bookstore; cat pees on e-reader - at least $50)
- Power outages (can't charge the battery, can't read it; read regular books by candlelight)

I think the cons far outweigh the pros, but whatever floats your boat. I do wish I had more shelf space, though.

>> No.1998077

I like books more than e-readers.

But it's cool if you like e-readers more than books.

>> No.1998093

>books far more durable
>thrown off a skateboard
if you treat anything like that you don't deserve an e-reader anyway.

>power outages
doesn't know about about kindle's 2 week battery life
>implying you can read in the dark

>> No.1998099

>implying he didn't say candlelight

>> No.1998105

Well, okay if you wanna get a headache.

And it's not like I can't take a kindle outside and read it without any other light source.

>> No.1998150

>if you treat anything like that you don't deserve an e-reader anyway.

Because I can totally control where teenagers skateboard and where my cat with the infected bladder pees.

>> No.1998307
File: 41 KB, 449x338, 1293866953168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a Kindle last month, and I've already read four books, compared to the three paperbacks I read last year.
I now spend time looking for new books/authors to enjoy instead of just reading what co-workers and friends are talking about.

I'm enjoying myself and there's nothing you can do about it.

You must be furious.

>> No.1998338
File: 497 KB, 671x891, Illogical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying a skateboarder or a cat will open up a cabinet, or any other storage device, to skate on or piss on the eReader.

It's very easy to keep the eReader safe, and you can easily control it from being destroyed.

>> No.1998350

My library just got started where you can lend ereaders and books for them, which I think is a good effort for a good cause.

Also my teacher asked me if I wanted to lend her Ereader to read some books.

I'd love to get one if they weren't so heavily priced, I want a book, not an investment, but the prices can only go down from this point. I think.

>> No.1998352

>Until they actually stop selling traditional books

Not gonna happen in our lifetime.

>> No.1998358

MFW I'm in my 20's and like normal books, and my Dad (who's a university professor) likes e-readers.

The fuck is wrong with you old man?

>> No.1998364
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>> No.1998367

no, you are not right

>> No.1998377

For any sort of academic reading a hardcopy is far superior.
Otherwise e-readers are good.
This is not difficult to understand.

>> No.1998936

e-readers are a fad

the only people who take them seriously are people on /lit/

>> No.1998955

dude, forgot to sage
and to say 'viral marketing'

>> No.1998960

I swear to God, if I ever meet any of you faggots crying about how holding open a book is fucking difficult I'm going to brutally kill you. You honestly don't deserve to live if you cry about such bullshit.

>> No.1998961

- Lighter than a book (let's face it, your a giant pussy and lifting and carrying a book is a physically strenuous task)
- Pirate just about any book (let's face it, you're dirt poor, so poor that you can't afford an internet connection, or can't afford to buy a 200$ gadget)
- No storage space required for your books (yeah, a booshelf next to a wall, takes up so much space, how you gonna rub your cock against that wall? you can't)
- Page turning is actually faster than turning the page on your book (manual page turning is so difficult and reading is also a race, you need every milisecond you can get)
- reading on a screen makes you think you're watching a movie so it's easier to convince yourself to read because you hate reading to begin with

e-reader ubermensch master race reporting in!

>> No.1998965
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> (manual page turning is so difficult and reading is also a race, you need every milisecond you can get)

I lauhed

>> No.1998966

>deserve to live
hey, it's the 'viral marketing' retard again!

>> No.1998970

What? I'm not a viral marketer. I think you're mistaking me for someone else, I'm not sure if you read my post properly (it was sarcastic and far from internet marketing).

Maybe spend less time on 4chan and more time reading books?

>> No.1998971


>No storage space required for your books (yeah, a booshelf next to a wall, takes up so much space, how you gonna rub your cock against that wall? you can't)

Actually, that was one of the reasons I bought a kindle - I looked at all the space that my books take up in my house in the UK, and how much time and effort it will take me to move them, and decided enough is enough, particularly for all the pulpy stuff that I only read once, I am never buying in physical format again. My book collection weighs (conservatively) 1.5 tonnes, and I don't even live in that country anymore. I moved house here, and in three years I have picked up 12 big boxes full of books, cost me 100 euros just to move those alone.

