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1997577 No.1997577 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ folk, since you seem pretty classy, what is your drink of choice?

Personally, I prefer either good beer or bourbon. For beer, I prefer IPAs, stouts, and sours. Some good sipping anejo tequila can be nice too.

pic: dark lord 2009

>> No.1997583

A glass of the worst whiskey on hand. Straight.

>> No.1997584

whiskey, the alcoholic's liquor of choice for nearly 800 years

>> No.1997586

vodka tonic
vodka red bull
vodka cranberry juice
Bailey's and half and half
Chambord and half and half

Those are my usual drinks.

>> No.1997590

I usually start a night of heavy drinking with a shot of tequila, straight, none of that salt&lime crap. I then move on to dark beer and scotch, usually. "Chick drinks" are also fine at this point, so long as they're tasty and have loads of liquor in them.

For lighter fare, I like red wine. There's a couple of varieties that I know I like (e.g. port) but I'm nowhere near enough of a connoisseur to actually give recommendations.

>> No.1997593

Caribbean Rum + Vodka + Pineapple Juice

>> No.1997596
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This is what I drink.

>> No.1997612

Gin and Pineapple Juice.
Got the idea from H.H. in "Lolita"
Can't go a morning without drinking one, now.

>> No.1997654

Anything available. Usually mediocre vodka mixed with any unspoiled juice left in my fridge.

Maker's Mark if I happen to have a lovely lady over.

>> No.1997661

coffee + grand marnier
bourbon - woodford or bookers generally, neat or with 1 ice cube
campari, 1 ice cube
dubonnet rouge, rye, cointreau, angostura bitters
basil mojito
normally an ipa when beer, occasionally flemish sour ale

>> No.1997697

good taste. i'm also partial to bookers, though i prefer wild turkey rare breed as my go to.

>> No.1997704

Gin and Tonic.
Maker's Mark.
Cheap beer.

All a motherfucker ever needs.
Well, coke too, but that isn't a drink.

>> No.1997708


Both of you anons should try Blanton's bourbon. Much better than Booker's or Woodford.

>> No.1997709
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Most the time I just get whatever the cheepest alcohol I can get. Which is usually Vodka.

>> No.1997729
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I suggest some Grey GOOSE, WILD TURKEY, KINGFISHER and/or PELICAN beer. Those should all be CHEEP enough for you.

>> No.1997737
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I'm partial to pale ales, brown ales, stouts (particularly oatmeal stouts), and cask ales in cold weather when I'm somewhere that actually serves cask ales.

For hard liquor, I only really like spiced rum and bourbon straight. I can do vodka, gin and cognac if they're mixed with something, but I think they're pretty vile straight.

Pic is what I drank this morning.

>> No.1997746

Harp or Pacifico for beer
when it is hot a gin and tonic or a julep
otherwise a cuba libre or a martini
with a cigar I have a tawny port
When I have my friends over and it is just a group of dads it is hennessy
And when I am in a good mood and by myself or celebrating a big sale with the Wife, Remy Martin

>> No.1997751


is group of dads your flock of seagulls tribute band

>> No.1997753

When I used to drink; which I did heavily, it rotated between tequila+beer/bourbon/scotch. But I was a drunk and fucked up my entire life doing insane things while drunk. So, not so much anymore.

>> No.1997762

IPAs suck

but that is just my opinion

>> No.1997772

That is fucking AWESOME!! It is now!

Actually, since you asked, I am a seriously-Catholic husband and father and my close friends are pretty much the same. 5 guys with stay-at-home wives and 26 kids between us. When we get together, we have steaks followed by cigars and cognac.

>> No.1997876

>Personally, I prefer either good beer or bourbon. For beer, I prefer IPAs, stouts, and sours. Some good sipping anejo tequila can be nice too.

Well done, OP! Well done!
>Drop the bourbon for a black russian, though

Recommend trying double/trippel IPAs from Quebec and Belgium

>> No.1997887


>> No.1997913


>> No.1997915
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26 kids? Jesus.

I love my cigar, too, but I take it out once in a while.

>> No.1997939

Mountain Dew. Throwback when I can find it.

>> No.1997941

>5 kids apiece

I mean, I don't mean it in a sarcastic or rude way, but why? Why would you want to have so many kids. 2, maybe 3 I can see, but what compels you to have so many?

>> No.1997954

Red wine mixed with pepsi.

>> No.1997966

Johnnie Walker Black

>> No.1997968

Only water.

>> No.1997976

Rum, cognac, or whiskey.

For rum I really like what's coming out of Venezuela (Santa Teresa 1796, Diplomatico, Pampero) and Guyana (El Dorado).

For cognac I tend to go with the smaller houses, you can find amazing stuff really cheap because they don't spend endless millions on their marketing. Delamain, Tesseron, Gourmel, Ferrand.

As for whiskey, I tend toward Speyside (Macallan, Benriach, Glenfarclas) from Scotland, but also enjoy some of the Japanese stuff. Nikka makes some fucking amazing blends, especially "from the barrel" is one of my favourites.

All of the above usually go with a Cuban, 99% of the time Partagas or Hoyo.

>> No.1997986
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Currently got a bottle of this, have a glass or so a night too ease me to slumber.
When I'm out and about on the weekends, my student budget allows me to purchase a fine cask of wine, or perhaps some pre mixed bourbon and colas, after which I precede to drink the shit out of anything I can find, continuing until I either fall asleep (too stoned), get beaten up ( too drunk) or get too high to drink any more. Upon which I return home and sit in the dark listening to J Dilla and Explosions in the Sky on repeat

>> No.1998005

Islay scotch and red wine fermented solely from grape skins.

>> No.1998007

>Islay scotch

I never understood how people can drink that shit. Is the taste of overpowring smoke, iodine, rocks, and seaweed really that appealing?

>> No.1998008

I enjoy alcohol in all its forms. I enjoy good beer, my preferred style depends on the season and the weather. I like a nice wine, my preferred varietal depends on what I'm eating with it.

But my most common drink is simply bourbon on the rocks.

>> No.1998025

Guinness and Black Label. Cointreau, Glenlivet. I've been testing around with different wines because sometimes I like to park myself on the toilet in the evenings and turn on the wall heater and get buzzed while reading. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

>> No.1998052

Actually yes. It took a bottle of Laphroaig over the course of three months before I could really appreciate Islays but now they're pretty amazing.

>> No.1998074

lost abbey, russian river, hair of the dog, alesmith, cantillion, and lagunitas are the best breweries

>> No.1998078

expensive beer, my personal preferences go towards ipa's and flavorful stouts and porters... which I can rarely get around here but a nice ruination ipa ftw

2 buck chuck merlot, fuck all you people who watched sideways its good


>> No.1998081

yeah, i agree. i used to try many scotches because my dad is really into them and has a ton of costly shit. but i could never get into the flavor of the barrel. i prefer the vanilla/caramel notes of bourbon and even tequila. a good rum can be perfect with just ice too, letting it mellow and open up with the water. i talk like a fag but its all true

>> No.1998223


a 12 pack of 2 buck chuck never hurt anybody

>> No.1998226

Mint tea when I am home (in a Muslim country). Cider when I am away.