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19963073 No.19963073 [Reply] [Original]

So the whole world tells me that I'm going to die within the next few days. It's been going on for 2 months and has not happened yet.
It will undoubtedly happen, the scummy goblin set things in motion, but you have to live while waiting. And it is not a "yolo! end of the world LOL" type of feeling that you feel while all of this occurs. Pic related is what it actually feels like. People were upset and angry at first. It was one of the rare cases where I saw anger in the eyes of a stranger on the street. Now, no one has really gave up, but no one can be entirely sure that a largely superior military force will evaporate them. All of this happens because I was born in a wrong place, something I had no choice in when I was 0 years old.

Now, /lit/, please tell me there is a book about this. I need a cope, and the whole world's problems seem to be a joke in return.

>> No.19963161

Try to see if you can find a psychoanalyst who does sliding scale and see if you can discuss these problems with them. Psychosis can be difficult to deal with.

>> No.19963256

Try reading the depressive disorder chapter of the DSM-5.

>> No.19963283

>Psychosis can be difficult to deal with.
OP obviously lives in Ukraine dumb fuck

>> No.19963301

Put down the books. Go outside while you can and enjoy other people. Look at the sky. Take in everything you can while you can. Blessed are the ones who know their time is short. However, you are being a drama queen, and you won't be dead in a few days. Ruskies are a nothingburger (except on US news channels) and they won't be leveling cities, otherwise the big boys join the fight.

>> No.19963303

maybe he lives in Congo

>> No.19963315

I don't know man, I feel that if Russia decides to attack, Ukraine will get steamrolled so hard that the war probably won't last long at all.

>> No.19963326

>otherwise the big boys join the fight.
It is the skies I'm worried about.
It's going to be the last war for them, if they decide to start it, but — I don't think the missile or airstrikes can be stopped in time by the onii chan

>> No.19963557

I assume you are in Ukraine. Even if Russia invades, you're not likely to be killed, are you?

>> No.19963827

We are no more in 1942 homie. I am in the opposite part of the rock and we're communicating. If Russia invades it can't go ahead with mass civilian killings. Worst case scenario you will start to walk looking down not trying to change the circumstances and you'll learn how to keep awaiting death in a postwar ascetic chill life.
Also if this is really really affecting your mood stop engaging in the game of media, with this I include ourselves. Start to read relevant news that are at least 5 months old. Use your cellphone only for vital interpersonal relationships. Good luck.

>> No.19964334

>We are no more in 1942 homie. I am in the opposite part of the rock and we're communicating. If Russia invades it can't go ahead with mass civilian killings.
This type of optimistic reasoning is what got us here in the first place. They've been here for 8 years and people are just lazy to look up shit they've been getting away with already, here, on our territory. For r*ssians, basic human rights mean nothing.
>Also if this is really really affecting your mood stop engaging in the game of media
I've been watching this slow-motion trainwreck happen every day for the last few months, and ignoring what's happening would be like averting one's eyes. I don't want to do that.

>> No.19964387
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Do all Ukrainians look like that?
If so, maybe a Russian assimilation is not so bad after all.

>> No.19964488

I’d be pretty surprised if Russia flattens cities in Ukraine. With globalism, total war is a thing of the past

>> No.19964571

Lol nobody in Ukraine actually expects Russia to invade. They've been doing this for years.

>> No.19965495
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Putin&C° have always tried to extend the internal TV propaganda image of him as a world-class politician, “the important pole in a multi-polar system” (quite laughable, given the decades old export limp of Soviet & Russian economics) to the rest of the world, but no one really cared. The Russian hillbilly may believe that “the West” wants to grab his “native land” (where the kebab stand is the most successful enterprise), but the westerners can't even point the location of that strategical point on a world map.

However, everything changed some years ago, when Western (first US, then it spread) media and politicians faced the fact that a lot of people didn't trust media and politicians, and had to scramble to hide it. They inflated Putin enormously for free, and became the best amplifier, best PR campaign he could ever imagine to build. Now Trump is Russian-made, Canadian truckers are Russian-made, any European unrest is Russian-made, everything is. A thousand Facebook bots posting in broken English totally changed the course of the world, totally.

