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19966289 No.19966289 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading this book.

What do you people think about it?
Is it good or bad?

I personally liked some parts more than others and i have mixed feelings about the ending.

What do you guys think the book is about?

>> No.19966309

>I personally liked some parts more than others and i have mixed feelings about the ending.
are you a woman or sth? what do you think this means?!

>> No.19966321

Shut up faggot he said he enjoyed certain parts about the book more than other.

Having mixed feelings means that you enjoy something but had different expectations of it.

>> No.19967696

It's liberal propaganda. Purely fictitious. Not based on any real life observations.

>> No.19967732

I think it stunk, I am not a fan of kids. Especially a grouping of kids. Why would I want to read about this?

>> No.19967779

>Having mixed feelings means that you enjoy something but had different expectations of it.
It literally doesn't. Having mixed feelings means that he enjoyed certain parts of the book while feeling indifferent/disliking other parts. What the fuck does his expectations have to do with it? Fucking retard redditor kill yourself.

>> No.19967882

I got bullied too:(

>> No.19967895

What if they put a bunch of children of another ethnicity, would the result be different?

>> No.19968093


>> No.19968119

The kids get rescued from the island but the adults are all fucked up too. Here's the last line of the plot summary on Wikipedia
>The officer expresses his disappointment at seeing British boys exhibiting such feral, warlike behaviour before turning to stare awkwardly at his own warship.
I think that gets the idea across

>> No.19968130

Name occurrence in human history where a person read a book and didn’t enjoy some parts more than others

>> No.19968217

This book was published by the allies just a few years after the nazis lost the war. Pretty sure it's kike propaganda with the purpose of making people think whites are just like negroes.

>> No.19968565

Funnily enough, there was a real life lord of the flies event where a bunch of kids got stranded on an island but it turned out fine, they stuck together, cooperated with each other, and through teamwork survived and basically had a mini-vacation playing games and such.

>> No.19968654

I don't remember much at this point about the plot but the ending sticks out. "What are you kids doing?" Powerful and easy for a child to understand.

>> No.19968686

I read a book that was compared to Lord of the Flies called the butterfly something or other that takes place at a summer camp. The kids imprison the older counselor and rape her. No I'm not mixing it up with season 5 of Dexter.

>> No.19968704

I was just about to say this. Its an interesting book but when you have a real life event practically mimicking the book but with a better outcome, it kinda changes your view on the novel.

>> No.19968746

Found it, The Butterfly Revolution.

>> No.19968762

I think it is quite poor. Too analogical, and the analogy is too simplistic.

>> No.19968770

Beautiful novel, gateway drug to better literature. This was probably the first book we did as a class back in year 10 that sparked something for a decent chunk of the kids.

>> No.19968771

Doesn’t mean the situation in the book would never happen. You’d need more than one example to write it off. Can you really imagine a Lord of the Flies situation *not* happening with some of the groups of kids you’ve been around? I don’t even like the book.

>> No.19968777

British kids are fucking stupid evil brats

>> No.19968838

Have you never been in a large group of kids without supervision? It's the madness of crowds.

>> No.19968897

I liked it, especially how Golding describes the gradual breakdown of their little "society" into full blown anarchy and murder. What other books by Golding are worth reading? So far I've read The Inheritors, which I really enjoyed, and The Scorpion God which was enjoyable but not great. Has anyone here read his To the end of Earth trilogy? It's supposed to be his masterpiece.

>> No.19968974

>Can you really imagine a Lord of the Flies situation *not* happening with some of the groups of kids you’ve been around?
Yeah. As much as I hate kids, they can still coordinate decently. Especially if they've known each other a decent amount.

>> No.19969093

Pincher Martin

>> No.19969539

Is it worth reading in your opinion?