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File: 524 KB, 1200x1680, 1200px-Hermann_Hesse,_Der_Steppenwolf_(st_175,_1974).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19966061 No.19966061 [Reply] [Original]

I was in a constant state of "OMG this is literally me" while reading it.

>> No.19966062
File: 502 KB, 427x640, jacke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Herr, das bin ja buchstäblich ich...

>> No.19966074

my copy should be arriving today. looking forward to reading it. Hopefully, it will encourage me not to put a bullet through my head.

>> No.19966093

I certainly did not picture the character like this

>> No.19966190
File: 153 KB, 833x1280, I also drink tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19966207

good luck with your abitur

>> No.19966233

kek, I'm not German, I didn't read in German either bc I still don't have enough level of reading comprehension in that language
it's not such a normie book

>> No.19966291

me too, i read the exact same edition, my stepfather's copy:D I read on wikipedia that in the first edition published back when Hesse wrote it, the middle part essay (the one given to him by the dwarf guy) had been fashioned as an actual inlay magazine of sorts, clearly distinct from the rest. Must've been a cool gimmick, contributing to the immersion

>> No.19966418
File: 3.26 MB, 5664x2752, 20220221_222317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I got one

>> No.19966447

fuck that's so cool

>> No.19966499

Absolutely love this book. Read it the second time last year

>> No.19966509

Are you German?

>> No.19966595


>> No.19966621

I eventually want to re-read the book in the original German, but my level right now is something like B1, so I think I should at least wait until I get to a B2 level to re-read it.

>> No.19966795

I'd say it's mediocre for a non-native-speaker, but give it a try and look how you feel. Don't overthink it so much ^^

>> No.19966871

thanks, friend, I still have a huge path to go in terms of German vocabulary though, but I know I'll make it

>> No.19966946

Nichts zu danken. Deutsch ist verdammt hart aber mach kleine Schritte und vergiss nicht Spaß zu haben.

You're welcome. German is ridiculosly hard, but take small steps and don't forget to have fun.

>> No.19966997
File: 168 KB, 1024x683, 1643094130005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understood everything except Schritte

>> No.19967065
File: 1.59 MB, 498x443, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dann sollte Hesse kein Problem sein :)

>> No.19967886

>dude just find a manic pixie dream girl that will make you appreciate life lmao
What an overrated mess of a book.

>> No.19967923

she wasnt real

>> No.19967928
File: 127 KB, 750x342, AB9AFD56-5780-427B-9217-01CFE621EE2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg literally me

>> No.19967931

In der Lage sein

>> No.19967936


>> No.19967940

What’s hesse’s best book and why?

>> No.19967943

missed the point. retardpilled!

>> No.19967946

siddhartha. buddhist girls give good dome.

>> No.19967965


>> No.19969189

Yeah, Siddartha is a classic for wannabee Buddhists, I still think Der Steppenwolf is better