The war bait was taken because everyone simply begged for it. No one even tries to study the causes and interests, everything is already decided for the media sensation. Who needs the land today? Who needs the people living there? These are totally not important to state mafia. Crimea was, because it has a military base and a satellite communication center since the days of Sputnik and Gagarin, and no substitute for them had been made. Donbass area is only important because it has a transit Russia-to-Russia pipeline made in Soviet times when there was no state border that can be important to Black Sea export not through Ukraine.

You see, there is The Pipe — oil and gas pipelines, — and the economy of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine depends on The Pipe. The “protection of ethnic Russians in Ukraine” is just an excuse for crooks and oligarchs from Moscow (actually, they don't generally live in Moscow, they have been living in the West for a long time, in luxury) to press on crooks and oligarchs from Kiev (ditto) when they discuss how money produced by The Pipe should be shared (a.k.a. the transit prices). Yanukovych was an old crook that made favorable deals, then he got boot out, and mafia sent the boys to break some windows and tables to impress the new owners.

>> No.19965505

The fact that The Pipe ends in Europe is often (intentionally) overlooked. Despite all the exuberant talks on the non-dependence of Russian resources that follow the political climate changes, no one who is making the decisions is actually planning to stop using the cheap energy. Let the snow nigger tribe leaders quarrel with each other, but the oil and gas should be there, at the white man's, as the contracts say, mkay? And try not to blow up civil planes, it's bad for the press, mkay? The same way sand niggers can die by the millions, but their oil and gas should travel this pipe, that pipe, and get to the tankers. Western state military and private military (totally not connected to the state, totally) even get sent there to ensure that (and maybe blow up some planes, too). And of course, the yellow niggers should keep making the smartphones for white people to post on Twitter about their hard, unbearable lives.

When you read some crap about “decolonization” in the “modern free world”, keep in mind that it's some imaginary, wishy-washy concept, and hardly anything they talk about as finished stages has actually happened.

There is a bigger chance for you to die of regular causes, even in many war zones. However, they are too common for brilliant media picture and mass hysteria, a thrilling entertainment on countless screens. Look how Covid-19 was blown out of proportion by “free” and “non-free” countries alike, and how rare were the voices of those who reminded that all people generally die, and that disregard for all what is human in humans to gamble on the statistics and promise “escape from death” is madness.

>> No.19965506 [DELETED] 


>> No.19965515

Also, Three Days is a great movie, you should all what it.

>> No.19965585

Quite a vague reference, it's Three Days (1991).


>> No.19965594

Now you have a chance to be integrated into the greatest empire the modern world will have ever seen! rejoice!

>> No.19965606
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>> No.19965678

he won’t succeed. too much of a coward and his army is disfunctional

>> No.19965689

Gurdjieff tier midwit

>> No.19965965

He just confirmed it

>> No.19966979

You do realize Putin will nuke Western countries if they attack Russia in any way...right...Putin doesn't give a shit. He seems to be at the point where his ego has said, if I must die then I will take the whole world with me. When Putin is dying or leaving office, he will order a full scale nuclear attack.

>> No.19967041
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I like you

>> No.19967062
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I made a thread about this maybe a week ago which got near 0 responses, but the gist of reality is the best cope:


Unless you live in the Donbass region itself, same if you live in Idlib, East of the Euphrat in Syria, In Taizz or Adan Yemen you will not have IT happen.

There is something very perverse that goes on between these world powers where they will literally kill each others men, merceneries, bomb allied airfields, shoot down planes, etc. but war never escelates. I have been trying to hold my breath since 2015, but at some point I just realized it never will happen (for at least the foreseeable future of some 15-20 years I'd say).

The worst that will hapen to you is the same as the Actual consequences of this standoff:
Immiseration of normal people. If sanctions, resulting domestic political issues or whatever, THESE are what are actually will happen. Look at the poor people of Syria today.Their poverty level is outrages, yet the world is content to ignore it because the major powers deem the current situation acceptable. Syrians are too poor to afford anything, get advanced medical help and what not, but that is not an "IT", so it happens.

