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1997852 No.1997852 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1997856

Really liked it. Sanderson's a pretty good writer in my opinion. Interesting magic system and a cool setting. Really need to get around to reading the other two, and that new stand alone one that just came out.

>> No.1997860

shit disregard the trip.

>> No.1997861


read any of his other stuff?

heard someone praise The Way of Kings a while back.

>> No.1997868

I've heard good things about The Way of Kings and Elantris. I plan to go through everything the guy's written once I'm done getting caught up on ASOIAF.

He's also co-written the last 3 Wheel of Time books, which I hear are all pretty good.

>> No.1997883

>He's also co-written the last 3 Wheel of Time books, which I hear are all pretty good.

He's a relief pitcher. If Martin croaks, he could finish Ice and Fire.

>> No.1997911

Read all Sanderson's book after reading his Wheel of Time takeover books. He's solid. Produces books pretty fast too. His ten book cycle has potential. Least we'll probably see the end of the series.

>> No.1997921


Haha I plan to read this guys stuff too after ASOIAF as well

>> No.1999292

about to finish this, then I will go through the trilogy and i will have read all of his books except the one written for kids, although I'll probably check that out too seeing as he will probably blow me away with that as well
Read Elantris, Warbreaker after this (free ebook), then finish reading with Way of Kings as its his best work so far, and don't worry about it being 1st of 10, it's written to stand on its own perfectly, and gets you really excited for the next ones

mistborn isn't my favorite of his magic systems but that's a matter of taste, great characters as usual

oh and check out Elantris and Warbreaker Graphic Audio versions, they are awesome, voice acting for each character, sound effects, music, amazing ambiance, makes me wish everything he's ever written is made like that too

>> No.1999300

Characters and dialogue are pretty weak in my opinion.

Entertaining, but the sequels are kind of meh.

I liked Way of Kings a lot more.

>> No.1999316

my favorite magic system and characters from him (close call) are in Warbreaker (like holy shit, this is awesome)

action-wise,story-wise and overall best thing he's made is Way of Kings
what I don't particularly like about mistborn is that so many people are allamancers and alamancy is sort of overpowered and covers alot of random things, where-as in his other works his magic is more limited but makes him write even better

in my opinion allamancy gives a lot of easy exits for writing
it's awesome but probably my least favorite from him because again, its kind of overpowered
>only read mistborn 1