I still like books, and there's some things I'll always buy in physical, paper form (I still like the feel of a book of poems in my hand), but fuck thrillers and comedies man, the e-reader is the way forward.

>> No.1998975

> reads garbage "literature"
> pays for garbage "literature"
> he's british

Great, I really should reconsider, now all my Nicholas Sparks novels won't take up so much space.

>> No.1998988

> have book shelves with over 150 books and growing
> own a kindle and use it often


>> No.1998990

>average "reader" only reads 5 books a year

lol what?

>> No.1998994

People paying for shitty books is killing literature.


>> No.1998997


What you spazzing out about you fucking idiot? I did my degrees in literature, and I've got nothing to prove regarding my taste or intelligence to pricks like you. I buy "garbage" literature because I'm not a thieving gyppo, or a poorfag, and I actually believe that people who write for a living, even when it's "garbage", deserve to get paid.

All the entry level bullshit that you and your /lit/ buddies circle jerk over 24/7 is stuff I read a fucking long time ago - what am I supposed to do, read Catcher in the Rye for 20 years?

Fucking nonce.

>> No.1999002



> People who hate e-readers for no reason because their neckbeardbutthurtfag's or someshit and hate hipsters and think e-readers are for hipsters.

> stupid ass hipsters who think they can argue against these buthurtfag's

im done with /lit/

>> No.1999001 [DELETED] 

Neither am I "spazzing" (lol british people) nor am I an idiot.

I'm concerned that you're wasting your life reading garbage life that is slowly rotting your brain. I have never read Catcher in the Rye nor will I ever. If that's your idea of good literature, I scoff heartily in your face.

And before your tell me I'm wasting my time by posting on this degenerate imageboard, I'll tell you that I believe I'm doing you and everyone on this board a great service by informing you of your errors and the ways you can all remedy them, hopefully before it's too late.

>> No.1999006

> spazz
> prick
> nonce

I'd be so okay with Britain somehow vanishing completely from the face of the earth. Save some Shakespeare and PG Wodehouse and you guys have absolutely nothing to offer.

>> No.1999008


>Save some Shakespeare and PG Wodehouse and you guys have absolutely nothing to offer.

Nice try, you tosser, but I ain't biting that troll. Go fuck your mum.

>> No.1999009

What the fuck is a tosser? SPEAK ENGLISH.

>> No.1999014
File: 98 KB, 600x450, derp_derp_derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is English, you fucking doss bollocks. Just give me a minute to batter myself in the head with something blunt and heavy for a while I might get stupid enough to translate it into American for you.

>> No.1999018

oh "crikey" i'm scared

>> No.1999022

crikey isn't even an english one you wasteman. go for blimey next time.

>> No.1999044

It's slang. Obviously a discerning board such as /lit/ only accepts formal English for mature imageboards such as itself.

>> No.1999069

Of course when the world's electronics become useless, your e-reader becomes useless. But my books? My books can last more than long enough for me to live out my life before they degrade too much to be of reading use.

>> No.1999102

because e-ink is easier on the eyes.

>> No.1999135
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My mate's books all got burned up in a fire a few years ago. I could have just grabbed my kindle, then legged it.

Technology RAWKS.

>> No.1999221

Why are people in this thread so angry? And how did we get to bashing Britain? I'm British, and don't even care. But I prefer paperbooks to ebooks.

>> No.1999233

Don't like e-readers (DRM, overpriced, look clunky, etc.) But love ebooks because they're free and it's easy to read them on my laptop. Still buy paper books though, but only ones that I find amazing and/or plan to read again.

>> No.1999238

Got a Nook Color as a gift, rooted it and it's now a full-fledged Android tablet. Reading on an LCD screen is less than ideal, but it works and with the right settings it's easy to look at. I have no complaints.