Assuming you are anywhere from Ukraine that is not a current occupied region, I would not worry about any invasion. Abkhazia, Ossetia have been in stalement occupation for decades and Georgia persists. You will become poor and taken advantage off worry about that, ask for books about that. But dont worry about IT HABBENIN

>> No.19967643
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I feel you, bro. I understand that threat might be real, but don't let the fear control your life. This is the best time to find God, so read Gospel.
Also, despite being Christian, I would highly recommend to try Bhagavad Gita.

>> No.19967687
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>> No.19967694

what are all of the weird posts in this thread reeing about how Putler is going to nuke the world?

>> No.19968332

he actually lost his marbles, as seen yesterday. an unhinged man
he threatens millions of innocent people with bloodbath, justifying it with lies and a falseflag cinematic universe

you really need to be a complete cuckold to support anything r*ssian

>> No.19968351

I don't understand who you are to be making this post? Are you like a Polish person or something? Or a Boomer? Even most Boomers I know think Biden getting involved in Ukraine is ridiculous. The only thing I could think of is if you're some kind of weird Eastern Euro who's too much of a coward to do your own dirty work so you need America to come save you. Well fuck that, nobody here gives a shit it's not my problem. I could care less if a million Russians die or a million Ukrainians die. I don't want to spend a penny or a drop of blood on it.

>> No.19968439

>I don't understand who you are to be making this post?
a Ukrainian

>> No.19968465

>otherwise the big boys join the fight.
WW1 - 1914
WW2 - 1939
25 years between WWs

We're about 50 years overdue on a world war.

>> No.19969606

>25 years between WWs
That is a selection of 2
It's going to be Georgia again, most likely

>> No.19969678

Pretty much every war has multiple countries involved now

>> No.19969699

I was actually hoping it would've been India/China

>> No.19969797

they don’t have the culture of their own to pull it off anymore, which is why they want to get their hands on “the mother of all Rus cities”

this is not how you do it though, it was a huge miss yesterday.

>> No.19970692

No I don't realize that because Putin might be an autocratic power loving leader but he is really far away from being stupid enough to start a nuclear war. You have watched too much CNN

>> No.19971279


>> No.19971407

You don't understand how world politics work. And it's funny that you mention Boomers, but you yourself think like one. Your country is a superpower, it can't just ignore things happening outside its borders, because if it will, then the things that seem to be at a distance now will soon come knocking on the door. Your country must play the game of influence, otherwise the great comforts you are living in right now will disappear and your greatness will depend on the will of outside forces.

Also, to OP, >>19963073
Read Cимoнeнкo's and Cтyc's poems. The only real solution for us is to embrace the fortune, whatever it may be. Cтyc тyт ocoбливo aктyaльний.

>> No.19971700

Misunderstanding the realities of a multipolar world is peak Boomerism, and it's what you're advocating here. There are very few countries in the world that could be said to be more objectively within Russia's natural sphere of influence than Ukraine. The Boomer-tier arrogance it takes to believe it's good policy to over-extend into Ukraine. Of course you're not American though, you're some Eastern Euro who's not speaking in good faith. You want America to come save you and while I don't blame you it is not in our interests whatsoever.

>> No.19971769

You are talking about things you have no understanding about. This is what bored middle-aged people do on social media.

>> No.19971780

No, I'm not you're just projecting my gopnick friend. Not everybody on here is a NEET. But please, continue seething like an Israeli about how Americans need to come die for you.

>> No.19971878

Never said anything about americans at all. Why do you have to make this about you? It’s sad.

>> No.19971925

You're on an American website replying in English to a conversation about how America shouldn't get involved.

>> No.19971974

(a conversation you started and that’s barely related to this thread at all)
>american website
>english language = murica

>> No.19972018

Yes, you are indeed on an American website, speaking the language that is spoken in America, talking to Americans in a conversation about America's position in the world. Perhaps your tiny little Slav brain is overheating hearing this, but none of this should be surprising.

>> No.19973587

you seem quite insecure over the fact that americans are largely considered as stupid and I’m enjoying your prolonged seethe, but you are currently actively proving this
I’m neither OP nor a slav and you seem obsessed